Monster Factory: Arby "The Meathead" McDonald Is Back in the Ring

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Oh no.

It's scary because... You're probably right.

It's honestly not silly that a single person with so many projects would blend influences and thoughts together.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

Greasy boy

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/archreal 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

Arby McDonald sure loves his kids

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Wexler_ 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

I must have missed half of this video because I couldn't open my eyes I was laughing so hard.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FlarvleMyGarble 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] well it's time once again it's that time of year where the meat is slapping together and the sweat is touching the other sweat we are pressing the big big boys together and making them hurt and because it's wrestling one again Justin hi touchdown touchdown time we're doing rest later back back in in the ring they're back on that ring plate step into it and fight each other and Justin we're joined this time by a very special guest we call him around the office we call him dr. wrestling I'm talking of course about Pat Gill hi Pat hey folks let's put this video down for the one-two-three which is a that's how you finish a wrestling match is he putting your opponent III guess I'm gonna be a wrestling expert already yeah that's great so the first thing I'll point out about this wrestling video game is that you can see right there that Seth Rollins is slapping his thigh to create the noise you would think that in a video game he wouldn't have to do that unless I'm incorrect there is actually they made it blatantly clear that no contact is being made yeah and yet the big man does still look upset and I'm guessing that is because Seth Rollins got one big stinky knee all right let's make a boy can we just go with this sort of the slippery just bag of skin that they've given us just this sort of oily because he seems very tactical right now I would not be able to get a hold on this one nice I got though yeah you love that you could really watch you could really threaten cheeto through that thing so on trend oh and there's the Duff get down with the sing miss can this be his intro with the sickness I hate all the people now it's kinda letting me start right with the thing that made me want to do this game for this video can we see that one more time please pay close attention to the mouth [Laughter] Thoroughbred debride how joyously he's displaying those teeth his eyes are still completely neutral it's not a smile it's just yes look at the teeth so obviously we've got some great starter options here as a person who spent some time in this editor there are some other exciting options which we're about to get into shortly I think there's further teeth customizability you can completely customize your tooth experience can I just say I really like this one good this sort of or acai palette that it's given me all right material you can change who discrete materials love that you can give them leather teeth my favorite horror movie villain notice that um bone it's not really what why is black light I explained black light three because that is not adjusting the teeth right it's just letting you see sort of okay those are bulletproof teeth carbon fiber bulletproof teeth plastic teeth is kind of interesting to me the lower teeth is also kind of interesting to me they're all interesting to me which is the problem I love that they have organza which is great for all the WWE fans who know what organza is did you give him like a blue glow what did he eat what did he eat that this what could he have eaten no yep no the folks at 2k finally answered my letters oh alright well we're just gonna have to blackball these and we're gonna just go down by the way I'm turning off the glow cuz that's not this is the story here just start scrolling back and forth and then yeah this is perfect and then we'll just say I'll just say I'll just call it and then you stop right there alright yep stop all right sorry to say no there he goes I'm sad about the lack of an animation but I'm gonna hang in there alright let's roll that spin that wheel and stop oh oh no its proximity to tuve presents a problem now can you just real quick pull all of them because I'm seeing something in my mind's eye that I want to see realized on and on earth [Music] just go ahead and pull them off let me know when you pull all the booze okay now scroll through it as fast again I think if we can incorporate that this man has one very powerful great tooth that we could work a lot of fiction into that and that's sort of his wrestling tooth and he's only got the one but if he gets that one in you you're toast pal hey show me your teeth sir uh all right we're good there one powerful wrestling tooth blemishes I mean this you just sleepy just be kind of sleepy sorry I had a big night of cosplaying Batman oh we can't add multiple blemishes [ __ ] god this changes everything can I say I feel like putting the blemish doing blemishes now is a little bit cart before the horse do you think so you're putting the frosting on a cake we haven't baked yeah this is a tasty cake I'll tell you what hey you used to be the tooth didn't ya I put that behind me as yesterday's news hey kid you want a picture five jealous right Dallas let me smile for the camera we've accessed my favorite feature which is moving moving to face bits around oh do you like this so this is kind of giving me like a sort of with the raised eyebrows I sort of getting a professorial vibe it might be a fun character yeah I think we're all having a lot of fun here I feel like grab attacks are really gonna love this dude yeah this guy looks like the mascot for a cereal that everyone hates let's try to figure out what he was reminding me up for a while now and I think it's it's he looks like a human sippy cup I okay I length our eyes our eyes long it's not a slider I've seen before click on one of those and you'll get to select its individual points so yeah there you go [ __ ] yeah and then you can cycle through those nuclei nice I can't believe we almost missed it yeah he looks so bemused