Kids Decide Who Gets $1000 Is Very Cringe...

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I felt bad for the kid who got voted out first. People seemed to treat him like a lesser human.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Kadaj22 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
seven high schoolers decide who wins a thousand dollars i'm here today with the beautiful i don't want to call you that yeah well that's okay it's just the truth beautiful go ahead fine oh fine as well beautiful and fine stop brand to react oh all right all right you think stuff about the video and possibly laugh at my jokes all right okay i'll be your wingman i'm your support no you can say whatever you want hey the floor is yours oh oh i got nothing i don't know make a joke okay great anyway seven high schoolers decides to win a thousand dollars have you seen this video no no i haven't okay me neither they need to take these thousand dollars and buy themselves some new clothes look at these pants these whole knees are hanging out that's such a boomer joke and i feel like i was just about to make the same what these kids can't even afford i'm curious what their uh what their sappy stories are gonna be like well let's watch i think we should describe everyone's situation first of all well i just don't want anybody to leave with their feelings hurt or feeling like my problems aren't big enough and i feel ashamed for talking about what i well no one will feel you know well you don't know that though gotcha well i like how like they're they're all in their feelings they're all talking they're like oh my god oh yeah i mean you know one thing you're doing because i'm so considerate of your feelings about that money you know me maybe i will start a youtube channel it's not really a thing yet but trust me let's plays are really cool and they i it will be worth it i need to give you a gaming computer so i can play my green computer i can record like trust me it'll be a good investment i'll give you part of the revenue oh yeah that'd be terrible no no no only one can win this is horror music hey what the [ __ ] hi you guys hi what do you guys all have in common we are well high school we're all in high school what's high school like right now it's hell yeah [ __ ] prison holy [ __ ] was high school held for you ken no no it wasn't that bad at all i kind of enjoyed my high school that means you were the douchebag no high school was chill for me too like you know what people always said what oh i think high school so bad but don't worry it gets way better no it doesn't no no no it does people are still annoying nothing changes the game is thousand to one you decide who leaves with a thousand dollars we're going to do four elimination rounds if you cannot decide nobody gets the money round one begins i think we should describe everyone's situation for us very briefly because we can't have one we could do it that way or we could do like we have competitions i feel like competitions isn't the best i just don't want anybody to leave with their feelings hurt or feeling like my problems aren't big enough and i feel ashamed for talking about what i will no no you don't know that that's what i would have said that they should all discuss their situation this guy has a [ __ ] 300 dollar belt but is that gucci what he got on there no that's that's alex that's i'm impressed that you he recognized that 300 pounds it's 300 pounds they okay they don't get that they don't get the thousand dollars because obviously they don't know how to spend their freaking money yeah i wouldn't buy that belt either did you buy that belt i bought the belt i got two of them two of them i had to get different colors oh so they match your outfits yeah but i still need a thousand dollars though please please please tommy hilfiger shirt jewelry look at this dude if somebody says something super personal that they wish they hadn't said because they didn't end up getting the money and it didn't help them you know that could feel like really bad or people can feel like ashamed about their problems or like my problems aren't as big as somebody else's problems what i would do to 1 000 is help start uh online clothing business what kind of clothing will you be selling just like t-shirts and more like streetwear oriented wow he seems like he really thought out his business plan i think the money i would invest in that here's a thousand dollars you seem to given this a lot of fun i don't know i guess i'll sell like t-shirt i mean fair enough people wants to be a young entrepreneur like that's not a bad reason yeah yeah i mean shoot point me in the direction of like a clothing company that i can start for a thousand dollars please hey you gotta hustle you gotta hustle i want the one thousand dollars for me so i can buy another belt three more belts are those balls diagonals oh how do you recognize all this yeah they're [ __ ] oh how much are those shoes 750 dollars i've never even seen shoes that cost 750 dollars holy crap he figured by the shoes and he can buy the belt that'd be sick i'm in full ib so for each test that you take you have to pay a certain