Man Lives in his Jazucci... TLC #24

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get felix colin ken from australia i'm here baby what you need oh finally you're back we can record tlc again i got withdrawals right to watch more tlc with you oh my god i had to think of original video ideas while you were gone to fill the gap it's not like i did that anyway i don't know why i said that anyway kim's back let's go tlc have you seen this one man heats up food in his jacuzzi of course i've never seen this one ever before i feel like i've seen this and in the back of my mind i'm like have i made a video on this oh god am i just recycling content dude i get i get comments like that i'll make a video and people like have you done this already and i'm like just freaking search it on my channel see if you can find it jesus no of course i haven't done it yet maybe [Laughter] i know this is like a classic tlc ryan heats up food in this jacuzzi good old cheapskates i'm excited that's what an online dating service todd was not paying for it and i was paying for it and that's where you should have ended it no you know what i respect that guys don't have to pay that's right yeah yeah it's 20 21 all right guys don't always have to pay yeah she was like oh my god this is the first time like a guy's ever made me pay for the food this is so hot what a bold move he's so cool he made me pay he's so confident so confident little did she know see they couldn't even afford shoes at the wedding [Laughter] it's the beach wedding you know when you go out to the beach and you have to wear white and i don't know get tan which they didn't do red flags you're a red flag all right rude he doesn't have to pay whatever he does i'm on his side okay i realized pretty quickly that he was different from anyone else i had dated before one christmas whoa what is happening here what gave it away like his freaking dexter house where he's gonna murder you you went through this sound after a day we're like you know what gotta dent this thing i think uh how are you alive what is all this what is this freaking ketchup in this mustard under plastic over here what is all that oh man his car is parked on top of a tarp too why is he gonna get like his wheels are gonna get the ground dirty the wheels can't get dirty can i'll be insane todd bought me doritos and chocolate chips for christmas well that's a nice thoughtful gift all right i'm on his site what what what do you expect jewelry cliche doritos hell yeah nothing says lovely like doritos anyway this is sponsored by on our first date this is what we had together because that's all we could afford and oh it brings back memories so sweet what kind of chocolates huh maybe they're really nice ones important doubt it it's probably like true i don't know supermarket what's your opinion on american chocolates i have no opinion obviously they're great well i was talking to a to it to a uh a british man another youtuber and he's all about chocolates he loves british chocolates yeah he's like he asked me he's like so what do you think about american chocolates like i guess they're good and he's like no they're terrible they're freaking sour they're gross they even make it sour because back in the day the milk would go bad inside the chocolate when they got to america and all this other stuff yeah that's true i've heard of my face some reese's pieces you know well i spoke to some british friends too and they're like it tastes like vomit a lot of british people think american chocolate tastes like vomit and there's actually a scientific reason why because that compound that american factories use it's the same that you can detect in uh vomit same chemical so people aren't wrong for thinking it is it is actually vomit vomit chocolate the more you know here at pewdiepie toc there you go i just learned so much freaking chad moves here dude just gave her some vomit for christmas and she loved it it does taste like [ __ ] i'm not gonna lie even swedish chocolate is the batter but sweetheart chocolate what kind of chocolate the sweet sweets [Music] [ __ ] commercials burning to my brain oh my god i've only sweet song like that was like the cool [ __ ] and you know dance around the big ball sack for fertility during the summer that was terrible ken you got a quack quack sorry i didn't mean to offend you don't even try it okay if you're gonna do it half-ass like that what's this video about again crazy people can unlike us right right i think my habits did get to her after a while she would sometimes joke and say that she was on the crazy train you know pun intended since i drive trains she got off a crazy train oh god he has it everywhere yeah plastic on the floor oh my god seriously your tinder date brings you back to your home this is his house what do you do i'm running the trains i'm going straight down the track and uh i can do whatever i want well right now uh fridge times very specific fridge times 8 37 is that when he like turns the fridge on you know you got an optimum the temperature 440 what is that what is in his fridge what is this oh god what is in the fridge no the water always up in the freezer every tlc video obligatory weird [ __ ] in the freezer uh in ziploc bags i don't have to put them in a washing machine it actually it's his clothes this is cool he keeps his pants pots and pans what what what kind of life hack is this it kills the bacteria by having them in here that way i save on uh laundry detergent i save on time i don't have to use electricity to run my washing machine damn what okay more fun facts