Men FINALLY Realize Their WIFE Is Cheating On Them (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what is your accidentally caught your spouse cheating horror story sorry long story apologies someone asked me to add a tldr this is lengthy apologies this happened years ago but the ripples definitely continued for many years I was an athlete in my twenties I was fortunate to spend the decade from my 19th birthday until just shy of my 30th birthday playing basketball overseas I would spend majority of the year overseas and come back to the states until the new season or possible a new country it's a very cutthroat career to have as I knew guys I'd play against have a replacement literally sitting in the stands till after the game and then they would be let go so I met my wife through my brother I was flying back to the States I lived in Texas at that time he said come to Denver so I instead flew and was going to visit my brother for a few weeks then head home at that time I didn't have a girlfriend or a house and just had a room at my folks so I'm on a twelve hours flight and land in Denver and my phone starts going nuts with voice' nails this was flip phone era my brother and his then-girlfriend had an emergency with her mom and they drove to New Mexico and his friend Andy was going to pick me up and would take me to his place till he got back and he was a girl and I was done the minute I laid eyes on her and was blown away needless to say I fell for her it helped she was tall and she was very sarcastic and fun to be around moving along many years later and getting married and having a kid later I was in what I thought was the perfect life we traveled saw the world enjoyed spending time together and got along with each other's families sex life was great never thought anything would come between us my mother's side of the family all decided to move from California at the same time they all wanted to leave California and lower their costs of living so what seemed like overnight I got grandparents aunts uncles cousins etc my closest cousin is Donny he was married to his high school sweetheart soon after he arrives we hang out a bunch and when I was in town night tried hanging out as much as time permitted he liked going to bars and strip clubs my wife and I would go hang out and have fun she liked strip clubs and like I said we had a great relationship so in other words we were solid and I've always been open she had all my passwords and I didn't keep anything from her nor her from me one night my cell rings she answered and spends about 45 minutes talking on the phone my daughter was three at the time and her and I were watching TV after the phone call she comes in like the Gestapo point asking if there was anything I needed to tell her clueless and flustered she explains that a girl called my cell asking when I would be over because she was running late that she didn't know I was married and that I need to do right by her and our soon-to-be child how much of an [ __ ] I was for cheating on my wife and getting another girl pregnant moving along she is yelling and freaking out so I tell her to call the girl back and we will sort it out after about 15 minutes of going back i forth on the phone I told her to come to the house so I can prove it isn't me after what felt like an eternity the girl shows up as my wife let her in the girl sees me and just loses it saying that's not rusty what is going on after a long conversation and a lot of moonshine apple pie we get the story so my cousin apparently almost got caught by his wife and decided to ditch his phone so he had a way of explaining to them why they could not get in touch at times so he ditched his Nokia and said it was stolen and gave this girl myself thinking she wouldn't call trust me I took questioned his thinking but it really happened he also had been telling her that rusty was his name rusty being my nickname so after getting everything on doubt even though I'm happy it was over my wife explained I had two choices either my cousin tells his wife or my wife will so I have to make this guy wrenching phone call to tell my cousin what and he loses it and just tells me give him some time to tell his wife and to not let my wife break the news first if you've ever been married asking something like that isn't an easy conversation no matter how good the marriages fast-forward a few months all seems right in the world my wife calls me she was having lunch at my folks with my mom that girl called my folks house looking for rusty in my father answered my father is old-fashioned he married his high-school sweetheart and believes that once you're married that's it so him listening to this call and my wife tells him this story about what happened he then asks the girl to fill him in and then maybe he can help her sort this out so she spills her guts to my dad explaining how I was leaving my wife for her and our new baby and that she needed to reach me because the car broke down and needed help and the fact that his phone wasn't working she decided to call phone numbers on the bill trying to get in touch with him luckily he had already heard the story and explains that I'm not my cousin my wife wasn't happy that my cousin hadn't taken care of this so now I'm having to explain to my wife that as far as I knew that situation was solved and hadn't heard anything else from it a few days later my dad calls me and says that girl showed up with the kid looking for my cousin during the peaceful time my folks went on a cruise and asked my cousin to house-sit he had been bringing that girl over to my folks house and they were playing house for two weeks my parents who had gone at this point my wife lost it with this and brought everything crashing down on my cousin's head he ended up getting divorced from his wife eventually from this girl as well we ironed out all relationship and moved past it the crazy parties I decided to retire I had some issues with my knee and it would require surgery and Rehab teams usually pay for everything