Gingerbread Obsessed Grandma Is Keeping A Dark Secret From Her Family

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Only T-series simps pick Christmas (joking…of course)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MistbornTaylor 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

The day when we have Pewds on EFAP. I will wait decades for it. It may be in the year of 2070 but I will still be waiting.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

In his latest video Jack says the Fringy nough.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SamFord97 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
gonna be so happy don't let me pass out okay come on can you walk i don't know okay well we're here breaking out well she is freaking out right now she's about to be disappointed because she's done like got herself so hyped up are you excited you think so no she's gonna be thrilled gosh here we go oh oh bless her bless her heart so sweet your face are you clapping oh my god here we go again oh my god are you serious how do you not hear that okay i figured this out i figured it out for you okay on discord like my voice connected and like the disconnect button the noise suppression button right there looks like a bunch of little waves you can turn that off and i bet i can hear you oh i hear it here oh you don't have pillow hands anymore yes congratulations you got man hands you did it after all this time i can hear you clap and all it took was me going to australia to figure this out jesus christ has been so long so i've actually recorded like a proper like proper videos i'm not sure how to do it anymore just scream hello everybody i'm ken this is pewdiepie and today we're checking out tamara's ultimate goal is to live in a gingerbread house my crazy exception christmas collection this could be you ken you're just moved why could this be me because house you want a house because i need a house in australia i can't afford it yeah just make a gingerbread house heck yes they answered all my questions are too high ken just get a gingerbread house stop complaining this lady has all the answers right here in her little gingerbread recipe book how to save jen's tea to get housing [Laughter] how to make a gingerbread house oh this would be fun miss ginger we could let this be your house oh miss jimmy you're talking too no she's crazy they're all they're all crazy every single one of them they're nuts apparently wanting to live in a gingerbread house is not crazy but talking to that thing look at this smile it's like scribbled on by like a four-year-old just it's all over the place hold up hold on please don't be sexual please jump better over there please please do anything with the dog grandma grandpa's gonna be stuffed in the freezer with the gingerbread cookies in his stomach and something crazy is gonna happen anymore with these so yeah oh i'm defined by my gingerbread collection lots of times when i meet folks well she's not a ginger right maybe she is she's old she's too old anymore she's placed her soul in like this this doll here oh god i feel like i'm defined by my gingerbread collection lots of times when i meet folks on the street or whatever they recognize me that's the guy from strike it looks pretty it looks pretty cozy in here it looks nice nice and homey i i gotta be real with you i don't like people that are obsessed with christmas when i hear anyone talking about christmas before halloween i'm like dude shut the f up all right you're done i judge you forever now we have one of those problems in uk that only sell christmas though and they're everywhere and everybody this is so cute why do you hate christmas no i just huh what are your christmas on christmas you know if it's not christmas on christmas it's christmas all the time every christmas all the time christmas is not special okay so you want those people that like what do you mean one of those people as soon as as soon as halloween's over if you look outside someone has christmas lights over you're just like no no yes of course because it just was halloween you have to process it well okay so what what what holiday do you have in between halloween and christmas well we don't have thanksgiving all right sorry but yeah well no this is like what does it get in the way of right because we gotta we gotta make room for thanksgiving and black friday because that's its own american holiday you know what do you decorate for that coupon yeah nothing gets you in the christmas spirit like trampling over random people for a tickle meomo doll okay do you ever get sick of like being thankful around that time of year like first comes thanksgiving and then christmas like god then we just do this man okay i'm so tired of buying things because that's that i buy all this food from a family and i gotta buy gifts for my family and food again isn't this a didn't you didn't america plan thanksgiving pretty poorly shouldn't it just have been during summer my favorite part about thanksgiving is the story they told us when we're kids like oh yeah then the pilgrims landed at plymouth rock and they met the indians they were all friends and the indians taught them how to grow corn and then they had a big dinner oh yeah it's like oh wow that's so nice that's very accurate then they gave them blankets and they all got diseased and died and then we took all their anyway yeah wait that's what happened blankets killed the indians well we just brought disease and got them all sick and then we decided you know what we're taking this land because we america anyway we're 27 seconds into this seven minute videos hey i think if you're defeated by blankets you deserve to lose cut that pretty good they know you're joking next tomorrow like pretty power this reminds me actually that uh like in the comments like you guys should do a podcast together because you guys talking to the best part of the video and i was just like every time like hey what should we call it ken i never i don't know like the broken broken podcast because you know you grow