Twitch Rivals: Komodo Boss Rush with IM Levy Rozman

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I didn't pinpoint the official rules but it seems that they had an allotted amount of time and within this time they had to beat with white ans black all Komodo levels progressively (at least once per level) in 5|2 format.


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pier4r 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
I was just like no confused but anyway you know that's that's just how it goes it's just it's just because of how overwhelming position was from start to finish it wasn't like one move or two moves it was like he just completely was winning so yeah we're as ferocious game was just like you know make make make you know make one bad move just hang a rock everyone's done that I've done that I mean we've all done that but to like have a winning position for like 10 to 15 moves at least and then to turn it into a loss I mean beyond me um son of an thank you for they get to sub says for a great community thank you so much son of an those lows really appreciate it very well timed very well sounds like complete decimation of a Mon verbally was very good timing yeah I'm gonna get that someone wanna get something to drink we started nine minutes oh [ __ ] dude I would have loved to play the under 2000 division they started and within eight minutes both special prizes were captured hmm how does that even happen eight minutes and both prizes claimed at what were the under 2000 special prizes everybody I don't know if you guys know but I don't know what they were oh yeah I also agree though I've seen some of Simon's Simon's wins some of Simon's wins get me hyped whoa I think you just made 94 for gifting 20 subs the community as well so um yeah I mean thing is Simon's had some great ones like Simon's had some terrible losses but I mean he's evey Boris Gelfand like with black a little less than a Dutch like I mean let's be serious this is before Boris kind of had had fallen off Worth was still like 2740 maybe I think you know like that beating Boris with black I mean he could lose 20 games and and that one game makes up for the rest so uh yeah that I was gonna say Oh comer's biggest winner of his career is against gelfand what do you thought some Kaymer um hard to tell like he's very strong positionally i've noticed um like when I did my sort of commentary a few days ago on my general feel is that is that Vincent he's he's not as strong blitz a rapid player I did see him an isle of man he did play there and afterwards at the closing ceremony there was there was sort of we were just playing blitz waiting for the thing to begin and he didn't seem overly strong blitz so my first take is that he's very strong player but he's very classical and he doesn't have his tactics aren't super sharp and he's much more positional and he likes slower game so that was my first take um I feel like in general I still have the same general opinion I think he's a very strong junior a very promising who knows where he's gonna go uh but I'm a little bit disappointed I was disappointed by the game against Fabiano the other two games I don't think there's much that can be said Magnus he was completely fine I think but it was just a long grind just sitting maneuvering and Magnus was able to outmaneuver him eventually the second game against Vichy it was just a bad line in the night or I would not attribute that to Vincent being out prepared or not knowing the system I think that was more an issue of Peter like oh not adequately preparing something against the Bishop d3 line in the night orc that this she played so I had the first three games were watched the game against Fabiana although he did get a winning position um and I was very disappointed because he got the winning position it was very sharp and it felt like he was pretty straightforward and then he sort of he got a little bit too tentative and he didn't didn't go for the throat and he ended up losing that game so I was a little bit disappointed by that he's obviously talented but I have yet to see anything that makes me go like wow he's just he's out of this world whereas I would say like even with Magnus before he became really good there was a certain wow factor that you you you could already sense even before he he had made it and and the same goes for Perugia as well so like when I think think about Vincent he's a very solid strong Grandmaster it's obviously going to be 2,600 plus probably 26 50 plus is my guess but I haven't seen any wow factor that makes me think he's gonna be get to like 2750 or you know even higher than 2700 yeah but he's obviously very strong so I'm gonna go get some water too so I will be right back as well all right I believe the word is its okay cool we'll be starting in five minutes we'll be starting in five minutes shut up Sadie Karma's chat you guys are awesome you guys are awesome most of you most of you are awesome everybody's lost this is quit we're all awesome we're all away yes yeah twitch chat 100% success rate for being awesome yes we all we all know no-one on twitch is poorly behaved alright so alright so we're going to be starting soon I assume I think we are uh yup 545 so they're gonna ping us and discord for the start time you're going first I have you followed and yeah I mean then we then we go so that's I think that's I think that's pretty much it's gonna be like 10 hours of streaming and one day for me I'm excited I'm full of energy then tonight I'm getting some dinner and probably some cigars potentially with some friends well you're you're like a member of one of those private private members-only clubs no I don't I don't I don't actually have any sort of any sort of membership but I get invited sometimes knees Zach thank you for the twitch crime the two months yeah Hikari you should boot up do you know how to challenge kimono by the way no I know okay so you click play game play at the top and then rather than making some sort of seek it says you see where it says verse computer mm-hmm all right yeah so you have to click one make the time control manually 5 - it's 5 - Okamoto 1 come over 1 mm-hmm I mean yeah we should start with 1 we should really be starting with like 15 but it'll be fun and so make it 5 to rated or unrated and you have to always play with the white pieces so I only see 5 minute or 3 - I don't see 5 - he gets a click custom better make it yourself like when I go - uh I'm gonna sleep when I go to sweet green I'm making my own salads fine how do I do that so I'm apparently very stupid uncle time time there's its bottom right but next to five five it should say custom I think or hit the drove him it should say more yeah I should say more you say costume so it's five - you said five minutes yeah second increment okay mm-hmm and I click play in two minutes or something yeah when they ping us in this word mm-hmm okay cool cool cool good stop honestly like it's not I don't think okay we we will lose a minute or two in the beginning maybe uh but none of this really matters obviously every minute counts but okay if you leave yourself an hour and a half out of the allotted three and a half hours or two hours to beat Komodos level 15 and higher right then that's basically what's required ultimate well I think ultimately we're all gonna hit the same log jam so as good as everybody is comodo is ultimately come on it was ultimately quite strong so um I mean it's good enough it's good enough I mean I I actually doing quite well against in the odds matches so um so I thought it looked pretty good so wait so just to be clear so first game I need to get Bhishma night against King all right to be clear uh-huh I mean you can try you're you don't have so you could also do it against level two point is we have to just do it against the early stages no the point is I have to do our on top of one cuz level 2 or it will already be stronger right yeah I mean we could probably still do it someone is gonna do it in the first game so I have to do that first if we want to win right sure yeah that would be that would be ideal so they're gonna ping us any second you just got to be ready to hit play remember unrated you're playing white not random Komodo level Warner right we can start we can start goes unrated 5 - there we go how right game should be started in 93 ok let's go deep v e5 Bishop e7 Thank You Ganic chest for the resub thank you anonymous for gifting 37 subs oh my oh shoot but I yeah I do I go mate or not ah no no I know I gotta get much midnight I gotta get much tonight okay okay Laurie you keep going hurry you have to play white you can't play black oh sure I just abort it yeah you should just like okay sorry okay so I give you five two unread how to uh sorry one second color white okay there we go okay fine let's let's go okay let's go let's go okay let's go come on come on come on let's go let's go let's go let's go okay free Queen good let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go why do I feel like this is like arena kings or something I'm like like this ridiculous oh sure I just hung a piece whatever that's free Brooke was Chuck maybe just push p38 for H five six Chuck ah but I can't oh yeah I can't go me Queen exs me but I can't play mate okay just keep keep it going takes takes takes you will take you'll take whatever you want oh shoot I turn off how do I make it how do I make a queen oh shoot okay alt okay Knight okay good okay let's I'm late for skin close okay like a Chuck do it like this alright Go Go Go I'm ready to click whenever there we go okay there we go all right Chuck MIT okay did we win all right there we go I sent it okay cool beautiful oh my goodness I think we might have done it all right I'm going up against Cameroon oh there we go III also think we got it before everybody else so that's how I'm sick all right now make sure to follow me five to comodo here we go yeah I'm following you cool cool oh my gosh and now oh man I'm glad you were able to connect Oh soap into this guy I'm just gonna play a little bit more easy easy money yeah I got a queen man I wish my TV games were like this so okay so what's the next thing we need to do just we need to mother Nate right yep before you could have gone to smother me dude what was that oh come on what are you thinking oh come on man I didn't okay so I think I play Komodo Komodo Komodo - right where are we allowed to play it again by the way I'm playing level two right yeah you could play level two with white okay let's try together okay does it matter I mean how it basically showed all the enemy pieces near so the king has to have no moves so like Knight f3 is not mate because the King has free squares you gotta piss 903 meet here no no no it's not it's not the surrounding pieces have to be covering so if you put rooks on g5 and g3 you know only Knight f3 that our mate so if you play for rookie three rook okay I don't know I'm somehow somehow oh oh never mind never mind never mind the King has to be surrounded by his own pieces G so he needs like he needs okay um you could resign and restart just so you know but is it is this not me is that not smothered mate no it's not okay no I need my it's okay okay i won you go you go right okay okay so I'll play against level two okay with black all right so let's let's figure this out I mean I feel like this one is absurd but okay there is no try or trial there is no try there is only do or do not so just get the smothered mate you've got two nights just get this mother mate man night afore I guess no snow okay so maybe c5 stop d4 yeah I'm trying to just maybe six maybe I hate how you've wandered he wants one of my nights I won't go back okay whatever just just Bishop a5 maybe ok whatever it's all good all right we're getting we're getting somewhere now let's go f2 let's put a wig e7 or queen yes all right geez what am i what's wrong now hey you're not used to playing our position that's this powerful you know it's very messes with your head maybe I mean