The Most Annoying Video on the Internet

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I was screaming dude

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/P0tenti4l_Ch1ldhood 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
how's it going bros i'm here with the not beautiful ken excuse me excuse me yeah you heard me now we're even for nothing dang okay i'm happy to be here you're beautiful on the inside thank you thank you wait i'll take it have you noticed when someone comments a compliment someone that it's not pretty and they always say like you have such funny character or you're you you are so lovely but they never say like they look good i don't know this is funny you are beautiful all the way i don't know if i believe you now at this point i'm getting a lot of mixed signals here it doesn't matter because we're reacting to seven strangers decides who wins a thousand dollars oh my god so they apparently they have a ton of these like millennials students and i was like which one do i pick next it would make sense to pick like millennials right so i click on it all right fair dislike ratio and then i was like i wonder what the other ones have like it's a really shitty one and then i clicked on strangers and oh boy this is a gold mine this is this is the [ __ ] i want to see there's to be something you see in this video i have no idea and i'm very very excited to find out what seven strangers will do when they decide to win i i assume the wrong person gets the money or some [ __ ] but it remains to be seen why don't we start watching welcome to murder dome no i'm kidding that's not the name [Music] did you see the dude the blue shirt that's right clapping he's like yay [Applause] [Music] do you think he heard what he said like why am i here all right instant favorite honestly none of them pick a favorite here we got to know we got to hear what their stories are you know okay [Music] do you guys know why oh look they're already best friends wow oh my gosh we're on camera we're going to win a thousand dollars uh bubbies they don't know what yeah they're strangers so they don't know each other why are they hugging huh stop that i just say like it's weird how people that meet for the first time are like super overly friendly like oh yeah we just met we're gonna do a theme together but then like you get to know them for 10 minutes later and you're like i need you get away yeah every reality tv show ever right exactly yeah one thing i noticed in every single reality tv show i have ever watched there's always that one person that says i'm not here to make friends i'm here to win and they never they never win because because everyone hates them i've never seen that person win but they always say it it's so funny they even do like the dramatic zoom in when they say they look in the camera i'm here to win yeah i hate them all already i don't know why they're so extroverted i can't relate no i can't because there was money involved no i'm sorry i just want y'all to make the ones reign so i can dance i don't know you can't put a i said they knew about that thousand why were they say they faked their reactions for the murder dome who would fake reactions that's [ __ ] cringe dude there's seven of you here you have to decide who leaves with a thousand dollars that's the individual you guys have to decide together who's the one person guys here's the thing we could each leave with like 150 yes girl yes queen someone gets it 140 bucks actually to be precise but yeah hey quick maps i checked the last episode because i wanted to know oh oh yeah yeah that's fair right i mean yeah but where would where would the drama be there's got to be you know they said they're there for the money why it's not my problem if they get a [ __ ] episode right yeah yeah right okay guys we'll all just split it but then the producer's like no uh actually yeah they probably done that right yeah i'm sure someone's tried to do that like no that's not why you're here yeah guys that was great but like can we do a part where you pick one as well they probably do that yeah yeah we're all we're on to you the cut give it a whole bag here are the rules we are going to break it down by rounds the first four you have to decide which person gets voted off okay and then for the final three people you have to unanimously decide who's the one person who leaves with it so you can't split it then you have to vote someone up that's the rules okay fire so what's everybody's sign what does that have to do with anything i want to know bank balances i want to know yes all right she's on i like that bank balance no how much money you got what are your star sign shut up [ __ ] that don't waste my goddamn time with a buffoonery star sign what are you gonna do then yeah i'm a virgo oh you will you mentioned exactly so i'm black in america so [ __ ] sucks that's why i deserve a thousand dollars i'm an immigrant immigrant card got shut down real fast what if we donate the money i know who needs to go because you said to charity so he's number one i think you gotta go wait what he has to go because he said he wants to give it to charity yeah okay why all right so we got some we've got some interesting people here some good strangers i'm sorry starting to understand the dislike ratio in this video a bit sort of slowly makes sense so this