WE TAKE BEST FRIENDS TEST (Fan Service 100% Lit)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TMH02 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2018 🗫︎ replies

Bruh, no need Broken podcasts! it's like fridays with pewdiepie.

We just want more Ken/felix's videos!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cheapcookiez 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2018 🗫︎ replies
can you dare test me you can poo I dare test you to the best friends quiz oh I see you don't trust what is already written is that Jax but I see isn't it he wouldn't be here taking the best friends forever quiz with you fine I will accept this challenge bring it on ok ok ok well first question then with that looking do you know your best friend's eye color brown oh it's true they are brown with a hint of green yours are blue blue is correct yay we know our colors is going great you know what I know the color of Jack side so there you go color are his eyes some of the comments let us know for sure alright can you read your best friend's thoughts based on his or her expression ok I'll go first I'm gonna make an expression you tell me what I'm thinking I don't know what expression you're making okay you got a best friend power you got a just gotta know yeah I got weight so I gotta guess your expression and your thoughts that's right I want some anime titties stop with an angry face that's correct that is correct I did it okay what face of my making and what thought do I have okay I would really kill for some Swedish meatballs with eyes rolling back of my head face do you know your best friend's favorite drink whiskey why I took it's my favorite dress but I could not be genuine as whiskey really am never doing it no I'm drinking whiskey right now I me too still okay your favorite drink well you live in the south mmm yes in the South yes and the drank of the south and the drink is not to do no beer but life so as close Mountain Dew is Mary's favorite drink Mons Coke Zero because I gotta watch my figure I should have known I should have known get it you knew Mary's favorite drinks are in spirits oh I don't think I know your I have no idea do you know your best friend's favorite ice cream flavor oh my god this is the question I've been waiting for we wouldn't had ice cream one time when I visited you got a green color no I didn't if you get a green card no I didn't your favorite ice cream yes it's chocolate that is correct it's so good at this so yours is admit no uh it stretch a power what how could you it's what everyone knows stretch atella but yet they're like what is that is that Italian it's vanilla I would tiny piece of chocolate in it well Mars I even really chopped it okay it's cookies and cream Oh screw you can I hate you you're not my best friend I thought we could be honest with each other be oh you're making up words but your favorite ice cream everyone knows it's better that you know how to make your best friend laugh every time okay I got I got I got this okay all right get this penis come here Joe are you ready I'm ready come on pace yourself Felix they weigh only kids it caught me off guard okay never laugh at mark crying that's hard of course not never honestly so sad I cried every time I watched his videos even the funny one do you hate your best friends enemies yes I don't know I think I think that's what we really bond at is that we kind of hate everybody thank you friends this person no hate that person me too do you know your best friends most embarrassing moment ever so this is this old story about PewDiePie where you worked at the docks you're the harbor master and you had to go to the bathroom really bad take a huge dump couldn't get to the bathrooms so he just took a dump in the shower that's how it's gotta go in this public I'll never forget that giant shy shower I mean change it was a mountain if we haven't known each other at that point you've probably taken a picture and sent it to me oh yeah have we ever send a picture of each other yet yeah don't oh my god guys see that bad he's like some other bathroom and you kept complaining about you're like look at this it was just as big watery turd nothing thanks what's my most embarrassing moment you know um your breath like it's really the birth of my youtube channel it's been an embarrassing moment ever since I created it well give you three million subscribers one day oh you're not even on three yay that's cool you know jack has 20 million I think I know my next collab have you seen your BFF cry before I would never cry like you didn't cry try you as soon as you played it and said that you cried and we said it at the same time and it was a bonding moment for us and now here you are really killing me five years later the exact same thing crying know that I'm well I'm watching you crying now you look you can't find me crying nobody cares nobody has it oh is that a tear down your and that your cheek can waiving that tear the single manly tear I'm cried I cried like a baby yeah that was a bonding moment for sure I'll just plead the walking dead and cried so hard you try to me too bro how do you get past a fight how do you get past a fight I'll do it what between each other and we ever fine oh well I mean we arm wrestled one time when I won your channel but I'll let you keep it do you share all the details of your sex lives with another yes it's a um no I feel like that's a girl thing like girls they're old the detail the gear bro I slung out that good no let me bro pictures next time guys you said it send pictures of each other that's do you remember what we met each other mm do you remember the days of playing amnesia over and over again and hating on minecraft players even though we were kind do the same things a different game what I make this is real I think it was the opposite like we we milked amnesia and then when minecraft came along it's like I'm better than that I wouldn't do that yeah I wouldn't sing solo to play the same game over and over that's pathetic we gotta talk about this then certain the best friends quiz of how we met it happened in an old Fry's of PewDiePie when someone made you a custom story and you were so excited about it that you want everybody to play it ken does this thing where he repeats the same story over and over and he thinks it's true because of it look nobody's told me I'm wrong so what's the story how do you remember it it was a cool epic story you should be thanking me you should be kissing my feet ken your whole YouTube career thanks to me that's true that's what everybody tells me yes no no the good part of that story was that I'm like this guy I'm not gonna give him a shout out pretty good I don't want to shout out some trash and then my di came in okay giving coins to a homeless crack addict that's what it was so basically what I took took off my crown I stepped down on my giant chair and I kissed the screen and I said fine I will bless this channel even though he doesn't deserve it Carey I'm dating me seven years like ever still bugging you wanna make a video yeah sure bro but wait I gotta go work out we are recording the video what do you want from me it's like a month later we did I went on holiday I'm sorry holiday shut up this is how it is oh I'm sorry you're in a different time zone it's more convenient for you to record key and I'm sorry that gap it's 7:00 a.m. in my town can they got a guild everyone all the time best friends what's the last time you and your bestie had a fight never we've never fought out similar you are you and your BFF we are so different so thank you different we've never really let's check the dates then you put my chat on T the dates I'm trying I'm trying to scroll it back oh wait welcome to it in your date what was your date what was your day August 30th what was yours August 29th no was it no that's that's right get rekt nerd posted memes about Twitter and you're like that's stupid at least I don't steal memes I credit the author okay just because I go to your ready put your face on the meter doesn't make it a new mean they're still are you doing but they I'll give you credit though he told me to stop playing video games because they were dead on YouTube and I listened to him I listened to simp I now oh I only make like three videos a week and my channel is even better so thank you oh that's nice you said something nice to me first time ever thank you so much there's time every way you enjoy that I guess I can say something nice to then hey turn it up so here real good alright let's see yeah [Music]
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 1,875,433
Rating: 4.9830418 out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, pewdiepie, best friends forever, best friend, best friend test, best friend quiz
Id: rCa7dQu298k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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