Reacting To The Worlds Biggest House ($500 000 000)

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welcome ken today we have a video i'm very excited to watch with you it's the biggest and most expensive house in the world wow i've been looking at a lot of houses i've seen a lot of really expensive houses so i'm i'm excited to see what they got for the one you like watching expensive house tours as well this is not just me dude i'm officially joining floor gang soon you're moving all your stuff yeah like we had to move up yeah we had to move up the date to move stuff so i'm going to be like here with just like a laptop sit on the floor record videos soon yeah i can't wait for that [Laughter] appreciate it oh when you have to stand up afterwards that's just pure pain i look okay so i found this video thanks to cody code thank you sub to cody thank you the thing is okay i love watching these kind of videos because i watch the architectural digest ones but there are couple writers i can't react to them so i'm finally excited to watch these in this episode we speak with nile nayami the creator and visionary behind the one which he believes is about to change the world is he talking about the building i don't know it sounds like it sounds like the opening to the lower the rings right now like the one ring i'm gonna get some go ahead and say niley's probably pretty delusional but let's watch the one is the largest house ever built valued a half a billion wow this better be good what kind of [ __ ] idiot buys a house for half a million i have a billion sorry half a billion right are there that many billionaires in the world like i don't know i don't know how long i don't think i wish there was one more honestly you know oh yeah guys become a member so i can um about half a billion dollar house ballet or your california place in the world ken oh yeah is that the house it's where i've seen that house it was on the selling sunset it looks similar at least half a billion for that wow it's got a parking lot wow that looks like some shitty trophy from a video game it's like this is the time that i got my feet cleaned by the little fish at the uh at the nail salon i wanted to commemorate it with this statue the pool is terrible there's two pools double three there's three pools we just had the most epic epic house tour in the history of our channel i think in the history of anybody's channel what a guy wow what a guy i thought i thought i heard like ozzy osbourne there for a second talking we just had like the greatest house tour of [Music] he looks like one of those people that go clubbing but never grow up he looks this shirt was probably black before he wore into the club and he came out and looked like this you know when you were younger going to clemson it was almost that [ __ ] old ass dude and i'm like why are you here what the [ __ ] there he is there he is in flesh and blood um i'm sure you will agree ah mr sleazebag that's the wealth right this guy's about to they're watching a drug deal go down i'm pretty sure this guy did a line of coke right before this [Laughter] a little bit on the shirt right there what is that uh bruh beanie and l.a get that [ __ ] outta here my biggest pet peeve with l.a people is when they're like oh it's a little cold i better put on a jacket [Laughter] they just love the idea of wearing a jacket i'm like stop it you don't get to appropriate this [ __ ] thing that we have to wear we gotta die we're outside in uk i actually think i had a jacket in l.a now i think about it god damn it what we can do with the house what did you mean tell everybody you look so bored i think that i have something very very exciting and i believe that i like the little paranoia of looking over his shoulder the cops are here [Laughter] the homeowners are going to come in in any minute the house is called the one bel air and my show is called the one and between those two i think that we have the ability to really change the world in a very positive way what how for one person [Laughter] in the house who are you changing the world for right now in a really positive way too i mean now hungary and africa all these problems it's also thanks to the one house for half a billion thank you noelle how does this house change the world i i i i will explain so because of covet all of the venues around the world have been either shut down or dramatically altered there is nowhere in the world really where you can go for a venue like you used to have like a big boxing match or the academy awards or the grammys or do you think they're going to have the academy awards that he can house what is he on where is he getting with ace but did he did he is he leading to that he didn't build a house he built like a convention center is that i yeah what what difference does it make the same regulations and rules apply all right judge before we know everything to gather at staples center or mgm or caesars palace or any of these other places but we have it now because this house has the ability it just cures corbin it has the ability to cure all diseases you see rich people don't get coveted so if you come to my rich house that costs more than everyone else's it just goes away how did this guy get handled this project there's no logic in that whatsoever 900 people in a safe covent environment and what is being created for this house is a show that is a show that everyone will want to watch and identify