and then i don't really have anything second to be kin can't call it bro toast if we ever bring it back it'll be called bro toast [Laughter] we can talk about it later all right gingerbread [ __ ] yeah gingerbread don't give me flowers don't give me chocolates give me a gingerbread mom's passion for gingerbread i think is a good thing it's sweet it's innocent and oh god god that's the most forced smile i've ever seen hello she's probably a mannequin too i mean look at all the taxidermy on the wall back here all these deer i mean oh my god do you think they've got enough antlers in this house even the chandeliers antlers holy crap six point over here we got eight point over here we just got a skull that i found on the side of the road over here don't waste no deer shoot why did they do that they just like hey i want that i want to bring that home i love it so much when when you when you peak in high school and you got nothing left to do in your entire life you begin hunting and you just brag about that every day at work and that's all you do uh okay i'm playing i'm just kick sort of and it's not scary or freaky in any way this clock oh gosh she's terrified yes it's not scary it's not freaky in any way you're freaky in any way this clock oh god look at her eye when she says she's like twitching it you're freaky in any way look at that help blink twice if you need help she's still alive when was this posted my daughter tiffany gave it to me and i think it's very key [Music] okay i mean it's a cool clock i'm not gonna lie oh so oh so awkward i really like this i think it's so cute smile and look at it yeah people not used to camera and tlc comes in and be like all right what's that can you show us that tell us how much you like say say how cute it is or something and then we'll get like a shot of like the gingerbread man coming out it'll be so cool and then we'll look at these freaking crazy things right here that there's abominations for the camera tamara holland of alta vista virginia has a massive five-year-old hundred piece collection worth almost three thousand dollars three thousand dollars did i could spend that right now and beat this that's like bruh if i make a video about how out gingerbread the gingerbread lady most the time we watch these and it's like this person spent over a hundred thousand dollars on their rabbit collection that's not a hundred thousand but three thousand to mess with someone's uh entire uh life yeah absolutely no problem that's gonna be your future channel that's like mr beast but in reverse you like using money to ruin people's lives instead of help lives i got a bad dreaming of where i'm going to place the items and and what i'm on the look for i think about my collection 24 hours a day well to be fair she's the most normal one so far and i mean it seems like a harmless why are you sipping for this lady is that you and that picture right there that look like bo burnham but everyone says i look for him i don't even know oh gosh she's got me tagged she knows i'm coming for her she knows put you in the voodoo tree so she can sacrifice you what oh the the bow bear did you want you watch the inside right mm-hmm did you did you relate to it at all no me either me either everyone was on freaking social media being like oh yeah this really speaks to all creators out there and i was like the only thing that spoke to me as a creator about that was like how much crap he has to do to do the movie i was like i know a thing or two about having way too much stuff in my little studio area that's funny i thought about the same thing but in a different way i was just like his room is so messy i thought it was good the songs were catchy but it didn't like make me feel any way like oh my god yeah i really he really feels the struggle like a creator and i was like look i'm like you're gonna have to make that thing you know why ken because he's a perfectionist and we're just [ __ ] out youtube content left and right you're right he actually has talent and we just kind of have our bubbly personalities he looks miserable so i'm glad with whatever we have well that's oh that's how he's supposed to relate because when the cameras turn off we just like i'm so sad yeah we're set off oh the camera's still rolling sorry let's have some laughs oh god it all started for tamara when one very special gingerbread lady entered her life this is miss jackson she's very pride and joy when this doll entered her life that's when everything changed there's a demon in this door her life had to be sacrificed and she was reborn i understand it of course now she has to make the gingerbread army so that they can take over the world i found miss ginger at an antique store that was going out of business oh my god oh god it all speaks it it all speaks possess i'm sure i've seen a movie like this before oh the old antique store and the old dog my whole life changed it looks terrifying now she swallowed they're so old boy that was going out of business and at the time she was on clearance so i came home and asked my husband if i could get her she came home one day and she told me that she isn't okay awesome pause this is why you say no it's husband's job to say no you understand that's butterfly effect there you know one day a woman wife comes and asks can i buy this it seems harmless right look what happened my house would be filled with pugs if i didn't say no all right have you have you said no my son would be a tlc i'm obsessed with pugs for this and i'll be the this guy looking all cracked up like i'm about to cry like his skin is so pink he's like oh god oh it was just one gingerbread and now we got three thousand dollars worth of gingerbread cookies that's too much no one's going to buy this crap why is roberta in this shot man one of the virginia bread lady and uh she told me it was 45 dollars and i asked her was she crazy 45 for that i love the way this dude talks i love the way this dude's on the antique is going out of business do you know how to haggle you have you ever seen the movie the water boy is