My Mother-in-law Wants My Husband to Transfer Our House to His Brother Because He Earns Little Money

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hi I'm Taylor and I'm 29 years old I have my own house which I'm really grateful for especially with how things are with money in America right now but my husband doesn't see it the same way he's often negative and proud especially because I have a better job than him he's working a lowain job at the moment and feels pretty frustrated about it his mom doesn't help either she keeps putting him down comparing him to other people and saying he should be more successful like them she'll say things like why don't we get a better job look at Ricky he's doing so well he's becoming the seago of his company and you're just a manager at the local grocery store it's embarrassing their conversations usually went like this and it really got to my husband it started to hurt his pride a lot eventually he even fibbed and said he owned the house instead of me Mom you don't have to say those things it's not nice I'll say what I want he needs to do better mom please stop he felt so bad about about it that he pretended he bought the house himself yeah Mom the house is in my name I use my money to buy it I'm a homeowner now wow that's great so you'll get a better job now right it's not that simple I think I'm just disappointed you spent so much time in University you could have gotten a good job like your brother how will you manage this big house with your low paying job taylor will help Mom fantastic now as a grown man you're depending on your wife to earn money and take care of the house it's disgusting even though Gordon was lying about oming the house I let him have that little Victory so his mom would respect him more but I realize now it was a big mistake he's used it as an excuse to be rude and disrespectful towards me trying to boost his ego and show off to his mom he'd become extra aggressive and bossy whenever she was around he'd act like he was in charge when really it was me who made our nice life possible in our beautiful house as his wife wife I was kind in understanding so I went along with his dominant Behavior to avoid his mother making him feel bad about himself but one day things took a turn for the worse Taylor come downstairs now my mom's here and she wants food and a foot massage I hurried downstairs to find my mother-in-law and Gordon chatting don't just stand there do what you're told of course dear it's good to see you're finally acting like a man I'm surprised Taylor puts up with it considering she's the bread winner yes but I'm the one who owns the house so she has to respect me I always roll my eyes inter internally when he said this it bothered me how entitled he acted but I knew it was helping him rebuild his relationship with his mother Gordon used to be really close with her but ever since he dropped out of college for a get-rich quick scheme that turned out to be a scam the relationship suffered she warned him against it but he was too stubborn when it failed he was broke and too discouraged to go back to school since then he's been trying to mend things with his mother but she often ignores him and Praises his more successful brother Ricky oh I forgot to mention Ricky will be joining us for dinner come on Taylor let's go make some food he must be tired after working all day at that big company ah fine Marana would often complain to me about how useless her son was whenever she had the chance sometimes Gordon overheard these talks she didn't try to hide her gossiping which just made her more angry and controlling to show that she was in charge of her household you might be wondering why I put up with all of this for 8 months but my patience wore thin when this happened Marana and I were in the kitchen and she was once again talking about how disappointed she was in her son it's just so sad having a loser for a son yeah I'm sure it is honestly you're stronger than me I might have left him a long time ago if I were you I never knew how to respond in these moments I couldn't agree with her but I also couldn't disagree so I'd say something vague a couple of hours passed and Ricky arrived greeted by a bitter Gordon Ricky came into the kitchen to say hello hey Taylor hey Mom oh my dear welcome you've arrived just in time let's set the table we need to talk to Gordon soon because this has gone too far talk to Gordon about what oh dear you'll find out soon our visit isn't just a friendly one we're here to discuss something important with you both I was confused and a little nervous what could they want to talk about after setting the table and saying grace Marana decided to reveal her true reason for coming over that day I have something to say Ricky and I have been discussing this for a while now and I think it's time we brought it up with Hugh Gordon um yeah Ricky started you know your job right now isn't really enough to sustain dump sugar Co it Ricky Gordon what Ricky means is that you're job isn't good enough for you to keep this house both Gordon and I were shocked we' been found out you can't keep this house Marana continued well not under your name at least owning a house is a big