Hikaru and Levy let their subs battle it out

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
mmm funny move but actually a good one probably  it is yeah honestly for this level with a minute   on the clock thousands of people oh yes no  like a friendly bounty on the event what's   that something small you know like ten thousand  subs or some that's an awful lot of pressure I   would take that bet though cuz I think my  team is better I'm sorry I would not take   that bet because I probably can't pay you  that amount but um yeah it's uh you know   we could do something like you know 20 subs or  something I feel like that sure yeah yeah yeah   20 is fine yeah ooh we're off here we go so  I've actually never seen agent JL play play   online before play like blitz before so I'm kind  of curious you only seen him play bullet well I   haven't really seen his game as much he's play  I've played him like once or twice but not not   that much okay so what is his London opening  one in system yeah that now I wonder if he's   gonna go for this this modern thing with c5  right where they go 19 what is that is that   is that a move I don't think that is normally  I yeah I don't know what 1/6 does out of Syria   okay night I mean all very very sweet 7  + e5 I I'm a little bit confused though yeah bishop okay isn't like is-95 a good move  here is is is night to ask where i didn't just   say out loud a good move here i think it's the  best move now well now he can't play it now he   plays it he's a stream sniper he can't play that  murder nobody's true this is true but he doesn't   play that move then he's actually worse so  it's like it's the cash twenty win alright   we patiently await yeah the the general rule  guys if Black gets to play East sixty five in   the London you you've screwed up yep ok hopefully  he's just a good player he's way 350 of court he   could definitely do that yeah which way would you  Castle your life I mean if I was white I probably   tried to go short objectively but it's I mean  it's not easy cuz obviously both sides have a   lot of play here this is like the this is not  a he's not setting a good example for the the   amateur players in the chat you know oh now he's  setting a good example yeah that's a very good   move was a I guess questions which way is white  castling the king is still not really clear if   you're going short you're going long what you're  doing exactly yeah I've been a advocating for a   lot of long castles or just delay castling  London's because a lot of people play this   London system and just kind of autoplay the moves  and you don't always have to castle you can wait   for black to castle page through whoa big booth  20 get good things from a cafe oh is that is that   equaling the way sure somebody says somebody else  I saw in my chat was like winner will get 20 so   Oh 20 and 20 in both thank you but no one's won  yet are we both winners is that what that means   that means nobody's gonna end up short I guess oh  that's very kind that's very kind all right you   guys you guys got to step it up to we're only in  Game one but we've got 11 exciting games for you   uh what is black doing I think it's a reasonable  move actually trying to develop the bishop I mean   cuz 96 you just moved the Queen back to anything  if a yeah so I think it's it's actually okay but   it does look very strange I mean it looks a  little bit strange here yeah the most natural   move guys that we're talking about is jumping  the night in I mean white and sees that okay   but he didn't capitalize I think Knight to c4  is actually extremely strong for White Knight   d2 to c4 um because that would have been hitting  the bishop on d6 and you couldn't capture because   on the rook would hang on hey so now I mean of  course black was there should be seven eight now   all these ideas like 94 no longer work but h5  is who I see what why is trying to do here oh   yeah this is uh this is like some advanced London  this is a no castling kind of situation and well I   think white is just clearly better Wright I mean  there's yeah white is much better cuz there's a   very specific move that I think Y can play here  that um that both players probably a missed I eat   wasn't that was it yeah it is because the points  by pushing a pawn to h5 there's no Knight h5 to   fork the Queen in the bishop um and protect  the pawn so I'm getting the pawn here there's   no longer this idea it's the rift guards and now  the Queen's on a really nice diagonal towards um   towards g7 yeah that's a very annoying move  white is playing this masterfully it's like   you guys in the chat who play the London this is  this is really quite something Oh shout out to uh   Thank You llama hurt you guys are coming just in  time it's uh sticky karube Hikaru introduction to   sub battles you know he's got this this army of  chest talent and we're putting them to the test   today with 11 versus 11 when we're starting  out with the best players Hikari you've got   a bit of a rating mismatch on board one there  but I think it's because my guys peak rating is   twenty five ninety so both of these guys are like  2600 blitz players they're just way off their peak Oh what is this are you not happy with the  selection of the teams yeah this is not a   good position but your your your player is  using too much time now we uh we we try to   be as vetted as possible by the way let me let me  double-check this no there's no way that White's   winning here but it's just it's it's kind of  ugly Oh what was that was that was the face you   were making for the for the rating imbalance  or for the position no for the position white   with more after council's long okay you see  cuz the white missed it so now it's game on   again there all kinds of ideas for black so I  think it's unclear okay got it cuz I'm pretty   sure yeah like you see guys this is a really  weird situation because the guy playing with   the black pieces is 24 64 blitz but his peak  which he somehow accomplished some month ago   is 200 points higher I don't know what these  bums are doing let's go guys come on so he was   better than you obvious what you're saying right  I close not yet not yet also I just wanna I just   want to throw in that's not always a good goal to  have being better than me doesn't mean much okay in fact I feel like if that's like  a goal it's like don't you shoot   you shoot higher than that come  on do better right right right oh man this is a high-rise there's a  trick night g6 actually white could   have gone 96 yes yeah why does but  now I thought even better so it's   all good white is like playing well and  missing wait how do they both have pen   how do they both like 20 seconds lot and  they're they like to think like Grisha it's the only explanation okay now now you guys are gonna see both both  players on leash so as we've been saying these are   both you know talented youth players and so they  prefer to have no time with their clock alright so   so what happened Dominic's positional changes why  still do okay both players have ten seconds okay five men this is this is tense going for the Queen trade and there it is Sita now  night back hits the pawn mm-hmm yeah I think the I   think these dudes just really wanted less than  ten seconds on the clock I guess yeah but but   it's very complicated blacks a little bit better  here yeah because I think he got this central   structure which is now nice yes we we uh as we  got to start using efore a little bit more with   our white pieces oh oh dear did you see he like  threw that he like moved it up he let it happen   I mean maybe maybe he just slipped it I don't  know but yeah now it's now I think it's gonna   lose night night somewhere bishop pawn very open  king - right so pretty ugly oh man you you almost   won lovey it's okay it's only it's only 20 subs  I'll let you out for ten now if you want no no no   no it's just one game I I trust I trust I don't  know who I trust all right I trust I trust my   team I trust the openings that I've taught them  alright it's 1 to 0 so I'll edit the scoreboard   so you guys have the first guy in green we get  the first guy in red and now coulomb 2007 for   your team to start place the white pieces and two  random for us we'll get the black pieces right so   we need to cut alternate the colors let's just  follow mm-hmm nope there we go all right there   they're flying there there it was playing proper  just proper just like me he's on my team right   uh no your players man yeah but I mean he's  playing like I please playing good shots good   stuff that mix-up would you have played Bishop  d3 yeah I would have been just council King yeah we should be very nice okay he's been watching  the keycard streams now at a certain moment   he'll take on c5 will play c4 already he'll go  Queenie to an e4 mm-hmm I've been watching it   it's it's fun to watch these Knight of 3d three  things then I try to play them myself and and   then you lose yeah then I lose yes okay it's  pawn to e4 next move white is doing really well   to bishops although he 5 is a very good move  by 2r and I'm very very good move now he's got   so when white plays d4 himself black is gonna  go d4 or black is gonna keep the tension with   something like Bishop g4 so um I don't know I  mean both moves are playable I'm not actually   sure what the right move is cuz Bishop g4 has  its heavens merits - probably d4 would be my   guess but I don't know for sure it does go for it  well white would love to break up the center but   it's kind of difficult to play something like  c3 because like doesn't have to do anything I lost my co-host oh good stream whites play I  guess just kicked hikaru out I think I feel uh   all right what happened just d4 yeah white is  completely flabbergasted by this key card oh he   was waiting for your next instruction but you  left yeah my next instruction instruction was   probably I don't know I don't I don't know if I  like c3 I thought III beat four makes a little   bit more sense but but both moves are both moves  are fine right there there there is c3 the thing   is would this move everybody is that I mean black  can't take on c3 and everything is fine but don't   really have to do that you can play some other  moves I have a move in mind that I'm not gonna   say cuz mm-hmm well well I mean you can take you  may move the 9 th 5 Bishop c4 water moves work   d8 is reasonable - yeah exactly rope d8 and it's  something into the world but it's it's unpleasant   yeah I mean I think right now it's pretty balanced  I mean both sides have their have their advantages   here I think black if he can activate this light  square bishop or move the knight should be doing   pretty well uh Queen e7 not move what does I guess  that