Upset Mother-in-Law: "This Child Can't Belong to My Son!" & I Got a Secret DNA Test Done And...

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Hello friends my name is Mia and I'm here to share the story of how my mother-in-law's actions backfired on her Rita my mother-in-law might blame me but she brought it on herself by trying to break up my marriage to her son Nigel if she hadn't tried to interfere she wouldn't have ended up divorced here's what happened and how I finally removed Rita's toxic presence from my life Rita absolutely hated me why no reason she hated Every Woman her son Nigel dated she had an unhealthy attachment to Nigel and believed that any woman he dated was trying to steal him away from her her husband my father-in-law Luke wasn't like her at all he is a kind man who still treats me like his own daughter which is why I was so angry when I found out about Rita's betrayal here's what Rita tried to do when Nigel and I announced our engagement she accused me of cheating with my best friend it was a ridiculous claim with no evidence just based on her suspicions my best friend who is a I and I have been close since childhood we have a great relationship but respect the boundaries set by our spouses we even go on double dates and trips together Nigel always trusted in me and knew I was faithful but Rita didn't see it that way a man and a woman can't be that close without something going on I bet she's cheating on you Rita said to Nigel mom you're being ridiculous Mia and her best friend are just friends she's not cheating they hardly ever meet alone I trust my fan completely Nel replied your Nave Nel Mia is only with you because you have a good income she might even try to trap you with a baby Rita insisted I don't know what you're talking about Rita none of that will happen I love your son and my best friend is just my best friend nothing is going on between us you're being insulting when you say those things I added I know you're lying Mia don't pretend to be innocent with me I know your type very well Rita retorted of course Rita knew about girls like that she was one of them but that would come to light later Nigel didn't believe her ridiculous lies and we got married anyway she tried to tell everyone that he was marrying a cheater some family members were confused but once nidle explained the truth they were angry at Rita and apologized to me Nigel and his father confronted Rita and yelled at her although she wasn't sorry she promised to behave from Men on I really thought Rita would change and stop her nonsense but she didn't her next move was even worse the beginning of Rita's downfall started when I got pregnant with our first child it was a boy and everyone was happy for us nidel was thrilled to become a father and Luke was excited to be a grandfather the only one who wasn't happy was Rita she revived her Mia as cheating claims and even said the baby wasn't Nigel's we were all Furious and Nel tried to keep me out of the drama to avoid stressing me out now here comes the fun part as soon as my son was born Rita saw him and said this child can't be my sons he looks nothing like Nigel did as a baby this can't be your son Nigel mom what is wrong with you this is my son not all babies look exactly like their parents did as babies I didn't look like Dad as a baby either you are being ridiculous nigle responded Neal open your eyes this child is too light-skinned to be yours we're all too taned to have a baby with this skin color Rita insisted what on Earth are you talking about Rita you're being absurd the baby's skin is lighter because I'm fair skinned and baby skin colors can change as they grow you some common sense Before You Accuse Me I argued we had a huge fight with Rita about this in the end nigle kicked her out of the hospital and was really angry with her but Rita didn't waste any time she immediately started spreading rumors that the baby wasn't Nigel's some people started to doubt us especially since we didn't want the baby around everyone before he was a month old Rita's gossip and pressure from others were getting to us finally I gave in and agreed to a DNA test nle didn't want me to Mia you don't have to do this I trust you completely I know our son is mine Rita can go jump in a lake Nel said Nel please I'm tired of Rita insulting me and everyone assuming things this drama has gone on for too long I have nothing to hide so so let's just get it over with I said Mia Nel I think there's something you need to know Luke interrupted what is it Dad Nel asked I don't know how to say this but Nel you might not be my biological son Luke said his tone serious we were all at home when Luke dropped this bomb show he had been acting strangely for a while so we were on edge but we never expected him to say something like this Nigel was especially shocked dad what are you saying listen I saw a doctor recently and some things he said made me question whether I'm your biological father are you serious oh my God are you sure it's possible there's a good chance Nigel and I think it's time we found out for sure Mia don't tell Rita about this let's get me and natal tested I want to confront her when we have the results she's planning a family dinner for when the DNA reports for Nigel and my grandson come in honestly I was speechless I agreed to the plan because it seemed like the best option at the time Nigel and Luke were too overwhelmed to handle it so I took charge the DNA test was done and true to her word Rita arranged a family dinner to reveal the results to everyone she was clearly eager to embarrass me but in her Rush Rita grabbed the wrong envelope Nigel Luke and I noticed but we stayed quiet you can imagine our shock