Can Two Married Men Spot Who Is Unmarried? Jubilee React #19

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No they cant

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Al-Quds_Game 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
oh if you didn't check out my bio mutant live stream last month what are you doing it was really fun i really enjoyed the game and i was very honored to be one of the first to play it maybe no i wasn't why did i lie about that i was the first to play it it i'll stick with it it's really cool swedish developers so you know better link is in the description if you want to check it out i recommend it go support videos just that's it on with video ken felix you're married man i'm married i'm married man whoa but can we spot non-married man probably i i'd imagine pretty easily yeah they stick out like a thumb yeah like just too easy yeah too easy do you fart in front of each other do you the real questions where do you wear the paints or not oh wait what do you mean where the pants who oh in the family who wears the pants in your family well obviously me oh because i'm the strongest i'm looking in the background right now see if marzia is peeking in and you're the strongest you don't have pillow hands you got masculine calloused working hands and i wear those pants so high up my hair don't even see my face is that is that a side of like your power the higher the parents the pants all right here we go we brought together seven married people i am married i am married i don't trust the first one but he could be that oddball in there right he's got that mustache though his wife told him to look good so that's why he wears it and obviously it doesn't so wives don't like mustache oh that's a good point that's a good point actually you're right mary loves my mustache i got a mustache right now how dare you yeah i had a mustache and said didn't like it so i shaved it my pants dropped to the hill oh i hope they don't have something lame we're like yeah i was married but i'm a widow now or something stupid right that has to be a single loser yeah yeah is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prize oh i thought there would be couples for some reason but yeah this makes sense okay entire prize okay how about this we pick uh who we think it is from the first round and whoever gets it is has the best plans whoever gets has the best pants yeah that's the most worthy i can think of best mustache best mustache okay i think you might be single well i've been married for three years she targeted me right away she said you are not married i was like what a question is how long have you guys been married quick everybody oh i saw him only because he diverted the question right away that's what i do in amogas do you see the guy rick that has like the hat on and the earring i don't know if he's married or not but he looks like he would just be the worst person in the world to talk to i'm just i'm just judging straight off the bat everyone watching this with their hat and earring is just like bruh i mean you're right no no normal person is gonna look like rick come on where's he at where is he at look at that look at that did you see him who is this what is this freaking kid rock get out of here no one's just gonna love that he's like 50 years old this guy's long hair he's probably bald on top he's got his hat come on rick take care of yourself bro you gotta get his bracelet on because he went to like a couple minutes firing left and right today okay well we did record a video and it made me mad so no no just going after everybody rick don't take it personal ken is just having a day okay i like your hat a lot oh my god i've been married what 50 years just two years like last week two months it feels like 15 19 years ago i'm so sorry i lied oh it's her it'd be weird to lie like that though i don't think it's her she forgot she got her anniversaries it's right here it's raised married this past may so like four months come on all these newly married that that is not even mary you're not even married i just got married for this video i don't know did this dude actually get married anthony over here uh he's making me he's making me feel ways bad ways what kind of ways are you feeling he's got shorts i appreciate that he's got like he's got his cool shoes on he got his hot socks got his look at these shorts and his black t-shirt and his mustache and i don't know he's he's giving me whiplash of like a 40 year old dude in like a trunk he's either 20 or 40. i can't figure out which he dresses like he's 20. i'll give him that but he does look too old for that look i don't know man yeah that's how kids dress ken you don't know this high socks funky shoes oh god it's me i got black shirt too oh man we got to wear black shirts you know because when you record you start sweating you don't want to like you know you know show off all this no no no don't say that don't don't expose me like that no i wear black shirts because it's i say 50 but actually it feels like 50. does everyone believe does everyone believe in traditional marriage if you're married then yeah you do right what i don't know what do you mean what does that mean who do we think what is the question who do we think that's not married here who do we pick we're not done with round yet okay okay first round right yeah wedding rings all that stuff yes yeah yes okay everybody yes or no yeah young others i mean okay the first thing you have to do is detail put your hands out let's see your just see your bands what the is he on about is he magician what is he gonna do he's like oh you got you got you i don't have a ring on right now i'm sorry mary but so you got you got like marks on your ring finger yeah yeah yeah because you've been wearing your wrinkles you're done take the ring off ken how could you well my fingers started getting like dry and flaky underneath it so i got i don't know if you can see on the camera i got like a red mark like here oh you have little sensitive hands can i understand how dare you make fun of my does anyone does everyone have their chance because if you're married you've got you've got a tan line i have a crazy tan line