with because it stars me i live in the house and i live in the house people that i love and crazy things and have crazy parties but we also he's like this house isn't going to sell so i guess we got to film something i don't know so he just compared this place to like the staples center and all these big places that can hold thousands of people not code save and then he's like but this is different because we can have like 900 people here and we have a show dude it's i'm changing the world bro i'm changing the world it's the one obviously i'm delusional but that's fine i wear beanie in los angeles it's whatever the world in so many different ways and one of those ways we're doing it is so many ways are creating gigantic boxing matches right in the grass gigantic maximum 900 people though like i never tell you that i used to like me and my friends we would go out in the yard and have like boxing matches back in the day this is you this is me if i ever get rich right here okay i'm gonna go build a stupid like boring looking house that cost way too much money just because of where it's based at this is like a flex it's like movies you know like oh we we made this much money in our movie in the year 2020 when ticket prices are like double what they used to be we did it we set the record it's the same thing with this dude's house just the location alone probably cost like way more than any other house you know bel air on top of the freaking hill like imagine if you had to go and build like i don't know like some grand notre dame or something how much do you think it would cost to build today probably more than this dude's house you know probably you know it's like a weird flex of just but it's the one again i just don't understand how people can post this much but i want to see what else it says it's very entertaining boxers that you could ever imagine and concerts and anything that you could imagine that has a pay-per-view event leading up to the pay-per-view event i'm gonna go ahead and let me say there will never be a pay-per-view event on this it would usually be cheaper to get an arena anyway it's not like there's any difference like what are you on about it sounds to me like you may be having trouble paying his bills you know exactly that's what it seems like we need this place to pay for itself airbnb yeah and wants to market that in this video i am going to have a very very successful show and i'm going to have events like they used to have where you have energy and you have atmosphere and that's what we're going to do right here starting the next couple of months right here on the grass it went from like he's changing the world to like a flex it's gonna rain money down or go do it like we used to do it man it's gonna be great changing the world 900 people at a time we have a flight field of grassy here it's gonna really make an impact he's talking like he actually is the only one who has a yard boxing event with the biggest boxers that you've heard of in your life with round tables around the event where people are going to come and they're going to eat and they're going to have a good time again in an event the way that it used to be but way better than it ever was because we have the energy from the city they have energy from the city what no way they have like some sort of electricity or this is the one i mean no other house has any of these felix please tell me what this dude's talking about because it's kind of black face like what i would love to speak with this guy and be like so how exactly is that different from any other hat it's so right okay what he's got logan paul and jake paul on the phone right now like dude let's have some boxing matches up here you know bro right that's what it sounds like i'm sure they could do it but [ __ ] man so how exactly is this better than a stadium then because it's in his yard okay gotcha i gotcha all right understand myself down for a front row seat he just wants to be in on it yeah they'll be 35 000 to 40 000 each but you can ouch listen ouch even the businesses for delusional people selling delusions i love it you know the the fight between floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao made seven oh my god how [ __ ] long do they speak i want to see the [ __ ] house we have a better oh this is the whole video hold up let's let's watch the actual house tour then sorry listen to this dude talk as a whole video in itself though because yeah like this dude's obviously surrounded by just yes man that's why it's so fun i want to talk to this dude i'm sure he's a great guy but what i'm sure he's a great guy i'm sure he's a great guy just kidding that's the most [ __ ] thing i've ever heard you say ken look he's got a lot of money okay i gotta like him tell him i'm sure he does a lot of possibly a lot of uh he's changing the world man how can you not like him 35 000 a ticket at a time at his house that he paid too much for and now he's got to make some monthly papers no one's ever going to buy that house because if you if you had to spend 500 million dollars in a house just look we haven't even done the house tour yet but just looking at it you can build something better i promise it does it doesn't look great but i can't wait to see this [ __ ] house at last oh my gosh there it is wow there's the the fish foot thing again the pole isn't even dug down i gotta go off a ladder to swim is the most epic of epic videos it is a hundred