Santa Monica to the stormy Rockies on a Private Jet!

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today we fly from sunny socal beautiful santa monica to the rocky mountains of colorado let's go flying [Music] what's going on everyone hello from santa monica heading back to pueblo y'all doing well welcome board we'll get this show rock and roll number two clear great there's ignition fuel flow oil pressure is coming up here's light off it's a nice cool start too we like it all right stabilize roll back clear left with haste sky's clear below one two thousand temperature two one two point one six altimeter three zero zero four so your alpha r nav is representing flying runway two one derivative for contact your information kilo kilo guys kilo flight controls free incorrect ground citation tiramir fox and atlantic kilo taxi station two roman foxtrot runway two one text of the alpha okay two one v alpha citation zero box thank you all right clear left to clear right thank you all right guys 2-1 via alpha all right my brakes feel good clear right clear left turning skids moving looks good flaps 15 indicating speed brakes are down trim set three times group we think guys uh anything below 94 it's max breaking frosty little speed breaks up anything above 94 will continue rotate at 98 and our plan is to go to expecting a release in one minute i'll fly full length contact all right go to tower we appreciate it good day romeo fox and we'll probably head to van nuys or los angeles depending of longer runway for the return if we have an issue nav and vnav's coming i'm going to sit to 3 000 on the citrus 3 000 and we'll just breathe this again here off the runway 213 heading intercept 260 course to wash and on our way to citrus above 5000 we're stopping at 3 000 though citation two romeo fox shot tower go ahead sir citation two romeo fox shot win two three zero seven runway two one clever take out okay sir cliff take off two one citation zero five okay clear left clear right lights coming on all right he's coming on sport cruiser force here charlie socal gave me a call and they would like to talk to you just to give you traffic advisories in the area so contact socal approach one two three two one 124.3 stable take off power let's go take our power set to the t is set two good engines air speed is alive both sides 70 knots checks b1 rotate positive rate gear up i'm going to climb a bit above the bars here for noisy payment cherokee zero twos here runway two one cleared for the option in front of a skyhawk on a seven mile final zero we're going up to six seven thirty six let me know what seven thousand gotta go instead of one another point nine or five nineteen ninety five one seven thousand shuttles fifty seven thirty nine 1995 you have a good day alaska 4 15. take off gears up claps are up products are climbing lights gonna remain offshore in your transition please here charlie just remain on shore outside your discussion on shore fourth year charlie one thousand to go we're in the bravo here so we're good looking really good 5 000 to 10 and then to the right of us them for two romeo fox prizes 22 71 traffic 12 o'clock and five miles top direction heavy airbus falls for nine thousand cautious turbo we're looking around 2271 cm insert direct keep that nav coming around here right this is why 2271 technical approach what's 28.75 have a great day right there 22.71 as well and now we're basically on establish on a better heading now for its intercept we'll go nav force here charlie you going back to santa monica also uh well eventually we'll be going to van nuys but we're just maneuvering in the mountain area for now okay thank you two roommates had a computer 224 points twenty four six euro box good day sir three four zero contact approach one two eight point seven five three four zero on the heading switching one two eight seven five southwest uh [Applause] one five zero one one thousand confirmed for flightcheck seven two flightcheck 72 affirmative one one thousand okay turning uh one five zero one one thousand i just have two check out a portrait good afternoon citation two of the box seven thousand playstation two romeo fox crosstalk approach for bank altimeter three zero zero four therefore all right so we're hanging out here at seven thousand we have planes coming above us there i'll approach probably three zero zero four i spoke off the right did you get all the checklist items done that's it sweet and for my flight simulator friends out there if you do not know if you guys heard but the cj4 inflate simulator 2020 microsoft weight similar just got a big update so that's exciting but flying that around a little bit of the simulator definitely is improved so microsoft [Applause] good afternoon uh resume normal state always with exclusives 109.7 contact socal approach 128.75 today good morning la citation 20 of fox 14 3 coming up level 190 10 10 to 5 6 definitely maintain one four thousand citation two romeo fox valley center good morning contact center one three two point five thirty two five turn fox good day hello good