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today i'm here at fort lauderdale executive airport and i'm here with julia and charlie and we're going to have some fun putting the da62 through its paces here we go definitely [Music] do i am a passenger and i ride and i ride i ride through the city's backside [Music] you know it looks so good tonight i am the passenger i stay under glass i look through my window [Music] and everything looks good tonight all right welcome aboard everybody on board the da62 we're going to start up the both engines here all right so left engine see that starter switch hold it down until she fires let go we got oil pressure one two three we'll continue right engine master standby bring it to on all right looking for a glow switch we've got glow on wait for it to dissipate it's gone white engine master we're clear started looking at oil pressure if we didn't have oil pressure we take the master off okay next thing is going to be the avionics switch and now the next thing is my favorite air conditioner take this to on the third alternator and then you're going to push this button one time okay just let me just push it once take a look at my after engine start checklist so now what we're going to do is we're going to take the fuel system to cross feed so you'll take these two fuel selectors trying to cross feet all the way back there bring them back okay we'll keep that on for about 30 seconds yep that's your airflow julia all right so now we're ready to copy atis and get our clearance and how the headset's on whiskey time one six two three zulu win three four zero eight visibility one zero a few clouds at one thousand five hundred temperature two six two point two one out three three zero zero four on fg password two seven virtue signing into programming two seven and three one and a half short operations in effect run with two seven three thousand feet available folks right around three one runway three one three thousand two hundred fifty feet available at close rate over two seven all departing six-wing aircraft contact clearance delivery on one two seven point nine or five prior to taxi all aircraft for background seven holder instructions advised on this recording information whiskey all right we have information whiskey all right you want to give them a call you want me to uh you can do the radio work all right cool i got the radios hey executive clearance diamond twin 671 charlie bravo vfr northwest with whiskey and colorful taxi one two one point seven five ground is open roger all right so they got our clear ground diamond twin six seven one charlie bravo charlie one ready to taxi with whis did you contact clear affirmative we asked for clearance via far northwesterly those contact you diamond between six seven one try bro and i don't have anything so i'm sorry uh switch back to clearance and they need to write you up to strip for me okay not a problem anything all right take two executive clearance diamond twin 671 charlie bravo vfr northwest with whiskey bravo's at the ground pressing clearance contact ground for safety over the ground i'm between six and one sharper thank you ground diamond between 671 trailer bro we've got that clearance now sir ready taxi charlie one with whiskey one trailer probably do you need to run up affirmative one trailer one charlie bravo roger roman two seven taxi via charlie she's cautioned for that challenger he should be pulling up okay uh runway two seventy charlie we'll use caution certain time between six seven one twelve problems all right bunch of brake pressure bring this up to release there there you go all right you got controls we're gonna go straight same taxi feature showing us right and then 2 7 juliet and we got our taxi instructions written down to avoid runway cruise we are ready to fire sounds good i'd like to welcome everybody on board uh thanks charlie for having us today and we got julia who's a private pilot going for instrument rating riding in the back with us today and it's november 4 3 4 0 cleared across the approach over cleared the taxi we're going to go up to the runway here we're going to knock out a run a lot of birds out there today look we're making friends okay hopefully this challenger stays put here uh-huh all right we're looking at him he's not moving we got good clearance on the right here november 9 6 output now we're glad i'm not going to run the very base of the tower basically looking good righty any security vehicles on ground security one lengthy security one uh we've got a coyote approaching two seven can you repeat this now i got kyle here's your caravan there's uh all right the this uh run-up is so simple with this fedex so our left engine oil temperature is happy cooling gearbox all we're going to do right now you see these voter switches i'm going to have you cycle it down to b get back to auto and then back today and then when we're holding down the ecu button you're going to hold it so it does two cycles it's going to do the feather it's going to fail ecu's it's going to check the whole system this is in lieu of power 17 check mags you know check your vacuum check your prop so uh go ahead and cycle this left ecu down okay so we felt a rock so it just switched over from a now bring it up to auto and then bring it up to a okay now bring it back down to auto now take your left ecu and you're gonna hold that button down until i tell you to stop go for it okay so we see we have ecu failures on left engine that's a good cast message rpm goes about 1900 you got 5.5 there you'll hear a feather it's going to continue to do a second one keep holding it wow this is really easy compared to other airplanes is it all on its own yep so now all the messages have gone away so we're continuing to ready to go to the right engine and as long as these messages don't pop up we're good