just win the game I guess all right yeah I just won the game who cares Bishop e5 can you somehow I mean well no the thing is you gotta lure the pieces this is a ridiculous challenge this is crazy man that happens all right whatever I'm just gonna win I mean wow it's thought there yeah I just won the game just won the game who cares it won't even it won't even come to the defense of LC we've officially won the $500 for [ __ ] midnight checkmate excelente all right so I guess I will play the computer at level 3 right you know with white right hey there we go let's just play e4 okay this is already annoying why is it playing real opening how do I get a smothered mate is not a smother meter it is no it's not because it's oh you need it good night damn it you should have brought the Queen in queen of Queen and queen somewhere like okay well whatever oh I miss a golden chance you're right I screwed that up I'm an idiot you could resign and restart if you really want why would I do that love to get more money Wow Bishop g4 I mean I'm trying I can't quite I don't know lean I give the night shook okay whatever I'll just went all I'll let you I already did all it did part of the the job so I'll let you get the rest yeah you can get the smothered me oh my gosh dude some other maid is it's it's ridiculous you have to play the computer has to play her up love it yep all right so the computer has to play a passive opening and you okay I'm just gonna go for it what is dude why did yours play Sicilian and - playing this garbage okay I don't know it's a computer computers don't really make much sense I don't know if you knew that but you know um how do i how can i all right I'm just gonna oh we may be somewhere getting someone for ya okay you're trying okay how can I manage development right just Bishop g7 and castles okay hi they go to f2 I was hoping it would go to app - yeah I really wanted it so if we take a moment here we can actually figure this out it's not a huge rush everyone's gonna win this so um okay let's take okay okay clears no but way back to with you how do we do this so what we okay it's trying maybe put the bishop how do we do this so we need like piece on F 2 and D 1 right and then nice teammate okay yeah maybe Queens b6 to hit the pawn me then I'll go 91 okay just drop the bishop back like f8 I mean so what I want is I want you to tyrant won't let us take on b2 okay Queen c6 maybe Bishop a3 [ __ ] pay 300 I wanted rook d1 hug oh oh Danya and JJ got smothered mate oh they got us mother mate okay okay okay let's just let's just win okay okay so let me look I love how it's basically like it's it's about to be made as well yeah oh well it happens yeah here here uh-huh this is actually so there are no other there's nothing else I'll flopped right we just win yep now we just have to win it I mean that's the thing right that's the good ole Al Davis saying and what do you tell your players it's like I just tell them just win baby yep all right go ahead okay so what we're level four just time to actually matter or not that's what I wasn't sure of no I mean it doesn't matter how fast you do it we're gonna we just need to win against every single level okay okay what is this yeah what is this what is this oh I just wondered a piece lovely okay who cares what is this and now because I feel like being a masochist or not a Mascis because I feel like torturing this silly computer I'm gonna make so I understand that speed matters but I'm assuming no one is going to beat Komodo boss um if they do okay god bless them so but I'm assuming that no one does beat it and in in which case what matters is well you would win the subcategory all right just checkmate it well you said some you said I'm in just checkmate it just Jacqueline okay what why would I do that well I got to be careful oh man I can't move the knight or its tell me oh it's very [Music] you no no it's not telling me it is it no it's not oh I didn't make need to make clean whatever knowledge Chuck may you go you go okay one second yeah okay I think I forgot that it was an auto queen so I kept holding down alt speed does matter but I thought species nope its first twenty but no one's twenty is boss level right twenty one is boss level but yeah I mean all whoops okay yeah so okay there we go whoops I did not expect that move I did not expect it to actually okay huh Oh speed does matter okay fine then I'll go on it's time to go uh super super super super fast okay alright so speed does matter okay ah someone gets 91st nobody beats nineteen the time does matter oh so that was careless of me okay alright yeah so just go luck we just won this fast faster faster faster okay so next is a level five right whoa all right there we go alright okay I'm white okay there we go okay I was like playing bullet or something oh my gosh it's okay no one's watching nobody is watching right okay that's that's good come on Houser Houser no me it's computer actually knows how the pieces go it's pretty fascinating first mate um oh my god oh my god doesn't know me there we go there we go all right here we go I'll play this Wow I had this but why I miss Bishop f7 Jesus ooh good night before 94 94 94 95 come on 94 d3d Tory go go go work c4 Go Go Go just win just win baby you just win baby just went oh my goodness Mouse slipping all over them doesn't matter work da rook da trick da trick T to just win take the rope go C - C - C - move your work to the 8th yes yes yes takes big this yes we're - to work G to work - to take with the king and queen g3 all right let's go all right okay go lovey uh I think you played ten minute and you had to play five - Oh what someone in chat pointed that out I'm not 100% about that I'm not sure it was that right time control I thought it was five two and not somehow I changed it oh did somehow change it well do you want me to do you want me to just just beat it again at five - all right I think we can do that yeah don't think it's okay okay so now I'll just play two games in a row right I guess you could do that yeah I can't I can't I can't really read the chat so I just have to okay okay okay fine so I'll just play two in a row winning this quickly just see sexy I take just finished off when I certa weaning 600 you got it that works all right okay so I play tuna right you're playing Oh what is this I just could play the computer what's it doing what's my commute Komodo six right yakamoto six okay okay there we go okay guys you actually have no I also thank you for the reefs ups guys you have no idea how hard it is am i doing to make moves so fast okay you got this you got this e5 ah yeah not really okay now hey I've got good nice nice nice okay easy peasy mm-hmm all right maiden Kaymer did it we could do it comrades to Queens and there we go so now I play level seven right uh oh yes yes actually I just started against level so you want me to just win your game when your game and I'll play two in a row right yeah sorry I forgot oh it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine I'll just went to in a rose fine damn it what what is this takes here take take take in 94 take in 94 94 take take the rectangular take the rook yeah let's play work see a trick see it rook see - okay oh my god that's too funny all right I need a revenge on level seven rook f6 okay go ahead uh Hikaru apparently you have to replay level 5 at 5 - also wait what's going on I keep challenging at 5 - yeah so okay yeah is there some way I can just is there some way I can just set the set it manually so it automatically does it I'm not sure if there's like a written command there might be I could cite one here don't know what do i do do I have to play I have to play why which one do I have to play yeah level 5 that's it okay what will fly that's it okay mm-hmm yeah you beat level 7 at 5:00 - okay but you have to beat this one playing so well come on walk into checkmate oh I love you alright I'm not gonna get made of this time I swear alright level seven I gotta hit it with black that's good alright dude I have no idea how you move that fast like it doesn't make any sense to me is it even yeah yeah but I mean the problem is everyone else was winning their games normally and so even though I'm moving really really fast we're still behind bud are we confirmed behind or yeah it was on level nine he's on level nine I think oh my god okay Bishop t4 okay uh I'm like dude you're dude you're losing again like dude no no okay player he sucks rookie six rook 86 86 86 okay rook he fought uh shoot no go over key a tricky eight go rookie and then rookie a rookie a rookie five murky v e5 okay now just like Bishop f8 bishop f8 okay rook takes a - Bishop c5 work f2 let's go let's go let's go Bishop c5 Bishop c5 dude Bishop c5 work I've to work be to work up to Rick be to take the rook okay Bishop d6 okay King King have sex with Bishop d6 Bishop d6 location 1 and take then take to work Thank You del cuarto for the research scription okay go go go go go go go go go alright okay okay this is level 8 this is 5 - right my game yeah there we go there we go cool cool ok let's just go 5 4 what is lovely what's the rating I mean ah don't take the knight come on Oh give me a break oh come on what is this what is this why is it playing so well okay Oh what is this why is it playing so well suddenly it's plain like ridiculously well oh my god make sure that's a hang mate no no I saw I don't I sitting there done that hey takes h5 b 5h right it's still weak right its soul is still weak happy sex it's still weak so I can still win I just okay Chuck oh my god oh shoot I've seen it escape these kinds of positions okay yeah there we go there we go there we go yeah wait there we go okay go ahead lovey all right dude this this thing plays so much d4 it's crazy right so so lovely it so I'm just getting my challenges lined up so that's why I'm not responding right away you're just making sure I get challenged lined up okay what uh let me take that just trade the Queen's Nike seven looks fine yeah I didn't know if I should trade or not I guess after the hassle Kathy yeah I got Zeb just play like Bishop c5 or something no actually take take fish before fish before bush before oh yeah [ __ ] about three f3 f3 yeah yeah rook h1 bishop before maybe oh yeah we could have secreted it sort of oh oh wait no do we just wander this no no we didn't blender anything now um yeah every catch one I really wish lady three was made but it's not yeah I just just just trade take and just just win yeah okay so those of you who are watching a chat just let it just let me know where Danny is because it will actually it will it will affect me because if Dania is still one or two levels ahead then I really need to win every game like instantly well the point is look I mean speed matters but he's Daniels on eleven now she's okay yeah okay unfortunately yeah those two games I'd probably be on level we'd be on level 11 - if I hadn't accidentally clicked I know instead of oh my god ptoo ptoo you're still fine just be to make a queen you're so good so good king b6 oh I thought I was that's fine that's fine just C 6 C 5 C 5 C 5 good C for me okay it's all good just don't get poor clean up three okay good new uh Queen C 4 yeah I guess just be 525 we know three yeah that's sound like King b5 King D 5 and it's all over queen g4 just like c4 is fine as well see - okay Queenie 44:24 mmm he's okay Queen d7 and bring the king okay so it's thoughtless level eight right yeah that was lovely okay so there we go this level nine right more queen endgames okay go ahead all right oh my gosh dude I need a I need a better anti D for I mean this thing just alright an ode to ki Carter this one okay so far so good so far so good don't even know is it rook e8 here is this to move mm-hmm and lucky for you you analyze the game that a sub played on your stream like last night or two nights ago that I saw in this exact line almost sort of and then you says clean e8 okay Queen d7 f7 Queen d7 f7 yeah okay it's nice and g5 I can play Knight okay