that's a good point i don't have a tan line because i live in uk yeah i have a white band around my ring finger how about insanity you tell me the day you go so she has all right yeah i guess it wears down the skin a bit she gave us like the the flipping the bird when you're like you know it looked like she it was a little aggressive candy this guy over here oh my god you guys are like doing finger stuff no one look at my hand please nope hold on hold on look at it hold it don't you just hug me your hand he asked you questions he was pointing putting people on blast or not that's no we never have that you have it you have that right you have just haven't you hit yours okay anthony's kind of sucks for not engaging in that am i right you don't think anything looks suspicious because anthony it's just he is just us like his whole everything is suss about anything look at him he is definitely the one that stands out the most as well and he's acting the most suspicious but there's always that wild card in there so i'm not convinced yet okay okay it was a good round to observe the others he's fiddling with his ring a lot do you do that uh yeah i kind of do it on like my hand i got like a fiddle thing where i like roll it around okay like this oh that's something that you do when it's new and you're like oh what's this on my finger i guess people still do it then okay he gets the pass oh i think anthony's out yeah boy and then there is 15 seconds left i personally pounce on it because i was grateful that it wasn't me oh bye bye anthony okay we had the first round who do you think it is i would guess i'm guessing the old dude i'm guessing the old dude i think they put him in here because they'd be like oh this sweet old man is definitely married or i would say he's never been married ever like look at him i would guess one of these two on the left oh yeah not really yeah one of those well he's got his flip-flops i'm just going with the old man because i feel like i don't i feel like that's could try the wild card i don't know maybe yeah but that's a good point well i i picked two so maybe you should pick two too then okay uh i picked yeah i picked the older guy and rick because rick is okay probably definitely divorced luck because i'm very very married what day was you married because i got married october 11th which is my birthday oh really that's my husband's birthday august 17th is actually three on our three-year anniversary oh wonderful and you i got one question for you and i'll stop no i'm asking you rick wants to like put people on the spot i look forward to this yeah what's the date rick what day you get married rick come on yeah was that spring wedding you said mm-hmm mm-hmm okay what day whatever 2003 yeah okay you november 7 2000 okay january 28 2017. okay good night eighteen right not that anyone asked yeah everybody can just make up a date here who cares if people ask me about today i'll be like uh okay let's see here two thousand and uh i wouldn't know right away is that weird i mean is that like the the married um joke that like oh i forgot our anniversary you know i would never never ever you know the weird thing about this like the old guy again i'm focusing on the old guy he got married in 2000 right how old was he in 2000 like still 16 years ago yeah that's a bit sus good point it was pretty late that is very late that is sus is hell hmm maybe you're right about him don't mind how long were you married uh let me see um it'll be 30 years 30 years what did you say before that i'm the first yes exactly yeah well i was joking with you it feels exactly what i caught too what was something that went wrong in your guys's wedding we had an all-white wedding everybody were all white and one lady came in purple and that would piss me off i believe that that's a good story how dare purple what went wrong on our wedding because one thing went wrong oh yeah the dj played his own songs first we have to tell him we gave you a playlist just play the playlist all you need to do is to press play okay you're not you're nothing like why did you fire me this is not because literally the venue only let you choose a couple of djs and we had no options okay there was only an approved list of vendors so you could search up the prices and get reference across the boys yeah it was a nice wedding i enjoyed it yeah yeah everybody everybody's like yeah ken you said you're at the wedding but we don't see you in either pictures they always put me in the front when you guys first walked out and then they take pictures of the end so i was always like way in the background okay look my ear is like in the main picture that they always show of his wedding okay my ear right you were definitely there well i know what one thing you would say was wrong about the wedding what the portion sizes oh my god dude they're like come out would you like a snack and i'm like bruh felix where's your food at dude and you're like i know what the heck they need to bring it out it was very mild portion i'll give you that i mean god damn it and i thought for sure we had these little pizzas things as a hors d'oeuvres and i kept asking for them and then apparently we never chose them yeah i remember like we was at the hotel or whatever mary's like so we get something to eat before we go i'm like no no i have food there it's fun this would be great and i got there and i was like ravenous i'm like there were there were modest portions i'll oh i'll say that but i am it was pretty nice i had like the guys playing the music over there yeah it was a nice wedding playing the wrong music kane what the the guys playing the violins oh that was nice they were great yeah they were awesome yeah i don't even know she was not invited my best friend was late to my wedding and that kind of pissed me off because i noticed when he was totally well i have to say there nothing went wrong uh which is something we're married three times yeah that's us he's some more such obsessed you're out you're out he's perfect he has a mustache and the other social person has more sex mustache plus marriage it doesn't work everyone knows things excuse me i've already told you i have a mustache right now how why