morning citation two romeo box 16 coming to 19. vacation two romeo fox trial a center final maintain possible thank you so yeah so the microsoft got a big update on the um on the cj forge has been cool it's been flying around the sim quite a bit and all this airspace you know i fly in the simulator on pilot edge which is the virtual air traffic control network which is epic so it's it's pretty awesome to be able to be in the simulator flying the citation but also being able to you know then fly in the real world and then the sim it's it's very very cool yeah 18 standard standard standards yeah it's uh it's pretty i mean the controllers out here are very very good um socal and la center very very impressive so shout out to those guys for uh for the great atc that they provide keeping us all safe and flying so you can see they are good out here [Applause] since we didn't get climb via the sid or anything like that um on our climb just straight up to 23 we can just continue all the way up to 23. perfect all right guys what's up campers for a little bit um i'm waiting i'm anxiously waiting for my cookie in pueblo and uh we should be on the ground here i don't know about uh an hour and 50 minutes or so once we get to cruise so i'll talk to everyone a little bit all right guys welcome back just started our descent into pueblo we only went here about 16 minutes or so we got the uh engine anti switches on right now it's about to go into some clouds below 10 degrees on the rat i have a couple bumps here but weber's really really nice down there pueblo one one interesting thing so you got the engine bleeds on right to be able to to provide enough bleed air obviously for engine performance but also for the the heat that needs for the engine anti-ice you need to keep it above 75 percent and two um so otherwise you can get a message that will pop out and it will say engine anti-ice cold which means it's just not producing enough uh bleed air for the uh for the engines to remain ice free you guys wasn't gonna mention we got some new merch on the citation max website so we got some new hats uh we're working on some cookie socks which i'm very excited about uh some t-shirts and some some new uh some new gear and we just uh we changed vendors a couple months ago and it's much better quality now so go check it out if you want any citation max gear all right cool we'll get the shades on wrapping the randolph today because we love it and we look cool ish with the glasses on way cooler than without so all right descent windshield zone pressurization is definitely pueblo at 4700 feet temperatures not yet lights are good visibility one zero sky clear temperature three one a top three altimeter three zero zero seven visual approaches in use landing and departing runways aid right and length hazardous weather information for the pueblo air available flight service check density altitude land and hole short operations in effect power is using split frequencies advise on the initial contact you have echo echo guys all right so we'll get the approach in always back up the ils so we'll put the ils eight right in there 48.71 we're going to still plan the visual though but just have it backed up that's looking good november 2 romeo foxtrot contact denver center on 128.37 2837 2015 28 37 here we go 1 000 to go all right so that's it we'll load that up denver center good afternoon citation two romeo fox 27-7 descending two seven zero station two room function denver center lots of scattered modern precipitation along your route 12 o'clock at about two to zero miles um the moderate starts in the moderate heavy at about one o'clock and 25 miles or so another moderate to heavy maybe extreme pocket at 11 30 and about four zero 40 miles let me know how you want to deviate most airplanes getting around it to the right i assume and then kind of swerving back to the left number two i think so it's pretty scattered that aircraft kind of go either way but i think yeah i'm not really sure whatever it looks but you just let me know do you ever thought i told you that we'll call it the game plan here we'll get back to you there we're gonna ask for about 15 right yeah it's perfect like to put 15 degrees right on request number two remain fox surrender give me some right of course approved thank you man airport an advisor yeah that's pretty much up about zero seven five let's go back on the map here map settings put the web radar on top of it [Applause] see what nexrad has for us i see some precip a little bit of lightning off the left there and start down now between this is about three minutes six or seven minutes delayed just don't want this to become a line and then we're cornered in but again i don't see that happening anterior fox is going to start heading down to 16. all right number two right all right so approach is in we'll get the landing numbers in now so that's eight right we're gonna be a 9800 pound airplane coming in load the metar that looks good the runway is good plenty long at ten thousand feet of contact 104 96ers speeds we need 2800 feet and