My In-laws Visited Us for Vacation and Spoke French, so I Secretly Recorded Them One Day

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hello my name is Juniper and I'm 37 years old I never thought I'd have a story like this to share but here it is get ready everyone because it's quite a ride one SUNY afternoon my in-laws Margaret and Julian came to our house after a long awaited vacation they had always wanted to visit America and I was happy to have them stay with us since they lived in France we didn't get to see them often from the times we did spend together at Family reunions and chatting online I thought everything was fine between us but I was wrong without me knowing my mother-in-law and father-in-law were planning something bad to hurt my daughter and me and I didn't realize it for a long time I had no idea their visit would uncover a hidden layer of bitterness and hostility behind their friendly appearance how are you I'm good grandma hi Grandpa how was your flight it was tiring I'm really exhausted I need a nap not before you have some refresh ments first ah Juniper you spoil me hello Mom hello Dad I'm glad to see you're doing well yes yes my son we made it thank God hey speak English you two we want to be part of the conversation too this is just your cue to brush up on some French deer from this conversation you'd think we were just a big happy family I thought so too but what happened next will make you rethink those overly nice family members you have you see if it wasn't clear before I'm married into a French family taking on a new culture and language with my husband Nicholas while I hadn't become fluent in French I knew enough to sense when something was wrong Margot and Julian always acted warm and loving when Nicholas was around hiding their true feelings about me and my daughter Ashley I began to see their true colors when my husband went to work as a housewife I spent most of my days at home taking care of our household and family with my in-laws visiting I made sure to be home so we could catch up Ashley had just finished her freshman year of University and was home for the summer so she and I finally had time to spend with our relatives I hoped for a joyful and harmonious time together filled with games laughter and truly getting to know each other better at first everything seemed fine but as the days went by I noticed a strange pattern my in-laws started speaking exclusively in French deliberately excluding Ashley and me we tried to be polite and didn't say anything out of respect one day Ashley asked Mom why are they always talking in French now oh sweetheart it's okay that's the language they're most comfortable with so we need to be understanding I get that but it's happening all the time now I thought we get to hang out with them and have a great time together we will sweetie we will let's just give them time to adjust to America it must be a lot for them to handle okay it'll get better I know what way will so Ashley and I dismissed it as just a harmless Quirk but as days turned into weeks and their conversations grew harsh whenever I entered the room my suspicions deepened it became clear they were intentionally isolating us keeping secrets within their private French exchanges Ashley grew more and more curious about their behavior feeling hurt because she really wanted to connect with her cool French grandparents but they were making it very difficult in an attempt to bring us closer together and Bridge the Gap that was forming one day I propose we play a game the rules are simple we'll go around telling each other two truths and One Lie and the rest of us will guess which one is the LIE oh that sounds fun and it would be a good way to get to know each other to our surprise both Margaret and Julian didn't seem excited about the game they looked bored and slightly irritated sensing their discomfort and trying to be a good host I decided to scrap the idea and ask them what they would like to do instead I would like to drink some tea and chat with my husband oh okay is it okay if Mom and I join no his Outburst shocked us but he quickly recovered I mean no my dear we just would like to enjoy a quiet afternoon okay we understand we're older and these kinds of games may not be our thing but you two never talk to us you're always speaking in French how dare you talk to us like this so disrespectful Were You Raised on a farm how how dare you speak to my daughter this way she's just a kid she wants to hang out with you guys but you're making it difficult how can you say something so mean whatever let's go Julian Julian and Margot stood up from the table speaking loudly in French not bothering to hide their words I couldn't understand exactly what they were saying but from their tone and Body Language it was clear they were talking about us and it wasn't nice I felt too embarrassed to tell Nicholas when he came home that evening I was afraid he would notice the tension at dinner to our surprise both margar and Julian were suddenly very nice to us as if nothing had happened earlier we were chatting as if we were one big happy family but Ashley and I couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right Days Later fueled by curiosity and feeling betrayed I decided to take action while Margaret and Julian chatted in the living room I discreetly reached for my phone and hit record with shaking hands I captured their Vo in words hoping to uncover the truth hidden in their secret