GIRLS Share WORST Nice GUYS They Ever MET (r/AskReddit)

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I'll slash ass credit women have read it what was your worst encounter with a nice guy I worked with him we had an evening shift at a public library where for the last two hours it was just the two of us on it's also deadly quiet there's no reason for us to be open honestly after a few months of working the shift together we got into a routine of sitting at the two information desks and emailing each other links to weird Wikipedia articles like a competition to see who could find the weirdest one he was mostly okay he had the whole weeaboo thing going which got tedious at times but he pulled his weight at close which many of my past colleagues on that shift had not done and was generally Pleasant so eh then one day he brought me a rose and asked me to the Japanese Film Festival a local cinema was putting on I said that wouldn't be very appropriate given that I was married and he sulked and stomped and spent the rest of the evening muttering about you be [ __ ] nice to girls and this is what you get but he knew I was married there was a period where my car was caught in a hailstorm and was being repaired saft of two weeks during that time my husband came and picked me up from work also our friendly interactions were limited to work talk and emailing Wikipedia articles about weird deepwater fish or tiny national parks so I don't know how he got she's interested from that the next few months were just shitty on that shift because he sucked and moped and bankbooks around and stopped doing anything on clothes despite it actually being his job then he went to Japan to teach English and now I work this shift with a different guy who doesn't bring me flowers or make things awkward or interpret talk about system upgrades as flirting also he brings you know cards so when a winner had a guy friend who was crushing hard on me I was married at the time although it was on the rocks so I told him it wasn't happening then the divorce process started and he figured he was in like Flynn after the finalization I did agree to a couple of dates but realized early in that I wasn't feeling it at all partly because oh you know I just got him out of a shitty-ass marriage I told him I wasn't on the same Paige and he had a hissy I can't believe you aren't giving me a real chance after I've waited so long for you and I would treat you so much better than your ex but you won't even allow me the opportunity to show you his perspective seemed to be that because he liked me I needed to give him a shot regardless of my own feelings I held my ground and said we could be friends or we could be former friends nothing else he decided friends was good enough a while later he had to have medical testing done and would be in the hospital overnight under observation he admitted to me he was petrified and asked me to keep him company to help calm his nerves his family all lived two states away so I agreed to come sit with him I brought a book and read aloud to him we watched some TV chatted I finally went home around 1:00 ER M the next day he called to tell me that the testing had gone well and that his result was good I congratulated him and made getting off the phone noises but he said so now we more than just friends right it would seem that he believed that because I spent the evening with him at the hospital that I must have feelings for him I explained that what I'd done for him I would have done for pretty much any of my friends who needed it I then said that maybe trying to stay friends wasn't such a good idea he said you can't do this to me right after a trauma I've been through hell you need to at least try being my girlfriend for a month I don't remember exactly what the testing was at the hospital but it involved a nurse coming in every hour or so to check something I'd leave the room for it to give him privacy when I'd returned he didn't appear particularly traumatized somehow our every interaction made him more and more unattractive to me after a while I didn't even want to be friends with him anymore I had met this guy at a friend's summer barbecue and he was a lot of fun we had mutual friends and he seemed like a fun guy so we traded contact info before I headed home and added each other on Facebook the next day at first it was pretty normal since we shared a lot of common interests we talked about that and we'd message each other throughout the day but then he got weird like really rapidly when I mentioned how Phil my roommates were he said he had a couch and I could always move in with him this was after only a couple of weeks of knowing each other without even getting a response from me either negative or positive he started concocting some scenario where I'd walk around his place in my underwear and leave my bras draped over the TV it's like he had some kind of fantasy already planned out that's just one example I remember but he did it all the time eventually it got to be too much he would take any topic and make it sexual usually about me or the two of us and talking to him became so frustrating that I started avoiding him I didn't answer his texts or his messages on Facebook for about a week then one day he asked me what he had done and I figured he deserved the truth so I told him I said I had never given him any indication that I was interested never once responded positively to his little daydream scenarios and I was really tired of him making everything about trying to talk me into sex he apologized I was actually really glad to get it out in the open and I wanted to move on with our friendship he made it about 24 Whole hours before he did it again he wasn't even subtle about it something about whatever I said making him want to be dirty I said by blocked him on everything and never spoke to him again when I was 20 a friend of mine tried to set me up with a friend of hers he's so nice / e.t.c we talked online a couple of times he seemed okay not exactly my type but my friend assured me he was perfect for me so I figured I'd give it a shot it's worth noting that he wouldn't send me a picture we talked on the phone once or twice so I didn't