Father Tries to Evict Me After Mother's Death to Make Room for New Family

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hi everyone I'm Freddy and I'm 21 my childhood wasn't happy my dad Carl and I didn't get along we used to be close but everything changed when he divorced my mom and left us with a lot of money problems it felt like he left me behind like I didn't matter to him he started a new life and focused on himself his hobbies and dating after the divorce my mom Yas Meine and I had a tough time we went from having a good life to struggling to make ends neat my mom Yasmin worked very very hard to take care of us after my dad left she never gave up even when things were tough she started a small business and worked hard to make it grow and it did our lives went from being difficult to being comfortable again it was amazing to see my mom's strength and determination but then something unexpected happened my mom got sick it was a big shock for us the person who had fought of heart for us was now fighting a serious illness it was a tough time for us but we were determined to support her through it my mom's illness turned our lives upside down I took care of her and hoped she would get better we tried everything but sometimes things don't go as planned sadly my mom passed away leaving a huge gap in my life that can never be filled as her only child I had to face the difficult time after her death alone while I was grieving I found out that she had left her house to me it was her last gift showing me how much she loved me and the life we shared when I entered the house now mine if it felt like my mom was hugging me one last time the house held many happy and sad memories of our time together but what hurt me the most was that my dad Carl and his new wife Rita didn't even come to my mom's funeral it was like he had completely forgotten about her and didn't care this made me very angry how could they be so cruel didn't my dad care about how I was feeling even months after my mom's death the pain still felt fresh I tried to find comfort in memories and friends but I couldn't shake off the bitter feelings the house my mom left me was beautiful but it reminded me of her absence I tried to make peace with the memories and make the house my own but it took time things were getting better until one day my dad Carl showed up at my doorstep unexpectedly it had been months since my mom's funeral and he acted like nothing was wrong I opened the door and our eyes met he looked surprised to see the pain and anger on my face he tried to smile but it didn't work we stood there in awkward silence with a lot of unspoken words between us I was angry and disappointed and it was hard to keep those feelings inside finally he said hey Freddy can we talk in a sorry tone but it didn't feel sincere his presence in my house brought up a mix of emotions and I just stared at him I wasn't fooled by my dad's weak attempt to make things right don't pretend to apologize Carl I'm not buying it I said my voice filled with anger you left us to struggle while you lived a life of luxury now you show up like nothing's wrong Carl's face turned red with anger and he became defensive you need to respect me Freddy he said firmly I laughed in disbelief respect is earned Carl you lost mine when you abandoned us for your own desires you can't demand respect after all the pain you caused as we argued I saw Rita getting out of their luxurious car and walking towards us seeing her only made me angrier remembering how my dad chose a life of extravagance over his family when she reached the doorstep I said what brings you here Rita you didn't even come to my mom's funeral but now you're here Rita made a weak excuse we were busy Freddy we had commitments her words only made me angrier you were too busy to attend my mom's funeral that shows how little you care about her memory and our family I felt a surge of anger and frustration as I looked at my dad and Rita standing in front of of me they were still the same selfish people who showed off their wealth and indulged in luxuries their presence in my home acting like nothing was wrong made me even angrier what do you two want from me I asked them how't you hurt me enough already my dad Carl said Freddy we need to talk the truth is our life isn't as great as it seems on social media we're struggling financially and we even need to sell the Aston Martin outside to get some money for something important Rita who had been quiet until then took off her coat revealing her pregnant belly I was shocked and angry you're telling me that you got someone pregnant who's young enough to be my sister this is a sick joke right I said my voice filled with anger Carl now getting defensive said some very hurtful things to me his words were mean and unexpected and I couldn't believe my father could be so cruel you think you're so smart talking to me like that I left you and your mom because I couldn't stand being around somewhat as stupid as you you're useless and hopeless I didn't do anything wrong so shut up I was shocked and couldn't believe what I was hearing I just stood there refusing to accept that my father was speaking to me like this in my own home get out I said firmly get out before I call the police leave my property Carl smiled slightly and said actually that's why we're here what do you mean I asked my anger Rising again you're going to have to leave this house Fred it's the only option Carl said his eyes gleaming with a Sinister intent I was Furious my heart racing with anger you're crazy Carl my mom gave me this house the woman you abandoned you think you can just take it away never you think you deserve this house think again Freddy we need a bigger and better space for our growing family Carl said his words dripping with audacity my anger was burning brighter than ever how could he want to start a new family after leaving us just a couple of years ago he's insane you think I'll just leave my name is on the deed Carl this house is legally mine and you can't take it away I said standing my ground Carl sneered at me are you sure about that Freddy I have connections I know the county clerk and a simple phone call could make your name on that deed to disappear I was even angrier now how dare he use his connections to manipulate the system and and take what was mine you'd stoop that low to steal this house from me you're no better than a common criminal I said my voice strong and forceful they were taken aback by my intensity but as they realized they weren't going to win they looked nervous and scared they knew they had underestimated me and my determination to protect what was mine and my