Men Share CREEPIEST Thing Women Have Done To Them (r/AskReddit)

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like and subscribe in the next five seconds to receive a week of good luck so like and subscribe our slash us credit men Avril did what creepy things have women done to you we're staring girl when I was in high school I noticed a girl just staring at me while I was eating lunch with friends in the cafeteria I don't really think much of it that day the next day I see the same girl just staring at me again this time I think maybe this girl likes me or a friend sitting next to me this girl is not ugly or anything just a normal girl this keep happening like almost every day for two weeks or so she even eats food just staring at me sometimes I see her standing in the hall staring while I'm waiting for a class to start even when I went to the basement with another group of friends to have lunch she is there so after a hallway death stare incident I get creeped out and tell my friends in a class about this they don't believe me or make some jokes and laugh so one day at lunch I whisper to my friends that this girl has been staring at me for two weeks it's creeping me out they look at her and tell me that they have noticed that too but didn't say anything I'm hoping a just a weird crush she has so I just end up going up to her and say hi she just keeps staring for 15 seconds I say why do you keep staring at me every day she continues staring for 30 seconds or so I tell her to please stop doing that and walk away next day nope there she is thank God she moved out to a different school after a few weeks at least she didn't follow me to my home I think oh man when I was younger 22 I think I signed up to work an event at the job I was at I had to work a table with an activity and help these gel Scouts craft something so these two 13 year old girls came up and started making crafts then they asked me for my phone number and I told them now then they asked my name and I told them no they constantly asked for the of those and I refused a female cow walker came up and started chatting with me the girls then asked her for my info and she gave it away I was pissed and thinking back I'm still pissed one of them started texting me immediately I told her to stop and she laughed and walked away I blocked her number the next day I got a recipe friend request from her and blocked it then I started getting messages from her the same cow aku gave her my work in their address in myspace account she was very persistent in getting me to talk to her and I hated it finally I messaged her troop leader and told her about what was going on she just said she'd take care of it and I never heard from her again I think not just her age but how persistent she was was what creeped me out the most about her ex girlfriend cheated on me with an abusive ex-boyfriend from a few years ago in high school found out and living an hour away I plan to break up that weekend when I saw her again confronted her and she went crazy and tried using a blender on my deck before it unplugged from the wall got her out of my apps and went to work came home that night to find she broke in my apps and stole my cat never did see the cat again but she is now overweight baby to the xvf she cheated on me with and the ex fled the state family kicked her out of the house and I'm doing just fine in life now edit for those asking why blender for whatever reason that was the first thing she had grabbed and I was about a foot away from her yes she took off the top exposing the blades I have not seen the captain sadly even worse I guess I forgot to mention the cat was only three months old tabby female cat named Micah my first week of college I started dating a girl we'll call her Kathy and cut it off after two weeks as it felt a bit weird I had left my planner in her own this should date the story an actual paper book that kept my calendar and assignments and appointments I kept asking when I could get it back and she kept making excuses this was strange as we lived in the same building one floor apart I finally got it back thanked her went on with my life and then I found her edits to my calendar in the past and in the future she'd written sex with Kathy and various appointment blocks some entries were more descriptive really great six came twice etc' and they were written from my perspective they started on the day we met and extended several weeks into the future I've never had sex with Kathy when I was in medical school a girl three years my junior started obsessing over me initially it was kind of mild indie I have a crush on you since she'd asked my friends about me and messaged me on sock Med from her friends accounts chalked it up to being young then she started to mess with girls that I'm close to including my sister telling them that they don't deserve me and that I'm hers also started hanging out at my neighbor's place and refused to leave until they call me out for some stupid reason and whatnot and she'd hang out in the neighborhood I live in and pretend that we've dumped into each other on accident oh and I would occasionally post music I like on FB or Twitter and she would post music of her own as a response because she's convinced that all those music I post is for her then in my final year she wrote this 80 