The TriHards are Coming for Hikaru | Botez Gambit Speedrun 42

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yeah this guy knows what's up  though this guy's really trying hard   to not let this get out of control this guy knows  what's up but he's 23.70 so i kind of expect it okay you guys stop being weird um i just play  e6 e6 d6 in this game over um queen of six and   97 next moves you guys i've been streaming for  like nine hours now okay like cut me some slack   um now how am i gonna sack my queen here though  i'm actually not sure how i sacked the queen i'm gonna go here in 97 but again whenever  they play this f4 set up it becomes very hard   it only says four and a half hours yeah  that's because um i was streaming with a delay   when i played the rapid chess championship  earlier and so i ended the stream as fast   as i could and then i rebooted so i think  i started streaming about 805 local and   it's 422 so it's like over eight hours like  eight hours 20 minutes in or something so   yeah we'll see d5 okay my man is not joking this  guy's not joking around he's way too serious   um okay take i can just get castle life chances  that's all i need just get castle again i have   a diagonal though in check and castle should be  okay i actually have two diagonals oddly enough it's actually weirdly not so bad this is actually  a huge monster threat to just end the game   i wonder if i'm actually not just not just  lost anymore because knight h4 is actually   kind of just game over with the with the  double double connection because there but   like i kicked the bishop out of town and then  i go knight h4 next move and i mean this is   i mean i guess white can sack material  or something but this looks very scary yeah he does have this so i take he takes  a take i'm obviously down a piece here   but it's a piece for one pawn he's i've got a  wooden shield which also is pretty important   important uh i guess i'll go c5 guard the bishop what is this chess mainstream uh we're we're  playing chess right now normally normally   we're we do react or react andy but   i really don't want to trade i guess i'll go  here i don't even know if this does anything but   i really just don't want to trade pieces  because rp1 okay so now of course i go b4 hey this will be frustrating if i just lose this  game i'll go here if it takes i just take   and play b3 i think i'm just going to  go c4c3 here just try to open up the   open up the queen side um but yeah we'll see  see oh wait okay he's got rook c1 or something very frustrating but he's got 59  seconds so not not all not all   not all hope is lost here  yeah it takes um let's go here i don't know why i didn't put my king on f7 either because there i guess i'll  go here to hit the knight uh i can obviously trade i think i'm gonna make a  check though now if he goes here i can trade and   take h2 let's take take h2 i mean it's not great  i'm probably losing still but i have some hope i don't understand that move at all i'm just  gonna go g5 and attack now just attack h5 h4 h3   yeah i think i'm gonna win this game i think  i'm gonna win i feel pretty good about it yeah i think i'm gonna win this game yeah we're gonna get another win here  i can go h4 g4 and work a3 and check check now i go i'm gonna go h3h maybe  cheater was better actually i don't know   g3 and i mean these two pawns are just  gonna win me the game i'll go here go here yeah three and gonna win let's keep  going getting close getting close getting really close now  let's go g3 bishop g2 here um okay let's go here sack let's drop back play like  knight f3 or knight e4 here bishop g4 of course i have to castle problem is  there is an open file here i really wish there   was not an open file that's the only problem crazy  hair day oh it's just i mean the headphones keep   my head headphones keep my hair all messed up  basically i'm gonna go work up two here yeah   you'll easily get the school in one session  oh there's no guarantee i'll get it in fact i   still think it's unlikely but it all depends  on it i just have to keep it going keep it   together that's all yeah okay i guess i just  developed play work f1 i mean i actually kind   of like my position here i think i'm doing  reasonably well not not great or anything   obviously i'm down a queen but he's got a  weak pawn on e5 i've got a great knight on e4   what more can you really ask for in life okay b5  is a very strange move i guess i'll go somehow i   need to kick this bishop and make him do something  but i i don't know how to do that so i'm just   going to go b4 fix the queen side pawns go like  rook f1 also no bishop c5 now so let's drop back ah did i miss something i did miss something oh unbelievable he finds a sacrifice here unreal got to go here and play like rook d1   i can't believe that he found  that that's just unbelievable oh that's so unfortunate i guess i'll just take  and hit the bishop here that is unfortunate that   is really unfortunate i i just can't believe  that he found it it's just unbelievable   i guess i'll go here maybe knight c3 maybe  bishop c1 is a move i've got h4 or something   and now of course he finds it unbelievable truly  unbelievable let's go here now it goes queen b6   and now i mean it's just okay i have to go here  and trade he's still a little bit low on