Couples Who Cheated, How's The Relationship Now? (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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redditors who have given their Soze another chance after getting cheated on how's your relationship now over we were ducking miserable for another three months then it ended we are now sort of friends when we can be bothered he tried to cheat on me with his ex but she turned him down I found out when I found texts from her basically telling him he needed to sort himself out and stop [ __ ] me around I never met his ex but if there's some sort of general sisterhood solidarity type award she ducking deserves it divorced never should have tried to salvage it still better hope something terrible happens to her like she steps on a Lego or something she cheated on me two more times and left me had another failed marriage after me and according to mutual friends is now married to the guy I caught her cheating with about 20 years ago I am no longer with her but I did try to give her another chance it just doesn't work once that initial trust has been broken it's impossible to keep your mind from wondering and thinking she's out sucking some other dudes big did whatever you haven't heard from her in a while oops she did it again she played with my heart got up on some big digs she's not that innocent we both cheated while he was doing a study abroad we both confessed when he got home we were both hurt but not as mad as we would have expected we started discussing non-monogamy and eight years later our polyamorous our relationship is great now it's been over four years since the cheating and what I think Willy made it work was me getting my own apartment in a shitty unit and him seeing it when about half my stuff was moved in it really hit him hard that this was where we were he said he absolutely did not want his GF and son living in an apartment he wanted better for us and vowed to change 100% and he did overall we have been together 13 years and have been engaged for the past few years no big rush on getting married we are just happy with the way things are now I trust him 100% and he trusts me as well I let him go out Lots where my friends can't understand that I tell them that if he wants to cheat he will find a way and I trust that he won't I'm not into leashing anyone if they want to risk it they know the consequences but yes have come a long way been around seven years and it is still really hard for me to trust her despite everything being great for seven years doesn't help that she had lied and cheated on numerous occasions and I would imagine that is only what I found out about I don't know if I will ever be able to get her Eric if I could go back I wouldn't give her a second chance this is a throwaway so I won't be logging back in for replies my so got cheated on early in her college life she said it was easier to forgive than one would think she caught him again later and it was done with the weird part is that it's been like eight years and he still has a thing for her and thinks of me as the guy with his ex which I am but it's weird to be upset that someone is dating your ex who broke up with you eight years ago for cheating my wife's ex is sort of the same way wife and I have been married over five years and dated for like three or four years before that her ex was a loser always running around on her typical college guy sheet when we actually were in college now we're in our 30s and he has on numerous occasions tried to message her via email Facebook through her siblings I mean she's great but you know almost a decade on it's time to get over it nonexistent for the best I forgave him after wife found out about the first time he cheated on me he was drunk at a New Year's party and he told me he kissed another girl so I went oh okay it's not a big deal you just kissed a girl at midnight whatever from then on I always had a suspension that he was cheating on me with other people but just didn't have the proof so I tried to convince myself though it's just from that stupid incident that happened years ago then cut to three years later I find out about the 30 other women he cheated on me with all different degrees I don't get how people can try again but good for those who made it work I couldn't even be friends with my ex that cheated on me she asked me if we could but I told her no a friend is someone I know I can trust and I just can't trust you anymore cheated on me again why to me about why she wanted a divorce left me for some older washed-up dude at her work needless to say I found myself in a much better position and feel like I woke up from a crazy duckin dream all these years she's also a redditor if you are eating the smell I hope you miss a kidney stone : my girlfriend since high school we were in college at the time made out with a guy in Mexico the next day she called me long distance crying and told me everything she got drunk they were dancing at a club and she made a stupid mistake at the time we broke up I was so angry I just broke up with her on the spot I was in a parking lot in Nashville with a long-distance calling card breaking up with my girlfriend it took a little bit for me to realize strangely what an awesome person she was for confessing I later learned that all of her friends there tried to talk her out of calling me and confessing but she called me anyway we had been dating for three years at the time so it hurt after college I moved to Chile for four years we kept in touch I moved back to the US because I had a shot at getting back together with her we've been married for over a year now and have a rape month-old daughter she's the best thing that has ever happened to me edit my story is kinda unique I believe that someone who cheats might always be that way but there are exceptions also if someone is cheating on their so to be with you then get ready to be cheated on later on down the road she promised me she won't talk to him anymore then breaks up with me saying she's not happy and just wants a break then removes me from FB I guess so I wouldn't see her picture posted the next day with the same guy at a football game this was last week her Instagram says the date when they started which was five days before we broke up so it's not good edit thanks for the kind words strangers I'm passion through slowly but still pushing toxic we were engaged when he cheated we are not now he's manipulative and has control over everything I do for example if I don't text him back immediately he assumes I'm somewhere I shouldn't be if my phone goes off and I'm with him he asks who it was and what they said if I try to reason with him for the sake of my privacy he turns it into me hiding things he's scared I will cheat on him to get back at him for cheating on me he won't take initiative to be a better person and treat me better but also refuses to see me with someone who will it's a rollercoaster everyday and I've tried so hard to move past what he didn't