are you are you tara's weird i guess i mean if i had to lie about being married i wouldn't lie about being married three times right that would be too elaborate to come up with three different dates and three different stories and right right so maybe that makes him clear maybe i don't know let's go oh maybe maybe maybe he's maybe he's okay maybe he's so great maybe he's too harsh you're not too harsh he's not okay look at him he's looking like he's he's part of a laundry commercial i mean come on he's gonna tell us about his diabetes in a minute diabetes it went so smoothly it had me i was actually crying let's let's look at detail here pay attention to detail not just the questions look at detail reactions look what's up i'm here to win so i want to make sure everyone sounds like something a lyre would say someone who's talking the truth you're the lord no no he's that it is definitely not rick oh boy definitely not he's man he's trying yeah it's very annoying he's looking but he's definitely not it like what what is that that whole street what's that even do like what did he did he just loot something out you know what i like to do guys i like to find details okay i'm the man yeah let's put his little finger at like look at my hands okay guys what i like to do check this out check this out check his fingers check this out can you bring it over here i'm looking for details he's like i'm really low on cash right now i didn't need this for me i need to win yeah take it back i think he's never married yeah sure man's playing too much he's been accustomed to it for way too long class actions plaintiff's side yeah they make a lot of money right if lawyers want to get married make a lot of wonders but it's very dangerous guys we can't focus on her job now who do you think they're voting out now i don't know maybe the guy with the fanny pack and all these props rick is going out whoa what got it he's got a family bag he's got a face what the is that all right rick i see you rick going out there with your fanny pack and your kid rock look what is he gonna what is he gonna pull out of his fanny pack oh my god probably candy thank you very much always remember the obvious is always your worst enemy if you don't pay attention oh my god what the was that so he took out his wedding ring so that if he goes out he'll be like guys remember it's freaking annoying things are not always as they seem surprised i have a wedding congratulations i guess yeah i guess you went out and lost because you're idiot okay great thanks right it's about elimination at the right time and it it just it ran out for me he's angry you got eliminated at the wrong time what are you on about mate buddy stupid in a ring i feel like we got the wrong guy out i was like we still have candice in here there's something about candice there's something about canvas it feels like i come from that institution so we don't believe in divorce you know we don't divorce our husbands we bury them candice what the damn hate to be married all right geez yeah she's definitely married all right joke about that 100 all right i don't believe her now she's over explaining it she's killed a couple husbands that is not something you shake so casually i mean if you're married maybe as long as she's been married you know i'm scared you know she was out there how old is your significant other my husband is 35. and you are i'm 55. dang are you sure she didn't kill one and down you know upgrade a little bit and get a younger younger model oh my goodness she's 20 years older than him goddamn but she said she was going to bury him we putting together here her husband is 35 but she's saying i'm gonna bury him she's ready to die pack it up in 10 years this guy will be 45 it's candace it's candice it's candice okay we got it we got her all right all right what are you going to get it well i mean i hear what you're saying but leave me berry she's going to live a whole lifetime while she's gone i don't know i feel like you lost the joke there she just said like they don't believe in divorce like the only way that she's going to not be married is by killing her i get it but that implies that usually the man dies first because you're the same age and guys don't live as long as women but clearly that's not the case in this ending because it's an area so you don't get it what do you mean i don't get it i get it you don't get it okay i still think it's the old dude what i'm i'm playing this video what screw you and you're flipping mustache all right you're lucky you're married at all oh my god yeah i bet you don't even have pants in your sh relationship i got short zone right now i bet your kids are just i don't want to bring your kids in this i'm not first thing that i saw were her legs even it might advance me and i find man eh all right if it ain't if he ain't the mole i respect them immensely gonna eye for legs so you yeah and and she was no youngster let me tell you and that's what surprised that's amazing and everything else worked out fine oh yeah you start with the legs you can't go wrong apparently oh yeah yeah right dude i gotta ask why does everyone get married so young in america divorce rate is 50 yeah yeah and i always feel like it's cause people get married so young right well there's a lot of different reasons right there's like the kind of in america there's the whole like high school sweetheart kind of thing oh right like all the girl you're dating in high school like oh you you want to marry her kind of thing and then that that's great i don't doubt that you're in love but you changed as people yeah vastly from when you're 18 to your your 30s or late 20s at least i've never understood it either i've always questioned that like why why why get married you're like 18 years old what how about don't you know if your relationship hinges on whether or not you're getting married or not then it's kind of a flimsy relationship to begin with it also seems like people get married as a last resort like oh our relationship is a bit rocky i better propose well that's what yeah i'll put them on blast that's that's what dumb people do yeah but that seems to be very common i need to save this relationship uh