amount he has to pay for his college is that what he said all right fine fine i just want to put the money towards college people but they all have to pay for college right unless they get scholarships that give them a free ride freaking you know tommy he'll figure dude back there he's not going to pay for anything he's taken care of you know we got his chain on it's probably got diamonds on it probably got gold in his ass himself start digging get a gucci boat or something but gucci belt christmas mary like showed me this gucci belt she wanted like snakes that make like the g and she showed it to me like months and months ago she's like oh it's really expensive it wouldn't make any sense to get it but i really like it [Laughter] your boy was a hero on christmas got a gucci yeah he needs more gucci belts actually i i'm taking like a couple classes in my high school that has college credits towards it and it's like a good six hundred dollars i need the other 400 because my sister like handed me down her car but like you have a car did you have a car when you're in high school yeah i did what the [ __ ] you were more privileged than i was what i didn't have a car in high school i wasn't able to take the bus everyone has to drive where i live there's no public transportation at all oh okay all right yeah i'm fine my parents got me a really cheap car so that they didn't have to wake up and take me to school i just had to get up and do it on my own if you if you had a car in my house go you were the [ __ ] man like that would be insane really but i guess yeah yeah that would be crazy one guy had one of these like uh they're not even cars yeah yeah yeah it was like one of these [ __ ] ones yeah yeah yeah and i was like what the [ __ ] people pulled up on that it was like damn damn imagine like this is the [ __ ] [ __ ] in my mind cool yeah so most of my money would go to like paying my car insurance and my like school in florida whatever i had left over i'd try to get a good plane ticket over there so i could be at the wedding i want to be a marine biologist when i grow up i love the ocean i love animals it's just where i get my happiness from really there's this trip to the bahamas which is very very expensive and a thousand dollars would help me go to that i feel like it'd be super cool experience is it like a trip through your school or like no so it's just a personal interest thing yeah okay so you just want to go to [ __ ] bahamas yeah the bombs would be real cool if i get that money to go on vacation guys [Laughter] but i also want to be a marine biologist and they got some water there marie there's they got really nice ocean there yeah we got water this isn't very well fair why did they just lie i feel like that's what i would have done legitimately you just what was your story do you have a story i i was kind of sociopathic when i was younger i was not gonna lie like i probably would have just said like yeah like my grandma my grandma's died and left me a great deal of debt i need this money she transferred debt to me and like i have to work every hour of the day and i need a pair of yeezys uh i just need that belt that would really help the situation okay just so we're not laughing like i remember when i was starting off youtube like i couldn't even afford buying food so yeah okay yeah i struggled for like a couple months guys it almost feels a rough couple of months it was really good longest months of my life the school that i go to um they don't supply buses to my house area so i have to take ubers like everywhere and it's like that's expensive yes it's like i need the americans perspective here she wants the money so she can take ubers uh that's a little odd how the [ __ ] does that make work what how does she go to a school where their school buses don't reach where she is that's what i want to know what does she live like the mountains or something there's oopers in the mountains so get that hustle man you know like a lot of stress on me and it's like oh oh sorry i'm getting emotional it's like i'm being forced she cried she gets the money there it is that's all i need a little emotion i gotta take ubers to school like sometimes they talk to me oh my god they're really tired sometimes they don't have like the free water in the console for me to drink [Music] [ __ ] oh god to transfer three times and walk for hours up a mountain both ways in the snow i have to answer a wisdom three riddles to pass on you complain about ubers were you the one that said we shouldn't do what we just did yes why i don't know i think it can make people feel like their reasons aren't good enough or automatically make people feel like well we should give her the money or give him the money for this reason or that reason and not to say that that isn't valid but everybody else is also valid and so i think if we decided through like a random competition that's a way that nobody could feel attacked or feel hurt by specific people i feel like i think that's a pretty adult response for a high schooler you don't think so i don't know it's kind of like i don't think everyone's actual reasons they need the money is important we