yeah just let you know you can do this with the entire border of his head as well what wait what wait wait and then on the other side yeah there's that [ __ ] Mac and me in the red like yeah yeah yeah I mean I'm absolutely back on my [ __ ] right now I love them so much I want to invite him over for dinner even just the portrait over on the right posters for the snowman to that used to be his signature for a long time yeah that's on his his nightly talk show that's sort of the the caricature [Laughter] trust him you just lay down on your back and I won't pin you no pins here take it from me paul dano kind of he does have that Paul did he's got paul dano smile sort of like if if paul dano got cast in the real life Family Guy movie and was playing baby Stewie he looks like he's been holding his breath for two weeks hey guys big hearts will win that's what they say I think maybe the other I should stay sort of small though because he needs like a sort of backup auxilary ah in case one of the eyes gets sort of [Laughter] i don't like actually the pointyness of the head of the ears okay I'm gonna miss that Makani vibe but I think he'll still have it I just want something a little more Mickey Mouse like this you know like Mickey Mouse looks yeah exactly Vicki looks face template ah get out of here no wait hold on wait hold on I brought my whole family with me oh I mean we could just save this guy and duplicate him and make his his thirty excellent brothers that's a very good I love that one you like him I do like it is the sleepy one yeah yeah let's name these these friends this one's twisty this one's pervy oh boy that's ah you're going so fast I can't even enjoy all the boys it's like a Adrien Brody except I don't know it's like Adrien Brody if you squish them between two big books for 30 years yes like you're pressing a leaf or something yeah like an Adrian Brody pressing it's like if Adrian Brody put his thumb in his mouth and blew really hard I've got some very good news about the adjustability of the body oil settings in this game oh my god we are at five we can increase the body oil rating by 20 times oh my god holy [ __ ] fake my webcams not plugged in but I can see my own face veins yes please oh God Lord Christ he looks like a Hollywood doctor he's like the this is what I'm thinking my head that the tooth got juiced up by a Hollywood doctor on a cocktail of like incredible steroids in turpentine just to like make it his Forces body to get through one last match one last very good yeah he is light heavyweight this says he weighs 220 pounds which that's unlikely it's he's made of dark matter his very separated pectoral muscles there you could get really thread of cheetos those are definitely implants that's what's under every grandpa's shirt in case you're wondering that's what every grandpa looks like I don't eat there don't talk over the buttocks nobody talk over the buttocks let me zoom in on it you [ __ ] coward I'm trying to make sure my boy has husky dumps and I'm not finding the right angle I mean beyond aesthetics this is gonna have important gameplay implications a lot of your power and lifting an opponent will come from from the hind err there so we want to make sure we get a good one I wish I'd been there the day that they discuss-- them themselves how many buds they could think of to draw so the thing that's sort of bothering me right now is noticing sort of the the veins are all sort of emanating from one location yeah I'm sort of terrified of what eldritch secret is hidden is that better just having a faintly sort of tickling out of his p'zone oh this is really changing the vibe I'm getting from from the tooth wow that hair is gonna get so wet I mean it's arty those are as natural windshield wipers trying to get the oil off yes Ronnie James Dio lives and he's Gallagher oh boy these big options are very much good all mine so one up here don't even look at the other ones you're wasting everyone's time they got bigger I think is he a Goku maybe we never done a Goku I don't know there's a realism to this that I'm a very into mm-hmm okay to me we want to avoid black it looks very Alice Cooper from where I'm sitting you don't like and you don't like that you're saying I like the tint like he's trying to recapture a little bit of a youthful thing yeah I like this very faded purple yeah that's actually nice yeah I think it's tasteful wait what no no no this is a separate function oh I remember this I remember this is it possible that these games are bad because they spend so much time on this this is just a suggestion there's a resemblance to Mac and me maybe he's sponsored by the Golden Arches we could do McDonald's on the back of his head if that's what you're suggesting I'd like to see I'd like to see it no I mean he loves McDonald's he does love Donald's any other sort of thinks he's in - that's the Arby's logo look like we were all very nervous about this but he's being a very good boy during this process he's danced all right this is his name is definitely RV they just found a [ __ ] Mac and meat puppet and put a [ __ ] lilac wig on it now should we take the McDonald if that's a fiction should we remove the McDonald's or not we could put a big red X over it that that means something to me that means something this is a fiction now I'd say in my fiction and I'm interested to hear what yours is he didn't get those two things at the same time he had Jesse wasn't damn dude damn thank you you've given me great hair my sweet RV immoveable scars move what the [ __ ] are moveable scars what's up everybody my name is RB and I bleed up now just looks like a lute yeah I hate this but I'm gonna keep it sort of hidden what about that next one Griff you like that I'm having a weird thing where he's looking more like I've been staring at it he went from little ghoul to a guy who looks like maybe he could actually still be in Black Sabbath probably have clothes right yes he's got a smiley face I think it would be very powerful to have a full entrance costume and then his fight costume shows off as much of this as humanly possible yeah thank you lasses ooh there's here's a problem there's infinite options I need some direction from you all for things to go hunt down because if I scan through all these it's gonna take all day what about those small glasses in the bottom left yes and the other lens