defends the bishop beyond that what moves   out of the pin on the C file most importantly  there's no longer that pin so you can capture   with the night in the bishop and your queen is  no longer hanging on c7 huh you don't seem very   happy with the position lovey no I thought I would  have I would have gone for something with Knight   h5 but it's okay it's okay at least I'll I like  the 30-second time advantage but yes I you guys   are saying is 2007 White's the year that the guy  playing with white piece does run I do believe so   I actually think the first four players are all 16  or under so they're all very strong youth players   so yeah I mean then again all the rest is like  also sixteen right through by the way charlie   different League of chat won't work we're not  we're not in the EU so I have no I have no mail   then we will start getting good I have no mail I  have no mail here only only catsup sorry dollar   amateur players who this I don't like you should  play Knight takes and Bishop takes yeah cuz now   he living quick question sorry for the station  break do you eat french fries with mayonnaise oh   I would eat them with spicy mayo chipotle mayo  but I would not eat them with mayo otherwise no   very disappointing very disappointed there's  no words as in it's bad that I would eat them   with the spicy mayo or I would or which way is it  disappointing it's badly you eat with spicy mayo   and that's bad that you would you would not eat  it with a normal male french fries the spicy mayo   sounds really gross to me I don't know I I I'm  only like a chipotle mayo guy like it it has to   be spicy otherwise I mean it's the only spice like  an easy car I'm like a I'm a very very traditional   Caucasian male so I don't right but why do you  say spicy mayo I just said mayonnaise like regular   regular mayonnaise not smite though I know the  regular Mayo like only belongs on a sandwich right   no it belongs on french fries well we can agree  to disagree levy I thought I thought you grew   up in Europe I grew up in in not always are you  hint actually with all the with quite a few other   Russian sign no sorry sorry yeah yeah I'm not very  I'm not very unique I know Yeah right right no no   I'm not one of these you know grew up in Finland  Nobel laureate right I bet she would say that she   she likes Ron friends Mayo she's probably more  cultured than you all I'm gonna say about that   is she said that McDonald's has the best burgers  and she likes her steaks well done and at that   point the broadcast almost ended yeah I've heard  but yeah that was a rough day when she said that   McDonald's has the best but yeah that is actually  pretty difficult I agree all right this reminds me   of commentary on chesil masters where about 20%  of the commentary was on the actual games where   did where did the dark square bishop go where I  go some attack something I guess White's act in   exchange to go 94 Knight f6 a very skeptical  though but I don't like night before isn't   this just losing for black no I thought I thought  Queen e7 was probably just much better for block   to office exchange inside losing with correct play  probably I don't think that was correct play yeah   and not 94 is GG the pond yeah you take any fun  hahaha a move too late on the stream sniped buddy   yeah okay but still it's you know it's tricky with  oh but he also has seven seconds so yeah I feel   pretty complicated but Queen something's a great  move now because you throw it in the Queen and now   the bishop hangs right yeah now block wins yeah  black just oh man this is sorry take take the what   what oh yeah oh my god oh god oh my oh my no we  want to take the pawn with the bishop oh man okay   yeah I don't know what happen here hey alright  I'm so scared black you win here I'm so scared what that move hangs everything  that's it that's a quick you're   gonna get a win lovey there's a back  ranker Oh back rank back right Oh 23:07 by the way oh my oh oh my god this is like  looking at one of cheese games oh my gosh I can't   believe you said that oh man all right we get  the win we get the win we won one yeah nice we   we did it that was that was rough but thank you  for providing quality entertainment coulomb your   check will be in the mail for the throw very much  appreciated buddy all right z0 and go cool get in   get into life chess we will follow you ZZ whoa  we'll have whatever he'll have the white pieces   so disappointing because my coulomb could have  won that game on several occasions he spiked   at 94 yeah 94 906 was just absolutely crushing  I think yeah exactly he went for the checkmate   threat I guess he I mean I'm sure he saw h5 but I  guess he thought that he still had something right   yeah true the the guy who who won that game  is is now in my chat celebrating and he got   a little feedback he said you should have taken  on b2 instead of hanging all of your pieces so   I Kings Indian defense ekari you're the Oracle  good understanding actually expected me a lot of   trouble in actual like sub games so he's very  talented he's strong Claire mm-hmm yeah these   consistent masters you know who watch our streams  I guess they they learn from I'm not I dare say he   doesn't learn from me but you know watching you  play for sure what what do you what do you want   is can you talk about this Bishop e2 Bishop g5  system what's good here so this is the close to   the box system black Norman can play 28 + 96 95  I think it's a combination of a beurre blanc and   and the Petrosian but like I would really like for  him to go Queenie 897 m h5 enough by Queenie 897   h5 I learned this when I was 9 years old this  guy better know it good so my stepfather still   taught me this like you playing 97 h5 bish beat  60 go Bishop e3 this is like ancient stuff that   I saw when I was very very young yeah the aren't  like this is something I never understood people   who who have this repertoire with the white  pieces and allowed this gigantic attack why   well because you can also attack on the Queen  side because I had a game against back row and   something like this where I got to go a 3 B 4  and C 5 and I just crushed from on the Queen   side so it goes it goes both ways I just feel  like a like master level it's difficult though   to conduct in it like a positional attack as  opposed to an attack on the King right because   all these pawns is true you know you're I  don't know you're supposed to like win the   game well well let's see what happens I don't  want to share against my own player but well   your player is white so you should be recording  yeah or you just you're just as masochist and   you wanted to suffer if you don't like his  opening no Kings Indian as you famously told   me I have to learn it so I feel like you don't  you don't fully grasp chess until you you wanna   is this this this is all part of like exactly  what you're supposed to Bishop h6 this is this   like mayo on French fries style sorry what it's  Bishop h6 like you know or is it or is it more   well done steak what do we know it's like me I  want prize because it's like the best thing ever okay and I've got some Kings Indian  players and the Chad got it alright hey Chet listen people I'm sure some folks in the  chat like to eat you know I'm sure some of y'all   dip bread into soda like I who knows what y'all  eat man what's your what's your favorite cuisine   people are you got the mirror or not you you yeah  like what you got to eat one meal you know your   favorite meal what is it I think it depends how  hungry I am if I'm not really hungry I can go for   sushi but like if I'm hungry sushi is terrible  because usually in order to get pull off sushi   need to order a lot and so like it depends leave  it I'm not super hungry sushi is great if I am   hungry I probably go for like a nice like Phillip  minion or something like like medium while not   well done of course like medium while I can I can  support that man boon of ish always goes for that   that late late night daily run to this to this  Japanese spot always gets their sushi mmm nice   little knife nice little snack I have been I've  been on a on a burrito bender Oh from I knew from   from Kuip Oatley or somewhere else no I don't  know we found like a local local Mexican spot   that's just absolutely delicious but I think I've  gained like five pounds oh yeah well Prabhas you   eat burritos like that's all you can eat because  they're just they're so happy it's like dyed white uh it's all felt good I usually do that  intentionally from time to time oh no of course   and then people get people get up in arms right  they get so triggered by it well it's just like   I said fill it minion as I'm sure you heard yeah  as we know this is unpleasant 4zz whoa I think he   maybe it's still okay with King h1 in Bishop's  u1 but yeah the the attack for black is much   much easier than than it is for white to define  I optically speaking do not like that move yeah   I think it's very dangerous now a pawn to g3 pawn  to f3 but there is no immediate checkmate at the   same time so it's not that looks like you know you  see guys like it's it's sort of exactly what I was   saying it's a it's a nightmare situation for the  guy with the white pieces he's down 23 seconds to   a minute and 50 and the game it seems to be very  much getting away from him in fact I'm pretty sure   black is winning on the spot that is not what  I thought but that's still a very good I don't   know I don't think black is winning on the spot I  acted the eval bar on and the bar spiked the other   way after oh wow I thought of three I thought  I have three no but I couldn't just see after I   thought I have three after Bishop d3 it's probably  it's probably winning for winning for black but   it's not so easy to play wait what I like won by  resignation oh well that was unnecessary because   you can still move the bishop acts like II won  even and why should be doing very well I don't   I don't understand why he did this doesn't make  any sense to me it seems like a weird decision   to resign there so it wasn't that bad it was not  that bad at all guys you know you have increment   like it's not five seconds and it's over it's you  you can keep playing yeah that was very strange   I didn't understand why he resigned there that  he had plenty of time to think and come up with   better moves so I thought was just I was kind of  weird five see I mean like he had five cents on   the clock but he could see you could still think  for quite a bit I think like to stinkpot think for   like two seconds every move he cards it was that  a paid actor from the hikaru camp because that   guy sucked like 30 minutes before the show who  dumb yeah he really pushed the play I just really   wanted