and five thousand square feet it is called the one and what gets better than that we are with the one the one niall who is right behind that hasn't built this and he is just an incredible guy i can't keep saying i'm gonna no cameras no that is before in its entirety ever ever ever is that correct that's right so this is the first view so we got a uh that that opens into itself he completely ignores this dude i love it right i i just looked it up you know they said it's the biggest house in the urban world yeah biggest houses in the world it's number nine oh so you look yeah fact check this [ __ ] you gotta have google next to you wherever you're not walking to this guy i'm like number one let me check that out for okay oh it's in the urban world right now actually actually there's a freaking skyscraper building that's like 400 000 square feet it's huge jesus christ all right never mind they lied about that too it's not the biggest nerve in the world okay that's kind of cool biometric we have the latest technology yo it's biometric i'm so sure i have a billy here you go biometric what the [ __ ] i mean that's kind of cool biometric man come on guys i have never been in this house before this is the first time walking through the door adam has never been in this house wow and i don't know thanks for clarifying that i don't care let me show you over here so we'll come and go this way this is uh this is the entrance where do i dump my shoes and jackets i won't i'm wearing jackets and beanies what am i going to put up there's just a bunch of marble in space like where's the actual what's the point of this this is the personality i need some personality in this house where's that maybe maybe this is the dude's personality do you not see this thing in the middle it's oh we have the sculpture done original for this house this artwork michael phelps it's called unity and it was they got a michael fam sculpture no way well this doesn't do sculpture no [ __ ] clues it turns 360 degrees eight turns 360 right okay i got this phone it [ __ ] turns there bro 3d what the [ __ ] dude the sculpture looks like a piece of plastic man what the seating areas in the house this foyer is a true foyer it's like an art gallery when you have so much art i mean i guess i'm looking at only art it's like oh you mentioned it let me show you over here love that rich person life [Laughter] oh man this dude's even got like a swag walk to man he's walking like he's got his back he knows what he's doing a two-story office with an office balcony i have to ask you a question do you get lost in here i don't i mean and for me it doesn't even feel big anymore because i've done it so many times but you know that office is awful what the [ __ ] the house space is just like vertical like up yeah the room is just tall ceiling congratulations like i wouldn't feel comfortable in this office it feels way too big i mean just imagine the echo when you're trying to record honestly i would hate this office i know that's just me but i still don't think it looks good 10 years in the making right 10 years december 2012 was when i first bought this land and um and we've been pushing ever since and this this office is the only room in the house the house is surrounded by water this is the only room in the house that we just said another tangent about something else it's the only room in that the view is terrible too like yeah i'll just say you can get this office in like any city you just like rent an office space in a building and you have it with a better view like but this office you'll see every single wall in this office touches water so it's like it's floating look how dirt it is it looks that's like if that's what it is now can you imagine where's the water there is water this is very light you see here the edge but you can tell how much gunk it's collected it's like you don't you're good they gotta have some things happen so they can afford to clean it okay yeah it seems like they need a boxing event can you should set it up oh my god out in the yard i'm six foot two how high are they okay that's a [ __ ] thought there's probably 24 feet how do you reach how do you really get a balcony in your office so people can like go over the edge and like peek on you while you're working or something [Laughter] i love this how you have too much storage when they literally like okay i don't know what to put okay a bus yeah maybe another bus okay a bus a bus a bus a bus this is our kitchen right now like we have very tall shelves in our kitchen like too tall for us to even reach so we just have like a plant on each one like like one we don't have to water like all right you just you gotta just sit up there and just live your lives because we're never you can relate to this i see how it is spectacular have you ever seen an office with a balcony i have not i actually noticed that i thought yeah and there's probably a good reason for that because why because why would you need that in case you need to look over the office if anything in the office you want to be private and then not interrupt that and not have people having a [ __ ] balcony where they throw yo-yos down i don't know what i wanted to do there's not even a door to this office like anybody can come in we have an open door policy in our office here you know yeah you're right it is impressive right it's a big-ass office but it who wants it and the price i think that's the context