My Only Game vs. Magnus Carlsen

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in just about every single live stream that i  do i get asked a very popular question gotham   why are you so trash at chess and the second  most popular question that i get is have you ever   played magnus carlson and that's what this video  is all about i have once it was 2018 and i wasn't   even gotham just yet the first username that i had  ever come up with was crew 64 because i thought my   friends and i were going to be streaming together  we were going to be a crew playing on 64 squares   it's a terrible name uh and we're not here to make  fun of it but i did get a chance to play against   magnus and it was in the leaches titled arena it's  a bullet tournament uh and i played against him in   a one plus zero format obviously given the fact  that it's bullet it's not going to be the most   perfect game ever played but it's close okay let's  look magnus started out with knight to f3 by the   way he's on his fabled dr drunkenstein account  i played f5 um i enjoyed the dutch defense and   i really enjoyed the setups after f5 knight f6 g6  bishop g7 and castles like you'll see in this game   now the the good thing about this setup for  white is here white doesn't have to go for d4   white can play d3 and e4 even going for an e4  right away this is called listen gambit that's   why i like making these videos because even though  we're looking at a game against magnus i can still   give you nuggets of information here and there  f5 is a very dangerous move magnus plays e3 and   we just get a very normal developing position the  reason one would play the dutch defense against d4   is that it's kind of like a king's indian and your  f-pawn is very advanced so you kind of have wing   control of the center and if this pawn ever moves  you'll have an open f file which will be useful   for an attack so c4 i do my thing i played e6 play  e6 to be a little bit more flexible uh it's a bit   of an offbeat move maybe queen e7 slowly building  for the center magnus doesn't let me do that and   he plays the very principled move e4 i take on e4  knight takes e4 take take and i strike back in the   center with d5 so here you know if magnus takes  which is what he did in the game uh the the pawn   structure is completely fine for me and my center  is actually very solid magnus shouldn't take   retroactively looking at this game um i'm kind  of surprised that he did of course his best   move is probably just to move the bishop back and  that's his best move because he's not opening up   my diagonal for my bishop the way he played it in  the game he actually helped me develop my pieces   had he played bishop back it's a lot harder for  me to move it's a lot harder for me to push and   i'm not really sure what i would have done i mean  i'm not losing i would probably go knight c6 and   try to build for this but uh he decided to take  and then bishop back to d3 and of course i played   the very natural move now bishop g4 pinning his  knight and i'm threatening to take it and damage   his structure so magnus played bishop e2 he didn't  let me do that and knight c6 just finishing my   development kind of a cool positional idea here  for you um you guys often ask me like when to   trade bishops for nights and these kinds of things  and it's tough to always know the answer to that   in this particular position had i taken on f3  and he taken back there is one and only one   move in this position which is like very good for  black and it's in response to this it's basically   negating the effect of the bishop and it's pawn c6  this is the best move for black because you build   this light squared pawn chain into this light  squared bishop and this is sometimes called to   biting on granite for a bishop because the bishop  now can't break through this pawn meanwhile is   isolated and i can play queen b6 for example  and it will be difficult it'll be just tough   to defend that pawn this knight will go like this  it will slowly get its way into the game i didn't   do that i played knight c6 magnus played bishop e3  i played like this and connected my rooks put them   both facing his position i played queen b3 this  is a good move he's attacking d5 he's attacking b7   um and i realized here that if i take his knight  and take on d4 that i'm doing pretty well bishop   f3 bishop f3 and knight takes d4 if he takes  with check that's not really scary i mean he's   the world champion but i'm i think i'm capable of  finding king to h8 um same if with if queen d5 but   one thing that i had missed during the game which  i realized actually he missed the two is that   even though he's looking straight at this it's  it's a lot better for him not to take that pawn   actually it's much better for him to take this one  because he still maintains pressure on this and   it's incredibly challenging for me to guard my d5  pawn i can't go c6 because he'll take my queen um   and then if i play something completely ridiculous  but rookie five for example defending this   he comes in and and and i'm gonna die uh it's  it's not gonna be very good he's just going to   destroy me here um so queen d7 would have  been very good he would have just won a pawn   uh but in the game he took on d5 and of course  i was like okay well i'll take this position   i know i have vision on f2 with my bishop very  equal game so far what's magnus gonna play   which one which one of my pawns are gonna take  magnus took on c7 and here i realized something   i realized something yes i can take on b2 right i  can take on b2 and i can also take on f2 actually   why well if bishop takes f2 he cannot take with  the rook because rookie won't check and it's going   to be mate does that mean i play bishop takes f2  no because if bishop takes f2 does he have to take   no he'll just go king h1 game goes on i mean  it's not a bad move but the game goes on   a much more forcing move something that i found in  the game was the reverse move order rook takes f2   which i think magnus overlooked well i mean i'm  assuming he overlooked it and wouldn't just let   me play it if he saw it now the situation  is very different because after rook takes   that's maiden one and king h1 here is met  with rook takes rook mate and any rook move   is a discovered attack on the king it was at this  point that i realized i am beating magnus carlsen   i'm winning i have 30 seconds on the clock  and he is like 37 but i'm winning this game   so naturally i started panicking because that's  what happens when you play against really good   players at least for me i started panicking  magnus played rook c4 hitting my bishop   now here i played rook f4 check hitting his king  if he goes here i go here he obviously cannot take   and i made him sacrifice the material however  a better move and actually a nice lesson here   which i would have never seen in the game  is staying patient he attacks my bishop so   i can actually move my bishop back to b6 and  this is still a devastating threat if magnus   plays rook to b4 