My Mother-in-Law Takes My Car and Sells It, Saying 'Goodbye' to My Expensive Car

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Hello friends my name is Dena and today I'm going to tell you my story I had the same mother-in-law problem that many people here seem to have I was surprised to see so many entitled mother-in-laws out there it's pretty scary my mother-in-law Vivien is also been titled and delusional I realized this as soon as I married my husband Carter Vivien wasn't financially dependent on us but she liked to act like she owned everything around her if she touched something she called it hers this was because she was very greedy and liked to live a luxurious life but she never had the money for it most of the time viven and I avoided conflicts because I kept quiet but once a big incident happened that changed how I dealt with her you see I had recently inherited a vintage car from my grandfather after he passed away that car was very important to me and I was happy to have it but to my mother-in-law it was just something that needed to be sold so she could get some of the money Carter and I had avoided telling viven about the car because we knew she would say something ridiculous like sell the car and give me the money and sure enough Vivien didn't disappoint she was staying with us for a couple of days because her house was under emergency renovation her fault but that's another story so Vivian moved into our home and immediately started calling it hers it was annoying but I ignored her like I always did the real problem started when she checked out our garage and found my vintage car she quickly came back back into the house and asked why is there a vintage car in your garage I replied oh that's my car I recently got it from my grandfather who just passed away it was my inheritance that's an expensive car I looked it up online and it says it's worth around $100,000 that's a lot of money you shouldn't keep it I am keeping it it belonged to my late grandfather and it means a lot to me I won't sell it you're crazy listen Dina think about what I'm saying you could sell the car and use the money for so many things keeping it to yourself is selfish we as your family deserve to benefit from your inheritance too Vivian's words were really strange first of all what I did with my own stuff wasn't her business and secondly I didn't have to share my things with her what was she thinking I didn't know how to respond so I just walked away and hoped she wouldn't bring it up again I was wrong Vivien was really persistent and kept bringing it up that night while we were quietly having dinner Vivien brought up selling my car again she suddenly said so have you thought about what I said have you decided to sell your car for the last time Vivien I'm not selling my car it's just not going to happen this is unacceptable Dena you can't have a car that expensive you're not rich your Honda is good enough you need to think about your family and sell the car so we can all enjoy the money you can't tell me what to do with my car Vivian that's my decision I don't mind keeping the car in my garage it's sentimental and I've always wanted it I'm not selling it to anyone Carter you need to tell your wife to sell the car she can't just keep an expensive car when we could have the money Vivian expected Carter to agree with her I understand why Carter usually had a hard time saying no to her or setting boundaries but he had been improving so imagine Vivian surprise when Carter said Mom it's her car so she decides what to do with it you heard her it means a lot to her if she doesn't want to sell it we can't force her but Carter it's a lot of money even if it is that money belongs to her we can't decide what she does with it leave her alone mom you're being too pushy you shouldn't comment on things that are privately owned Vivien looked disappointed by her son's words she thought he would side with her but he didn't she didn't give up though she kept making small comments about the car and how nice it would be to have $100,000 it was annoying but I ignored it I should have paid more attention because she managed to steal and sell my car without me noticing one morning when I was getting ready to leave for work I noticed that my vintage car was gone I was in the garage about to drive my Honda but my car wasn't there I got really worried and thought someone might have taken it the garage was open but it didn't look like it had been broken into Carter's Car wasn't there either because he had already left for work so I knew he hadn't taken it I called my job and took the day off to figure out what happened that car meant a lot to me and I couldn't relax until I found it I called Carter in a panic to make sure he didn't know anything about the missing car I said Carter did you take my car by any chance it's not in a garage what no I took my Mustang I saw your car in the garage before I left I don't M parter it's not there anymore I real realized it was missing when I went to take my Honda to work I'm really worried Carter I'm freaking out we need to figure out where the car is can you check our security cameras to see who took it and if you find anything we should call the police I wish I could help more but I have an important meeting soon still you can call me if you need me Carter helped calm me down and gave me instructions on what to do next he was right I needed to check the security cameras first I opened the app on my phone and watched the video videos from that morning what I saw was really disturbing it was my own mother-in-law who had taken the car even though