Husband Who Got Cheated On By Ex-Wife Answers Reddit Questions (r/IAmA)

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Paternity fraud is fucked. And something only women can do. I think this fits the sub perfectly.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/tommygun1688 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
my ex gave birth to a black baby I'm a white male like the title states I'm a 23 year old white male and when I was 21 my girlfriend at the time who I thought I had impregnated gave birth to a black baby kind of a difficult subject to talk about for me but I thought it would be rather therapeutic to share and there seemed to be a general interest the incident that occurred changed me as a person I fell into a deep depression afterwards went to rehab and was hospitalized for mental heath reasons do you think if the baby was white but still not yours the girl would have gone on pretending that nothing happened wholeheartedly that's a scary thought makes me thankful I think you dodged a very expensive bullet did you ever talk to her family afterwards what did they have to say to you I loved her family surprisingly her dad tried to send me money to reimburse me for the gifts I had bought the child I see them every once a while still they always apologized to me whenever they see me but hard-working people were you there during the delivery if so how did that situation unfold I was I entered shortly after the child was born I noticed he had a rather dark pigment I'm olive so it wasn't that unexpected as soon as I saw the child I knew it wasn't mine not that I could tell from the physical characteristics though it was kind of obvious but instinct told me something was wrong immediately while in the room I was seeing red I tasted nothing but charcoal and smelled nothing but sulfur it was a completely out-of-body experience I was sitting in the room knowing the doctors and nurses were judging me I knew I'd have to call my friends and family and tell them the supposed mother of my child was a cheating [ __ ] I ended up asking my ex about an hour after she settled into her new bed in the hospital she confirmed my worst fears at that moment I blacked out next thing I remember I was having a cigarette outside getting questioned for punching a hole in the wall of the nursery I cut the hospital a check for $300 for the wall called a cab and laid in bed for the next three weeks calming my nerves with Jack Daniels I blacked out apparently so did the kid I love you how did your girlfriend think she could get away with it was she just hoping to beat the odds or was he aware that the baby might not be yours she was totally aware it could not be mine she was a crazy Catholic when I first found out about the child I suggested adoption as an option I had been with her for a couple years and loved her dearly so in the end I dropped it and tried to do the right thing the most painful thing about all of this was the amount of trust she betrayed I had worked my ass off for nine months to get a house and was absolutely excited the day the baby was born she knew I spent hours pacing at night about how I would provide for everything she knew I worked 40 plus hours a week while going to school in the end I like to think she thought the baby was going to be mine but realistically I think she was trying to trap me into raising the child she couldn't abort and that really ducking hurt what happened that she ended up sleeping with this other guy what transpired that ended up with her sleeping with him he was her ex-boyfriend I was out of town for the weekend to attend my brother's birthday at least that's what I've gathered she went black then went back I have a friend who had a girl that did this he's white and the baby was white he took care of it like his for three months one day when he was alone with the baby he looked at it and thought this kid is not mine he went to the hospital and had a paternity test and lo and behold it was notice the [ __ ] had the gall to say to him I knew all along but I knew you'd be a better father what in the dark I remember reading an article a while back on some Femina C website about how paternity tests are a horrible thing because a woman should have the right to sleep with as many men as she wants but be able to choose the best guy to stick the kid with that's unfortunate did she try to get you to stay how'd the family react and did she ever during her pregnancy make you think the baby wasn't yours to begin with if she knew anyway she called me every day for two weeks before I changed my number she would say things like it was a drunken accident and it won't happen again however the father of her child is her ex from a few years prior I knew she had unresolved feelings for him but I didn't think it involved carrying his child ultimately I only ended up seeing her twice since then I believe she lives in her parents basement now while the child's husband is a waiter in Mexico it won't happen again oh okay come on over did you ever confront the real father if so what did you say we are you mad at him or did you just want to hear what he had to say the real father is an acquaintance through the photography scene I'm a member of he actually fled the country upon finding out the child was his for about six months after the child was born I would have extremely vivid dreams about hunting him down lamb Neeson style quite frankly the man is a coward am I still mad yes did I ever care what he had to say no wait what he fled the country why where did he go I kind of lost contact as the only way I was able to follow him was through Twitter last I knew he was a tour guide in Mexico because he didn't want to pay child support I don't know that I necessarily believe in karma but my ex certainly learned a lesson in it which is unfortunate