a big commitment here well we'll save this get married that'll change everything not not working on our issues we'll just get married right yeah honestly it annoys me a little bit because like marriage the divorce rate okay sure divorce happened there's nothing inherently wrong about it but i feel like the reason it's so high is because people jump on this like a romantic dream that is often in movies where you fall in love really quickly but you need to also be able to live together function together deal with your own issues at least if the other person can't help you with them yeah but people just get married and it blows my mind i'm like what and it's seen as a nice thing i've seen so many couples on youtube like come and go come and go we got married and i feel like that's another part of it where like you're incentivized to get married because yeah well that's what people want people that did it on youtube i mean like vlog families i'm just gonna you know throw the vlog families out there they literally have kids just because it brings more views so it's like right exactly and it's so weird and gross and they do it with everything and i hate it because it's so it's that the world where it's soils yeah beauty you're ruining it you're spitting on this sacrimonious faction you've been pulling the big word during a sacrimonious i don't even know what that means okay i don't know i don't mean i don't want to judge people that going through everywhere but it just seems like can you just wait like another two years yeah well there's a lot of a lot of that people get married for certain reasons right bam don't get married boom don't propose i'm like just get married just get married for the right reasons don't get married because you have a kid don't get married because the last thing for your relationship get married because you want to don't have kids either stop having kids what we got we can just have kids that's another person you can't just sell another person out of nowhere people do it all the time it's easy yeah but they should stop it's very annoying i got more you want more i mean i'm gonna have more kids you know i got my third kid on the way yeah but you're married and it's great it's beautiful okay i thought it's like it's like don't get married don't have kids i'm like what are we gonna do felix we should all die okay rhinos are extinct now and we did this she said that her husband was 35 but they've been married for 30 years and so i was like so your husband was did she say that oh that's what they picked up on really well i mean oh god maybe the cops will come in at the end of the episode we'll take her away chris hansen's about to walk in jesus i told you bro i told you i told you i say this okay you're wrong all right you're wrong that's definitely a glaring hole in the story right there wow sorry bye bye can we ask them like she's just like what excuse me is my reaction so that's the best footage they set up this shot and be like all right so you just got eliminated what just happened what do you see your thoughts right i feel like she said a lot and then they just cut it to the she like yeah so like italy was like they did she didn't really say anything did she all right she had a lot of choice words they couldn't chew she just went on a big range so these how dare they can we shoot their hands again yes yo mine's like oh yeah you're the only one that doesn't really have a thing no i i i don't wear a ring why don't you wear a ring i never have i don't wear a ring so i figured the best thing to do is of course i believe that maybe that's yeah again some people don't wear the ring i mean i got mine on right now but i mean if i leave the house without the ring on you know i'm getting some looks to leave the door you know i mean so yeah mary with the binoculars and the sniper rifle she's like you're not proud of me what are you doing you know we're in your ring you're married to me what are you doing out there where are you going you you look out to the car open the door you see a lightsaber pointing at your chest where you think you're going with that ring on right now it hasn't worked out too well for me in the past no no i'm a great that's a good recovery though it's gonna come i have always loved me if he if it's not him he's a good liar because he's such i'll give him that i don't know i feel like he's over explaining everything he's he's got like the most story of anybody so far he's told the most is this a rule when people over explain that it's a lie yeah i think so like when people like okay too many details yeah uh but maybe not i don't know maybe he's just talking he don't wear a ring though even though he's got a ring on his pinky finger right there yeah that is very sus too i would vote him out next just for safety believe in the institution strongly it would be unfair to base the decision solely on oh you don't have a tan line there's a lot of reasons why someone might not wear a ring okay i'm not going to lie i'm so suspicious of everyone on that yeah she hasn't really said anything at all dude yes that's the safest way just be silent yeah i just i was like who the are you i don't even know your name where'd you come from what the she's doing the moga strat i'm not speaking mm-hmm okay you know what's going on if we're gonna talk about who we're supposed to be i think you two are suspicious because you're asking all the questions and asking i'm an attorney like what i'm trying to ask questions you're asking me all this question in him but you're not asking her any questions yeah i don't know i feel like really confident she's got them all wrapped around her finger she's the master oh my god she's like oh but like we trust each other she's manipulating women look at me now i think you might be suspicious right now ask me like any question you want in the next 47 seconds one year september look she dodged it it went to her but they were suspicious of her yeah you know she's just sitting there watching you know she's not saying it's hard my husband's 27 he's turning 28 on october 11. another cougar huh look at him saying anything off right there say something he called her a cougar she called her a cougar