Strangers Rank Their Intelligence Is KARMA

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ecstatic-Comedian573 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
strangers rank their intelligence oh boy we're back again with another jubilee and this should be a good one rank your intelligence right now wrong hey look at the bell curve so i pull it up that's you right there right next to the the bee you it's okay bees are smart a lot of people don't know they stay how do they know how to take the nectar into the thing and put it in i don't know how to do that bees know how to do that [ __ ] all right why am i talking about bees okay okay i wasn't planning to go to college that wasn't like a goal of mine my parents were like well you should apply to at least one college i was like we'll never get in here and then i went to yale let me guess everyone that went to college think they're way smarter wait is college university you call it differently don't you we brought six people together to rank themselves based on perceived intelligence but do they do an iq test afterwards that's what i need to know right let's see how they think and then what they really are oh please do that oh that'd be amazing please god [Music] yes oh i'm so excited well done you billy [Music] to be honest i can't do a test in front of other people i got to do it alone and if i don't like the result i'll just redo it all right shut up but you do your iq tests on facebook and think you're a brainiac shut up [Music] okay we just like go down and do intros oh this is so interesting i work in finance i have a bachelor's degree i went to yale i'm tyler i'm 21 i'm a high school graduate and i work in the marine corps i'm kaylee i'm 25 i'm a software developer i went to ohio university and i have a bachelor's degree i don't know how to judge these people the only way i would judge her is her is that she you should well now we know our blonde's dumb all right let's find out are military people dumb i don't know let's find out because everyone knows if there's one dumb person then they're all done i'm 30 years old i have my phd in cancer biology and i work in a biotech industry grad school i went to university of south carolina in undergrad i went to university of florida hi everybody my name is shawn i'm 27. i'm the director of social media for a company and i also work for ad agency i got a double major in dance and cultural anthropology undergrad i went to loyola marymount university i graduated with a bachelor's degree in hybrid recently when i work in consulting all younger babies i know this last thing is eight okay i'll go i think he went to harvard hardwood smart big brain and he looks calm and composed i'm gonna guess sean is the least smart and then i don't know about the rest that's all i got it's an actor yeah it gives you like years of experience we need a maybe it's good to identify what intelligence means to everybody i think intelligence is better defined as your adaptability and your problem solving skills more we ain't we ain't in the unit right now what are you on about that maybe that's interesting that people have different perception though that's such an expected answer for someone in the military education obviously like the education the stuff you've been through puts a lot into playing it because it gives you more resources more thoughts to draw from the formal education definitely helps but i don't think it's in any way essential so what is the most ascension so the most essential thing was probably common sense yeah so for me personally i think intelligence is both eq iq and that common sense street smart intelligence all of that combined interesting all of it combined it's a good point though might say is very smart smarter than me which is extreme she's extremely smart but street smart nah that's where i come in [Music] [Laughter] what's eq i never heard oh what happened say [Music] how did she hear i speak so long i compliment there's a compliment i google baby mri scans don't judge me eq test what is that emotional intelligence what what the [ __ ] my emotions get out of here people consciously or unconsciously when they see someone form an opinion immediately like i'm sure we all did right away when i saw i didn't shh okay maybe i did i told myself maria do not judge him just by his looks he could be throwing you off or that's just who he is but he can talk to talk and watch first impressions i would put them at the bottom only because when i was in school all the other people with like the bright neon colors and stuff they were typically the ones doing worse in classes if we were ranking confidence i'd definitely put sean it dude very first place the definition that we're going with is the biggest question i like your definition i like my definition it combines everything i feel like i have a good combination of both like book smart and street smart so yeah i think i have some input on that let's go aspects to intel great shirt great shirt big brain maybe big brain i'm just saying it really goes beyond iq and eq even those two different factors went to harward plunk data university all right don't really capture what it really means to be intelligent i know i'm not you know from yale i don't have a phd but what i lack in those areas i'm able to still problem-solve and use my own skill set my emotional intelligence as well as my social intelligence besides my education bro they all did the tests right they should know how well they did or not right you get an idea okay i got stuck on a couple or right why are they making a case for themselves just say i did you guys i nailed it you guys have no chance come on i feel like i have high like emotional intelligence like i'm aware of my surroundings as i'm starting to think she's the dumbest one i just for the record i'm just playfully saying dumb and smart okay we i'm okay just so we're clear all right software developer my