page letter in which she professed her love and compared me to some massage it oh and the best part it's been a few years since then a few months ago she started working where I am the nightmare [ __ ] continues made an old for this it's become the dark event that's divided our town it happened to a friend I knew you will bright had a well-paying job one day he parties with this girl she claimed he raped her but refused to speak with police despite this and despite the fact that he had recorded a phone call with her admitting she was lying his life was ruined I watched him go on a downward spiral and I had a couple decade-long friends turn on me just for being around him well a year and six months after the allegations he started getting phone calls from her demanding money he agreed to meet her in a hotel room once she arrived he shot and killed her then turned the gun on himself it's taken a long time to cope and it scares me how moments after any allegation people form a mob for justice I know victims should be encouraged to come forward but when a guy has proof the girl wouldn't go to the police she willingly met him in a hotel room after essentially trying to blackmail him that should be enough to prove one's innocence I lost a good friend I met Robin a girl from another town and we became pen pulls for our senior year toward the end of the year I broke up with my girlfriend and she asked me to her prom I went with her we had a nice evening but not much happened physically that was the last time I saw her over the summer I got another girlfriend and Robin joined the Navy she sent a last letter before she left for basic I got a letter two years later asking if I wanted her back and that she was holding out for me seventeen years later she called my parents number and got my number this time she told me about how her life was a mess and never forgot about me she hinted but didn't beg for a date and luckily we were half the country apart two years after that she tried friending my mother who she's never met on Facebook in order to find me last year at Christmas she finally found my account and tried to friend me I matched with a girl on tinder talk to her for a few weeks on the app she was sweet smart funny ambitious seemed like the total package I asked her on a date picks her up she lived a town over so it was a really short Drive and we went out and she was just nowhere near as alluring in person but I never wanna be someone's bad date experience so I tried to keep my distance but still give her a fun night dropped her off that was that the next day I called her told her that I think she's great but that the spark I'm looking for just wasn't there she flipped she called me every name in the book insulted me in every way she could possibly fathom and so I just ignored her after apologizing she called me a few hours later apologizing for her behavior and then crying relentlessly this being way beyond my comfort level had to end so I told her I didn't want to speak to her anymore and that I wish her nothing but good fortune and luck she then proceeded to yell at me for allowing her to cry like that was my decision and for being an [ __ ] her words then she threatened to slash my tires break all the windows on my car and go to my place of work and tell everyone I raped her luckily this was all in text messages which of course I saved and screenshotted oh but it isn't over I woke up for work a few days later got in my car and pulled out of my driveway my street looks like a giant star with two circles at the end neighborhood legit looks like a dick the roundabouts on my left exiting my street has no exit the right testicle leads to the main road I check my left and I swear I see her in a car nap couldn't be her nobody is that crazy I pay no mind stop at the gas station get my coffee back in the car I get to work and it's still dark out I was opening the place up and I see the same car pulled into the parking lot behind me it's her at this point I know it's [ __ ] her I act like I don't see her make sure the security cameras are on call the cops and wait she parked on the opposite side of my building waited and walked around the building to my car and just stood there like she was contemplating actually slashing my tires she starts to walk away evidently deciding that she isn't going to and then turns back [ __ ] she's gonna do it I rush out to stop her fearful from my car and the fact that she might have a knife on her and when I exit the building the cops pull up after a brief exchange with the police in which I show them the texts she sent me she gets searched and they discover a hammer in the front pouch of her hoody she gets arrested I have a [ __ ] up story to tell modeling employees and I get to wonder what I did that incited such bizarre behavior edit hash one I would post a Google Earth image of my neighborhood but given the nature of the above story I would really rather not I had a misfortune of being one girls target when she knew some information about me I'd rather not give folks a map of my exact location to Oliver idiot especially since this comment has blown up edit hash - people are asking how she knew where I lived we lived close to one another and she knew my town pretty well so on our date when I stupidly divulged information such as my home's proximity