and are they are they yes are they um let's go g5 and Bishop e6 sir I guess looks completely reasonable um can I like mate Komodo go for it take on h4 employ at King h7 what was that th seven just give him the pawn king h7 worksheet we got to go fast so just like rook g8 just take on g3 kovash Rafi yeah take on a degree double the Russ double the rooks I was thinking Richie seven I mean Queen g7 okay night eh five keep going okay that's good to just like ninety five night of three maybe I'd see five yeah three okay just be six be six take on e3 rookie three work two three work two three yeah anything Rees uh oh God yeah nice nice nice nice exactly exactly with what level ton is next all right that makes up for hanging meat in one second my queen so check the computer oh shoot what is this wait so how strong is it now just playing really well suddenly how strong is it it's 2,100 mm it's still I still should beat her pretty routinely okay because it's starting to play much much better than I would expect it to dude we still have three others like I just walked into a mate Wow okay how do I go again are you go yeah you could play I could play whatever you okay I'll go again then cool that's that's not 2100 though that was like yeah my 300m yeah yeah it actually knows some openings now yeah this is not this is actually not trivial this is 2100 I don't know dude this doesn't feel like 2100 but maybe it is a night of for cakes cakes yeah I mean maybe I'm also just going too fast maybe I need to slow down already well okay you know what they should really do they should turn off engine analysis because I can watch your game and boot up the computer and tell you the moves like real I don't know I don't know if people are doing that and that's how quickly they're beat but like I can turn on the lines and I know we're playing an engine but I could literally tell you engine moves pretty weird okay I'm not like nice nice nice easy does it gotta go right nice nice nice okay I'm gonna play I just lost the challenge it's ten yeah mm-hmm okay another tee for Jesus what have you been playing again I'm just gonna put red that's fine just keep going keep going nice e6 mm-hmm all right what do I do here cuz 15 killed me here just just keep keep going at around 94 I mean this is a tough position how is Daniel on level 13 by the way you guys I mean it's jayjay winning super fast keep going keep going cuz okay 95 yeah I thought I had something better than I don't know or maybe like winning his queens xh6 g5h 65 just go ahead no but actually it's not it's probably not even just Dania it's actually that JJ is winning fast that's the other that's the other thing you guys so it's not just actually I mean I've made a couple issues with the I've made a few mistakes behind control but I think it's probably ga.js just moving really really fast I mean I feel like what is he what is this Oh God whoa King h8 yeah it'll be careful those takes take the night tonight rook f8 just get the rooks off the board and it's all good yeah clean here just take the bishop take the Bhishma baggie for just just keep this it's the easiest thing like d4 takes Wow 24 uh you meet like point out three maybe I think you trust auntie back forgiveness love takes night at night of three nights III Oh Queenie - that's good okay so what it's love level lovin right mm-hmm it doesn't matter we're all gonna get there right well yeah but what's the level oh come on seriously poison pod oh my gosh give me a break what is this that's ridiculous we gotta get there fast but ya know I know what we're gonna get there I mean and then we'll have an hour to beat eighteen or nineteen well but the other problem also is that I made those I used made like 20 nights which really hurt us as well I think exciting raw is the time action yeah bears right it matters but yeah logically speaking it only matters if we get to the end with Everton I mean true that's how that's how it makes sense we're all gonna get to like 1890 and hopefully I don't want to just yeah this computer is playing really well now this is annoying oh what's that okay I just rook if they know you had a root cafe done Bishop f2 I thought okay this I mean this one's too though yeah your upper a Keurig I mean I miscounted pieces now comp is trying to made itself its had just about enough see like you get through these middle games so quickly I got a hype that was 11 yeah yeah mm-hmm oh nice okay let's go for this one oh my god mm-hmm Knight b6 or something which b7 yeah what is 95 95 95 how we wouldn t 5 maybe waiting side I don't see a weight when I just play B 5 and B 4 personally that's just me um yeah man with the see my egg with a seat bond I take with a seat pawn and play Bishop d3 and just trade or something I mean it's slightly better for you Bush page for maybe I don't know I am yeah 97 this is yeah this is what I okay I mean d7 and a5 Queen D something looks good Oh a for a while was not expected okay just hey we'll play an endgame or not okay cast just her okay mr. Knight a5 maybe yeah I was thinking that if Ivan Rigby ate the other my eighth exactly rook b3 I was just killing the computer here at understand d8 Bishop d8 Bishop d8 oh it's nice to be 6 which would be 6 yeah yeah this is right 3 and 94 is all very very nice ok I guess before I don't know which one was better okay that's basic all good just just win baby just when good clean up seven maybe yeah and okay just just trade everything and just just make a one E 4 E 4 E 4 yeah if we're just good and like we now four or something queen g4 rook DF 3 work DF 3 is III III is just yeah III III III a breeze just winning and we convert everything here 7 d 4 d 4 d 4 well it's a 3 D 3 ok whatever okay yeah it's only gonna be a few seconds it's not gonna make a big difference okay you okay it doesn't want to get mated okay cool let's do it or go okay level 12 right yeah oh come on Oh Shh how strong is it on level 12 I mean 125 points stronger than it just was so it's like 2,300 something like that yeah like my position here guys the chest comm ratings are not the actual ratings of the shoot a five is no good your key one yeah let's just go let's play Daniel okay good what just happened somehow it just like blundered everything not expecting that okay okay go ahead you're up all right five two komodo twelve oops that's not afraid of night here we go you there is this line I could play okay makes you three but should be four maybe yeah this is just that there's like some winning in 44 before guys there is no 24 and Queen e2 and Bishop c5 aha okay good nice for Bishop e2 or take on eater take on e3 night before is also good let's do that yeah just like King e7 in 95 check rook e8 yeah Rick see it looks nice for K 5 maybe or work a7 it's up to you okay we're k3 were k3 and 96 96 96 yes yeah and King f8 and now you're golden 9500 mate just 95 do don't don't worry about me just 95 just take on b7 and you'll get a meet somewhere like Knight f4 maybe yeah 904 and now rook c8 or 85 95 95 and 80 oh wait no it's not me oh it's not it's not quite mate no okay so maybe just have five done just uh five and gf6 brook age seven rook here Brooke c3 yeah Rick 67 yeah there you go perfect nice okay we love all thirteen right yeah no no no I'll switch it up I'll start playing more positionally I think wow okay Oh what am i doing I just blundered oh dear oh and I had Bishop b2 also JJ is still on 13 by the way so we've caught up he's stolen 13 okay so I need to win this game fast like fast um what is Bishop like rook c1 yes there we go we're c3 okay now I just need to not allow me okay come on treat the Queen's mmm let's say three maybe between F - go ahead you're up all right I challenged what moto yeah it's not working uh level 13 yeah it's not uh okay Komodo 13 5 2 black play ok I'm going to refresh I mean I don't know what the hell is going on not going then you want I mean can i play level 14 okay okay I see it okay whoa 96 96 96 95 97 gf uh I think it's Bishop g7 yeah I think it's just Bishop she's what stuff what c6c6c6 oh shoot maybe castles dude what the hell is sexy 6 e 6 tanks f5 f5 yeah now you're winning tonight like 95 or something like 95 you're in good shape like I don't know like night shake just take on d3 and play like you play coming up 6 yeah I'm like B 5 B 5 B 4 a 5 yeah yeah b4 like be a 3 repeat or [ __ ] basics basics maybe you just it doesn't ok and just like I don't wish should be 5 maybe yeah or Bishop c4 the ship c4 looks okay go for it I don't see a maple go for it like that's the problem I don't eat I'm a B can you just go 'if IV for ya go f IV for um and house they're not a meat I have Bishop h6 maybe three Queen b3 but Aisha page six as well don't you have a 4 and a 4 as well okay just play E 4 and F 4 right efore FB f 4 core 3 oh wait did i just mess this up oh I might have just messed this up for you Houser okay queen bee - maybe I mean hold on why can't I just feel like we need to rugby a cousin I say 100 sup I must whoa kingi - back whoa now Chuck check and play likes check check okay take on a three check again I do money - yeah you play like play Queen b3 Chuck and c5 e 5y c c5 31 just c5 just go for it man Queeny - we need su and c4 because there's made on D 2 so C 4 is good um ok I mean I see it's resi 3 has to be winning yeah and I could say it okay just taking play work C okay kinky [ __ ] okay King and [ __ ] okay so it's all the same rook c8 right rook c8 yeah Burt C and Brooke FD 8 maybe and tell ya this is easy and yeah just take on b2 and good rook b8 simple wow that was a rook see - yeah okay okay oh I thought it was so Queen she threw this tomatoes okay so level with on the 14 yes position at level 14 5 - here we go this is a real level right oh I see what you mean it randomly wipes your 5 - yeah yeah it knows I know I know but that's why so what is this oh man it's it's a real level now so I can't just move instantly right frustrating takes maybe oh it's ok whatever it's still a game one was rookie 5 well this has to be good some rook F no yeah this is what I want to do okay I'll just play rookie 7 there's got 500 he's got Queen g5 ugh ok h4g for traps the Queen yeah yeah yeah oh I sure taken the other way but whatever okay okay good there's six of them yeah there you go you're up go ahead alright let's go this way what do you think is the best line to play here uh it's 97 and II just go I don't care we don't we don't have time just oh I'm gonna try don't blunder see deg or we're in the lead now okay I take with the table to see pong let's let's be play a six a six yeah this is very good move your bishop I assume bishop okay everything I don't need or maybe h4 mm-hmm appreciate this is gross like I don't have to do maybe just take and put that I don't like anything here just take on c2 and play Bishop b4 let's try to redo it okay I was thinking Bishop g5 yeah can you play an 87 or something no yeah night orgy 96 nice right a c6 Bishop b3 okay what is that that's a pawn no it's a pawn yes it's the pun I'm not sure it's just upon but how bad can it be though uh how bad can it we have night of five takes no we don't have 95 I would play nice what about no Queen b6 Bishop e3 yeah no I mean I think you have to go knight c6 and rook F eight okay I don't know Bishop c5 maybe so he's know us for okay and now Queen b6 Queen b6 and let's get o night before I beat the ship T or Bishop D 454 actually looks okay but for d4 oh just Castle yeah we got to get Castle seven a seven I assume yeah a 7 B 8 yes I survived I would go King a justjust kingi you can't take ephod now you can take with the bishop right okay but yeah for a good good good Bishop before I just went different before easier said than done my guy this is the important should be for yeah okay 94 good okay and now was this not completely winning oh my god okay look queen be a shape oh it's a true catch a rare catch a fish Melvin so queen bee okay whatever it doesn't play the best move okay uh Rick DGA maybe yeah Brooke DNA yeah we need seven it's coming