when Rita excitedly announced I was right they're not a match my son isn't the father of Mia's son Mia is a cheer Rita was ecstatic when the results showed no connection between the people tested she saw it as a chance to kick me out of Nigel's life she danced around shouting to everyone that Nigel wasn't the father of my child but I didn't react meanwhile Luke and Nel were pale and trembling with anger Rita thought they were angry at me and said see I told you all me as a cheater Nigel isn't the father of for child that's not my grandson Mia is trying to pass off some strangers kid as Nels oh my poor boy I tried to warn you but no one listened Rita you should have checked the DNA results in private before announcing them to everyone I suggested why would I do that M everyone needs to know what a cheater you are I'm not going to cover for you you deserve to be kicked out of our lives for this Rita snapped Mell couldn't take it anymore I could see how Furious and betrayed he felt I didn't try to stop him from speaking out stop it Mom just stop Mia isn't going anywhere she's my wife and I love and trust her she's the mother of my child Nagel what are you saying these results clearly show the child isn't yours Mia cheated on you and is trying to trap you with a baby here look for yourself Rita urged handing ninjja the papers no I don't mean to look you need to double check these results and think before you accuse you shouldn't have pushed for the DNA test look at the mess you've caused Nigel replied Nigel I know this is hard to accept but it's the truth Mia cheated on you she's making you raise someone else's child Rita persisted at this moment Luke found his voice and thundered breaking his shocked silence he was Furious and ready to confront Rita so MIA is making nigle Ray someone else's child just like he tried to pass off Nagel as my son years ago Luke accused Luke luk what are you talking about Nel is your son Rita exclaimed I'm not like Mia who sleeps around with everyone why are you attacking me because of her Rita defended herself why don't you double check the report Rita it'll help you understand what's going on these are the DNA tests between nangle and our son look it clearly says their father and son I explained what then why does this document say they're not related what's happening Rita exclaimed if you read it carefully you'd see it's for Nigel and Luke and it says they're not related at all Nigel isn't Luke's son I revealed Rita looked at me in disbelief her secret of 25 years was out and she couldn't stop it from spreading she called family members to expose my supposed secret but it backfired when her own secret came out instead Luke and Nel were Furious and R knew she was in trouble she kept reading the report hoping it was wrong no no no this can't be true Nigel is Luke's son we were trying for a child when I got pregnant with him Nigel is your son Luke Rita insisted oh really Rita so you're saying the reports are wrong and you didn't cheat on me Luke challenged Nigel is your son Luke Mia's trying to trick you with this paternity test to get back at me Rita insisted this wasn't just Mia's plan Rita it was mine too remember how I went to the doctor recently for tests well it turned turns out I've been infertile my whole life I never knew because I never went to the doctor before Nel can't be my son Luke revealed no no no this can't be happening Rita cried this can't be true I even have a feeling I know gido's real father is it's Fred isn't it your ex before me Luke accused raita turned pale when she heard Luke's accusation her reaction confirmed our suspicions Nel remained silent clearly hurt and angry I could see the pain in fear in his eyes the room was filled with a sense of betrayal and everyone looked at Rita with disbelief and anger even her own mother looked ready to faint no one knew about Rita's Affair or Nigel not being Luke's son it was a disaster for her and she started crying when Luke spoke you don't mean to say anything Rita your reaction says it all you cheated with Fred didn't you Luke said calmly it doesn't matter now my love for you is gone I suspected this for for a while and now that it's out in the open I want a divorce Luke what are you saying that was in the past I ended things with Fred as soon as I found out I was pregnant with Nigel he doesn't even know about Nigel you're Nigel's father through and through Rita pleaded that's right Rita I've been Nigel's father for 25 years I don't care what the DNA test says Nigel is my son and he always will be he may not be my biological child but he's my blessing I'll be his father for as long as I live Luke declared firmly Luke's words were exactly what Nigel needed to hear he had been terrified of losing the only father he'd ever known when Luke reassured him Nagel broke down in tears I held him close trying to comfort him while Luke and the others confronted Rita Rita tried to salvage the situation you're right Luke you raised Nigel for 25 years he's yours let's just forget about the DNA test and move on we can no Rita just no Luke interrupted things will never be the same every time I look at you I'll be reminded of your betrayal Nel may be my son but you're no wife of mine a woman who cheats on her husband can't be my wife I'm divorcing you that's final no Luke you can't do this we've been married for 30 years you can't leave me over this Rita pleaded shocked and desperate but nobody was sympathetic even her own family was sding with Luke's decision and hurling insults at her Rita continued crying begging for forgiveness then she turned to Nel hoping he could sway Luke Nel look at what your father is saying he's going to leave me please don't let him please