to town landmarks it wasn't a hard find additionally she probably skipped the searching and googled my info edit hash 3 some folks love the ampersand some hate it I never anticipated my libera usage of and to be so hotly contested if it makes you feel any better I wrote four hundred plus papers in college for myself and other students and was forced to use and in all of those it bothered me very much edit hash for calling my employees underlings has some people heart if it makes you feel any better the vast majority of my work force were close friends of mine so me calling them that was mostly for bands it was a running joke within our group of friends and one they didn't have a problem with because outside of that they knew I was taking care of them at work edit hash five as popularly requested a drawing of my neighborhood forgive my horrendous artistry and generally shitty scale edit hash six thank you for gold beautiful stranger broke up with a girl because I found out she was cheating on me with her ex she locks herself in my bathroom and smashes a glass frame picture of us proceeds to slice her arm open with the shards she tells me I'm doing this because you're leaving me and there's nothing you can do about joke's on her I walk outside and call the cops we are in college affiliated housing just off the campus so the cops are there in seconds and may Baker Act her I thought that was the end of it nope for the next couple months she shows up randomly at my apartment between 3:00 and 6:00 in the morning and bangs on my window the way my apartment was designed was the first room's window was next to the front door and of course that's the room I was in her goal was to see if I was with another girl most of the times not the case but on those times I was that was the last time I saw those girls law then I see her in a local college bar one day it's a pretty big bar so I walk the other way and chill with my friends on the other side of the bar hoping she didn't see me full disclosure this is a hottest girl I've ever dated period including my current fan k I mean 11 tenths on any man scale and at best I consider myself for 7/10 so I done well about an hour after I've been there I go take a piss and see her talking to about six dudes and I don't think much of it I'm just happy she didn't see me but she did and when I leave the stall I'm immediately surrounded by those same clowns they start going on about how she said I was abusive and I immediately knew what was about to go down knowing I couldn't fight my way out of this I went the opposite route I started overly congratulating the guys listen I'm so happy for you guys she's hot right oh man who's gonna be the lucky guy to get his dick wet tonight it definitely took them by surprise the Alpha asked me what my deal was and I told him I was thrilled he was the next man up I even tried to shake his hand which definitely threw him off but also gave me a moment to talk I told him the brief backstory and that I'd never laid a hand on her and then I asked him why he thought she was wearing a long-sleeve shirt when it was 99 degrees outside it took him a second but to his credit he picked up on what I was saying he tells his boys to chill for a second and walks over to her as she's now standing outside the bathroom here sir to lift up her sleeve and she immediately starts crying she storms over and throws her drink on me and then runs to a bouncer and starts going off about how I grabbed her and tried to sexually assault her immediately I'm grabbed by bouncers but lo and behold Alfa and his crew stepped up and totally had my back got in between me and the bouncers and point the finder at the girl told them they were about to beat my ass over her lies but that I hadn't touched her and had the harass tossed instead a week later I filed the restraining order went to court had witnesses show up including alpha dude stepped up even with his testimony that he and his boys were about to jump me at the end of the day because I wasn't in fear for my life ie I didn't think she could kill me the restraining order was denied so for the next few years this girl showed up at my place randomly and there was not a thing I could do about it legally until she married her ex that she cheated on me with but still to this day six years and two kids later once a year I still get the random hey meet me downtown tonight texts if there is any happy ending to this it's that the alpha and myself became good friends through us both being Eagles fans a girl who lived in my dorm in college claimed someone attacked her on campus while she was walking back from even in classes she ended up coming to my body and I first then we called campus police after explaining why it was a good idea she asked me to come sleep in her dorm with her to help her feel safe I obliged so I spent the night on the floor while she was up in her lofted bed over the next couple days the investigation found the time she gave for the attack didn't show her on the camera of the area she withdrew her statement and apologized admitted she was obsessed with me and my buddy and was desperate for our attention after a few counselling sessions she apologized and we respectfully asked she not make contact with us moving forward my buddy and I were definitely friendly and hung out with her in