with the felix they did a test on jeans and they discovered that people that have not washed their jeans in a year almost has as much bacteria as someone that hasn't washed it and washed it in a week well you're not even like actual blue jeans like real blue jeans you're not supposed to watch anyway oh yeah you just don't wash them i don't know why it's just how just the way it is he puts his stuff in the in his freezer and it kills the bacteria maybe i've just seen too many movies but in their like movies where they like go to antarctica and like dig something up and the bacteria murders everyone because it's been dormant there the whole time right that's right what the hell you just ruined the thing for me now the movie oh my god it makes nonsense they get them in the end it's fine yeah [Laughter] why don't i put them in the oven then prior to japan so it got hot nice and hot yeah we've got roads with my pants i think it was such a crazy movie remember the first time you watched the thing how old were you uh i actually didn't see it until like recently oh dude i watched it when i was like a teenager and like the first like it's gross like the the way they do it all ah it looks freaking creepy fun fact with felix they actually used gum for a lot of their stringing effects on the who do you watch movies with it like tells you all this stuff i've watched too many youtube videos ken that's it you watch the movie then go watch youtube videos about it i don't know how i know these pointless things can but i have a need to share them okay sorry well maybe that's what made it so scary they used actual bubble gum and like chewed bubble gums like the grossest thing on the planet freaked me out man yeah that was from yeah yeah the freaking head skittering around oh it's a legitimately great film i like it but anyway this guy's crazy yeah dude the thing i just thought about this i'm sorry the thing is the original concept for among us oh yeah i forgot about that there you go kids now you have something to understand what we were talking about ah no among us anybody that anybody that still plays among us is this dead is over with dude it's still like the top nintendo store what yeah well i mean nothing else has come out in like two years so i guess that makes sense okay i forgot before i forget ken you still got your mustache hell yeah still got my mustache you mustache hater british people are disgusting ken okay listen to this thirty percent of those asked confess they wash their bed sheets once a year or less the thing is growing in everyone's bed basically they wash their bed sheets once a year or less once a year how much sweat and skin you can make a whole other person out of that amount of skin that's in a bed i'm pretty fat and i sweat at night right and then i mean how do i say this are all these people like single because you know sometimes you just gotta wash your bed sheets don't wash your bed sheets right now do it right now pause the video we'll wait we'll wait take three hours please wash your bed sheets you freaking disgusting people dude it gets worse it gets worse hold up i got a fun fact for you that goes along with this so apparently over time your mattress gets heavier because it absorbs all your sweat and your dead skin so like you know you get your mattress like oh it's not that heavy and then like 10 years later like jesus christ i can't move this thing because it's filled up like oh dude that woman that ate the mattress have you seen her on tlc [Laughter] oh my god she's eating people she's literally eating her family she's as bad as the lady that actually eats her dead boyfriend oh my god have you seen that one the one where she eats the ashes of her dead husband oh i have yet to see that lovely clip all right you should check it out and i'll pretend like i've never seen it what did that say that safety they only changed their underwear like i don't remember but it's like not enough change your underwear put it in your freezer so it kills at least put it in the freezer i'm this guy he's done it right i'm on his side the whole time look at that like brand new yeah it's like it's like i just bought them yeah but you're not supposed to wash them anyway according to ken so joke's on you idiot by tightly packing his fridge with clothes cookware and canned goods todd cuts his energy use by nearly 10 but you don't have to keep cans in the fridge that's the whole point right am i missing something here well they got enough salt in them that where you can just keep it forever anyway right yeah what's the point how long look at all these condiments he has in his freaking drawer right here this dude's not saving any money look at those condiments yeah too many can respect this the refrigerator doesn't cycle on as much and it doesn't produce or uh consume as much electricity close the door close the door you're killing the planet close the door he's wasting those money closer i don't care that some people might think that some of my habits are over the top now i got clothes in my refrigerator for god's sake i mean it's that's pretty cheap that's not the weirdest part the weirdest part is whatever the hell you got going on with all this plus what what is that what is [Laughter] without him laughing or the thing i don't know i care about comfort he cares about saving money our hair comes oh yeah let's go there's no need for me to use the washing machine because it just cost too much money i could just reuse the water right here there's a lot of wear and tear on your clothes in the washing machine i'm able to wash my