time here have to move just have to move and hope basically we have e4 or something no that's i just  take the pawn okay does it let's take um go here i'm not even sure how i'm supposed to survive here oh even finds queen a2 amazing uh i guess i go here oh i had rookie three i had rookie  three to hit both pieces i guess but just not meant to be oh well here  i just have to move quickly and   hope that he chokes in in time pressure  that's all that i really have here here that's all that i i can hope for   nothing more really um oops can't  check either i guess i go here knight d4 king d3 e4 i mean i'm still  trying desperately to find a way to hang on   i just have to move quickly and hope  that's all i can do just move move and hope   94 king d2 i guess of course  he finds this one too hack um i mean it's like i'm just barely if  i can hang up for like five more moves i   think i can win this game can i really hang  on for five more moves i don't think i can let's go here all i do is hang on oh and i  blundered this good knight d1 yeah there's   and actually the worst part is there's not even  a move to hang on i just threw this game although   i probably would have lost anyway to be fair 34  seconds probably just too much time yeah i just   threw this one let's let's see if he blunders  i don't think he will but yeah that's just lost   oh that's frustrating yeah i think the  massive led for the 16th super iggy for   the get to sub that one's frustrating okay  if i win this one i'll gain nine though so probably i never really had a chance in that game   but he found that stupid sack that  stupid sack on f3 was very annoying no no i just i i just see he's he's found  that sack i didn't think he would find it   or i wouldn't have gone bishop b2 but  i just i didn't think he would sack   i thought he would value the material more  highly but yeah okay let's go here play a3 uh it's not so much no the sack was a great  sack i just didn't think he would do it   i just didn't really expect him to do it i figured  he would see like it's it's losing material why   am i gonna sacrifice material i think it does  that are for the tier one so i mean credits him   obviously are fine i just didn't think he would  um i'm gonna go g5 and h4 i guess here try to   start attacking oh this is kind i'm sorry to lose  it a little bit because this i need the position   closed not open go h5 yeah i don't actually  know why am i doing this exactly let's go here this is kind of weird i don't know  why i'm certainly going insane   this c4 i guess i have knight c4 now i can take on d5 but i think i should go b5   and this way i can still take on  c4 with the knight if i want to knight e6 uh yeah exactly  why did i i guess i'll go g6   because now if he takes he loses the pawn i  take now i take and i have knight c4 maybe i guess i go here attack the rook and then i have  knight c4 and there's still some outside chance   i mean there's some outside  chance that i might survive this   because now i've got a great outpost and  this is definitely let's go here kick the   queen back i'm gonna play it like a  bon bon g cloud with king e2 and take   oh e4 yeah this guy knows what's up though this  guy's really trying hard to not let this get   out of control this guy knows what's up but he's  2370 so i kind of expect it i take still i mean i   have chances i mean i have counterpart on the  king's side knight e6 i'm like rook g1 i mean trying to sack material back here  yeah this guy totally knows what's up how do i do this i can play rook  g1 e4 doesn't look right rook h5   maybe now let's go rook h5 attack this knight from 97 i go h6 now i can obviously  take but i don't want to take   how do i do this though i don't take it  doesn't really make sense she still hanging on there's got to be something here maybe knight g7 king g7 rook g1 king h7 rook h1 no  then he is bishop a bishop of six but then rook g8 don't actually have a good move here very  annoying i guess i just have to make a move   then um what what can i do here i guess  okay fine i guess i'll just play rook g1   oh he goes bishop fate now that's not the move i  expected i think i'm actually just going to ignore   everything and just play off 4f5 and e4 i mean it  takes i go e4 oh i hung queen of four oh my god   oh geez i just completely  hung queen takes off four but i still have bishop c1 next move queen's got to go home to b8 i mean it's still   bad but okay go hear an id5 i mean try  to complicate it i still bishop h6 i mean here queen g3 is a great move  that i first missed over here oh and he saw it too for a split second i think i  had something but maybe not uh how do i do this i need to go here i  have to just move i'm down down on time too oh we played queen at one i didn't expect that take yeah that was a horrible move too we'll just move uh it's gotta move um there we go let's keep going wow in the moment when the world went by   but everything's all right we  don't give a damn this time
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 131,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, chess speedruns, botez gambit speedrun 41, botez gambit speedrun 42, botez gambit 42, hikaru speedrun 42
Id: CGK94ThlovA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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