Hikaru Discovers His Talent

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okay so i'm not doing great and then i oh bishop oh bishop e2 is actually  winning wow i'm actually very good at chess   wow i didn't realize that huh  bishop e2 is actually good now as a recall this guy's pretty  good theoretically i think that's   his biggest strength this is theory okay thanks nice shave go here go here go here and here we see a solid  setup from black he's going to try to play for e5   easier said than done because e5 it you know  you have e5 de knight g4 because if you take   back on e5 right away you end up dropping a pawn  as you're showing because the queen takes on d8   distracts the rook and it's overloaded pieces  all right the rook is overloaded this is a very   well known lion anton is a king's indian  player we haven't seen too many people   uh putting on the board a king's indian  setup against ikaro's uh patented knight   f3 b3 stuff let's see how anton handles it  plays a5 okay so i go b5 here now we degrade   plays a4 which is interesting i can obviously  go knight c3 i can also play like knight a3   um it would appear that this guy's  done prep which is kind of weird um knight c3 is a move knight  c3 a3 is kind of interesting   and i can obviously play like knight a3  as well and also just go a3 um i don't   want to spend too much time that is the one  thing to keep in mind i guess i'll go here yeah i actually i thought this was someone  else i thought i was playing the other guy   um and that's not to like sound weird but  i thought i was playing um i thought i was   playing don chunk or not damn chancos seems to  have this worked out he's prepped he's definitely   prepped and i think the evol bar is bearing that  out as seekaroo drops his other knight down to d2   anton immediately responding with d5 still  playing as if out of a cannonball i mean he's just   playing in still bishop d3 i think black is doing  totally fine i don't i don't know about plus one   just i mean they're easy moves to make queen d6  looks pretty nice um you can play a move like   issue f5 even i was thinking about that one that  was my first stop but then i got worried that   uh you know if i get double pawns maybe it could  be a target but not really after gf5 then you   bolster that setup with e6 and then put knight e4  and right black's doing great but he is dangerous   i did lose to him in um and uh i lost him and i  think one of the rccs when i was in germany it   was a very bad game i think i moved my king early  or something i lost um so he is a dangerous player   but it's funny because i thought i was  playing the other one who i perceived to   be far less dangerous than this guy he  does a v5 maybe see what's gonna happen okay so it goes bishop d7 very reasonable logical  human move um i guess rick c1 makes sense why not   seems like a perfectly logical move to play i  feel like eventually there might be problems   though with this pawn on a4 this pawn might  become very weak once he moves the rook   i mean maybe you can just go queen v8 or something  but again i'm not i'm actually not so convinced by   this position for black somehow just doesn't seem  all that uh all that special i guess you could say gonna be interesting to see so he plays  bishop f8 which i also don't like by the way   um he's sort of inviting me to play  e4 at some point it's a question of   when do i want to do it or do i  just want to play knight of 395   um i can also play knight c2 and like bishop a3  maybe what is what is the end game i'm having   a hard time uh grasping the sort of ultimate goal  of dempsey ghost setup where are his pieces going   can you help me out yeah i'll try my best when  knight 3 is played you can play a move like bishop   f5 or bishop g4 so that way his bishop doesn't get  locked in but then it begs the question you know   why bishop d7 to start with why bishop d7 to start  with is a great question and he has wasted a tempo   i still think black is doing totally fine here  right black is a very very solid but it's starting   to seem to me that hikaru is making some progress  here he's got a better position compared to the   one five moves ago it goes for exceed so obviously  i can trade i assume that i don't trade actually   here i assume that what i want to do i mean  trading maybe isn't so bad it doesn't feel right   my assumption is that i should go here and take  with the knight or the i don't know take either   way it's actually i don't know what the right  capture is i'm gonna actually take with the knight don't know if it's right probably it's not but my   assumption is i can go bishop c3  and maybe bishop a5 at some point we'll see see what he does here very very slow game so far which i'm  pretty standard concerning the opening it goes bishop d6 logical no i can play bishop a3  to trade off some bishop to me i trade off some   