just take the bishop I would just take and go like queen bee eight and her chief ID that seems like the safest way no okay or virtue yeah okay that's fine this works you Richie five and take and f4 there's a for okay - it's very messy I would like a five just 95 do whatever you want fielder's choice your ear call that's or if I broke a five play Rick f5 play workout five Ruka five weight broken 5c forever cough - I think or am I wrong I mean okay just just play just just play just go work g5 to play work h g5 okay Wow take just take HGH doesn't light up 3/4 made night of three night of three kingi - so take take the pond um way she up to G up to G up to it yeah we don't have we don't have a maid taken wait one second once that okay hey hey can make a queen make it take on g4 and make a queen you know it's me a threat make a queen its mate in three is it ricochet queen is shoe broke up three dude um oh my god that's disgusting yeah it's very good okay okay now I'm now I'm gonna start slowing down let's play that was I do have f3 chief war here dad was dude one second this is very very tricky I'm still much better but it's tricky what do I do Ricky you won maybe um 100k now I'm now I'm starting to get an ounce earn to to manhandle the computer a little bit here to night a for good good six or six doubles takes no hug okay how do I do this tricky oh shoot unbelievable if I double he's got okay I'm just gonna have to play it play along endgame here I'll try to win this as quickly as I can no guarantees this is gonna be hard I probably can win this but there's gonna be very hard oh it's wrong it's wrong color ugh - wrong color pawns gonna be hard week is it have table bases oh I don't know let me ask them I could do that oh I mean okay but but now it's just winning okay let me just let me try to win this game fast no style mates okay there we go you're up you're up go lovey whoa thank you Ivana Perry - for the five on three sub thank you or tempore Dumas while for the Tier one snowboard miss lol thanks go ahead love you level 15 I can't it's doing it again where it's okay there we go there we go good good good no worries it's all good where you guys in the chat what is Daniel and what level is Danny on yo Hikaru I'm gonna need some of your assistance if you are low 15 JD's only on level 14 let's do this man let's go 96 let's go okay just I don't know Kevin just take and play push b7 okay just Trey take on d5 and I don't know castle castle play like a Sam Shanklin yeah let's play Queen d7 queen c5 I don't work d8 yeah it's fine so I thought the ship g4g for Bishop c4 it's always really h5 yeah yeah go go go uh night night for ya night you can I say play 94 just good I know cuz he'll just play Queen off three so you need to play 94 first whoa you're fine there's no me you're fine there's no I know no fear man no fear Queenie five no fear good no Kiki no fear ladies there's no fear no fear just taking over d8 no fear um what rah just who cares just play with d5 and rook da no fear man no fear okay now work D - thirty - Rosie - let's see - C - C - like C ten pin that pin to pin the tail on the donkey work e8 um I don't know we're like um tricky okay let's see so can you play like I don't look e7 I could just get you see something Ricky seven Ricky seven I just play H five nights you four yeah just play Ricky who cares about the pawns play Ricky and 94 94 get nights off the board Oh a six very good double double double yes Chuck take check on r2 and take you to see Rick CF - you like Gracie - to take on you should split the rooks yes okay Brooke G - perché - hey and now just I don't a G three months G three month or wait no no wait and see three say generally say okay Brooke C to first and then g3ict first then he can still take it though Rick a - Rick aid who split the rooks flip the rooks split the rooks okay take and go clean up this hangout seven and you you King f7 yeah so exist looks teen yes level 1604 is good okay why am I playing the night or every single games it's absurd okay play always it's gonna take oh is this not okay from wait a second no no this must be losing Oh what is there no meat oh I went to the wrong square it's supposed to go to each three oh no oh no okay but queen 8:7 and take a five I don't understand what take Oh what's I mean yeah yeah you're right oh wait that was kinky yeah yeah yeah it was me um this has to be a house there no maid here um uh do I check and go ah [ __ ] you know um ah shoot okay six oh six how do I do this I notice you get winning I messed this up so badly I'll just take the Queen oh shoot no but check in G sexy ass yeah very nice go ahead you're up okay Komodo sixteen let's go I'm gonna keep beating it up in the Queens gambit accepted a six five Knight b6 and Knight b6 yeah this is the line like what gay work did today 8a b 5 eb 5 or Bishop e7 both are fine just go okay I'm gonna go for a b5 because I just think it'll screw up yeah b6 yes indeed indeed Bishop easily oh no before it's fine just Castle just cows no worries no worries just castle play age six just keep it rolling keep the flow going Bishop d7 keep it rolling I assume you play an IP d7 here night 87 I mean c4 is not a problem you bought three I figured you take up through employee something um if Queen a8 stuff is no but then he just takes it goes Bishop e2 I you you have to take on f3 so take on f3 and then I can you play Queenie let's just take the slightly worse position I'm play Queen 8:28 pre move Knight Queen eight nine takes b6 and bish oh I was not expecting that um maybe like rook c8 Quincy Wow five yeah I just go what am i mean we're done 95 or 97 Thank You masam Oh take a take on c5 yes or no no wait wait no no wait sorry no wait there's his King g3 sorry yeah just came g3 um can you play queen bee 1887 Queen ha I mean yeah Queen b8f for right if Queen e85 c6 um okay play Queen be it I guess just play Queen ba din' whatever we'll deal with it as comes this should be for surprising okay just go Queen c7 let's try to play nine games I don't have g5 yeah go g5 go for it no worries no fear ah night a for obviously yes Queen how am I not Jesus Christ uh I mean I think we're gonna play an ad in game here like we just go Queen c7 I think oh but yeah it's it's playing too well okay let's think um maybe like I don't know you play rock d8 here I mean we've completely lost the thread but we just have to go with the flow I don't know like please he said I'd play King f8 I was gonna play King f8 yeah okay okay but see it oh no it's check oh um okay King e7 maybe yeah I'm I this is on me though I don't know where b5 maybe g5 this should be three yeah this is night 95 just play 95 yeah Thank You Kirk which house for tipping $5 get him Carter thank you so much Kirkwood for a night dollar piece might be six we could reside and start a new game no don't resign don't resign we're not at that point yet rikiei eight maybe and just go King f8 hopefully it'll play Bishop c5 no okay King g7 put the King back on the Kings side now play like rook c8 okay Bishop a5 thirty-eight there should be six there should be six but should be six tape with a night okay we're closed uh mmm or 95 Queen B some okay ah okay play night um ah this is hard I mean a big Queen d6 rook dd5 maybe you were Kate I don't know yeah Ricky maybe try it okay but now there's a or um can use no you can't baby can revive no more in trouble I mean like I said we can start with you wanna mean I don't want I think oh sorry sorry sorry wait no no I'm unclean weightless yeah yeah okay keep going go dude guys come on okay okay well tonight at six play the Kings Indian play nice excuse looks like a man Bishop g7 castles d6 that's not any line oh oh oh 97 over this is bad that's theoretically bad 97 okay 97 f5 come on be a man just go for f5 not a f6 aged six agents be a man f4 g5 keep going g5 Knight f6 keep going keep going um okay what's the deal G night you six just keep going 96 96 I don't um okay now I think you're gonna have to play like g4 in 94 to 494 okay Brooke a7 obviously maybe h5 support the knight on chase yeah I don't know what you you you totally can tell me what to do because I don't know anything about fish but fate dude how do you not know how to play the Kings Indian it's a it's like man work geez no yeah night h4 h4 yes and now this must be winning I don't know you he2 looks great yeah night you two three half three indeed just take it you two uh or that take on G to take on g2 okay just Queen h4 h4 h4 but we got to go for me it's Queen h4 okay just take with the bishop yeah 95 okay 95 thought Queen issued was really well they uh just take the knight just take the knight yeah and take the bishop and I don't know like rook c3 yeah um okay that's fine yeah just yeah okay it's all good 96 put tonight on g6 and block them on okay yeah yeah this party well yeah but your techniques still not precise because you need to you could have saved yourself about like point six by by just closing the pawn change the real question is are we JD can I think you for the thousand bids dude all right level 17 let's go there we go let's play eight four nine of three yeah before I mean you couldn't the point was you could have saved yourself about like one second like and that one second actually matters if you're trying to be like the best bullet player that you can guys what where are we somebody tell us where we are right level 17 you know yeah we're on level 7 17 yes indeed indeed this is hard though it's playing very well now level 19 is where Creek were lost right no they lost the Ernie 20 it was level 20 okay good you know all right hey if we if you want to play the Kings Indian every time I have a black that's fine I just don't play it so dude why aren't you a man let's play workup for or draw I think that's a politically correct statement he card Oh okay okay 32 oh shoot what am i doing okay come on okay I'm gonna win this game two-on-one is winning maybe but I mean no but why even bother I mean let's let's not be in let's not be stupid I once drew this with the rook against the 2,200 story where the most memorable experiences of my life no guys like it's very easy to sit at home and laugh at the fact that you know he car was such a better player okay go ahead let me go go ahead just go nice - go ahead go ahead no my carrots go ahead we got to win we get it let's do it okay what do you recommend against this then I mean we can keep I mean whatever dude why are you playing like yeah sir I mean come on I mean okay whatever 97 um g5 and whatever you want play g5 like a Shanklin or play like Queen c7 like a yasser um this will disel do i don't know Butchie 6 or something Daniel is on level 16 okay just Chuck the pawn I think Queen c7 and Knight a5 or something in some kind of weird theory counselor how someone castle on allez allez allez okay just take on g5 h / g 8 or retreated okay that's fine - Ricky 8 f 6 isn't good Jesus okay f 6 must be playable somewhere in here um I don't know keep maybe Bishop b4 something Irish page 7 okay but should before I was thinking that's not what I was thinking yeah that's I don't know can you play like g6 yeah I just yeah thank you totally too hot for the tier 1 sub what Dad just take take take the rook yeah take and play like rook jeet okay interesting maybe you got it you got to get something over the H cross maybe night maybe Bishop h6 Bishop h6 I like here push page say take takes and just scoot the King over I think or play e3 don't love that III I mean it's uh no I just scoot the King over just scoot the King over and pray Brooke h8 maybe you go to 595 28 nine of seven out of seven yeah this is kind of girl I could I could just go I could just go Queen d8 but then yeah I just play Queen d8 who cares no fear um nobody cares maybe just uh Nina Schwartz no good work age three is no good just scoot the rook up to h7 or KJ 2h7 create and create a gun maybe um or no you can't create a gun okay Queen c7 I guess Queenie southern okay well it doesn't look that doesn't look right at all