to fly so take that voter switch to the right here and bring it down to b all right looking good back to auto and then up to a ah we felt the rock so it was on b now back to auto and then you'll hold that right ecu test button and we'll check the uh parameters on the engine watching the prop rpm yep and you can hear it feather when it does this one [Music] okay that's it our circuit breakers are good our fuel's good our trim is set for takeoff we'll test the autopilot just hit the go around trigger right there it is an auto couple go around so the mr approach will do the whole go around for you and then go ahead and uh yeah exactly you got it and then just turn to the right a little bit feel like a tree one zero heading yeah whatever you want now just hit autopilot see if it works all right it's moving good hit that red button disconnect that's it and then we'll try one more time we'll see if the trim disconnects it hit ap one more time and then use that trim see if it disconnects all right so we tested it both ways and then the yaw damper stays on so you'll hit the red button one more time the flaps are going to go to take off all right we'll throw our landing light and our taxi light on and then we'll throw the fuel pumps on okay so put our fuel pumps on okay we'll check our flight controls one more time before the uh take off so we're gonna roll down the runway we'll call two good engines oil pressure should be in the green and we should get about 10 gallons per hour on each engine that's one of those things that are kind of missed most engine players are due to some kind of fuel flow issues so if i see six on here you'll hear me say abort and then you'll bring the powers i'll abort and we'll tell atc and we'll we'll get off the runway um if we lose it at like the worst possible time like shortly after takeoff let's make sure we get the positive rate the gear up and then the flaps through 90 will bring the flaps up we'll identify verify feather which will be for example we'll see the left engine we'll have the left engine simulated to fail what we'll do is you'll see the airplane start rolling to the left we'll put in the right rudder and then verification will bring that left engine back and now the feather is simply taking the master switch and putting it to off that's it so that's identify verify feather in this plane i'm gonna switch over to tower and looks like we're number four five here so uh let's see what we can do get in sequence all right pretty cool yep that's it pretty simple airplane ground 601 charlie bravo run-up is a complete uh we're good to move up or should we wait for one of these jets to move up won't chilly bravo still win on their releases and i'm not talking to the other vfr challenger so you can hold sort of two seven contact tower okay over to tower hold true two seven six seven we'll try around all right you got the controls once this airplane moves up and uh crosses there's no point of calling her yet a lot of times if you call them prematurely they'll go call me when you're number one go over here i got the uh ipad mini a lot of people ask what size ipad i like for flying got the ipad mini mounted with the pivot case system real nice area in this airplane here look down you can see there we are in the taxi diagram i'm sure two seven on charlotte what i like about the pivot mounting system is when you go in and out a lot of different airplanes it's really easy just to remount into the next universal yeah julia how are you enjoying uh the atmosphere back there is it all right it's great this is really roomy back here feels odd sitting in the back of an airplane i know i know this is the first time i've had julie in the back she's usually in the left seat slamming around the flight controls and doing spins and the extra and all kinds of good stuff that's awesome yeah charlie owns a flight school here at fort lauderdale i'll link it in the description below if you guys want to check it out if you're in the area and you're looking for uh some no reserved out the roommate roommate two seven lineup await traffic caravan two mile final sign up for white super delta right now at the hotel where you park west aviation uh to have a hotel expedite to the end traffic in position traffic i'm final natalie please no delay to our photo [Applause] i like that fedex yeah it's cool all right we are now number one holding short of two seven [Applause] amazing she's got a busy job right now oh yeah but she's keeping it really efficient which is nice that is not makers bourbon of the air the mighty caravan cargo turbine suburban turbine suburban i like it executive tower after november 851 papa we are eight miles uh north of the field would you like to request post-op number one charlie brown traffic to send us on a mile and a half final runway two seven turn right northwest runway two seven clear for immediate takeoff two seven clear for takeoff media takeoff dime between six seven one trevor so we won't hold the brakes and here we go power's coming up all right two good engines one pressure is good fuel flow is good we'll put it right here two seven runways your speed's alive looking for 78 ready everyone line up the weight nicely there we are rotate positive rate gear up tap the brakes you're selected up beautiful flaps are going to go up through 90. here we go and gear is up and here we are frequently changed all righty our after takeoff checks our gear is up our flaps are up a thousand feet we'll have the fuel pumps off and we'll bring the power to 95 percent after takeoff checks the point of time you were number two behind the issue has been sitting there for a long time please face i see a little hole over here to the right a little bit i like it we actually got a bird out in front of us right on front of runway two seven we can't go back over here just hold your