conversations after successfully recording their voices I gained confidence one day turned into two then three then four and Su I had collected recordings of their conversations spanning a week I carefully gathered evidence documenting whenever they spoke I only had basic knowledge of French so I couldn't understand everything they said but as I listened repeatedly I caught some rude words I was afraid of what I might find if if I translated everything but I knew I had to uncover the truth luckily I had a friend who spoke French camil was from Sagle and moved to the states as a baby although she grew up as an American her immigrant parents made sure she could still speak her native language she was the perfect person to help me decipher the information I called her and asked her to come over when she arrived I took her to the back of the house so margar and Julian wouldn't see her kimil and I found a moment alone outside to talk I poured my heart out to her sharing all the strange behavior and my growing suspicions Camille was incredibly supportive promising to help me uncover the truth from what you're saying it sounds like they're talking about some shady stuff but don't worry I'll do my best to help thanks love you're a lifesaver just being a best friend as I played the audio for Camille her face went pale and she started trembling Camille what's wrong I I can't breathe panic attack she was gasping loudly for air and I started to feel scared too I never expected her to be so overwhelmed by what she heard fear gripped me as I tried to calm her down doing my best to provide Comfort I hurried inside to get a glass of water and helped her lie down in a cool shade to calm down I served her and massaged her skin until her attack subsided thankfully I managed to help her without raising suspicion from marget and Julian who were probably still gossiping inside Ashley happened to be near her bedroom window and overheard the commotion worried she rushed downstairs to check on us I explained what happened telling her that I secretly recorded her grandparents and it was so disturbing that it caused Camille to have a panic attack we were both horrified by what we might uncover when Camille was ready to talk once she had fully recovered and was safe in my bedroom with Ashley Camille apologized for her reaction don't you dare apologize you did nothing wrong what matters is that you're safe now Julian and marget didn't see you they're outside in the front lawn so Ashley and I managed to bring you upstairs you really scared us Camille but I'm relieved you're okay I probably should have warned you about my panic and anxiety attacks but I wasn't expecting to hear such awful information tell us Camille what were they saying Camille took a deep breath and a sip of water before relaying what she heard on the recordings Juniper Ashley there's no easy way to say this it seems marget and Julian wantto they want to sell Ashley on the black market to some really awful people both Ashley's and my jaws dropped we were shocked what on Earth that's not all they said they wanted to sell you to Juniper they plan to fake your deaths in a car accident and make it look like your body's burned up in Flames so there's no evidence they thought they'd make a lot of money from Ashley because she's young I feel sitick they were so cold and heartless about everything you guys like they didn't care at all that they were going to sell you to such Twisted people that's why I had a panic attack I'd never heard someone talk so openly about such a terrible crime you can take a break if you need to both of you it's a lot to handle why AR you crying aren't you sick mom of course I am but right now I'm just angry they threatened to hurt you ashle and for that I will never forgive them they said more awful things but I'll spare us the de details at least for now Camille Ashley and I felt extremely scared and sick we couldn't believe we've been living with criminals for a month I was filled with rage I wanted to confront them but Camille stopped me June I understand you're upset but you can't go down there and confront them what do you mean they threatened my daughter's life I know Juniper I just don't think it's safe for you to confront them without a plan you live with these people who knows what they might do if they feel freten you're right we have an advantage because we know their plans we can't lose that so what's the plan we're getting out of here what yes pack your Essentials and lock your door just in case I'll do the same Camille help Ashley while I call Nicholas okay we'll be back when we're ready once they left the room I couldn't hold back my tears I felt so overwhelmed by everything I had heard but I was relieved to know the truth even if if it was painful I called Nicholas and told him everything I explained how his parents had been treating us the rude Outburst towards Ashley and the recordings with kimel's translations I'm sure you'll understand what they mean camil didn't give all the details but enough to know we're not safe here I'm taking Ashley to camil's house after I finished packing but I had to tell you everything I know it's a lot to take in yeah that's a lot I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about the other stuff I thought I could handle it I didn't want to upset you let me listen to the audio okay I'll get back to you we ended the call and I continued packing keeping an eye on the window to see if marot and Julian were