People Reveal How They Caught Their Partner Cheating (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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how did you find out your sir was cheating on you her boyfriend called me on speaker after a night on the town with my friends I told him we'd been dating for a year now and I didn't know he existed asked him if he was the friend that visited her a couple months ago and stayed on the couch she said yes but I wasn't on the couch I let him know that for me that settles it that I was done with her and never wanted to see her again he didn't either as far as I know we both broke up with her at the same time seemed like a great guy though keine wanted to grab a beer with him edit he was sitting next to him crying her eyes out which is why I was on speaker forgot that part she told me so she went to a birthday party and f ked the birthday boy when I then broke up with her she went into full rage mode screaming how dare you and I'm gonna find a guy and make him fall in love with me just so I can break up with him and hurt him the way you did with me I never knew what that meant but I'm glad we broke up I actually learned you to my cat so my GF didn't work while I did so she was often staying at my place alone while I was working throughout the week one day my cat pissed on a pile of clothes she had left laying in the room over the week and came to [ __ ] me out about it and I apologized and offered to just take them to the laundromat to get them cleaned in the pile of clothes was a pair of male boxers not mine and some socks that were neither mine nor hers I took her cat pissed stained clothes along with that dudes underwear and told her to get out of my apartment what a good kitty I hope you gave your kitty all the treats and boxes after that she forgot to end the call you know press the red button I heard them talking about who was going to shower first should have yelled through the phone save some of the hot water for me I woke up in the middle of the night when she was in the bathroom used her phone as a light saw texts from her ex about how good it felt to come inside her the day before went out of town my grandfather's funeral came back 12 hours early other dudes truck in parking lot at 5:00 a.m. been over a year and still f ked up over it it it f ck you Tabitha my friend told me after her boyfriend and my girlfriend were caught f king putting on a movie for our 2-year son on the laptop messenger goes off with message previews some guy saying how much fun he had the previous night while she was supposed to be helping a friend at work for extra money so I decide to read more of her messages and find one of guys thanking her for a threesome while she was six months pregnant with our child confronts her she plays dumb then proceeded to show her screenshot of all messages now happily divorced shares posted before but she was having an argument with the housemates and they said at least I don't cheat when I go away just as I walked into the room don't know how intentional that was but it turned out to be true I transferred to night shift at work to go to school during the day she had all the time to do what she wanted she went drinking with friends from work I knew the guy she worked with flirted with her she promised his wife would be there texted me at 2:30 am saying they wanted to go to a different bar I said I'd pick her up bars closed at 3:00 a.m. drove 45 meters to find them in the car worst night of my life finally got over it I'm pretty happy was with her for seven years I'm 27 hard for me to want to be with someone I don't see myself day dreaming of a future with anyone now I just daydream about building a business and traveling not sure if that's good or bad at it I've been by myself for about two years now and I'm totally happy life has gone 180 from where I was it's just me so it's been fun and easy to focus on moving forward thanks for all the kindly comments and support I'm glad I'm not alone but sad that this happens to others live life one day at a time suspicions from wedding and letters from when I was deployed pressed her when she started to slip again after I got back and she confessed dumped her she got with him he knocked her up and left her that same day he found out she was pregnant bullet dodged I was sleeping in my bed she was sitting on the edge of the bed undressing and touching herself for the guy on webcam they were talking about how they slept together the days before Jesus Christ that's ballsy my film se went on a series of business trips to the same City after the first one she told me she met this really cool DJ and about it I had a lot in common with him and would love his music I grew suspicious with how much she learned about him in a short time several trips later she told me she'd be staying with a girlfriend of hers down there untagged herself at a restaurant with her friend the friend was real and had an open FB profile so I clicked on it to explore the girl had tagged herself with my film say in that DJ when my film se got back from her trip after an exchange of standard pleasantries I asked her how many times she had slept with the DJ that week without surprisal skipping a beat she told me she had absolutely no idea they got married on our wedding day they're divorced now she was in the toilet a phone flashed up the message notification read did you tell him full stop apparently the message was about something completely different but after I bluffed her into thinking I know more than I do a name in that something's up she confessed 10 years relationship destroyed no turning back easier to build up trust with a new person bar with someone that cheated on you and in long-term