position sir yeah they're busy today november nine or six alpha make straight up looking good looking good and now we can gently bring our power to 95 we'll get it out of the yellow there's a five limit limitation on that yellow traffic one o'clock same altitude less than one month two seven lights smooth hands steve usually i say bring it back to 95 and the guy goes wow smooth hands we've done this before i'm looking for somebody a hundred feet above us still clear he's way behind us now yep we're outside that airspace i'm going to bring her to zero okay all right a good climb rate yeah that 15 degrees nose up that's going to get you towards 87 will hold that i've flown this airplane in the rockies and it's a it's a great density altitude performance it's turbo charged the turbo chargers are pretty small but you will get to flight level 2 0 0 and you will maintain a little over 100 knots true airspeed so awesome i like it i think it's the best trainer in the world that's why we got it for our school and it's just fantastic so far it's a blast to fly i love this stick too flying that stick got the wing you can see now we're above that cloud layer nice smooth air now all right so one of the exercises i do when we're first teaching people multi-engine is just learning it visually what i'll do is i'll pull one of the engines back and just visually looking outside you'll see which way it rolls and you'll put in that corresponding rudder and the operating engine will tell me hey left engine failed so we'll start doing that right there dead engine left check gear that's right it's that left engine airplane has a lot of rudder authority it does you're not kidding oh yeah dead leg dead engine that's what i always remember so if you know you're with the rudder though your instinct was absolutely correct here we go let's see what happens here right now my right leg went dead so dead uh engine on the right absolutely i'm going to bring that power back up and we'll continue let's continue that climb to 5000 feet and go ahead and bring that nose up to vx 83 and we're gonna have a more pronounced yaw and roll as we pull the next one all right pitching for 83 knots there we are right in there i keep forgetting that you know we have two engines so i'm so used to always using so much right rudder that uh you don't have to do that as much with two engines you're absolutely right yeah single engine you know you're going to be stomping on the right yeah i know taking off from the tvm you've got the right rudder trim all the way to the right is where the green band is see let's do an engine shutdown okay very good so what we'll do is i'm going to pull an engine back i want you to go through your identify verify procedure and when you're ready to shut that engine down i want you to point to whichever engine master it is and then go ahead and bring it to off and that engine is going to feather so here we go we're climbing everything's good we're on the way to wherever we want to go and have some lunch and then all of a sudden we got a gear right leg is dead which means our right engine is dead and i'm going to verify with the uh gauges here and that would be yes correct we have a right engine failure all right let's shut that right engine down steve pull it and bring it to off let's do it did you feel that release of drag amazing i love it as soon as you do that that drag goes away now let's climb 87 let's see if we can climb with three people and about 80 percent of fuel the engine restart is there's going to be a limitation on that we got to get the airplane really slow otherwise if you do a windmill restart you can damage the gearbox check gear yeah the amount of rudder input i had to decrease significantly when we shut that down so we're pitching for 87. looks like we're still doing a 300 uh per minute climb there yeah bring that nose up a little bit more there it is with our weight right now we're climbing about 250 300. i like it not bad yep very good that's a 5 000 feet at 500 feet to be a little bit more than that okay so for the engine restart is we're going to slow this airplane down to 80 knots now that's going to be right around the stall warning so what happens is when it gets to 90 knots i want you to take this engine master and put it on now unfeathers you'll see it go to low pitch high rpm i want you to engage the right starter when it's not in motion when the prop is stationary bring that nose up a little bit more wait for 90. okay do it now keep holding that nose up get ready to start that right engine do it beautiful restart perfect that's actually easier than you think now go ahead scissor that engine put your hands on those levers and scissor that engine let's get 65 on each engine now one of the things i think that diamond really did well with with the austral engine if you fly other airplanes barons senecas duchesses whatever when you try to do a restart it could take a few minutes right off yeah so it is kind of really is a true push to start machine wow that was really cool to see that yeah so let's see how the airplane stalls with a person in the back and 80 fuel and some bags and let's see how it stalls clean okay just go ahead pretend it's a 172 you bring your power idle and you i want you to go to a full aerodynamic buffet and install spare number small excuse me stall spin awareness we'll keep the ball in the center at all times and let's get a full air dynamic buffet you'll see the airplane is just going to buff it we're not going to get a wing drop here we go check that's a full buffer hold it in there hold it in there hold it in there beautiful steve all right lower that nose steve so that was a full stall in this thing we held it and we held it we held it in there and all you felt was a uh a buffet right it didn't want to roll or snap or nothing no that's right and a lot of