My Husband Left Me and Our Kids, Married My Sister, and I Burned His Letter

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hello I'm Kayla a 36-year-old woman the past few months have been really tough for me and I'm having to relearn a lot of things my husband Tong caus a lot of the trouble I'm in but a kind person stepped in and helped me avoid even more pain first let me tell you about the people in my story the first person is my sister Maya she's 6 years younger than me and very pretty growing up we didn't get along because I was a nerd and she was popular she always picked on me and seemed jealous for some reason reason my mom tried to help us get along but it didn't really work when I went to college we didn't talk much but after I graduated and she was a teenager we started talking again our relationship got a little better but we never got really close that was the best we could do and I was okay with that next let me tell you about my ex-husband Tom we met at work and got along really well we dated for about 3 years before getting married we worked hard and bought our first house together I earned more money so the mortgage and deed were in my name after two years of marriage Tom asked me about having children honey I was wondering about something and I need you to think about this with an open mind all right what is it I've been thinking that we've been together for a while now and maybe we could start a family of our own Tom you know how I feel about that I know but we have the money for it and it would be really cute to have little versions of us running around don't you think yeah but kid kids are a lot of work and responsibility we're the most hardworking and responsible people we know come on give it some thought okay I promise I'll help take care of them just keep that in mind okay even though I wasn't keen on having kids I gave in because Tom kept bringing it up first we had a son and 3 years later we had a daughter initially Tom was very helpful but that quickly changed suddenly I was responsible for everything at home including the kids after our first child Tom insisted I stopped working because he had gotten a promotion and was earning more than me I tried to resist but eventually I decided it wasn't worth the fight and accepted my new role to avoid getting bored at home I took up a new hobby hosting dinners I often invited my mom and sister who lived nearby and my mother-in-law Megan whenever she was in town eventually I started to feel comfortable in my new life I got to spend a lot of time with my family and that made me happy Tom and I were doing okay I had gone through some trauma after giving birth to our second child where I almost died which affected our relationship I didn't think anything else was wrong but oh how wrong I was as I was cleaning my room I found a pair of panties that definitely weren't mine my heart sank as I stared at them wondering if I wasn't enough for my husband I had been feeling different lately but I had just had our second child it hadn't been over a year since then and I I was still recovering I had been going to therapy making slow progress but it didn't seem enough because Tom was cheating on me once the shock wore off I was filled with anger and betrayal I needed to know who my husband was cheating on me with and why first I sent Tom a picture of the underwear and asked him who they were then I checked his laptop I logged into his social media accounts and went through his chats at first I didn't see any unknown women which confused me more I looked through his messages but found nothing in my desperation I went through every chat even though I knew it was foolish because everyone in his contacts with someone I couldn't believe that anyone in my life could hurt me that much then I realized that my sister's contact ID was everywhere I looked at first I didn't think much of it because why would my sister and husband talking be suspicious but when I checked their chats I felt sick to my stomach they were full of pictures and videos of them in bed messages about how much they love each other and plans for Tom to leave me I couldn't believe my own sister would do something so awful our relationship had never been perfect but this was a whole new level of betrayal first I threw up because I was so disgusted then I tried calling Tom but he didn't answer so I called my sister Maya hey what's up don't hey what's up me seriously what's wrong with you I don't know about mine but I do know that I found a pair of your panties in my bedroom have you been sleeping with Tom yeah for a while now why Kayla seriously you thought it was okay to sleep with my husband because you thought I was boring and being my sister didn't even stop you look if thought I was helping you out I was keeping Tom busy so you could focus on the kids are you serious that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard look we didn't mean for it to go this far okay I only did it because he kept hitting on me and he's a nice guy but he was my husband why would you help tear our family apart I just want what's best for Tom okay if I'm the best for him then so be it you're disgusting I hung up unable to believe her nerve I just lay in bed and cried I never thought my life would come to this eventually my youngest woke up crying so I tended to her I felt empty as I went through the motions of the day I couldn't let my kids know something was wrong they didn't need that worry I picked up my older child from school made dinner and when they asked where their dad was I lied and said he was working late at some point my anger turned into worry it was almost 11:00 at night and Tom still wasn't home I tried calling him multiple times but he didn't answer I even tried calling my sister to see if he was there but she didn't pick up either exhausted from the day I went to bed hoping it was all just a bad dream the next morning I woke up feeling like something was wrong I looked around and realized Tom's things were gone from the room I checked the cupboards and drawers and most of his stuff was gone from the house too he had left while I was asleep without saying a word I couldn't believe it he just left me without even trying to talk I didn't know what to do all I could think about was taking care of my kids first then I figure out everything else I woke up got the kids ready dropped off the oldest at school and then took the youngest to my mom's place she could tell something was off because I was distant all I could think about was how I'd managed to raise two kids alone whenever I came back to reality I remember I had to tell my mom about my sister and husband eventually she couldn't wait any longer and asked what was wrong okay I've had enough of your silence what's going on I don't know how to say this why are you start from the beginning well I found out that Tom has been cheating on me what how do you know I found another woman's underwear in our room when I asked Tom about it he didn't answer and then left he left what do you mean when I woke up this morning all his things were gone gone you didn't try to stop him I didn't even realize when he came back I fell asleep around midnight and when I woke up all his stuff was gone oh my God my poor girl I'm so sorry this happened yeah it gets worse oh no what happened do you know who Tom cheated on you with you mean you know who we cheated with yeah I snooped through his things to find out I wouldn't have tolerated this under normal circumstances but