relationships marriage you have to trust each other it's been a few months now can confirm it gets easier it's there on the back of my head every day but it does get easier she sent me snapchat videos of her f king people on Valentine's Day edit thanks for the support everyone I knew she was four months she denied it I begged her to admit it so we could just move on laying in bed one night I remembered she had logged on to Facebook once a long time ago through our Nintendo Wii I dug it out opened it up and it had the password saved so I went into her Facebook 3500 DMS that month alone between her and the dude trash-talking me f kin C NT semicolon dude that we was a bro holy sh t her best friend called me one my ex was having SX in the background to tell me she thought it was best but we broke up yes I heard it all and yes her friend was in the same room as my ex at the time edit just saw the replies to this and I got to say thanks for the supportive words yeah the friend called me maliciously she even made sure I could hear what was happening at the time and I was upset but I hung up the phone move - T onto the curb to get thrown away and never spoke to either of them again tried my best to brush it off another bonus breakup for you guys quickly had my GF over at my house with a few friends was making everyone food in the kitchen went of my bedroom to tell my gf dinner was ready and found her asking a guy in my bed yeah I have a few of these stories law I had walked in on them snuggling and watching Deadpool together in his bedroom out of nervousness the first thing that came out of his mouth was B do you want to watch Deadpool the do told me we used to go to school together saw him and Facebook and requested friendship he asked me how I was doing and I told him that I was great girl and I were about to celebrate our anniversary he apologized to me and said he had to tell me that they had been f king for the last week said he didn't know we were together and I believed him he sent me screenshots of pages of text as proof she got called out by the both of us and we are still very good friends DN by f kin lying skank everyone seemed to know before I did she was spending a lot of time with this guy who was her boss at the time he's like 12 years older than her so I didn't believe it until she told me she was leaving me for him that was seven years ago called a 3:00 a.m. to pick her up at the police station for DUI wonder WTF she doing so I asked to see her texts first time ever she scrolled fast but I saw one that said down for f ck session three years wasted with her but she is crazy so I dodged a bullet when I called my friend from my husband's phone the way she answered hello was unlike any other time I had called her I was so shocked I just hung up later I would confront her about this and she full-on admitted how much in love she was they were together and she wanted to remain friends semicolon WTF I no doubt of everything having to do with either of them semicolon I was trying to change my Gmail background picture went to Google photos to choose a picture her account was still logged in turns out the vacation she was on with her best friend was actually with her ex the first picture and the feed taken that day was her kissing him I almost collapsed he was lying on the bed next to me sleeping my phone rang with his name on caller ID Oh answered it in my job I traveled a lot for several years I got promoted and my traveling days were finally over so now that I was going to be in one place full-time I proposed to my GF of two years she said no because she was already married imagine that I was the other guy for little over two years through a friend I let her husband know about how two-year affair last I heard he forgave her a woman called me and said hi you don't know me but my boyfriend has been f king the sh t out of your wife for a couple months now chick that called was cool we dated for five years after my divorce we married for four it was thoughtful of my STD ex to introduce me to her she's away better wife and mom edit typos mobile she got pregnant I'm a woman she had the guys phone number saved as her sister's name in her phone he called that 3 a.m. while she was sleeping I woke up saw what I thought was her sister calling and answered thinking she might be in trouble at 3 a.m. the other guy was as shocked as I was about finding out she was two-timing I woke her up and said guess who I am talking to she just screamed out n lol oh I packed my tea and drove home right then and there four years down the drain I'm now married to an amazing trustworthy woman so it all worked out we were on vacation and her phone kept buzzing over and over again eventually I got pissed off and looked to see which of her overbearing friends was blowing her up not a friend but a male co-worker of ours they had been exchanging nude photographs and talking about a planned rendezvous when she got back from our trip I used her Akal what shed the gym and a text came up don't worry I won't tell anyone don't feel bad we had fun she F cared this guy while I was away for one day then f ked me when I got home before telling me kept saying she swore she was gonna tell me we shared an apartment and couldn't afford to move out and she kept f king him even after I forgave her and offered a chance to work things out we had a life together I was so f king happy with her you never got an apology because she's not sorry she did it only sorry she got caught woke up to a random phone number texting her on a third-party messaging app after being broken up for a while we got back together and things were fine she went to therapy and was getting help in months later my friend Caesar with her arms around someone else