here trying to attack my bishop  again with the same idea looking to sacrifice   rook e f 8 is so brutal so brutal so if he takes  the point is if rook takes b6 now i take there   and it's mate but if this look at this bishop  takes f2 if king f1 of course we move the bishop   to attack the rook and its discovered attack on  the king and we win material but even if king 2h1   there is bishop e1 or bishop c5 hitting the rook  and backrank mate i'm not showing this because   i should have seen it i'm showing it because it  shows you the beauty of the game sometimes it's   worth staying patient sometimes it's worth staying  patient in the game i was like a kid in an arcade   i like found a bunch of tickets and i was  like yes yes yes oh my god i'm winning   so rook b4 going here and now keep in mind that  the rest of the game i have about 25 seconds and   my heart rate is probably like 170. so magnus goes  bishop d5 defending his a2 pawn and here um after   he plays h3 i play a move which in astounding  fashion completely gives away my advantage   i play rookie 2 which is a move that literally  does nothing because that's protected and that's   protected my rook is attacking nothing and now  magnus defends by going check check defended by   the bishop and winning my a7 pawn now my winning  chances have dropped significantly because despite   having two rooks this is not a really winning  endgame everything is well protected and he   can just put his bishop back to one of those  squares so what i should have done instead   which again there was no way i would have seen  this rook d8 and the bishop has to make a choice   which pawn will it guard so if he goes like  bishop c4 for example now i play rook d2   and it's a very different story so kind of an  interesting idea there rook d8 and the bishop   cannot stay on the square if it tries to stay on  the square with rook d1 i can play rook to b5 i   can also actually just take because then i would  be winning the rook and rook and pass pawn versus   bishop is always gonna be a win you will just push  the pun so i didn't see that and that's why i'm   showing you this game i played rookie two he won  my pawn and again i'm low on time so what did i   start doing i started just shuffling pieces back  and forth because i didn't really know what to do   then my brain reactivated a few moves down  the line around here and i realized that   i could actually still play for a win if i  play aggressively with my pawns if i somehow   push these pawns into his king with my two rooks  monitoring on this side of the board and actually   immediately as i did that magnus blundered it is  bullet but it is a blunder and what i should have   played here rather than going back and being  safe as i actually should have went forward so   now i'm threatening something i'm not threatening  this but i'm actually threatening rook takes h3   because he can't take me and if he plays something  like bishop d7 maintaining well then i play rook   g3 you see activity of the king in these end games  is super important as long as the king is safe   so this would have been completely winning for me  but i didn't see that um and you know if he again   if he like goes this way i would push my pawn down  and try to lock his king on the back rank i played   king h6 and then uh we shuffled and well i went  king f4 and my logic with king f4 i set a trap   for magnus bishop takes g6 i go rook a a2 and he  cannot protect the pawn that was my trap but uh   he's he's the world champ so he said  a counter trap he played bishop f3   and i was like oh magnus carlson hung a  bishop and as i played that move thinking this   i realized always look for checks and rook f6  check comes and all of a sudden i'm down upon   it's still a draw because i'm actually going to  win this pawn but the rest of the game is kind of   a tragedy as magnus slowly runs my clock to zero  we're shuffling we're shuffling he hangs upon   i hang upon and i'm desperately looking not to  lose on time but on this tragic tragic move rook   a6 my clock ran out to zero and magnus carlson  defeated me in the only game we ever played   this end game is still a draw because after  rook a3 check king g2 his king can never   cross this area if his king walks all the way  over here i will just win his pawn and my king   meanwhile just kind of hangs out so this is  just this is for example if like i don't know   king f7 for example um he will push his pawn and  he's able to create winning chances for himself   um but if i bring my rook back like let's say  rook c3 he'll play a5 for example uh i can give   a check come back rook here and just annoy his  king forever um and i should have enough i should   have enough opportunity to draw the game because  his rook has to stay guarding this pawn from the   other side um but there is there there is still a  ways to go i mean there's a lot of ways to still   lose this endgame because again his plan is going  to be put this rook on a8 and push this pawn all   the way down make sure that his king can then walk  over etc etc but um you know in a classical game   i can't promise i would have drawn it but  just so you guys understand that that is   this is how you would play this end game i did say  at the beginning that we were going to analyze a   bullet game potentially beyond any level that it  ever has to be analyzed it is bullet after all but   well i can safely say that in the one game i ever  played against magnus carlsen he never actually   had a winning position against me so yeah i  haven't had a chance to play him since ever since   then um i mostly started when i was streaming  i started streaming on leeches because they   they they have a home page embed for streamers um  but i partnered with because long term   they have a much bigger streamer program it's a  important question i get asked this a lot like why   don't you play i'm i'm perfectly okay with with  both websites um i just play on because   that's you know that's what you  do you you sign an agreement and   you exchange benefits so they have a much bigger  streamer program they've given me opportunities   to do like commentary on events and so on and  when i'm streaming you get embed and things   of that nature i've made a course on so  hopefully that answers some questions that you may   or may not have had and hopefully you enjoyed this  video um maybe i'll make some more like this in   the future if i ever get a chance to play magnus  again but for now i will see you in the next one
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 2,688,485
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, magnus carlsen, magnus, magnus vs hikaru, magnus lichess, magnus bullet, magnus carlsen titled arena, magnus carlsen loses, magnus carlsen interview, magnus carlsen best game, magnus carlsen vs hikaru nakamura, magnus carlsen vs andrew tang, magnus carlsen blitz, dutch defense, dutch defense chess, bullet chess
Id: Hfgfkjj0ZpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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