right i can't just say this is awful the whole thing is set up for people to do what we're doing to it right it's like i spent a crazy amount of money on stuff that nobody actually wants it's so cool but we're like no it's not who wants this yeah be critical about it you know i don't i don't feel bad about making one this guy's house because it's awful okay good and he's not like you find it like the plaza hotel in new york where you could have multiple meetings at the same time but it was very important for me that the house feels comfortable and warm which that's why i did the use of like it definitely does not warm suede wallpaper oh that change that changed everything for me now what do you mean warm this is the coldest house i've ever seen is this not the fourth season but who wants to live like it's a four things you're never gonna sit in that can that couch looks like it would hurt my back just sitting down on it but also why what are you doing the cat mary said this to me the other day when i saw that was looking at expensive houses just for fun just like the problem with big houses is they just look like hotels and this is exactly what this house looks like it's just a big it looks like at the hotel i'm right yeah yeah there's no personality to it it's just a hotel i'm fine with it not having personality because you want to sell it so you don't want it to be too do you spend this much money on a house do you want to sell it you think he built this to sell it who knows i have a backyard with a view of the entire la basin and the ocean and one acre of usable space which does not happen anywhere wow what the show is i don't care what the [ __ ] oh my god that's the worst flex i've ever heard in my whole life we have a whole acre of usable space that which we could have literally anywhere else in the world for a fraction of the cost but it's in la and we have a view of the smog filled polluted city wow congratulations i like how the backyard has nothing it's just grass you can't sit out there there's something you can't do anything it's disgusting this is a moat and the reason that we did a moat here i want to know where there is not a moat you see the glass rail yes so in order to have this free view to the city we had to put the glass below which we'll go to but so below we have probably the world's most expensive running track it did cost a lot of money but it also gave us the look of no glass railings which we'll go down there spectacular i want to see it he keeps explaining everything this is real grass and i'm gonna walk on it real grass and he's gonna walk on it thank god he paused for uh tension there i mean all right here we go i'm not are you ready at this views walk on the grass i can't wait i like how he stopped like all right guys i gotta make sure real grass here we go there you go how about that look i'm on the grass guys [Applause] you know i have astroturf in my place right yeah yeah and it's the [ __ ] greatest you don't have to mow it everyone makes fun of my astroturf but you know who doesn't have to cut the graves this guy it's the best it's like watching people that are too rich like is this real grass now about to step on and not on a golf course oh my god we don't have a real grass at our houses because we're rich in murano italy and they always say italy it's always like oh this is stone italy and love italy i'm like what's up this artist was nice enough to make this for us and that's so nice and because they wanted to be involved in the one but it's turned into something so much more because my ex-wife do you remember at my wedding there was this giant glass things in the building yeah it's so ugly and they were like they didn't tell us those were gonna be there and they said you can't photograph them because they're copyrighted but like they're in our face and we don't want them there to begin win oh god sculptures are just tacky dude i don't like it my favorite part about this guy so far is that he never finishes a story like he tells half of a story and then like goes off into another one he's so uninteresting i can't i'm just zoning out when he speaks now it was a whirlwind relationship i met her during colvin and no i don't care about your relationship dude maybe it will still at the end i don't know but this is a charity that we have called wings of angels and this is going to help children in third world countries through the arts because she is a well-known actress and singer in argentina and she i'm waiting for a very tough life in cordoba and she wants to be part of the solution of changing the world and one of the ways we're gonna do this here is through this charity uh wings of angels and it's going to build housing what the [ __ ] are you saying i don't the sculpture's going to change it by building houses here listen this is [ __ ] dude third world country children to learn through acting and through singing that's remarkable that's remarkable and it's spectacular what does that have to do with a sculpture it's like he's making it up he's like on drugs he's like all right guys this g fuel i'm gonna drink it and it's a charity and in other countries they don't have and and i got a um uh my dog is like the most expensive dog in the world but it's changing the world through uh video gaming and everyone can access a video game so it connects the whole cyberspace with electricity and pipe diameter crypto currencies are going to be changing the