if you ever get the opportunity to confront him what would you do realistic ally I'd tell him to grow sack and call his son from what I can tell through various social media networks he's still in Mexico and still out of his son's life which is the saddest part of this ordeal I have an honest if not blunt question part of the anger I think I'm seeing here is aimed at the fact that she lied to you for nine months and tried to get away with it honestly if she had told you early and gotten an abortion or gotten an abortion and then told you would there still have been a chance of you two staying together great question to be honest it would have changed a lot of things the pressure that I was under for nine months was brutal and contributed a lot to my mental breakdown afterwards I wish I could say I'm forgiving enough to say I would take her back if she had an abortion but that simply wasn't the case the fact that she ducked some other guy and lied to me for nine months in the hope that everything would be fine as what God to me how did your family react also what was her first facial reaction to the subject my family felt really bad knowing that I had taken a lot of responsibility and worked hard to provide a house for my ex and her child in the end no one could relate to how I felt which led to me isolating drugs and alcohol that sort of stuff she looked shocked as hell when they gave her the baby not that she could have been that surprised what happened to her and the house she lives with her parents I live in the house hardest thing about it was repainting the nursery it took me like two months because whenever I would start to paint over the baby blue paint I would instantly start crying my dad ended up helping me build a desk and furnish the nursery into a man cave without his help I probably would have just boarded up the door haha I understand how emotionally complicated and difficult such a question might be but out of curiosity did you ever stay in contact with the child after the fact no I wish I could say I was that strong ever dude in the end it wasn't my responsibility I let him keep all the toys and crib and all that stuff I had been going to school and working full-time for the nine months prior to the baby being born after that I had about seven thousand dollars in savings that I used to kind of seclude myself was there a DNA test carried out because there have been cases of white couples having black kids due to a recess of gene it's rare but not unheard of I apologize if my question seems obtuse but it is an ama hey no worries a DNA test was performed as I was kind of curious about this as well I'm somewhat olive-skinned so it wasn't too hard to believe but the child was pretty dark and I was a really light skinned blond-haired baby what was the reaction of the medical staff when they saw the baby did they look at you strange or anything the nurses cleaned the child and almost immediately left they kind of had sheepish grins like they were really embarrassed for me or something the doctor once clean gave me handshake and kind of half-heartedly said congratulations he knew what I was about to go through they handled it professionally and I'm glad it's still kind of blurry because I kind of blacked out a little bit were you relieved in any way I know you were excited and everything but damn if I had a kid at 21 that would be awful not really when I found she was pregnant I was terrified but that quickly subsided into excitement I was pretty close to done at school and was pretty happy with life at that moment did you suspect anything at all while she was pregnant did she act like she was guilty were there any signs that in retrospect you realize you should have paid attention to unfortunately I was caught completely if good she had talked about the child's father being a good kid and stuff but I never thought anything of it I think the only thing I could have done differently was hunt down the gentleman who caused all this did you ever want to get some kind of revenge or a bit in her face that you have a nice stable life and she now lives in a basement without child support my brother asks me this all the time ha ha ha ha it comes into my head every once in a while have you recently spoken to your ex since then not really after something that's terrible there's not much to say I'll tell her happy birthday or Merry Christmas but nothing outside of that it sounds like you really loved her I'm sorry that happened to you man what were the doctor's reactions yeah I really did it's a shame how things ended she meant a lot to me the doctor and nurses looked embarrassed like they knew what was going on and were kind of scared about what might happen next I'm not a violent guy but I'm sure they've probably seen people in that position that had a different outlook my wife gave birth to a black baby I was stunned horrified depressed when I first saw that black child I knew my marriage was over I screamed at her Cheeta then ran outside in tears my sister came out at first I thought to console me but instead the started beating me with her purse she screamed you idiot your wife is black in all the hustle and bustle of child birthing I had forgotten the most true fact that my wife is indeed black
Channel: Rebbit
Views: 270,285
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Keywords: White Dad With A Black Baby Answers Reddit Questions, My ex gave birth to a black baby (I'm a white male), top posts, askreddit funny, reddit top posts, reddit, rebbit, rebbit reddit, reddit stories, reddit funny, r/ama, r/iama, reddit i am a, reddit ask me anything, ama, ask me anything, i am a wife cheated, reddit girlfriend cheated, ask me anything black baby
Id: ilBkBYa8NHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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