guy wants to give money to [ __ ] charity get him out of here i think they took the lesson from our our last video where we talked about who like whoever talks the loudest becomes the leader because they're all just yelling at each other right now oh they watched our video or didn't they they're like oh yeah smart i'm sorry i mean i was kidding okay were you yo but you wouldn't say donate to charities if you were really kidding if you're really broke right give me your pitch give me your 30 second pitch why you deserve it oh okay so you can only donate to charity if you're broke that was their argument no that he has money that he doesn't need that's why he's gonna do it to charity so he's got money yeah right oh my god um you are especially vocal what do you got i spend every single day also how are they already like acting more immature than the [ __ ] high schoolers all right yeah yeah this is embarrassing trying to save the world i work on issues of climate change i am a good person and i need new tires is that better than charity what she needs to charity man she needs new tires that's like the biggest scam of all time i only got new tires one time and this guy was such a salesman he was like i was like so like will there be a difference now he's like yeah like you know when you have new shoes it's just like that i drove it couldn't tell it goddamn thing different sent me back 300 bucks don't even go into dad mode over here you saying that you've only changed your tires one time ever okay i am tired what do you mean how often do i change my tires wait wait what do you drop them until they're bald the wire's hanging out what do you mean i don't drive that much i'm not american claire oh my gosh what do we want to do for winter time drive winter tires so you but i get someone to do it for me and i probably could figure it out i just don't care enough i know how to do it with an oil test you pull the thing down oh everything's fun [Laughter] and then i don't know what that means but maybe i need more oil or not listen i would do it i would do it but the thing is they always do it for me i'm like dang it i wanted to i wanted to do that took it away from me again all right so tires yeah well what what what what well you know they have they have a mileage limit right where you're supposed to change them out so like it can protect you from sliding off the road when it rains and things like that flipping volvo the safest car on the planet all right that's some weird ass american off-brand i get it change your tires because you just buy a whole new car i had my same car shut up all right i'm done i've spent over 3 200 in rent this month alone um plus moving costs right your rent ain't my problem what the [ __ ] do you hear like whispering behind her back while she's telling her like oh my god did she really today i've spent over thirty two hundred dollars in rent this year yeah they are oh she's like pointing at her like this [ __ ] rent huh she moved all day doubt yeah seeing lifting [ __ ] i can tell that plus moving costs bribing people to help me liar no okay okay here we go i haven't been working since april this would be my third surgery within a year since my my initial accident like seriously my bank account is literally like negative 300 right now if you're going paycheck to paycheck where those paychecks coming from if you're not working hold on hold up if you got hurt at work where are you working i like how they're instantly trying to like find holes in her story which is fair actually she's been so vocal this whole time now she's stuttering when she's trying to tell her story i don't already don't believe her now i already don't like her so it doesn't matter what she says her name's shakira there's only one true shakira okay yeah yeah yeah she's a phone and you know it that's my paycheck to paycheck but you only get how much of your income you only get 16 of your exactly april it's now how you getting workers comp for six seven months like y'all asking too much questions but that is the truth i am 19. what dude was like how you still getting money i'm 19 years old i'm a full-time student money would really freaking help i just bailed out my parents 10 grand and that was actually what i was supposed to use for my daughter's college fund sorry what if we helped you by connecting you to a mentor that we know yeah i know some people i mean wow they're trying to bargain with her that is interesting yeah we can tell you need the money but like we can help you up other ways so that someone else can get this money like we have a mentor a mentor ain't worth [ __ ] anyone that has a mentor is a dumbass the true what is it yeah that is hundred percent who has a mentor i don't know the concept's new to me wait you never heard of a mentor and like a teacher like someone's going to be like this is how you no people pick pick a mentor in their business to like help them through their like decisions of like what path they want to go down to and like strategic choices in life and stuff like that like i'm an adult caretaker of you or some [ __ ] like obviously it can't be her parents because she just had to build them at ten thousand dollars jesus she needs a mentor actually damn for a day but you teach a man to make a thousand dollars but i will still have the thousand dollars thank you very much