i missed that what did she say he called her a cougar he's like you know your old lady getting those young men how old is she i don't know i don't know so story then i add up he believed in traditional marriage he believed everything about marriage but he never thought about wearing a ring i'm like that makes no sense to me saul's gone oh my god saul's gone good luck i don't think it's all getting so happy up there because i'm like i think i'm confident in us three and we're going to split the money no it's her she's the devil demon look at her smile there it's her she went right under our radar ken but she was right in plain sight oh my god she wanted to stop there you know yeah yeah yeah you think they're going to vote out the the one guy remaining like the yeah the ladies they band together yeah it becomes a bonding thing and they're like yeah we're going and then oh it was you you're going to put your hand up i didn't feel that i felt that she felt that way and i'm not gonna lie i feel like when i started asking you questions you got really defensive and tried to push back i just figured that i do oh now how do you describe this i just made this up thank you but that's why i didn't put my head up because i believed in you guys and now you guys are really changed my mind oh my god i don't know i'm sorry i don't know i i don't know what to trust i have much regret about having initiated the vote sorry oh my god the pressure got to me i hate to vote now it's okay i'm a dude you cannot throw your vote okay better stay okay you can't do that oh she went remote damn shady this is getting spicy usually there's not this few people yeah usually they stop at like four or three all right it's not good oh my god if you could trade me i'll never trust another woman again oh no oh whoa please please red please god i beg i beg i just want red i knew it i knew it damn it i wanted i wanted the betrayal yeah i wanted betrayal she would have looked so evil it would have been so beautiful wait so who is it then damn okay well i know we guessed at the beginning yeah i still i i guess the old man that's still i still think that i do i'm going with kane this i was still just relieved that ali didn't like jump up and be like just kidding it's me thank god i know i got towards the end i was like in the mall please step forward and reveal himself can this you better step oh okay okay rick holy well you can't take a book by it's called but you're married to your five-year-old according to your story i've been married three times it just didn't quite work out for me oh he's okay it's the divorce story oh my god stop it you believe in the tricksters damn it he's been married dang it saul well you got it right ken i just picked him because he i thought they were trying to bamboozle with like ah here's an old guy they'll never guess him right and yeah yeah reverse yeah big brain you have the better mustache i hate to say it man thank you thank you yes my wife does it it's a great looking mustang thank you it looks yeah i guess it works i guess i was wrong think stink i love that part it's so good that's going to be you to your kids oh man i hope i can get that swole you treat mary as your pant pain she's like a pet to me but i can live for a couple of thousand years that'd be great the three strike rule no more marriages okay fair enough hey they really just voted out uh what was his name is crazy it's like mark or something oh yeah yeah yeah they just voted them out they just like you can't have any money they knew that yeah he's just sitting over there right now like what i felt some regret for all of the other people who had been voted out but i also felt pretty good about winning wow wow really rubbing in the money he's just sitting over there being salty right now like they're over there that was more crap rick is the only one that's satisfied because he got to pull out his little ring straight oh my god things are never why won't they appear i'm rick street magic street magician here's my card rick the kind of dude that that asks for people to sub in the comments i don't think candace understands that she messed up in her story she's over here like i should have lied a little bit say you're married for 30 years he's 35 years old i mean i don't know yeah i don't wonder you got voted out get out of here candace is literally me if i was part of this competition i'm being like well i guess like what what did you do did you lie your face off what happened i didn't you didn't watch the most epic reveal of all time no i they just thought my avatar was cringe so they're like oh that's dumb blow them out first round let's go got him well good episode good jubilee subscribe to ken because ken has the better mustache congratulations you can thank you finally subscribe recognize did you say yeah all right that's the end of the video thank you for watching and see you next time yeah it's you billy it's not jubilee it's jubilee it's jacket it's jeans okay ken do you say yeah or do you say yeah it's 11. there's no it's literally the same thing it's a yay yeah same sound yeah and you don't go j the difference yeah how do you spell yeah it doesn't matter because it said the same thing and it's the way it says that makes a difference no there's no difference oh my god yeah no yeah oh i would like to go and get some all right oh jiha what are you talking about uh oh i like to judo you jude lay oh my god you're saying all these words nice to meet you ken that's been great thank you do you yump what do you mean jump let me go you jump listen i've said this before the language is a changing thing okay fluid it's like a flow fluid river that goes swoosh and it's changed by influential people i am influential people and i can change what i don't like okay okay yes i am that arrogant on my authority so i will make it a thing and i hope anyone listening will agree with my logic and it will change it so that i'm right thank you that's in the video
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,525,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: lrAWy7qBo9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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