still outside when I finished packing kimil and Ashley returned to my room just then I received a call from Nicholas he sounded extremely upset who wouldn't be after finding out their parents were criminals he said we needed to leave immediately and that he'd meet us at Mill's place we quietly got into the car parked in the garage and drove off marget and Julian saw us leaving and called me but I ignored the phone once we arrived at Kel's house I called the police and directed them to Margot and Julian's house 30 minutes later Nicholas arrived at camil's place we hugged and cried for a while while camil updated us on the police raid the police had arrested marot and Julian Nicholas explained that before coming to Camille's he had stopped at the police station to give them the evidence I had sent digitally with the evidence it was easier for the police to handle the case although we weren't there to see it I'm sure marget and Julian were shocked as the police stormed into our home they were swiftly arrested due to the serious crimes they were accused of the once proud couple now stood exposed as the criminals they truly were news of their arrest quickly spread throughout the community causing shock and disbelief among our acquaintances and neighbors it was real to experience such a dramatic event in our ordinary lives the revelation of their involvement in human trafficking shocked the town destroying the image of respectability they had carefully crafted over the years the legal proceedings were difficult but the evidence I gathered helped build a strong case against them their actions were exposed in court leaving no doubt about their guilt the jury horrified by their crimes unanimously found them guilty on multiple charges related to human trafficking and conspiracy y as the judge delivered the verdict there was a sense of relief and satisfaction in the courtroom marget and Julian once respected by Nicholas Ashley and me now face the consequences of their actions they were sentenced to Long prison terms and would also face trial in France where laws regarding such crimes are stricter this meant we wouldn't see them for a long time and given their ages they would likely spend the rest of their lives behind bars they were considered a serious threat to our family and have sent es ensured they would be kept away from Society Good Riddance their arrest and conviction made national news serving as a warning to others who thought they could commit such crimes without consequences it was a victory for justice and a reminder that everyone is accountable under the law while the legal process dealt with their crimes Ashley Nicholas and I focused on healing and rebuilding Our Lives the Betrayal by marget and Julian left lasting scars especially for Nicholas but we stood together supporting each other as we navigated the aftermath of their arrest and worked to overcome the trauma we had endured our bond grew stronger through it all Ashley how are you feeling these days you've shown Incredible strength through everything I asked breaking the heavy silence that filled the room Ashley took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding her eyes reflecting a mixture of resilience and vulnerability honestly Mom some days are still really tough but overall I'm feeling better therapy has helped a lot and expressing myself through ART has been therapeutic I still have moments of fear and doubt but I'm learning to cope with them Nicholas reached out gently squeezing Ashley's hand in support we're so proud of you Ashley you've handled this with such courage and Grace remember we're always here for you no matter what I nodded in agreement feeling a swell of Pride and love for my daughter yes Ashley we're here to support you every step of the way we've come a long way but there's still healing to be done let's continue to lean on each other and move forward together with renewed determination and a shared sense of resilience we embrac the challenges ahead knowing that as a family we could overcome anything it hasn't been easy mom but I'm making progress our has become my safe place a way to express and let go of the pain and therapy is helping me see things differently and Trust again we're so proud of you Ashley you're strength inspires us every day we're here for you always that's right sweetheart we're in this together supporting and lifting each other up as we move forward we've come a long way and our future looks brighter thank you both I don't know where i' be without your love and support we faced challenges but we've grown stronger now we have the chance to take back our lives and make a positive difference absolutely my love we Face the darkest of times but we've emerged stronger than ever we won't let others actions define us together we'll build a future full of love happiness and fulfillment we're a family unbreakable we've proven that let's keep supporting each other healing and building the life we deserve we're stronger than ever and will Embrace every opportunity the conversation was filled with a mix of emotions from past pain to Hopeful anticipation as we continued our journey we found comfort in each other knowing we could overcome anything to together and create a life of love and joy
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 1,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: 6q38-KIzuxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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