should just have a competition because i'm a little more athletic than everyone here but i thought she made like a random lottery or some [ __ ] like we just pick one and then then it's done right yeah yeah i mean i guess so it's like you know i don't it's the she's she's concerned about the emotional too but i guess like maybe people have reasons they don't want to disclose on camera of why they want the money or something i don't know yeah i think i think she's just playing it she's like i don't want people to have better reasons than me so we shouldn't do that because no she's a slick one she's a con artist she knows she knows she doesn't have a good reason as everyone else so she no i i don't know i thought it was great it's good it's good it's good i feel like yeah give it to the person who needs it because if she's working really hard and if she's trying to just get through school that's a bigger reason than like buying a plane ticket or going on a trip or something like that i don't want it to seem like i'm coming off like oh i'm using that that's like i don't want to seem like i'm like doing what i'm doing but i'm doing it that's exactly it the reason why this is funny because adults wouldn't be able to do this so watching high schoolers trying to figure out like who deserves more money it's just a mess there yeah like there's no there's no easy way to do this even if there was yeah full-grown adults doing this it would still be a mess you know it could be a fight there'll be a diss track at the end of it yeah that's right i would use that thousand dollars make a diss track and roast you losers i don't want anybody to feel bad like i don't feel comfortable talking about the stuff i have going on at home that would make a difference like i know we all have stuff going on that we didn't bring up you have a minute and 10 seconds okay guys we need to like we need to vote okay this is one vote for me are they voting for to who vote out or uh i think so yeah i think they have to vote somebody off the island here oh okay okay i don't know how to spell his name i'm sorry uh one for colleen obviously one for nina another one for colleen another one for me and one for ej so there's a tie yeah how do you guys want to do it vote again or do you want them to decide just vote just vote i know i'm going to be out somewhere yeah because you want to go to the bahamas i've already lost guys vote again to be afraid she probably had the weakest reason yeah well i mean out of the the dude back there with the the three hundred dollar bill i don't even know what he said true is true because i don't know everyone has something against me so i don't think it's anything else this is what i didn't want to happen is somebody gets hurt by what's happening well but you're saying like everybody has something against me so if we just did random competitions nobody would do that yeah she was right right they're already all pissed off i like how she has like no like she doesn't say oh trying to make her feel better she's like oh my god i was right see use this girl as an example listen to me now listen to me let's just vote i mean i'd be the same if this happened to be fair i have one for college one for jordan two for college three for college and one for jordan [ __ ] your business colleen you get your t-shirts out of here yeah everybody's doing it a thousand bucks dude these kids these these high schoolers are good dude that that girl just like just started like getting upset and so somebody didn't vote for her because they felt bad oh [ __ ] you noticed that that's so true yeah i just smoked i don't care anyway you guys ready yeah yes right all right we've started i feel like we should do something fun you know something to bring up the mood i think we should just do random stuff like who can name the most countries in europe who can stand on one foot the line i'm just saying random stuff that would be zero americans know nothing geography yeah that's true that's i don't even know like where things are in america so i don't know we should just like like mention all the different uh blocks in minecraft or like just like whatever oh my god oh my god should we do that first are they doing the mr beast challenge right here whoever can stand the longest kids a thousand dollars now they're thinking like a youtuber i am actually really [ __ ] good at this that would be all aboard this [ __ ] with you with your cooked knees you're able to stand in one foot they've suffered some injuries in the past but yeah i'm like making still staying couch i'm buddhist everybody sorry it's like 10 times a day i'm booties everyone so i do these 10 times a day oh my god next she's going to tell us how vegan she is and she does crosstalk i don't want to be mean they're like just kids right that's why people are here watch this video we gotta be mean all right we gotta be mean my favorite part about this whole thing right here is like doing glasses here he's like had this like unimpressed face this whole time he's just like yeah he doesn't look like he wants to be there he's like i'm about to get that i'm he he's he's he's getting a thousand dollars he's