think too much of it and it was 2004 so maybe he was new to the Internet and didn't have a photo we agreed to meet at a public location his work I walked in and saw what had to be the most unattractive man I've ever seen not just regular everyday ugly that crossa Modi ugly he smelled bad and has awful teeth I had somewhere to be so I politely excused mice and went to meet another friend this guy called me later that evening to talk about going out and I gently the lightly declined immediately he told my friend I was a horrible [ __ ] and led him on she took his side and it ended the friendship I soon started dating someone I'd known for a while and had lots of things in common with that relationship ran its course in my life moved on to entire years later I'm working at a hotel and my boss sends me on an errand to a big box store with a company credit card I was an authorized user and company membership card which I was also authorized to use my coworker and I got in line to check out and who is the cashier this guy I recognized him it was a small town and I didn't think he recognized me I'd lost weight changed my hair and was dressed very professionally I went to pay for the order and he pretended that the card was declined and then tried to confiscate it he threatened to call his manager and started to insinuate that I had stolen it I was 22 and pretty easily intimidated so I just left the store might form a friend a woman sent a message to me later nice guy said he saw you at his work how does it feel to get rejected he was so nice and you just threw away this great nice guy TL DR got catfished rejected the person only to be intimidated and menaced at years after the fact it's time for me to tell my story of the chariot the nicest nice guy I went to an academic summer camp the summer between junior and senior year at a university I was interested in there was about 100 people there who were broken into groups based on what classes they took in high school and where you were from in my group there was a guy let's call him L well I didn't realize at the time that I caught Elle's eye and he tried to adopt me into his group of friends from his City including Zatch area now such area was an r /i and verus mad personality type he thought he was so much funnier and better than most people with an edgy taste in music and a refined taste in literature this was all wrapped up in a lanky teen guy with a literal neck burg after being introduced into the group search area instantly took a liking to me complimenting me on how much better than other girls I was everything I did was just so great because I knew or understood basic things and could comprehend sarcasm after three days he confessed his love to me and completely believed that we were soul mates and was shocked when I said I wasn't interested I politely and naively told him we could stay friends if he thought he could handle it narrator voice he could not dude went off the deep end but he would text me obsessively the telling everything he liked about me constantly I'm talking several long texts every hour because every little thing reminded him of me he got an idea in his head that I like Zell more than him I did not anouk their 10-year friendship over this imaginary slight I even remember by him recounting a dream of me wearing nothing but a pink apron and being his stay at home with fee in excruciating detail including cute little back dimples that I don't even have I slowly pulled away but was anxious because we were both going into the same University the next summer through the same program and I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid him entirely he did back off for a bit but only because he found her much younger five years difference so he was going to college and she would be a freshman the following year girl who was the same type as me it only got worse at the University where it came to a head when he decided to tell me off because my current boyfriend was breaking my spirit and I turned into a cold heartless [ __ ] I transferred universities and now I don't hear from him anymore my biggest experience with a nice guy was with mile diem I was working at a place and had made some cow or calf friends and they all talked about their DND game I mentioned in passing that I had always wanted to play but the first time I'd tried a group of guys who I was sort of friends with told me I couldn't play because I was a girl junior high school boys are dumb so the group of guys at my work offered to let me join I was stoked hooray things started out fine I was the only girl everyone got along pretty well then girl number two showed up finally she was the wife of one of the other players and I was great to have another lady someone else dropped out and now we need a new player we find girl number three wonderful this is where it all went bad girl number three calling her Daphne and I became friends really quickly she was sweet funny smart and really fun to play with she was also quite small and very cute after we finished playing on her first night the group was standing by the entrance or dm's house all getting ready to leave when diem starts talking diem so I'm bang sexual then pointing at everyone else in the group respectively he's straight he's straight she's straight he's straight and pointing at me she's straight I'm not he's never asked me I never told him this what's your sexuality asking Daphne then everyone was silent for a solid five seconds like WTF who just asks [ __ ] like that me actually DM I'm not straight anyway it's getting late we should all go I then proceeded to shuttle everyone out so that was a super weird encounter but it was merely the harbinger of what would destroy our group Daphne and I became pretty good friends and started hanging out with each other outside of D&D such good friends in fact that she introduced me to her girlfriend diem noticed that Daphne and I were getting close so he started to take it out on my character all of a sudden I was getting attacked more he would make it very difficult for my character to do anything productive and then he ended up killing her not necessarily a huge deal characters died but she was my