Biomutant - New Game LIVE

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can I ask a question, why do people just post the new vid. like I don't know If this is a mod, but why

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CharMENow 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] there's one minute [Music] ah welcome new stream yeah how y'all doing this lovely sunday very nice not late one second sponsored stream by by mutant very exciting uh it's available pre-order may 25th they reached out to me because they thought i'd like the game which is really cool i'm actually really excited about this uh so if you wanna if you like what you see uh check it out support uh epic games that support epic channel jack told me about this game it's been in uh developing a while he said he saw it at pax a couple years ago i don't know so he said it look cool hold up i forgot to charge my but without further ado let's go they said going blind or that it's cool to if i do that because uh that's where it could shine i'm excited what does that mean i have no idea what to expect is that too loud no here we go bio mutant oh you know it's a a swedish dev because it has a b every company has that and i don't know why thank you oh uh-huh should have checked this out let's check for uh subtitles on we're good gucci my gamers easy medium or hard always hard i'm a pro gamer everyone knows this let me know if the audio is too low or too high so cute and evil looking at the same time oh what i get to change him awesome oh dumb done no thanks okay you know that's cool fip looks like a proper weasel linny okay they have different skills as well cool don't alterate too much i'm surprised oh dum-dum has the higher no lower intellect oh bless kind of makes me want to play as dumb done my voice is too high okay here we go dumb dumb middies uh the funny character starting attributes okay to see more detailed explanation of what uh-huh define your genetic structure oh you don't like dumb dumb don't hate him dumb them how dare you he's just been conceived i can randomize it [Music] big brain huge brain but so strong oh this is trippy dude ah what do we want oh cool there's a different genetic code for each one so small brain but why brain large when body's strong right i feel like dum-dum should be living up to his name right thick boy thick as hell dum-dum don't look so dumb anymore huh hey i like it charisma he doesn't need charisma oh god i have to pick one it says details okay defines your amount of health and energy of course dodging amount of health okay armor uh-huh yeah uh-huh what is intellect then key energy uh how fast your key energy regenerates defines amount of moves you can perform while trying to com play puzzles oh no maybe i should compensate for my lack of intellect i feel like this looks the dumbest so maybe that's what we should go for no pp genetics yeah i don't want to say i'm disappointed but oh well i don't know uh what do we hate dum dum hates the heat and bio sure choose your first style what oh okay which one looks the ugliest i'm not sure i can't quite like this one pick your main color oh dumb dumb can change so much cool guess we go with the red fit our orange right kind of looks good already i like that choose your detail color oh my gosh oh okay black can i oh dumb pewdiepie skillful rock was choosing the life of trained as an operative of an elite special operation jesus okay oh that's dub [ __ ] there's a lot more to it than i thought okay that's kind of cool he's get it's a jacket sentinel what the [ __ ] looks like a sloth all of a sudden saboteur uh dodging your route okay i don't know oh you can't see all of it my bad gamers dead eye that's kind of cool though commander they're all cool quite like saboteur melee dual wield skill equip two different one-handed oh quite like let's go saboteur he gets a jacket and jeans what else do you want right are we ready are we happy with this i think yes it it will work uh-huh here's somebody nice fast drawn into the spotlight of a story that's already begun okay nice we're already at the crossroads exactly is that fork in the road where you make a choice or simply stop living thank you bye mutant for using youtube friendly words i appreciate that it's not only a crossroad but a choice a reflection of your key the primal energy that flows through everything well i'm dark red yeah obviously allow me to introduce myself i'm the dark side of you your inner voice to be precise an echo of the balance and consequence of your actions as you move forward i'm definitely one with the darkness can't believe you'd choose that thing over me but i'll be here i'm edgy sure not gonna happen that thing i'm right here let me remind you we're two halves of the same with the difference being i'm the better half yeah that's why i picked it better half my way is both better and brighter light makes it easier to see the best end [ __ ] she has a point the best end is the one you decide yourself and it seems we're headed in the right direction yeah yeah the [ __ ] up light okay was it just trash laying around alright somewhat dark must get darker mr dum dum is ready for his adventure interesting scenery here all right what's left can be right sometimes haha trick to game i'm going right right is always right i had i did the fake rooney where i went left and then okay oh oh whoa we have a gun dum-dum has a gun okay i'm ready dun dun's ready stories of death from the bodies left behind a reminder that we're at the mercy of nature is that a unicorn everything is so weird i don't know what to expect what the [ __ ] is this the beast that shattered your family or did you choose to forget i turned your back on our world and got lost in your own meanwhile the predator only grew stronger [Music] it's a [ __ ] unicorn mate give him a bottle of water sheep oh looper loopy ah i was just asking how do i roll no problem monkey wheel whoa that's so cool click click click reload then whoa hold up phoenix flight panthers sweet i don't think i want to do that right now oh hell yeah viper bite oh [ __ ] yeah reload no problem there we go is he dead dodge [ __ ] i'm stuck in a palm tree whoa i even do that okay sorry it's a tutorial i completely forgot there we go do the thing that it says felix my bad do the tutorial please sorry you better make a run for it no this to end this story oh no okay that's fine i can run [Music] bye i wanted to try out the things they're so cool nice see pro gamer right there most people would probably have failed on the tutorial this time it was best to run and live to fight another day let us hope you're ready for it when it comes what the hell is gonna bunker whoa i got knuckles flanky stabby yeah it looks great it runs great too i don't know if it shows up for you guys yeah the predator isn't the only threat the wildlife started to mutate when the end of days began and the tree of life started to die discord mod breeding factory we found it at last move towards an enemy target them with melee attacks aim the camera towards an enemy to target them with range attack reload your ranged weapons key energy is used for dodging using mutations and performing special attacks when you're out of key energy you'll be unable to form these actions your key energy regenerates both in and out of combat okay okay shoot it's so [ __ ] cool dope as hell dude oh dodge that [ __ ] [ __ ] their level one monster so i just realized get the [ __ ] outta here oh no it's gonna kill me oh wait yeah [ __ ] you beaver thing yeah i mastered the game already i know you're all impressed thank you just gotta check for stuff it's so deeply ingrained in me after the last let's play gotta check for stuff you know why the hell is that they huh no stuff all right i know you're all impressed thank you hey that's my stop electric module uh-huh found a weapon special effect add-on attach it to your ranged weapon to give it an extra damage type for as long as i'm aligned so many enemies have resistance or weakness okay so what is this then electric gotcha pickup attach special add-ons select it through the consumable quick menu okay love the posture i have great posture medic supply okay they heal me it doesn't automatically regenerate in combat you have to use consumables or find other ways to heal well your health doesn't okay my bad oh better hold on to that i can you can use uh-huh okay i'm full baby [Music] but which way those burn they do it's not a rope though hold up what's in here oh don't do it oh hell yeah it's worth licking around nice is my gaming setup floor gang for life as you can see check for the ak shut the [ __ ] up come on dude i what are these forks called my favorite turtle had them growing up as a kid rafael the ninja forks i was like why does he have forks that's so cool i still don't know why to most it only means death but some have adapted to the new environment with it hell yeah oh oh all right perry all right let's try a power of this guy ow and we're working once okay all enemies can often be looted for healing items uh-huh uh-huh remember that you said huh uh-huh uh-huh oh we have two and we got plenty of help oil that point okay should we take a bath oh oh no oh no dum dum what did you do dum dum you dum dum that's cool it's called twinsigh now i know hey guys whoa who threw that don't do that don't do that don't do that [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hold up let me reload shoot it shoot it shoot it yeah [ __ ] nice and slow nice and slow idiot get [ __ ] yeah dum-dum no one missed redundant hey candy i like it seriously what do you guys think up still don't understand how i use these but or are they the ones no they are the ones okay gotcha let's go dumb dumb oh [ __ ] iron wall the [ __ ] not a high q game plan oh [ __ ] reload oh [ __ ] don't think so [ __ ] oh iron well too strong is this one of those where i'm supposed to run oh [ __ ] wrong one run iron wall too strong let's take care of these guys first whoa come on come on yeah now we're talking gotta use that key come on [Music] [ __ ] [Music] it says defeat the iron wall i don't [ __ ] [Applause] i'll do melee then there we go he's weak oh [ __ ] it's kind of what the [ __ ] is that oh easy iron wall weak it's because i'm so tall defeating the enemies uh and complaining because we'll give you xp leveling up allows you to raise one of your tributes by 10 you'll also get one point you can use the unlock skills in the wong fu perks menu cool all right wong fu oh so beautiful should we try his intellect bless you dumb dumb hmm we're quite high on agility [Music] should i move the camera maybe yeah good idea hold up one sec i'll make myself a little smaller as well he's a dum-dum who can fight fight fight here we go strength maybe health never hurts to get hell start with that [Music] quite like the ranged combat dual will guns would be cool two-faced cobra sounds [ __ ] awesome i think i only have one gun though [ __ ] uh once you have more upgrade points remember to spend them so the saboteur okay he also gains weapon based ranged attacks from enemies have 10 chance of missing you 10 that's nothing maneuvers uh-huh uh-huh double jump uh-huh it's good to know i'm curious what the other ones are to play it like now we don't have any upgrade points what am i doing it's in this section you can change equipment and weapons you can start your gear according to different stats you can scrap the highlighted piece of gear for crafting resources okay we don't have nothing though i can make different setups oh i like that very sexy oh actually i actually became sexy i didn't mean to the [ __ ] that i just do please put it back