world and uh like dude just finish like the fault yeah it's blown glass it's the finest blown glass there is and this is same thing wow amazing i know italy is famous for blowing glass well i'm back on the grass guys fine this is like all the grass again oh wow well i'm back on the grass guys i picked out every single thing of this house every paint color every stone every tile i worked with furniture companies but you know i picked like all of this was all my idea like to keep it warm and supple it's so warm you're right i'm i'm sweating in here it's like such a cold house dude when are they going to show us something actually like interesting in the house yeah it's so far not impressed not gonna lie i am overwhelmed you've never seen me overwhelmed in a house before i am overwhelmed what are you overwhelmed by the lack of anything in it i guess i think there's six elevators all of my flowers are artificial but you could never tell right i thought they were real you don't need to worry about them staining and dropping that's good he he has to worry about his uh costs at this point and you don't need to worry about sustainability spectacular sustainability with flowers you mean ecological plant-based it's bad for the environment is what but plastic is better okay dining room we have one of two wine cellars here this is not completed yet but this is the this is the one or bigger so these are all for the large format wines and it's all temperature controlled i've never been in here before rich people love wines all these rich people has this just uh gotta have that giant wine room right i remember watching jenna and julian's house and they have this giant like wine thing and they literally just use it as a room for their dogs which is probably what we do too it's like can you get a house that's nice we're like needing a [ __ ] wine oh well probably just me you're not a wine drinker here all the way up whoa how do you get up there you have to use a scaffolding a rolling ladder these are the best okay there we go that's what you need you need someone you need someone drunk trying to get another beer on the rolling ladder climbing up in your house and wine do you need there's 20 chairs around this table so we have another there is another artist all these were made overseas with with our designs i would feel like such a [ __ ] chump if i bought this place i'd be like what the [ __ ] did i idea anyone would fail oh this magical art piece i got here the rings that are connected ah yes you know what we could change the world ken half a billion dollars spent to like a good cause right it's about sustainability we need to make a place we can go out in the yard and have boxing matches at 35 000 a ticket and then my ex-wife is going to do some charity and then she's also an actress but maybe we can get back together but also but her best friend's cussing mary is really into these sculptures but you don't realize how big they are even though you can see them because the house is big and speaking of big you know i'm pretty cool myself uh have you noticed i'm gonna be a show i'm interesting there's people around me do you know what else is so spectacular you look either side of the house that's going to be 100 yards away from us and the views outside the windows wow what are you doing nothing there what a view amazing wow luckily for us we're exactly framed of the getty that is the whole getty right in front of you this is another way we have two power rooms here may we take a peek sure all the powder rooms have total electric toilets in them greetings okay i respect this all the doors i should be there that's the coolest thing best thing so far and they brush through it wow that totally just pulled his own seat up holy crap what is going on here look the house isn't finished man don't they they need to have some events they can finish it they got the the painters tape on there all right what the [ __ ] is this zero electric so you push the button they all open automatically this is butler's pantry this is really cool it's like what can i see this is really cool this is the smoking room the cigar room and i did special ventilation here i don't smoke cigars but um i got a room for it it has all vintage playboys oh how cringe dude vintage playboys uh a whole wall of it nice wow they stopped their issuing playboy now due to coving yeah all right sure it wasn't dude because people could just you know get all that for free on the internet now no no it's cool with that really oh yeah they were thriving before i mean come on how does it feel to sit here now now that it's almost complete honestly yeah can you cuss um exhausting i i can imagine i mean like really what the [ __ ] how does it feel to live here now that you finished your house exhausting he's really selling the house to me i can't i can't rest here man look at these couches man yeah it's so cold in here why the [ __ ] dude oh god we're never gonna get through this video again jesus christ let's skip the cigar and go to art gallery whoa look at that red different shades of red dude what the [ __ ] you can sit and look at the red they put benches so you can look at them right lady i can stare at the red all day art's coming soon okay punches could i just get lost in the color he hasn't built a home he's just built like public spaces yeah and that's why he realized like [ __ ] what do i do no one's gonna buy this i gotta events the one this is