it's not right play g5 okay now we're getting somewhere now maybe work H or our gauge for okay wait you have rook F for rook F horn yeah Rica for go go for it go go go take with the Queen now yeah eggs and play Queen f7 wait wait slow down yeah Queen up something cuz he doesn't have g3 cuz you just take yeah Queen up somebody at f3 that's what I thought yeah which he does have indeed um okay so just I don't know Queen eh no not maybe just create a square a six maybe okay okay now let's do something maybe Queen g6 try to double on the F file or infiltrate Queen g6 okay we're making progress maybe don't know you can't do that except g3 um we can't wait wait can't we play for cash for or something okay you just go wreckage for yeah the Africa I'm assuming I mean or play you know what you got it well it's a we don't have a okay rate I can play like c5 later c5 or something I was gonna say yeah but it's gonna play b4 so just play work out the h4 okay okay maybe Queen f7 Queen out for but not of course now you don't do that um g4 oh no chief we're just FG yeah Ritchie stopping me try to try to bring the routine 85 Queen age five work h3 that's playable yeah I just got do whatever you want to do oh my whoa that I was not expecting however um rook h1h floor yeah go rock h1 i that happy orton work h2 i assume there's nothing else they can play queen G through then he goes off 3G 4 ft 4 work up stuff in King G 1 burqa for Queen e2 or for commute to room okay let's just go okay okay go for it I'll go for what your case we do one okay okay let's do okay can you play queen g3 here I don't see why not but I'm not the authority I I don't know like can you please Rick h1 and try to swing all your books in your cache one ricochet okay okay this is very annoying it's defining extremely well now rook f8 nobody wishes yeah okay but it's 2340 so it's God I still make mistakes so maybe maybe just put like I don't know work a1 or something I'd go work at one personally just hope it makes a mistake Stokes this 2300 it has to still make mistakes that's 2,500 okay what's the difference a 5 or something I don't know okay yeah we're gonna lose this one okay rook e8 to see if it makes a blunder um yeah okay we're going to lose just resigned we'll start again we'll start again okay so I mean caro-kann isn't no no abort yeah okay heard Matt thank you for the five months dude yeah you're black alright okay be a man play it play the dragon see saw it but be a man play the dragon d6 k x9 o 6g suck g6 yeah Bishop g7 96 nice castles yeah yeah okay Bishop d7 okay now we're in business this one yeah play rock be a Chinese dragon and take of the pond let's do it there's this the wrong order I'm Rick b7 maybe okay okay I don't know like Queen e85 or c5 I don't know you can't tell me to play the dragon and sell me out on that okay um so c5 is playable I think I think we must have to move order but okay just c5 okay it should be six bishops I don't know that I would put the rook on be a workup be a play on he'll play on intuition um okay now Bishop e6 he wants to take okay so what's this threat no threat okay um late age five 2798 maybe I would go night e8 here 98 or night day I mean H but h5 doesn't do anything you know if you got night of four okay so now we've got to do something mean I just said I'm in rook before I look before a three Brooke sorry c4 I've see for that know he is a before yeah I would play like shoot maybe yeah I just go Bishop e6 because he can't take his b2 is to lose okay now there must be something before the c-4 takes takes takes 4 P 295 e 6 97 that's no good takes a takes 295 rook back to b7 and he's six playable hey hey one is hanging in that line okay whatever works yeah yeah I would go see four yeah for sure okay and but now okay fine work b2 we can take him play tricks c7 takes we're on c3 or Playworks c7 know we've got Rick c7 right away don't we so no seven yeah Brooke c7 Rick c7 okay ah okay um played Queen before I say what about what about Bishop c3 Bishop's III takes Queen d5 and Knight f6 yeah okay let's go for it why not I mean I don't know there's there's c4 there okay no no it's fine let's just go for it though this trade Knight f6 Knight d5 okay Knight see are we too slow here Knight c3 Knight c3 okay yeah yeah I mean I don't we might be to the slope we gotta go for it f4 is also hanging I don't know if okay if we want to see that's a mistake I think okay so Rick Dees oven night beef wait like ah shoot it's playing - well um okay 95v one's no good so we have to go to d5 I think I think that's established 95 okay we have to play I don't know like work a key or something hmm this is frustrating there's some way to be able to draw and I well draw doesn't matter I guess so let's just play night before then if it because if a drawing a loss is the same thing okay knight c6 see ya 96 c2 c3 was a bad move um okay okay rooks uh yeah okay for sure absolutely okay it's going it's making mistakes now so now I just got to create a passed pawn somehow in the center um okay maybe just uh d5 or k4 what do we have I would play I maybe have sex just f6 just up sticks and and pray Oh shooty doesn't go that way okay um maybe an ID eight idea okay King Savin I think well I can't make it work before okay R okay for his unexpected yeah seven or no than her okay just play maybe um maybe 96 yeah 96 and try to try to plug the diag with 95 96 96 and he says why does it see that okay rugby 7 Rigby said Ruby 7 fo shizzle maybe 95 nice rooks c7 and HC 5 so we don't have to take with a well but what are we up it's even okay fine work c7 I don't want to be suffice it okay down 95 thanks you like yes take with the rook okay so we're fine yes we're completely fine you got to win this you got to show the Russian technique man I'm fake Russian my guy King e6 try to bring the eunuchs King D 78584 okay 8 no not h4 shoot okay I mean just put the work back just bring the King back and probably make a draw or I mean I guess draw a result I mean do you think you can win this or not if you can't win it then just resign we'll start over but I mean can we win it is it possible community slam playoff five playoff five let's keep it rolling um maybe a rook p7 yeah but even though I mean the brook b1 come on dude no fear we're going checking up on ya obviously you Chuck yes I don't know some big shock it we don't have d5 here ya go t5 because a it big or wait dude you have rook c8 no okay whatever okay King see okay King c7 maybe because the thing is the drawers the same as the law so think about the matter and we've got to do because if it draws the same as a loss think about the matter and take the risk um I don't know maybe you know just resign we'll start over yeah this resigns start over because it doesn't matter um I don't know I'll find out in the chat what level they're on okay II know on 16 okay okay so it's on me I got I got to lead you to victory so um okay it's on me so let's think let me think four fives go ahead start guys see him people I need I need Komodo let's go okay play play the Kings Indian like a man there we go yes it hasn't played it has to be five e v e5 okay so can I know better let's see if it does play 96 let's see if it knows better 97 it doesn't know better okay um okay 98 f5 la la la all in a 505 yes of course what does that be six I assume I don't know the case okay off for la la all in g5 go fortnight of six I might have six I would play Knight you sick sir okay rook up seven ship ever played play no play cheaper because it's waited too long pink with the night okay f8f eight you keep the diag open for the Queen work she saw it age five age five first and now let's see um night h4 take yeah play night h4 okay oh this looks juicy um maybe night night g6 just go back okay okay nobody cares unless he's playing a6 which I don't believe him so just all in baby you know what's the movie it's fall and yes yes you know what the move is dude good good good um I'll be trade twice yeah just take twice on g3 right okay FG we have anything better I see FG night night of for right night a for take pawn takes dude we're winning take yes okay this is I mean Bishop g4 yes very very illogical I would give said I would actually just take on a five here I would take on a five so that he doesn't he doesn't get this like fine I've taken okay now like oh it's being annoying again we're cuff seven I guess yeah work of seven looks we'd have 7 also okay I don't know we have 6 allows a 94 I think or then f3 okay maybe cleanups lipsticks looks fine yeah let's go clean up 6 okay and work up 7 I think Brooke up 7 yeah I think it's so ok yeah we're still flying the computers just bluffing rookie a drug ba ba turi 8 I assumed a OB 8 I guess also but yeah it makes a lot of sense it makes actually be I think makes a little more sense let's go work ba hey you hear that shad I did something good ok ok I would play Brooke it's not we're not out of the woods yet though uh maybe location 7 Rock h1 um just maybe Bishop g7 ok ok but we've got to do something on the diag that's why I like this I don't know can you play Queen geez hard Queen G for ideas but maybe ya know you do have worked before I'm trying to cope with the right sequence room before it takes rigsy for and get a rook to d3 somehow yeah okay let's go well why not again no no worries just yeah go for it go for it just go for it um or as they say just do it exactly yeah it's very nice 83 83 of course let's just winning though rook c4 yes that's it GG and just take just take no fear just take okay now this month can you take and play efore I think you can right we're C 3 and E 4 right yeah Trixie 3 new fortress winning before take with the pawn move the show to the bishop take with the bish okay right and put the bishop on d6 586 yes indeed Bishop d6 teenage 7 Ritchie 7 okay that's fine Ricky 7 relieved Jesus Ricky 3 rookie 3 Goa yeah or and just went just win baby okay all right okay good very very nice take my bishop yeah all right now to demonstrate fabled technique boom Komodo yeah we're playing 18 right yes sir okay now I'm gonna have to start getting really what's the level what's the rating 2600 it's still not there yet so I was trying to get tricky with 96 nobody cares I mean it's only 2600 it's not that good okay maybe it is good Oh three what am i doing 86 F or else left for d2 or yeah it was 22 he nice have to play d5 okay now it's getting it's getting very tricky so click a 4e 5 looks like a bad move I Bishop of 3 office on it would be insane let's Twitter spell 3 takes takes um it's playing - well it's playing - well don't like a 5 I don't like rookie 3 I don't I guess I can play a 5 and lever don't love that f5g 5 ok now it's starting to miss play it so ok I'm getting somewhere I don't want to take a little sidestep take and play H from you just getting tricky very tricky um get your 3 okay thanks Pig okay now I'm getting somewhere where he 3 is a problem okay so maybe just one or two poor stupid oh shoot I might lose this game Oh probably not okay I might lose this game so I might I might be restarting this level - it's okay no one's at 18 no one's at 18 yet okay but no I I don't know how long it took the other guys to get there in the morning so we're competing against them - right yes but the point is that they're not even at 80 so we've got to 18 faster than they did which means that we have the advantage at the moment JJ is still at 16 no one is at 17 okay so we're in good shape we're in good shape I just need to not lose this game first Schoop the computers playing - looking well wait this looks oh it is a - oh very annoying very annoying oh what a luck box wait but I've got aged six whoa bishop d say no but any queen oh what a luck box what a weight oh what a luck box I don't believe it what a lock box oh that's gross you don't have you don't have like any Bishop d6 or h7 nothing that's fine one takes Riki 707 I mean what a luck box what a frickin lock box I mean I can throw on a check a check work there check I mean I can make a dry think with