make something work but I can feel myself slipping away I just want to be myself again I want to be able to give myself to someone the way I did for him but for the right person someone who will respect me and cherish it sometimes life just sucks it gets better right right dart in jail I told her I couldn't do it again cause I just couldn't forget how much she hurt me the first time she got caught a month later trying to deal pills during the youth service at a local church turns out nobody bought from her and it was the kids that called the cops good job kids stay out of Drew Gus I forgive him but I've never forgotten things are much much better now but we had to pull our sheet together in the face of something much bigger than our marriage taking sudden custody of my stepson it's taken a long time but the trust has been rebuilt still there is a small part of me that will never get over it which I have been open about with him she cheated on me with one of my best friends I actually figured it out rather quickly I gave her a second chance even paid for couples counseling and tried to open up the lines of communication in the end though turns out that she never stopped seeing him and I broke things off after she tried to convince me that it was a polyamorous relationship and I was being Paulo phobic she still sees nothing wrong with what she did and I haven't talked to her since we were together for two years I got suspicious after I caught him going through my phone so a few weeks later I went through his and discovered that he had I always told myself I would never stay with someone who did that but we had been together for so long and I loved him so much I thought I could get past it every time he would stay out late or be ambiguities with where he was or who he was with I felt suspicious every time we would go to the bar and someone would flirt with him I would feel resentful and jealous I think the worst part about it was knowing that he had been able to lie to me for so long have sex tell me he loved me and looking back knowing that he knew what he had done and still kept that inside him made me realize deep down that I could never trust him again we continued dating hating each other for a few months and eventually he dumped me it's all really for the best because he never really cared about our relationship as much as I did in my opinion and I wasn't strong enough to end what should have ended the moment I found out that his Big Dig was more in control of his actions than his head still together have two beautiful children and a third on the way every time it seems things are about to when she gets knocked up and it makes things better for a while considering I am sterile Jesus has blessed us over I really did forgive her but she had so much internal guilt over at she couldn't be happy around me she hated herself so after four months of that she just moved out one day the whole idea of that relationship was a min doc we got legally married shortly after the incident and more than two years later we still are so pretty good it's not always perfect and I'll admit that at times I want to bring it up to win arguments but I don't because we agreed to move past it completely non-existent I ended up breaking up with him several months later for narcissistic tendencies anger issues and inability to communicate I wish I had dumped him the second I found out he cheated would have saved me a lot of heartache and after we broke up he blew up my firm called my parents and showed up on my property unannounced I had to change my phone number and my dad gave him money to leave us alone I remember when I found out she was cheating the searing pain of regret feeling absolutely betrayed and ashamed of myself I spent a long time blaming myself I wasn't good enough for her not to cheat on me I felt absolutely worthless i sat her down one day she was all giggles and smiles when I sat her down but I think she knew something was on my mind what's the matter baby so on you could see her squirm I am sure she knew that I knew after a few minutes of awkward silence and look we need to talk I just came right out with it by then she was in tears I know what you've been doing I know all about it I know about your cheating no you got it wrong baby it's not like that I never cheated on you she bawled I can still remember the way she was so utterly destroyed on the couch it broke my heart again I grabbed the box and set it down on the table nearby we discussed our relationship where we were and where we were heading we talked about our finances and our real estate and decided that we would have another go a fresh start but with one very important change from that night on I was the banker she hasn't cheated at monopoly since I found out my husband cheated and then admitted I had also I wanted a divorce he didn't so I agreed to go to counseling but also went and met with a divorce attorney I don't know if it was the greatest or worst divorce attorney but she spoke so hatefully if my husband that had angered me and it was then I realized I still loved him I started putting some effort into the counseling and both of our walls came down it was hard but it's been seven years and they've had two kids in the past eighteen months and we have the best marriage aunt of anyone I know where the people other people want their marriage to be like I trust him completely we cheated because our relationship was shitty and we weren't putting any effort into it now it's wonderful and I wouldn't do a thing to screw it up it's rough I try my best to trust him but it's hard I don't have much confidence in myself anymore because he cheated no matter how much he says I am his girl I can't help think that he'll up and leave I feel dead inside I have trust issues it sucks , the first time was Online staff pictures talking I forgave him second time was real sleeping with another person an insane person at bat who faked a pregnancy and still tries to contact him our relationship never fully recovered I love him but do I trust him not really even when things are amazing it is always there I will always know that he broke my heart that he hurt me more than I could have ever imagined that he broke my trust it never goes away and sometimes the worry creeps back up sometimes the anger it is hard not to throw it in his face it is hard to forgive him idk it feels to me like you broke a glass and even if you glue all the pieces back together it will never look the same there are still cracks and it is never going to be as strong as it once was [Music] you
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
Views: 175,694
Rating: 4.9191775 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, reddit funny, people, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, Emkay, Dankify, memes, funny stories, secrets, relationship, advice, women, men, fresh, reddit ama, /r
Id: oYHk4lGhGW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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