responsibility and we don't want to see you struggle to pay for it so I think it's best if your older brother takes over the ownership it'll save you from any future problems what Gordan and I exclaimed at the same time I'm sorry but that's not happening Gordon said firmly why not we're trying to help you Gordy I'm not a kid anymore mom I can handle owning a house I don't needan you treating me like some charity case oh Gordon don't be stubborn just go get the title deed let's discuss it and go over some details Mariana and Ricky didn't know that I was the real owner of the house if they saw the title deed it would cause chaos and Gordon would be ostracized from his family but I realized that the lie couldn't last much longer I exchanged a glance with Gordon actually Mariana Ricky thanks for bringing this up it's time we tell you the truth about everything what truth what's going on Ricky asked well you see we've been keeping something from you for a while now oh yes the truth is we can't find the title deed Gordon suddenly blurted out I was taken aback by Gordon's statement I had hoped he would come clean about our secret but instead he chose to hide behind a lie we must have misplaced it when we were moving stuff around in the Attic you know how cluttered it is up there with all our junk it's probably somewhere in the mess come on Gordon you should know better than to lose such important documents Ricky scolded well what do you expect from your little brother he's pretty clueless how he even managed to buy a house is beyond me Marana added I'll search for it give me a couple of days to sort everything out fine but this complicates things we wanted to get this sorted quickly but okay find the papers and let us know as soon as you do all right okay while everyone else chatted and ate I stayed silent I couldn't believe Gordon's choice this was his chance to be honest but instead he chose to add another lie as they say lies only make things worse the longer you keep them after Mariana and Ricky left I decided to confront Gordon about his decision seriously Gordon what I had to do it there was no other option there's always a choice Gordon you've been living this life for so long the truth will come out eventually I don't mean you lecturing me Taylor I'm a grown man then act like it take responsibility for your actions that's more manly than hiding behind a lie you know what Taylor stop magging me you act like you're the queen of everything bossing me around but guess what you're nothing without me excuse me whose name is on the title deed because it's not yours well maybe it should be I can't believe you just said that to me how dare you listen you ungrateful spoiled brat I'm the man of this house and I'll do what I want I don't care if your name is on the title deed this is my house and I make the rules now I'm going to get the title deed and change it to my name it'll take about 5 to 6 weeks I'll just tell Mom it took longer than expected now go get the deed right now I was speechless Gordon had never spoken to me like that in our four years of marriage his frustration and KN for approval from his mother had led him to lash out at me but that didn't excuse his behavior now I'm someone who believes in getting even some call me Petty but I don't care eye for an eye however I knew that retaliating wouldn't solve anything it would just escalate into a shouting match with even harsher words exchanged so instead I kept my cool and followed his orders but in my mind I was brewing a plan to teach him a lesson I went to our home home office and found the deed easily being the responsible homeowner that I am instead of handing it over I made a photocopy of course it didn't look authentic just a black and white version without the proper stance and details but I had a plan I slipped the photography into Gordon's work bag and hid the real deed in my secret safe that he didn't know about by the way I put the deed in your work bag for tomorrow I know you have to leave early so I took care of it for you you'll find it in there great I'll need to contact the title company to start the process the next day while I was at work I got a call from Gordon hey babe you put a photocopy of the title deed in my back I need the real one for the process oh did I my mistake the guy here won't accept the photocopy and since your name is on the deed I think you should be involved in the process too unlike you some of us have demanding jobs that require our full attention let's schedule a for meeting to discuss this what did you just say to me do you need my help or not I knew I'd angered him but I didn't care I wasn't going to let him off the hook easily he needed to learn a lesson I was done being accommodating so I allowed myself to be a little petty and throw some Jabs especially now when he needed my help more than ever yes I need your help fine I'll handle everything okay bye things were getting tense between Gordon and me because I wasn't putting up with his rude Behavior anymore I was going to make sure he learned his lesson a week passed and Gordon was on a mission to find that title deed he searched every nook and cranny of the office even though he knew it wasn't there he even