on you're sabotaging yourself there we go nice put some clothes on hey don't tell me what they do look an emergency box from the once was a new weapon gordon dum-dum here is that better [Music] [Music] all right let's keep going i'll use it in a sec that pipe looks weak the claw bar should come in handy [ __ ] i need it okay i know they just told me how they [ __ ] the way equipment why am i looking at you guys so no one has this game yet uh oh i literally press e okay come on [ __ ] i can't get help from chat for one whoa i'm gonna play a game it's time to find a way out of this place no really i mean it he's lying i know it we already knew these hell yeah now i can't stop using it the morks produce biomatter in their multi-organ i can't [ __ ] hear including you [ __ ] small it's cool combat is fun especially when you're this damn good yes a bioblob a bioblob it's my bioblind thank you did you drop anyone give me that just be glad there's a rope i am thank you it's a chain i'm sorry bro can i equip the dual pistols automation i don't even notice that little [ __ ] yeah i got the game early special swedish privileges you're watching it first live baby toxinol built vessels called arks to save themselves from the impending doom but was it too late it is only from the flight logs of the single arc they left behind that we know other arcs traveled through the sky and beyond it seems those that came before us never lost hope in finding a new home don't worry i'll kind of i'll fix it i'll set it straight don't worry oh no wait we're on the dark pad oh we're gonna [ __ ] it up [ __ ] them oh god oh no oh god here we go biggest brain in the world about to solve this okay to switch node then rotate this is the number of rotation even left each node certain position must be rotating complete uh-huh okay so i rotate this [Music] yeah easy [ __ ] wrong way just a few moves left thank you thank you i do what i came there are few records of the chain of events that led to the big apocalypse eons ago and it's clear the world wasn't prepared for how recklessly the toxin oil corporation would make its mark on the world come on their rare earth mining and nuclear industries generated tons of waste without consideration for the future they dumped it all in landfills until they ran out of space that's what else are they going to predict mistake they began dumping the toxic waste in the surf just off the cur oh my bad that it would sink and decay with time and they were right but no one was prepared for what was about to unfold once in the surf the radiation interfered with the genetics of the wildlife and created bizarre mutations in their offspring it's just like their netflix movie deceivable impact on biodiversity and the entire ecosystem the world as they knew it crumbled as nature retaliated it would never be the same again and what remained of it became ours dum-dum was born glorious dum-dum is it lagging a little bit how's the stream look like new stream dumb dumb huh it doesn't pick up as many frame rates see if i can fix that oh it's on 30 fps ew ew hold up can i restart it maybe i'll do it later sound of spark metal going pew pew is never a good thing it's coming from behind that door a warning label the box looks like a potential brain melt that doesn't take much for me or dumb dumb it's going to take a bit of puzzling to short-circuit the door i think i can do this one uh-huh uh-huh i mean dum-dum doesn't get enough credit i really think there you go come on dumb get it oh no what is this no i'm not doing that i cannot air strike a man in a wheelchair the wheeled one is outnumbered you'd better help him oh thank god i thought oh [ __ ] i was like where the [ __ ] will help him obviously ah [ __ ] how dare you pick on the wii yeah thanks for not counseling me by me i appreciate it come on whoa that was cool i didn't know i could do that ow shut down let me try that again yeah knee slide baby that's the last of them let's talk to the wheeled one before backup arrives i'm in a wheelchair please abstract me don't say that there we go we got some clink and plank all we need all you need in life there's a rope here bro gotta check the rope though too early for rope i'm still wondering what if i took the right turn he wants to thank you for taking his side against the scavengers he sounds familiar you just can't figure out why he presents himself as out of date he knows he's way overdue but he hasn't given up i respect that he doesn't seem surprised that you don't recognize him you were just a child back then the night everything changed when fire nation behind me rumors of a one-eyed ronin seen outside the great wall and he's happy to see it's true the legend of the one-eyed child that grew up as an outcast is old and sad the child could have been anyone but the evil it had fled had left a mark a facial scar to remember the past i want a scar it's a scar you're covering under that eye patch isn't it but he would have recognized you anyways you look exactly like your mumma okay there's no doubt you're the child and that what looper lupine did to your village [ __ ] looper looping haters the beginning of the end he says it has taken you a long time to bring the past back up to the present to find your way back but he's grateful you have oh god it was after the attack that the unity fell apart your mum's disciples divided and formed tribes as a reaction to the blight that had fallen upon the land am i making all the right choices the impending threat of the world eaters bringing down the tree of life is ever so close he also worries about the jagne tribe that's actively working for a doomsday and purging of the world that's a long translation no one would have survived he hopes you at least remember the tree he goes uh by default dialogues are set to dance from one mpc line to the next automatically if you want to manually advance the dialogue you can change this okay ah dumb dumb as a little child with this little hat so cute let's go down them ah dum-dums puppy is it you no [ __ ] now asks if you were tired as it's a bit of a hike here from the village he wonders if your mumma knows you are here i hope i told her you're such a good child so you probably did even the young forget true he understands why you came all the way out here to see them the potato people you know what [Music] the potato people yeah are a wonder somehow interlinked with this little tree here fueling its source of life prefer potato people obviously you might be right like potatoes they're packed with energy an excellent source of key oh the nano prefer to hide in glitter grass we're gonna fight him or not you should get over there and ruffle it see if you can make one come out of hiding [Music] ruffle the glitter glass grass is jackson the chain every time i see chad saying that i never seen he's like a mystical being of this channel like the potato people oh my god oh i get it now [ __ ] hell all right wait where's the [ __ ] grass i'm so dumb ah yes can we jump from here perfect you guys think you're so funny don't you all right let's rustle in come out jacksepticeye you leprechaun son of a [ __ ] you found one you should be proud they don't come out for everyone thank you the nano's key energy is just what the pension needs to complete its cycle and grow into a tree of life okay but will it grow strong in that only time will tell at least his intention is to dedicate his life to it he has the feeling the fate of the world depends on it no you need to support the tree for a long time to come the only way it will grow tall is with the burst of ki released [Music] i'm so small and pathetic all right is that an actual [ __ ] potato what am i looking at here oh my god dude come here come here oh you pathetic you handle that net like you've never done anything else thank you thank you he's grateful for all the help he can get there's lots of nano out there that need to be guided to the roots of the pensa tree uh sure where can i find them they're hiding in the glitter grass that mostly grows deep inside damp caves where they draw mineral from the natural rock one day he hopes the tree will have grown tall enough to sustain the world but today your focus is getting this one to become one with the tree i can do that why is [Music] like elvis presley looking giant dude as a weasel or whatever he is wearing jeans telling me about the tree of life i'm so confused i have so many questions all right merge the nono with the tree got it it's happening inoscillated pensai of course [Music] now that you've seen the nano's connection with the tree with your own eyes you have no reason to doubt okay from this day on he'll make nurturing the pencil into a tree of life a life goal not only for our village's sake but for all of us everyone one day the land won't be as peaceful not even your mumma not even moment get out of here you can already see the effects from how reckless those before us acted and unless something changes we're doomed the land won't survive the side effects of the old world's industrial [Music] advances he says you'd better hurry back to the village before your mumma comes looking for you you did good here today she only cares about wongfu okay i shouldn't make her worry no she's got lots on her mind and needs rest after the raid last night on the looping camp with her disciples wonders if they let the predator family live or not [Music] he says he remembers every single day he devoted to growing the tree of life but now he's afraid it might be in vain the tree started to die when the end of days began and it wasn't long after that that the world eaters arrived what do we want to know and the days are worldly world leaders the genetic evolution that occurred after the apocalypse the toxinol corporation inflicted on the land set the world eater's dna into overdrive [Music] you think it's the same guy i don't think so his friend gizmo is working on a mcdonald needs help defeating the jumbo puff at the end of the west if you ever had that hairstyle you never let go of it whiz is still repairing his octopod to confront the merc puff that dwells deep down under the surface of the end of the northwest route noco has tamed the majority and is preparing to take on the hoof puff what the [ __ ] are all his names finally goop is almost done with the goo glide of course machine able to ride the waves of the surf all the way out to the porchy puff at the end of the route to the southeast it's all connected baby the tree of life is holding up but the question is for how long you're running out of time huh okay seems fine though yeah friends are gearing up to stop the world eaters there's one at the end of each route those [ __ ] road ahead won't be easy but he's counting on your support his friends aren't strong enough to end this on their own he wants you to understand that you'll all die if the tree isn't saved [Music] uh that's fine i'll save them all okay so i just got a message apparently i'm playing on a build from mars friends have prepared something specific for each world eater the mekton the octopod the majute and the goo glide are almost ready to ride so it will run better on may 25th in the tribe and the situation with the world it's not that i've noticed anything but apparently can i can i get your chair bruh please why did you let go of that haircut my dude oh bless him look at him why oh he looks so sad and pathetic oh so sad oh oh he's living large here in this little corner strong enough to climb oh now it does i see how it is okay a scale know that the tree of life is dying its days are numbered without help oh it even says in the corner march i shouldn't have checked