to play and I laugh at it no no my guy is  easy whoa I don't know about people walking here   your channel lobby but I I mean I don't usually  like encourage people go over there and sub so   I I don't I doubt I doubt all right all right  I'm think we're ready for the next one yes I'm   sort of I'm sort of bummed oh they're already  playing stuff okay this I don't like by Aquila   seed he blundered already was supposed to go d4  and then c4 he played h3 yeah I was playing this   recently against Robert hope anisia and some  blood schemes and it went when white gets like   T 4 and C 4 it gets the pawns rolling it can be  pretty unpleasant when you get this setup block   is usually doing really really well here yeah  sorry guys it was there there were there were   some demands made for for an evil bar in my chat  but if I do that the entire overlay will be scuffs   so we are just going to play through the game um  okay I mean Matt's a position I don't know who's   kind of like more here well I can take with  the pawn and move the knight and go up five yeah blacks playoff five here in black  something pretty well actually like for   Bishop d6 followed by f5 black King as much  safer right behind these pawns definitely   definitely it feels that way ops aside castling  everybody looking at some pawn storms I think   if black plays this correctly he should have  a much faster attack correct Queen f3 Wow okay   what is there to think about oh I don't like  that move that's slow yeah I mean I don't like   that move ah I mean to you guys who paid you  what is this why you opening the attack you   castled that way that's like canceling that  way driving your own car through your own   wall what are you doing the B files Oh what  is c4 oh my yeah that is a terrible move of   course now you can go like cheats it's not  five white no longer can push a pawn to   the center rook e1 maybe I guess but still I  like blacks position a lot here I wow wow wow that okay that that is that rook move is  very tricky though and so he gets out of   the way if fauna5 we're gonna be played what  I was setting up this Bishop captures the   pawn so I guess it worked p7 King b7 King c7  block is okay but f5 is coming very fast here   for block so I think block is doing pretty  well in this position I would I would much   rather be block with you white here yeah there  there we go man five that's a very good move all right now blacks got to figure  out exactly how he's gonna do this Wow this is a it's a very nice rotation out to a  four though well yeah but black can also try to   go for track make here I yes I wasn't I wasn't  saying too much but wow it's a great move that   is actually that is a that is a fantastic move  Wow okay so Queen here so I see you guys saying   sniper but no when neither one of us said that  move no I thought he six I ain't say working   for yeah exactly like rookie fours okie for is  is very very clever well now obviously you've   got this diagonal to work with I don't like why  is my team so slow guys well they're just there   yeah they like to think I'd like to take their  time it's actually a good thing if you want to   be good at chess long-term you should you should  play more slow chosen but not resigned when you   when your time get slow right I feel like crew  yeah so okay rook have four attack the Queen now   the Queen moves over and it's not so clear would  lack accomplished yeah I mean because the problem   is now waste White's running checkmate also their  pawn push in the center as well it's kind of an   upsetting move to have to make right but it  does stop to check me no no oh that's bad Oh so someone at chats a Maintenon now that was  accurate on White's last move Queen b3 was   setting up mate that's why black played Bishop  back so the Queen covers the pawn this is not   this is not good rookie four was played  okay oh it was probably create checkmate tense moment here yeah this is very kind I  mean someone's the game the next like two or   three moves the problem is that the white  is one who is all behind that's the party   involvement I see it yeah exactly I think I  think black had a good position but because   he spent so much time now the tables turn and  you've got twenty five seconds to defend it's   not yeah it's very difficult somebody's saying  I don't understand where these moves are about   it's it's it's it's very tough to tell optically  speaking but you know he car and I kind of seeing   the fact that the position has been slowly  trending away from black having an attack Wow that would lose its fine but oh my god just  take the damn brook and take the damn pond take   the right yeah you can take all the ponds here  yeah oh my good god keep thinking - keep thinking   stuff is keep thinking oh man okay Wow I mean  that was a perfectly conducted Symphony and in   the exact last note he kicked over like a chair  and threw the violin into the crowd that was yeah   that was that was really unfortunate oh wow it's  still not over yet though oh for sure you can get   very much carried away in the fact that you're  up of Bishop here and lose all your pawns okay   that's that's illogical I don't see exactly they  don't not so easy though yeah and now if he goes   bond grabbing he might actually lose right right  that's exactly what I want oh oh oh no oh no poor   and he was just winning not winning sorry it's  out efficient but you know as good chances yeah   exactly yes Oh what it's still a draw relax love  youth still a draw earth why didn't you take one   eh - it's still win it's the right color Bishop  Lobby they don't know that they're 1900 they   better know I'm not so sure I'm not so sure he  car oh okay okay I'm very scared just yes this   is the this is a win we saw this no oh come on  what is Keaney for okay come back come back come   back no well I don't know guys the bishop can  cover the promotion square and the King can go   take the other wow that is not a who's supposed to  guard okay all right now who won yeah no yes this   is this is like when you think the car to the  mechanic and they fix everything in charge you   like quadruple that's he did not have to do any of  this at all now he just has to win this game Wow there we go mm-hmm Wow Wow to to to Hikaru I feel  like he could have been for zero your team yeah I   totally could have been um yeah unfortunately like  cool um I felt really like but let me down a Keela   I mean if he wasn't a mod I I mean I would be  I'm I'm I might kick him from the channel for   that he played that game so well and then and  then he let it all go I mean I he let it all go   he let it slip at the very end when he had the  whole thing he played a great game actually uh   joking aside pretty much everything was great  until until he lost his head like instead of   g3 could have just taken the pawn and he was just  winning or push upon a d6 everything was winning   but it happens no worries it's all it's still  it's not only - - there's so many more games to   be played okay it seems like oh there is perfect  if Caruso played chess is that does that named   after the the demand the myth the legend well  I don't know you have any education levy so I'm   not sure I know I thought he was referring to the  white mamba sorry what oh oh my gosh you have that   you actually bad any education right right yeah  I don't actually I thought it was oh my god wait   you're not serious I hope oh no I'm completely  serious was this in reference to see chat knows   they know they don't talking about the goat oh my  god oh my god I literally have no words haven't   haven't you like gone to the Opera like once  in your life dude I did and I saw Don Giovanni I did a Lincoln Center I mean it literally  have no words it's I it's a hundred percent   named after the Italian opera singer though of  course not um not uh not Alex Caruso whoever   that dude is I apparently also got um Alex Cruz's  nickname wrong it's he's not the white mom boom   sorry guys that's Brian Scalabrine sorry huh  sorry so it's a bad day alright just let's   let's move on okay oh man uh all right / -  okay but this is uh this is pretty standard   like all my guys are playing my opening so I  know that's a good thing or a bad thing like   they're playing Kings Indian they're playing  b3 I'll move one like I know that's a good   thing isn't this very bad for black right now  like isn't this like exactly not how you don't   play it generally yeah because you're getting  attacked on the kingside but you can't really   attack in the center of the board yeah cuz  it just general good rule of thumb guys the   Kings Indian defense does not work by playing  Knight f6 mr. g7 and developing no other piece   yeah because White's attacking here on the Kings  side this is really dicey but II five is a good   move hey that's just in time okay right here is  like the moment yeah I mean maybe Black was 96   were just a port b3 but I have a feeling  that White's attacking very quickly here yeah I see somebody said c6 them the problem  with a5 before is that normally you need to   push those pawns into something right now there  is not there no one's there you can't hit upon   to trade and you can't hit a knight I mean the  knight already moved so a four doesn't doesn't   accomplish anything then yeah no but Knight b6  was a good move trying to go 94 okay white see   what I don't I don't know if I like that I thought  G for Knight you through is like more in this year   and what alright i'm paypal that guy right now i  am him pay pounding that guy right now we got his   email wow that was not good yeah that was a that  was a triumphant jump into the what but why is   white sacrificing a rook what what what is going  on he's now I'm really confused you're up a night   why you sacrificing a rook mathematically speaking  it doesn't yeah makes no sense of course well it's   all good yeah it's all good I like oh it's not all  good he car a bit it's good it doesn't matter he's   still winning anyway lobby no but this is not  he Karim I'm scared I'm not scared guys well oh   man but now keep now he shut it down man now he  shut it down there was Knight g5 there everybody   to move winning right but and the biggest problem  is that the night is coming to e6 and it's a fork   no matter what no but of course it's still very  unpleasant like he allowed it for some reason   so black needs to move the king somewhere or do  this oh but now I get sport on c7 oh my god Wow Wow no bueno no way at all oh man that night has  boot has had a journey that night traveled the   world g1 to a6 I can see white not danke  I wasn't as I could see white not taking   the night I'm in the rug being like yeah five  great moves though this is fantastic way okay   everybody breathe