the sleeper he's being quiet i like him okay you got your favorite yeah just to like throw you guys off how about you guys have to like spin around oh it feels easier anything else we can do what are we doing all right how about you stop since i don't know if you guys are dizzy it's got like the like the anime thing going up like the the very high stairs and like the the picture out sounds like a foot on the ground everyone's training standing on one foot 10 times a day now you do a thousand times a day how do you feel do you think that was fair doing the no you agreed to it ah you were the first one to say yes okay no i lost that was not fair why did she think it wasn't fair like who had the advantage there you better think she had the advantage oh that's so funny no it was nina's fault it was her fault her fault all right i want to see why she thinks it's unfair no did you say no no it's not fair i don't think anybody had like an upper hand in that don't be hella mean i'm v so mean whoa whoa what drama let's make it interesting so we're not going to listen to the couch right guys who's the leader here nina i feel like it's the three of us oh but she's right i think nina is the leader here because she's i yeah she's not wrong yeah well just just in general like social situations like this like whoever just talks the most and the loudest kind of default becomes a leader even if they're like you know stupid not trying to yeah there's a thing in every group there there's automatically a leader and then when there's two people competing against us there's always tension i think that's why she got so pissed off as well because she got out because of her even like take like uh when we play like a mungus you know like whoever just like talked the loudest and the most everyone starts listening to even if they have no idea what they're talking about that's so true yeah it never changes so there you go there if you're in high school and you're trying to figure out how to become a leader just talk a whole lot just don't shut up you may be annoying but everyone just listen to you yeah you can be the biggest piece of [ __ ] in high school they just talk enough and people will listen yeah actually that applies for everything it does yeah it does is it cool if we stop getting input from the couch for a little bit because this is between inconclusion us five they sort of mine these are just kids by the way like yeah it's even like the the high school like popularity dynamics starting to kick in can we just not hear the people on the couch they're they're right yeah they're losing yeah they are being loud though but still what are you gonna do with the money for your girlfriend i was gonna take her out probably to the night's dinner if he needs it for his girlfriend then i think his girlfriend would have been a better candidate to come on the set but that's the thing like oh god that was like one part of his whole thing something about someone he's got a car my reason like i have to pay for school stuff but the reasoning underneath that is that like my family also can't pay for it and it's stuff that i like nobody knows and like i'm not allowed to talk about so i literally like even though i want to use it as a reason because it is valid like i can't but you'd be okay but she didn't you just didn't though but i understand where she's coming from like you know we all have like super really big reasons that i can't tell you that are real you're not buying it no i'm not buying it look at that do you think they're just lying there's a thousand dollars in the line of course they're lying so can we think of anything else we can do that's like i think it's vote coming out red light green light get someone out now i want to go to the bahamas you want to do something physical something like a quiz that quiz sounds pretty yeah we can do like a quiz on ocean facts ocean jesus christ nj nj oh that's easy oh that's ej sorry oh that's confusing yeah nj ej wait who's who elasticity oh my gosh ej oh man all right you're really nice i really like you ej come join us you didn't do anything we voted you off but you just kind of sat there so yeah we're keeping this guy right here though because we got tommy hilfiger on you know what i'm saying well the popular girls are pruning the the area here they're they're taking over yeah the guys are out any minute how are you doing it sucks think of something fun creative dude i just i just realized something how about this yeah this this is this this is literally like the high school popularity chain we're watching i mean not to talk trash about these kids on the couch but they're not as like physically attractive i don't think you know in my opinion as the people that are still on the couch i think they're literally voting on who they think is like pretty at this point [Laughter] i mean that's usually how kids think isn't it yeah it's true all right let's have a drawing contest then sure and then are we voting or who's voting let's have the couch no because they have their preferences no because she hates me you like me don't do that i mean fair i wouldn't push for that either i'd be like no the