Her Son Wont Stop Growing At Night (Shocking)...

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yeah that was me saying ken ken oh hang on it just went and then cut out it today we're checking out oh my god sorry a little delayed i mean all the way in australia sorry god damnit get your [ __ ] together kid okay my bad my bad sorry today we're checking out life of luxury have you ever seen this game never oh great cool it wasn't like you recommended it to check this out either which which one are we going to watch these all right there's so many good options we have screaming dog sleeping dad sleeping crawling oh my god sleeping red arrows oh my goodness i've been doing my thumbnails wrong this is great we're gonna check out her son can't stop growing at night oh my god that is when you grow the most as a child yeah during your sleep sounds regenerate we used to my kids that so they'd like actually take naps like oh you know you're not gonna grow big and tall unless you take a nap oh my god i fell for a lie and i thought it was real damn it you're telling me that that's just what parents tell their kids oh well you're telling me it's true i just told them that well because that's what my parents told me [Music] damn it well i mean apparently your parents fed you dog food too or something i don't know what's wrong with you and your understanding of kids but anyway it's a whole other conversation let's watch this video what is it about what's happening the sun's growing okay okay she's having problems with her son they should be going to therapy i don't think therapy is going to help with that dude sit down we gotta have a talk dude you're growing too much you're too tall that's what they do wrong in horror movies every time there's some dude we got to talk about this you're being a total jerk in this house possessing people killing people not murdered your whole family stop it [Music] [Applause] some porn level acting here this is really nice yeah man this is the best there there's already a hole in the wall like this is hitting the same place so this is real right oh yes yes what see well hang on disclaimer these videos produce the intention of entertaining for artistic purposes the ecstasy should not be replicated so yeah definitely 100 real damn it i was about to replicate all of it at this point goddammit let's hit 100 000 likes for more videos oh this guy does not know how to do youtube what the hello look you got it what's up bloodthorn me hey [Music] dude they got almost freaking seven they got almost 800 000 likes on this jesus i mean it works [ __ ] all right i have to give all the nudes out all right maybe they know what's going on my bad damn got more subs than me okay let me try what's up bro army if you like this video and we got a hundred thousand i will make another video tomorrow which i would have done anyway but i need valentine's day what happens if you don't get the likes you just like well that's it i guess the channel is over with well there's been i remember there's been cases of youtubers like actually holding videos hostage but like well i said it and you guys didn't do this the light goal so [ __ ] you jesus can't do it you can't do anything right can you luxury army huh idiots email from a woman named candace a 53 year old mother who believes there's something horribly wrong with her son candy says her doesn't talk to her anymore and it seems like he cannot stop growing to the point where he can barely fit in his clothes so what's the reason that she calls these guys are they because they are youtubers who appeal to a younger audience so they know a thing or two about a kid that's going through puberty like this man actually is he can't stop growing he doesn't he's all moody doesn't talk to his mom he doesn't fit into his clothes she doesn't know what to do too many times we'll we'll do that you can't you can't just keep napping all right she says he's been pulling out his hair and won't let her see his face she sent us this video for proof tommy oh she feeds some dog food the story continues the dog this is what happens it says poops you know or solid or whatever it is i guess i'm i'm willing to admit i was wrong ken you shouldn't feed your kids dog food oh well thank thank you finally for admitting that that is dog food right that is not actual yeah you do that or tuna fish i'm not too sure i think it maybe yeah here you go son here i got your meal ready for you oh yeah delicious dinner do you want it sweetie so tonight oh god no no mom i don't want the down downfall i don't want you can you be so rude if i have kids they're eating the dog food okay there's nothing they talk to me like that where are they we're gonna have a talk there will be no more nap time just dog food head out to her house and see what's happening with her son when she's not watching him oh he just sits and play fortnite all day so what do you think is going on with this lady's son i really don't understand the problem sunglasses at night that's what i'm talking about i love the acting it's so good heck yeah dude it's like top tiers it's great hey ken what are you so what do you like think of this video so far ken dude it's like like the best dude like