the common several times but neither of us had an interest in the way she wished the she faked being attacked she went as far as to bruise her own neck and scratch her arms she didn't claim she was raped but said the guy had a knife she made the clams a couple days after another girl on canvas was actually attacked in the same area and uses similar description that girl gave of the attacker couple years later my buddy looks her up said she was doing okay now in a healthy relationship I kind of get the chills when I think about the night I slept on her floor whether or not she was just watching me the whole night or doing anything weird back in high school I received a weird voice of mail asking me to check my mailbox I did when I took our dog out and it was a letter written to me in toothpaste from a girl that went to the other high school and I had literally never met or seen before after a few more creepy messages I called back and threatened to call the cops for stalking and harassment never heard back looked her up on Facebook and it turned out she already had a children with an incredibly bland alliterative name still no clue why she seemed to be obsessed with me but I took my phone number off a FAFSA book pretty damn quick edit yeah so to clarify on the toothpaste thing yes toothpaste like a mini tube of green kids toothpaste squeezed out of the tube onto a sheet of paper to write some semblance of letters and words the tube was also in my mailbox I forget if the letter was folded up at all since the paper would have stuck to itself it was just really weird and I wonder why anyone would think to do that aside from trying to come off as super creepy I had a 20-minute conversation with a woman at an airport bar pleasant enough conversation we were both a little flirty and she was attractive and seemed nice I left to catch my flight and while I did sort of regret not getting her number I didn't think much of it again a couple of weeks later she showed up at my house banging on the door at 10 p.m. she had faster books talked me which is acceptable I guess but because I don't use fast book very often I didn't see or reply to her messages so like any sane person would do she figured out we're on a lift got on an airplane and came to confront me about the situation at that point I was already way over the whole thing that she was basically stuck in my city for the next three days until her return flight and she didn't have much money so I kinda had to let her stay with me it was pretty awkward but it wasn't all terrible I mean she was a nice girl and pretty as a peach but I was just too weirded out if she had written me a letter or waited until I saw her messages than we would probably be married right now I couldn't get past the crazy stalker behavior though years and years back I worked in a call center and was friends with this girl didn't think anything of it until she propositioned me to have sex with her while I was flattered I told her I was dating someone else and I was not going to cheat forward to a few days later I go into work and get pulled in two hours turns out she's now filed a sexual harassment claim against me she worked in one area away from me but they decided I needed an assigned seat beside my supervisor so that we would have no interaction period I was fine with that until her friend started sitting not far from me usually right in front of my field of view and she'd come over and sit and talk to them antagonizing the situation my boss saw what was going on and brought it up to ours she was pushing the situation but it was so words not mine or my boss few more weeks of me being watched like a hawk go by and I go into work only to find security and my boss waiting for me apparently she felt that me looking in her general direction was harassment enough so she filed another clean this time saying I've been sending explicit messages and emails to her this time my boss fought for me but I got sent home walked out in front of the entire call center surrounded by security I remember writing an email two hours and management that night stating I had absolutely zero contact with her since the night she propositioned me and offered my computer a lie-detector anything to prove my innocence as long as they would questionnaire well they apparently brought that to her and she ends up confessing that she made the whole thing up and that she did that to another employee and got them fired because they turned her down they let her keep her job in fact gave her a fat severance package a few months later I got stuck in the same punished seat being threatened that if I told any Kalka what happened I'd be fired I left a few weeks after that that she had ruined my reputation in that line of work I couldn't find a job for anything for a while few years down the line she spots me on a dating app and tried to hit me up to this day I still don't get it was seeing the girl for like six weeks we went out one night and she said she had to work late the next day but wanted to come over after so I gave her my apartment spare key because why not and told her to let herself in I ended up falling asleep waiting for her I woke up at like 12:00 a.m. and noticed there was like a TV light on in the living room I just figured she was watching something and maybe grabbing a snack before