couch can't speak actually that's too bad i mean how are they gonna vote amongst themselves you have to pick between two no but you shuffled it so we don't know whose it is all right that's fair we'll let them decide draw like an octopus okay girl really likes her fish huh yeah yeah yeah she's sticking to her story god dang it oh i messed up already how do you mess up an octopus i'll play like rock paper scissors together i'm chilling oh she's getting shut down on all right it's getting more and more painful as it goes i feel bad for her it's like um i think it's fair to just say like no i don't wanna but also if i had to go back in time i mean this would not happen either way i'd probably get [ __ ] annoyed anyway but i would try and be nicer to people like this are very eccentric right right right yeah i get you because i have little patience in general and i think especially as a kid but i think as you grow older you you tend to be nicer to people that are just don't be mean to her okay that's what i'm saying yeah she's just a kid i feel bad because she's trying to lighten the mood after crying isn't that that's it she's like oh i feel bad and then she just gets shut down right away i i think that's why that's kind of painful to watch that's cute it has a little flush and little kawaii cheeks ellie the octo is hungry they don't even get to see them what did you see that octopus like no i didn't look look look at what she holds it up it's freaking like a like a heart anime look at that thing what the [ __ ] is that jesus christ i like it that deserves to win and then this one it's another little creepy one but you know it's all right actually the eyes are kind of on point though because they do kind of come out so the one that we picked i already see it or the loser is the scary one okay i'm out oh i'm sorry i'm so sorry for this last run we should like you know obviously state our opinions do you guys want our opinions or no no this is unless we don't like know that they're singing one of us out or something then i think that's fair i don't know why she's so paranoid about it [Laughter] don't take it as like pity like they're pitying me it's like if you need it you need it like i would also say heather i honestly think that she needs it really heather needs to ride ubers yeah like she's like over there trying to not smile about it's like at home idiots i cried over being succeeded in uber she probably has to ride overs but i don't know why like it's such it's weird how we don't get more context on it i cannot compare myself to what you two are going through i live in a city where there's a lot of things accessible i have a job you know i have i have great supporting parents so i just want i want to vote myself off just because you guys deserve a lot more than i do i'm definitely going to vote but wow the most adult person here yeah damn that was actually boss move yeah i want to read the [ __ ] comments so bad dude it's killing me people people got to be flaming them so hard that's why they took them off people in the comments were probably way mean than we've been yeah yeah that's the thing and if you're watching this don't be mean just be a that's the thing yeah the real chat is like when you notice people like this that maybe have some i don't know anxiety or whatever insecurity or whatever it's better to just i guess it's like yeah some people grow up a little later than others there's no reason to act like down on them just because of that right like a real charge that would just be to be nice to them i think yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if i could change one thing from going back and be nice to the people i don't know like so be a chat and be nice okay yeah so like specifically what are you gonna use the money for because i know you have like a lot of stuff going on i would primarily use it for a car because the main thing is transportation yeah this freaking girl has sat there this whole time and been like we shouldn't talk about the specifics because we got big things going on then she's gonna sit here and be like so tell me exactly what you're going to use the money on what you got going on behind tell me everything i'm not going to tell you anything about what i got going specifically but you tell me exactly what you got going on because it's all very important now the money's on the line i mean now that you don't have a choice do they they've gotten so far dude do not give she's don't give that girl the money i i hope uber girl gets the money at this point because screw everyone really yeah i i prefer the girl on the right yeah she's super she's like the most manipulated person on this couch dude we can't talk about the specifics but you better tell me the specifics right now i'm not going to tell you mine first we're not even going to acknowledge how the girl just voted herself she saw it coming that people would get upset and mad and [ __ ] it didn't so bad they removed the comments like she was right dude i bet i bet the comments are off because the freaking girl on the right is gonna get the money and everybody lost their [ __ ] [Laughter] you just don't get ubers