including the rehab so I decided to have the surgery and then fly home and do rahab locally trying to be romantic and surprise my wife instead of letting her know I was flying in on a specific day got to the airport got a taxi and drove home not wanting to let my wife know expecting marshal bliss instead I walk into a master bedroom of some guy asleep next to my wife devastated I went into the closet grabbed clothes took pictures on my camera woke my daughter up and drove to my folks house the aftermath was was pretty standard and painful to this day she has never told me who he was or ever really explained why well a truthful explanation matters now I'm remarried and things are good but to this day I never thought anything like this would happen to me honestly I try not to dwell on it but as with anything bad it hits at the oddest times like catching up on TV shows and browsing with it and see this post sorry for the lengthy story that I couldn't resist I opened my sister's door to ask for a hair tie and she was [ __ ] my bf this was in high school but still I spit on them yelled why and went downstairs to leave my dad is in the living room on the computer and asks what's wrong I say go upstairs and see for yourself fire an outside and heard the yelling right away my dad chased him out of the neighborhood naked she got shipped to my mom's house shortly after that and got pregnant at 17 years old edit whoa didn't expect anyone to actually see that this was just the start with her to answer some questions I asked why later and he said he did it because she would have sex and I wouldn't I was still a virgin and she was sexually active at 12 no I never spoke to him again he's actually a meth head now she slept with another one of my boyfriend's a year later another one I found him kissing on a front porch one day after grade 12 fast forward to me being fresh out of high school full-time job that I loved smoked up with number two and my dad made me quit my job and move in with her to watch my one-year-old niece so she could finish high school she does then has thr baby and is too lazy to raise either so I do for a year I finally say enough I didn't want to leave my niece and nephew that I was a kid and wanting my own life and not to live in her apartment with her new boyfriend and two kids I moved back home and start anew my nephew's father ends up getting custody she didn't try to fight and didn't show up to three different court dates to try and win him back at all so she takes my niece and splits up north to hide in our hometown by now my niece is three and from up until now she turns 18 on the ninth she has lived in four different provinces and Florida twice my sister has ran all over the country going through probably around 100 men she's been engaged more than I can count back to me when I moved back home got my life back together and my own place about a year later who comes knocking at the door my season nice can we stay for a bit of course you're my sister she [ __ ] my roommate doesn't take care of my niece she's getting high and whatnot my niece gets smoked in the head by one of the guys hanging around with with a golf club I take her for stitches tell her to go back home and stay there she does thankfully she cleans herself up a bit and goes to college fast forward to me getting married and having my own two kids she comes to visit with her fiance and my niece she was now six and I catch C's trying to blow my husband goodbye for another two years and eventually goodbye to the husband - that's a whole other issue the jerk fast forward again and I'm with my first kiss from 13 my soul mate boss and unbeknownst to me he has a drinking problem she takes advantage of that she has admitted in the past when I've asked why she keeps doing this to me that she can't stand that I've always been successful and happy so she tries to ruin it or take it away and start sexting my boyfriend they texted for a few days and feels bad I read them and that was that he did cheat with other women but was also blackout drunk for the better part of two years he quit has been sober since December 12th 2014 different man amazing man in father my sister on the other hand I finally had enough and at a little sister's wedding right at the end I told her to never call me message me or try to reach me forget I'm her sister because she's never treated me as such we haven't spoken since then that was 2013 she's still the same my niece gets no attention my mom has basically raised her when she's been close to them to take care of her she comes to our house out of - my sister is too busy worrying about this man or the next too busy getting stoned I'm not against smoking a joint and too busy with her own life she shouldn't never have been a mother we were highschool sweethearts and had been together about seven years we went to college together worked together basically spent 20 hours a day together I left for the military and never got a single letter from her or heard anything about her from my mom the only person who did write me somewhere in the first two weeks out of 13 I came to the conclusion that she died and people were sparing me the stress while I was in boot camp I'm floored when I see her at graduation she seemed cold and distant but she'd also recently gotten over a substance issue or so I thought I stayed with her for ten days before leaving for training instead of staying with my mom and I hardly see her she says she is working two jobs and going to school I try to be understanding and supportive but she also didn't come home one night we part on weird terms but she assures me she's just sad to see me go I am a couple weeks into training and my family and girlfriend drive to see me we have a really good three day visit and when they are dropping me off I get a phone call from a good friend I'd known for years he tells me how sorry he is she had told him that I broke up with her when I left so I could have guilt-free casual sex which was what I always wanted he told me her sister found out we