and assault from the world eaters hey that's the title screen [Music] nice whoa what dum dum [Music] a signpost maps it out for the cartographically challenged that's me thank you [Music] no no stop it that is not what i would okay signposts are found near locations i mean just all around the world you'll unlock a signpost when interacting with it uh you can fast travel okay nice you can open them out uh-huh okay i don't think i need to do any of this oh that's not a healthy color my dude you gotta drink more water [ __ ] sake come on oh [ __ ] that must be the world eater that chewed off out of dates leg you'll need a hat trick to bring that down um well the village is done did the village drop any loot that's my way point look a survivor glad to see someone made it out alive oh how cute and pathetic he's heard the stories about the terror inflicted by the world eaters to other enclaves but never expected one to come all the way here dude are we missing our bottom jaw i just realized your inner balance is two halves that complete a wholeness that flows through all things at times you'll be able to manifest your inner balance through deeds and dialogue choices few of those who always act in the same matter and a whole and our wholeness is the sum of the choices we make in the actions we take okay the balance of your actions creates your aura score which affects the dialogue with other characters okay be much left to save if this continues even if the tree of life survives the attack he doesn't know what your connection is to this place but something tells him you've stayed true to your heart interacting with the uh captives and side shrines will award you with side points that you can use to unlock psionic powers powers can only be unlocked once you have reached the required dark or light balance anyway he needs help and says it's by your side sorry you're not understand why you'd do such a thing because i picked the dark pad well that's not my problem i'm sorry i picked the dark fat i didn't need to punch him i always liked the darkness seriously i always thought better of you than that and you were wrong there's always more dark than light there's still time to turn back they're already heading down my road yeah [Music] i didn't think it would punch him hey we get side points yeah i'll punch the dude for a side points come on i'll punch a puppy there's out of date again i must have missed something important out of date knows you'll make a better stand against the world eaters with the support of a tribe and there's two nearby the japanese tribe is likely to be your primary choice as they seek to become omnipresent and most importantly feared regardless of who you choose it won't be easy as the conflict between the tribes is worse than ever did he die drink of war no he didn't die he didn't die did he a little punch come on conviction to stop the world eaters began when the leviathans rose from the depths of the surf siding with the myriad's movement for wholeness in a fragmented world might seem like the logical thing to do but is it the right thing i'm tipping certain though destiny arrives all the same i'm too dark i'm too deep down too deep in the dark side guys there's no way for me to turn back we ever had one conviction to bring balance to the world by wiping out the weak they believe a cleansing is necessary to restore the world and want to let the world eaters bring down the tree of life but siding with chutney isn't necessarily a bad thing fate will find a way no no no i'm i've committed too many crimes there's no recovery break the stalemate and shift the balance of power to either jagnes or myriad's side he believes the tribe sifus jagni especially will listen to you and expects you to pay at least one of them a visit and play your part okay in japanese case letting the world eaters bring down the tree of life is part of their plan they believe a cleansing is the only way the world can be saved he'll be waiting for you beneath the tree of life if you lose track of what you need to do regardless you'll meet again once you've played your part in the tribe war and the situation with the world eaters [Music] pretty cool they let you play as xqc good one okay uh we're going we're going here yeah yeah another fork in the road it's either the tunnel or the motor bridge what'll it be ah moto bridge i think looks cool we're going down the fork with our forks yeah bridge just get over it there was another path right yeah let's go this way i don't know i just feel like it you could go either way so i mean natural tunnels like this still exist most of them got flooded here we go should we kill them hell yeah we should kill them ow ow [ __ ] i took so much damage hey can't hit me [ __ ] one more baby perfect aim hell yeah i knew we picked the right path i look at my dark ninjas they're on my side wow wait is this the myriad sifu i want to talk to the jag nad oh that means i have to go the other way oh my bad my back we gotta go this way [ __ ] i'm talking to the jagnat obviously yeah i created my own character it's beautiful his name is dum-dum say no problem is he alright did i punch where is he where is he where did he go he's not dead he's in line he's alive and living well all right let's do this but first let me check out my love a lot i'm all right you lady i don't know strength you've been working out oh thank you go to the mutation tab to unlock psi powers okay [Music] use blink press down the input you have bound your ability to it will teleport you in direction creating a shock wave i like blink uh to use blink press down the input you have bound your ability to it will uh choose an ability to press the button it's bound to while pressing and holding middle mouse button not sure i understand [Music] so like [Music] okay oh no i'm helping the bad ones which ones am i helping okay good okay let's try the special attack get [ __ ] get [ __ ] he keeps doing it he can't keep getting away with it how is he so strong you just fall off the mat wow wow foreign okay jack nag let's go very pretty destroyed this area muddied up what used to be muck never heard that word before what the [ __ ] i have never used a health pack what the [ __ ] is my help am i almost dying that's the jagni tribe's fault their friendship can be a blessing or a curse it's up to you you're either a part of their solution to the tribe war or part of the problem oh we got to do it to him here we go pre-break actually i got a p break that's perfect let's see okay bb break done i know i'm fast yes i wash my hands thank you let's keep going did i pee i didn't pee let's see i didn't pee we're going to jag me excuse me can i take a piss that's not a pee let's see i'm so sad okay no pee says they're wary of strangers they're at war come on give me a chance i'm so charming doesn't know if the sifu will have time for you but he'll let you in to find out i told you you can't say no to i can't say no to this face i missed an animation oh i already peed okay thank god okay good glad we solved that mystery feared they want to vanquish the tribes as the only way they can guarantee peace is through supremacy okay i'm on board the sifu is determined to let the world eaters destroy the tree of life as it's part of their strategy to cleanse the world and start anew [Applause] he welcomes you to the jagne fort and introduces himself as the tribe's sifu the news of a cold-blooded ronin crossing the great wall through the crack in bunker 101 preceded you that's right the wall that separates them from the other side the wasteland you came from he guesses the time spent there just left a blank space in your memory as empty and barren as the wasteland itself he understands that sometimes we need to lose ourselves to find ourselves but he's glad you chose to come here there's something about your spirit that sparks memories of you was a kiddling he can still sense your kind-hearted no oh oh really okay let's see now i punched it sometimes one memory can make another come to life he hasn't thought about your muma for ages even though she taught him a lot he was one of the original wong fu disciples sorry moma is not my mom that's my uh-huh oh originally it was based on unarmed combat and the six weapons the boomerang the shuriken the bow the staff the nanchok and the hook and chain what about the porsche who says it's time to set the path aside at least for now unrest is sweeping the land and there are rivals in all directions jackny doesn't want a new unity between the tribes their goal is to become omnipresent and most importantly feared says fear and hatred is the only path to domination but you already know that yeah embracing that side of you and helping them vanquish yeah i mean and letting the world eaters destroy the tree oh yeah yeah i mean he expected you to join them you understand that the universe runs on the principle that the one who dominates others runs the show couldn't i put it better myself the sifu was waiting for something to tip the balance in their favor and with you by their side what's the matter confident you can vanquish the other tribes all of them the myriad are too good to be true they might believe in the greater good and a code of honor saving the tree of life won't change anything you must stop living in the past handshake oh that's not how i would have done it but you know they're kin okay let's [ __ ] them up they have no intention of letting this drag out or they'll run the risk of teaching the enemy their art of war wants you to focus these are the new rival outposts your tribe needs templeton full of oh cool okay papalito hell yeah whoa says you'll regret not being on their side ah get out of here the only way you learn their secrets and the tribe weapon now is if you defeat him and that will never happen yeah we'll see about that you should take a little [ __ ] come on we want to wage a war a war where all that's left behind is casualties nice i'm excited for work to be afraid your fate cannot be taken from you claim the rival outposts and earn the right to wield the tribe weapon once you've conquered the rivals outposts you'll challenge their sifu for control of their territory what's the tribe weapon then brings back his memories of the old village jackne doesn't want a new unity between the tribes their goal is to become omnipresent he remembers you it's always the little things you remember and with you it's pretty much the only thing okay let's [ __ ] him up i'm ready oh whoa look at this what up fellas bye all right dark side embrace oh cool [Music] so we went ahead how did we get there just walk all right should i be looking for something that's gotta be it yeah this it's a furry yes i'm playing this game obviously wonky mumpy then you're dead mate oh god he's strong oh god i didn't see it all right let's go close he's not so tough up close i gotta jump over that sheesh louise yeah get [ __ ] oh dodged perfect time dude i definitely launched come on okay i'm gonna die if i don't heal i'm not gonna die at wonky bumpy stumpy hey oh he did it twice that's cheating shoot his knees there he is level four baby yeah oh so you get full health when you level up okay of course yeah you don't [ __ ] with dumb dumb hell yeah nice okay uh character hmm charisma seems like it will come useful but also i'm the dark side yes they always get by with their charm don't they what else have bio points let's check it out uh we can get vile bile oh ew what is phone oh whoa that's cool i want that maybe i'll save for that oh it's the same one but this one isn't let's save it for now my childhood village let's burn it down obligatory task it's uchihara time time is i'm