MODS for Builders | Cities: Skylines

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everybody welcome back my name is yumble and today i'd like to talk to you about some more mods that i really think are crucial in city skylines i get a lot of questions about how i get unique vehicles into the game i get a lot of questions about how i move my camera the way it does and a lot of questions about some magical things that i do with the with the roads that it's not magic at all it's actually a mod as it turns out i'll show you what mod that is and a bunch of others sit tight we're starting right now i'd like to start this list with something that i'm asked about constantly in the in the comments i want to help you get custom vehicles into your city you'll notice every vehicle on the screen right now is custom all of these uh personal citizens vehicles all of the the uh transit vehicles we'll go into that in detail later but i want to show you how to replace the vehicles in your city with maybe more realistic ones or if your city is from a specific time period or your city is in a specific location in the world maybe you want to update your vehicles to reflect that or maybe you just don't like the hot dog van and the bug spray van and the donut van and if you agree with me sit tight let's go let's let's get there this is called vehicle options specifically in the workshop it's called advanced vehicle options immediately you'll notice that i've there's all these red circles on here right down the list you'll see i've banned virtually everything that's vanilla anything that doesn't have a steam workshop icon next to it these numbers are corresponding to the link to the vehicle in the workshop but you'll notice i've banned virtually all the vanilla vehicles in favor of realistic vehicles even the bicycles ronnie has a great bicycle pack ronnie ronny69 so i've banned the stock bicycles wow wow okay and then you look at and then you look at the custom one you know so so it's stark when you actually look at the darn things and the bikes are the least of it you know the bikes are are the the least of it honestly but you can go by category citizen cars is a big one you can go down the list and and ban as you see fit um continuing down there's all kinds of industrial things i haven't replaced my industrial stuff yet except for generic like delivery stuff industry delivery so i've gotten rid of i i called out i'm sorry bug spray van i'm calling you out donut van get out of here hot dog van come on the van is actually the least egregious of all of them but if you compare that to any look at okay just take a second let's take it all in versus an actual model of car it's beautiful i haven't noticed a ton of decline in my um in my the quality of my gameplay due to this depending on the vehicles you add you're gonna be adding a lot of poly to your game potentially i didn't notice a big dip when implementing this but it's very it's very very simple um you can go down you can switch out your healthcare vehicle for a more realistic ambulance you can switch out your death care for a more realistic hearse you know so we've got the default hearse versus a cadillac we're riding in style lots of respect peace um everything i switched out all of the most popular vehicles in my city i have yet to do certain things but the way that it really works let's go to um let me show you now that i've sold you on the idea of this mod it's a brilliant mod you deserve it you owe it to yourself um go to the vehicle that you hate let's let's go to donut van no hot dog van hot dog man so vehicle i hate number one egregious bad um don't allow this vehicle to spawn right so this by default is checked which makes that red circle go away so don't allow that vehicle to spawn there's also buttons for remove driving removed park remove parked the default values i can click this and it'll reset this whole menu if you've it also lets you change the colors i don't use it for this as often as i should probably if i notice that like a custom vehicle keeps spawning with a color that's too obvious i'll i'll solve that you know we'll go and we'll pick a different color you can also change how far the vehicles lean i get a lot of people asking me why do the cars lean so hard when they're going around corners things like that you can control the speed of vehicles acceleration braking etc but the default values are like this if you don't want the hot dog van if you're anything like me welcome to the welcome to the channel turn that off remove the driving remove the parked move on to the next one right and you can go down the whole list and do this for every vehicle that you think is offensive quick addendum to that whole idea the vehicles that you subscribe to on the workshop are automatically going to be allowed to spawn in your city so you don't have to do anything specific to get them into your save file they will automatically spawn the second that you add them to your assets in the steam workshop for my next trick i'd like to show you a bit of road magic this is electric's road tools it's amazing if you've seen some of my other videos or if you've played the game a bit you've noticed that there are these things called nodes in the road and it's every time there's a connection from one segment to the next right let's say we wanted to remove a section let's say that i wanted to make this one continuous thing i could use electric's road tools it's this little the guy with the cool hair down here click that subtract button and if you click a node it actually re reforms that segment without a node there which is great it's an automatic process this mod can be used for a bunch of different things we could re-add that node if we wanted to or approximate where it is you know if i can guess where the middle is probably about here boom the node is back with the plus button if you want to add nodes continually let's say you wanted to add more than one without clicking the button hold down your shift key on your keyboard and you can just go to town so now if you look at what's happened there is a series of tiny segments i wouldn't recommend doing