Millenial CHEATS To Win $1000

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The graphics were so good dam 480p really spot on

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/I_am_monke_man_w 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I like 480p quality!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MLeaksOfficial 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
the most annoying video on the internet we reacted to it and it was absolute torture so we thought hey let's do that again why not let's do it again let's do it again that was epic i've never seen so many people unanimously hate a group of people last one was adults decide who gets a thousand this one is millennials oh boy do you think millennials will do better than adults well i feel like millennials will probably hate themselves more than people will hate them i mean just look at this shot right here everyone looks like they're so happy to be here and i'm just depressed other minds am i a millennial yeah yeah you're a millennial okay so i get to put my main foot in there yeah these are our people right here let's go yeah i relate to this group i can tell for sure all right without further ado let's check it out sunny destiny oh my gosh tracy oh my gosh last one oh i can't wait to see who they're gonna vote out that was so shocking oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh what kind of t-shirt was i was so [Laughter] there's no way they can be more annoying though that's just impossible what are you guys here to do win some money play money man make friends make friends make friends too many sure make friends also vote for me [Laughter] we see through you my first impression here aside from of the one girl is like everyone's trying to dress so plain and like boring but also be like unique in some way at the same time it's ken who are you who the hell are you to judge someone's dressing huh i mean you got that blue t-shirt on still no i mean no i got my the shirt that mary picked out for me it's a button up uh with bats on it it's really cool all right all right i was wrong then it fits me makes my make my guns look alright anyone with a bat shirt that serves my hun my thousand what do you mean the game is thousand to one how's this work you guys one person will get a thousand dollars or no one gets anything can you choose to like divide it up nope oh you can't we can after i'm glad that they addressed it at least finally we have the answer can they just split the money that's like nope and the one goes like we can do it after they won't know yeah exactly that's the ultimate way to doing this let's just have the opinion that makes it look good on the internet and then we'll just split the money it doesn't matter that's the way to win this people and those three people have to unanimously decide who leaves with a thousand dollars if they can't make the decision nobody gets the money once you're voted off you sit on this sad couch it's a nice one yeah that couch looks more comfortable that made no sense i'm scared someone's gonna say like i'm a bad person i'm scared of that too honestly welcome to the internet [ __ ] worry about people think of you you got to get over that you're here to win a thousand dollars yeah but i've what i've learned from the last video is if you just say you're a good person then you're a good person right well yeah do you remember that girl said that last video she was like i am a good person and i need new tires no one that is a good person says they're a good partner you have to tell people you're a good person you don't tell people you're a good person i can't believe we didn't notice that i was so annoyed when everyone's like what the [ __ ] is wrong with her i'm a very good person okay i just i'm i'm the best person you're the best well i am even i'm the greatest no you know what yeah yes you are ken you're oh you are the amazing also the most you know humble and modest also you know so uh you're supposed to know we're supposed oh yeah but you're so good yeah you deserve the money you deserve i'll take the money thank you i was gonna switch you no one went for that i like that yeah i can't appreciate how they're all they're all worried about what other people will think of them they seem very self-conscious yeah look how timid and like oh that's probably what i would be as well cut through by the end of this there's no i mean it is the cut recently one of my dogs had to go through surgery to get two tumors removed my apartment for the summer and i don't think a lot of people are going to want to sublet it so i'm just like oh i got to figure that out it's so big i got i have this thing that i don't know how it's gonna go so thousand dollars i would like some money you know me at least there's not that one obvious person that has like a really expensive clothing so you're always right about downloading her left ear and in the case that she loses hearing in her right ear i won't be able to communicate with her i want to use the money specifically to pay for classes to take american sign language courses and i like have just enough scholarships for school but like i need extra classes do you know if there's any other ways you could like i don't know find uh a way to learn sign language or like find somebody like in the community it's probably easier to learn sign language with an actual teacher right yeah yeah probably so but i like how they're doing the same thing they've done in previous videos like in the last year they were like very aggressive but she's like so do you think you could like i don't know it's weird though they should just like hear everyone out and stop trying to validate each other that's the thing that's so annoying with these i feel like we're doing it as a joke as a joke obviously i don't know anybody who knows sign language this like sounds like fluff but because i'm involved a lot of student leadership in my school i like literally don't have the time to work because i want to support like minorities and like students of color at my school and i prioritize that over working okay so hang on like he doesn't have time to work but he has time to take a whole other class [ __ ] all right yeah no no say it's safe ken say it i mean maybe the class isn't that long you know maybe he's already there at school you know oh [ __ ] i gotta say though like the whole argument i don't have time bro show me your phone right now what's your screen time bro huh what