ready for this but it evokes a tingling sensation there's something special about it drawing you closer spp pp time oh yeah so come to get it let's see okay but we don't want to fast travel there as time passes memories fade oh not the memories feelings change it's not about who you were it's about who you'll become this story is far from over echoes of a long lost past like whispers in the wind ew goop here's someone who takes each day as it comes he asks how you are today i can't complain i guess why the hell am i talking about goat then he wants you to know that if you find yourself going through bad times you should just keep going thanks scoob he wonders where you've been he hopes you've been out at the lake practicing your swimming technique [Music] he understands he's not cute get out of here only has six disciples doing just one thing helps you get more done in less time he thinks you should really know how to swim by now why perry the platypus why not there's no better time to do what needs to be done than right now is he a platypus what the [ __ ] is he ew oh you're kind of thick though not gonna lie thanks you can swing the most waters while in very deep water you'll slowly lose key okay oh what a form it's perfect how dare you goop he says that wasn't too bad was it at least i learned how to not swim true at least you learn oh it's an otter if you don't swim but you need practice lots of practice okay fine i'll keep trying buddy great things usually happen to those who never stop crying he hopes you'll be one of them thanks for the lesson you just need more time in the surf that's the only way you'll ever learn how to swim oh i'll try harder to soak up your instructions got it you can never try too hard judging by your mum's look it seems you forgot something oh that is my moment you promised you'd train with her before the sun goes down it's time to go okay i'm ready we will learn some new moves training is important you can't rely solely on the fact that wong fu is in your blood she'll see you at the village square all right [Music] she'll be waiting for you there will be a surprise for you at the end too a surprise my forks here's another familiar face with lots on his mind what the hell is this then asks how you're feeling today [Music] uh is that what he comes up with is actually useful smart man he was hoping you could help him pick up some scrap for a thingamajig he's working on okay i can do that it might be good he's happy to hear that from someone that should be evil of the coming generation you owe it to yourself to protect them yeah it's very cute you should look for things that are recyclable it shouldn't take you too long to find some all right [Music] it's new main quest two main quests what bloody hell i'll find some here got a tappy we found one i love the game's all right that's cool yeah [Music] he wonders what usefulness you found he says every little thing comes oh that's sweet [Music] he can work wonders with almost anything and asks if you know how to upcycle i'm ready that's the spirit you can't make a difference unless you get your hands dirty he'd love to teach you to upcycle and the scrap you found would be a good start oh okay uh-huh it's weird how we craft now though but okay uh the canoe cartridge select the handle slot sorry what oh uh select the handle you want in order to craft your weapon uh-huh whoa oh what oh whoa there's so many options jesus a bone why did why did i do this [Music] you did well but he can't help but wonder why you decided to craft a weapon honestly i wanted some yeah cutting edge nice nice he appreciates those able to deliver a sharp remark well it's a hammer so he understands but hopes you won't be needing it anytime soon okay i'll teach you more money more with you thinks mastering the six weapon styles of one foo is more than enough for anyone he's looking forward to seeing what you'll make next it seems you have a talent for this the possibilities or you don't like you're like bone hammer lose her patience nice bone hammer you know she doesn't like waiting for you she wants to see you on the village square right away thank you so much appreciate you okay um yeah what's up you'll continue to build on the basics talent will only take you so far no it looks awful let's get real here she wants you to grow up and start thinking for yourself you really need to find yourself before she's gone mumma i look like i'm two years old okay i'll try harder that's all she's ever asked of you that you'll try and give it your best you can't do more than that lava supporting and loving moma you've always followed your own path but this time she needs you to follow her she wants you to understand that whatever path you choose in life you must stay true to yourself i've stayed true to my past so far thank you very much all right oh hell yeah this time is awesome what up gang determined better watch out [ __ ] them up he asks you to stop right there and wonders where you think you're going art of war always avoid the fight if you can don't want trouble that makes him wonder why you were here looking for it there's no way they'll let you pass yes you'll die he wants to know who you think you are no one needs to get hurt you'll have to face pain at some point he offers to help you get it over with ah oh you're dead you're dead you're absolutely dead you're so dead oh bone hammer tasty oh jesus it's a bit too strong [ __ ] hell bomb hammer crushes oh oh no bone don't touch bone hammer how dare you no no i just got it they took my board over she asks if you're hurt what happened they're insecure they're insecure yeah if confidence is silent and insecurity is loud she thinks you're absolutely right the most important thing is that you're okay thanks moma you're the best it's time to focus on your [Music] i'm gonna kill them this is uh this is my backstory why i became evil because they took my bone hammer i can't believe it like i'm a little right dude here's someone close to heart doing what he does best i thought for sure they'd go with pupa he heard you helped gizmo clean up he's proud of you [Music] he asks if you could help him too before you leave for training okay let's make it quick because i want to fight some we get bone hammer bang he'll leave the quick part to you you're the martial artist after all he suggests you get going and find him gadgets and ideas for how you can upcycle some old fabrics [Music] fine is he also gonna make us something oh i keep forgetting i need to press this okay two out of three where the last one at though [Music] wait i have the same one it looks like underwear [Music] he's all for renewal and has even considered making the trip out into the wilds to look for a bionuclear spool and refresh his dna wait you can do that he can work wonders with pretty much anything and asks if you know how to upcycle the things you make are great so he makes gear i guess some are and some aren't one thing's for sure though your mumma thinks it all takes up too much space in the house he says it's about time you learned how and offers to teach you starting with the scrap you found is that how we got our jeans there it is okay uh we can make uh so many different things ah tap dish yeah baby look at that [Music] the style might be too edgy for his taste but he's sharp on you thank you i like it i'm anti-fashion okay at least that way it'll never go out of style you should take it with you wear it to practice but it's an anti-fashion fashion i made it so it's mine i'll take it yo colt thank you very much he's sure your mumma will forgive you for not wearing the traditional outfit oh moma will not be pleased forward to seeing what you'll make next it seems you have a talent for this [Laughter] all right teach what the [ __ ] was in there wants you to understand that you can do anything if you work really hard thanks mom always so supportive eager to get started you don't have much time left before the sun goes down but there's enough time left for repetition and you need it training dummies don't hit back because they're done [Music] you might not be ready to take on someone with smarts yet ah don't get weird about moma come on don't ruin muma yes [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] yeah i'm getting that bone hammer back marking my word your mumma says you did well today she's so proud of you thanks moma thanks you for being such a good student thanks me been working on a present for you with the help of gizmo and whiz [Music] you should go see him and find out what it is you've deserved it uh all right so i'm edgy right so it's about time reminds you that the best way to get someone to do things is for you to thank them don't make me good momma i'm evil oh jesus lord oh wow oh oh okay what am god's earth are you all right he's smoking a little item [Music] oh there it is i was supposed to catch it got him your mumma says she's never seen an apparatus as green as this little thing it's wonderful now you're there figuring that out is half the fun a piece of scraptronics like this has built-in old world tech that makes it a potent communication device [Music] it's called an automaton and it's hardwired to your dna what it'll follow wherever you go and see whatever you see all right like a blackboard you're lucky to have such a fine helper with you [Music] your muma says you look tired no wonder it's been a long day but what a day she's so happy you made the most of it [Music] rest and you'll find strength for tomorrow that's so cute oh my god they're so ugly oh my god i made the ugliest character jesus all right there's uglier from setting the world on fire [ __ ] looperlooping stop it ah loopaloop and i was sleeping your mumma urges you to blaze a trail all right how many of you think mumma's gonna die but it's raining i'm fine moma oh rip uh oh i almost [ __ ] that up fuel to the flames no problem you could help me moman thank you says this is it the time has come she must fight looper lubin this time there's no escape she can hear him coming this time looper lupin is a problem older than you [ __ ] looper whatever happens you need to know she loves you oh she's dead she's done has been to protect f in the chassis and though she was chosen to lead thank you very much cameron she tells you to stay back this is her fight it has nothing to do with you history has finally caught up oh it's time right back at you guys by the way i'll fight with you mama how brave you are but she can't be worrying about you while she fights this is her fight here it comes the past coming to haunt the present [Applause] oh wow are we sorry i can find i can fight we got this save mama i'll get his knees i'll get his ankles don't worry about it see i'm i'm doing more damage than mumma oh i'm almost dead dude we can do it [ __ ] you looper looper ow oh i'm dead calming woman i swim really well mama you're in deep surf don't make waves the surf goes where it wants to go it'll take you to the shore as long as you go with the flow we're fine no problem i'm just gonna let ah [ __ ] loop a looper god damn it just a wee bit closer now ah [ __ ] loop loop dodge state no problem oh we gotta go to movement are we ditching muma nah i love puff oh no no um what you say mum is not to be feared by one who has lived life with a pure heart a part of her will live on in you oh moment the creature is hungry for more nothing is going to stand in its way now if a sacrifice is made for someone else it's not lost but passed on to the next life must go on real sacrifice comes from love and necessity when all other options are oh geez the ultimate test of consciousness is the willingness to give up anything