White's got an extra night  at this level of the game that is sufficient   material to win without problems let's see if  that's actually accurate should be accurate who   will see you never know it's it's not it's not  over till the fat lady sings right let's sing   yeah yeah oh man okay this is he's witty he's  very winning but okay okay there was a slightly   easier way to get mate there by force but that  that old yeah black and go b3 maybe and create   some counter play possibly okay yeah this guy  played very well with white just very smooth   conversion very very few difficulties I know  I know this guy is actually a close friend of   mine so this is a mentor in the life of Gotham  chess and man but of ICH so he he really wanted   to play this I actually asked his younger son  just crossed master very close to master so he's   like 14 or 50 and so it's like his life goal  and then oh nice I think he's like 2192 so I   asked a son to play son said no okay Kings Indian  2200 said yeah let me rub Gotham I can update the   score for you guys all updated at the top here  whoops sign okay two to two hits three to right and then well the winner of this game is three  right those three to you're gonna win I I don't   know it's over you sure yeah I'm pretty confident  oh wait no it's not over because black and bring   the King in me what is it what does this move  though what but why like it's still obviously   winning but for efore yeah try to split and go  wide with the H pawn oh my god yeah that guy's   I mean like when you have just King and pawns you  need to use the puns white is not using he hasn't   made Oh Audrey come on f3 okay that works too  after f3 come on play f3 okay oh my god is white   gonna lose this game so since you said that your  your guy was losing can we just call it a draw   he's losing though he is losing but oh my god this  is getting way to me yeah okay no worries I mean   maybe the guy will just start pushing pause the  Queen side right now it's so good yeah that King   walk was clutch and now the night comes back to  defend okay you should go a three here a three   to try and run the King a three come on oh my  god what an wow that is not a good move no but   yeah he had to keep the pawn on the board there  yeah that's not gonna cut it oh so disappointing the Queen you know just in case yeah that was that  was that was a weird game but I did this the first   game where the result is completely correct like  the guy who should have won what was winning out   of the open yeah so it's all it's all pretty  correct so that is that that is the plus side   yeah all right how literally the back for five  seconds just gonna wash my hands one second all   right I will I will try to entertain shout as  much as possible with this King two pawns and a   knight versus a king hey y'all shouldn't resign  y'all shouldn't resign because you got to get   checkmated alright you should let your put its  it's not too late to screw up the game you know   you push this pawn on on b5 it's a draw don't  resign plate soulmate okay there's one pawn gun   what happened what'd I miss nothing I was just  telling them that they shouldn't they should   play some eight up to until a certain level  clean a knight I mean we saw somebody make a   drawn pogchamp of the queen at night Oh Oh take  it I think that was a mouse clip actually that   was um shall we say not not inspiring look are  you feeling okay levy you feeling okay oh no no   I'm not I'm not I got a timeout I got a goddamn  timeout real quick 45 seconds and we make a slip   and not even a slip but there's no other move  like it's like if auto fourth oh I feel so bad   that was I know that was your chant that was your  chance levy the like the only chance you're gonna   in life to beat me at something yeah well hold  on hold on let's play some for player you that's   my one advantage right now this is true this is a  good point yeah ad no that's that's fair okay this   is okay they get they get yellow symbols drawing  and then if it comes to it then we'll have to key   car and I will break a tie with some odds game  where I get like an extra queen or something I   don't know but I assume ties don't happen that  often do they no they don't it's very very rare   yeah but I can't believe you played Queen d5 that  is so tragic that if that is really really tragic   oh man sorry lovey that's okay I didn't play it  you know this number this is true this this next   game uh I'm ready to go by the way okay perfect  so we have a way of a caro-kann your opening your   opening yeah mr. Rankin is a strong player he's  awesome i chat said when i went to wash my hands I   was actually I did actually want to go and PayPal  PayPal the guy two blunderers Queen yeah how the   hell did you guys know that so I'm curious levy do  you like these positions or not like cuz because   this is supposed to be already completely fine for  black with you actually like these positions no I   knew before Bishop g5 obviously like if white  cakes and just develops normally if you for   which for which side of her black I mean for black  obviously honestly no I mean the advance caro-kann   is just it's so annoying to deal with which is  probably the only reason I would ever switch from   the Cairo just because even these positions are  just like you how do you win them you know like   against someone who doesn't lose them exactly  I mean I know these positions are supposed to   be completely fine already like because white  hasn't even played the most challenging setup   but I've never liked them with black even though  it's supposed to be completely fine and someone in   my chat is saying why doesn't he cargo play the  caro-kann um I do play I've CF seen you play it   for a win right I mean I'd be sure of a couple  of times with it I think in in Isle of Man you   beat way that you can you beat him in two separate  games in the same tournament no I mean different   years or no the first one was a draw but yeah I  played the caro-kann two years in a row against   him in Isle of Man the first year which I think  was 2018 we drew and then 2019 why did I beat   him with the black pieces so you know what that  reminds of is like sometimes people in the chest   world if they're younger than me they forget  that I actually been around since like 1950 so   they forget that I play certain openings so I'll  give you a fun fun story just a short one but I   think it was in the Olympiad in in Baku I think it  was it was a Baku or Batumi I don't remember it's   like two years ago or something and I played the  I played the Queens gambit accepted and are you   there lovey er I'll write so so any other things I  played in I played against Luke man Whaley like we   traded that he played the Queen trade line he was  white we had this long boring draw and I remember   like after the game we had our team meeting and  I was talking to Wesley so and he's like he's   like I didn't know you played the Queens gambit  accepted this is that your first time playing   the opening and I thought I thought it was very  funny because I I played it like all the time in   like 2010 2009 2010 and 2011 so it's very funny  that because Wesley hadn't seen my game that my   parody thought that I played something random just  like just because I remember your some of your   Queens gambit accepted games but that's because  you played this before b5 thing oh yes there's   that one - true true which has since been you know  there's this rookie to nuance and everything but   like at I am level I was I mean it's a much it's  at this minefield to walk through with the white   pieces just absolutely right right right yeah  it's very dangerous you have that game against   audubon I think work from Gibraltar yeah yeah  chatter came home work Adi bond versus Hikaru   from the Gibraltar tournament this is a very  nefarious move knight c6 you think white is gonna   yes isn't he sees that barely but this doesn't  really improve the situation I don't think maybe   it does a little bit I think you have to play like  I don't want to say but yeah I mean obviously when   the at this level the caro-kann is fantastic it's  just it's so it's such a decent opening to play   because you get positions like this and they're  you know white doesn't really know what to do so another line that I really like that you've  played you you beat somebody also I think   maybe in the grand Swiss or an isle of man this  h4 advance Cairo was it against Rasmus sorry   which which game you had a game against a German  Grandmaster I think and you played the advanced   camera with Bishop f5 h4 I played h4 whitey yeah  yeah Rasmus Swain in Gibraltar in 2019 I believe   there you go there you go I didn't play it well  but I did win it wasn't a good game but I did   one but those lines also like it's it's it's a  lot of nagging pressure on the play with I mean   obviously GM level guys like know how to you  know neutralize but it's it's it's really at   this level mm-hmm h4 karo is everything I rec  I mean people play e6 they lose the bishop so   right right right exactly yeah all right just  g4 and you trap it yeah yeah you're doing well   so far you're hanging in there feels like your  players are actually like handling the pressure   a little bit better I I asked Jack I asked Jack  Rankin because I didn't have a 1600 I was like   you cool playing a 1630 he's like yeah I'm gonna  lose but it's I'm like what kind of attitude is   that Oh play the game men you know he's more  confident with the black pieces I think if   he had the white pieces maybe calculative but  nobody's playing while he's playing well so far   until he blunders on this move and then that  doesn't Bend then I'm back and back and back   in the game I don't like ePHI at all yeah black  needed to to focus on the C file not the centre   right exactly so like I I think I think yeah  it's getting dangerous for black like I don't   know what block is gonna do here I feel like  white White's gonna get some attacking ideas now now this is exactly yeah this is where it's  difficult because black needs to understand where   he's stronger and what to focus on and that's  not that's not a bad move but it's not where   he's strong already okay now it's now it's  getting good now it's getting good now it's   like now it's really looking up for um for calc  over the calculators flag that's is that North   Korea of his North Korean flag okay he won't might  shower with a Phyllis North Korea flag okay that's   pretty funny see the only and simultaneously  highest rated and lowest rated player from   North Korea probably yeah I don't actually think  North Korea's ever played in a chess olympiad okay so take have they they had a ranked  player ever um I don't know I