were still together from a text she had seen he was so apologetic and I thought he was a piece of [ __ ] before but that was the behavior of a stand-up guy she denied denied denied this was a real shitty move on my part but I pulled the texts from our shared account back when you could do that but I justified it because her new boyfriend had already offered to send them to me with texts in hand she still denied it we both moved on and she's married to him now throw away account only because I find this story a bit too weird even for me one time my husband thought he had caught me cheating on him I'm a full-time artist and do pretty well for myself most of my paintings are on the weird and surreal side so when I'm experienced in a creative block I do some pretty weird [ __ ] my husband and I are childhood sweethearts so he's seen it all I was nearing the end of my deadline for a gallery series and I was stressed my husband was nervous leaving me alone for a week but he had a business conference that he couldn't miss a round dates who I ran to the supermarket to buy a pack of condoms and cheap Barbies i scalped and maimed the bobbies and stuffed as much of it in the condom as possible the result was interesting I'll probably paint it someday in the future and somehow motivated me enough to finish the remaining paintings in the series I throw the few condoms I'd used away and boxed the remaining with my art supplies didn't bother to think any further on it cut to five days later husband comes home I'm making dinner while he showers he turns the water on promptly turns it off comes downstairs looking white as a ghost and walks out of the house without a word I'm freaked out and go after him but he's already gone with the car I'm blowing up his phone but he won't answer me trying not to freak out too much I decide that maybe I'm overreacting and just let it go for a few hours still no response I reach out to some family and they haven't heard from him either I spend a sleepless night debating what to do neck early morning my husband comes home looking like [ __ ] and reeking of alcohol he goes off at me screaming and cursing I've never seen him like this I'm trying to calm him down to figure out wTF is happening but he won't let me talk he's going on until he finally uses the word cheating Arvin did clicks he found the condoms I use the typical it's not what it looks like response so he decides to calm down and humor me go to my studio and pull out the sketches I'd done of the barbers in the condoms to show to him he's giving me a strong asterisk wTF is wrong with why you asked a risk look but is coming down still not really believing me so I asked him if the condoms even had fluid in them calming down even more I grabbed the poor main Barbies and he breaks out in laughter before he begins to tear up I love this man to pieces and it broke my heart that he had been so torn up thinking I've slept with another man this whole thing happened two years ago now we just laugh at the whole thing it took a little while for him to get back to normal I am sure he still thought something might beat up but he eventually just settled with the fact that he married someone who's we're deaf we are still going strong not me but my neighbor who is also my best friend he was having his 30th birthday party and a bunch of people were over at his condo he was intoxicated a solid 7/10 intoxicated and spilled his beer on his shirt so he decided to change shirts he asked me to come with him because he wanted to ask me something in private so I went with him upstairs he opened his bedroom door and we saw his boss going to town on his fee on K I will never forget the look on his face his fin case face and his boss's face the silence was broken up by this isn't what it looks like routine my friend responded with if this isn't what it looks like why was his dick so far inside you I stood there in amazement and was in a state of shock his boss got dressed and I walked him out of the party the pose even grabbed a od before he left my friend came downstairs and immediately chugged a beer and announced my now ex film kay was caught having sex with my boss and I walked in on them with her legs behind her head I didn't know she could do that usually she lays there like a starfish let's get really [ __ ] up he was kind of a mess for a while after that luckily it was his condo he owned and paid for both cars his fin kay just quit her job to be a housewife Instant Karma PostScript it took him a year to date again I set him up with a cow worker of mine they are great together the post boss well he got what he deserved in the end he was caught sleeping with the wife of the owner of the company he worked for five and my buddy was promoted his fee on Kay well she moved in with her parents again and had to give up her lavish lifestyle last time I saw her she tried to flirt with me and be playful I shut that down and told her never to speak to me again girlfriends come and go but best friends only come by every once in a while edit my friend never asked me the question he wanted to ask probably best he doesn't on the subject of grabbing the roadie I want to like that move so badly but I just can't thanks for the comments and the laughs hopefully this story helps you in the future all present not sure how but I hope it does mines wit it's not quite cheating but its wit so apps are a thing in the gay community a big thing bars are disappearing so just meeting someone out and about can be a little difficult for a lot of us I've had apps for there's burly hairy doobs with beards for years now chat with a lot of men some have become friends very very few have become any more than that I finally met a guy a few years ago and it was fine for a while got rid of most of the dating profiles switched all statuses to taken on the one app I used to connect with friends across the country and overseas saw him on the app and that was fine I didn't care he wasn't looking for sex or [ __ ] around neither was I so it didn't matter life went