one of the many many many kitchens but we have a a a main kitchen at the lower level the main kitchen no this is probably no one will ever use um what's the point all that [Music] i've never heard someone say that no one will ever use this then why does it exist like i can you know i got two places at my house that i've never that i never go into right so i can i can i can feel this a little bit i got a whole flat above my garage that i'll never go into you can rent it out i don't know i don't know i don't want people living in my house well i mean if i was this dude i would need to rent it out obviously because he's hurting changed the world that's 35 000 a room man cool things like it has a top brewer here and top drawer if you have no way dude i actually like seeing that cool stuff in the kitchen i hope they have some me lay coffee machine in your healthy machine right no but this is static [ __ ] what are they called whatever those cameras are he's got a good grip is the coffee machine the whole coffee machine so this has an item oh yeah look it looks working man you can make every kind of coffee tea anything you want but the cool thing about it is this is the setup here so it holds the milk and keeps it cold so you don't have to fill the milk up like in the melees and then it grinds it's a lot of work this does everything you don't have to descale you want to do anything you just touch on your phone cappuccino and other than having a cup come up can't we see it then i i'm lost for words i mean it's absolutely terrible what a tiny tv for that such a big look the tv is huge okay you just don't understand how big it is with your eyes okay can they go for something bigger with that giant they're like a product projector or something yeah yeah wait is that this is the latest technology this is a tv the speakers are going on the right why is it big tv there left but there's no frame to it there's no separation it's just one screen so let me stand in front of it so you guys can see how small this screen is uh and this is one of the can we see it can we how does it i like how they mismatch the size of it too they build it like what the [ __ ] yeah there's seven total swimming pool water features total this is the main pool it has seven in the wheels three sides wow this is a hot tub and beyond this i'll show you what we talked about earlier this is the running track this is the running track well i can't wait to run there or you can just you know run here no no [Laughter] you could fill the tank of a car is that the running track too run out before you get to the end of the house that's how long it is i mean how many people is this hot tub for now i'll let you know soon that's the greatest answer we've ever had on the channel this is the outdoor living river where are they simply for this douchebag this is really nuts over here this is like a wolfgang puck barbecue oh like like what well oh another kitchen do you think they'll ever use this one no probably not you know look at this no normally what are you like they'd be awful to cook in this what the [ __ ] this is this is just an industrial kitchen they have these in the back of restaurants look at the cabinets oh what could be in them cabinets what giraffe anatomically correct giraffe skeleton it's awful why that's a nice giraffe sculpture but uh is it anatomically correct though um is it proportioned correctly oh it isn't get the [ __ ] out of here every light that you see is custom because they don't make lights this size so that's kind of the things you never they don't make lights that big ken never never done what is the other path what what am i not understanding about that sentence what the [ __ ] did he just say they don't make lights that big they just don't that's huge i got i got this light back here in my background right now that's freaking like that don't look this way just look at this way to the right and don't look at any of this just come straight down to the left put your hand up all right wow okay i'm walking on water literally so this is literally nice from the street right to the nightclub so if you want to have an event only not in your house you could have valet from the street they'll come up here and then i'll show you the nightclub you don't want a nightclub in your house that's a terrible terrible idea who wants that [ __ ] why check their ide right there this is the nightclub look at this should i do the reveal okay here's the reveal so here's one of them i recognize the color of the house here's one of the most technology forward televisions with no you can see there's no bezel on it it's just one piece and everything in this house you can hang out is your creation your ideas well paul mclean was the architect but everything in this house was generally all of my ideas and it's starting to make sense now it seems like a teenage dream like oh well let me sick if i had like a nightclub in my house and then all the people could come by and i'd be the coolest because it's my house and i would have like sit in the water and have pipes hanging out on the sides for some reason so cool i like how you said that too he's like you know the architect was actually this other guy but yeah generally it's pretty much me you know architect two percent maybe one point five me did the whole thing but i paid for it you it know on me i'm a genius brilliant step here for a nightclub too right yeah that's all about it you're