doubt it   somehow I literally have no idea honestly I  mean I I don't know all right chat historians   you guys are you know you guys are incredible  some some of you are like ophthalmologists or   something super fancy so please tell us okay this  is a nightmare situation for both rank it on both   sides probably yeah it's not clear what like I  think the guy who's more experienced and also   you know how's North Korea behind and will  probably win so Brooks ei was like winning   there's yeah birth the birth the eight and Murphy  eight was winning probably but now it's like it's   it's very much a game again it's not not clear  how can wipe you better here again white is also   not focusing exactly where he's stronger  right right this is this a good point yeah yeah rooks e7 with the threat of nothing yeah  this is this is very oh I don't like that I ice   I smell a fork somewhere somewhere for someone  yeah there's gonna be a fork for somebody I don't   know wrote these six would be 6a cycles okay the  king don't take the okay there are some there are   some hopes for even a mating net somehow yeah  yeah let's see white lines the right move here   there's a very tense moment yes yes yes yeah  it's very good and no no yes yes yes that was   that was clinical that was clinical I was I was  thinking you can play 94 and try to checkmate   but then you would have to find a king 100 this  is probably still winning technically there's   no way that white can play this correctly there's  literally no way that white plays correctly okay   guys so that wasn't good we need to okay move  um okay yeah nice good so sacrifice yeah this   is obviously draw maybe 97 and 96 check though  96 here 96 come on 96 okay just don't take it   buddy okay good yeah but now king of southern  whites winning I think they don't know that   okay they don't they don't know I mean come on  someone's gonna lose a night all right yeah ah   King okay good good good mouse is wrong again  but we'll see it's incredible that you just oh   oh that work that works but you have to go to  eat something I guess hmm okay at night age for   just okay right right right of course oh yeah no  I'm winning it was winning at the start of that   but like that's way too hard to play correctly  with the night night in pawn versus night it's   just no way you just yeah you just came out yeah  all right kind of pink Jake it's uh it's your   turn into live chess there we believe in you and  Wow two drawers guys if we wanted a nanny Giri   impression all right we've just invited him for  comment area so I want to see decisive results   you don't always get those though not always  okay Jake make us proud boss man okay Jake is   what do you think of 1400s playing the English  oh I do not like it um but I understand why you   would play because you play a very simple setup  it's kind of like what box box was doing I feel   like somebody taught him to see on chef young-hee  on shadow his bishop it was me well that's where   I was going I told me um yeah but the point is  like it's a very straightforward setup so there   isn't much black and do to disrupt the harmony  so I get it I get it yeah my well what I don't   get is that kind of pink Jake purchased in  openings course and why that's not he Cora's   reaction to him purchasing my opening squares  that as the reaction to losing the beat one cars   not you know he's not but yes he bought it and he  still places the same opening I don't understand   75 winos to grind it's like buying a new book  but reading the same news I don't quite get it oh this is just the advanced Benko we don't  understand yeah kind of other than the fact   that whites up a pawn but yeah why can go like  rook c1 and Knight a four or something I don't   like d4 that much but it's okay who's black  could have gone efore night before Knight e3   with fishbase six it would be doing well  now White's just up a pawn and winning yeah now that that was that was not great I mean  you you're naming yourself you know Chennai beefs   there was a you got it you got an honor the  name right like I feel as though right right   yeah that's not very beef like okay but actually  it's kind of okay 94 95 is really really good for   y now Bush basics and there's some counter play  at least guys score should be is three three yeah   yeah on the on the screen it's really because  your guy couldn't check me with a queen at night   correct correct that should be the tiebreaker  whoever whoever messed up the breaker advantage   on whichever side that whichever result was the  most absurd mmm-hmm you know whoever mess it up   the most should get the I should lose the match  h5 I kind of like that movie move yeah it's a   good move um try to attack on the kingside like  eh for I don't know I don't know I think black   is okay even though it's even though it's one  pawn because and I saw some questions like why   are we talking about which openings to play and  everything it's the problem is that the English   is the kind of opening that while you can get  a set up kind of the same every single game and   try to implement a game plan it's very rarely  gonna happen when you're 1400 Ryan that's true   too yeah it's just like you know like disposition  the whole center is closed your bishops have no oh   man oh and that's exactly what I'm talking about  yeah you blundered yeah you never capture away   from the Thunder you always captured towards  the center you never capture away oh that's   brutal yeah that's hg3 was necessary there all  right okay not a problem it's Philip it's still   a night in a pond for one world it's not that  bad yeah I hope this is the last game he plays   in this opening wait it's your student you know  the man got my opening scores and won't play it   Oh actually he actually by your opening quarter  and and it doesn't study it it's just sitting   in a drawer okay how many times was he warned me  before his game I'm not gonna play e4 and I said   okay we'll see what happens boom now we're seeing  what happens exactly yeah yeah no it's not looking   so good I mean like think about it like this how  many times when he karo had to play for a win did   he play the move c4 and move one I don't know I  felt like I played it to win the last transfer   altura guns boo Jon see a couple years ago when  I won the tournament M&A Oregon Superman couldn't   win another tournament I don't know or I think  against maybe maybe Vladimir Kramnik once or   twice - but hey what do I know like maybe the  Olympiad in 2012 I don't know just a thought   um thank you okay okay alright but but you have  played it for less than any other opening to win   a game right probably on average yes on average I  would agree with that yeah yeah Bishop oh I don't   I don't want to say there's a tricky move yes very  tricky doesn't do anything though okay but I feel   like at this level that definitely might you know  why are you turning on the accent what what accent   I'm hearing more of a Russian accent I don't know  this is not true I mean you want accent I will do   this for general points okay oh that's a nice  moves up but I thought Queen g5 black still was   okay but I don't know somehow it blacks gone wrong  it goes like yeah this is very suspicious maybe another tense moment in the titanic struggle  between team Hikaru and seem Gotham there's   only five oh wow that's a good I don't know  if it's actually a good move but it's it's   it's a great concept Jake make me proud  atta boy atta boy that queen is trapped   it is yes yes it is trapped yeah what's  winning beautiful absolutely beautiful that is I mean okay I think just watching  these last few games my level of chess has   gone what I'm not even gonna all right  I was gonna go Greece sure compression   I'm not even I can't that move no I  can't even no that ain't gonna cut   it Chennai beast that that ain't gonna cut  it Chennai Beast that ain't gonna cut it hikaru I I don't think we're done  with the memes of this game just yet alright hikaru dot exe has yeah yes but it was  this is just so disappointing I have nothing   to say so disappointing because there's a  expired opening than winning the winning   the exchange and losing like what a what a  disappointment I'm so disappointed I'm not   gonna lie I feel as though I get I get better  at chess watching these games you got better   you thought yeah not because of the actual  moves no though nothing about the moves okay   game on he played rookie - it's not game  on it's not over he's guy he's gonna be   able to activate the bishop's create the  wooden shield and he's using it's game on literally any other move besides that move  would have been its game or right yeah it's   game on his game over oh man yeah guys when you're  losing by material and by a lot of it don't trade   what's left just good rule of thumb yeah yeah  no kidding yeah but with uh not good not good at   all okay White has a way here to just trade off  everything and win but he's probably not going   to do it because having a queen is nice mm-hmm  he's got 19 seconds you're right right I was   good that's a very good move yeah yeah this was  not exciting oh okay that yeah I'm sure I think   he thought that that one the rook now he's gonna  be really surprised yeah I mean it does nothing   okay double the rooks please just double the  roof well not sure oh you like flag okay that   doesn't work so well why didn't you just let that  move out it was so strange lost fire 2177 t-55 ni   BC mikaru thanks for playing we got chess guy 149  and you know name 3000 BC and fine just as ironic yeah okay so so far so good but  buying no name potato I like what   he's doing oh this is forcing actually  no named potato is actually forcing wait   what he's got the Uganda flag so it's  forcing oh oh right right right right all shout out to a shout out to forsen little  bit too solid maybe all right so okay so a   pretty standard opening by both sides so far  I mean maybe like 93 ot for here I'd love you   maybe update the score since for three right  yeah but I'm not sure we deserve it but okay   I'll do it that was a saw I saw I saw Jake  Jake in the shot was saying did you guys   hate on my opening and I said no nope not at  all no it was a don't watch the vaad but no   we were very complimentary mm-hmm what is it  why do you treat the fish shop now black has   two bishops all right well good thing might  might my TTS doesn't go to he carves tree   me car is a no cursing stream but thank you  appreciate that oh okay yes I used to yeah   go ahead I'm so used to restreaming the the  tournament and you know I I couldn't have T   TS song cuz it was going to do to two different  channels and so Oh true true but I couldn't   have you know your channel my channel