on a week or so later he saw me on the app and got wildly pissy about it we had words I explained why I didn't want to get rid of it and assured him he could ask for my phone and look through my messages whenever he wanted thought we were good Oh Oh No shortly thereafter someone in town for work struck up a conversation really good-looking but I'm taken that's cool he just wants to be friends and chat fantastic having a friend who just wants to be friends is excellent we talk for months about all kinds of things and it never gets sexual here and there a random faceless profile will last for sex those folks get told to [ __ ] off because I'm not looking for that suddenly however new pen pal telling me he's been chatting with a guy looking for sex who sounds a lot like the guy I'm seeing he even points the profile out to me and while it isn't my dudes profile they are the same distance from me the description is dead-on though so I confront the boyfriend about it no no it's not me I'd never do that do that to you he says but the description is so close I can't help but believe the pimp or something feels all wrong about this he also physically kept me from leaving his apartment which sent up all sorts of red flags he also sat outside my apartment for a night and I only found out the next morning because he sent me a text about that creepy in the ho I stay off the app for a few days and in the meantime decides things need to end nothing feels right so I call it off he cries there's crying everything's tears and awfulness and he's calling and texting rapid-fire I'm not allowed to break off a relationship apparently that's something we both have to agree to oh no I can end a relationship if I want to decide to log back onto the app and shut it down though because with him following me I don't want another way for him to follow me but a look a message from Penn paw it's not your boyfriend I asked him and he said it's not him don't do anything stupid I messaged him back and update him weirdly that account doesn't message me back another account does identifying himself as painful who deleted the app but made another profile that's weird why is he yelling at me why is he so mad what's happening here why is his profile suddenly showing at the same location as my now ex yeah funny thing these apps allow you to choose whether or not you show your distance to other profiles pimple man and a bunch of the others who tried to solicit sex weren't show in distance before but now suddenly they are they're all in the same place - doesn't matter where I go if it's work my house a friend's house those profiles are all at the same place everything scarily clicked new pen poll a catfishing profile meant to get information out of me guys soliciting six or hitting on me or catfishing profiles they're all is they're all in this person I thought was an interesting friend nope just a lie contacted the app admins about it and they confirmed to date nine different profiles he's been stalking me for the last three years now my boyfriend was sleeping with his ex white in front of my face for months and I ignored the signs the first thing that I noticed was that he all of a sudden stopped talking about her went from complaining about her all the time to never even saying her name next my toothbrush at his place disappeared and the couple items I did have he put in a bag under the sink covered by a towel when I asked he said he didn't want his daughter to get into it the weekend she was there same thing with the one pair of flip-flops I had there they went missing one day and after pressing him over and over he got them off of the back porch that no one even goes on after saying repeatedly that he had no idea where they went then he started to pick fights with me Saturday nights four or five in a row he would text me a whole bunch of times if I didn't respond to the first text in two minutes he would just be mean saying I'm ignoring him and not to bother talking to him the rest of the night cause I must be hanging out with someone else even with all the little things piling up I still thought he won't do that to me the day I accidentally caught them was the worst we made dinner plans with another couple for that night but around 4:00 p.m. he started texting me acting like a complete [ __ ] said he was drunk and in a bad mood and depressed and just cold and bailout and not to come over because he would just be a jerk and he didn't want to do that to me well I figured it'd be a good girlfriend and bring him dinner from the restaurant I texted him five minimums before I left and said I was on my way and he text back and said he was in bed and not to come but I said he'll just leave it in the fridge cause I already bought it and didn't want to waste it when I drove up to his house his car was pulled all the way up the driveway like another car had been parked behind it and I thought that was weird since I always had to pull his car in to park in the driveway because he would park at the bottom when I got inside he was upstairs in his room fully dressed there were two cups on the nightstand I decided the easiest way would be to catch him in a lie so all I said was I saw someone pulling out of your driveway as I was pulling up who was that the look on his face said it all I started crying begging him to tell me the truth he said I was crazy and that his brother had just stopped by to drop some stuff off well that was it I knew he was lying for sure I pulled up snapchat and his brother had snapped from a baseball game two hours away obviously he was caught so he came clean said he was still in love with her even though she was horrible and I was so much better he cold and get over her and would never be able to and he wanted to tell me for so long and that he thought I really knew caused him so smart and I know him so well bla bla bla I tried to make it work but a week later I drove by after he said I was annoying him all day and wanted to be alone and her car was there I knocked on the door and he answered but