that generally but you know it's the fact that you can is what's important it adds a bunch of flexibility to the node system you don't have to redraw your nodes if you ever want to remove those nodes the same rules apply click the minus button hold shift and click the offending nodes that are too close to one another right one more cool thing that you can do with this maybe i'll show you two cool things you can do with this if you uh let's say i wanted to make an intersection here but i'm really lazy or maybe i spent a real long time doing something and i don't want to have to undo it i already marked up the intersection with intersection marking tool whatever the case may be you can always click electric's road tools use anarchy to place the road across the other road and then click electrics road tools this is the make an intersection button i don't i don't know the technical name but you click that button on the left click the two segments that are overlapping hit enter it automatically produces a node where the two connect it essentially redraws all four of these segments and intersects them automatically also let's say a lot of you will use move it for this but what move it can't do is corkscrews so the reason let me let me uh build a quick corkscrew i probably should have prepared this beforehand but you'll live so a little corkscrew here the road's going down and we're continuing down and it's real wonky looking you know that's that's fine you know that's that's okay but you'll notice there's some dips and dips and blips in this it's not really all that good what's unique about electric's road tools is that you can make a slope out of this uh moveit really likes to do slopes over a plane love move it like get move it as well i went over that in previous videos uh it's a no-brainer right but if you try to slope this it does not actually know what i want move it works really well over distance like over over the axis going one way but if you make a corkscrew kind of shape like this which is fairly realistic in a in a clover leaf or a you know a lot of highway intersections might use this kind of shape roughly this works much better so let's um let's undo what we did and move it so pro tip control z to undo command z on mac with move it the thing that we were just trying to do all you have to do is hit this slope button in electrics road tools click all of the nodes that are involved hit enter and it'll actually know how to slope it well nothing happened it's because i did such a good job okay so if this let's let's imagine that this were higher you know that's kind of insane but let's imagine that we wanted this to be evenly sloped the whole way up i'm going to reselect these just in case shift c to deselect reselect them all hit enter and there you go it actually works on a on a corkscrew rather than just over you know over distance like move it so electrics road tools is a very powerful mod really really good i recommend getting it it's fairly lightweight and it'll come in handy in a bunch of different places i think this next one's real great i get a lot of questions about how i'm able to move my camera so close to things or through buildings or whatever the case may be it's called camera positions utility and it lets you zoom in all the way on things whereas there's usually camera limitations on stuff or maybe buildings will force the camera to move in an odd way with camera positions utility you can essentially ignore that entirely and just clip right through things it's useful it's it's useful in a lot of ways there's also an options menu for it as there are for a lot of these mods camera positions utility will allow you to load your last camera position so use save game data meaning it's going to load your camera in the same place from the screenshot rather than resetting the camera every time it's great disabled building collision is what i was talking about network collision is like roads and fences and paths trees are trees props or props you can disable collision for water as well but all of these things i just turn off collision so i can have full control of the camera also some speed changer ground proximity field of view near clip plane i forget what that means if you hover these things as a tool tip let's all learn together ready controls the distance at which objects start clipping when you go near them i'm not going to touch that one that's fine but yeah camera positions utility is essential if you want to have complete control over the range of motion on your camera the next mod that i recommend is very very very simple and very useful it's called 81 tiles eight one tiles it's one of the older mods for the game and the reason it's called 81 tiles is because there's a there's a total number of 81 unlockable tiles in the game you can start with all of them unlocked if you want to kind of circumvent the the stock arcadiness of the game and you just want to play on the whole map in fact i think it only lets you unlock 25 tiles in the center without this mod even if you pay the money to hit this button and then unlock parts of the grid you can only do 25 of the tiles and a lot of maps in the steam workshop are going to have recommendations that you use something like 81 tiles so you can get to those further out areas and and really expand your city all the way or if you just want to do what i do and just kind of like paint a city rather than playing for the money or playing for whatever i want to paint a big city and really use the whole map and see how far i can push the simulation over the entire map and not be limited to those 25 tiles 81 tiles some people have reported issues with it at times but i think it gets updated every time the game gets updated very useful mod i'd recommend it these next two mods are kind of a pair that i'd recommend using together one is called lifecycle rebalanced and the other is called realistic population revisited so uh life cycle rebalanced is basically changing how sims age and changing at what age sims move into the city while also randomizing what age sims move into the city or what age sims expire essentially so imagine there's