this is different so who is it Maya excuse me what are you serious yeah my husband has been cheating on me with my own sister I called her to ask about it and she was so casual about it she said they were in love and she believed she was the best for him so she was going to keep being with him oh my God what has mayia done I don't even know how I'm going to survive I have two kids to raise and I need to find a job too look why don't we just get some rest while I try to process this I'll be here to help you okay yeah okay thanks Mom I had become numb to everything that had happened so telling my mom wasn't as hard as I thought I ended up sleeping while my mom took care of my youngest when I woke up I heard my baby crying and my mom yelling I rushed out and saw my mom on the phone looking angry she hung up and seemed surprised to see me she apologized for the noise but didn't say more I knew she had been giving Maya a piece of her mind over the next few days Mom stayed with us it was easier having one person move and then three Maya kept trying to contact our mom but she asked me to block Maya it was comforting to have someone understand my feelings when I felt so alone I found out through mutual friends that Tom and mayya got married they reached out to me concerned and confused I had to explain everything which was humiliating but they were supportive they all blocked Tom and mayia and refused to associate with them but I found out they got married the day after Tom left us it hurt to know but I shouldn't have expected anything different from them when I told my mom she was Furious you should know my mom is usually calm so seeing her so angry with my sister was surprising it was great to have her financial support she wasn't obligated to help but she did her best for us she even helped me get job interviews because I wanted to contribute now that Tom wasn't there to stop me taking care of the kids was manageable but when they asked about Tom I had to hold back tears still we got through it a week later I got a letter from Tom I didn't want anything to do with it I figured it was some apology but I was done with him a week was too long to try to fix things especially after he ran away from his family so I did the next best thing I could think of I burned the letter but afterward I couldn't help but be curious about what it said sometimes I wished I had read it before burning it but then I reminded myself that nothing he could have said would change how I felt about him and what he did the next day my mom and I took the kids to the fair we had a blast and it was nice to be in a lively place after everything I finally got to have fun and laugh which felt great after such a tough time that night my mom and I relaxed with a bottle of wine and I told her about the letter so something came in the mail for me last night oh what was it it was a letter from Tom what what did it say I don't know what do you mean you opened it right no I didn't want to deal with anything he had to say so I burned it you burned it Kao what if they were official divorce papers the envelope didn't look legal at all I'm sure it wasn't that well if you're sure what do you think was in it I don't know maybe a weak apology or a request for his stuff back I wouldn't be surprised but how are you feeling about all of this now well today was a good day it's tough especially when the kids keep asking where their dad is what do I even tell them it's slowly getting better but only a little as long as it's improving I'm always here for you and just so you know I'm planning to cut ties with your sister everything I have will go to you and the kids oh Mom that means a lot but are you sure mayya is still your daughter I know you and Maya had your differences but what she did is unforgivable I raised both of you better than this and Maya clearly didn't care so she's no longer my daughter I would have been upset if Mom changed her mind easily but I knew Maya was still her child I couldn't imagine how hard it must have been for Mom to make that decision because I could never do that to my kids it made me even more grateful to have someone so supportive another 3 days passed and I heard a knock on the door it was strange because I wasn't expecting anyone and besides my my mom who was at work no one ever visited I opened the door cautiously and saw two men in black suits I only opened the door a little and asked who they were they said they were lawyers and had something for me they handed me a note and then a check it was made out to me and it was for $750,000 my jaw dropped my Savvy amount I tried to tell them there must be a mistake but they said there wasn't an urge me to read the note the note began with thank you for saving me as I read on I realized the money was from my mother-in-law Megan she explained that she had visited us 3 days ago but no one was home she called Tom who tried to make it seem like he couldn't get in but I had changed the locks after he left Megan sense something was wrong with Tom's behavior and pressed him until he confessed everything she was disgusted by his actions Megan felt sorry for what I had gone through and decided to leave all her inheritance to me and her grandkids she thanked me for preventing her from making a mistake and for not trusting her son with her assets that's what the check was for the lawyers then told me that Megan had been terminally ill and had passed away just the day before she wanted me to have the money right after her death to ensure her daughter-in-law and grandkids were well taken care of Tears filled my eyes at Megan's kindness and loss she was truly remarkable always standing up for what was right it was one of the reasons Tom had always been afraid of her yet I found her com comforting she stayed true to her word and supported me until her last breath a few days later Tom called I already knew what he was going to say but I decided to hear him out what did you do what do you mean you know exactly what I mean Tom you'll have to be more specific what are you talking about why weren't you home that day I specifically asked you to be I sent you a letter asking you to pretend everything was normal while my mom visited oh was that what the letter said you didn't read it no I burned it you betrayed me my mother was going to help me with the inheritance but you took it all because you're selfish that's ironic coming from you you abandoned your family and only cared about contacting me when it involved your inheritance love can't be forced I did what was best for me and your mother did what was best for us don't ever try to contact me or the kids again goodbye after that things move quickly I filed for divorce and I was granted full custody of the kids Tom tried to fight for the inheritance but Megan had made it clear that I was the one to receive it so he didn't succeed Tom and mayia tried to pressure me into giving them some of the money but I stood my ground and refused life has become easier since we got the money I put a portion aside for my kids college and invested the rest my mom could retire and I started working my kids have come to terms with their dad not coming back and when they're older I'll tell them everything I'm still hurting but I know things can only get better from here
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 5,292
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: o0DbbYflRN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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