i don't get it i don't get it what did she do before uber was a thing yeah how old was she before ubers came around oh god can you get a vest bar or like a scooter or some [ __ ] like just get one of these bad boys that's what i did oh man that's the [ __ ] nice one dude i'm 60 bucks you're good imagine how cool she'd be riding up to school in that way cooler than an uber let me tell you that she would need a thousand dollars for therapy sessions after showing up in that oh my god hey i did that was nothing wrong look how you turned out exactly 35 bucks then it's big that's awesome all right let's see it's got once this really shows how old we are dude mine didn't have a stand [ __ ] privileged kids stand on them good i remember mine was so bad that like if you break too much the wheels would just scatter off like eventually you would have no back wheels so there's like a whole track in the wheels yeah i can if you went downhill it was better to just keep going instead of breaking oh my god to my struggle we are so much struggle we're so boomer you're struggling like you complain about uber you just get yourself a a luxe transport scooter it's easy you know no one would ever do this yo [Music] bruh what's the problem that's the problem explain to me and explain what the problem is there's no there's no problem with this bicycle it's perfect she did she just want to roll up in ubers i'm not buying that [ __ ] if you're not buying the other girl i'm not buying the super [ __ ] she lives far enough away to where she can't ride the bus to school then how are you going to expect her to bike across 15 miles of school all right all right all right google maps all right all right she lives then she lives in [ __ ] okay i'll be unbiased i'll pick a random spot in america okay we'll settle this she lives in kansas nobody she lives in the next person and she gotta go to mount drive oh my god there's one person in the comments in this video right now being like that's where i live bro she got a real thing for newton that's 33 hour minutes car what is that as an uber right she said ten dollars how much is a ten dollar uber right we'll solve this we'll solve oh my god we're going deep okay okay the cost per mile is two dollar okay so five miles trips is what she's making all right so that means she's going from mcpherson this is where she lives to how far is galva elementary school [Applause] she's going from macpherson to galva how long is that that's 7.5 miles right that's a 10 minute car ride and that's giving some leeway too right okay okay okay all right take that with a bike oh that's 40 minutes okay i was completely wrong never mind exactly [ __ ] all right all right i'm back in 45 minutes give her the money i was wrong [Laughter] i'm going to give it to heather if you are pretty cool with that you did it ken you did it i guessed it but i did not guess that girl on the right would vote for i told you she's nice no she's not the other girl on the couch was showing her up by being nice and she didn't want her to steal her thunder so she's like yeah i also think that some people do acts of kindness ken not everything has an alteration like everybody everybody that donates to freaking charity tweets about it okay and look even marine girls look at they're all happy oh they're so happy they did it thank you for the thousand dollars but i mean to be fair like if she just did this right four times that the bike will pay for itself uh that's all i'm saying we got you hey uber girl if you're watching uh i'll link you an ebay ad that i found with bike you've done the research you're doing her a favor this one's been sold 500 times oh my god that's a good one it's got removable stabilizers this is what i had uh piaggio ciao this is one you had one of these nice i have one of these bad boys is that a muffler on there good god yeah and the muffler broke so it was so [ __ ] loud dude like you could hear me from miles away this is actually pretty cool you had one of these for real shut up you're just faking it no i think i think it's pretty i think it's pretty all i'd ride this thing how far did i have to go to school oh that's a 10 minute bike ride okay maybe maybe my experiences with my other kids i thought it was really far in my head in my head it was super fun all right like cut cut all that [ __ ] all right people keep all the stuff where i look good okay i proved myself wrong she deserves it clearly um thank you ken for joining me on this video it's fun reacting how was the pleasure i hope i get to come back again someday i it took an hour well time wise we need to do better if we do but yes absolutely that's just how much fun it was okay it was fun yeah smash like subscribe we're trying to beat myself in subscribers so every subscribe count every sub i get i will donate to charity at some point an undeclared undisclosed amount and i'll disclose them out and i'll give an xbox to someone wow
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 9,132,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: KC0DlJza3dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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