they're so annoying they just sat there on the couch how broke they are and they're talking about how this mentor is going to make this girl money like yeah don't you all want the mentor then what why are you so broke then if you have these men what oh god they are so great i love it so my bills are my husband was able to pay them but they're coming up again and we may end up homeless how long have you haven't you had a job since september we're in october yeah my brother's getting married in michigan this is already a no you want the thousand dollars to go to michigan i mean that's yeah sure michigan can you just drive anywhere in america yeah i mean you can yeah sure yeah but you're flying with your cars with your fancy cars then we need to get tires i could not stand being in this audience i love this group like i wouldn't even know how to interact with this i'm so glad i'm just judging them from the outside okay that's all i have to say my only case that i can make is is that you know i work hard i would use the money to you know fix my car because it's had i've had a busted windshield and a busted bumper for a while but it's still operable right yeah for sure totally all right okay okay nobody's bullying him because it moved me when i said how will you decide who goes off we should write something down put it in a pot and then maybe one of somebody else can read it like i'll read it i'm her her name is my name is your name too i didn't realize how annoying this would be the watch yeah like i understand the dislike ratio now they're all so mean to each other it's like none of them had a really good reason so far i like they they all have their reasons but like everyone's response is well just do this you know right yeah you don't need a thousand dollars just yeah yes just facetime oh you need to fix your car just walk bruh have you heard of legs you got some legs there yeah oh you can play your ring just move just live up the trees the berries and the bees come on okay you guys have two minutes sorry joe you got to go sorry joe well done really car with tires there's where you'll sit okay yeah cool god they are so much meaner than the high schoolers and i like how they they're like oh no joe sorry to see you go even though we were like sorry joe come on sorry your reason stop the dance joe [Applause] you're playing into it what are you talking about you guys ready for the second round yeah yes all right we've started oh do you think abby you should go next because using the money for a plane ticket joey having a good time i feel bad you can take the greyhound i'm trying you could amtrak you could drive you could drive yes at this juncture i'm so sorry abby but i have to agree i gotta pay for plane tickets too and i just no one is making a case for themselves they've just decided abby needs to get the [ __ ] out of here yeah they're all just ganging up on one person at this point god damn i i just have to pay for one too and i could barely yeah okay just pay my rent yeah yeah we're about four minutes in guys my priority is finding a house and you're just getting some tires i need to pay wait didn't joe wilson want to donate to charity as well wasn't that his thing oh so yeah yeah they said he also had a busted car with like a broken window and they wanted to put him out because he had money right clearly yeah oh my god i know i'm going next so i just want to say something why do you think that he was you're going next the [ __ ] could be going because everybody stood up and said abby i think you should go next yeah i think it's safe to say she's going why you going next girl not like we all just said you're going next like oh shoot like maybe i don't deserve this you know i'm like [ __ ] were you forfeiting no i'm not forfeiting we're of the same spirit right now me and this girl like i wouldn't want to be on this couch either with these people jesus christ get me out oh my god please i would pay a thousand bucks not to be part of this holy [ __ ] everyone who thinks i should go home please raise your hand okay that's done now everyone anyone who thinks that abby should go home raise your hand anybody thinks i let you go home please raise your hand girl you should never say i don't deserve something made it i don't know how the [ __ ] she recovered from that oh that's what she said i guess she they're mocking they're mocking her now i mean we laughed too because she said she's not going out but like yeah but we're laughing about it like good fun you know they're just like literally yeah at this point oh my god don't give me these people how do these people honestly i'm at that point where i'm starting to think whoever does get the money does not deserve it crazy as abby was on the chopping block she was like i know i'm next oh you do okay then you're next but then you got up there and you just and you started crying and you were like i don't even know if i deserve this okay well never mind abby you next yeah yeah yeah look at joe look at that joe he's so done dude i think everybody here has realized that everybody hears a piece of trash [ __ ] hell everybody just wants to get out of here at this point they are so horrible my god like whatever reason they have for the money it's just like i would not give a sh because their personality is so awful right man you got me cut through you