this idea called death waves that's part of the the city skylines base game there's a lot of videos about how to avoid death waves how to plan your city to work around death waves uh in the real world that's not really a thing so much maybe maybe it is maybe not but it's it's not something that i want to work around in my game i don't want their the the theory being if you zone a huge area of houses eventually all of those sims that moved in at the same time at the same age pass away at the same time as well if you get a life cycle rebalanced it really fixes that issue you know it really you can let me show you the settings within the menu here you're able to to change everything you know you can use custom retirement age um the speed at which these things happen the kind of death care transportation rate health metrics transport metrics so like what what groups of people that live in certain places will be more or less likely to use certain types of transit or have more money you know implying that they they might use more expensive forms of transit if they live in a certain place uh immigration 25 variation to immigrant education levels this is great not everybody moves places at the same education level right not everybody moves in at the same age so i think life cycle rebalanced is crucial to adjusting your game to kind of accommodate for those ideas and making things a bit more realistic by randomizing them as they are in the real world the other one is realistic population is there let's see if there's a a setting do i have any is there an r section q r there is realistic population goes hand in hand in my in my opinion with with uh life cycle rebalance so what realistic population does is it makes your single family homes this is a low density single family home in the u.s we put one family in here and sometimes that means that it's a single senior so for low density areas it reduces the population a lot potential potentially wow same thing one senior let's see if we can get like a two or three person household there we go that's a that's a realistic spread too two adults two children so there's four people living in this house where the default game with default settings may only include uh only it might have like a dozen people living in a house this size what are you doing that person's up to no good i can i can tell but yeah this keeps it it keeps it fairly realistic there's a five person house one child two teens two adults so in these single-family homes there's actually one household living in each of these single-family homes and that can be one to five or one to six people the flip side of realistic population is it means that in your higher density homes there's going to be 30 households living in this tiny building right there are going to be 147 households living in this larger building this one larger still 49 oh okay well what realistic population really does is it takes the the depth and width and the floor size of the building and it actually applies a number to how many units are in the building and it's one household per unit so it just does the math for you basically 76 households 419 households which nets you you know a thousand people right there's a approximately give or take i'm not going to do the math you do the math i'm not doing the math but yeah it allows you to kind of re reimagine what a low density area in the us this is a fairly realistic scenario for low density numbers wise and then high density you will have many many people moving in 874 households right whereas in the base game there's not nearly that many households living in in any of these buildings uh the taller buildings and there's not nearly so few in the smaller buildings but it kind of spreads things out more realistically and adds a more realistic balance to the the traffic in your game and where sims have to move to get around here's another set of mods that i think you'll find really really really useful so a set of mods this is a twofer one is theme mixer two i've got another video that kind of outlines this to a degree but slay 3k just released an absolute comprehensive guide to uh to this video earlier today as i'm making this so check out slay 3k's video about theme mixer 2 for more information but basically it lets you change a lot of attributes about the way you view your city it allows you to mix your themes together your map theme is your grass texture your cliff texture your sand texture the type of pavement that your city uses the road texture that happens all of these things can be changed and modified and and it's just amazing so get theme mixer 2 and check out i've got a video called visual mods that touches base on it but slay 3k's video is actually the real deal also along with that is is surface painter the things that that are affected by uh theme mixer 2 are the surfaces and the types of the surface in your city i don't have one set for field because i never use it if i'm being perfectly honest so forget about that one but let's say you wanted to paint in some pavement right like here you can see this area is missing or it seems like it might be missing pavement or maybe it would look better like i think it just looks better if this is painted in these are these are water you know clarifiers and and purifiers and all that jazz i think that that looks way cleaner than what it was let's say you want to paint in so that was pavement let's say you want to paint in some some dirt some gravel you know that's the gravel texture if you zoom in on it you can see it's tiny little rocks this one is the the ruined texture so if you wanted to have like let's say under your train tracks i think it does ruined by default or uh the edges of it are a bit ruined but i suppose the gravel is what's right under the train track so if you wanted to make a rail yard and like let's say realistically there wouldn't there might not be any grass where the trains are coming through you know you can apply as necessary all of those things are affected by theme mixer if you don't like the look of your your pavement you can pick a different pavement within theme mixer once again check out