do you got instagram one hour here yeah you learn it yeah oh okay oh i see you 100 that's what they should do to go get help for like mental health reasons and the treatment for it is twenty four thousand dollars basically we're at like a point where the [ __ ] twenty four thousand dollars for mental health did you say did i hear that right yeah that would give me mental health issues just there that would give me health issues what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] yeah my anxiety just went through the room here and then 24 is that supposed to help anyone congratulations we solved all your health issues you are now in debt and you are now in crippling debt for the rest of you america thank you [Laughter] i would give it to the nonprofit organization it's called jfs very local they're the ones who brought me here to america for my rack so i would give them money back like whoop jay okay i don't know what it is it's been four minutes 50 seconds i'm sorry to interrupt you but okay don't table it we'll get better i'm here because my mom i owe her like 600 for tuition okay i was really sorry no no go ahead i just feel like a thousand dollars yeah it is a lot of money but it won't really get you that far what the [ __ ] what the girl said that she needed 24 000. that's the same art you could why didn't you pull that argument to that then why don't you pull that argument out first if it's so little money then why do you need it huh if it's not gonna get you that far why do you want it like that much it will barely help you at all he said he owed 600 that would that's it's got 400 surplus that's amazing yeah this summer i'm volunteering as a camp counselor it's for children 6 to 18 whose parents have experienced cancer you know part of being a camp counselor is that we like raise at least 500 is it yours that sounds nice yeah i'll give that guy sure to like as a counselor to bring these kids it's not like if we don't fundraise the money then i have to like pay out of pocket but there is an expectation that as a counselor i fundraise at least one camper who do you feel like should be voted off first who do you think ken the the pink hair girl on the bottom right she's already getting my nerves get her out of here i don't want to hear it like she she's got her short shirt on her short pants on nothing fits her get her out of here yeah go buy some pants a summer camp i'm not sure if that's like too comparable to like the guarantees that other people could use it for so like medical insurance for like a dog how do i respond to that but it was don't vote out him please what was wrong with that he was the only one that wasn't a counselor for traumatized children whose parents have gone through a hard time i don't think that you know equates to you know me wanting to take sign language class all right just if the whole group says like that's not enough of a good enough reason then like i'm not going to fight anyone over okay yeah good i wouldn't fight either good god they always find it to make so annoying i don't know what it is with it's like they try to hide their selfishness with like all these like we got said fluff it's just like blah blah blah blah blah blah just say you want the money just be honest about it i have to like pick apart what other people said so maybe people forget what my reason was is that how you guys want to do it yeah let's write it yeah nobody wants to offend anyone and you know what people can be more honest when let's do that's true yeah yeah yes the internet no one wants to offend anybody until they're in the comments section and they can write it i never had a bad interaction face to face yeah yeah because they know i would kick their [ __ ] ass if you ever say anything to me yeah you're so tough i yelled at a guy from my car the other day i was felt real good why are you parked in the middle of the road i was like yeah but did you get to a stop lightning like he's like walking after you're like oh god what do i do [ __ ] is he following me is he following me oh god call the cops do i just go over there yeah [ __ ] you and your charity aaron how dare you how do you try how dare you think about kids that have been traumatized idiot what were you thinking seriously they polish every time every time every time yeah hug it out so aaron's in a fun seat like you don't have the pressure of getting voted so ask them who voted for you i don't care i imagine that like everybody believes that their own reason was good enough so that's fine who do you guys think is next to get voted off i feel like it's me do you think the trick is going to go it works the third time every time they say it's going to be me they everyone's like oh now every time they done it i'm so curious so we got to do it again who voted for me i didn't let's just say we the point of this sign was that you wouldn't know you can't just pull oh i did that with a board game once it's so [ __ ] funny it was a game where you're supposed to make something like really sassy about each other and we were all supposed to write it down so it was anonymous and then i had a banger it was so good like you could tell they hurt their soul this thing that i wrote but it was funny [Applause] [Laughter] i'd rather not know who voted for me just cause like i don't know i don't want to have any hard feelings against like anyone so like don't we should all have our own charity and then maybe pick the one that you know we all think we don't have to put it towards mine i feel like we should is that girl's face when he said that she was like what ah i gotta see it maybe pick the one that you know we all feel strongly [Laughter] how would everyone have a charity ready that is a weird car to pull this part like you're the only one left with a charity everyone's just gonna come up with one take the idea of just like helping other people away so like wait no listen [Laughter] just give the money straight to me all right there's the honest person in the group right there yeah yeah yeah you got it i mean i respect that at least that's the thing yeah dude if we're not using this money for for like global development we're not using it for sociology we're not donating it to anybody we're using it for ourselves what are we going to use it for i love helping people both right now let's kind of forgot the colors right here what the [ __ ] yeah that's really stuck out there like the two highest priority to me is either aliyah cause a she like