to save what you truly care about this guy's a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh do you not oh thanks don't take poopsie do for yourself dies with you what you do for your kin remains and makes you immortal oh no no no i thought popsicle would make it for sure it's like bambi all over again yeah ah the memories hurt as the moment fades and is lost the only thing that remains is loneliness it doesn't mean you'll forget your past it simply means you need to move on [ __ ] you're the one bringing it up okay now we can craft stuff cool hold up what can we craft bone hammer can we get a bone hammer can i get a bone ham oh craft nude uh all right so we can't craft anything basically oh modify oh no no no all right but we can do it in desperate looking jews the tribes caught a fluffy hulk better watch out their [ __ ] names all right a fluffy hack of course of course all right i'll take care of the fluffy hook weak fluffy that's not what i wanted to do let's get his tail oh midair dude bang bang whoa whoa can't hit this watch this oh ow i'm hurt bad really [ __ ] cool combat my dude's almost dead there we go nice it was harder than expected to take down the fluff not for me they've received news a ronin joined the tribe's ranks and were looking forward to meeting you go for the names you ain't got no knees group of jagme warriors are already waiting for you at myriad's vespidot outpost you should hurry there and help them storm the outpost well show no mercy mercy is for the weak yeah the jaggery tribe seek no one's sympathy nah all right better not keep the war party waiting the war party all right i'm in i mean say no more let's go hola did i load him did i load him oh so fluffy and warm inside can someone goodbye me goodbye billy billy look an emergency box from the update thanos club bet that nut makes a tight fist what'd he do though oh damn a lot of damage you found the clonk face powerful tool punch through walls okay it can be used as a weapon too you'd give me a quit in the gear menu let's equip it right away whoa what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah you're only waiting for me especially the tag possible special time i prompted in the low oh hidden slam whoa okay i gotta fill it up going outside just to see the night sky mine all day [Music] uh-huh which wall though hold up we also level that uh-huh oh cool they show you which ones you have oh that's the one hidden slime copper touch okay cool [Music] maybe we should unlock this let's do that for now [Music] one more yeah switcher bends uh-huh hey actually i want to try this out hold up let me do this hidden moon it's like this i like it here comes [ __ ] yeah let's try the melee don't run away from me there it is [ __ ] these are strong [Applause] getting better at parrying shouldn't take much whoa [ __ ] yeah i'm too strong man level five baby let's go that was good oh oh yes give me a quick hey oh very cool nice have we gotta punch through a wall again meet the war party it's is the way does this game have any pewdiepie skin i don't know they made a special build for me and i it didn't register for some reason i'm playing an older build unfortunately reminds me of sly cooper a little bit yeah filled with the leftovers of used to be once you're getting close to one of those old toxinol brick towns pay attention okay the toxinol corporation made this place and then just threw it away when they were done with it there were whole cities well small ones places like this were cheap back in those days and there was plenty of space get done with one place you just build another there must be a track somewhere in this brick town just hope it's not buried bricktown i'm in this corner of the world is called bricktown we have to get superb loot and old world gadget okay cool oh pp time vp break very nice did we level up i don't even realize uh charisma maybe as long as you're happy about it i'm not sure to be honest oh [ __ ] there's so many [Music] air strike i got a lot to learn huh i can get the shroom you're right thank you we're on the dark side somewhat dark we must cleanse all the light we have blank but we want fungi nice thanks chad to use funky hold the input you have bound the ability to and release input to confirm its placement okay let's put it on e mushroom way that's so cool [Music] [ __ ] yeah [Laughter] meet the war party am i going this way oh fungus peekaboo park landed on it thank god love this sort of place oh [ __ ] enemy get [ __ ] yes i knew the fungi would be worth it come on funky i thought all right let's just finish him yeah the effect tanks are cool i like it it's like a comic book oh dude i can't wait to you get more uh abilities and stuff that's so cool all right let's go to the war party we could a myriad post oh [ __ ] marriott hate him scoundrels sheesh whoa that is a lot of damage [ __ ] i miss you've already drained come at me brian finish him and that's how it's done bye [Laughter] oh he's still oh it's the base i'm waiting for it mushroom [Applause] mushroom oh come on [Music] look away look away look away wait look wait nothing happened i did not die i did not die no no okay i pray jesus hey god damn bridge ah it breaks my heart i cannot like that all right we gotta do this again this is mushroom on the big guy or to attack the big guy mushroom it's no he squishes it oh squish precious mushroom please please middle light now mushroom save me mushroom i mix [ __ ] you monkey oh what a perfect dodge that's always done baby [Music] mushroom i'll join you mate [ __ ] yes um are there more oh no no no no yeah get out of here skedaddle [ __ ] oh i thought i fell off again dude the comment is hilarious dude i love it so good mushroom come come on these are strong it comes concussion hidden slam baby just hit me maybe i should take out the arranged ones with melee you're saved you're welcome live a good life nice beanie bro pick your path carefully by whatever you can see uh okay says it's a shame that jackni can't see what myriad sees a world worth saving didn't have much else to say so no problem it's like real life is relieved you're not of myriad heritage because you darken the sky didn't have much else to say so no problem all right i saved your [ __ ] life some gratitude please yeah give me that give me that yeah burn burn i burned it i didn't mean to but i guess it comes natural now i'm so i'm so evil yes oh somewhat dark oh so evil how evil are you i'm somewhat dark i dabble i dabble into the unknown give me yes give me uh you found a biocontainment container collected bioblobs and use these cell unlock mutations in the menu or to change your appearance at biopools tyranny away from that fire hazard you'll want to wash it too [ __ ] that's a lie yes you still want more than that so it's worth looking around eh the vespidat long time home of the myriad tribe the dead dead we're playing by mutants in the title gamers wake up i love the combat oh taking piss let's see uh-huh okay yes all right let's [ __ ] him up oh wait these are our friends nevermind says you need to hit them where it hurts inflict as much suffering as possible and make it clear your tribe is a terror to their existence bro is their balls i got it okay you haven't come here to waste time not my style here's the first line of defense [ __ ] em up three little sloths they'll make me laugh mushroom mushroom tactical get them when they're down no not water not water no don't look away look away look away there we go what happened did something happen do not nine five do nine all right all right here we are where we were [ __ ] up midair baby oh he's so dead he doesn't even know how dead he's hidden slam hey are they dead oh it comes oh bless zero death gameplay feels good to be a pro what the [ __ ] is that watch out fellas i'm trying ah am i supposed to pick these up oh i am not the water not the water hey okay okay oh no not puzzle can i make it give those twirly wheels a turn okay [ __ ] the wrong way is that it just a few moves left oh [ __ ] me so cute oh thank god big brain i know what do we get yes yes [ __ ] you water can't stop me big brain dessert most liquid it's time i know it says cut the chain all right where's the chain down in the water down in the drain boom keep going yeah it feels a bit fably too there's like a mix of a lot of games but it's still very unique the ultimate bro oh yeah i agree mr wrap that cage is holding a helper oh look at this tyrants how dare they we would never do that we're good well that did no damage yes oh let's get him right in the wall you're so dead oh i'm so sorry mushroom twac [ __ ] yes oh look oh god that's grim oh i murdered him [Music] oh sweet little soul i thought they fainted no they fainted it's kind of a wee bit sexy you know what i mean free the prisoner oh yes of course he's fine he's fine they have prisoners come on break it wasn't me i swear they never lost hope you'd come but weren't sure if they'd last long enough i need you to fight man to carve out some revenge on those who hurt them okay good oh somewhat dark yes it's getting darker he looks kind of dead now that's the pose you make when you don't want to fight anymore oh oh what is this oh hello extermino frog grabs there equip it [Music] what is what oh a sharpshooter the scaffolding looks unstable how to stay clear of the red ray okay red means danger here's the second line of defense yeah it's three little dudes get out of here i thought he said the scaffolding looked weak [ __ ] it i'll snipe them smock and scrunch he's done oh we level up nice whoa do you see that i don't know oh it even reminds your party animals you're right what the [ __ ] okay hold up i love all that uh agility yeah [ __ ] it max it out 100 mutations blink [Music] i should put that on right click i need a higher level for these okay what about in general [Music] oh that's really good oh [ __ ] yeah nah let's save the rest all right this guy needs to [ __ ] go my aim is so bad dude whoa did i get him oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let's calm down mushrooms i need to get the scaffolding down make the enemy charge the platform i'm blind i'm so sorry guys no blast it i bet it exploded oh [ __ ] watch it blue not too close it's complicated give it another try i i get blow up the gate but rolly rolly rolly rolly roll oh wow perfect yeah that's how you roll a barrel right here thanks for helping me there we go that should be enough i guess we're still early in the game the outpost belongs to your tribe now yes it's ours he says you made them weaker but they won't give up your sifu thanks you your tribe is growing stronger yes of course sifu always for life tribe gang that's right okay hey that should be me i did all the work eh that [ __ ] yes [ __ ] yeah we get the staff like leonardo each tribe has his own tribal weapon if you defeat a tribe you acquire its weapon by helping your own tribe acquire weapon you're now allied with tribe you can decide to switch your alliance uh-huh now i'm happy with my alliance says you did a great job catcher says he's doing his best to keep up but from what he can tell it seems you're making progress with the tribe conflict oh yeah he had a feeling you get along with the jagne tribe but it remains to be seen what the future holds for your alliance you seem to get along with the jag me trying bro you gotta cut your nails surprise as you share an ominous outlook on life don't say that but out of date emphasizes that solving the tribe conflict won't matter unless you help make a stand against the world eaters donatello donatello has to staff i knew that i knew that i knew that no no no out of dates premonitions of