People Share Their REACTIONS of Their SO CHEATING on Them (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit redditors who have walked in on there s / o cheating what were the next 30 minutes like wife of six years got a new job in medical device sales and was out of town for three weeks straight for training the first two weeks went okay but she had never traveled before so it was difficult on both of us I have several friends who work in the industry and they all pretty much paint the same picture lots of alcohol lots of hooking up it's okay not my wife she would never but the next time we spoke she could tell something was wrong she had been talking about this guy quite a bit in our conversations so I asked about him oh he's nobody just another rep from another state in training with her regardless that afternoon I got a text from him explaining that my wife had told him that I was asking about him and he decided to text me to reassure me that he was married had three kids nothing was going on I bought it and then the night before she comes home it happens 4:00 a.m. I get a phone call from her but in my slumber I sent it to voicemail she was absolutely wasted and had drunkenly dialed my phone instead of his and left a voicemail the voicemail consisted of explicit details of their sexual encounters that week and since they will be traveling together in the future the continuation of more sexual encounters were promised including details on how she loved it when he did ex to her y&z I got out of bed walked down the hallway to our daughter's rooms two and four at the time grabbed both of them and brought them to bed with me I held them tight while they slept on each side of me while I cried the remainder of the night not for me but for them because their world was going to get turned upside down in less than 12 hours from now I then got out of bed logged on to her computer and after a little investigative sleuthing I forwarded every iMessage every picture as well as the voice of mail she drunkenly sent me to his wife edit holy r.i.p inbox so to clarify a few things this is a throwaway account so any questions regarding five-day-old account et CR because of that first of all thank you for the support fellow redditors this happened a while ago and I've moved on it still hurts I still haven't come to trust anyone fully yet but really I have no interest I'm only 36 so I'm just having fun working on being a better me regarding paying support even though she makes twice I do I pay support because it's my duty to my kids regardless what she makes I'm not hurting for cash not by any means and neither is she and yes the court system is heavily flawed and biased towards mothers in cases like this the girls should be living with me late to the party fee on K now X we've been engaged for three months a bad point and living together for one I had a gut feeling that something wasn't right he was being very shady with his phone to the point of taking it with him when he was taking his lenses off suddenly he had one day off in the week instead of two as usual one night I remember him walking in the room from work with the guilt lest look on his face I knew deep there that he was doing something I just didn't know what and he was good at covering and lying so I thought I'm being jealous and insane one night he left his phone on his side and fell asleep on mine so I made the decision that I'll go through it and confirm to myself that it's all in my head instead I saw messages from him and the girl where she confesses her love to him tells him to choose between us two because apparently he loved slash wanted us both he said that something that happened before can't happen again and that he wants only me she mentioned that it's not her first time to get involved with a taken man funny thing is that I always told him that if he wanted to sleep with other girls we can talk about it and I was totally up for the lifestyle when I saw the messages my heart was pounding my entire body was shaking from the adrenaline my ears were buzzing my vision was blurred and I kept yelling at him what did you do he woke up realized what I've discovered I threw the rings engagement and a promise ring that he's not going to be a [ __ ] at him while he was begging me not to I desperately wanted to calm down from the adrenaline but I just couldn't I've never felt so betrayed in my life by another person and by my own body this was a guy that I saw myself get old with I wanted to raise children with him I loved him with my body and soul it felt like my entire world is falling apart in front of my eyes I never thought that I'll blame another person but or so if they are cheating but i 100% think she's a piece of [ __ ] for getting involved with an engaged man a lot of things happened after that where I discovered an entire web of lies from him but that's another story honestly though looking at it now as weird as it sounds it's a good thing that it happened it taught me a lot of valuable lessons Mayne being to always listen to my gut feeling the guy that I'm seeing now is so much better for me respects me and treats me amazingly I trust him more than I've ever trusted anyone because he's so open and honest about everything he makes me feel safe and secure in our relationship