I had told her countless times not to touch it she ignored me I was Furious I called her and recorded the conversation I said Vivian where are you why did you take my car oh calm down I just took it for a short drive no you need to come back right now I want my car back I never gave you permission to use it it was in your garage Dena since you won't sell tell it I figured I might as well use it stop calling me I'll come back when I come back I was furious with Vivien I was so angry I almost called the cops on her but I decided to give her a chance she was my mother-in-law after all if she returned my car undamaged I would make sure she faced consequences and make sure this never happened again I didn't want to involve the cops if I didn't have to But as time passed and viven didn't return I started to reconsider little did I know things were about to get much worse an hour later I heard Vivien come in I was surprised she hadn't brought my car back I knew something was wrong what was even more concerning was that she had several shopping bags with her all from luxury Brands she couldn't afford I rushed up to her and demanded to know what was going on I stopped her and said angrily what's going on Vivien where's my car it's in your driveway I'm talking about my vintage car Vivian where is it what did you do Oh you mean your vintage car well I guess you can say goodbye to your $100,000 car oops too late it's already gone what do you mean too late you need to explain Vivien I'm losing my patience I did what you should have done a long time ago I sold your car Vivian said casually she didn't seem sorry at all in fact she looked pleased with herself my anxiety turned into pure rage I couldn't believe what Vivien was saying she just admitted to selling my vintage car I tried not to yell but I was on the verge of exploding you sold my car are you serious yes I'm serious Dina I sold your car today it brought in good money that's how I paid for all this stuff let me make sure I understand you took my car without permission sold it and used the money yes that's exactly what I did why are you so surprised I told you to sell the car having such an expensive car in the garage is a waste are you crazy Vivian who give you the right to steal my property and sell it for yourself well calm down Dena I plan to use the money for family stuff too I just booked plane tickets to Alaska we'll have a nice time at a ski resort I've always wanted to visit so I'm not the only one benefiting if you behave I might give you some of the money so you can buy something for yourself too Vivian was really getting on my nerves I was so close to losing my temper a part of me couldn't believe what she was saying it was hard to understand how someone could be so entitled to sell something that wasn't theirs but with my mother-in-law anything was possible despite it all I decided to give her one more chance I said firmly listen Vivien you need to take your car go to where you sold mine and bring it back to me right now I'm only saying this once take it as your last chance to fix this mess are you threatening me Dana well that's not going to work the car is sold and I've already spent some of the money plus I didn't sell it just so you could demand it back so you're not going to bring back my car I gave you a chance to fix your mistake and you're not taking it is that right God you're slow Dena there's no way I'm bringing your car back like I said it's long gone now you can drive your Honda for all I care all right then don't say I didn't give you a chance Vivian didn't even bother to listen to the last part she just took her shopping bags and went to her room I was reeling from the audacity of this woman but I knew yelling wouldn't help I needed to act fast if I wanted my car back so I did what anyone would do I called the cops and explained what happened they were at my house in 15 minutes by then I had gathered the papers proving the car was mine I welcomed the cops in showed them all the evidence including the security footage of Vivian driving off with my car and not returning it they decided to talk to Vivien she came downstairs is looking annoyed but froze when she saw the cops then she sweetly said good afternoon officers what brings you to my home is my daughter-in-law in trouble Ma'am your daughter-in-law is pressing charges against you for stealing and selling her car illegally oh officers there must be some mistake as you can see her car is right here in the garage she's just being spiteful by calling you here ma'am we're not talking about the Honda we're referring to the vintage car you sold today there's no vintage car in my house officers this must be a misunderstanding we're not wealthy enough to have a vintage car ma'am we have paperwork and video evidence of everything plus there's Insurance involved there's no point in lying to us when the officers saw through vivien's lies she tried a different approach it was almost amusing to watch her come up with these crazy stories to cover her tracks she looked a bit embarrassed as she said oh that one officers I might have been confused yes she used to own a car like that but she asked me to sell it so that's what I did today why are you lying to the officers Vivien I never gave you permission to drive let alone sell the car Dena what's wrong with you you can't just change your story like that are you trying to frame me that's so unfair officers you have to understand din is trying to set me up I swear she gave me permission to sell it I pulled out my phone and played the recording of me telling Vivie and to come home and leave