she came to bed I got up to say hi rounded the corner and she was on my computer sifting through my FAFSA book I asked her what she was doing and it was obvious she had no idea I was awake and freaked out needless to say I told her to give me my key back and showed her the door funny thing is if she asked I would have let her look I had nothing to hide I would have thought it was weird but everyone has their trust issues but doing something like that behind my back was not cool to this day I never leave my computer without hitting win l2 lock it I was at the grocery store with my wife then two-year-old daughter and twin then infant sons my wife was pushing a double stroller with our daughter and one of the boys in it and I was carrying the other who was calmly cuddled up to my shoulder we are in the produce section when summer and a middle-aged woman that I had never seen before spots us makes a lying towards me stretches out her hands and tries to take my kid out of my arms she didn't look at my wife or me didn't say a word to either of us she just literally tried to grab my son from me with no prompting or invitation whatsoever I stepped away from her and shielded my kid my wife chased her off that wasn't the only weird creepy middle-aged / older woman to come out of the woodwork when the twins were still babies that she was the most frightening I was at the pub with some friends and one of them left a scarf at an alpaca table she was feeling socially awkward and asked me to get it I thought no big deal I'll get it and show her there's nothing to be worried about I asked a woman in her early twenties I was 18 if she could pass me the scarf she got up walked over to me wrapped it around my neck and proceeded to try choked me with it really going for it her hands were shaking from the force she was putting into pulling the two ends of the scarf the pub was packed but everyone just stood there not exactly sure of what was happening myself included after what felt like ages Tube guys pulled her back to her table they were looking at me worried shaking their heads with faces that said we have no idea everyone around the table clearly knew her and was shocked by her behavior I can't help but think about how differently this would have played out if the genders were reversed if a man did that to a woman in a crowded pub he'd gets thrown out and the police would be called third week of May of 1993 I broke up with my girlfriend but she still had my choir letter jacket we were in high school but going to different high schools last day of school I walked from my high school to her house to get my letter jacket I get to her house and I see she is not home so I sat towards the other end of the street waiting for her hours later she finally comes home so I start walking towards her house she goes inside I wait a bit knock on the door and say Melinda I just want my choir bakit and I'll leave you alone 30 minutes go by and finally she comes out with it I'm ready to walk home but now she offers a ride home to which I say okay but I have no interest in talking get home and she leaves jump to fall of 1993 I am working at JC Penney's in their optical area closed for the night come out and notice some guy parked next to my car blow it off leave and after a few miles I noticed this guy is following me okay time to drive to the police station I stopped at a gas station that had a pay phone and call the non-emergency phone number for the police and told them the situation I drive to the police station and as I get closer the officer stops me and the car following me gets barricaded in by two police cars I found out this person was a [ __ ] Texas Sheriff that had been hired by my ex whose father is also a [ __ ] Texas sheriff to keep tabs on me he gets brought inside and I walk him into calling my ex and tell her he got arrested for following me and she had to come bail him out so she shows up with her dad and [ __ ] hits the fan I ended up putting a restraining order on the ex sheriff long with her entire family five years later she sent me an invitation to her wedding I mailed it back with no postage written on the invitation [ __ ] off had a disagreement over buying her some new outfit resting with the supposed victory going to me with we don't have the money right now and we'll see next paycheck compromise about an hour later while I was cooking dinner she came up and apologized then came in for a hug which started nice and some was affectionate but ended with her pulling her arms away very quickly across my back this was to have the two razor blades she had sliced too deep slashes across my back she ran away and locked herself in the bathroom I called 911 and when got stitches and all the medical things had insurance thankfully obviously the relationship ended then and they're looking back like 15 years later it is really strange as we were too for about three years and didn't have any major fights or physical altercations before that happened it was so trivial with some massive escalation but in the end it taught me that yes I can cut someone out of my life figuratively whoo buns thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Reddit Reading
Views: 17,211
Rating: 4.8785248 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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