he spends most of his time surrounded with other girls I've literally seen girls hitting on him but I don't doubt him at all because deep there right now he has my back I didn't catch them in the act fortunately but just recently got confirmation that my girlfriend was cheating my now ex-girlfriend is in the process of being put on probation due to an at fault accident while on a suspended license / uninsured she didn't follow the necessary steps leading up to her probation beginning and was put in jail for a month while in jail her phone was called by her ex 160 plus times in the first two days and I knew that wasn't right her phone was locked so I couldn't just access her texts but I remembered that she was logged into snapchat and Pinterest on my iPad and I took a look there were months of conversations pictures and all kinds of other romantic musings to be found it turned my stomach and made me feel about two feet tall knowing the girl I had loved and supported through a number of trying times including addiction depression crippling anxiety multiple job losses et Cie over the last four years could just wanting ly hurt me like that I ignored her calls for a few days to regain composure and decided that I just play out the line and break up with her because of it all after having one more wild night after she'd been gone for a month fast forward to her release we have that great night and fall asleep with her cuddled up to my chest and I woke up having lost a tremendous amount of my resolve then she decides to call the other guy while she thinks I'm in the shower and I'm instantly infuriated again break up with her and throw her out on the spot that was 17 days ago and it's still pretty raw even after all the hard evidence I presented or the fact that I walked in while she's planning to meet him she still doesn't have the balls to just admit it instead she says she just talks to him because I'm emotionally unavailable and that they always make dates like that but never meet etc it's all [ __ ] some days I wake up hating her guts and every time I see her text / call me I want to lash out other days I miss the hell out of her and want her back I find myself annoyed by her contacting me at this point but also annoyed when she doesn't contact me I'd really like to just block her number but all of her stuff is still at my house I'm certain I didn't handle things properly by having my one final night with her when I had every intention of ending things with her but damn certainly not as brutal a situation as many of you have endured but it [ __ ] hurts regardless his side-chick called me on a Friday afternoon to let me know she was pregnant she had turned 18 months before and was still in high school he and I were 30 she was very proud of herself letting me know she would be moving into his home when she told him the great news I was so shocked that I politely congratulated her I really just couldn't process the information for the duration of the phone call which lasted less than three minutes and yes she spoke like your stereotypical ill-mannered redneck princess I was active duty at the time and stationed in Georgia near the Alabama state line he was a fairly good mechanic and a member in a local emcee I drove to his place and made myself at home like I usually did on the weekends we'd been dating for over a year so I stopped at the grocery store on the way to pick up stuff for dinner he came home to a steak dinner and me doing paperwork at the coffee table he asked me what I was working on I told him that I was working out his financial solvency for the next 18 years who a lot yes see that white trash you've been putting it to she's about to drop a litter for you but guy I wonder will your brothers in the MC be all right with you sporting your colors for her prom of course he didn't say anything he finished his meal while I worked out the numbers and neatly packed my things I had been keeping there I had finished doing up his accounts by the time he had put my things in my car I loved up on his poppers and handed him his budget booth folder will show you my math for your personal finances you're [ __ ] within a year of her giving birth because this county says she now can lay a claim against the property this house is built on the green folder is for your shop interesting stuff in sting if you're gonna scam on your taxes make sure your girlfriend isn't an Accounts Auditor or better yet don't stick your dick in fertile crazy I've already emerald this to the fraud division of the eyes tell the boys at the clubhouse you can't be there tonight you need to go over to that girl's house and try to come up with a plan that won't completely [ __ ] that kid she's going to spawn for life and that if you ever date a woman out of your league again please remember not to insult her by stepping out on her with cheap trash if you plan to cheat you move up the ladder not down hope she was a great lay dude because it's gonna cost you a couple hundred grand over the next decade if she's as pro-life as you are in the 90 minutes I was in that house while he was home he spoke a total of 15 words tops I later found out his MC kicked him out for trying to bring her to the clubhouse for open events after they banged her for underage drinking and sure