first and I loved her while he was doing this he was also making it very hard for Daphne's character to do anything he kept creating NPCs that would go and rescue her and profess their love for her it was obvious to literally everyone that he had a crush on her oh and at this point everyone in the group knew Daphne was a lesbian so Daphne another group member and I started drinking before D&D drink at the m's course he lived with his mom and she's Muslim so it was a dry house just to make the m's antics a bit more tolerable and easier to deal with well one day Daphne and I maybe got a wee bit tipsy er than usual and we were excitedly talking about something in game and we briefly pecked each other on the mouth course we are friends and comfortable with each other but oh no diem saw and this begins the time of my tnd playing where I would have to make a new character every two to three sessions because diem was so jealous of my relationship with Daphne that he would kill my character any chance he got the culmination of it all was a dm's Halloween party I didn't go but Daphne did he proceeded to get her so drunk that she couldn't stand up and was attempting to cuddle with her until some one girl number one from the group brought her home Daphne doesn't really remember this and the only reason she knows what happened is because someone else was here watching out for her after that we dissolved no-one was comfortable playing with RDM anymore the other two girls in the group and I ended up having girls night on DND night instead it was much more fun also Daphne married her girlfriend and their wedding was good too a couple years ago when I had just graduated high school I went to work on a farm for a few days before heading on my senior trip the farm is owned by Friends of my family my first day I had just finished driving tractor and was parked at the shop when called my boss for a ride back to my car at the house they sent over a guy we'll call him T to give me a ride for reference t is roughly 40 years old with a beer gut and unhealthy addiction to booze I hopped up in his car and immediately he offered me a beer I declined and told him I graduated two days ago and wasn't interested he asked me how old I was I told him 18 he said perfect and gave me a beer it made me super uncomfortable and over the next few days I tried to limit my time around TR left and went on my senior trip throughout the rest of the summer reseed lengthy phone calls and text messages from him telling me how beautiful I was we were soul mates how our time together was magical etc I did not respond or reply the phone call started to disappear during the winter and I thought he must have gotten over it the next summer I went out to the farm again and he was there he immediately gave me a big hug and told me how much he missed me I told my bosses I was uncomfortable working with tea and they had me to other projects all summer away from him the text started up again all the same as before as well as new ones about how I had come back to be with him how we should run away together etc I began to hear rumors circulating that I had slept with tea which obviously was not true my boyfriend actually had to step in and texty telling him to leave me alone I was so uncomfortable I didn't get many texts after that happened on my third summer at the farm he was there and did not keep his distance like my boyfriend has asked he immediately approached me and went on with the usual junk I got very firm with him and told him that if he did not start I would take legal action against him he got upset and sent a lengthy text message to my boss detailing how they had lead him on and how I was ruining his life I told her my side of the story showing her the text messages I had received she was taken aback and fired him immediately I didn't hear much from him after this all went down that summer the following Christmas he killed himself his note mentioned me and my boss and I've been living with the guilt for a while edit spelling grammar applicable reposed this isn't the worst worst but probably one of the nuttiest I spent my teens and early twenties in an interracial relationship where our particular combination wasn't very common at the time shortly relevant when I was 17 to 19 I worked at a coffee shop in a busy mall a few blocks from the building where I lived and my favorite place to get lunch / dinner during my break was health food convenience store a few doors down the cashier at this store was a hipster a guy in his late 20s or early 30s who was the same ethnicity as my boyfriend which I'm you because they struck up a about it when my boyfriend joined me for lunch there once I also want to point out here that the cashier was second-generation and thoroughly Americanized so I don't believe that what follows is indicative of his growing up with different cultural norms and my boyfriend emigrated to the u.s. during high school and didn't think any of this was normal the cashier from there on out started being exceptionally intense around me at first this was stuff like staring and making excess of eye contact during all transactions trying to predict what I was going to eat based on what my last several purchases had been and coming out from behind the counter to help me select my lunch which meant standing in front of the case and very slowly examining containers of food while narrating his explanations of why each container was better or worse while obstructing my way out of the store even would ring me up really slowly while telling me how much he liked my hair or how interesting it was that I wore a skirt with my coffee shop uniform while none of the other women did and how unique it made me this came up a number of times it was basically stuff that made me uneasy but wasn't overtly creepy enough for me to give up my lunch spot right away I had giant curly unnaturally colored hair that a lot of people still comment on even now that it's a natural color he also found my miss face of the early 2000s and added me which should have been more alarming at the time since he didn't know my last name I have a pretty unusual first name but for him to find me he probably had to look