they're gonna get like so many likes like it's gonna be crazy dude like wow and i sh i sure hope they figure out what's wrong with their son yeah dude i hope this is the end with like dude like nothing being resolved at all dude that'd be crazy oh yeah gotta have the ray-bans at night gotta have it so what do you think's going on with this he's the man all right hello okay dude i i was called out once for having sunglasses a neck and it wasn't my fault this random guy just came up and was like why are you wearing sunglasses at night i'm like i actually don't know what how is that not your fault because i came from a flight okay it was bright when i left the flight that came out no longer bright and i was so used to having them right okay got you so he's had him on the plane okay yeah you don't have to do me like that man why would you not even have to say that i got the transition lenses on my glasses and uh oh i was one of those yeah they're they're great they're fantastic i don't have to like swap out like prescription sunglasses but i was told that that's what old people get for their glasses other people are doing it right okay oh cool people get those for the guys i also got like the new balance like dad shoes like the dad shoes they are so uncomfortable which ones are the dad shoes the nikes the white knight oh they're the white new balance ones like just google it you'll see them you'll you'll know yeah that's literally them that yeah yes how did i know that oh it's the ones at the top left right there yeah that's the ones yeah that's how you know you're in here oh they're not in here but they're freaking comfy boy oh you old people got it going on they figured it out yeah you get old you're like screw looking good i just want to be comfortable and that's it they look amazing they're top fashion [ __ ] they're they're great they're great so are my transition lenses okay yeah and i used to have a wallet phone case i have a different phone case now but you know it used to be it used to be wallet like the wallet have my cards and everything in it that's another that's another dad thing isn't it yeah i'm just 100 dad and you know i'm not mad about i even got my dad's shirt on right now it's like a it's like a fishing shirt it's got like are you you know the sweat wicking technology you know it's a fishing shirt that's weird sweat technology all right you know i'm pretty cool bro what other what other dad tricks do you have up your sleeve i hey what's what's brown what's brown and sticky i don't know a stick does that work on your kids yeah yeah where the cows go on the weekends to the movies what's what's a cat's favorite color purple what do you call a deer with no eyes i have no idea okay all right what are what have you done to ken no you need to sense now stop it you're gonna be in life a luxury video this continues her son's been growing super fast for some reason and acting really creepy towards her dude that doesn't make any sense or something dude that doesn't make any sense i'm so puzzled by this how does that happen what oh yeah dude he's talking over here dude if this woman's having problems with her son they should be going to therapy okay okay fine okay whatever have fun but like it still makes no sense [Music] the drive nice it looks spooky i got some fog right here this is it bro okay something seems really wrong here dude the windows are all dark dude i don't know if i want to meet these people this could just be like a waste of time well at the very least let's just go in and meet candace no those windows are dark okay okay there's so much to comment about but this video is 20 minutes uh yeah there's just there's so much like it's already like freaking 12 minutes in sobs over there like looking like bruh come on they're using the dslr cameras to vlog i love it yeah yeah you can use the doorbell as well it's right next to the door but okay they're asleep okay don't wake up everybody hi candace right yeah can these nuts spitting all right good one thank you we told you we were coming tonight okay uh we can come in right okay why is the mom weird that's the the whole point is that she asks for help she seems very confused about them being there oh they got the mirror turned around backwards so the camera light doesn't reflect off of it nice nice good thing yeah well done well done oh let's just sit down and talk with you okay weird house is this there's like two doors okay yeah and then i mean they picked a good place okay let's just sit down and talk with you and there's a tiny door there that's so cute like the alice in wonderland house yeah the three bears mama bear papa bear anyway my porridge okay candace thank you for uh letting us practical of the walls uh can you give us more details she's renovating son right right son it's my fault i fed them dog food i shouldn't have done that so you told us in the email you sent us that you know he's been acting really strange can you go into that more he's he's still my boy he just doesn't talk to me anymore i mean i can see her very concerned about him which is you know a good thing but when did all this start happening with him after michael passed michael was your husband damn he ran into