clothes in here my clothes my clothes last for years do you think he has guests over and they go in their jacuzzi together you saw this dude's house plastic everywhere of course this dude has tons of guests over that's why he so they don't track dirt into his house yeah oh man hop in come on man what is what is great feeling's good come on man yeah come on man it's fine oh sorry i didn't bring any swim to suit no don't worry it's fine i'm in my short stick come on it looks clean it's so good it's all good coming in the water first of all does this make sense doesn't jacuzzi take a lot of energy in itself yeah wouldn't it be cheaper to not have a jacuzzi and then just wash your clothes hot tubs are considered personal property and do not affect the resale value of a home all right never mind they don't affect the resale value what a soup in my plastic container and uh but you'd be surprised at how quickly it heats up i think people probably use their microwave every day to 40 or almost 40 a month it's almost ready what kind of microwaves do what forty dollars that's soup that soup is cold as hell dude i guarantee it how much soup you think he's dumped in this jacuzzi he must have spilled so much soup yeah the freaking numbers they run on the show blow my mind it's like you know hey i don't flush my toilet ever and i've saved 800 a month yeah right sure okay great i just spit in the toilet free water don't have to flush i'm not idiots add any value to the house oh he's blowing on it he's blowing on it like it's so hot get the [ __ ] out of here with that [ __ ] oh sure buddy it's just boiling water and that could be happening at all the time like what oh dude i decided to use it for multi-purposes for everything that i can think of he's like there's jacuzzi with such a bad investment so i gotta make the most out of it yeah washes all this stuff and cooks his soup and then as he will hop in there and wash his ass on it yeah look at that look at that soapy mess what is that i ain't going in there so mildly wait little hairs on it it costs about 15 a month to take a 10 minute shower every day and that adds up by using my shot i would say i'm saving about 30 to 40 a month that way i don't have to use my appliances i could turn off the hot water heater this hot tub i mean this thing is a money saver i mean this is like a cash he's he's just trying to justify buying this hot dog it saves me money it's great i can eat my soup soup was so hot it could have burned my mouth so let me hop in the hot tub oh wow oh it's i'm just super human i'm built different i don't know why hot tub resellers aren't just uh selling hot tubs with soup heaters you're right you're right you know what if you buy these hug that you don't have to use a microwave anymore it's great i think it's a stroke of genius myself sure they always think like they they're so smart that's a that's a common theme with cheapskates where they just think they're they beat themselves so much smarter than the average person all right like 80 a month by jumping in the jacuzzi and doing everything in the jacuzzi yeah the medical bills whenever you get sepsis or something or whatever it is right no no they don't worry about it todd's free time is spent preserving the value of things that he has okay i'm planning on selling this car and uh i want to try to get the best deal i can this car is 10 years old and you would not know that by looking at it i mean hey it's an out all right well that's not how car sales work there fella you actually got to tell them the year the car and they run the vin number and all that information comes back and your hubcaps busted yeah i knew all that too yeah yeah and the mileage yeah exactly it's like comes in like mileage and like how old the car is doesn't matter like what condition it's in i mean it does but you know at the same time that's not the major anyway yeah i mean that car looks like it's in good shape i'm not gonna lie he could probably get a lot of that car if i were to sell my car i think i could probably get 3 000 for fair condition and 6 000 for good condition easily jesus 6 000 for a good so twice the value because it's in good condition he's doubled the value because wow [Music] let's get it wrapped up here's what normal people do they clean the car before they sell it yeah yeah you go pay a guy like 20. you can you can do that details the whole thing you don't have to you don't have to live like things the uh the dashboard and on the steering wheel but i've got those seats i've got it on the floor mats most cars get a lot of that weather has this guy heard of a vacuum or wipes no he just spends all his money buying plastic and tape some news magazines on the on the steering wheel the sun just bleaches a lot of the plastic but i don't get that in my car my car is just perfect i mean it's as good as the day i bought it uh-huh yeah good thing you've been able to enjoy it maybe this is how he enjoys it though to be fair i've gone on my way to preserve this car as much as i can so the next owner can enjoy it yeah exactly but you know when that you sell your car the first thing they say is like oh that it's bleached inside by the sun i mean this is not gonna sell it i don't hear that all the time we're gonna have to knock off at least 6000 on the price of this yeah those are like a danger like what every time the cops being called on them there's this dude what is with the clothes everybody's trying his freaking clothes in his back seat bro just driving the jacuzzi what are you doing put it in the you know the freezer it'll it'll turn