doesn't  have a okay I'm I'm feeling bad guys you're   disappointing Hikaru I mean this move Knight  you three I don't even know what this season forsen would not have blundered Knight takes d4  probably not this is true with this true this is   uh this is actually one of the reasons I like  I taught box box the Vienna because people who   just play like like why and I don't think twelve  hundreds need to play the rule opus yeah this is   true yeah something that's more like streak  but with some kind of like straightforward   system and setup makes more sense for sure  yeah because I've got folks in my chat like   hey I played the chigorin variation of the rule  opus with black and I'm like what's your rating   and they're like 750 all right yeah look insane  yeah that's crazy okay that's for yeah it's good   Oh think you kind of think for the syringe  with this hey I trapped that Queen Frick you thanks to the bits man Rick FD 1 alright but  what I will say about these kinds of positions   is that if black is not fast with some sort  of King side attack true that open G file   can come back and hurt right like you're  liking each one or what you want to just   attack ya know it's true actually let's just  hope that forcing okay that's not a bad move just a friendly reminder everybody we're going  up the ladder so normally we have lower rate of   players who start and then the higher rate  of players play but uh not today not today   we want Jack Hartman and just easy the six and  seven hundreds to slug it out in a messy drunk   bar fight style how long do you think that game  is gonna be um I mean I think that that'll be a   real game it'll be a real game it was pretty  even I mean that we're these guys don't have   the opportunity to play in front of thousands of  people so they're finally gonna get their moment   in this in this in the spotlight and they're  they're gonna they're gonna show us what their   what they're made of yeah this is some sort  of like gladiator Coliseum style maybe like   a little bit second or third year but it's it's  definitely equally entertaining sorry what one   like this this playing in front of thousands it's  it's very much gladiator Coliseum style no I guess   kind of I mean the whole thumbs down thing and  everything no well I mean everyone on my team has   gotten the thumbs down except for a to jail no go  cool one oh that's true that shriyak forgot I got   him yeah yeah yeah there was him too right right  yeah yeah all right you caught oh oh you know what   I thought you were gonna do that I thought you  were about to dissect the gladiator and Colosseum   term like in two separate like parts of history  and be like how do you not know this oh are you   asking me what like about like like history right  I do like history but I I don't actually know that   much about like time timing of like the call see  him and stuff I thought yeah that's where that I   was like I'm so sorry I didn't I didn't know sir  I thought they were used interchangeably yeah   that's not that's not my jam I I don't that's  too far back in history it's like a little bit   before the time / that I'm familiar with f5 I mean  look at blacks last two moves King h8 an f5 let's   class yeah no I mean this is this is great trust  guy is playing really really well very thematic   matically just attacking now please take with  the Queen please yeah you've got to understand   that the black rook wants to get involved in the  attack and you take with the pawn here and open   up the file you just expedite that process did it  land did you flip it right at least yeah yeah okay   but he played playoff six he missed it he missed  he missed work up one so it's yeah rook rook all   the way down there was just picking up a queen  but this is yeah it's it's still on it's a game   okay well I'm not gonna say anything but there's a  move here which is so savage that wasn't it it was   d5 with the idea of Queen b6 yeah it was pretty  good yeah this is this is still this is still   bad this is still bad but but only only if only  if you know black finds the way this is actually   for this level this is good defense he car was  flipping out cuz he sees it I don't I don't know   you know I basically react yeah it doesn't made  the fossil and and check the King and then taking   the rook yeah now it's game on work out seven  no seven dude oh dude 1200 endgames here we go   g8 one of the worst endgame moves I've ever seen  in my life at least go back to see 800 physican   being stabbed Oh g5 what are you doing pawn scam  promote no trade the rooks you're up a pawn here   you can just trade the Brooks oh my god take it  Oh King and pawn endgame time with 1200 oh it's   yeah it's still winning obviously with oh god oh  god this is good he's playing well good ok go for   it buddy go for it you got to go for it like I  like how now he stops to think now yeah no mokou   now with two freakin pawns left he stops think you  think you think why that one you're not even gonna   take it the Queen can take oh my god this might be  one of the worst games I've ever seen by everyone   involved everyone pick us players oh my okay it  feel good okay well that was that was good oh man   hey Carlo I predict a stalemate I doubt it there  are too many pawns on the board here but none of   that they can't move right now yeah this is true  this is a good point yeah it's still so lost always found it I was worried about each to  actions that he wants to me it like some age   to and then you accidentally take the pawn  and it's a draw oh my that was crazy that   was that was a little bit too too much  excitement that was crazy that was good   thanks for uh thanks for playing guys alright  it's uh it's it's all square it's all square yeah thought that was too much that was too  insane I like to agree to my chest guy 149   after the game Road GG bro you played well I like  that I don't know about that but like that's a   little bit generous yeah but you know I feel  like this should have at least ran the engine   evaluation before they made that claim but mm-hmm  yeah I'm pretty innocent you guys entertained I'm   interesting we got three more games I don't  know try not to die this is a bit much okay   scotch mainline scotch mainline well we saw this  in the game between moist critical and xqc okay so   we'll see you better come on good go for the meat  meat and 600k good defense good almost fun almost   we have six was clever what's even the move I  think you're supposed to take with a deep on yeah okay that is a very bad move that is a very  good move well depends who you're cheering on   right isn't that just a very good move or am i  blind doesn't he just don't you just take and   then go bring the knight and then play rugby one  and then go efficiency for a 95 or no no for this   level this is very bad you do not want to hang  this pawn I'm really I know you see combat use   you see compensation in the form of you know to  pawn sacrifice for positional but they see it   that way like for example he's gonna he's gonna  play queen c3 here yeah yep like is gonna take   the pawn and no I want him to trade the Queen's  definitely not take the pawn he's gonna play Queen   a4 which is a very nice move Kokoro if if qxp  qxb happens wait humid QV being it work if q x   I'm trying not to give away coordinates you know  it's like talk it's like spelling words out for   babies so that they don't yeah I hope so computer  you think are you talking about X you see you're   talking about what would eat I don't know no no  I I'm confusing myself it's Qi he takes that if   you take the damn pong on g2 and then g7 like  that's what I'm saying okay yeah I think that's   very bad for black okay Oh Oh Mike okay now  it's all good kind of know I'm so clear oh man yeah okay so this is good right for black yeah  no oh my god no why do you do that that's such   a bad move okay Vinny mr. Bishop F through is  very good attacking alright my headphones are   back on I've recovered that's good that's good  this is wait how many more games are there what   three more after this there's two mm-hmm  it's four to four yeah this is very very so is everyone missing a long rook move oh oh  now this is not that good if he finds a good   move here yeah yeah but I don't think he'll  find it I'm not expecting it oh yes Oh what   what a genius this guy's agree Wow world oh  man this is bad this is the cage mm-hmm this   is the cage well actually it's not what weight  still is actually quite a few good moves maybe   but he won't find it dad that's either a great  move or a terrible move because someone there's   probably gonna be a blunder here bye-bye black  or white right this is this is the perfect level   of confusion unbelievable if you actually  saw it that is happens it happens sometimes Wow good good good all chill and now it's   good see I in Canadians we trust  Canadians know how to play chess not all of them though I feel like they weren't  there a lot of Canadians on my on my on my side   in this at least like three wasn't a coup loom  from Canada to I think cool loom is from Europe   but I'm not oh so who was it that wasn't me  it was the first guy there was somebody from   kik Canadia who was on my team I don't remember  who it was okay that's a good move rookie poor   it's very nice move so many people in the chat  are trying to figure out who uh refer I've got   viewers who are canadian they're like are you  talking about me it's like no guys how would I   know that I didn't know you were I thought um who  was it I thought uh who was it no maybe it was   maybe it was to Brandon who was one of your team  team guys who's from from Canada oh but he's not   from Canada okay he's from New York I don't know  I don't you could put any flag I mean we had a   North Korean for God's sake like okay that's true  that's true yeah yeah okay that's fair okay okay   yeah from New York right Livia's anti Canadian  confirmed let's get out of here right yeah Oh a   175 was affirmed Canadian yeah that means yes he's  actually kunia he's one of the Canadian like youth   players yeah yeah okay that makes sense that's  what I was thinking it probably but yeah okay   wonders but I mean this isn't easy black cuz  it's fine like two or three good moves or else   White's gonna get to attack on the queenside here  okay that's decent not my favorite move at decent why does doing Walter defendless for all  the pieces that he has left because it was   very easy to lose yeah yeah that's  a good move don't take it please don't trade pieces when you're losing mmm funny move but actually a good  one probably it is yeah honestly for   this level with a minute on the clock  thousands of people oh yes no oh okay okay yeah that was a little bit unfortunate