that with adam sandler yeah yeah like listen this guy talking lady and uh she told me it was forty five dollars and i asked her was she crazy i just don't see it giving forty five dollars i didn't notice him first that's funny my obama says gingerbread mans is the devil i mean if somebody would come and offer me a million dollars for miss ginger i would not let her go what first of all ain't nobody gonna pay even full price for that all right 45 dollars get out of here she's over here living in like a little tiny freaking like so someone actually pulls up uh mr mr peace she's like all right a million dollars for the doll husband is there just like dying [Laughter] take the money please while miss ginger may be happy is that not hot what she's sitting here reaching in with her bare hands these fresh cookies she's got the power she's a demon gave her life to ginger miss ginger god all is just one element of her extensive and often edible gingerbread i did not need that it smells so lovely they're not doing any favors [ __ ] ass gingerbread cookies they're not supposed to be thick all right americans always making them thick yeah we like it dummy thick you know what i mean pancakes they're not supposed to be thick they're supposed to be thin same with gingerbread they're supposed to crackle crumble oh what are they oh forgot they're called now since i've moved to australia i've been learning so many new things right uh it's it's not a pancake it's a little thicker and it has a bunch of like holes in it like little holes and you pour your syrup on it and it goes through it a little bit it's a waffle it's it's like a waffle but like the holes are much smaller is it a crumpet it was delicious it was delicious that's so funny marcy got obsessed with them when we moved here too dude i just think they look freaky i don't like the whole trip to phobia or whatever it is kick it in look at it i thought of that when i was eating it but then i was like oh i slept but it served some honey and some some butter apparently you put butter and everything too in australia slap butter on it all no no no gotta wash those fats i haven't i thought when i got to australia i was gonna start losing some weight because i started eating healthier and then they put butter and everything then they got they got some crumpets and those over they're gonna see me on the show next i'll be the crumpling obsessed youtuber oh my god i got three thousand dollars for the crumpets right here tamara would be a terrifying outfit to wear a crumpet i don't know why you might be here you just scare the holes is that yeah they're freaky i mean yeah it's not like there's like worms crawling or anything that's that's what makes it good how do you know what do you mean how do i know to crump it i can look at it i can see what's in the holes ken no one knows nothing there's nothing in the hole i don't know for sure there could be 300 because each one is special to her she preserves several each year to become permanent members of her gingerbread family [Music] why dlc i mean that's fine obviously but why what is when these people keeping something god that's too good you think they're going to have like their wedding anniversary she's going to give them like a dead gingerbread as you can see i have many in here i even have a bathroom here left from the year 2009 of course the mold on there you know what the you think you think it i mean you think they're still good i'm sure she's going to eat one and prove how great it is she's getting brand new wow show me show me how good it is she has become so obsessed with the spice she adds it to nearly everything she eats oh there's a lot of things so what is the spices with ginger right yeah yeah she's about she's about to slap it on steak and everything else things that you can do with ginger and okay sometimes i experiment well i am a smoker but i read somewhere that you could smoke ginger ah grandma your respect your [Music] ginger root it in this now i'm going to roll this into a cigarette oh my god well well i mean it's totally rolling [ __ ] is that [Music] like a flattened piece of paper that she burned at the end oh yeah that's a good thing it still came out of that she looked like a teenager trying to can you smoke ginger reducing the addiction tobacco whoa so small pieces of ginger with lemon juice and mix it with black pepper and then suck a piece of ginger whenever you have the art you're not supposed to smoke the ginger oh she misunderstood it it's supposed to you're supposed to suck on ginger to make you not want to smoke but she interpreted that as i'm smoking ginger she's like heck yeah blaze it up come over to my house no smoke came out of that she got no no like there's like nothing flattened it out and she's like like there's nothing you guys can edit in some smoke right yeah okay cool her homemade ginger cigarettes are just one of the many ideas she has for using her favorite spice oh god what do i want to know what else wipe her butt with ginger toilet paper too that might i might have a kick to it all right you think what's gonna oh bernie all right all right okay bye even ginger would it be like you know sorry for all the time but you know when people when people discover things and i'm just like well someone had to have tried that to figure that out don't know you got the guy out there that's like see some cows and then he's like i can milk you you know that's exactly it someone had had that idea you could drink from that teddy yeah like the cat the calves are doing it why can't why can't i you know yeah who would ever think the milk would go up yeah they're freaking the devil okay okay have you seen a goat just for the record i would not all right anyway anyway gingerbread how much of this video we even talked about the gingerbread lady so far what were really nice oh right i forgot become a gingerbread house yeah it's doable so it's it's the it's the witch from the story like hansel and gretel right all right you're right that's what's possessing the doll and it's like yeah you