Bishop d6 Riki 7 rk7 but I mean no but you know I don't even care about trying to make a draw because if I make a draw it doesn't matter draws the same as law so yeah so right this is correct right I'm black yeah no no you need to you know all right sorry I was like I was like something looks wrong but I can't quite I can't quite put my put my finger on it and like something is wrong something is completely wrong but I just like it's like something's wrong but I couldn't quite figure out what is wrong okay where I play Knight off the Ryoka whatever okay okay but actually I'm forgetting it's 2600 so I do actually need to play this like a like it's a real blitz game now for three takes one night see 450 to nature five or okay it's fine it's 9 h 5 h g3 I can take a 3/3 wake each one to play very well this is annoying in each one bishops before is a huge problem I was just lovely maybe 23 okay six doesn't really do anything a little slight size of huge here strong Chuck movie nights New York's three play a for a 494 if run thanks Brooke up c1 c1 Bishop f2 oh my gosh that's unreal wait no I still as bishop up tonight oh wait no it's not me though is it or is it I don't know Thank You Abdul Ghidorah for the six-month pre-sub how do I do this such an ugly-looking position for me maybe nature one night eh okay whatever if this loses this lose this okay he doesn't do it so I mean I figured if it lost it lost but at least I don't waste two more minutes now let's see I've Queen d5 95 98 98 at the end take six nights the 894 f5 Knight c3 or i-595 whatever if it doesn't oh come on wait what always can't push up the eight at the end oh I don't believe this thank you wait IQ one wait wait what c6 I'm sorry Brooke c6 work d5 rook c8 work d8 he's got the 68 at the end I'm so annoying um that's ridiculous yes what oh and I blundered this too you don't have like Knight f3 Knight 5e but you take me bow here's like 97 I guess if ya I mean this just doesn't work okay you know our wait no sorry um let me you know what I'm going to do I'm gonna wait sorry let me go back to this first computer I'm gonna I'm gonna play hippo style now it's too strong to play actual theory so I'm gonna play hippo style okay I'm gonna play hippo style it's just it's a little bit too good not not know what is C for wait what yeah this is Komodo 18 I don't know I don't know what the hell it's doing but okay why'd you just let the pawn for nothing pretty much yeah know what I need to do is I just need to trade off pieces that's what I really need to do here if I can although somehow I've already must played this again and it's completely fine again um maybe night every night when due to work d8 cb5 okay wait a sec why tikis got Bishop a three star II since Tyrell - but ponomaryov played hippo to get to level 19 and beyond it so so paano knows he knows the matter as well but that's good to see I'm 95 maybe Queenie six or 90 a 494 yeah I'm okay that's not shocking Potter knows the matter that's not surprising um but if it hit me with kini - and move for so every now and then the computer does something yeah f 44 no I mean I'm doing wild this game I just need to put put it away 95 takes a Chuck Chuck Chuck night you eat how is it still surviving here thanks Chuck night GA 25 unbelievable unbelievable okay Swift windy 128 okay let's reroute the night to c-47 how is it hanging on you're supposed to lose okay now I'm gonna know I'm gonna get it finally 95 looks good or am i I just wonder if work see too why does it keep refusing to lose Thanks okay now I should win uh Queen C for house Queen see former k39 f7g I'm not winning that's a gross but whatever I still to go for it North D one wait what bless you you have 55 yeah you also had Queen d5 and Queenie 8 ah very true very true okay whatever who cares Oh am i messing this up now what am i doing okay there we go and now it's just hold no I just oh not work of five that would be very very okay if I ever get five come on why could you do this 10 10 hours ago Wow can we get a bonus we just smothered me oh that's ridiculous well I couldn't have done that like five hours ago that's ridiculous okay go ahead while you're at level 18 Your Honor I'd wait he Carl I have a theory I think it's what we're really far in the lead so why don't I resign until it plays d4 and then we beat it in the King's Indian again okay I mean whatever works yeah I mean it's all about the matter so yeah Oh d66 yeah let's play e5 and hope it plays d5 good 97 I mean this is terrible but whatever ninety seven a five a five six a five a five okay maybe just age sex just age sex no no no fear I'm do we care about the pond unfortunately probably do so just take and play Burke a six okay about a five all in baby all in before I would play hh5 metaphor just play off for let's see let's see how good it really is okay so what do we have b6 is no good yeah maybe just g5 stupid move at all well just maybe beasts play p6 because now that it goes vision before it's lost at MP so b6 should be fine here yeah be sick should be completely fine thanks e5 or Knight f6 Knight of song I would play Knight f6 obviously okay you never play Knight e5 to the Kings Indian Quincy Quincy okay oh wait wait one second okay we have to take them EFE 5 is prompt we have to go gf Bobby 5 is a problem ok yeah II five and then the whole structures collapsing so right you're right sorry I forgot no no it's all good it's all good no worries it's all good promise we've got a bad rook on a e6 so King eh 7 I assume it did trade off for a light squared bishop intelligently well I mean an on trade off light square bishop against me the king's indian he's still lost so um I don't know can you play Queen d7 and try to put the rook back on a8 its to open those two open play Queen d7 okay I don't know like rook f7 maybe get some yeah okay maybe this takes Hicks what is cleanup one uh can you go c5 here c5 d c6 knight c6 Bishop d6 Knightly or no yeah just please see five just please see just just play I would play c5 here I would play c5 okay well okay I was not expecting that okay take brutal just takes and maybe take on a five I mean you know what play off three who cares just play off three nobody cares at age five yeah I play knight c6 I just mean we have to win so like who cares if it's a bad move it's a bad move but if it works it's gonna work really well and that's all that matters so I would play not yet NIH for f4 I would go night afore looks like a four night a for look very okay what it's 98 or Bishop on one second I would play Bishop Buffy we don't have any like subtle trick till I give up these 695 I don't know Queens you for like 9 th fiber come through no but the Queen on f1 covers everything I play [ __ ] Buffy okay Bishop f8 yeah it's more useful okay okay now there's got it now I yeah maybe just put the knight nh5 anyway who cares 95 in box the rook I'm assuming you mean Knight 6s yes yes yeah yeah and cheese urn no work she's seven mm-hmm I mean if we lose we lose but we're close we're close okay oh what a move okay so it's just waiting it's just wings now I just have to punish thank you for lady to Queens you for Bishop d6 92 h3 like let me think about to h3 Queen b6 okay maybe we can delay them maybe we can play like something subtle first I don't know like rook g6 yeah good work g6 because here we delay so you protect the pawn okay oh oh man I hate computers maybe I'll work g3 is such a computer move maybe work up six Ritchie's three is such a ridiculous computer move there's work yes it would take you take slap on the bishops hang on f8 but there's no like it didn't miss anything you don't think no it's a computer well unless you have night eh 593 thank you lie around for the subscribing two months in a row 5.0 feet in Aichi 393 issue three Queen h3 Qing Zhu one work g3 King off - oh don't you - king of to go for it go for yeah go for it so say 93 and 95 oh this is it like Queen of five we might have yeah Queen a5 okay who cares oh wait we're more in bad shape but maybe it's not all maybe not all hope is lost um let's see Knight of 6 is bad exactly why Knight of 6 9:06 okay okay so now we're close we're close um so takes and rook g5e stills Bishop d6 right but so what who cares okay Queen out 500 chief I've just go for it okay now jeez Viper Bishop e5 so what just go Bishop g7 hmm maybe oh it's gonna plop a knight on e4 at the end of this that's gross um okay just take on a five I guess and then what else can we do Oh a blunder that's not correct it was supposed to play ninety six ninety four on four no II 496 let you for yeah by night for H three I mean we got to go you for at some points and why not just play it now what Knight d6 what's the plan five yeah yeah I just go uh III night of five eighty to ninety three is no good okay so just Ricky five okay um we're getting somewhere now though we're getting someone Bishop h6 ideas yeah I just so for just go for I'm feeling good about this we were completely lost it's not them h5 just go go go rook e8 we've only got 40 seconds okay um yeah just take what's the big deal okay III three two yes yes this is III first the ship C 3 or Y E - what difference does it make it makes no difference okay now we've got now I got a punish it um because if we play rook b8 d6 rook c8 yes we're da first yes Rick CA yes oh oh shoot um I'm an idiot okay I guess King I'm an idiot uh just King g6 maybe yeah I can survive no I know whatever King before whoopsie so perky yeah whatever just resigned because we can't win just resigned say it's a yeah save time let's just just resign we'll start over okay well I try the hippos block let's try the hippos block so G so G six yes yes d 6 k e six ninety seventy six a six a six B 6 okay there should be 797 h6 97 what g5 this is is this good or bad oh it's all very bad but Keaney and she I mean it's all terrible but whatever who cares okay e5 it's gonna play g4 now play Knight f6 maybe okay Bishop c8 you maybe night e98 it's gonna take or not play off five who cares just play off I was 2,500 I have five Knight f6 maybe dude this looks terrible for white no I'm with rook a 3 and C 3 it has to be bad but it's not clear ok so b5 yeah d5 maybe thousand ninety so ok ok maybe Bishop f5 or Queen f7 probably Bishop f5 looks or no but then that's three we have 783 no ok Queen f7 Queen f7 yes I like Queen f7 can we take Hicks like an issue then we have still we have c6 this takes Queen c4 c6 whoa 28 nobody cares Queen GA Buffy Oh stupid computer ugh um 57 this should be 5 let's see if c6 d c6 Bishop e6 what's the big deal so what do you think I play c6 because I mean we're in trouble so wait what oh it's 96 no but what's the big deal CD 5 I don't understand it Ricky what's the big deal if you go over k7 see it what am I missing something very hot oh it's got some positional nonsense yeah Thank You captain couple for the twitch twitch prime sub I just resigned with start alright where is every bill that one now we're just resign resign just do the rematch out and they beat 18 we got two hours they have an hour and 15 minutes plenty of time okay they beat level 18 guys no nobody beat 18 on in hours okay play b6 plate play 8b 6/8 let's play a weird setup I want I want to get the right basics yeah we'll try one more time just play a six we'll try one more key five very this is a good start d6 okay play h6 g6 okay Bishop g7 this is what we want 97 mm-hmm 97 okay how do we do is king out the 8 I guess King f8 interesting I think kingi trust me man trust me if it would be rope car that's good enough to beat the stupid thinking yourself yes okay let's see okay maybe a 5 okay okay five good we got the right structure this is good for a cafe this is good this is exactly what we want ninety-five maybe Bishop d7 we're gonna go f5 but we need to time it just right so we get it at the right moment so Queen e8 maybe Queen eight okay or no you know just just go back to d8 d8 okay okay now let's see okay want to go f5 we don't want to do it right away maybe maybe we play like rookie how do we just