braved the cluttered attic despite knowing it was unlikely to be there but desperate times call for desperate measures right Gordon spent the next week tirelessly searching that attic even taking time off work to do so part of me felt guilty watching him search day after day in pain but then I remembered all the hurtful things he' said to me and I didn't feel as sorry for him anymore Gordon ignored calls from my mother-in-law and avoided Ricky knowing he'd missed his deadline by a long shot another week passed and one evening Mariana and Ricky both called me hello dear how are you I'm good thanks I hope you two are doing well too not really dear we've been trying to reach Gordon but he's been ignoring our calls about the title deed oh I know he's been dodging your calls is everything all right no actually he still hasn't found it oh dear that's not good Gordon needs to pull himself together I've been telling him the same thing but he's not listening to me see Ricky even Taylor has had enough that's it we'll come over tomorrow to help him search for the deed tell Gordon to take the day off it's not like he's doing anything important anyway mom I really think we should give him more time I've waited long enough do you know how long these things take the sooner we get it sorted the better Taylor you make sure Gordon is ready for a long day of searching because I'm tired of waiting got it Mom but I didn't tell him I wanted Gordon to face the music he was already planning to take another day off work to rest but instead he was greeted by an angry mother and brother so you're sleeping instead of finding what needs to be found unbelievable it's not a good look bro we took time off to help you and you're just sleeping I what what's happening we told Taylor we'd be coming to help but it seems like you didn't want us to no no Taylor didn't say anything to me don't blame Taylor she's been holding things together while you've been MIA why Wen you answering our calls I was just busy busy sleeping it seems anyways get up we need to start searching actually know you don't have to search I have the deed everyone turned to look at me I had been listening in the door away and I wasn't going to let Ricky and Mariana waste their time looking for something unnecessary I decided to come clean and embarrass Gordon for his behavior why didn't you tell me they were coming you know I've been tired from searching and why didn't you say you had the deed because there's something you all need to know don't you dare the truth is Gordon doesn't own this house I do what what my name is on the deed not Gordon he's been lying to you all and I went along with it because I loved him but his behavior lately made me reconsider so I decided you all needed to know the truth Gordon is this true no Mom she's lying lying even after being caught you're unbelievable I handed the document to Mariana and Ricky it was the real deed so they had no reason to doubt it and there clear as day was my name as the owner of the house you lied to us all this time Gordon really I don't even know what to say anymore but I do Gord Jord you're pathetic don't try to deny it you attack me saying I'm nothing without you when in reality you're the one who needs me wakey said that yes that day you proposed changing the name on the deed he said a lot of hurtful things you know I didn't mean it Taylor why would you do this to me you're my wife Oh I thought I was ungrateful I thought I was a spoiled brat well this is how ungrateful spoiled brats act sweetie mom let me explain no I've heard enough foran you've disappointed me for the last time you kept up this facade to impress me you've already let me down it wouldn't be surprising if you weren't the true owner of this house but to lie about it for almost a year and Miss Street Taylor so much has left a bad taste in my mouth I can't even look at you with that Mariana got up and left despite Gordon's desperate attempts to stop her he begged and pleaded but she was done Ricky please bro I swear I wasn't trying to shut up I should punch you right now for wasting mom's time for wasting my time and for wasting Taylor's time effort love and energy this woman endured your foolishness for so long and you still treated her like garbage you're crazy I I save it don't bother contacting us for a while mom needs some time Ricky left too leaving just Gordon and me in the house it was my turn to speak my mind you know what's funny you call me ungrateful but you're the one who's truly ungrateful you're pathetic and your behavior disgusts me I'm glad your mother and brother finally saw your true colors and yeah you might be a man but you're not the head of this household if you want to stay here you better start respecting me and pulling your weight otherwise you can find somewhere else to be the man Gordon looked distraught in no time he managed to ruin three important relationships that's got to be some kind of record he shouldn't have underestimated me
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 5,541
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: CXXzwj0w88U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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