make him understand Rita implored don't you dare call me son I don't want to call you mother anymore you've been deceitful dragging Mia through the mud when you were the one hiding the truth I can't even look at you needle snapped no nandel I am your mother I gave birth to you I'm sorry son I'm so sorry for everything please don't hate me I made a mistake Mia please you're a woman you understand please help me make them understand Rita pleaded desperately I never expected this to happen Rita was so desperate that she started begging me for help it was pathetic and disgusting she thought I would Overlook her sins just because I'm a woman how could she think I'd be on her side I wanted her to suffer for what she'd done oh how no Rita you brought this on yourself you were the one pushing Nel to divorce me claiming my son isn't his now that it's true for you did you really expect me to support you you targeted me and my innocent son for nothing you betrayed my husband and my father-in-law for three decades you don't deserve anyone's forgiveness I agree with Luke he needs to divorce you it was a mistake Mia you're an honest woman and I I know you care about your family your new family is about to be torn apart Mia please don't let it happen my family consists of me my son Nigel and Luke you're not part of that family Rita a woman who treated me and her own family so badly can't be considered family to me I don't want you anywhere near me or my son again the rest is up to Nigel to decide I stated firmly I don't want you near me either Rita stay away from me and my family dad is doing the right thing by divorcing you you brought brought this upon yourself you wanted to prove a son doesn't belong to his father to break up a marriage well congratulations Rita it's happening to your own family now Nel added his voice icy and controlled Rita lips stunned as if she'd been drenched in ice water Nigel's calm demeanor surprised everyone he didn't need to raise his voice to convey his message it was clear he meant every word Rita sank to the floor avoiding eye contact family members berated her but I felt no sympathy Luke informed her she needed to leave his house soon it was his property inherited before their marriage living in an atal State Luke could sue Rita for paternity fraud possibly avoiding alimony payments Rita was in serious trouble now as days passed Luke stayed true to his word he wasted no time in Consulting a divorce lawyer the next day and initiated the eviction process against Rita she threw a dramatic tantrum full of tears begging and shouting but Luke remained firm in his decision to remove her from his life Rita bombarded Nigel and me with texts and calls pleading and making excuses for her actions we read a few messages before blocking her Al together then Rita showed up at our doorstep tearful and desperate Luke's kicking me out guys I have nowhere to go I only have a little money left for a divorce lawyer I need a place to stay you can go wherever you like Rita we won't be providing you a shelter we've made it clear we want nothing to do with you I responded firmly I'm your mom Lego why are you calling me by my name I am your mother Rita pleaded I was seeing with anger while I was glad Rita was facing consequences the paternity ordeal had taken a toll on both Nigel and Luke Luke coped in his own way but Nigel was struggling it was heartbreaking to see him in such pain while also caring for our newborn Ria acting like it was no big deal and fear ated me I'm sorry Rita but you've lost that privilege you're nothing more than a stranger to us now and Nigel's right we won't be providing you with shelter I declared firmly Mia please don't do this my grandson needs his grandma Rita pleaded don't you dare call my son your grandson your own son refuses to call you mom and you can't suddenly be a grandma to a child you never wanted in your life don't try to guilt us using my innocent child it won't work we've had had enough of you Rita it's time for you to leave don't bother coming back because I'll call the police trust me you don't want more legal trouble after this it sounds like Rita faced the consequences of her actions head-on after some more tears and pleading Nigel firmly shut the door in her face it was satisfying to see her facing the consequences of her actions considering the Havoc she wre on so many lives eventually she left when she realized we wouldn't budge Rita mostly stayed away until it was time for her to leave Luke's house she tried to beg and guilt trip us into letting her in again but we stood our ground when we threatened to call the police she finally left I heard she found a place to stay with a friend who got her a job in an office as a warehouse worker the divorce proceedings were messy with Rita trying to tilt things in her favor but her excuses fell flat in our at fault state they divorced in 6 months and went their separate ways Rita continued to harass Luke to get her old life back but he remained firm now she's miserable working in a warehouse and barely scraping by she's been cut off from the entire family and excluded from parties and Gatherings meanwhile Nigel and Luke are doing much better after starting therapy it's heartening to see their strong bond endure despite the paternity revelation we still have our weekly family dinners and Luke often visits to spend time with his grandson overall we've managed to return to our normal lives while Rita is left to wallow in loneliness and misery
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 1,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: jjzAQ1evB9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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