imminent disaster are true the porky puff needs to be handled before he says the time has come to confront the porky puff at the end of the east route goop is working on making his goo glide strong enough to break the waves out to the world eater the [ __ ] names the blue the schmuck pook they're fluffy uh-huh i will okay let's check it did it honestly uh i forgot okay so this is how he's like i think the gun was better wasn't it okay we have the staff it does uh-huh uh-huh uh uh uh uh uh uh-huh more light means fewer places to hide yeah hear that oh we can make a weapon with that okay cool we're making that bone hammer give me more a hat that's [ __ ] armor what else we got wrigley's [Music] oh i'm not sure where i'm going but there's loot spark plug we done here visit goop it's not the name of uh gwyneth paltrow's beauty brand goop it is isn't it yeah oh oh oh we can interact how you doing tells you to find the ganoate pen and you'll find knocko and a whole all right let's put on the hat let's put on the [ __ ] hat yeah yes it's terrible i need to be level eight and it's worse than my radar taco damn you can do a lot of stuff uh huh uh my back nothing i guess these these are in the crafting stuff we'll probably get a ton more stuff like that [Music] claims to have strange things from the dead zone that are so red each vendor is specialized on a particular type of items melee weapons ranged weapons gear parts clothes and mounts mounts going to vendors and browsing their stock can be a great way to find better parts for your gear if you're missing a specific part to craft you can always check the nearest vendor okay cool you can buy and sell oh bing bad bingo bad oh oh oh oh oh oh oh nippon i want it i want why am i so poor let's sell some stuff oh they're not worth anything we can sell our here a hand right there are probably more things you should get rid of this can add add-ons so it's better let's keep the hat for now [Music] oh we can sell our old weapons let's sell that that's a legendary one we want to keep that let's get rid of this i can't because it's a quit probably came out on top i think so dawn feels like greeting cypoints imagines it'll get colder as the tree of life dies nice brother to eat then but if you had a fry sparker to cook stuff okay if anyone had the fry spa once you find it okay so that's for cooking probably okay so side quests to get a fry cooker and this is for gear uh we need to collect more scent by then you'll have all the ninja turtle weapons look at the size of this thing it's outrageous oh let's go hunting why that's a good note again for everyone else they're a perfect mountain easily we're getting a mount okay we're not going to kill him bush that's nom nom for the good notes you found a pit plant glide under it together pipsy pepsi pipsy it's my good note yes you can move and shoot uh oh i have a canoe oh it's so slow why goodnotes so slow eyes on our side sorry evening fellas you found a rest in place you can store your health and key energy or just pass time okay you're again majestic you're not again i mean we have a new wongfu excuse me where uh maybe we should end up where i mean levitate oh i want that oh mucus bubble ew well that's so cool i want that ten [ __ ] we're just gonna have to keep playing uh the plague that's ruining the land let's get our side points i'm a good no and you judge spin is that all right let's see flounders around in there should we fight some [ __ ] it we're gonna do kill me i'm an excellent swimmer i'm the best swimmer there is [ __ ] [ __ ] look away look away nothing happened look away you didn't see nothing kiddo you didn't see nothing oh what's that that's so weird it went back to the title i thought i was swimming pretty well i don't get caught in a riptide thank you for the thing no we lost no i have to run now uh oh hold up [Music] there's my boy yeah you swim back there's subnautica station goop flounders around in there oh it's clearly not in the [ __ ] water what is that it's huge oh ho ho yes secret oh yes [ __ ] yeah you coming or not what's all this thing oh it's goop of course how can i forget goop ain't the easiest tongue but i think he says he's happy to see a friendly face not too many of those around these days uh-huh says it's good to see you again he's goop you might remember him from the old days when he tried to teach you how to swim i do remember group says you were always so righteous as a child no no no no [Music] says memories fade surprisingly fast we are all pieces of what we remember it's only together he recalls you wouldn't put in the time required [Applause] and protects them until we are ready to face them again okay he understands you've returned to face looper you've been carrying within yourself all these years did he just rub it in my face that my parents drowned back then didn't vanquish the good in you that's [ __ ] up as bright as when you were a child but he doesn't think you realize how that'll make you feel kill him that's the way no arguing with that the dark is freeing sometimes your gut is flat out wrong don't ever doubt yourself you are number one i like this guy knows you're better than this stick with me we'll rule the world says life on the goo is wide open you have so many choices of where to go i like the hard way hit the open surfing the trouble is you can only rely on yourself at least until you reach a new shore and make new friends figures the world is a goner even the goo will go gong they spend too much time nesting to do anything fun is already gone it's what you do today and tomorrow that'll move you forward you need to set the past aside at least for now he can't leave the subnautica station as the pollution has worn down the insulation of his suit so you must salvage enough scrap to fix up his ghoul glide starting with the old wreck box outside you should return when you've retrieved the scrap there's no time to waste if you want you're lucky that way there's still cargo left on the shores from before okay we gotta find some scraps around best guess i know this power tanker hit a reef and went under some nautica reference uh somewhat dark yes oh watch out for the water enter the sewage tunnel oh gotta take a peepee peepee gang hell yeah uh what's the saying red sky at night no that's not right excuse me red sky at night pp shines so bright um yeah you um you know the rest hold up enter this sewage tunnel where is that here [Music] you guys know the reference oh i don't like this speed run okay so [Music] oh i thought i was on this one oh sheesh just a few moves left big brain big brain break through the wall with the crank fish oh i got oh that's why i couldn't sell it did i call it a fish [Music] no i don't think it's that one oh mushroom [Laughter] i don't know why it makes me laugh so much they're bad against fire holy [ __ ] i [ __ ] them up damn the day is cold it would change your adjacent lines use the grrrr oh just a few moves left make them count uh i'm very smart i'm very very very smart as you can tell thank you let's find the goop okay i'll take it ain't nothing brought in here give me that oh oh not ready for that uh brown leather jacket 15 what level am i not 15 that's for sure god damn okay make your way through the tunnel excuse me making my way through the tunnel uh huh i'm not stuck i'm just looking around in the same area i'm definitely not stuck well bloody oh i got it i gotta get him oh so close dude oh i saw it holy [ __ ] i did it i'm so smart profess brofist oh that really hurts him huh wake up wake up wake up go to sleep oh i'm stuck i'm stuck oh gg is empty whoa i tapped out owies okay mushroom mushroom jesus right between the armies finish him just finishing there we go okay i need all the exp i can get oh nice we came from there give that man another mushroom hit him with a mushroom pity pat hell yeah that was cool good guys are bad guys i'm not entirely sure right guys nice a sneak up on them okay maybe not wow get him with the mushroom jesus christ you found goog's line part box and not now that's one way to put it we're cool right mushroom i should really take out this guy oh my gosh you're absolutely drained oh geez louise come on oh my [ __ ] god ah this bad mushroom question there it is [Applause] [Music] there it is thank [ __ ] that's how it's done cute sponge blobby yes nice is there that smell that yes more more please i'm gonna upgrade what on earth screw boost [Music] and [Music] mushroom has been the best upgrade not gonna lie yeah offshore drilling caused oily matter to spread with the rain and contaminate both the groundwater and open surf the long-lasting effect this had on the evolution of wildlife as we know now the only reason we came to exist looks like the switches need to be turned to match so enough charge can flow through the conductor bing bang bomb so smart i know you're in shock good it reminds me of ikea names the actuators and activate the framework i agree my name the story has got to keep moving forward what up goop did your dirty work you little gooper you goober he's got the goo glide functional you will have a pull hook and a salvage net but no armor and an engine strong enough to break through the thick goo further out okay but why the pull hook there's debris floating around on the surf that might be blocking your path or needs to be towed that means you'll need a device so you can get it out of your way fair fair goop says gizmos devised a cannon for the goo glide but instead of bullets it flips quacks squeaky distractions for the triple attentive porky puff which will give you time to get yourself in position the best way to find quacks is to talk to gulp he has the bearings of the surfy pelico and knows where the quacks this means you'll have the privilege of visiting gulp in the sinky dink he'll be able to give you directions to where you'll find quacks despite the fact it makes him birth goop's not sure if it's the surf sickness or the radium syrup that causes it dude someone with as bad humor as i have have written that and i love stinky dink use the normal movement okay cool we got this now and we're level seven you can boost speed of the googs live uh-huh customize and jump on it and use call man bun yeah baby [ __ ] swimming so cowards let's go oh yeah the sir i feel it now like light to brighten your day strength he's speaking the language of the gods the googslide how many side powers i only have two side points turtle form oh i want it we're only i'm saving for the mucus bubble look at that [ __ ] that's just gross i'm not doing that all right we know what we want so cool yes ask gulp about the gum quacks did i forget to ask him the horizon rests on the surfy goo oh i'm so confused with the names but i thought he's goop ass gulp oh gulp jesus [ __ ] cries okay let's go you're poking around a prime village oh [ __ ] it let's check it out [Music] all right let's see your prices what are you buying says the place hasn't worth looking at it says glue can i interest you in some i need to be level 15 to wear that jesus uh huh [Music] what do i get for talking to all these people let's see be busy there man says you should take thanks okay let's have a wii how's the game i really like it it's uh very unique [Laughter] says the sifu has ordered a cleansing fire i'm glad we have a translator on our side otherwise the surrey would be from the ashes the crop is scarce and dry ever since the plague started haunting the land so a touch of a torch should be enough to stop the fire i'm in say no more i'm on the dark path he knows they'll understand given enough time time and discipline are all they need to adapt to the new world order you shouldn't