Magnus Sacrifices ALL HIS PIECES vs. Hikaru

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it's day two in the magnus carlson chess tour  finals yesterday hikaru struck first winning two   and a half to one and a half in the first four  rapid games to take a one nothing lead given   that this is a best of seven series the players go  at it again today magnus has white not much more   to say and we have a queen's gambit declined  with knight c3 we've seen this throughout   before hikaro was playing bishop to e7 and  yesterday he played this dc4 e4 b5 system   there was a crazy game that ensued so magnus  must have thought that his preparation was up   to the task and he had the best winning chances  white goes e5 knight d5 and here yesterday magnus   played a3 bishop e2 is the main line here he plays  a4 now from this point forward there's a few games   in the bass but after hikaru plays queen d7 there  are no longer any games in the bass the the idea   of queen d7 is to keep an eye on this knight so  that white cannot just play a5 hitting this knight   uh because if you push that knight is simply lost  it's simply a free knight and you do get a knight   back for it but that's not what magnus wants  bishop b2 knight c6 castles knight a5 we saw   this yesterday hikaru pops the knight out to a5 so  that it continuously guards this pawn and enables   this knight to move to the center we get knight g5  and knight e4 very common maneuver for this system   now that magnus has castled he is able to move  pieces multiple times which is normally not   recommended in the beginning of the game bishop b7  and now knight c5 making this trade is pretty good   for magnus because he gets the bishop pair which  is known to give a decent position and now here   magnus shows you the real hidden idea of the move  a4 and it's quite funny it's rook a3 now again   this looks like a beginning player who just wants  to show you that they know that the rook goes   up and over but this is actually kind of annoying  for for hikaru i mean this rook is about to arrive   and attack the king side so hikaru kicks  the knight out and then plays knight e7   so far this has been all computer preparation i'm  assuming that because at the time of the game they   played these first 16 moves almost instantly  very little thought so i'm assuming that they   were both prepared agnes plays queen d2 now the  thing about queen d2 is it's actually a bit of   a fake threat yes you're attacking the knight  but your knight is also being protected by the   queen and so hicaro here plays the move queen  d5 and he uses a concept known as danger levels   danger levels meaning that you don't need to  stop the threat of the opponent if you can make   an even stronger threat and so he makes a threat  down to g2 now here a move like bishop f3 looks   logical because it hits the queen and the bishop  it doesn't really do anything because the queen   takes the pawn guards the knight and this is all  guarded so white actually doesn't win anything   at this moment magnus that thought for 11  minutes and he played rook g3 after queen c5   yes g7 is hanging but then there is the brilliant  move long castles and all of a sudden it is white   who is losing material so magnus played b4  and here a little rule called on pissant   happened and then magnus played bishop a3 which  looks like it just loses a full piece but the idea   is that you're going to win the pawn on the knight  on a5 and you're going to be hitting the pawn on   c7 at the same time you're going to be hitting  the pawn on b3 which of those two pawns for black   is more important it's actually tough to tell  especially if you're if you're a beginner because   you want to keep this pawn because it makes a  queen but you also want to keep this pawn because   it's near your king and maybe your king needs to  be covered no it is for sure the pawn on b3 so   hikaru gives away the c7 pawn and guards the b3  pawn but magnus doesn't even take it and instead   goes this way now we get c5 hitting the knight  and this is where the thumbnail comes into play   magnus plays bishop h5 and says take my knight i  don't give a damn rook takes f7 and hikaru says   all right well the only way to get out of this  discovered attack is to play my only legal king   move king d7 ironically moving the king keeps  it safer because there's no checks magnus plays   bishop g4 this move looks like it has no threat  because that's all guarded except that actually   the threat is queen takes bishop because this  is pinned to the king and this is pinned to the   king so no one is guarding the bishop so the only  way to guard the bishop is to activate the king   the brave king runs to the defense of his army  and you can't play rook c oh rugby one would   not be good but you can't play rook c1 because the  queen so magnus sacrifices a second piece because   why not you know why not he still can't take the  knight because of defense of uh the queen