downtown and sends me a picture of it one of my best friend sent me a photo of my girlfriend and the do she was seen on the side in the carpark behind her place of work my friend apologized profusely for sending the photo but said it was only right that I know which I agree with and I can't thank my friend enough for sending it to me in six weeks now edited to make it clearer I had been PD for his friend's birthday celebrations after getting home and putting my drunk husband to bed I went to grab his phone that was still playing music in the other room a text popped up from an unsaved number saying she didn't feel right being the other woman after having met me she was our bartender all night ex wife got a snapchat in the middle of the night it was a selfie of him a lot of him when I confronted her she owned up that she had been cheating for the past month I forgave her and we tried to work through it two months later I went out of town on business and she invited a different guy home from her work she left a trail of text messages that I ended up reading I was shaking so hard that I thought I broke my phone when I dropped it there is a lot more to the story delayed flight rewards asking if she enjoyed her stay at the Doubletree etc I'm now happily divorced and have been with the love of my life ever since suddenly had a bunch of guy friends she was hanging out when at all times of day even spent the night at one of their houses without telling me not me but my mum found out about my dad cheating on her with her friend I remember being about 8 years old and hearing yelling one night after I'd gone to bed so being an inquisitive eight-year-old I went to investigate what I heard was my mother crying and going through the names of all the women she knew asking my dad who he was sleeping with it's been 15 years but I can still hear her voice saying all those familiar names thought I'd surprise her by coming home two days early the day after Christmas my former friend had to cross my kitchen to open the door when I knocked you only need to cross the kitchen if you came from my bedroom surprises were heard by all his ex-girlfriend showed up at his house whilst I was there she was begging him to take responsibility for the child she had been carrying for five months we had been together for a year see edit coma my ex-wife was facetiming an old friend of hers in deleting the history he lived in another state I happened to see one briefly pop up on my phone and then deleted we shared call histories went into PI mode to find out everything about who he was there had been Facebook messaging all day every day and sharing selfies with each other I actually forgave her and wanted to work on our marriage then she cheated on me in person with someone else six months later which our friends knew about it and said nothing it was then I realized they were not my friends I saw the texts that confirmed it I've been having trouble trusting women since even my current girlfriend I'm getting better I kept finding new razor scars all over her body declaimed she was cutting again then I confronted her about the fact that she had scars going down her back across her ass down the backs of her thighs turned out to be some tinder guy named Sheldon who lives with his mom and likes to cut girls she left tailed all of our friends and her family that I had physically and emotionally abused her and married in less than a month later not mine but I found out my mom was cheating on my dad with one of the guys I was playing call of duty with online talk about a small world I always wonder how he knew it was me classic stereotypical story I literally came home early and I saw the guy in only boxers and then I saw her walking down in pajamas I went out with friends but left early because I was thinking of her also went over to his house and found him in bed with a mutual friend wasn't interested in working things out she told me while we're both sitting in the bathtub I'm pregnant which was funny cause I can't hit that shot in Indiana from Australia where I'd been for four months I was scrolling through Instagram on my phone while he was taking a shower noticed he had liked a picture that he conveniently wasn't tagged in a picture taken of him kissing some girl Polaroid shots where they were holding each other and kissing during those couple shots what was extra weird was all the happy supportive comments from her friends almost like they knew angry yelling ensued and I said stuff that I now regret because of how meme I was but I just snapped he were together for two plus years and lived together I had to live with him for a few weeks after finding out which was awful it was rough for a while but it really taught me how strong and independent I could be dunno if she was I found out if I was having any problems in the relationship and wanted advice I would talk to my friend he would never really give me advice but instead we'll lay everything I said to her she always wanted Sunday free so she could go see her parents once time she wanted to drop something off at my house on a Sunday my friend was in the car with her we used to play board games and role play games on a Sunday my friend started off canceling last minute then started saying he couldn't make it she ended up getting me pretty much and I stopped talking to him I found out months later that they were together she broke up with me instantly was in a relationship with someone else you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 79,343
Rating: 4.9193664 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, animated, animated stories
Id: VDdOlqtCbVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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