my car alone it clearly showed I didn't give her permission to use or sell the car and that I wanted it back the officers listened and looked very annoyed they gave Vivien a stern look and said are you going to keep lying or is that it Vivien stuttered well I I I can explain just hear me out you don't need to explain here ma'am you can do that at the police station you're under arrest for stealing your daughter-in-law's car now Vivien looked genuinely scared she was visibly nervous with tears welling up in her eyes despite being cuffed she continued to try and come up with more lies but the officers didn't entertain her instead they arrested her she should have stopped but her anxiety got the better of her she turned to me her demeanor completely changed within minutes she went from being confident to a frightened person begging for help she pleaded Dena you can't let this happen you can't have your own mother-in-law arrested think about what people will say I don't care what people will say Vivian you committed a crime and need to face the consequences I'll do anything to get my car back it's just a car Dena there's no need to get me arrested over it let's talk and sort this out trust me he don't want to have your mother-in-law arrested we're family you didn't care about my family when you sold my car you sold a piece of my family's history you don't get to play the family card now thean was already in tears begging me to let it go she was delusional thinking I would just forgive her horrendous Behavior she pleaded with me until she was taken to the cop car before getting in she shouted at me this isn't over Dena I'll get my son involved he'll put you back in your place good luck with that Vivien I'm sure your son will do what's right focus on getting out of jail I've said goodbye to my car but you'll be saying hello to a lawsuit you'll get nothing my son will protect me he'll come to rescue me and kick you out of the house well her son did go to the police station but not to rescue her when Carter called me and asked what was happening I told him to meet me there I needed to file a case in person and it would be better for both of us to meet at the station plus I wanted to see viven's face when Carter saw the situation we met and went straight to viven when she saw him she started to cry Carter look what your wife has done she hates me so much she put me in jail I can't be here Carter you need to do something Dena what's going on why did you put Mom in jail hey Vivien care to explain to your son what you did with my car Vivien suddenly went quiet she was probably trying to think of an excuse to make herself look better but she couldn't come up with anything she stayed quiet with her head down mom say something why are you so quiet what can she say Carter she stole and sold my car then came home with shopping bags and told me she booked us a vacation in Alaska wait what Mom what did you do oh there's more Carter the cops got a name out of her they contacted the man and he said the car was damaged a bit after he got so this is going to be a big lawsuit I can already see it costing a million dollar oh my God Mom what have you done I told you to stay away from dena's car why can't you just listen for once Carter had never spoken to his mother in such a Tong before Vivien was surprised and didn't like it at all she was crying now trying to make him feel guilty but I knew Carter wouldn't save her this time he knew where to draw the line Vivien still tried saying son you need to get me out of here I can't stay in this place you have to convince demon to drop the case I can't afford a lawsuit you know that why would I do that Mom you're the one who committed a crime by doing something so incredibly stupid Carter if if you don't help me my life will be ruined I'll be broke and still have to serve time in jail you should have thought about that before breaking the law I'm going to support Dena and what she's doing this time you've gone too far I can't forgive this mom you're on your own Vivien kept begging us to change our minds and forgive her even resorting to begging me for forgiveness again but I wasn't going to listen Carter was Furious and decided to leave the police station with me he was really sorry for his mom's actions and said he'd never forgive her for this he even encouraged me to pursue my case and get my car back I did eventually get my car back but it took a while the buyer had been in a small accident with it and it got badly dented repairing vintage cars can be expensive and with lawyer fees added in Vivien ended up paying $1 million for the lawsuit she was forced to sell her childhood home and take on debts it was tough for her but we didn't sympathize Carter made it clear we didn't want her around anymore he also said we wouldn't be contacting her for a long time that made her cry and throw a tantrum again news of her arrest and lwuit it spread fast her friends dropped her not wanting to associate with a Criminal even her family was Furious who sells stolen stuff I was glad to see the rest of the family had some sense anyway we're still not in contact with Vivien and the lawsuit is settled I got my car back and had a skilled mechanic work on it all pay for by Vivien of course the mechanic did such a good job you wouldn't even know it was damaged so I got my car back good as new while Vivien lost her house and is now living alone in a rented apartment desperate for company
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 1,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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