cried you're done you said maybe you don't want to be here you're done yeah you had one thing that none of us do when i was a child you could have played that baby car my baby ain't got no diapers my baby ain't got no wise i'm out of breath i want to work dogs she should have oh my god they got so much advice they're they're telling her how she should have like made her case because that's what they would have done which makes this whole thing seem so phony as well they catch a sociopath right here yeah right they're just like [ __ ] dumb but you use the crying card at this level of the game what are you [ __ ] [ __ ] huh you should have talked about me being a mother that's what she had to get what she needed it's a player's club line ronnie hello quote you live buy it you get it but you gotta to get what you want hey chris is that how you're playing this kid no i'm not a baby you don't have a baby do you guys think the most sympathetic people are the most vulnerable in this game yes because they're gonna fall for a soft story sob story yeah stop story if you needed the money for yourself all four of the shoes he'll be on this cat but she no but she's like she almost fell for it she fell for the one abby gay but only messed her up this man with a [ __ ] ralph lauren and khaki jeans like an apple watch what the [ __ ] is happening in this video she felt so hard that she didn't think she deserved it sorry i was listening to you guys i didn't vote for you girl you guys i want to remind you the final round is when we get down to three people yeah and all those three people have to she's leaving yeah good girl get the [ __ ] out of there nobody gets the money cut will not be keeping that thousand dollars trust me you guys ready for the next round i'm so glad she left because these guys yeah yeah i would not sit there and take that [ __ ] i wanna i hate them i hate them so much they're such bullies how do you guys feel about games of chance no i don't trust that like rock paper scissors no excuse me we got the whole mob mentality going on right here you want me to give that up for a game of chance you're out next girl try to bargain with us [ __ ] she going she's good definitely going out it's it's written in stone like i had a really hard financial time a couple months ago and i gave so much plasma that i passed out on the bed yeah i have a scar too a minute ago you didn't know how to get money to go on a plane if i have a plasma scar doesn't that tell you i'm trying to do everything i possibly can i mean are you yes i think she's had enough wait what's that plasma scar like donating blood what are they talking about like uh yeah like don't like selling your blood basically like nothing okay for money wait wait you get money for that uh you can in some places how much money we're talking about [Music] i need a new pair of tires clearly dude you should go hit the [ __ ] like throwing away what have i done the tragedy should go everybody walk up to it and it's facing the camera and then we'll turn around and show the people who who has the most names on the board let's do that i'll hold the board so i think it's a unanimous decision sorry abby good luck to all of you sean shocker wow i didn't see that one coming yeah if i even put it on the board so like everybody can see what everyone else is voting so they feel peer pressured to vote the same way yeah yeah yeah or the board thing coming in people when they're like because i can't just be like because you gotta go you're not a person no bruh i'm just being real right if i hurt my knee and i'm out of commission i can't be a bartender i can't be a hairdresser like i can't do that and i have [ __ ] nothing so you're like a dresser hairdressers make a lot of money girl no but i'm not i'm like from my job oh she slipped up there huh yeah they're the top of the cream my dude getting those 500 haircuts left and right you're a [ __ ] hairdresser what are you some fancy schmancy pants here everybody we got a rich got himself a [ __ ] adventure god they're trying to take anything to scrutinize why don't you take it from three jobs to one that's like saying why don't you get a job i mean i'm in the process of getting a job i would never work three jobs and be stressing myself out like that because that's unfortunately i got nothing and i'm doing the [ __ ] best i can and if i don't get a break there's there's there's there's and i was just saying that like having a kid is like that's talk about a guaranteed thing in your future like that that's a guaranteed future to me you have the child you have sex to have the child and now the child is here so you have to pay for your child and be responsible is your [ __ ] fault you dumbass why do you have a child you had a baby you had a baby my [ __ ] problem i gotta get i gotta get another apple why apple watch [ __ ] oh it's a tie i think they should do a tie break amongst themselves like sudden death wait who's hold on is that him no it's a girl on the right how about they decide sure that is not fair we gotta figure something out we can take some input i don't think that they should be able to vote i don't think that's going to be fair because every single one of them before they got out voted for me so what are they going to say right now yeah how do you how do you possibly know that um i saw you write my name