Cole didn't really say much we both knew she was upstairs I yelled up that she was assort and she came downstairs she said had no idea we were together I wasn't sure what to believe so I just left he called me a lot begged me for forgiveness said he never slept with her they were just hanging out I still miss him dearly but I can't do that to myself being alone is better than being with someone who doesn't really love you edit thanks for the messages of support this was pretty recent so it helps my ex-husband used to keep and emergency five dollar bill in his wallet folded up and tucked into a side pocket he openly told me he kept it there and reminded me it was there and often told me to just take it if I needed it over the few years we were together I used and replaced that five dollar bill a few times usually because I needed cash for food at work and didn't have time to stop or something like that I never just looked through his wallet my policy is that if we are at a point that I feel the need to look through your wallet slash phone / email then we are already in trouble so I had adopt his appointment and I was running short on time my doctor copay was five dollars for an office visit and I didn't want to use my debit card so on my way out the door I grabbed his wallet and took out the five dollar bill and out with the 5 dollar bill came a small piece of paper with the name of a shady hookup website a username and a password this was before phone apps 2004 eyes right there just written out right there so I went back to my computer and typed in the website and looked up his account I worked nights at the time 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and his profile said he was available for whatever between the hours of 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. on the days I worked his profile also had no picture but it was probably because he's an idiot and didn't know how to use a freaking computer or memorize his cheater information so I very kindly loaded a picture for him on his profile and I know what you're thinking because it took every ounce of self-control I had to not post a picture of a giant turd or something fun but I didn't I posted a nice flattering picture of him later when I told him about it and he asks why I added a nice picture I told him because I needed him to latch on to the next idiot and GTFO I also went to Yahoo and typed in the username and password combo as an ml address just for fun sirs he didn't know I had done that he denied everything for hours told me it was a joke his friends thought it was funny whatever I'll let him sweat and then actually pulled out printed versions of the email conversations associated with that shady website and for the record my ex was asleep when this happened so I didn't wake him up while I looked it up I was about 15 minutes late to my doctor appointment and my doctor freaked out at my blood pressure and wanted to put me on medication because it was so high I told him with a straight face that I had literally just found out my husband was cheating on me just 15 minutes before so he let it go and made me come back for a follow-up in a week and I never put that $5.00 back because if him but I did put his username / password back in his wallet because I'm thoughtful obligatory not my spouse but have a few great cheating stories all my exes in my short adult life had cheated on me I have caught all of them first in college this girl I was seeing was still pretty close with her ex from HS and described him as a womanizer / cheater they would hang out sometimes to catch up grab drinks whatever that I never got good vibes from him I expressed my feelings of discomfort but didn't wanna taint the relationship because of my bad feeling two years later I find her sleeping with him and has been for the three years we where together second girl I met on tinder too busy to go out and meet new people pretty solid chemistry kinda hit but grounded started becoming distant posted on her Instagram Amman at a show I couldn't go to confronted her said she wasn't looking for a relationship any longer but was in one a week after we stopped being in one with this dude bought her very nice dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign seat for her felt bang for her birthday I went instead third probably hurt the worst ex from high school I broke up with due to college and distance I really liked her we rekindled our relationship a few years later picked up where we left off at the point I was going through a really dark time in my head and life and just loved having her around but was sort of distant a buddy of mine took her to a show for me was in California for family and lost her in the crowd as she went and met some new people fast forward a month she gets shit-faced with the sky she met at this show and starts sending me snapchats of them having sex started playfully with her neck coated and hiked is then escalated to no holds bar she tried to make amends the next day after I blow up her phone that night my buddy still feels like it's his fault we ended though I've told him it's not fourth tinder hash to again busy be pretty decent time met over her winter break for college punished rebellious hipster type she goes back and we talk every night FaceTime whatever she brought up how she wanted to be my girlfriend and she'd be lucky to have me as a boyfriend I'm hesitant because distant in my past but sure plan on her coming back for spring break she becomes sick and ends up having sex with a dude who gives her free weed I found out because she posted on her instant aching a shot from between her boobs and making out with her confronted her about it and basically came down to reaction moral of the story think before you post on social media it'll come back to bite you as I post on social media thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Reddit Reading
Views: 37,055
Rating: 4.7131782 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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