need to you know get all these guys gingerbread to lure in the kids but you really need a gingerbread house that would get them and then we can eat them this is a backstory of that why the way she's doing yeah the witch lived out here in her single wide trailer with a bunch like 3 000 ginger in it smoking it up and just being taken over by the ginger as she meets with a contractor to discuss the logistics thinking about really wanting to paint my house can you maybe see the description oh she's supposed to paint it wow amazing i mean they should have to get like an artiste out there to get a little swirl and everything she can do it herself really hey i'll i'll paint your house for three thousand please let me do it i want it to be a brown possibly a golden brown or a honey brown oh it's very important just say gingerbread is she embarrassed now she's like oh yeah that's a great idea yeah because i feel like if you get the right shade of gingerbread it's going to be enticing it's going to be like you want to pick off a piece and eat it oh god she is the witch dude you want to cover it exactly this is what i want my house to look like okay i have never had a request like this in over 22 years of painting this is very mike pizza his name is pizza my pizza this is my pizza elite paley guys how old is this dude he's been painting for 22 years he doesn't look i mean maybe he is pretty old i don't know i'm a i'm an elite youtuber now ken i'm not just a youtuber he's a lee elite youtuber elite youtuber you've been doing this for 22 years i thought we was going to like 11 or something halfway there oh my god mike pizza can you imagine 11 more years from now still he's got the wrong job dude come on pizza man now i'm talking about me me and you right now i'm talking me and you eleven like hey i can't help but keep thinking about it though like in in 11 more years are we still going to be around is it gonna be like freaking 50 year old youtubers probably what yeah watching tlc yeah because i'm never going to be able to retire and you'll probably keep getting bored and keep coming back anyway so still be here god dang i can't believe that it's happening it's like pinch me wake me up i feel like i'm in a dream but it's actually it's going to be true she's so excited look at behind her her neighbors have been taunting her this whole time this is how this all started i knew it she's another looking out the window god dang neighbors got the shade i won't look like a gingerbread house over there dudes freaking truck is nicer than his trailer anyway hell yeah that's the american way she thinks the transformation of her home is complete but her daughter tiffany knows it's only the beginning you didn't paint the top i mean it's already white right you got to paint the door as well oh i guess they have white elements and then yeah yeah yeah yeah she just doesn't have like the huge roof like her house does it's just it's still just a trailer we're freaking this girl's back and now oh she's back tiffany tiffany king is back and she's ready to whoa what's with all the names painted and i snuck out super early this morning before she got up and did all the oh that's sweet that's gonna fall off big surprise soon as the wind blows it's all gone i can't wait [Music] to get her i got a kidnapped in the back of the bag on her head we're not telling you we're taking your mom you're just taking me back to my house aren't you gonna be so happy don't let me pass out okay come on can you walk i don't know okay well we're here freaking out well she is freaking out right now she's about to be disappointed because she's done like got herself so hyped up are you excited you think so no she's gonna be thrilled gosh here we go oh oh bless her bless her heart so sweet her face can we hear that again you just hear that one more time yes oh she's so happy oh she reminds me of like the the ugly cry meme or whatever [Music] yeah it's beautiful yeah that actually worked the decor at the top that was a good choice and i actually saw my home i can't explain to you how it made me feel it was just so overwhelming i want to see the husband's reaction when he gets home he's like he does the same thing but he's just oh and then she's like calm down sweetie just have a gingerbread cookie he needs to dies smoke this it's what i visioned in my dreams is it your perfect gingerbread color perfect [Music] she would consider carrying oh so wholesome so awesome carrying on the legacy of the legacy of the gingerbread yes well the doll of course is going to pass down you know because it's it's a soul thing or such all right cool just checking grandma sold her soul and her you know her kid soul to the devil or the doll i mean her first boring uh there's the comments harmless yeah yeah like this is if you compare it to most stuff this is very oh they're just there's like there's a light being everybody knows this is harmless but we're still watching it left about anyway oh it's harmless it's not holding it hurting everyone oh that makes me feel better about laughing about her yeah yeah thumbs up yeah good job you did it well i'm glad you said it again yeah all right that's it i'm glad i have you arrived because i i don't have to say all this [ __ ] because i can say it no i'll get nobody i'll write an article about me saying it so it's okay [Laughter] of course you don't agree you know yeah she's a sweet old lady never hurt anybody i dare you well that's the video hope you guys correct it yeah leave a like and do all that cool stuff uh this has been a long time since you watched pewdiepie he's still still good go watch him get some more more subscribers subscriber yeah 20 more years let's go oh yeah let's go oh my god keeping up with the memes for 20 more years oh yeah if there's your birthday birthday say toast my friends
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 1,750,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react
Id: 223TER3mSJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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