heavy multi-engine airplanes in this class do the max takeoff gross weight in this airplane's about 5070 pounds and uh at that weight or when you're light it does the same thing it's very it's very docile let's do it a bit of an accelerated stall go ahead bring that power back let's get to about i don't know about 105 knots uh the lightest maneuvering speeds 120 that's placarded so we're below the airing speed good just bring it over to 45 degrees of bank and try to hold out to it and let's get a fuller dynamic buffet in a bank really docile stall characteristic go ahead hold that nose up steve let's do it all right here we go there's the stall warning yep keep pulling keep pulling keep the power in when we get a flurry dynamic buff and i'll have you unload wings level and then recover pull pull we're shaking like a leaf we're shaking like a leaf unload all right perfect that was nice yeah so this these stalls in this airplane do not happen by accident all right so let's do a emergency descent all right and because we're on our way back to the airport here soon uh what i want you to do is when you go power idle this airplane you're gonna feel like speed brakes almost those those propellers are air brakes when you go power idle i want you to throw the gear down i want to go into a 60 degree bank let's look at the vsi ready steady power's going idle gear is coming down give me 60 degrees of back here we go we're on our way down oh my goodness we're on fire here we go beautiful all right now don't exceed 140 knots we'll start applying back pressure we're clear on the way down beautiful give me a right turn 170 for traffic please 170 on the heading for roger we're looking good we're clear on traffic can go right on down to this little hole here in front of us yep and we're coming down like a rock now if you wanted to push it to vne we'd come down maybe 7 000 feet a minute right now we're doing maneuvering speed we're about 3 000 feet a minute when we initially put that 60 degree bank in we lost that vertical component of the lift we were coming down i think about 5 000 feet a minute that's awesome well charlie i think that was a lot of fun i say we go and try let me see how i do it landing this thing let's see it that was it right turn one eight zero [Music] [Applause] power bravo's eight north with whiskey full stop one thousand three hundred for one thousand four six seven twelve executive tire debt diamond twin six seven one charlie bravo november one charlie robert continue to send pattern altitude enter a right base for runway 2-7 traffic uh a cherokee followed by a cessna northwestbound 1200 700 use question 89. so when you're about 100 feet that last speed that you're going to look at that airspeed indicator is going to be 89 knots that's very similar to the tbm speeds as well november 1 charlie bravo traffic's rolling runway 2-7 runway 2-7 cleared to land 2-7 clear land diamond twin 6-7-1 charlie bravo our first one turning northeastbound for boca cessna eight backpacks ready holding short first gear check all right there's some more birds yep so we'll throw the last launcher flaps up on fire maintaining 105 on the speed now cleared to land roger holding the position touching for 105 knots we're right on it you got it have a right crosswind on this landing place fun when you land a brand new airplane for the first time uh-huh you just hope for the best oh yeah we'll hope for the best actually when the world's watching yeah it could be easy to overshoot this final because we have a tailwind right now yep that's right and you have a very tight corridor a pompano tower you're doing really good here go full flaps let's do it left selected no slower to no slower than 95. and full flaps is indicating okay that's our third gear check three green confirmed green confirmed looking good this is looking really good we're a little bit faster but we'll slow it up to 95. i'll let the airplane hold the crab and i'll kick out the crab rays as we get into the flare beautiful last last speed you'll look at you can start slowly getting to 89 now all right perfect on the speed on speed looking good and tower 734 and we're going to go back down to the flare right now november 7 3 4 7 golfers four seven charlie oh wow no way did you see that julia i didn't say a word and i didn't even feel a touchdown the wheels just started rolling faster that'd be great check right past steve you know sometimes you surprise yourself so it's better to be lucky than good november one charlie bravo contact ground point seven five exit quebec contact ground one two one seven five six seven one troy brown we're back on the ramp charlie that was a very fun flight thanks for having us on board and julia i hope we didn't scare you too bad back there thanks for riding along i don't know good luck on the rest of your training yeah yeah no problem if you guys did like this video be sure to smash the thumbs up button subscribe to the channel also be sure to check out charlie's flight school here at fort lauderdale it's linked in the description below awesome thanks steve thanks for coming out and playing we had a lot of fun definitely anyway we'll catch you guys someday soon [Music] don't cry [Applause] don't raise your eyes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] older teenage man [Music] places [Music] you
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 1,033,821
Rating: 4.7909451 out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, DA62, Multi engine airplane, Career in aviation, Pilot life, Engine Failure, Emergency descent, Stalling an airplane, Cockpit, ATC audio, ATC, Landing an airplane, Taking off, Travel, Airplane, Aircraft, New DA62, S1K, ForeFlight, BOSE Aviation, PIVOT Cases
Id: DH-nPwtHq0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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