on a3 so   he plays rook f6 back queen b6 queen and bishop uh  queen and rook excuse me hitting the bishop bishop   d5 rook czech and now hikara had to put the icing  on the cake in this position and he had to find   the move king to c8 the idea being that after rook  takes d5 which again you're sacrificing another   piece and if you play something like queen e6 the  king goes to b8 and now you don't have a check   and as long as black escapes the checks here black  should be winning black will bring the rogues and   win the game instead hikara played king e8 and  in this position magnus is not trying to take   the knight he's actually trying to give checks  forcing the king out this way a repetition and   we thought that this was it we thought we were  going to get a draw until hikaro played the move   king f5 with a minute on the clock completely  insane game and magnus takes the knight on d5   super computer here was showing some ridiculous  forcing draw variations i'm not even gonna   kill your time getting into them uh but ceci  obviously is the engine that everybody watches   uh was saying that if you take the knight in this  position you can somehow take the pawn and bring   the rook and between the combination of those two  moves this king will never find shelter because   the king needs to really hide in the corner and  it can't and in the game itself magnus didn't   take or play rookie one he played a check because  that seems natural the queen attacking the king   but ikaru found a way to hide the king behind  the pieces activate both rooks and it was in this   position that's magnus carlson resigned because  he's simply out of resources once the rook is   activated along with the connected uh with the  pawn on b2 things are looking good for magnus and   an easy win for kikaro taking a one-nothing lead  again winning with the black pieces it seemed like   he was on top of the world and he was cruising  to a victory in the second game nothing happened   literally nothing happened it was a spanish by  hikaru magnus switching it up yesterday from a   sicilian going for a berlin defense now here  you can play the anti-berlin with d3 a lot of   the beginning spanish players you can also just  play knight c3 you can just play the four knights   uh but hikaru enters the berlin and here the  main line berlin defense is dc6 uh bishop c6 dc6   and and this position so this is the mainline  berlin defense surveyed many times originally   really between kasparov and kramnik in the world  championship match but recently with everybody i   mean everybody's playing these systems and there's  different setups instead hikaru plays de5 and for   a temporary sacrifice of the bishop yes a4 and  this is a pretty well known draw uh knight d4   d5 on passant knight takes d4 and i know some of  these moves are weird like levy why don't they   play rookie one check while this knight goes back  so this is actually a very common repetition of   moves very common repetition of moves and hikaru  played it instantly whether or not he was prepared   for the berlin defense doesn't really matter  i hypothesized this during the live commentary   i said that he seems very confident with his black  repertoire he doesn't have any problems with the   black pieces and if he gets draws with white good  positions with black where he's playing for a win   let it be so in the third game hikaru has the  black pieces and now magnus tries in english so   a very early central strike on d5 very common two  pawns and i mean players developing their pieces   right here we already have our first interesting  moment queen c2 rather than moving a knight or   a bishop magnus wants to put the rook on d1  line it up to this queen and play the move d4   and early d4 that's exactly what he does uh  hikaru sets up and magnus plays the move d4   car it takes and it looks like he has very good  control of the position here now here the engine   was suggesting bishop e3 walking into this fork  uh lining up the rook and potentially knight d4   there was one variation that could happen  with pawn takes bishop actually take queen   check king f2 and rook d7 so black gets a rook  a dark squared bishop and one pawn for a queen   and the position is kind of in the balance very  very interesting position black has more pieces   white has the queen but that is something that  could have happened instead magnus played bishop   b2 and here hikaru found a beautiful idea first  things first hits the queen queen backs up and now   not allowing his opponent to take on his terms  magnus wants to make this trade at some point   and have the open rook so hikaru gives the pawn  back forcing this capture and now the rook is   blocked so he's making magnus take the pawn back  on a different term and plays bishop h3 bishop   h1 now at this point apparently because of the  opposite side castling and the good positioning   of the bishop it was necessary to begin active  operations with the