through a hundred profiles I also used to actively blog on my miss base and he started sending me these long rambling messages in response to everything I posted I guess my denial was as deep as my love of the avocado salad at the shop because I kept going there even though he was a weirdo then one day he told me he had seen me walking with my boyfriend and he asked me if I liked going out with guys of his ethnicity I told him I liked going out with my boyfriend he asked if I would go out with him too which I reminded him that we were literally talking about my boyfriend in the previous sentence he then basically pounded the counter with his fist and said gee users can't you just [ __ ] hang out with someone who isn't your boyfriend really angrily which prompted me to decide to start making my own lunch then the cashier started coming to my coffee shop everyday even though the shop where he worked had far superior and free for him coffee he would just look at me with this bovine dead-eyed stare the whole time and if I was cashiering he would let other people in line go ahead of him until he got to my register rather than let another person ring him up if I was making drinks he would make a point to take a huge slurping sip while maintaining eye contact after I handed him his drink at one point he asked me why I wasn't coming back to his store anymore while my somewhat sexist manager who was in the midst of a bitter divorce was working with me I said something along the lines of trying to save money and the cashier told me he will bring me free food which I refused for several days before he stopped because as he told me his manager saw him and he hoped I appreciated the risk he had taken he also started hanging out on the patio and scribbling in his notebook while I was working one day he left a piece of paper behind accidentally he came back asking for it later and I denied all knowledge of it which had a terrible love poem about a crimson haired siren with a lot of sketches of a girl who looked like me if my coffee shop uniform had been designed by rob Leefolt and if I had huge tits slash long legs I don't he left behind more poems over the course of a year none of which I never acknowledged so he started messaging them to me on MySpace which I also didn't acknowledge things were then complicated by the fact that my boyfriend and I actually broke up for reasons unrelated to this great guy but his mother didn't approve of me and I was tired of sneaking around after six years together cashier dude picked up on this because my boyfriend wasn't around and went into hyperdrive he'd sent me a message on Miss Bates daily one time I walked by the shop where he worked with my friends and he left the counter and ran out to yell after me while his manager yelled at him to come back in once I got a series of angry messages about how he been playing my favorite band in the store and had been reprimanded for it and how it was my fault that I hadn't come by to appreciate it hilarious because my favorite band was a dissonance weary post-punk group that can be very hard to listen to it wasn't long after that I moved several hundred miles away for school which of course I didn't tell the cashier when he found out I left he sent me a number of tirades about how cruel I had been not to give him a chance then the typical nice guy paradoxes of my being a frigid [ __ ] then that I was racist for not wanting to date him and then he said that he was just going to quit his job and move to Brazil to get over this betrayal I ended up deleting my Mis base in favor of FAFSA books shortly thereafter so that was ten years ago I recently found a message in my other inbox from this guy on Facebook asking if I was who he thought I was my name on Facebook is my first name plus an OT my last name profile photo is of me and a group of people hiking at some indistinguishable distance I told him now and he never replied that I couldn't help but look at his profile turns out he did indeed moved to Brazil a boy in my friendship group at uni just wouldn't get the hint we'd all be hanging out and I would treat him the same as any of the other boys in our group it got to the point he expressed interest in me and I gently put him down and explained I didn't see him that way now after this we weren't as close for a few weeks while I allowed him time to get over it but over the weeks that followed we got back to where we'd always been and I continued to treat him the same as any of my other friends until he expressed feelings again now over the course of us being friends at uni two years the cycle repeated maybe seven or eight times with me getting less and less gentle each time and the reconnected friendship becoming weaker and weaker with each expression of love I graduated now four years ago the year immediately following I moved overseas and the three after that I think I've seen the boys of this group maybe five times in total the last time was last summer I'm close with the girls still and we thought it would be nice to see the boys as we hadn't in probably a year or so the nice guy was in a relationship by this point we weren't close at all by now because I felt it best than to constantly have to reject him however on this night out he kept following me around trying to touch me and at one point said that he would dump his girlfriend for me as it's always been me he cared about I'm trying to keep it light so I don't ruin the night and the reunion of old uni pals my girlfriends are literally making a barrier around me to keep him away the next morning I vowed to never go somewhere I knew he'd be again how many times does a girl have to say no I'd also just like to say that for the majority of the time I've known him we've really not even been that close as it was getting awkward the amount of times I'd have to tell him now so there was definitely no actions of mine that cold been misinterpreted thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
Channel: Slime King
Views: 49,579
Rating: 4.8479261 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: Usi2BxJMdWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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