the woods he was gone for about three days i almost called the police i almost why he was gone in the woods for three days you can call it cops he'll be back i thought about it at least that's what can't okay yeah yeah yeah oh great he came back into his room through his window the window why are you coming through the front door yeah i don't know he just completely shut down and now he wears this change mask it's just like he's not my tummy yes well you mentioned that his father passed away are you sure this isn't like some type of grieving no this isn't grieving uh-huh hospital or something that sounds horrible i'm sure she's thought about it ken okay yeah no you call the youtubers gotta vlog it it's funny because i feel like these videos could work if we i mean they're trying i'm not hating on them or anything but it's just so fast it's like it's like the premise of everything yeah yeah just like think about it okay yeah it's like a creepypasta and they're trying to recreate it and vlog it i i i appreciate it i mean they're doing great [ __ ] 28 25 million views but the acting is so good i love it i think he's self-conscious of it well self-conscious bones don't fit into his skin anymore you know don't comment about his abnormally long arms why would they arrive at 11 34 why would they come at a normal time well they see these are these are youtubers they don't actually wake up until like yeah that's right yeah that's when we all film our videos except you and me for whatever reason again jesus christ four boomers you know yeah tommy i'm gonna open the door i don't ruin this kill streak wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where's the lock on the outside the door is trying to keep him in there i guess so like the latch lock you can't you can't undo that from the inside what kind of serial killer okay they got plastic on the wall the mother turned around maybe the mom that's the oh my god it's the evil one after all tommy my name is parker i'm friends with your mom um she invited me here to talk to you to make sure you're okay nice are you feeling alright your mom's uh been worried about the way you've been acting tommy is that a you could turn around so we could talk face to face i push my fingers i do whoa that's actually creepy nice nice love that man how do they do that i mean wow okay tommy uh if you want to talk more chester and i will be here all night bro get out of the house what you mean be here all night he's getting hooked lock him in chester's trying to score with your mom dude chester's like dude i got these sunglasses on you know she's got a husband apparently he's missing so yeah yeah yeah she she's been lonely i gotta talk to you i'm in love with the mom bro that was that was the leap singer slipping down here this is someone famous person's house did you see his face what was that yeah it could be some sort of grieving thing after his dad passed how could that be a grieving thing dude i don't know i mean we came here to set up cameras so why don't you start setting them up dude i'm afraid to see what this guy even does at night but let's just say the cameras bro it is night what are you talking about the freaking chester i like i like the character like the play they play it off like chester's like dude this doesn't make any sense this is dumb we should get out of here and the other guy's like no she's going through some hard times you know we shouldn't you know judge a book by his head spinning around backwards i'm sure we just uh that's up dude it happens yeah yeah yeah that's fine get the gopros took five minutes they got the extra battery packs on them so they last an hour let's go i'm going to the bathroom oh dude at least he makes us better get in here yeah that's nice okay what's this the dog food there's like some sort of like meat or something here the real monster he moves that happens to teenage boys that's normal that's perfectly normal oh my god stop oh he's going to play it off now let's just go i set the camera but the meat moved bro i swear that was gross just completely camera in the mom's room hell yeah hey yo girl what up we get a feeling for the camera here that's so weird why would they do that she's looking sure go ahead me sleep boys okay candace so we set up cameras all over your house and we put one in tommy's room too what is this finger movement hey yeah we said that yeah hey he's [Applause] um well he doesn't know that we put one in there and he's a little little sweaty on the pits there you know i'm gonna oh i didn't notice that oh damn bro [Music] let's go okay candace chest and i are gonna do our best but uh we need to see how your son acts at night first canvas listen yeah that's important yeah we need to go down let's go see how he acts at night that's how you get to know somebody okay he just sleeps normally there's nothing here so there's nothing we can do we're out of here pack it up then why did they need a camera in her room i know why not you know what i'm saying all right all right creep a little bit you know all right bro when we were talking to tommy i got a really bad feeling did you see the way that he looked this guy is so good i love it it's weird it's crazy are they gonna