concern yourself or worry about the things you're told to do be a good soldier the tribe is unquestionable did you say pizza i'm it's only through discipline that you'll be able to return this land to virgin ground and start anew see on my side go to go yeah seems pretty clear first instincts can be truly awful the fun thing is always the right thing next time look at it with a clear heart darkly dark dark donkey duck dick hold up i didn't pick the light side did i somewhat dark yes we're still dark good and growing up my beard i feel it finally coming out that's good man dark it is did we have a pits all right let's talk to the oh the torch right sorry village you gotta go this story is as powerful as you let it be i appreciate that why are you gonna stop me from burning down your village mushroom mushroom can't stop me mushroom stand still i'm trying to mushroom you there we go weak you are so weak there's a serenity about this spot it's a place for rest and recovery when day can become night no need to rest for now whoa that was cool sorry mate i'll get sucked mate here we go two to five baby these guys these guys are insanely weak so strong hey you are no there you are three out of five oh you want to fight get mushroom that's the goddamn i'm trying to punch it suck yes point nice all right one more baby oh loot dark knight oh lousy i like the son of a just like me if an avatar you'll be a floor bender you're right i guess earth bender now i'll be fire nation come on let's get real here now they're angry what did i do eh what'd i do mushroom mushroom mushroom defense too strong oh he drowned no get dinged [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah return to the pirate romanian okay fire nation oh that's why i died in water ah [ __ ] you're right it all makes sense and so the tribe's quest for a new world continues tonight's ashes will become tomorrow's wood your job here is done you have time to talk until you've given new orders show me what you got hey we did our first side quests look at us ask golf about the gum schmacks sorry village but you know it looks better now let's uh let's have a wrist while there's i haven't watched korra is it any good this is still burning nice okay where's our mount then we should call on it you can't spawn transport here but i need it oh there it is it came the [ __ ] was it always there now that the game what's making that sound this here is the sinky home of golf at the very least [Music] thinks you've made many angry maybe you shouldn't be out in the day i think that's it then understand you have other places you need to go i mind your own bis i think talk to koopa i will he's pretty sure he's heard of you before although the details are maybe a little hazy he wonders if you have something for him to drink points out that he's hungry too but always thirsty for more says you look like you've got a powerful thirst to do something in this world good bad not really sure but it seems like you've been drinking in your destiny and liking the flavor you're right about that i don't know if he could point you towards something fun to drink so that you could share tipster either way he hopes you find a way to wet your whistle before the world comes to an awful dry end and leaves us all thirsting for more wait your whistle doesn't that mean something else [Music] says life's like a mystery drink sometimes it's amazing and sometimes it's awful but either way don't stop drinking until you're dead okay try other drinks sure that's the point but you can't stop trying new ones or life gets dull says you should toast the end of the world but you'd better hurry it's coming soon i am absolutely respect how you take care of yourself first instead of trying to swallow too much [Music] thinks it's funny you wound up with the jack knee they drink so little like birds maybe they're not thirsty you can't understand that everybody's thirsty but who cares about them says you'd be as bummed out as him if you came for the hot stuff the glug mocker and his favorite radium syrup that one's even more intoxicating now aged in truck tankers and all without a drink and radium syrup especially he can't move much less think as the power of his mind is directly proportioned what the quantity of syrupy sweets that's why he's called gulp [Music] british helps him forget the state the world is in but it only lasts until tomorrow the world is do you have a drinking problem figures the real problem is finding something to drink oh he hey other interests too he's the surf epelego's self-proclaimed ornithologist for example what the hell is that there are other ways than a cold drink to relieve i recommend you feel too impaired at times and fortunately for you he can help [Music] watching pippi's flap is calming better yet are the ones you can look at and touch like quacks squeezing them is a great way to relax i've always loved drinking i mean i don't drink alcohol anymore but like even just energy drinks i it just makes anything better like spending time on your computer having a drink next to you just makes it it just makes anything better i can drink so much it's the best it's just the best okay what i want to know what this means says he read that in an old world book it means you're an expert of all living things that flap and tweet no no has heard the tree of life echoes the world the tree might seem strong we'll set this right last unless we preserve it the tree will wither unless you care for it says you should take care says i don't give a [ __ ] step on his town all right we gotta find the gum hack i should have peed but we ain't got time okay bad weather sorry are we in the right spot find the gum hack hollow where is it down here oh i'm going to die am i going today i found it but how do i get past it maybe i need my machine got a jet what what is happening oh okay well where where where where where where where where where will you no no thank you kill your own two feet ow jesus [ __ ] you hentai not happening not on my way out i love all that everyone's like it looks like this game this is excuse me it looks like i'm cheering them right oh god different puzzles uh you need to connect the three cables to the different ports to solve the puzzle but they can't go above each other i see for the positive negative value these can be seen above and below the port the success connect cable so that they add up to the amount shown at the box of the screen switch use as to connect use uh i'm sorry what so we're at four right now why are we at four we lost one i am so smart i am so incredibly smart you can't beat me uh chad is crying because they're so jealous i understand need a key damn it where's the king kiaby i mean i'm sure it's here get me oh that's cool we can actually craft something now that was luck yeah someone check if there's something here it's so sporadic i love it all right let's call in our mate oh girl i don't like these mushroom more enough mushrooms [Applause] [Applause] oh yeah nice that was clean why are there a bunch of ducks here you have a chance to change the future what why am i doing this did i make it better oh another weapon nice cool what do we get uh we have so much stuff now hold up did we actually level up as well new wong fu uh f okay i'm gonna do this one that's easier to remember as well cool very cool [Music] i likey i like e okay okay oh don't drown oh we need this oh what oh oh cool it's random rarity in this that's awesome oh what the [ __ ] is it whoa rare nice what is it it's a bucket it's an armor can i wear ah so much stuff [Music] they're the same i found the same [ __ ] yeah because it's uh oh sledgepad i didn't realize we could have that oh what oh yes okay this is this is our life now yes more biohazard sweet five six oh oh dude i can't keep up with all these items it doesn't look that cool to be honest nah jackman tribe i need to line up the switches so they match uh-huh okay that works that works is that not blurry just a few moves left fantastic so smart good that's enough electric current to initiate the actuators and activate the framework i just i want to get more biohazard so i can get the whoa i love this weapon okay uh return to goop oh i should have pissed down on uh i mean not on him but is this goop yeah let's go fast travel they said you can fast travel do i have to be at another fast travel spot to fast travel what are the rules you cannot fast travel from here okay someone has to end this plague before it's too late yes i'll do it then oh we got the key okay nice nearly there all right that actually worked holy [ __ ] oh it's night cool can we return to goop now because i'm on a mount i can't faster hola what's all this resource totem a monument left behind by those that picked scrap trying to keep the area i like it i like your line uh it's really fun it makes me want to play more of it well what is this what i can [ __ ] helicopter combine that with a mushroom and i can fly higher than no dum-dum ever done hold up what was i doing returning to goob thank you return to goofy that's what i do what up goop give me the latest save the earth clear the pollution that's enough quacks to sustain the goo glide flipper with infinite ammunition there was five of them he was there when the porky puff took out of dates let's supposed to bash the totem peter has made it personal [Music] alya thank you nithya chris appreciate it glad to have you here after that out of date started using his head instead of his legs and came up with the plan on how to best make a stand against the world eaters and it wasn't by foot that's how he got tasked with rebuilding the goo glide he seems happy to talk i gotta go understand you have things hey let's go lovely yeah oh we got a journal oh ah goop uh conquer rival tribes all right that was that area oh the little blessed creation uh hold up i wanted to maybe we should go to town and check some gear stuff maybe keanu opened yeah cute we have six and we needed ten right yeah how are we on the wong fu darkness makes you miss the light not really all right we gotta defeat porky puff easy he's quite far isn't he bloody foreign that's the rival tribe quest that's a rival tribe quest sorry where's porcupine maybe we should go here first and what's the nearest we can teleport no the jackass was level 15 we're only level eight i'm not sure how we found it so damn quick i gotta call him like a note he's not fast but he tries his best he's fine he is actually fine [Music] mushroom this weapon fm oh i should have shot him there wonderful sound oh what do we do i'm flying i didn't do the finisher damn it cool what's all this thing mushroom mushroom mushroom [ __ ] ow what shoot him there it is i don't know what that e-waste was finished oh god damn it i [Music] [Applause] so cool oh damn it does a lot of damage yes what do we get you should be able to use that sure but what is it hat i love her hat though so much crazy lit it's amazing easy for things to hide down here how polite to use the door oh there is loot here oh excellent oh more shoulder pants can we wear them right shoulder left shoulder rivet pant ooh smoothie pad we have a beanie no no i'm wearing it i look so sad and pathetic i look like a hipster now stop they no bunny hat funny hat for sure man [Music] all right we were supposed to hit these ah clean up on that bad you got a problem with my character's face how dare you all right we're getting closer to the trains murder mushroom wrong one there you go i thought i blocked it there it is feeling fierce the gameplay is so satisfying there's so much [ __ ] you can do i don't have enough key do i ah wrong way oh no no no no no [Applause] you're