yeah  that was really quite unfortunate okay yeah sorry   sorry lovey it happens well this is a teachable  moment my friends that's something that we call   a capture sequence and if White had captured the  rook as he did in the goddamn game black brings   the rook down and takes white actually had to  take the rook on d4 prior to taking the other   rook with the bishop because then you would have  picked up two rooks instead of one and now he's   down a ton of material but he will probably still  win somehow mm-hmm exactly yeah I can't believe   he did that actually he's also just not taking  the knight force right right off the very weird   yeah I should yeah it happens he's a little bit  tilted this happened you know it's not easy it's   a lot of pressure but still kind of shocking  that is definitely true I've never played like   online event in front of the big audience and I  definitely felt nervous like in and I am NOT a GM   thing I did not feel like myself I felt like my  play was down like three four hundred points so   it's actually it's it's so it's oh yeah a lot  of a lot of credits to those who anticipating   stuff like this cuz that's true yeah I mean I did  notice like you didn't you made a lot of blunders   than that I only saw your match against I think  it was Teddy yes I was made a lot of blunders and   that match that I thought were a little bit yeah  bit odd that's not even that's like exactly how I   how I reflect I also play so slow in indecisively  you know like spots where you definitely wouldn't   spend so right right yeah that's it's difficult  certainly okay winning when if we if my team wins   we're gonna win it's about five four last two  games yes well we'll obviously give everybody a   shot to play but mathematically speaking Debbie  you got a he's got a you know no pressure he's   gotta perform yeah you gotta win or draw Yeah  right right exactly yeah it's all he's got to do   no pressure but I mean there are like 15 thousand  people watching dude so you know no pressure but   yeah I mean you know all right Debbie all right  proud oh no you have a you have the funnier emote   for the for the that's over yeah exactly yeah  this is the perfect emote yeah yeah yeah you've   got you've got them hmm and we've got the we've  got something wholesome we got a picture of a baby   that's that's good hopefully he plays you know  chess at adult level but he is yes he's this a   good good setter for black all right d5 okay  mm-hmm I think I know he was playing I play a   lot of e-cigs b6 another thing that you play a lot  okay I think I'm just copying your reference well   but defy uh not defy of yes well III I mean well  it's only if he knows why right it's like yeah   but you're opening it up for the bishop okay but  he doesn't see it this is fine yeah kind of well   look for those confused you know those who also  might be 800 both players are doing just about   fine for this level the reason we're saying this  isn't great is because if you're gonna put your   bishop exactly like white just did you shouldn't  have played III because now you have LightSquared   weaknesses all over so for that move why could  have played DC for but you know true but now it's   just it's an interesting game it's a Catalan with  III yeah I mean good move strange yeah somebody   said literally a hanging pawn yes c4 what you  could take c4 but you want hang on to it right so   love II III I had a question um general questions  so you don't really teach beginner as much but   you have taught beginners right ah scholastic  beginners yes right that's what I meant so I'm   like do you just teach some basic openings like  the like the Gucci piano or do you teach some   like more traditional stuff like the Spanish or  English or what what kind of openings do you teach   okay so generally the first principle is like  ten golden moves so okay pawns knights bishops   yes well you thought who started that right that  was Gor girlier he I don't know if he misread it   or what but he called it the Gucci piano oh oh  so I've heard it uh I've heard it I think I've   called yeah I've never heard that one before no  never right no I've never heard the Gucci piano   oh I have like middle schoolers who say it like  cuz ya know all the kids were Gucci nowadays er   okay okay fair enough fair enough but yeah I would  say like the first thing that I do is I just make   them follow ten golden moves pieces pawns Knights  bishops etc don't make you know don't move with   these two times in the opening but yeah at a  certain level no III actually stay away from e45   I'm more like London I've taught some kids stone  wall cuz at that level stone wall is brutal true   true yeah that makes that so yeah I will tell you  maybe a funny story like when we have an analysis   board after this of some ridiculous scholastic  preparation not on my part but of some school   you will know New York City okay yeah way to be a  very random well there was a school going around   teaching their kids to play f4 move one which  as you might imagine is very dangerous uh-huh   right of course yeah but it's not very golden by  either player they're moving these but you know   this early yeah this is not good I'm very nervous  I think someone's gonna blunder in the next like   three move them guessing it's very good that  he car who knows about the New York's you know   New York C and if he car we grew up in like you  know Iowa where there's no scholastic chess he   wouldn't be in on the inside jokes but oh man I  mean we have seen it all haven't we mm-hmm yeah   but if I grew up in Iowa I won't be playing chess  to be fair rip to Iowa who's from Iowa by the way   like in chess who's the number one I'm gonna  look this up I literally have no idea this is   one of my favorite things to do just look up  who is the highest rated player I mean I know   I know there's like a 2,400 like Mississippi and  maybe one like an Alabama but I don't know about   Iowa I don't know who there is Oh No oh that's  a good move thank you oh my man sorry yeah ooh hikaru it's a it's a tight race the highest  rated player in Iowa is 2285 and you know what   the second highest rated player is 2284 okay  oh my 2285 oh wow that's yeah that's I guess   it happens right is it at least not fun no okay I  like your know national master okay okay with all   things American winning a title here doesn't  mean too much so I like this come on daddy   come on good move terrible move he gives he gets  white the outpost no I mean not that it matters   really but I thought it's like maybe there's an  outpost which state has the lowest top player   I'm not sure I can find that because I think that  would be I mean it probably is like Iowa 2285 is   pretty low mmm like I'd be hard-pressed to find  someone lower range like I feel like you know I   know in Mississippi their son was 2400 USCF and  I feel like in Alabama there was also someone   who's 2400 so I mean there's someone from from  like North Dakota's Yermo right is he I thought   your oh you're mullinski the Giada lived in  uh lived in North Dakota but maybe he lives   in South Dakota I don't know he lives in one of  them why does he live in either of them because   he he does he didn't like San Francisco he but  okay I feel like that's like a very rebellious   kind of a thing you know like I feel like you  don't like SF why you got to go to North Dakota   because like it's kind of the other spectrum  you know and you know they're coatings in the   chat when she when I were doing commentary  I was astounded at the amount of Hawaiians   really I mean everybody is doing what they're  doing now so now they all move States look at   how many North Dakotans in the chat all right  Debbie are you how good are you with Bishop   moves huh maybe back to the ride back to the top  left take your own night maybe maybe move a night   out that's not a good move no but it works yeah  same diagonal just free rook by the way like how   my Chad thinks that there's no one good from  Alaska but isn't Brian Smith from Alaska like   the I am not sure but I've got the data base  oh wow that is a oh wow that is a yeah Rick be   seven come on Rick be something please Rick be  some and don't allow this don't allow it don't   allow it dude you got eight seconds just move dude  move good okay Carly please see three but not see   two that's my question I don't know I don't know  yeah me Rick T to work T to just move just move if Black gets back rank mated I'm gonna have an  aneurysm that's not gonna happen take it take   it take it take Oh No Oh back rain coming back  ranked work takes night work no no he took with   a Fisher okay but but you got to move just make a  move make a move no that's not gonna do it that's   wrong okay but they've got less than 10 seconds  Hikaru doesn't know are we so confident move move   move oh my God look straight down buddy Brooke  straight up oh oh just move move the Brooke don't   trade the rooks good now put the bishop here and  just just just diagonal oh yes no no no okay how   much damage can one Bishop and five pawns do Oh  okay push the pawn come on just push the pawn no   okay come on make a draw it says he's got no time  or a flag just flag just just keep thinking just   push the pawn keep thinking he's gonna stalemate  him I hope no there's an ape on there's an ape   on unfortunately yeah I'm telling him getting  better at chess this is making me enjoy it more   dude make a move what are you doing you've got  five seconds move the King tries to create the   stalemate here in the corner take the rook no  no don't take it don't take it don't take it   don't take it why you gotta see the room yo bro  move holy come on flag king h3 come on okay it's   good wine you got no time black black black you  got like yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I don't   even know how that happened how did he think the  laws oh my god I'm never becoming a chess parent   I'm never doing it my kids playing mahjong no I  can't do this yeah oh my gosh that is so tragic   I've never wanted to cry more I feel you know  like I thought it oh my I check okay wow that   is so so try breathe just breathe just breathe  leave I'm alright we're gonna have one last game   congratulations to you guys for that was mad attic  and wow that was that was crazy jeez that was good   it's good good one last game here car huh one  for the road one for the road yeah all right this is a very annoying system by the way oh okay  okay so here's a question about the system you   find it annoying right yeah yeah it's played  online against yakov with white this always   happens like y'all cop goes Bishop g4 against  me when I place I'm game I know it's supposed   to be really good for white but I always had  