h-pawn launching some sort   of attack before magnus gets settled because in  a perfect world magnus gets rid of both of these   pieces uses his open c file his d-file and his  bishop on the diagonal and gets a good position   well that's kind of what happens bishop g4 d4  bishop b4 and a capture on c3 followed by knight   takes d5 so magnus gives away his d-pawn but he  does it to have bishops very very powerful bishops   and the d and the c files to operate on and so  we get queen c4 bishop e6 and knight d4 now at   this point if you weren't following either  of the broadcasts uh you would you wouldn't   know this so i'm going to tell it to you right  now at this point something was going on with   hikaru's webcam uh it was flickering on and off  uh and there was a penalty a substantial fine   uh according to the contract that he could be  paid for getting off his webcam and so he was   they were they were prompting him to  find a way to turn the webcam back on   uh and obviously that is you know at the critical  moment of the game uh when things are heating up   and getting intense that kind of sucks to have  it happen uh and actually right around here   uh the only blunder of hikaru's first six  or seven games occurs and it is bishop to   f7 and so after knight c6 queen c6 queen g4 check  this little geometric motif hitting the pawn and   the king and now magnus doesn't even take the  extra pawn because that would open up the h file   magnus gets back consolidates and i think right  here is the next instructive moment he trades both   rooks he just gets the rooks off the board and  he's got queen two bishops versus queen bishop   knight but the big thing is this broken pawn  structure if you can win one of these pawns   with this open king and yours is very safe you're  gonna be happy and you're going to win a nice game   and that's exactly what happens so watch as  he keeps up the pressure bishop back constant   looming threat of the queen not to mention bishop  takes f6 could be a threat in the future with the   queen coming in on the fork right now it does  not work but that is something to keep an eye on   and actually right after a few more moves not  trading the queens here it happens bishop takes f6   and now if you take i've got queen f4 check  and i'm going to regain the piece that was   just sacrificed with a winning position here  hikaru went for an another king run it was it   was a day of king runs for hikaru as he gets the  king to a4 but unfortunately it was not enough   magnus gives away the pawn on a3 consolidating  the queen side he's not letting hikaru take   and the decisive factor here is going to be the  three on one which very quickly became a three on   none as uh magnus picked up the pawn and the three  versus the b-pawn very easily winning by playing   in such a fashion that the queen comes back to a  square where it covers the only pawn that is weak   and this pawn has a golden ticket to promote queen  e2 stops and no it does not queen on c5 covers   h6 h7 and for a moment you stop this pawn  but after the check there is nothing and   hikaru resigned because after king b2 queen a8  you cannot stop the pawn and you cannot give   a check on this diagonal so that is the end of  the game not the end of the match it is one and   a half one and a half but in the fourth game also  nothing happened we got the exact same repetition   literally and at this point hikaru had mentioned  that he was obviously pretty frustrated with   what had happened with the webcam issue at the  same time he needed that time to just kind of   recover from all of it two to two let's play  a blitz game and in the first blitz game   it was magnus with the white pieces and  another queen's gambit declined with bishop g5   uh things kind of slowed down early on a lot  of pieces were traded very quickly so i think   i'll pick things up right around here black  has an extra pawn but he also has a pawn on   e5 which controls some squares but could be a  weakness in the future if you're not careful   and so magnus tries to play around this pawn for a  while not winning it back right away hikaru trades   off this bishop very instructive just trying to  solidify the position and magnus finally takes   but hikaru has a super solid structure and a nice  knight on d6 now if you're looking to put some   pressure on your opponent here you should look  at the space advantage on the king side and start   some sort of attack and that's exactly what magnus  does so he plays f4 takes and plays f5 but here   hikaru finds a gorgeous resource that makes the  game a dead draw queen c5 takes on e6 takes on e6   rook c1 it looks like you are winning because  the queen is hit if you move the queen here   there is a fork excuse me there is a fork and  if you move the queen to e7 there is also a fork   so you can pause here take a look at the  position i'll take a sip of water how does   hikaru stabilize the position use the concept  that i mentioned