gonna get sued in no time having a nightclub at this place i watched the documentary of the guy trying to build the biggest house have you seen that no but i bet he had a hard time well that's the thing it's really good because the crash of was it 2007 or 11 when he was trying to build a biggest house and he was flexing about it and then he lost all his money and he made money in a scummy way too which is whatever but the thing is at the end of it you're like no one would want to trade places with this guy he's such a [ __ ] terrible person terrible doesn't care about his family and he just built this giant house that he's never gonna be able to finish and it's just awful yeah like everybody watching this video right now is just like you know what i would do is not spend all this money on this house and just exactly do something else exactly it's so stupid everything is precision it's just it looks so wet it's so amazing they put them together they don't even look like expensive wood or anything it's just plagues and i've walked around a lot of these places and michael you can attest to this some of the big modern houses you don't feel like you could ever live there they just just like this one do not [ __ ] this and say that this is not one of them do not say that [ __ ] because you are [ __ ] smart as crazy as this is so cold yeah because they have a slightly felted wallpapers on one tiny column get the [ __ ] out of here it feels so livable yeah it's beautiful and it will be livable and you know what once i put in like what it where where where do you live they have a kitchen that you never use they have two giant sofas next to each other you don't know which one to do what the [ __ ] do you do on the grass who would use that our face what do you mean you all said it looked like a hotel it all looks like a hotel lobby in the nightclub are you gonna live in the nightclub like a staircase in a museum see it's turning now oh wow oh there we go okay we're back [Music] it's turning now what have a mirror no get out of here no what you can watch yourself no wow no way dude poor toilet thought they were there for a pee debacle you can sit and look at the people working that's what it's for why would you sit there well you see it's like it's like the zoo right like rich people a lot of people don't have to work anymore so it's really nice to come and be able to observe someone doing the job hey guys how are you down there sick absolutely sick yeah being scared no woozy you can reach the top shelves from here so this is the first living room but why wait what are these walls wait suede are they making making fun of me what the [ __ ] are they saying suede like uh it's a material and it gets ruined if it gets wet so yeah someone's going to spill the drink on the wall and mess up his suede walls oh well it's a good thing they don't have like a nightclub or anything in there the staircase going up can we pop in yeah come to this one i'm sure you're the best troll okay these are the best two because this guy wants to get this that [ __ ] overweight is it the best it's overwhelming it is it's it's truly overwhelming it is so wow wow do you hear that in the silence you can hear like the alarms going off of like the sirens i didn't hear it no i didn't it's great wonderful you don't hear it as soon as all this happens but look at the battery them all the same all the secondaries yo they have a bathtub dude i love the all the glass window you can like just watch everybody be naked you know take a was great oh shower god so this is the kind of house you're looking at and when you're moving ken hell no come on absolutely not but here we have a putting green but of course what would it be without a putting green why wouldn't you have one a lot of houses have this now did they just say they spent millions of dollars just to like put their names in units yeah so they can put the green here because it's better ken it's better very hazy it's usually never like this you know you mean this this is this is what it is always in l.a it's always like this what are you talking about this is like a normal day in l.a wow wow i can see the reservoir with this [ __ ] budget and this land i understand it's a valuable uh area to live in they could have done something so much cooler but they went with the dumbest generic least practical things i have ever seen and just listening to this guy talk a bunch of mumbo jumbo biggest lights it's just so boring i'm done [ __ ] this guy what is that top garment saying oh buys plastic to avoid waste yet has a whole pantry in kitchen bigger than my whole house it's more sustainable the perfect view of smog [Laughter] i'm all about voting base so i put six elevators in my house let's go well that was uh a whole trip i'm not watching part two [ __ ] that yeah screw it i think we pretty much first pretty much solve it yeah it all looks the same smash like if you wouldn't buy this house check out ken subscribe links everywhere become a member today so that we can build something better than this and show it off to you that's smart that's smart buy g fuel as well thank you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,973,045
Rating: 4.9499869 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: aU8YGoH8rLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 48sec (2568 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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