down wrong you voted because you wrote the thing wrong and i'm you just look like you're assumed about me you feel bad about me can we can we can you give us a second can we pause i'm sorry can we really pause i really don't need you to antagonize me why don't you just be quiet i have to okay oh my that's antagonizing to you she's the one that's just throwing him under the bus and now it's like he's the bad guy i need you to shut the [ __ ] up over there okay do not antagonize me i need you to be quiet he's like i have been that's like literally the only thing i've said the whole time i've been here what do you bro props to joe for keeping it the end man i'd be fuming man keep going back to that she's in charge everybody see that's uncalled for unnecessary yeah that was uncalled for that was uncalled for he called her up for crying for like five minutes until she had to leave like i should have responded back to that i mean nobody's over here talking to you you're right now you're just wasting our time right that's enough oh my god they are so annoying no one's [ __ ] talking to you we were just waiting but now we're not now i'm deciding yeah this is a great school way of communicating how do you not grow out of this i'm gonna take off two hundred dollars from the pot no no and we're gonna kick off one person randomly you voted for me and she voted for her so why don't you guys talk why would you say that you don't know who voted for who i voted for cat yeah i didn't what why would you say that i thought it was your handwriting raise your hand if you vote for cat [Music] guess so everybody everything's too personal this what's that on y'all get a job i will do some hair more so this is the final dude that was his comeback wow dude you're unemployed do some hair more unanimously decide who's the one person who leaves with a thousand dollars or no one's going home with money okay all right who do you think is gonna get it then ken my guess is the girl on the left the guy in the in the middle is just mean and the girl on the right it's it's already made it far enough okay i'll get i'll guess girl on the right then because i feel like she will play the victim hard enough that she that she will eventually leave she's got a problem yeah all right nobody [Applause] everybody on the sidelines who do you think deserves out of those three none of them yeah can i like yeah it's the only decent sentence i've heard this entire video the only true thing probably i'm voting for myself i mean yeah but it has to be three of us are you still voting for shakira yeah hey he's so mad i told you bro we decided on shakira yeah we picked shakira because they had already decided prior and i said he's leaving the money on the table right so i'll give somebody that can could use it i just hope you're online i'm not no i'm not so much not you're so mad about it i i already know that i'm i'm okay without this if they all need the money that badly why don't they just split it i don't understand that all right let's let's all vote for you and then we can split the money three ways how about that i mean fair enough if they do that right if they all need it they're that bad i mean 300 will do come a long way thank god that shit's over yeah it's been an awful experience yeah because yeah you all made it terrible oh my god not all of them but yeah that was i i yeah this doesn't even feel like a rewarding experience to watch like we get like oh she got the money oh crazy like no oh my god thank jesus they get their this is over with like this video makes me so angry wow that comment right there yeah i'm just like really annoyed with this [ __ ] video i i thought it would be funny it was just like trying not to get angry challenge at this [ __ ] oh boy dull and dark in the comments well at least put on didn't win what a dreadful person all right dolan dark said it i mean right there the last three reminds me so much of bullies at my school yeah they're very childish calling people out for random [ __ ] whatever they could they they ripped on that girl for crying so much that they had to like make cuts i am happy with the decision because i am an adult because i got the money [ __ ] y'all dumb [ __ ] mama person that's happy i'm very thankful for the decision that they made and you know how everything played out and now i'm excited i'm happy oh if a picture picture says a thousand words it's right there [Laughter] i hope they wire that money to her because they give it to her in cash she's getting jumped out back at the studio are we are we doing like are we can we are we having a reunion show too yeah um i'm sick that day [Music] old bullies want reunions that's like the most bully sense i've ever heard but i gotta relive it right god damn i am speechless that was the worst video i've seen in forever thank you very much for inviting me to this i can't believe i'm sorry i apologize if you're angry smash a like on this video don't understand thank you ken i would i wish i could say it's a pleasure being here today but uh [ __ ] all right all right bye i guess see you later again
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 7,452,091
Rating: 4.9695711 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: d2eU1jf5Qfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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