we have 10 500 available so we're looking good november seven five four niner power contact maybelline's are set field transfers off because you're late to good passer we don't have any passengers pack safety is good it's good and yeah that's it all right so we're looking good one thing of the taxi though once we do land we'll land a right and we'll just exit probably alpha nine two romeo's foster defending maintain one four thousand pueblo altimeter three zero zero seven fourteen thousand three zero zero seven through two romeo foxtrot so alpha nine alpha and then we'll go into flower aviation which is just an epic fbo really really good stuff so we get cookies and join those before getting some uh yeah getting some cookies and heading out enjoying the nice day in pueblo beautiful time of year to be venturing around charlie foster x-ray clear the rockies and stuff just what a beautiful area [Applause] and uh center for terrafox out of about 22 uh moderate rhyme and we're just getting out of it now at about 20.5 outside airport outside air temperature was minus one and the aircraft i was talking about the icing i was offline so i missed it charlie foxtrot see your tango x-ray climbing team level two eight three ten two eight zero see what the next thing okay contact denver center one three four point one two denver center everyone's just stepping all over each other they're looking to take a by far december 34 12. [Music] and the aircraft talking about the icing say it again please yes sir two romeo fox uh 22.5 uh started getting in moderate rhyme outside air temperature was minus two got out of it at around flight level two zero zero our two romeo foster contact pro approach one two zero point one oh that's not it one two zero point one approach good afternoon citation zero meow fox 16 1 for 14th house want an 85 heading we can turn on course of echo or two roman foxtrot denver approaches twitter [Music] all right activate back just to final we're looking good yeah that was getting over the front ranges i believe that's what they call it so that was cool now beautiful clear skies here you turn 10 degrees right vectors for the restricted area please okay the frequencies up the power is nice [Applause] beautiful as we put the with the wing and engine nti switches on that's again blowing hot air on the wing on that nice hot wing and then the engine also and then we also we're picking up ice on the windshield so we put the windshield bleeder switches on also i got the airport over there i believe there's such a beautiful area to fly in and around it's just makes the the east coast not look as cool you know the fact you can be in california and go to you know be an hour from lake tahoe and 45 minutes in vegas and you know an hour and 50 from denver it's it's really really cool i mean in northeast you basically go you know in boston dc go to maine but it's i mean a lot of cool stuff to do here all right maintain 8 000. i'm just going to have you join the localizer there's a lot of katanas in the vfr pattern hey you got it eight thousand and you said you wanted to join the localizer what's your it's a really cool part of the part of the country definitely would love to come back if work permits [Music] i want to go down eight oh bumpy wow there's a lot of traffic at pueblo wow and touring fox is the airport where it helps a two romeo function roger turn right heading zero five zero to join final third visual approach from a right all right zero five zero to join the final we'll clear the visual eight right citation two remaining box that's slow in the back here everyone all right [Music] [Music] katana on the close and right base and one three zero six only right there to land sweat land eight right two romeo fox tiger five six gear down three green no red right now before contact round target below 161 35 speed checks when he will report that traffic in sight autopilot is coming off your attempt is away traffic or forecast for runway charlie oh there it is traffic traffic 500 checks he's making his base turn he or she before he left we're going right clear land looking good minimum minimum tiger one three taxi runway eight left via bravo zero three runway left x via bravo one cross runway right traffic home base about a mile base target zero three tax two runway left for you bravo one cross one way right traffic's in sight tiger 7-0 extended base runway eight right full stop zero one zero nine zero which we are and we're going to go to ground we are clear initial contact citations on alpha seven for flower aviation station two around the fox all right welcome to pueblo all right it's coming off getting good that was that was fun different different kind of flight hope you enjoyed it if you did please hit that subscribe button down below thumbs up and we will see you on the next video take care everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 248,628
Rating: 4.9763288 out of 5
Keywords: citation max
Id: PF6Wn3cXAZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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