sleep together is that what's happening here yeah dude together that's what i'm talking about let's film it just so people know that we didn't do anything weird or anything oh that's what it is this is like they're they're a couple and this is like their kink you know let's let's go over to people's haunted houses and like you know set some cameras right they'll lay in the bed and i'm saying maybe something creepy will happen whoo-hoo is exciting yeah i know it was creepy but we really don't know what he might be going through i just feel like he doesn't want us in this house bro i don't feel safe sleeping here yeah and neither does candace and that's her own son that's why we're here i want these guys to make a movie that would be so good please i would love it i love the logic i don't feel safe here yeah neither does his mom that's why they sleep together they don't feel safe by the way yeah okay i got a cuddle [Music] they're spooning we go to sleep i swear nothing else these things on his back that's the weirdest part of this video what a psychopath how do you sleep on this side or my belly belly you say you're sleeping what the hell is wrong with you i mean yeah i sleep on my back because that it's like a you know it's like a persona thing you're like a strong manly man you sleep on your back you know scared little soybeans you lay on your belly don't hurt me oh no get out of here get out of here yeah you google it google it what does how you sleep say about you yeah uh backs oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah back sleepers oh you got pain you got so much pain ken did something happening no no it wasn't let's say this ain't the right one look we can find another one find something that supports what i'm saying solar star starfish side sleeper let's go good digestion [ __ ] help us reduce snoring you've been scared are you snoring you've been snoring even by brain health side sleeping may help back pain as well so sleeping may help great oh yeah yeah yeah right right there's gotta be there's gotta be a better one nine positions from their meanings the yearner the log guess the log you lie on your side with both arms straight down it's only six percent six percent sleep like that six percent what blinking in how do you sleep like that that is so weird this is a terrible sight i don't understand what these are like why they got these names like just tell me what i sleep in my back i guess i'm a free faller yeah seems to be more common with gen xers and millennials according to recent research what some say free fallers don't take criticism that is bulky you don't know me you don't know anything about me idiots outspoken yeah i told you what it means okay me you soy boy sleep on your belly i can't sleep in my belly it makes my it actually makes my back hurt sleeping on my belly looks like i got a big belly i guess yeah you don't have the balls to balance it out that's what's happening my belly like sinks into the bed because it's so heavy and like art oh my back but they're you know the balls sometimes balance it out what do you mean what what so now you catch caught it sometimes marxian sleeps on her back and she keeps her legs up like the cartoon like dead position like straight up in the air i'm scared ken i'm scared no wait what like her knees are up in the air she how do you sleep like that i don't no way i don't know like she just tucks her knees up i'm scared yeah i'm scared too like it looked like a childish standing on top of her under the bed so we're gonna have to call up life of luxury and get them to put some cameras i need help chilling [Music] definitely definitely just going through puberty normal nobody knows nobody suspects were they off on the shelf right now we're seeing it oh man oh oh that's what's happening okay guys he's growing he just grew a lot nice i'll be a strong boy you're very strong very strong oh got his new legs and arms out hit that twerk he got he's thirsty he's gonna go for a little snack maybe oh man oh no he's seen the gopro oh my god so they said that he went to the bathroom earlier do you think they had like an awkward like in the hallway like oh you're going to the bat oh oh sorry how does this dude go the bathroom you know you got that you hover over it right you just kind of hover and plop it in yeah hell yeah this is literally everyone going for a midnight snack i don't see the big deal there's nothing wrong here yeah oh oh oh oh it goes so it was good that they had a camera there oh this is okay i don't understand the layout of this house you can go back to where you when you like open the door like when he when he opens it like see there's there's room behind him he opens there's nothing maybe it's just the lighting maybe maybe there is something back there uh sleep they suspect nothing is he trying to close the door how can you sleep through this oh okay oh oh yeah so that's how he grows nice is she dead oh my god she's dead she's chilling either very surprised oh yeah the camera oh he knows oh my gosh 7 a.m what's gonna happen but now i can't wait am right now we just woke up dude did you hear anything last night yeah with this dude i don't know maybe i had a weird dream okay well can