problem solving skills are obviously top-notch i think i would say my whole life i've kind of had to fight to be seen as intelligent i think i'm so used to having to do that as a woman to just like step up and be like i deserve to be here my first job out of college i was working at a law firm gentlemen came up to me and said hi um you don't look like somebody that would work at a law firm you look like somebody i'd go on spring break with how dare you i i get those comments are annoying but at the same time yeah you sign out so what i've got the least formal education i consider myself intelligent that's the worst thing someone said about you about your intelligence oh boy don't make it to videos be nice to me my mental dedication and my ability to adapt and to problem solve what i do in the marine corps i'm a seber defense specialist so i think that by virtue of what i do that already requires some amount of intelligence sorry quick questions so do you think that only certain people can do your job or do you think anyone can do your job uh why don't why don't you ask the question directly instead of asking him huh you that's what you think [ __ ] come on anyone can be a marine idiot since they're all dumb bunker roomies only certain people you have to take the asvab before you go into the military that's uh not really how much you know but how well you can learn information and i got a 94 on that it's not an amount of how much you study how much you know you're not going to really get better at learning does that make sense what is this you need a strong man to open your jar okay right here give me the jerk i'll open it might say it may be smart but i can open it i can open that my hands are wet what is this jar oh no i can't be dumb and weak wait you gotta punch it [Music] oh my god okay okay maximum strength wait you don't screw it you screw it this is ungodly oh my god it was so easy first try first try that's good to be smart and strong here we go martian anyway where was i oh yeah i'm really smart okay you don't get better at learning the idea that you can get better at learning is a pretty big signifier of intelligence i'm very much dyslexic i have adhd you can definitely get better at learning yeah for sure you train your mind bro come on everyone know this and i'm on the autism spectrum dyslexia means that there's a big gap in comprehension so i was scoring 99th percentile in certain areas and like third percentile and others i'll never be able to learn another language i took spanish for 12 years and i can still basically only order a burrito so i have a question why did you go to yale and why did you go to harvard my parents are immigrants from china i'm a first generation immigrant as well and i got a really interesting group i like this i like this group of life i wasn't planning to go to college i didn't that wasn't like a goal of mine my parents were like well you should apply to at least one college and i was like i'll never get in here and then i went to yale why don't you guys run so i'm gonna change my mind uh yeah uh red pants girl dumb and the rest are fine each other from one to six including yourself and give reasons why you're gonna do what you're doing you gotta go one no oh hell yeah two three no wait four five six no they rank him less i don't think he's done i really don't rank you as a six not meaning that you're not intelligent i also think that i no you do you do don't backtrack this get out of here that's exactly what you can't do don't place a lot of value on the military what oh period no that yeah sure get your get your [ __ ] using there oh yeah yeah i'd probably do one two three four five six i'm sorry no way does anyone think they're like either end of the spectrum i'd say i'm one if nothing else because i know what i'm about i'm sure that let's go tyler you're my number one man you have to rank everyone too that is so unfair no no no no i would say one two three four five six okay that's reasonable think one two three four oh this is going to be so good why do they all rank him why why just because he's in the military like for me to look past the education part going to call i have a college leg race all that for i'm more intelligent you're just a dummy shooting guns and i think you learn a lot if nothing else emotionally i still think you're smart oh thank you one two three oh i can't wait for the result i hope it's juicy five six one oh my god parents first generation going to college humble modest two me i don't know phd cancer biology scientists oh god i mean you're going last in a biotech company we make copic 19 testing kits oh oh she's so unlikable she's extremely like it's interesting though because like everyone in this group are like oh wow but everyone who watches this is like what the [ __ ] right how are you guys sitting there watching her going oh wow no one is but in a group where you have to say something you're like oh what i just explained modern politics you're welcome it has nothing to do with your background i don't think you really have the highest eq out of all of us tyler he ranked last for me personally because the way he carries himself he was ranking intelligence based on his point of view and not taking it just like you are by the way they did an iq test not an eq test so what are you on about what really just came down to his body language his demeanor the way he carried himself the way he acted towards the group i would put one what two um i'm dying to know the results six so the reason why i put you at number one is i think you have the highest not only eq score out of everybody but the way you present yourself as well as being a phd student i think it's just like a huge thing when i put myself six because i feel like i might be the weakest in terms of actual iq score hopefully i can make it up and everything else so i did put my oh wait did they do different tests okay well that's great if they did