genuinely has the highest need and then b i see muhammad because i feel like he's giving it to a good cause so that's who i would put at my top two i'm gonna i'm gonna use self selfish here the idea of not of like not being able to communicate with my mom because i like don't know the only way that i could is like terrifying sunny destiny oh my gosh one vote oh my gosh nobody's voted for me this time because i did the thing it's a good strat you you got to pull it in the in the last round you use it too early in the game sonny [Applause] sonny was my favorite just because he was clear and honest at least i'm chilling i'll figure it out i guess it's a good fight i know somebody voted for me and i mean like it was me it was you yeah okay oh oh you're good because uh you're out and then the immediate question that follows after why tell me exactly why what do you like about me what is wrong with you why do you not like me nobody seems mad though but like as i said before like we're still walking out like with the same that we came in with it's weird how millennials are less toxic than [ __ ] adults i don't know how they found that group from last video i'm still in shock by it this is unbelievable these are a lot they're a lot more mature we just like don't remember what it was oh i live in an apartment that's kind of expensive which is why i'm trying to bounce and like subletting it is kind of hard because like a lot of people don't want to sublet it for the summer so like it would help for that is that better than charity i don't think no i think everybody's not how i don't know i feel like i trust destiny so much yeah i trust you that's true yeah we shall let destiny choose our destiny oh my god she's about to go into shock they're like we don't want to do this so yeah do it yay literally have the same thing this whole video now i have and everyone wants me to do everything why does everybody trust me all of a sudden because you have a badass name for destiny okay what if we all like close our eyes or like we all go behind you and then you like point to one of us so you don't have to say it out loud and then the persons in there cannot see anything until they sit on them until they say what the [ __ ] are they doing they they're all like they're all being like so like excited and like nice to her now because they're trying to get her to like choose everything like oh you know what else you can do not pick me and we can be like best friends oh my gosh it's such a good idea this is so good that's today's best idea that way you can escape all judgments yeah is that what you guys want yeah i trust your judgment are you guys sure yes yeah yeah all right okay should we close our eyes destiny they're gonna vote you off if you do it i know it's just like random but i just like it's still my finger pointing it's like it means you got good odds of staying in because they they like is this random or are you wait am i not you're choosing who you want [Applause] please you have to pay [ __ ] the dude on the left here is gonna get voted off because he hasn't like really said anything to her yet oh anyway that's right he doesn't even care he's like yeah yeah but random that's good yeah stay here you pick one you pick someone you wanna like okay it's okay make it random can we please make it random please no you guys are kind of putting like a lot of pressure on her like you could just like you could just go back to like writing the names and do it anonymously like i think that this guy has worked with kids he know he gets it they're working with kids right now exactly right guys that's true okay we're going right i didn't like that all that for nothing eh you think they voted off now because she didn't do it yeah that'd be funny destiny the shock oh that's [ __ ] funny yeah she didn't pick huh who's the secret it's a secret hater i love it the dude is like the most shocked right now probably like oh who would do that could you she was the chosen one tracy this guy on the left for sure voted destiny you know it tracy so there's two for tracy and two for earl who voted for me you want to know don't you it's killing you isn't it you just want to recoup though right yeah yeah i think i think she's the one that she has the weakest reasons out of all of them right i don't know the other girls trying to sublease their apartment oh yeah that's pretty [ __ ] too but everyone loves her the most reason was earl had something going on i don't remember what it was i don't remember either that must mean it was bad so you guys dislike you do you guys decide which one of you leaves you could just do a re-vote everybody vote again but you can only vote on tracy or earl thank god this guy is here my [ __ ] god how are they so incompetent my god millennials it's a good thing he got voted off first so he could like just run the show yeah tell him how to do it this one says tracy okay that's fair just gonna go who but who voted for me oh no destiny that city looks like she's gonna crack [ __ ] i think destiny voted for destiny did you vote for yourself i actually did because i didn't yeah oh my god that's a smart move that's a big brain move well done that's genius she's she's been playing a lot of among us she knows she knows i just voted myself then leave right if you don't think you're gonna get the money you can just leave if this was the last group that had been like girl excuse me we'll vote right now get out of here yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my god if destiny wins that would make no sense then right now she would be the she's playing the ultimate playbook from what the other girl did earlier about being like talking about people voting for and everything you know uh she's doing the next level which is i voted for myself because you know i just feel so bad let's see if it pays off what the balls he play not to say that you you shouldn't get it but if you're voting for yourself yes it does kind of put into question like do you really want it oh [ __ ] i like this guy doing it i guess well i also think that like good response good response you'd be a politician right there not anything against you but like you and tracy were tied so like i think that alone kind of indicates who the top three might be come back to me okay we'll come back to the city oh yeah oh i'm sorry no that's okay that's okay he should have gone in for the attack there yeah like no defense he's just like i like how let's go vocal earl i'm