slay3k's video or my video on visual mods for further information on that but those two those two mods together surface painter and theme mixer will absolutely change the way your whole city looks here it comes it's the yumble tram coming down the way i'd like to show you a mod that actually fixes your public transit in ways that you you might not expect it's not that it fixes it it's that it gives you control in ways that you might not have even known you needed this is called improved public transport and it looks like this when you click on a line it gives you all of these options and this is beautiful you can select well let's see how can we how can we break this down easily this is all the same i believe this is each vehicle has its own dot each stop has its own dot shows how many people are on the vehicle in this case the trams how many passengers this one shows how many people are waiting at each stop and you get to balance this however you want to really but my favorite use for this is to select the type of vehicle that's going to spawn because usually you don't get to pick usually the game just kind of spawns whatever it wants you can hit add vehicle and add the correct number of vehicles for a given line you can also remove vehicles if you want to take one of those vehicles off the line the last one you put in you can remove that vehicle really great you can also pick where the vehicles are going to spawn stuff like that normally the way that the game works if you're familiar with vanilla just plain old city skylines you control this using your using the way that i remember doing it oddly enough was i would use the budget panel let me know if this is still the way it's done because it's absurd but you go into your budget panel and you you crank up the values you can see i did it for taxis i wanted more taxis in the city so i turned it up um i wanted more if you wanted more trams in your city or trains you'd turn it up at this menu and if you wanted to make that change line by line you would do it in this menu the vehicle count modifier and turn it up or down and that would spawn a certain number of vehicles that's a that's an awful system right it's like how much money do you want to throw at the problem this is way better you have much more control you can select the type of vehicle spawn the correct number of vehicles remove vehicles change the vehicle that's spawning mix and match if i wanted to do a few different vehicles we could do that it's actually amazing so i'd strongly recommend improve improved public transport for your city so the next one is directly related to this tram line it's called commuter destination i believe i have it turned on right now this is a brand new mod by the way commuter destination is a new thing so you go into your transit line by hitting the transit button clicking on the line i'm looking at my tram line here and you can see it starts in this plaza here kind of a turnaround it goes through the condos this is this is an area under construction so maybe we'll add more stops there later if we have to goes through our bus depot area goes past the metro hub here turns around kind of awkwardly that's a temporary fix as the city we're building the city on twitch currently this this road's going to continue on eventually we're going to have a whole waterfront tram it's going to be great but let's say we want to see why people are riding the tram specifically this one's called commuter destinations i believe the link will be in the description as well as the correct name but i believe it's called commuter destinations if i click on a given stop here i'm betting let's see i'm going to click on a random stop and see what happens so the people that are waiting at this particular stop are trying to go to these places so what this tells me it's it's this icon over here kind of a hiker we'll say i think it's supposed to be a pedestrian but he looks like he's hiking so we'll go with that um big time people are trying to get to college so that's you can see how large the icon is some of the people are trying to get to elementary school now the line stops here that tells me people from this specific stop going in this direction are trying to get here makes sense they're trying to get to the bus depot they're trying to get to college they're trying to get home to these condos and to the high school but what i didn't know that i just now found out in real time is that they're trying to get to this grade school up here this is a this is a public school the line stops here so that tells me that they're willing to take this and then cross the street and then walk across to get to this so maybe i need a bus line for this area or something like that you know those are the kind of uh the kind of situations that you can you can infer i think you know you can interpret it however you want but you click a stop it shows you where the people from that stop are trying to get to so this is interesting ready the stop i've just clicked stop number eight is going in the same direction so they're going they're getting off here it looks like they're going to this metro to get up to here because a lot of the people from that particular stop are trying to get to schools these are all uh shopping school school hospital condo shopping shopping shopping shopping so they are taking this is actually good this is actually a proof of concept that's a positive thing i would argue they're taking this stop to go to the metro as intended getting off at this metro stop taking this bus line which is probably overloaded we'll address that later and they're taking the bus up to this uh up to this shopping center this is like my target and the spring shopping mall a best buy pharmacy you know whatever bunch of stuff up here what i could actually take away from that if i if i wanted to solve the people using three different forms of transit they're stopping at this metro station right now if i were to make another metro station up in this area they wouldn't have to take this bus and this bus line probably wouldn't be overloaded so commuter destinations is really really cool for kind of