to put nothing I think I don't know maybe he   has some sort of meta that I don't understand  but oh he doesn't know this Bishop g4 it just   takes the bishop goes to e5 Bishop c5 that's it  so like I don't know if I'm like really stupid   or something but any time it happens I never get  anything going on maybe I I don't I don't actually   take on I don't take I play like three Queen c7  or something you know right because it's supposed   to be considered bad that's my point like the  endgame is supposed to be considered bad snow   and doesn't any time play this against yakov like  he just trades the Queen's it goes Bishop g4 and   I always got nothing oh it's okay it's just  whiter generally it's nothing but like I've   generally you know when Jakob plays a game I'm  you're generally not looking to extract opening   knowledge from it but that's mm-hmm you know  just I try to look at Hikaru's games and true   super gems and everything but he's obviously he's  obviously quite a good player what does he have   like a hundred thousand two hundred thousand blitz  games on the Internet probably something insane   yeah yeah and that's not even you know that's not  really a slight at Yaakov it's just more like cuz   you got to look at well how many games have you  do you have to meet you've played online I think   in my life I probably played like four hundred  thousand three hundred to four hundred thousand   games okay so you've played much more than I have  probably yeah more than who more than me I mean   I'm gay I'm guessing I put like a hundred 150  it may be a hundred ish on ICC and then maybe   like I don't know 50 is 60 on chess calm Oh maybe  wow really yeah I don't think I played that much   even though I played a lot I mean I can check  out I'll check later and just see but I haven't   feeling it's not as high as I think it is I think  most people would think it is I think if you if   you just look at blitz it's a lot less right of  cause yeah you know I've I mean bullet high per   bullet it's like you can play you've seen some  of these matches of 200 150 so right you can   burn through the games really quickly that's true  it'd take like 20 minutes to play like 10 games or   something or even more honestly yeah exactly man  I feel like the the wind was taken out of the the   sails of the of the commentary here yeah well  I mean that was a very tragic way to lose I'm   not gonna lie oh and I've only played twenty-two  thousand games on chess calm Jesus soul oh well   now it's time to disclose what else you've had  in the past right oh you've only had key card   I've only had ECAR Oh fair fair I can tell you  that sounds like you don't believe me actually   wow I don't know I just there's lots of theories  on the internet and you know I on chess calm oh   there's all sorts of theories about yeah Oh Who  am I well he car people assume that every new   anonymous GM is you by the way like I don't know  why they think that you would be recreationally   playing on the anonymous accounts but every new  3,000 people yeah I literally plan he Carla that's   the only count that I have I mean I have blind  cakes but I mean that's that's like same thing blind takes is how you play blindfold blitz a lot  are just against viewers just against viewers I   mean I could play it but like I think the thing is  it's it's actually one thing that's weird is that   I can't so like if you were asking me to do many  different things I can do multiple things at the   same time but I've noticed like with blindfold  chests I can't like multitask in the same way   I can like I could literally play something else  on my second monitor while I'm playing a game of   chess like regular chess and I have no issue but  with blindfold chess if I get distracted I like I   literally can't find the board again in my head  like it just goes out of my head basically I've   yeah it's like if I if I if I'm driving if I'm  let's say I'm driving my car I can't like do   blindfold analysis wanna drive my car like I just  hang Knights every every other move basically well   yeah I'm I'm not doing too much blindfold analysis  when I'm driving I mean you don't you're not like   driving driving no no any three I got my license  total time no I'm I did get my license though I'm   proud of that oh nice nice New York City guy with  the drivers how old are you ah 24 okay yeah that's   actually yeah that's not bad for New York that's  pretty reasonable I wanted to do it because it's   significantly easier to I mean you need to move  you need to pick something up you need to rent a   car when you go traveling like mm-hmm I definitely  had the New York City mindset of you don't need a   car but everywhere else you do right but you're  also you're also not 25 so your honor of having   to pay too much because like they discriminate  against you yes literally five and mil they are if   you're under 25 ml they just discriminate against  you they make you pay more money that's exactly   what happens I'll go to Zipcar it'll say like 140  for whatever amount of hours and then right at the   end like haha 200 y'all couldn't I said that up  front like what is wrong with you like you think   I'm just gonna be like all the price went up  $60 I'm just gonna pay it right all right yeah in Iceland I think you can rent a car at 18 or 21  wanted like it's very young 20 or 21 in Iceland   they don't rent a car in the u.s. I don't you  it's not me oh yeah you can't it's just a lot   more so there's no hidden fees ah okay okay yeah  that's a good point right right okay let's uh   let's give these players their due attention I  thought it'd look made it's not that's right not   quite almost it's probably Bishop h3 or Bishop  c4 or whites gonna take this pawn in e7 you got   a pawn going up the board here there really is  like a nice mating net that might happen it's   not gonna happen anymore what were you thinking  Bishop up something like nine ninety one ninety   three Knights c4 ah okay okay yeah that was  a creative idea to make a checkmate waited   16 years old in Canada to rent a car what rents  a car and not get charged exuberant fees that's   actually I don't know that is 16 but maybe they  just mean you can drive at 16 I don't know this   is actually a very calm game I must say like it  has there been like these huge mistakes in the   same way you were right you said that this was  gonna be just a normal game of chess yeah and   you were correct if only we was it was closer than  we would this page 3 H 3 looks kind of problematic black really should yeah that's a good move that's  actually very good move yikes yeah white is trying   to build a bit of a fortress around the black  King because he's sort of sensing that his only   chance is to mate there but unfortunately he  actually took away the square he needed to do   damage on mm-hmm right that's true yeah have you  been Sam stir damn me yeah is that a joke why   would it be a joke I'm just saying the guys from  the Netherlands oh whoa we lost them that was so   anticlimactic I've been to Amsterdam like probably  ten times at least is it the city you visited the   most um like yeah I mean I've probably been in  cities in the u.s. more of it actually I don't   know um outside of the US I mean I've probably  been through Germany more times overall but I   haven't really seen the city so probably yeah  it's like probably Amsterdam or is something   like Barcelona I'm guessing or one of those two is  probably City I've actually literally been through   the most times the Amsterdam is uh on my list  let's put it that way Paris the West but Paris   is overrated it is but like I feel like if you've  never gone then that every yeah yeah you've got a   yeah but are you gonna go if you're gonna go  to Paris you I mean you can't go like on your   own you have to like go with a girl basically  otherwise it's just like there's like it's just   too weird guys I think we're gonna have to have a  workshop with my lower rated players you can have   good openings you can play well in the middle  game but you've got to manage your time better   and I think like the last three or four people  just lost some time at the end there yeah well   I mean the last guy played a great game I thought  and he was actually pretty fast and at the end was   where he got too low on time um but III owe you  some sub gifts this is very true yeah this is so   congrats congrats to you guys that was that was  very close though I thought I thought I didn't   think it would be that close when I looked at  the ratings on first and like especially the   first like two games I really thought it would  be pretty smooth but then it got really tight   there in the middle like your guys played really  well and my guys kind of didn't play that well   so y'all won by three but it wasn't that great  what could have been better what do you know   you guys won 7-4 oh yeah because the last game  made it three right right right but I mean like   it the last game didn't count so I was thinking  of it like being plus one I like and than that   and then you guys should have won that last game  so it should have been even and then and then it   all would have been been good but that was yeah  it was fun though I mean that's for first time   having done it like that it is pretty competitive  it's competitive it's fun the there was there was   a lot of dreams and there was a lot of memes and  that's basically all you can all you can ask for   I'm definitely a body a lot of water great success  unexpected moves for sure a lot of unexpected so   ya can Congrats to team kokoroo maybe we'll run  it back after these guys get some training it   will be fun if we can sub in some of the same  players maybe see how they're rating goes up or   down all right yeah no that was great though I  I enjoy those a lot of fun so yeah we should do   this again soon we should alright he car imma let  you go I'm gonna end the call you might have to   reboot your camera to talk to your chat so yeah  till next time yeah alright see you soon lovey
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 1,683,840
Rating: 4.9238248 out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru and Levy sub battle, Hikaru sub battle, Hikaru and gotham sub battle, hikaru, chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, nakamura, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video, Hikaru commentates, Bromance, hikaru nakamura, hikaru sub battle, gm hikaru, hikaru vs gotham, hikaru and levy, hikaru vs levy, hikaru gothamchess, gmhikaru sub battle, hikaru reacts
Id: hpdmM9ZyGnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 37sec (6337 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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