sorry oh that sucks arrow no we're just throwing the ball i'm not here i smell the pot bro i'm about to be like i need the money so what is up with these people like they're so timid on the couch and they get kicked off they're like yeah if those shoes bro i'm about to murder them yeah as soon as they're off it's like yeah whatever i don't get i don't care about the money anyway what the [ __ ] is happening good fight good job guys this is the final round it's down to three people all you guys have to decide on one person that leaves with the thousand dollars i told my friends what i was going to do here like i'll tell them i'm going to do the charity and they're like you're going to get eliminated they said that they said that i'm so tired of him that's smart that's smart because now they will feel bad if they eliminate him right yeah with this group i think so like these guys are all in their feelings very easily manipulated couldn't we like um do you like split it 500 to charity and then like 500 to like if like aliyah needs it that's that's what i that's what i was that's what i think yeah what do you guys think i i said destiny because that's the most like that's like that surely can happen like you can put the money into this like right now it'll happen right now charity like the money goes several different places and healthcare that's like such a big goal like all of those are valid but at this point and just like that's the most practical thing as of right now what okay let's let's reiterate this she wants it for mental health reasons and she says it costs 24 000 dollars i think she's gonna pay her bill or something like that i think she's already had like the stuff going on oh so she already has a bill of 24 grand i think so i think that's how it went i didn't get that i didn't get that at all she played the mental health card so i was like okay you guys can't dispute me yeah i guess you can't really critique that i mean i don't know middle one just wants to sublet her [ __ ] flat that's it that's such a bad reason she she got an apartment she couldn't afford to begin with right and now she's trying to get out of it and that's right it's not i no i think i wanted to give back to charity that helped him i think that's nice yeah and if you're well off already there's never going to be a reason that you need the money right right there's never like uh i think that's the we figured out the showkin can i kick off sonny a second time because he was literally like i'm so tired of hearing the word charity he literally said i don't like him yeah why does he hate charity so much bro like freaking leather jacket man came off the couch and was just like like ready to fight somebody oh my god vote after second time a couch round i like it why do they hate charity so much the fact that they voted out a dude who was fundraising for kids whose parents have cancer is sad yeah i mean they were very quick on that weren't they yeah i mean that's like in line with charity but now they're like making the argument for i don't know this is disappointing it really shows the worst in the day i'm sick of hearing about charity i didn't hear him say that i didn't catch that i don't care about charity you're so wholesome when we first i'd like to point out i'm not evil i'm in a major we're literally i like to point out i am a good person i am going to school okay am an intellectual okay you see my glasses i mean i'm smart what does it mean that you go to school i literally had an interaction that when i was playing games earlier i i told this guy like bro just go outside and he's like i go outside i i have a i have a life i go to college i'm like up okay okay yeah what kind of argument is that i like i want to travel and live in the communities that i'm planning to help just because i said like i'm tired of hearing charity doesn't mean that i don't want to help people i think i think it does bro i think it does my dude i'm sick and tired we're hearing about these [ __ ] charities i go to college i go to school [ __ ] i'm a good person i am good school everyone that goes to school is a good person you went to school i went to school at one time i don't go to school anymore me neither one other thing is how is still going to school even the flex like you're literally still in school like tell me about how you've graduated and like you know tell me how you actually finished now then yeah exactly i think we should split it 500 500 for the thing but you're not allowed to do that destiny they said it in the beginning they're all looking at this one chick like they're about to just give her all the money anyway like it hey i don't know i think so we have a person please say they can't split it because that was a good positive way yeah and i wish the best of luck this year since aliyah what the [ __ ] the point was that you couldn't do that stop it [Applause] oh look how happy they are look at the wood [Music] oh they went with oh yeah have we ever like finished one of these episodes and been like oh that seems like a good choice i'm happy with that they never do do you think the right person was yeah yeah congratulations everybody group hug [Applause] i hate this show i hate it so much why did they treat the woman who just wants to sublet the apartment that she choose like the second coming of girl yes yeah why did he do it she's the chosen one she's got the brightest clothes we gotta she's the one wait what arleigh i literally cheated she didn't count full votes when sonic got voted out that's so shitty what really when what did i miss we must investigate oh here here why is someone talking about the fact that i laid straight up cheated she only read five out of six votes last one [Music] sunny one two three four five one two three four five six [Music] and she won the money ah what [Music] am i missing something here it's so weirdly uh like it's a hate watch these videos aren't they it's such a weird watching [Laughter] she cheated [Music] what a title a lady cheats to win money right oh thank you there we go cheers well check out ken and check out the all the other videos we've done on this and have a great great one smash like if you're annoyed because that helped the last video
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 4,611,003
Rating: 4.9500995 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: p26HeBXQHbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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