visualizing why something might be going wrong or why something might be going right in your city you know you may find out that that things are working perfectly and the stop is very close to their destinations or if like in this situation you find out that they're taking three different forms of transit and all i have to do is extend this line up to here to make them avoid using this bus that's a good solution but yeah commuter destination it's a newcomer to the game i'd highly recommend it the final selection for this set of mods that i've chosen is going to be called building themes this is building themes you'll notice earlier we were looking at this suburban area and other than these kind of they're not townhouses but apartments i suppose the place i live is kind of similar to these actually so that's i think that's kind of why i like it but other than these uh these apartments these are all single family homes and you'll notice that they're all kind of unified they look like they were built by the same company the pack that i downloaded from the steam workshop to achieve this is called american eclectic now these are zoned buildings i might have nudged some of them over but they're all zoned in in a specific way so i could fit a path in and the way that i told the game that i wanted to only spawn american eclectic buildings is is actually the mod that we're going over right now it's called um building themes building themes spaced out uh building themes is crucial if you want only a certain type of building to grow the way that it works is per district and it gives you this button here that says themes and it's kind of like how the district's tool you know how if you have the dlc for for districts you can make certain industrial areas or you can designate an area as tourism or leisure or what have you or here you know commercial the the it cluster or sustainable self-sufficient buildings it's just like that but instead of for dlc buildings it's for any building you want so what i've done is i've made an american eclectic theme so all of the low density housing in this area is only allowed to spawn american eclectic buildings that's how i've kept this cohesive that's how i've kept these buildings all the same i did the same thing with dlc buildings down here so there's a little uh there's a district crazy circle here it's it's a district and i wanted some commercial buildings here and i wanted these to be from the uh from the what's it called pack in this case it's called modder pack 5 built-in style oddly enough but we've got all these different themes if i wanted to if i check any of these boxes then the buildings that i've allowed in this district will spawn so this is the actual theme manager itself um the american eclectic theme or yeah let's go back over there and actually look at that one specifically you can also apply this to the entire map if you're not careful i i don't know that i'd recommend applying it to the entire map unless you know exactly what you're doing you might be shortchanging yourself but the american eclectic theme we can go into theme manager i can uncheck all of these across the top and just go to low density housing and i know that we're going to end up with the right buildings so i've only checked off american eclectic all of the different levels of american eclectic is what's happened here right all the different uh level one through through level five there might be another section of them there they are eclectic construction so there's these construction sites that i had at level two that spawned you could also type in a search if you wanted to do just a keyword query so look at that all of all of these are checked or maybe a better query would be eclectic or a better keyword eclectic beautiful so that's all of the eclectic buildings in there and you can determine you can make it whatever you want create a new theme add whatever vanilla buildings or whatever downloaded buildings that you have that way you're guaranteed to zone in the area and build only the selected buildings and you can also add mix it you know do do commercial areas too you know why not uncheck those and just look at the commercial areas and if there's a certain commercial building that you like you get to see a picture of the result there and oh i want to add this building i want to add that building it'll automatically spawn the buildings that you choose in that given district which is amazing very very powerful especially if you want to create cohesive districts that kind of make sense within themselves in the context of your city and there you have it that is not all of the mods that i use per se i've got another video or two about mods that that go in depth on a couple others but that's a good chunk of them that's another like 13 or 14 mods that i that i use virtually every time i play the game i recommend every single one of them for different reasons but i really appreciate you being here i appreciate you watching and commenting feel free to subscribe to the channel here if you enjoyed yourself and you want to see some more skylines content in the future also i stream two to three times a week on twitch so feel free to log into twitch i leave the vods up for a little while if you want to watch the the build of this city rolling waters that's ongoing we also have a discord feel free to join the discord if you want to ask specific questions or post pictures of your city or whatever you'd like to do we have a lot of fun in there when the stream isn't running or when when the video you know when there's not a new video um also i'm gonna be shooting for one to two new videos a week in the very near future so stick around for that guys i really appreciate you being here thanks for uh you know all the kind words and all the support i'll definitely see you in the next stream or the next video
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 31,240
Rating: 4.9818063 out of 5
Keywords: Mods, Steam Workshop, city skylines, new mods, biffa, city planner, czardus
Id: Nc2dpAhrcD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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