mom's with all my strength I yelled at them to leave my property immediately they turned pale and finally left the house they had tried to take even though he was scared Carl still tried to intimidate me with threats of ruining my life you'll regret not listening to me Fred Carl said I tried to be nice but you didn't want that just wait you'll be begging for mercy when I'm done with you after they left I was left standing there my heart racing with anger frustration and determination I knew this battle was far from over in the silence that followed I felt a sense of urgency I knew my father had more power and influence than I did and his connections and willingness to bend the rules posed a big threat to my dreams of keeping this house I understood it wouldn't be easy it wasn't just a fight for a physical space it was a battle against the system that favored the powerful and well-connected but I wasn't willing to give up I would fight hard to protect the Legacy my mother left me the house represented memories love and sacrifices it was a symbol of my identity and my journey towards Freedom with Newfound determination I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the tough journey ahead the fight for justice had just begun weeks after our confrontation my father still sent me hateful messages and threats I ignored them knowing they were meant to hurt me instead I collected evidence saved every message and rot down every word he said I knew I had to take action so I went to the county clerk's office this was the place where my father's plan could become a reality but I wasn't afraid I had to face the person who had the power to make decisions as I entered the office my heart raced with anxiety and determination I approached the clerk's desk where a middle-aged man with tired eyes looked up at me excuse me sir I said I need to talk to you about something important the county clerk looked at me with curiosity and skepticism studying my appearance what do you want he asked gruffly I gather all my courage and poured my heart out to the county clerk sharing my story and all the struggles my mom and I had faced I told him about Carl's absence at my mom's funeral and the threats that still haunted me I showed him the evidence of Carl's manipulation and begged him to see the truth as I spoke the clerk's expression changed from indifference to genuine concern please sir understand the truth I pleaded Carl has Twisted the story to make himself the victim don't let him deceive you and take what's rightfully mine I'm all alone and need your help but Clerk's eyes softened and he leaned back in his chair taking a moment to process what I said I had no idea he said shaking his head I have a son around your age and I can't imagine what you're going through Carl made himself out to be the victim saying you were a spoiled brat but something didn't feel right maybe that's why I was hesitant when he asked for his favor I had a feeling something was wrong but I didn't realize it was this serious he said his words were like a shock to my already hurting heart but they gave me hope that someone was finally listening I felt a glimmer of hope that things might work out fairly thank you for listening sir I said my voice full of thanks your understanding means a lot to me I just want you to see the truth behind Carl's lies the county clerk nodded looking determined I'll do what's right but you have to promise not to tell anyone that I'm doing this as a favor sometimes I help my friends in ways that aren't exactly legal so if you tell anyone I'll find you and make sure you regret it I swallowed hard scared of the man in front of me me honestly sir I don't care if you're not following all the rules I just want to make sure my house is mine and my father can't control it I've got it he said firmly I believe you've been through a lot and you shouldn't have to worry about owning your house again leaving the office I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders the battle wasn't over yet but I had hoped that the truth would come out and I would get what was mine I went to my father's house but it looked empty and abandoned the fancy furniture was gone probably sold to prepare for the new baby after waiting for a long time Carl finally opened the door looking terrible he hadn't slept or showered in days and seeing me made him even angrier what do you want Carl growled I just came to tell you something I said standing up for myself I'm keeping the house and you can't make me leave so give up trying like hell you are Carl yelled his face red with anger I'm your father and I get to decide you're no father to me just a pest I shot back my anger Rising Carl sneered we'll see about that I always get what I want I smiled feeling triumphant I already talked to the county clerk and he's on my side I have the papers right here and the house is mine Carl's face contorted in shock and horror as he realized his plan was falling apart he stuttered trying to find words but I just laughed celebrating my win you can't tell anyone I tried to help you or go both get in trouble Carl said his voice desperate looks like you and Rita need to start house hunting I taunted rubbing it in Carl's face fell actually Rita is leaving me she's not happy that I couldn't get your house quickly enough and she's given me an ultimatum I Shrugged that's tough for you Carl's eyes begged me Freddy please let me move in with you I can't take it here anymore everything is too much for me I haven't slept or eaten and Rita is driving me crazy with her demands I laughed you're still acting like a child even at your age you think I'm going to let you stay with me think again try a homeless shelter they might have room for you Carl's face Twisted in Anger you're a heartless and thoughtless person you'll regret this Freddy I smiled I'm not scared of you Carl you're getting what you deserve karma's a isn't it as I walked away I knew Carl's life was going downhill he became social outcast and his alcohol addiction took over I heard Rita divorced him took most of his money and left him alone and hopeless in a hotel room struggling to figure out his next move but I knew I had won and I was ready to fight for anything my mother left me Carl would never dare to confront me with the same anger and entitlement again I was no longer a kid and I had a lot to lose I'll fight for anything my mother left me I said firmly and if he's foolish enough to try me again I'll I'll make sure he regrets it
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: FacIcVyRqeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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