you go wake up candace i'll go set up the footage so we can watch it all right i'll go home it's in the it's the morning you just turn on the light and you don't need to have that all right you know it doesn't matter yeah it stays but it stays dark the whole time because yeah okay yeah all the lights start right no no it is oh hello ooh but i mean she hit her she hit her neck but okay no it's just this is why you sleep on your back so no one your child isn't noticed this morning inject pig parker parker dude i'm gonna hold the camera help her oh they got my camera this is a good one i can tell nice dude where did they find this woman as well what kind of acting gig is these do you think they're in la uh probably i like how they all have the same bed frame too they kind of just like rented a couple of a couple of things to be able to make it there's nothing else there's nothing else in this house there's a black mark on her back are you okay bruh bruh it's a black bar got a bag it's and it's totally seven a.m right now i can't believe it they have a wheelchair he just has a wheelchair in their head he just like ran into the wall too [Laughter] man got my wheelchair i found it okay so let's look at this footage from last night okay so it looks like tommy wasn't sleeping much at all he's very active at night i can see that oh my god he's going into my is nobody freaked out weirdy lungs oh my god what's he doing oh my god what is he doing that's so weird does he do that that's super weird that's weird right kids don't do that like a mosquito is that why you can't walk that's your spine oh man i love it this is so good this is so good oh beautiful that's your spine is that why you won't walk you gotta put in a wheelchair it's so annoying look what he did to you this isn't oh my god i have to call the police no no no why not they won't understand tommy okay well if you don't want to call the police chester and i need to go talk to him right now no that's the next step yeah all right no don't do that don't do that then why did you call them we don't call the police we need to go have a word yeah we're gonna have a sid man this tongue business spine thing knock it off man stop it he's like all right sorry guys my bad bro what the hell did we just watch why doesn't she want to call the police dude i don't know that was horrible i don't know that i never seen acting this good and i'm it's so good it's s plus quality right here this is the best it looked like he was sucking her spinal fluid out like a mosquito or something did you see the way he was walking i think he grew more last night we gotta get out of here well now it's more clear than ever that this lady needs our help definitely stay here one more time come on one more night we don't have a choice yes let's do it the ladies hit her it just had her spinal fluid sucked out they call the hospital you know yeah i really just don't want him in here again tonight i mean i don't know what to do here i don't i there's nothing we can do to stop that there's no lock made on the door already so i i don't know how possible we definitely can't lock him into his room that's for sure yeah that's unfortunate are you sure we can't just call the they police understand them and then talk to them at least i want to see this conversation well listen how about we put this chair here against your door handle in case he tries to get in again there's no way he's going to be able to get through this and now we're locked in as well how do you get out now okay so we're all set now if he tries to come in again chester and i are going to be right in the other room try to get some sleep okay we'll watch your footage in the morning okay one would be okay wait what do they did all day just hanging out with the mom no a whole day passed for sure okay try to get some sleep all right we'll talk in the morning bro you can't tell me i love that's his thing every time okay cameron go bro this is crazy what is bro happening i don't feel safe bro get me out of here please bro you still stay sleeping if we made videos like this who would you be would you be would you be gesturing chester for sure yeah so i gotta be the guy going like dude we gotta stay here yeah we gotta we gotta get to the bottom i wanna i wanna do it she's so fun i love that yes i can just imagine you do it you'd be like what do you mean getting mad and yelling this is so good what are the other options we can leave dude let's just repeat tonight if that's fair it's definitely 200 man all right but the second i hear anything i'm leaving okay whatever let's just go to bed he's done i'm mad to go to bed mad [Music] 92 oh god is he going to come into their room now oh no oh did you see that that was a ghost holy [ __ ] wow there was the top left of your screen was it what did you see did you see that pause the footage again and we'll go look at look at the chairs stacked up on each other what is that oh more ghosts fly around a room oh my god there must be a strong paranormal activity in this house oh put his mask back home there's been one thing that's really bothering me about this guy's room he goes back to his room again she pause it what is that underneath his bed leg right there