enough she got him taken to court for his house it's been ten years since all this happened and it's delux me that I got cheated on with white trash I might be a New York five and an LA three I'm a goddamn Columbus get em no one will ever read this but it's my first time writing it out and it's sloppy as hell but it felt good to get it off my chest she went tree planting out west I had buddies who tree planted I'd heard the stories I was scared terrified I'd lose her whether it was to the freedom it afforded her or the loneliness she reassured me so well promised me that she'd make me feel loved and that it would be just her in her single tent minding her own business I took a few days to think it out fought through my fears and I decided I was all-in I was in it for forever and wasn't gonna leave anything for the swim back so she left we planned on moving and together when she was done in the bush capping off the summer with a month-long adventure in Europe together then we'd have our own place to call home [ __ ] I loved her the first month was actually pretty great we chat every so often and whenever she had service we'd catch up I missed her that I kept busy I texted her what I was up to every day it was like having a diary to another person occasionally filled with mush I was so excited about our adventures I felt like an idiot for being so worried if anything I was scared about her getting eaten by bears or it to shreds by pneumonia it left like this might even end up bringing us so much closer together I felt I'd [ __ ] up supporting her decision and wanted to support her the best I could while she was out there about a month in the text slow down sheep skip out on chats I thought whatever she's enjoying herself I didn't want to be that overbearing boyfriend but man [ __ ] it hurt having her abandoned me like that I didn't know anything about what she was doing or the people she was with and we were the kind of team that was always checking in sharing our days I could talk to her about anything and everything and nothing for hours one day I called her out of not loving me the way she promised she said she was sorry and promised she'd do a better job she told me about a song she'd been listening to a few days later on a night I was missing her I decided to find it blanked on the artist and well it turns out there are a lot of [ __ ] songs called home wasn't gonna be easy finding the one that she listened to when she thought about me out there then I remembered she had left her laptop at my place if she had saved it on Spotify I could take a listen and then I saw the notification for the texts that broke my heart Tim are you staying in my tent I hope so I didn't want to accuse her because [ __ ] I didn't want to lose her I do almost anything not to I had written his number down before I disabled her iMessage I knew I torture myself with the texts if I didn't looked it up on Facebook and well [ __ ] me she told me about some guy that had asked her to sleep with him a few weeks previously she laughed it off told me she'd crush his heart she crushed mine instead making the connections was disturbingly easy but so was the denial I was broken it was like someone had paused the world in my mind was racing the next two months were hell the worst hell I've ever experienced I felt helpless worthless hopeless it was [ __ ] looking back it was like I was a completely different person an empty shell filled only with the thoughts of what she was doing while I laid there alone where she went off to after texting me good night I tried to convince myself it was innocent but I knew eventually I convinced myself I loved her enough that we can work through it if she had cheated or not she was my best friend we could talk through anything the loneliness must have gotten to her but I knew she loved me I knew there was still a forever with her eventually she met me in Europe the first week was [ __ ] phenomenal I had her back I felt like I had made a deal with the universe if I bettered myself while she was out there quit smoking God fit planned this awesome trip I'd get her back at one point in that hell all I wanted was to have her back even if I'd lose her again I just wanted one more day with her and there she was in my arms in Paris but then the thought started to torture me was he lying next to her like I was now did she love him what the [ __ ] happened out there so I did something I'll always regret probably the most pathetic thing I've ever done I went through her phone while she was in the shower there was enough air vague but enough asking him to come over saying they could whisper my hands have never shaken as much as they did as I scrolled I could barely read the [ __ ] words I broke down and asked her a few days later only told her about that first conversation I saw because I just wanted to know what was going on and I needed her to say it I needed the truth I needed her to just tell me the truth because without it there would never be trust hide forever torture myself with the idea she'd do it again and I'd never know she lied said nothing happened that she couldn't even remember that night happening it was nothing [ __ ] me that night I couldn't sleep I ran through every scenario I could that would let me keep my best friend in my life