bishops it's an interesting move it goes knight  d7 i think i'm gonna do it anyway just trade off   i don't like my bishop it's behind the pawn  wall and it seems pretty reasonable to try   and trade it off here i mean i control the only  open file on the c file here as well so it makes   makes quite a bit of sense um to do this plays queen d6 which that  does give me rook c7 rook f8   i mean if i had to choose a side i would  probably choose black oh oh whoa uh wow   um he definitely forgot about that knight is  there knight d7 first after queen takes f6 i feel like he forgot about that knight and just  got fortunate that he's attacking a3 knight d7 wait a second does white have like  queen f4 and then rook c7 yeah   black's king is caught on the cross yeah yeah i  was trying to stop you from playing but explain to   me why anton is even bothering with us when queen  e7 has all of the merits of queen d6 and doesn't   allow white to take the knight trying to figure  out if i think i can win that or not somehow seven rook f8 f1 queen eight  two seven knights before h4 h5 hmm h4h5 g4 yeah i think i'm gonna go for it probably an idea i mean there's still so much  time that i don't love the idea but huh it's queen bee one though at the end huh oh wait i bishop g4 wait i have bishop g4  maybe five dollars out of bezos's pocket 24   rp7 knight c4 i'm gonna go for it i think i'm gonna go for this i have bishop g4 that's that's an actually  a very seriou that's a very serious idea very serious i think i am still shocked he  allowed queen's existence no i'm telling   you my theory is that he actually forgot the  nf6's hanging i just don't see a reality where   when you have a choice between queen e7 and  queen d6 two moves that do exactly the same thing   you choose the one that allows this and look  at him he i i yeah you're right he missed stoic   though no he but he put his hand on his head and  he's calculated he missed it he definitely missed   it so he just hung a piece he's he was attacking  a piece but he hung the knight of his own so   grandmasters as strong as denchenko they do that  too everybody and this is the sequence i'm looking   i'm interested in rook takes b7 okay so hickory  plays bishop e2 because i thought that forcing   sequence wasn't going to be enough for white but  i think i understand what he's trying to do he's   trying to reroute the bishop to g4 and snap off  that pawn on e6 exploiting the fact that black   can never move the f-bomb due to the checkmate and  actually queen takes a2 runs right into that right   there is queen b1 check and queen e4 that's  the one saving grace for black i thought   but apparently f7 oh you evil man evil evil man  look at this position you have no way to save   the rook oh queen f5 oh queen the a check but  not not bishop takes that f5 because then black   can already take the rook isn't that pretty yeah  that is a wonderful sequence and it goes to show   though that black's forces are concentrated on the  queen side so even though there are only three big   pieces on the board for white a queen a rook  and a bishop that's more than enough firepower   to go after that black king so uh right now  demociaco has to be very careful he clearly   overlooked queen takes f6 because he's been  thinking a lot and yeah it's just getting worse   so now the question becomes dominion that knight  on b6 can i play knight c4 hope that you take me   on c4 and i get rid of your bishop or you still  going bishop g4 taking on e6 and there's maybe not   so much that black can do about it i  actually don't know why i played this   looks i think this is fairly insane by me to  be honest to go into this line as opposed to   just playing bishop f1 which i think was a  lot safer i still think i'm okay here but it feels kind of scary feels  just a little bit scary i think about this line so instead of knight c4  which i'm just trying to bring a piece over um   how do i get away with this i think demchenko  is going to lose this within five moves i mean allowing queen takes f6 madness  but it's fascinating because to our human   senses it feels like white has just taken over and  denchenko does not have the benefit of seeing it's   only 0.7 so there is a saving idea and there's  probably only one saving idea we want to take   this pawn we showed bishop g4 queen b1 queen e4  that's the instinct but as you're showing now   queen a1 check king hsu and then queen a3 to go  to d6 i mean this is not anything that a human   just thinks of on at first but drawing the king  to a checkable square is very important and of   course bishop b6 loses to queen d6 check followed  by queen takes c7 or queen takes c6 uh choose your   pick but that is such a hard what makes that  idea hard it's the fact that you're ignoring   seemingly the threat on e6 right it's just so  unintuitive it's not enough human instinct to   ignore a threat