that'll tell us more uh my mom always said you know if you're not the smartest in the room you got to be the best dressed in the room and you got a chance so don't worry about it however if you can't be me i definitely think tyler unfortunately his way of thinking is linear and i think intelligence is almost like a sphere it's a picture and right now he's only coloring with one color then you know with the rainbow so they all hate it number one thank you down who got the sure i think that i sort of expected to be ranked a little bit lower at first glance and first interaction with me it's hard everyone judges me how intelligent i am it's hard to tell how intelligent anybody is is anyone upset with where they're standing i think it makes sense that i'm down here like the guy who graduated from high school and then joined the military he probably wouldn't be like high up on there if i wasn't they all criticized his demeanor too but he took that so well as well like what i don't i know that's not in his entire demeanor and they probably cut out a lot but still i would have also ranked myself among the lowest i do feel like but bro you you did rate yourself the highest what are you on about now what the [ __ ] there might be a prejudice acting in terms of ranking you okay i was thinking highly but i agree with the ranking i think you probably are the most intelligent out of all of us i would feel weird placing you there and not acknowledging the dynamics in which we did so well you just made it really weird by pointing it out right you could you all thought he was the smartest you have to point out but you're asian and i have to say it and there's a stereo like what shut up i don't get this stuff i wonder if they knew that they had to take an iq test after they rated each other because if they didn't know this makes this even juicier uh at least i'm hoping i'm hoping for a payoff right now i literally thought when you said to open the computer we're gonna look at social media i didn't think an iq test would be part of it oh she's done she's kind of expecting no intelligence you know an iq test it's not that far off the wrong possibility so number one is raymond number two would be kaylee number three will be tyler and number four would be shera number five is shawn and number six is maria oh she sit down this holy [ __ ] [Music] i know [Music] yes yes you're dumb you're so dumb you thought you were smart but you're so stupid look at you i thought we were gonna look at social media i think that yes yes the best pay-off it would have been better if tyler was one man still yeah oh i am very smart anyway let's get it let's get the reaction oh something i don't think it's intelligence it's definitely testing something that's what people say now known to be flaw well now they're really flawed and that's why the military guy is uh better than me but it really flies has got a lot of issues with it odd and like based on incorrect samples let's hear it red pen there's two questions on that test dislikes yeah okay they are usually uh reading questions yes but you're just making excuses okay you already mentioned automatically basically can't answer yes but you can all usually in iq test you can just move on further right to the more complicated questions it's fine okay sure if you studied for an iq test you would do a lot better yeah i that's a good point that's a good point if it's to measure your intelligence and you can uh sort of get a somewhat of a grasp or how they function you can definitely perform better and if you're supposed to measure your intelligence yeah but then maybe it is a thing where you have to do it a couple times to get a decent accuracy anyways are just one aspect or one way to measure intelligence it's really on a spectrum what constitutes somebody as intelligent before this all i knew about iq tests is that they existed and the i stands for intelligence i've never looked into iq tests before coming here today i'm saying the eq that was the first time i've ever heard that term in my life coming yesterday wait is that the first iq test he did and he got there that's not bad it's not just your iq it's your eq it's your common sense it's street smarts sure it is some type of metrics similar to an act score is a metric for getting into college but there's more to that person oh it isn't it's so much more you're so much more than ever [Music] i'm so happy because i think the best video you know i think an iq test is a good indicator to see how people handle pressure but i think that's easier to make sense in our heads that oh you're smart and you're not smart definitely don't think it's the best metric i've been exposed to tests like these probably more than most people here that already gives me an unfair advantage this is my villain redemption arc and climbing up the water yeah let's go oh that was amazing 10 out of 10. so juicy it tastes so good in belly i feel so good right now phenomenal huge let's just watch that bit again where she yaps about her [ __ ] degree sorry quick question so do you think that only certain people can do your job or do you think anyone can do your job because no not anyone can do my job clearly because i'm so smart oh wait you weren't oh oh no oh no oh two me i don't know phd cancer biology scientist i work in a biotech company we make copic 19 testing kits stuff like that they make testing kits oh my god oh okay i gotta stop it it's getting a little much thank you for watching smash like subscribe see you guys tomorrow next video then bye [Music] [Music] i got something something for even ones that i can't see just download it for free for free download i got something for you [Applause] you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,307,547
Rating: 4.9584184 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: eBUubfkc7kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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