play where K or K 3 or K 3 maybe it's better darn it's not taking um okay just can you cheat maybe clean c1 oh geez I'm an idiot oh yeah I was as I was playing it I was like Queen c1 ok whatever is it really so bad though after Queen e8 okay let's let me think for a second okay so we take the pump always got Queen G wait 93 takes takes Queen chief five no I made a bond we had we had this game water and I messed it up I mess it up okay just play off six I mess us up this is on me okay Queen d2 let's try to survive into an endgame a between a five why I want an exchange Bishop a4 maybe change of bishops darn it I want to exchange um okay if we take and go Queen may be taking go which would be three and a be three Queen be for take Ansari take where be three with the bishop yeah I take what the bishop and plate Queen before maybe why won't it trade on g7 Ricki to trade the bishops already stopped resisting hate Laden doesn't King Jade King Jade or King a 7k7 yacking h7 yes finally take like rookie Rookie Jade I guess okay maybe Rick H or does nothing right okay I don't know what to do here maybe Knight G 896 knight of seven or something I don't know yeah but this is this what I was afraid of is that is where k1 Quinn a three sir now we're gonna lose this one because I mean I messed it up with Roque 3 we would have won if we'd played out if we'd play that correctly okay we'll do something different this time let's do something different um why is there this delay this delay is driving me insane like I can't yeah I know I understand um I think they have to hear I'm gonna try this play comodo 18 5 2 black okay um this hasn't really worked well what is gonna work well some of the sharp not thank you bgh for getting a sub bass or decay thank you for the 13 gifted subs um where's we're waiting on the game yeah it's not working what level what level are is everybody else on you guys in chat just so I have an idea they they beat 17 or then I think we'd be 17 I don't know Oh Eric's on 17 okay what do you want - how do what's a good close sort of stuff I mean let's play C 5 let's just see I mean I maybe it's got an opening book completely but d6 let's let's see it KX 9 oh six a six a six let's play well it's a good structure let's play e5 okay bish b6 play h5 I want to try and get another Kings Indian kind of structure again Knight bd7 okay which way do we want to take take with the bishop I guess and play g6 okay okay do we want to be extravagant or not let's be extravagant let's play a line that's known to be bad but maybe it'll work let's play Knight g8 okay okay it's thought for like a second so maybe I think it's Bishop h6 the Amish page six you could take your time but I mean like obviously Knight age six yes okay and Knight a5 rich definitely not I would play Knight g8 Knight f6 again okay Queen the Queen sees Queen c7 I mean I said it's extravagant but but I'm trying to look for ideas or yeah core Queen b6 Knights for Queen c5 interesting but Queen c7 has to be right okay Queen c7 Queen before okay now let's think so there's what rook b8 or night please something wrong night see 595 looks fine alright 95 looks okay plays off for that's annoying um I think you have to go eat efore yes okay it's not ideal but how bad can it really be maybe quite that um we play an endgame okay maybe just a night of sixties got Queen D for no then 2497 queen c3 Keaney 7 ok night off six I guess okay let's see if I let the Queen take with the Queen okay but now we've got some chances though so castles okay now we've got we've got some chances though I mean we probably losing with precise play or f2 I would go to f2 I think okay we can't oh wait no wait wait a sideways I'm wait a sec no you know we hang d6 we hang d6 yeah I thought yeah I guess we should play workup c8 done and work c5 k with the rook c4 a 5 maybe okay so we need to put the night on a better square right so maybe maybe we just go like 97 and f5 yeah I like that right okay have a G for me okay it's not gonna play chief or they for me Trixie seven no no you don't want him playing before oh okay sorry so you want to put the knight on c5 and then and then we pray a little bit 95 okay you've got the perfect setup now so now we want now we need to bring the king and so like or no let's play King f8 King f8 so we keep it rook h7 okay okay so I guess we have to take and play rock h3 check I forgot that he could do it this way um have to go easy right okay Rick h3 I thought there was rugby a tin roof pyramid there there very well might be like rook b8 let's just let's just do its if we lose we lose but I mean whatever and I've wrote p3 rook b6 unbeliev work cheese looks unbelievable oh it's a draw if we play rugby 3 takes and then we we get brownie points for making a draw Network b3 but it's not gonna do that it's gonna take Jesus with the rook I think well so gi5 rook g5 is a problem right does the issue is it no I don't think so okay take on f5 take on r5 rook b3 okay hmm East seven I guess yeah yeah but okay who cares it's gonna try to beat you it's not gonna try to make a draw like rook hg3 I assume yeah brookies g3 okay no because it because it's algorithm is gonna make it play for a win that's what I'm saying I play rook F 3 a 3 I would go to a 3 ok 3 2 4 6 change take and now I mean we're worse but maybe we've got chances with like rook a3 or woke up three oh that's because I like f3 f3 looks good take on a4 okay now let's how's it hanging in I mean we've got everything we wanted and still somehow it's not winning maybe rook F to look King III Ritchie - so yeah something like that I mean I don't know if we can win over and kicking d8 okay now we're getting somewhere okay g1 no I would play a a for maybe yeah go a for try to put the pawn in a three king c7 shoot but it's gonna be six we've got to go for it no no it offered me a no no no draw no draw a 24 no 84 go a three regardless it doesn't matter because we need to win so draw doesn't matter Knight p7 okay King c5 King c5 rookie four so what 95 who cares Knight a5 we're getting somewhere oh he's got King f3 tonight working f3 I've don't believe this um maybe a rookie three kingi four or so close here I can feel it um listening do we have hope we don't have might be three non no but I be three checks in the alte 9c for King Arthur there's really nothing unbelievable you unreal uh can we play like something bizarre like worksheet three work be three or something I mean maybe okay let me play Russia three maybe it'll make a mistake Inc I don't have King before well it's gonna check and then go c5 isn't it that's the problem I mean we can still go King b6 and go King b6 and try to hope that it blunders it's not going to I'm like Knight d7 85 or something I don't know okay rook G to maybe oh I did well that's on me I just blundered this no I made it up yeah I just I mean it's yeah I mean you can take and go King a5 and it's probably still a draw but I mean who cares okay let's go gun yeah man I really wish they gave you black I think they knew what they were doing yeah this is really this is really quite hard yeah although I'm still getting a lot of moves so okay so let's I know it's true I still think I still think hippo is objectively the best that's my gut so play like a six I still think the hippo is the best east looks yeah let's just DX B six okay ninety seven h6 Bishop e7 in 97 g6 Bishop g7 okay let's go King f8 again now will please for one time play d5 ng ating shaking shaking yourself yeah why not they go Kingi see what can we do I don't want to play qi5 I need it sorry I need to fix the structure why won't it fix the structure okay just go g5 why not yawn in the chat says that pono crushed the computer with the Berlin hmm that makes some sense I wasn't sure what the opening book is like though okay so let's finish this one out with her I would say night why does it play e5 computer never busy five just take on f3 of course take on f3 okay it's like a three it's a key no no no do not take no I was close though I feel it maybe just night a faint maybe night if 896 exceed e6 I assume okay maybe rook b8 and now Knight I would play Knight FG 694 yeah we're trying to get somewhere okay put the other night on g6 maybe maybe Queen f6 we're starting to get somewhere now it's starting to look up okay night a4 um D 5 D 5 I don't know I would play h5g 4 personally just like crush the stupid thing H 5 and G 4 takes takes between G 1 Knight f3 Quincy oh no that looks 5-point G 3 takes is one g one we keep missing its defensive resources that's the issue we keep getting these moments and yeah I mean I don't have anyone told you love you but this is a computer computer is kind of our pretty yeah I would just go G for though okay okay so it's scared so II five of course okay it's very afraid okay now we're somewhere okay now now we need to focus Thank You Bo back to the six-month three sub okay so how do we made it if we take with the Jeep on put a knight on g2 there's no mate we take with the night he takes place ninety-four Queen fish reach six maybe we have six-night h3 or night h3 right away is that we can't we can't just keep building up the pressure with Bishop h6 something like 38 took c5 is the problem yeah I mean looks just too strong Knight h3 it's just plain night at night actually has to be right how is there nothing here though I mean okay you should obviously take once to open the B file beeping yes yes um rook I mean it's like house there nothing here this is disgusting um I have three c6 Bishop h6 these seven we just we just got a play ultimately I mean I guess just light of three oh yeah this Knight of three oh it didn't didn't go c6 okay that's surprising Queen h4 Bishop f3 g f3 but there's still no mate that's the problem Knight h2 and clean it now so good Bishop h6 No I mean Bishop h6 is what I feel like has to be right so let's try it okay so how takes a strip you - there's rook c2 or something we were just Kingi southern okay okay why so that's the half of your bad news um this ship before that know about the ring - doesn't make difference a trade trade or no we can't I know we can trade trade trade - Rick be too risky to take stakes or if the eight that I also play faster yeah okay just taking over see trippy - hey it's rookie to trade and play Rick d8 I mean it's a Rick d8 what is this okay Queen somewhere um h4 I know the nice one 93 93 I'm queen ah maybe Queen h6 fix now maybe six I like be six more and rookie seven nobody cares about the chucks or do they care maybe they do please Lucy five Queen c7 we have 92 no I guess - no no 92 no Queens takes Chuck Chuck Queen ace six at the end I have to UM we can't sell it sixth okay so we have to move the Queen somewhere but we still a minutes there's no need to lose our minds oh but he's gonna take you a knight f6 or something 27c only move my all but he plays in this war he doesn't play it in the other order my gosh wait I don't Quincy - what's the idea in that age five oh wait yeah you're right King h7 night okay tape yeah just take I mean whatever King h7 obviously wait a second wait a second okay Keaney and sheet loses right so King eh it loses King g7 there's a draw right will it not take a draw no no it'll take the drug that's down Oh guys if we go king g6 I think King jus 697 King eh five night of 16-gauge 494 King g4 that's winning all right so King g6 okay King one a second is g5 I thinking - five key new g4 yes kingi for trade trade trade work t5 work t5 and night off for you got night afore you got it man night a for cake work t2 you got it you got it you got it there we go King out five king of five and taken three take on okay yep you got it you got it alright there we go that's what I'm talking about yeah now just not gonna still make this bastard you know there we go level 19 okay level 19 okay let's play III okay there we go no no no no trying okay there we go come on there we go there we go yes yes now we're in business now we're in business oh shoot I love India oh I'm so annoyed at myself that was so stupid