that seems to lead to checkmate  and uh anton with his back against the wall here   i don't know if he's gonna find this he's  down to three minutes also in the time   that we've been talking i think for a very  long time which i'm kind of surprised by   actually the fact that he's thinking so long  makes me more much more confident too that i   mean i'm connected right no i'm connected yeah i'm  connected right yeah i'm connected okay just just   want to make sure i'm not magically disconnected  or something okay so he plays knight c4 but i thought the problem with knight c4  is that i can go bishop g4 or am i insane okay now i'm up a lot of time so i can  actually think for a little bit here before queen d6 b7 looks fine what am i missing i actually i feel like i'm  missing something here i don't understand if i take i don't understand i should just be up a pawn here what he goes h5 which is also a mistake  because now i wait i think my man   just completely collapsed he just lost his mind   okay let's slow down no need to rush so rook  f7 rook seven bishop e6 queen c7 bishop d5 i mean if this isn't winning i don't know what is i mean he can't go to fx i take c7 is the only  square that he can go to so now i can eat another   juicer if i want ah but then he has 92 and queen  c1 so he had no but that's actually no good   i mean i think he's just down  too many pawns here wait a second   so wait if i take on okay take on g6 king f8 check  king e8 queen takes h5 i mean he's just losing   literally every single pawn on the board here king  e7 bishop f7 knight d2 queen c6 is also winning brook g7 queen h8 is losing king g8 i mean i mean this this has to be winning he can't blocks i chuck he  goes here takes takes he loses so what can you do teeny seven bishop f792 queen two six is winning   very bizarre play i mean he is very very bizarre  so right now white has four pawns for rook and now   it's doing five pawns and it's gonna be six pawns  that's unreal and if he takes a four oh my god   it'll be seven puns i've never seen i've ever seen  wait is it seven yes yeah i've never seen that   before i i've never seen that in my life i think  icaru has to try to do it bishop takes d5 he's up   wait is it actually six months oh my god  i've never seen that before oh goodness it is   six the only time i see this is in games  between newer players where one time is   completely winning this is like no an attack that  instead of taking the rook on f7 has led to six   extra pawns anton has to try to unpin himself with  gedikara to take up seven but it's obviously over   this queen a3 okay so again i can take but i  can even start to flank with the other juicer   now which i think is what i should do um i  think let's just go b6 yeah and now i think   i take and go queen c5 i mean okay i just want  to make sure that i'm not missing something but   king d7 h4 king c6h i mean i've  just got too many peoples no go here i mean it's just too much shaq shaq and then b7 gg yep and we got the win oh does  he have knight g5 and knight f no i just got king   g3 yeah oh big win you guys big win i don't know  what was going on there i'm not actually sure   um well thank you so much to fd studio for the  8th century for the 12 night existing goes for   the prime and margie conigo for the prime let  me see what was going on here for a second um   let's see what was what was happening  here if i look at this i look at the   evaluation we go back here this is  losing okay so i'm not doing great and then i oh bishop oh bishop e2 is actually  winning this is actually wow i'm actually very   good at chess wow i didn't realize that huh bishop  e2 is actually good i for some reason i thought he   could take and go initially i thought he could go  like check in here and then as i was thinking i   realized i have this line um but i'm not sure  if this is actually winning i mean queen 85.8   b6 okay computer gives it point eight so maybe  this is actually good you saint louis chesca   for the raid with 222 thank you so much uh thank  you so much for the raid hope all's going well to   everybody who's watching the grand chess tour in  bucharest romania we are playing the rapid chess   championship right now i did one i just did win  my first game against anton denchenko um so we're   taking a look at this game okay so this was this  was just stupid this just loses but apparently   this is actually very good apparently bishop g4  is actually very strong i during the game i wasn't   sure at all about this but huh it works out fair  enough so i actually played very well shocking you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 59,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, chess speedruns, hikaru rapid chess championship, hikaru rapid chess
Id: 4fAuV7EZIiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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