earlier danger levels you don't   need to stop the threat on your queen if you can  provide equal or higher danger to your opponent correct that move is knight to f6 a gorgeous  move because even though you can take i   will then take your knight i now have two  attacks if you take me here i take you here   this is under attack this is under attack not a  good situation and so the players traded off into   an endgame hikaru found another very accurate  move not just taking back and giving this pawn   away but rather moving the rook out of danger  to defend and even though magnus gets to hang   on to that g7 pawn the rook jumps in and the  end game transforms into one that features this   two on one i know i went through that very quickly  but the moves are not super important what's   important is that you understand that king and one  and a rook versus king and two and a rook on the   same side especially when the defensive side is  so active and cutting off the king is a draw the   rest of the game was about 30 moves long but this  is not a separate endgame video maybe i will make   that later but this game was drawn and so hikaru  had the white pieces in the final round and it was   another berlin defense but this time hikaru took  on c6 and in trading off his light squad bishop   restructures his pawn structure in such a way that  he's got a bunch of pawns on the light squares   okay so trade off your light squad  bishop pawns on the light squares   excuse me and both players castle queen side  pretty stable position now both players follow   the rule of tucking their king over one square  when you castle queen side and here hikaru tries   to open the position and go for something so far  the position is in the balance a big pawn trade   and now he gets his rook once he gets the rook  here the rook doesn't just have pressure on   this file he also has pressure on potentially  swinging over this way and hitting the a7 pawn   but magnus immediately trades off the active  knight and trades off a pawn opens up a file for   his rook and this game did not go that much longer  actually he plays queen e7 sidestepping the pin   ikaro plays a devilish move queen a4 which sets up  a potential discovered attack in just a few turns   this rook can go to e4 or even take on d6  in devastating fashion so magnus plays b6   to block out this bishop ikaro jumps into c6 and  magnus plays a very straightforward move bishop e5   and here during the broadcast i was very  perplexed because i just thought you go   captures captures captures captures and then it's  just equal i mean maybe you play king c2 i don't   know like it's the queen does not have an entrance  point and the players just shake hands and we go   to armageddon but then hikora played rook d7 which  i like for a second i thought was a mouse slip   uh because after rook takes rook takes it looks  like you're pressuring but the black queen jumps   out to b4 and there's a maid and there is this  and even though you can't go rook h1 because of   the queen all of this is a is a possibility and  not to mention these two moves and actually the   defense fell apart very quickly here hikaru  played bishop d4 and if you take of course   you are the one to get mated because again this  bishop is covering c7 but magnus played bishop d6   hikaru backed up to e4 to cover queenie one and  here there's a gorgeous move that ends that ends   the mini match you can try to pause and find it  five four three two one and that move is queen a4   and after queen a4 with the threat of the rook  and d1 checkmate yukari resigned and it was   magnus carlsen who struck back today to even the  match at one to one now it is the best of five   hopefully this catches you up to date uh with  all of uh all of the the drama and the games   and all this exciting stuff this is the this is  a heavyweight clash that we've all anticipated   if you've made it this far as always drop  me a comment uh give the video a thumbs up   if you enjoyed it share it with a friend a lot of  useful links for all of you in the description if   you enjoy how i present there are openings courses  there is a discord almost 5 000 people the number   just keeps on growing two videos are gonna  appear over there and that's it tomorrow 10am   eastern as always myself and anna rudolph over on  twitch for the live broadcast take care everybody
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,139,485
Rating: 4.9409485 out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, Pogchamps, magnus carlsen tour, gm hikaru, Hikaru Nakamura, Hikaru coaches Pogchamps, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, chess tournament, chess game play, master chess moves, Magnus Carlsen Tour Finals, hikaru nakamura, youtube chess, chess tour finals, magnus, magnus vs hikaru, hikaru magnus, magnus hikaru, tour finals, magnus carlsen finals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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