Girlfriend Cheated I Left but She's Not Letting Go Reddit Relationship advice

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she 33 female cheated by 32 male left but she's not letting go pretty much what the title says but obviously I should background to the situation okay I've been with my ex-girlfriend Vanessa for the past five years we met by at a convention for one of our hobbies started just talking about the hobby itself with no other goal in mind we started dating when she confessed that she liked me as more than a friend and it was mutual I just kept quiet because I didn't really want to ruin the friendship and I wasn't really expecting her to be interested in me dated for about two years steadily before we moved in together our families meshed well together our friends mingled and we all became one big mixed social circle that was a surprise because we both come from very different financial backgrounds me being raised in poor middle-class kind of finances Vanessa and her friends and family being really really rich everything was great for the past three years except when she cheated Vanessa cheated on me with some random guy I don't even honestly know why nor do I really care to find out I found out a month ago because I took her phone to call up a friend since mine was inoperable at the time first thing I saw when I unlocked her phone was a message popping up about how some guy loved that ass bouncing on him the day before I'll spare you the emotional turmoil I briefly went through and I'll admit I just put the phone down told her I was leaving without telling wife and I could see she was confused about me just going out like that I just didn't want to do something I'd regret because I did have anger issues in the past but have mostly worked past those she probably found out I saw that message but since my phone was still in the apartment there was no one way to get in touch with me I literally just walked around the city for hours until I was so tired that I felt like falling asleep on my feet went over to a friend's place stayed with them over the night and the day after I got over to her apartment and talked it out with Vanessa I told her I wasn't going to be in a relationship with a cheater and that was that I didn't ask for details how it happened who exactly the other guy was I just wanted to go away from it all she wasn't looking to oblige me crying hysterically blaming herself hitting herself in the head because she was and I quote a stupid cheating [ __ ] the me not to go that she would do anything to try and fix this the whole thing just made me even more uncomfortable to be around her and there was a scene in front of our apartment when our neighbors came out to see what the noise was about I did manage to get away but it was unnecessarily complicated with drama she made her choice to [ __ ] someone else I made mine to break up because I don't want to be with a cheater I managed to take away most of my things from the apartment when she wasn't there and hoped that would be that but if it was I wouldn't be here now I mentioned before Vanessa and her family are rich she's now using her and I presume her family's money and not giving me a single day of some kind of reminder of her either I'm getting gifts sent my way at my workplace or I'm getting letters in the mail and packages or she just hangs out with one friend of hers somewhere where she knows I am I have no idea how she knows and this is making me feel paranoid because I keep thinking she might have someone following me trying to get me to talk with her I have tried talking with local police on the matter but have been told in not so many words that her family would make sure nothing would be done about it props to the cop for being honest about it but they could do their job instead I want to heal I want to move on but she's not letting me and I don't have enough money to just move away somewhere else she's already blocked or ignored on every possible media I have but strangely enough she's not trying to get to me through them anyway friends on the other hand are every friend she's got and she has plenty has asked me to just meet up with her hear her out or something else like that but I'm so tired of that I'm tired of this kind of [ __ ] I just wanted over with I don't want to hear her speak I don't want to see her it won't do me any good so please can anyone here help me how do I move on from someone who won't let me and who has absolutely both the time and money to keep doing it indefinitely do I give her that one meeting she wants from me would that even help too long didn't read ex-girlfriend cheated on me and I broke up with her but she's not letting go and has the time and money to waste on trying to get me to talk to her about us even though there is no us anymore how to move on from someone who's not letting you do so one see an attorney and draft a cease and desist letter for the constant mail if she continues seek restraining order - I'm sorry to hear about this mess the best thing you can do is block her out maybe even tell her friends to not get involved and you've set your mind on what you've wanted you will get through this edit if you do give her the time it's just gonna suck you into more drama she cheated and she had the choice on whether or not to and she chose that path she will do it again if you give her another chance moving on his heart but it's best to throw out the pictures or whatever you deserve better three do not meet her do not meet her do not do it if she catches you alone and isolated who knows what she'll do don't give her an inch rich and crazy isn't a good mix and we don't live in a time where it's good to be on the receiving end of any accusation you need to not engage do not talk to her about her anything stay away ignore her never be caught alone with her ever for do you have close friends family somewhere in another city state you could go and live with for a while get some random job and pay them rent or something other than that you need to talk to her and tell her it's really over and you're moving on and nothing she does is going to change that as far as police goes if you weren't physically hurt I don't think there's anything they will do or you could at least attempt to get a restraining order once her family knows you got it maybe they'll convince her to stop stalking you edit I just wanted to add you were fortunate to find out the next day some people go for months or years without even suspecting a thing she could have given you STDs styes and whatever else so you were lucky in a way to find out about it straight away my fear is living with a woman and not even notice her cheating 5 that always amazes me how sorry a cheater is they're not sorry they did it they're sorry they got caught good for you on ridding yourself of the constant merry-go-round you would have been facing she would definitely do it again a cheater will always cheat again 6 just ignore every single one of her friends if you're messaging them she's thinking she still has some kind of chance you should start hitting on the friends that she sends after you actually if her friends go back to her saying yeah he tried to [ __ ] me then she might have second thoughts 7 like I always say once a cheater always a cheater even if they become the most devoted to you Saints afterwards the memory remains
Channel: Flower Gardening
Views: 50,172
Rating: 4.910059 out of 5
Keywords: cheating, girlfriend, cheating girlfriend, gf, cheating gf, girlfriend cheated, gf cheated, reddit, relationship, advice, reddit relationship, relationship advice, reddit relationship advice, relationship_advice, girlfriend cheated on me, gf cheated on me, girlfriend went crazy, girlfriend went mad, girlfriend goes crazy, girlfriend goes mad, girlfriend relationship, reddit girlfriend, reddit cheating girlfriend
Id: dlSrkyHbetI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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