fresh out of key energy oh there we go finish that guy out yes keep leveling up i like it more points better [ __ ] hours stretching before you [Music] okay so we're nearby is it that one oh excellent [ __ ] them up all of them it's usually looting these oh sniper more stuff please i like how they have the trenches but no one's in it wait i have to approach it from here [Music] ah here we go [Music] [Music] this we go this way have a good day escape gun it reminds me of ratchet and clank just get to it and destroy it i was sheesh he's just taking it yes love it as i was done yeah i hope it's fun to watch because i'm going to [ __ ] people like this every day mushroom [Applause] so weak spin swing crack master shifu taught me the way all right keep going one more baby you've been here three hours thanks for saying it's been fun ah mushroom him oh my god stop shooting me he's squishing my mushroom whoa what just happened oh oh my god we level up i like that i like that [Music] so i have to equip my glove here [ __ ] you ma level zero needed what the [ __ ] does that mean nice work thank you thank you all right we almost leveled up again there go the moths toward the outpost they're good and mad the outpost belongs to your tribe now mine ah temple tom pizarros he says you made them weaker but they won't give up bruh just give up who thanks you your tribe is growing stronger my sifu i'm loyal to my seafood avenge mumma i got it oh he give me a blanket better than nothing yes oh that looks sick nice that's what i'm talking about thinks your foes will flee before you can reach them good ah [ __ ] yeah look at us started from the bottom we were just a dumb dumb now look at us but all right let's talk to some shop people wherever they are because i believe we can craft some [ __ ] excuse me where how do i see the difference come on let me cry are you a craft guy yes nope i want to make something there you are what does he sell a good note certificate what do i do with that i bought it regret it what the hell did i buy oh god oh i didn't even mean to buy this ah no no i didn't mean to buy you you're so creepy okay he's dark that's good dark gnar again he's ours i guess [ __ ] better get a move on if you want to change things [Laughter] oh how did this happen again hedler is eager for you you like him all right let's sell it first right level 15. oh it's that's the one we have okay that means we can sell a lot of stuff now or keep this no so found a good home for your junk this is actually better okay i should have just done this sorry a bit confusing all right and then what can we buy we can buy back all the [ __ ] we had amazing whoa oh oh hey oh i want this i want that i want that okay so that's the shopkeeper we need to make it the crowd wait then we literally just talked to you um level 30. [ __ ] who crafts that okay we'll do that oh god he's so creepy nice there you are what do we have legends what are all these parts um but who crafts them do i craft them oh my gosh i craft them so i can modify this by changing the oh no that's so cool okay let's change the stabbies that's an improvement oh my god i can't believe i'm finding this now we can put this on it what's the problem level oh it's too high level uh okay level 30. it looks like we have to level up for things to get a little bit more fun with the crafting what will you make today feeling slashy we made something i guess right getting jacked hell yeah uh how are we doing on wong fu did i not know we can learn blaze saved dark aura needed oh more dark aura light or a light or a dark aura we get telekinesis i knew we picked the right way i knew it oh god we're riding tight and don't let go we're riding him to the next rival outposts he's kind of cute we could build a gun as well should i try another okay i'm curious what we can build how do i select a gun [Music] oh i saw it for a second looks like we don't have that much that's too high level room for improvement okay it's got a scope on it that looks amazing oh he's so fluffy uh the game comes out on 25th of may you can pre-order it now i'm playing an older version of it so it will be even better now all right let's help these guys is this sword not as good [ __ ] hit him there it is finish him [Music] dead i feel like this is better right yeah it's much better oh oh careful now ah no no look away i got [ __ ] there no one saw it pterodacts [ __ ] okay here we go i i i had the wrong weapon come on come on wrong weapon come on oh my god my my handguns there's more damage so many walls have been bought over this patch of dirt oh my yeah thank you she's got a sweater can i show it marzia has been well i've been streaming has been knitting a sweater for maya oh my god that's so cute look at her swear i might say i made this just now do you love it maya so cute you look so cute maya oh i pulled it up there you go [Music] that's amazing nice and warm are you nice and warm [Music] hello yes yes yes we can gain more gamers we can gain more good sunday feels good man let's not die this time my mouth is just standing there like a [ __ ] tweezer yeah let's get in the battle with him [ __ ] you [ __ ] can't reach me ah run this is the way all right let's see some hold up hold up ah you said while i was in his [ __ ] mouth back on the back on the mount back on the mount oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude i've only done a third i need i need another strand no i didn't see my health [ __ ] how tough are these [ __ ] damn he's gotta be worth a lot though i gotta kill him i gotta kill him i love the mountain that's funny [ __ ] i'm so bad i'm sorry i'll get it i'll get him this time it's the mount for the dark side [ __ ] hold up hold up this is half the damage but it shoots way faster ah what you gonna do now oh [ __ ] sorry this weapon sucks [Music] [Applause] ow that's more lacking oh it does so much damage no don't kill me don't kill me no he's so strong all right you know i'm not i'm not fighting this guy clearly he's too strong [ __ ] [ __ ] he's level 12. seems like there's a whole world of adventure out there but what if i could beat him this is a quarrel spot so many walls that's going to hit me isn't it ow small we are we small we maui [Music] we're fine eye on the price come on 69 let's go oh i'm stuck all right third we got a third [Applause] oh he gets more lethal are you serious [Music] oh we got bigger ones helping us we can there we can look in there believe believe miss this i'm stuck oh [ __ ] come on oh comes oh i'm so focused oh where the [ __ ] is he going then this is my last chance [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] last part last part last part is he doing now that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it oh god i'm stuck oh baby no no i'm stuck i'm stuck no we're so close to greatness j [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] shut up nightbot shut your goddamn man you get used to the beasty smell i hear [ __ ] your god damn it guys my face right now fine fine i'll do another side quest and level up a little bit i guess i wanna kill him so bad he's gonna die this is a quarrel spot but what if i can do it no one's gonna stop me more dots more dots more dots don't get stuck as long as we don't get stuck we'll be fine i actually dodged it holy [ __ ] that was epic easy whoa big boy spun from above have to help so fast dude oh we hit we got hit we got hit come on come on come on let's go so close so close that close up close oh baby he heals ah no weak oh first try live undefeated champion let's go i couldn't have done it without you dark as you know again [ __ ] yeah let's clean up let's clean up thanks chad feels good man it was worth it after all [Applause] [Music] feels good very good all right come on come on come on just die my teammates do nothing dude there we go this gun is ridiculous one more baby he [ __ ] shot me how dare you how dare you shoot back oh sweet xp sweet sweet is his mind like your mound likes you well enough yeah we love each other [Music] we're gonna run away together did he drop anything oh he makes noises he dropped [ __ ] all what a [ __ ] whoo oh i'm sorry gunner again i have to say goodbye i'll be back in her again don't look so sad oh okay bye bye bye oh oh [Music] oh level six don't make me laugh tribe [Applause] getting more used to the combat that's really fun okay we found something what was that what's that goop hola i forgot about this sci power right oh i gotta sneeze i almost said p i also gotta pee yeah game is out on all platforms it's not pc exclusive you need to be taking care of business there's the sovereign who runs this outpost [Music] thank you thank you thank you it is outpost to be invaded but now that you're working with their rival he can see why no i think xbox and playstation sorry uh well you never stood a chance [ __ ] he would have preferred if you could have solved this without violence at least a peaceful solution has a chance while a violent one never has ah pajama i have no chance did i just [ __ ] defeat you get the [ __ ] out of here mushroom unstoppable mushroom whoa this is so much cooler how we oh [ __ ] that took a lot hold up what's all this then whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa almost there that's always done nice tongue bruh level 10 outpost belongs to your tribe now mine welcome to the club perv oh papa little he says you made them weaker but they won't give up your sifu thanks you your tribe is growing stronger and i'm getting more eviler apple shops are now open so we oh jami jura it's wearing pajamas nice i didn't notice [Music] thinks you did a great job capturing the rival let's finish then says they won't that's true well i don't get an item this time huh huh it's my [ __ ] item and to the fort i sound evil when i say evil ear there's nothing more evil than the eviliest of me energy nice i should start using this thank you hold up nice hat i like my armor though thank you very much yeah i hope you overthrow the leader at the end that'd be fun get some more parts thank you thank you i'm sure they'll come to great great great use time to make a deal rare i wanted this samurai sword not a [ __ ] wrench there it is the safe no wait the woo i'll buy it [ __ ] it there's a hammer again oh you got the best of that i did now we can make very cool you have all the bits you need i do indeed you're too low on scrap i need what one wood and one ring i can buy that wonder what's all the way out there at the edge of the surface two-handed weapon all right it's gotta go all right it's gotta go jesus christ oh what is this boom bonk oh man i have so much stuff that i can't use in forever fair trade okay let's just use this for now we also leveled up string out those guns thank you all right you know what [ __ ] it let's get this the evil one let's get this one you have an yeah is it dinner time okay that can only mean one thing gamers it's time to end the stream guys if you're interested in the game link in the description pre-order i recommend it it's cool i had a lot of fun i hope you guys had fun too thanks for joining me happy sunday happy times thanks very much for sponsoring the stream highly recommended very epic link in dubu also remember i played an older version so it'll be even happier dinner time all the best gamers hit it here bye bye bye bye [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,307,040
Rating: 4.9088469 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: uVNautEM2Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 18sec (14118 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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