be another another country it's so he's championing he does it yeah he doesn't want to come across as too uh too uh too biased and as his national preferences so he's all about peace between the warring nations of Canada and America he's very very concerned he's got a lot of friends in Montreal and he just wants to make sure that that just we squash the beef yeah he goes up there to get his pain killers lip ring might be fun is what I said in college we should talk about the tank top as only close no bottom no bottom just a tanky so where's it takes out during his entrance and then rips it off can we switch to generic just so you don't accidentally pick an established every costume well did anybody see that wizard costume down right okay so this sort of does fit into the larger canon of retired wrestlers because a lot of times they come back they don't feel as great about their bodies and they will come out and just wrestle in a t-shirt and underwear that's right like maybe some elbow pads and stuff but this just a big pajamas shirt is all RB wears ooh we like like yeah that's fancy we'd also give them armored pauldrons this can't be legal right okay yeah I like that oh that's where he gets his power it was amazing lace armband but a very faint glow his wife's ghost is in there it's like [ __ ] Bionic Commando that's a sock it's a sock sir can we make those appear to be flesh colored yeah yeah I'm sure yeah I have heard the song get down with the sickness for different times while making this video with you boys so I hope the internet likes this one all right so he has one very good hand well that's spooky actually yeah kind of nervous a regular arm that's really hairy so I'm sort of constructing a narrative here now where he's a mid transformation into a werewolf but his wife's spirit inhabiting the ruffle around his left arm is protecting that side of his body yeah that yeah he's fighting it that's a pretty good I think I'd be pretty good wrestler story it's like he was just always about to turn into a werewolf I mean you're literally describing who's the demon Oh Finn Balor yeah you should write for the WWE Johnson boy everyone sure knows the chorus of get down with the sickness and the drop into the middle of it but boy there's a lot of it there's a lot there's a lot of song there I mean we could just come socks I do like just socks just quick thought what if we gave him some [ __ ] stick is held Jordans how you want Jordans yeah I want the Jordans they had Jordans oh yeah is this what you're envisioning this is I think almost exactly what I was envisioning and I'm also seeing some room on those big songs for some images oh great just maybe he's fans of other wrestlers and he wants the world to know how much he enjoys them and if he wrestles against them it might be a little embarrassing right could be sort of an intimidation technique so from what I know about wrestling everybody's like a big John Cena fan yeah definitely so let's just make him [ __ ] huge that's okay with you guys oh you've accidentally made a Randy Orton I would never I would never wear a pair of busted ass or oh Christ yeah those [ __ ] kicks those kicks are six oysters real yeah he likes them alright we're done let's give him some stats no is there is there an are and to be yeah there's a be you could do are be alright but we needs a nickname okay beef one of them do me head alright like that are be the meathead is there a McDonald yes alright long like I see a pride mmm-hmm yeah very proud but weirdly disrespectful okay that doesn't seem in line with his character he's back in the ring trying too hard maybe definitely perseverant cannot break this guy strike but he's treacherous as a doll good I want him to be cowardly and aggressive he still does it he's afraid he's very he does it aggressively that's what courage is he's cowardly but prideful oh god yes [Laughter] main event everyone in the audience was celebrating their anniversary all of this isn't just another thought is can you scroll up a bit for me and over to the right there's a sign that it says hi dad now this guy was an active wrestler throughout the 1980s and there's a good chance that like a large portion of the people in this audience are in fact his children see him I love that fiction so three of his kids and his wife in the audience there all right where is he weak and where is he strong could we just make him really weak that we've seen his legs you can make it so that his legs are unfuckable um you cannot mess with these these perfect trunks yeah those are like he's yummy his legs I like this strong legs strong head everything in between don't worry about it he just won't get hit there there should be an awl it really should be if you just turn to juice a boy you do not want to juice RB you will not like the fluid produced all right I'm almost out of patience and there is just strong enough yeah there we go it's it's just so good oh and it loads much faster than it did in the last video like this we did cuz right now it kind of looks like he's doing like a weird Crump a little bit this looks like the music song let's hammer oh oh they're all so good gotta see the tooth all right there might be other the tooth options a little bit there mmm sassy this has is this foking [Laughter] [Music] yes you can set individual body parts as well I don't know if this is gonna be funny or not but it's worth looking at oh [ __ ] dude all right you guys can go I'm just gonna Rick because now the Kanye Sonic's playing and I can get you we've given Arby's more freak [ __ ] promotion I know we need to start charging Arby's for these things I'll be send a truckload of food no don't or if you really want to thank me bring back the croissant roast beef sandwich that was really good it was in the 80s and you think about it every day
Channel: Polygon
Views: 973,385
Rating: 4.9613681 out of 5
Keywords: Monster Factory, monster factory wrestling, wwe2k18, wrestling video game, monster factory wwe2k18, monster factory wrestling video game, Mcdonald, arby, patrick gill, Justin McElroy, griffin mcelroy, funny video game video, funny video game, character creator, funny video game character creator, funny character creator, WWE, gameplay, lets play, videogames
Id: 8A8h-yhDRfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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