I convinced myself that I could believe her lives a few days later she breaks down tells me they just cuddled she was lonely and it gave her comfort I looked her in the eyes and asked her if they had sex know if she loved him no she said she broke it off as soon as he started to want more I cried a lot what a [ __ ] mess on her I've always been a bit emotional mostly level-headed but still emotional [ __ ] I was broken another sleepless night more scenarios grasping at ways I could make this work I knew she was lying I saw the texts no one [ __ ] cuddles for two months without it escalating but we were in Europe there was so much more to explore so much opportunity to find ourselves and each other again I loved her she was my best friend I wanted her to be in my life forever so I ate the lies I bottled up my anger at what she'd done tried to bury it in the love I had for this magical girl who had made me happy for so [ __ ] long eventually the anger caught up with me every time she lied every time she told me I needed to get over it that it wasn't a big deal that she still loved chose me it filled that [ __ ] bottle till it overflowed I became distant and occasionally cruel I regret that cruelty so much she didn't deserve it regardless of what she'd done but I couldn't get the love to win over that hurt the rest of the trip was so up and down when it was up it was incredible when it was down I felt so empty she moved in when we got back I wanted to fix things this was our chance to be a team again but it was the same cycle the ups were amazing I loved her and she loved me we had this home together I worked so hard to try to make it feel like our home and not just this apartment I had that she moved into but then the lows came she talked about going out west again to work and I couldn't muster up the love to be excited for her all I could think was that I'd lose her to him or someone else again I'd lay in bed sleepless in my mind racing more of that stupid passive-aggressive cruelty crept in I was so angry at her and what she did all we had to [ __ ] do was do that one thing we were so good at and just talk we would have fixed everything in the end she left me she was pretty broken at this point I could tell my cruelty broke her and I imagine the weight of the truth she was hiding so deep inside wasn't helping I tried so hard in that last month we were together to be the guy she loved and for a while I was it was [ __ ] amazing to be honest we promised one another that we would try again someday that we had something special she went back out west to be a ski instructor she'd always talked about it I knew she needed to do it and I promised to support her her leaving broke me all over again the last few months of my life have been horrible and in my lowest moments the scary ones I'd text her she wanted space and I couldn't give it to her because the catharsis of sending those dumb [ __ ] texts saved me about a month ago she called me drunk and angry she called me out for being a piece of [ __ ] in the last few months of our relationship and to be fair I deserved every word of it I really am sorry for hurting her I never wanted her to feel how I did I broke a girl loved a girl who genuinely tried loving me to fix the us we had and I'll always regret it but in that conversation she finally admitted to the cheating finally she was so cold about it too he took me she added in the bonus of she was still sleeping with him now she asked me to never talk to her again she was having a good time and every text was me denying how the space she needed every message broke her but I was broken too and I didn't get a run away from the hurt didn't get to have that good time just devastated in a half-empty apartment without my best friend and just memories of this amazing girl I loved but I finally feel like I'm able to make sense of the last year of my life it's like this incredible weight of lies has been lifted I never cared about the cheating she was lonely the environment she was an enveloped her it was the lies that killed the version of me she loved I still love her I'll love her forever but what she did broke me and it broke ass someday I'll kill this [ __ ] up hope of having her in my life again but for now I'm okay with it I refuse to let my bitterness take away the amazing memories I made with her I got to experience that crazy and almost terrifying amount of love for another person and I honestly thought I never would we had something special apologies this is going to be long but this is the first time I can contribute to something like this and this particular event completely changed my life I was with a girl from the age of 15 we were both now 22 engaged in both about to finish University we had an apartment together and life could not have seemed better in my final year of university I managed to pick up an internship with Sky Sports to go along with my final year of uni studying broadcast technology whilst she worked in the same supermarket she had worked at and I worked at prior to the Sky Sports thing since we had been together one cold Sunday I was due to drive from Manchester where I live to London to cover a football game for Sky it was quite early due to the length of the drive and just as I was about to leave I got a call from