into ice you just knock it off [Laughter] i was drawing some clothes in the dryer and i thought why am i spending money well i can just you know you don't people hang their colors you're not you're not slick there yeah what do you mean you just go hang it outside you don't have to drive your car around wasting gas because you care so much about money oh my god how many how many items can you fit in a car anyway like there was like three garments in there what's that this guy's just having a laugh dude this can't be serious this is dumb this makes no sense he can't be serious why am i spending money well i can just you know put him in the back of my car and dry them in there i did it a couple times and it worked like a champ how's that cheaper you're heating up three shirts it's not it's not what are you all about oh man i think the clothesline in the car is ridiculous ty can't afford to dry his clothes in the damn dryer oh i swore the average man oh you swore demonetized it only takes about two or three hours for my clothes to uh dry in the backseat or you can just hang them overnight anywhere and they'll be dry you even gotta hang them you can just take one of like a chair from his house and like just throw a shirt off the back of it and put it outside that works for me i don't know what the problem each of my stops each what's that what happened to your alloy there buddy huh yes talk about that earlier it was like busted like all good condition you know yeah yeah we didn't see that huh discount near expired food toward the end of the day oh great well so todd has this thing where he goes to the store and he peruses the fish and meats and looks at the dates well usually old meat is is uh good right yeah i mean they discount it because not because it's bad but because it needs to be cooked like within the next couple days right and i'm sure he does that he does not keep them in this jacuzzi or something like that yeah it gets discolored a little bit too when it's discolored even if it's still good people don't want to buy it because they're like ah gross no i get that but this is normally for people that want to save money uh because they can't afford it this guy can afford it you think he's gonna haggle you think he's gonna be like hey bro this is uh going out you're gonna throw it away you know how about uh it's for free give me a sweet deal free how about you pay me so he'll buy all the the fish that's on clearance that they're about to throw out this guy is like defensive when i get something cheap when i find a good deal i feel really good it uh makes my day any uh good deals on seafood today i do what you're looking for anything that's uh gonna be past its expiration date do you have anything that's old anything expired [Music] you know if the packages are broken open i'll take a look there you go there's a deal see that one broken yeah you're gonna have it for half price what about this one this one's the dancer this one's a little brown he's looking at the worst ones he could possibly at this one this one's moldy huh so you know uh at your establishment when you sell food you sell anything that's like out of date and expired and the guy's like no i want to get sick as quick as possible yeah exactly we have some meat we totally forgot about it it's been sitting there for the past decade you can get that what do you give me on that one i see a lot that one looks like it's been opened up that's cool but is this 99 something 99 cents i'll take that for 99. what is this 99 something yeah back in the 1950s you want 99 cents 99 cents go for it he was like i don't give a [ __ ] okay he's like dudes go away man yeah exactly yeah what i estimate that i probably save about 75 a month on expired groceries that most people don't want and uh i can save me up to about 900 a year when i'm satisfied congratulations yeah exactly you did it huge amazing you did it you're the man when i'm satisfied knowing that it's the lowest price i can get then i buy it all throw it in my freezer and yeah i'm living like a king samples living like a king customers but go ahead go ahead and i even got a free uh little chocolate that's huge do you think he's over there just like oh god you want to come over and see my jacuzzi bro the water's great trust me bro he he's the kind of guy that goes to random receptions just to grab the candy and be like i save so much money on canada it's incredible oh my god it's so free it's oh it's great oh oh man what a guy what a guy i'm not on his side i tried i really tried but i came no not at all when i used to wash her my peanut bucket and drink instead of getting me water shakes me approximately oh man i bet he doesn't even replace the hot tub water of course he doesn't care he's not it's just like freaking that's why he's got to put all his clothes to kill him in the in the freezer because he washes them in the bacteria water where they're from god i feel sick if he feels physically ill as well smash like on this video oh my god yeah yeah yeah one more subscriber he gets another subscriber oh that's true also check out ken we got another toc video up on his channel thanks for watching wash your clothes wash your sheets will be washed catching you know don't give don't give your wife doritos and chocolate for christmas you won't have a wife anymore no that's cool you can do that
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 4,000,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: BvmyJRoKtuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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