like it's the level of the bed now is that what it is okay i thought it was like like the air conditioning vent on the floor or something no it might be you're right follow the floor here [ __ ] put your mask on clean your room clean your room child i like how they literally just went to this barren house like he has nothing to do in there of course he's going to go crazy well she's got a different bed frame now what yeah when did that change oh yeah what the [ __ ] and it's completely they clearly moved the bed to set up this shot as well and not like it matters but like they wouldn't put a bed next to a window sticking out freaking psychos yeah oh well we get the wobble going on yeah sit back down what's going to happen everybody's just sleeping [Music] oh he did this thing again he say this again whoa five nights at freddy's out here i just gotcha i'm scared bro damn bro this is actually i'm so started hey dude this is actually scary oh my god i don't know if you should keep watching this video ken we can't can't look away it's 10 am we might get cursed as well if we keep watching video we should really stop dude we should but no we have to keep watching what's going to happen because we have to get to the bottom of this nobody i'm so scared bro i can't keep watching no you have we got to do it just think about how they feel bro okay fine but if anything scary happens i'm stopping this video now okay oh did you see that ken he just bashed his head in the door oh that's kind of weird the effects there were pretty crazy you know because like i tried the door handle because i think the door opens from the outside anyway but yeah we should probably call the cops or something ken no no okay they won't they they probably wouldn't understand him bro we need to go have a word with him we need to go talk to him which we never are they are they going to come and help her bro were they next to him in the bed [Laughter] dude something's breaking what something's breaking bro that's the sound of something breaking you're right bro this is crazy bro man dude how big is this house yeah they should be there by now yeah how big are they how far away are they this house is huge you should be right across in the other room they're not going to make any time he's too far let's go oh she's dead how did you make it in he just dragged her off he's like [ __ ] i'm too tired for this this is me i'm oh okay is this your shirt where'd she go oh my god she's out there naked somewhere gotta get out of here dude dude did that guy take her dude i don't know anymore we gotta go now we gotta find her grub we don't we gotta worry about ourselves dude you saw me dude screw her a man that's what i'm talking about that'd be me right there screw this i'm gone oh so you're uh you're the guy not me i guess all right i'll be i'll be there i'll be the other dude they drove home and contacted on facebook okay that that should do it that should do it yeah yeah that that's the trick that should do the trick facebook oh they got the plaques in the wall hell yeah that was great i mean i gotta smash like on that that was beautiful yeah heck yeah nice plot twist the sun's actually a professional basketball player [Laughter] yeah i'm going to the big leagues mom we're going together such a really wholesome story 180 degrees parker he's grieving man oh man oh that's good watching dream stands in action this is what happens when you take away their youtube [ __ ] oh man that was great love that beautiful i feel kind of scared right now i don't know dude that we should stop this video now it's too scary but there's like there's like you know two more minutes left in the whole video you know you got to get that that watch time oh no oh real horror not doing that i guess now i gotta sleep on my back just in case someone injects uh sucks out spinal fluids you had it right true i was wrong today your birthday happy birthday i'm sorry oh i was gonna say i usually hammer right you know it's fine whatever no you're not you can't take criticism you side sleeper oh yeah i don't know oh no yeah it's okay maybe you sleep like a log idiot no no one does that that's right i have kids i don't sleep what are you talking about oh that's true that's great it was sucking out your spinal flu jokes in the uk [Applause] i'll leave it 100 000 likes and we'll do another one oh yes guys if video gets hundred thousand likes remember another collab it can check out ken bye you thought it was gay but true relevance never really died welcome to the first undead game use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber simulator add some of our patented stickers in there stickers are emotions memes our emotions express still emotions with me show them for likes share them for love get up for free and who knows maybe i'll review your memes the greatest honor of all time full circle baby download it make a meme we need subtitles on this
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,964,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: Q6QoGgsnGKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 57sec (2457 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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