my boss they didn't need me in London now but had a more urgent need fermion leads instead this was great for me it's only an hour drive to Leeds rather than four plus to London now usually I would have text the girl to let her know I was going to be home earlier than expected ect but as the crew was already behind setting up for the Far Cup game at Elland Road I got to the stadium and just jumped straight into working my working day finished I was exhausted and started the drive home usually I call the girl but on this occasion my friend called me and we had a good 45 minute conversation about everything and anything like friends do I then pulled into my apartment parking and saw in my spot a guy's car let's call him James James worked with me and the girl at the supermarket and I had known him for years been on several nights out with him and many time he had crashed in our spare room after a night out he was not someone I would class as a friend more of a work colleague who I got along with I saw his car and I just knew what I was about to walk into I had been told since I left the supermarket that the flirting had become worse between them in work that I had 100% trust in this girl we were together for seven years ago and just ignored it I put it down to them just being friendly with each other and I'm the least jealous person I know having three sisters I know that girls can be seen as flirting a lot when in essence they can be just being nice I park my car in a visitor spot and began what felt like the longest three-story climb up the stairs until I got to my front door I slowly opened my front door and could see the main bedroom door had its door shut but with the lamp on as I got closer to the door I heard them the sort of noises that you can imagine due to the nature of this thread I could have turned around then I could have just left and that would have been that but for some reason I opened the door I stood in the doorway for what felt like an eternity as I watched my fiance the love of my life literally bouncing on another man stick in my bed I still remember the image clear as day nearly six years on it felt like I was stood there for an hour watching when it was only a few seconds in reality that's when I knew I had a choice to make option one go into the room and absolutely kill the guy who I was at the time putting all the blame on and trust me I would have killed him he was a scrawny 19 year old guy who still lived with his parents it would not have been much of a fight and I would have done some serious jail time option to walk away I chose option two I left got in my car and drove to my older sister's house who lived maybe 20 minutes away told her what had happened and sat on her couch she went back to my flat to kick her out but by the time she got there they had both left she was told via text she had 24 hours to get her stuff and never go back I wish that was the end of the story but there is a slight additive I need to make I was still angry for a long time she told people after the break-up she wasn't happy for a while as a form of justification and was happy in her new relationship yes they got together immediately I wasn't sleeping I wasn't eating I was angry I had rage I was living back with my mom stopped going to uni all I could think about was why I gave this girl everything I could now she was playing happy families with this new guy I felt like I was the only one who was hurting in this entire situation foolishly I found out through a friend of a friend where James lived so a solid two weeks after this incident I decided I had to do something to him he was the cause for all my pain so I smartly took a friend with me under the premise that he doesn't let me kill him or do too much damage I would have been satisfied with one punch I knocked on the door and stepped to the side a little he had a big glass door so he would have seen me if I stood in front of it he opened the door and I remember grabbing him by his jumper and pulling him out of the doorway this was it he was going to get what he had coming right now he opened his mouth and the following words came out of his mouth please don't hurt me the girl promised you were not going to hurt me I stopped and looked at this guy cowering loosened my grip on him and laughed into his face him saying that was enough for me I felt quite sorry for him there is many more things I could tell about how I coped in the immediate aftermath of this including the argument I had with her they're about the rent on the flat me now being banned from that supermarket chain for life so on and so forth however I will only get into that if people are genuinely interested seven years later I have never been happier girl is still with James last I heard and still working at the same supermarket she never finished uni I have seen her once in seven years she tried coming on to me when she was very very drunk when we ended up in the same bar once I drank my drink and left without even acknowledging her thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
Channel: Slime King
Views: 87,646
Rating: 4.8419809 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: L-jbiqPrR54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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