of me so stupid okay okay but it locked it up okay now we're back in business again okay I don't want to take wait what this is this looks awful g5 takes Queen h5 well some night h5 yes no no this is winning that this is definitely winning for me I just need to like not lose my supposed to go through it so g5 h v queen g4 right g6 Bishop g5 Queen c7 Queen h4 g a5 Bishop f6 okay if I take threatening night I always got night at five oh that's a big problem if I take on a shooters night of five can you shoot puts the king or I go to f/2 I guess I should go - eh - okay this has to be winning somehow hey let's just keep a good show keep it chill you like we have three keep it chill gonna go work see six this is ridiculous keep on sliding hopefully it loses the event horizon it lost the event horizon here so okay so I got the max now I need to maneuver my night let's see how do I move over the night Jesus it's no good gh 696 how do I maneuver I think I should move over at maneuver my knight do I go to h3 or do I go to d2 surely it's got to be d2 aha okay I can wait it's f6 okay nobody cares well this is this is winning good I need to be careful still it's not it's not a foregone okay now it's a foregone conclusion it's a foregone conclusion you got Queen even five I think who cares it's game over Wow nineteen and a half I was crazy all right yes there or there we go I know don't do anything stupid Caro I was I was like I can't take on g5 and it's like why even like why be stupid okay just don't go queen of three yes that will not happen Chuck you lose you lose there we go we go we go again we go again oh my god he car just beat nineteen on the first try that's absolutely okay there you go you're up you're up levee you're up okay oh my god that's crazy dude how the hell did you do that I've played I played computers way too many times that's how I do that okay so okay okay love you so let's see six yeah keep it real let's keep it real you want a six yeah should be 7o z 6 6 I mean you just need to make sure yeah h6 just keep it keep it simple Bishop g7 97 we can walk that 97 okay c5 hang out no no no no don't don't do anything just keep walking g8 this is like 300 just like stay solid just you gotta defend no open you can't open water lose no just go King f8 King g8 thank you left er force products which ramen I know this is the anti shots love you I know this is a little bit weird for you but um it's if it's what it takes it's what it takes hey man maybe let's do it let's play Queenie and rook da maybe I might be eight okay maybe like Bishop FA try to induce d5 you can't go back I guess go back nobody cares just shuffle it up yes II five there we go Bishop ISA drip g7 okay Bishop c8 yeah this looks terrible f5 go for oh shoot it in playoff three shoot he's seven I guess okay is that a problem Queen deists Queen d7 oh okay I'm doing cake or not maybe we just play burke hf8 okay it was a night take of the night take with the Queen I mean east or it's just not gonna work Queen age three also clean-ish five also maybe but Queen 83 looks stronger right chief Bishop c4 Bishop a3 is there no okay we're on the right path we're definitely on the right path here um rook d7 queen bee eight night h4 gh4 Bishop f6 does not work or it does fish must they don't have anymore we don't sorry I don't mean sometimes we don't have enough time for h5 is for uh 94 h 5 94 looks like a problem yeah no I mean what I'm doing is can we play like 9 th 400 d7 who cares we lose we lose just play with d7 who cares if we lose we lose big deal okay oh how he doesn't maybe we should have gone 90-84 I know but then it's too slow um yeah well what's that double up the rooks I don't like the ocean we could resign a start again I mean there's no point in delaying it we could yeah yeah you just resigned on let's start over then no no no no way right that's that's you're right that's much smarter I'm not because we keep we keep trying to break a position where it doesn't get to what we want right yeah Thank You Angela in 2079 for continuing the gifted sub they received okay she's okay final play Kings Indian yawn T 65 at 96 all right it's gonna make mainline right yes 97 yes this is what we want a five a four g5 yeah this is the dream night you six against the computer this is definitely the dream Knight f6 okay that's a bad move I think or cell theory I don't remember okay just play I guess please g4 complete workup seven was I guess play workup seven okay cuz yeah I studied this a tiny bit way I guess g4s peachy for cake CD yeah obviously okay that's a bad move that's a very bad move um well how do we do this maybe just Bishop and h5 95-98 I mean we want to go age five and let's just play h5 hopefully we haven't made if we don't we don't okay okay now we're now we're in the driver's seat just play Bishop d7 let's see we can slow roll it where it plays like beat okay it's wasting might be okay okay so slow down slow down don't get don't let's not get ahead of ourselves okay so let's um I think Bishop H thanks where do we want to chuck the pawn let's play Bishop h6 okay um I assume g3 wow if it doesn't work it doesn't work we've gotta try it let's try h4 we've got to try it if it doesn't work whoa okay no now we're winning for sure but h3 fg3 take six this has to be winning somehow each three takes you gotta play ch3 right like it but it's gonna know but it's gonna take on g3 and then we can't take back that's the problems uh-huh okay we don't have a G we don't have anything okay hey she work age seven she for night she for though oh maybe let's just go for let's just go for at age three Rick h7 I think right but now we can take on g4 with the night is was what I thought like 94 yeah 94 right NHE for okay this has to be winning okay so let's just like relax take a deep breath we niche for minutes for Queen G - no I thought 93 takes takes Queen G - Bishop g5 a for work h3 take 60s for night of for 180 no this is definitely winning 93 looks really strong 93 has to be correct so let's just play 93 okay he doesn't doesn't do anything so my guess 3 is just hanging it's just I guess somebody should just take a true with the bishop ya bish page 3 looks good yeah the h3 that's game over let's get him over there's basically I mean I just assume Bishop a4 is like resignation it's not so easy it's not so easy Bishop g5 y h4 Queen h4 Bush page - yeah somehow this okay Bishop g5 is played Bishop g5 okay it's still not simple though like Bishop H or I think we should play rookie - I guess yeah okay so so what um we also Bishop f2 right because we're do six King g7 yeah just take take the rook on take the rook on F tonight at night f - so what thinking of seven yeah I just take the rook and king of seven yeah King up seven then we bring the other rook around and we're all good definitely definitely we want to trade on d1 okay and can we go Queen h4 here or not yeah I think we just go Queen h4 just try to reach an endgame because and if we broke CA yeah oh uh say it Queen b3 Bishop f1 though yeah okay rook c8 okay I always got this one okay 97 maybe well if someone's not gonna I it is it is a threat our is it the rough one Queen d7 97 Queen e6 kingi a trochee eight queen c8 King g7 that's winning 2797 he's gone I thought we had last 95 de five music yeah eight I thought we had a whoopsie one but rook see one they see one Bishop g2 no he just takes okay I don't want to push rough one Chuck 97 Queen e6 king after eight rook c8 98 Queen c8 can g7 Queen be some Queen c7 King she just put yeah I think [ __ ] tough one is winning I think [ __ ] buff 197 if I'm missing something I'm missing something so takes take the knight King f8 take them take the rook and King g7 yacht King g7 you got this trade the Queen's and you got this trade the Queen's in like Bishop d3 and night off so come over yep Knight f6 take with the bishop perfect Wow mm-hmm unreal 94 94 okay whatever just take the pawn on g5 and then clean it up okay very good all right Wow sort of are you coming up yeah wow that's I love how it's starting to think now yeah just push the pawn queen just push the pawn don't waste point five we need every point point zero one that we can have level 20 level 20 I'm white what's the rating on level 20 oh shoot wait is level 20 legit I think level 20 is the one before the boss the boss is 30 is 21 oh this is just lovely so level 20 but no one's beat in level 20 right no nobody be 20 okay and and we definitely have the global record for beating 19 we definitely have it there's I mean I unless someone can confirm I'll confirm you play yeah okay well why is it thinking I don't like that it's thinking it's not supposed to think think why isn't thinking yet this level in India and the next one actually think okay so wait like it okay so this is oh this is gonna be okay so so basically now is why now now I need to now I need to start thinking right oh we set the record we're first yeah but somebody said Creek or beat level 20 and I don't think that's true oh no no no Gordon everyone oh okay okay let's go this is this game on not now it becomes fun or painful fun or painful one or the other fun are painful I will see which one it is most likely it's gonna be very painful for me but maybe maybe I'll find a way so we want well we would have nobody else beats level 20 right ah yes or we also win if no one beats level twenty and doesn't get to level 20 faster than we got there right I got there really fast so right okay Thank You cat a flam for reselling three months in a row okay so on Napo beat level 20 I assumed that just means he played it online right he just played a blitz game against and he beat it I wonder what he beat it with action I'm kind of curious okay so it's playing nonsense I'm gonna match it because this is just like the old days I feel like I'm playing rib call over again um let's see what it wants to do wait no but actually isn't time trouble for this thing actually gonna play a role or is that nice well there are two questions first of all hollow will look out on time secondly if the position becomes blocked will actually sock material so come on dude I move my bishop off the diagonal you're supposed to push d4 here I gave you Bishop d5 I took my bishop off the diagonal so push d4 come on computer let's go blade e4 let's go come on you can do it you can do it you can do it come on yeah Eon is like just use doctress that's what I'm saying like yeah oh thank you chess for giving 10 subs to the community thank you choice for the 10 gifted subs and it played h5 because it wants to be annoying okay I am up two minutes and most likely one so I should probably really like think think deep um okay what makes sense here nothing makes sense I'm just I've just got a terrible position okay come on play d4 I'm giving you like every opportunity to play d4 and put put the fishpond diagonally come on you can do it one time let's go come on let's go one time oh no oh no that's not what I want to see that's definitely not what I want to see maybe it'll play d4 and lock hopefully it please d4 unlocks the structure uh-oh I'm about to get screwed oh this is gonna be really ugly I'm about to get screwed really badly this is not gonna be pretty this is not gonna be pretty it looks like this is like this I'm on the pain train here this is gonna be painful this is not gonna be pretty this is gonna be really painful maybe maybe not you know he card oh you gotta you should well I guess I guess not Thank You mr. flower mr. fly oMG WTF BB q for the two-month resub what'd you say I was gonna say that if you play it rated you can take some points from it eros I'm only eight points lower rated on it so I'm gonna I probably would lose like 200 plots I probably they're like 2,900 if I did but that would be here we're sandbagging for the future or for you to take all of you know that was a very onyx that'd be very unappealing put it put it lightly I'm just getting murdered here this is ridiculous no this is just disgusting I mean I'm just getting murdered I'm just getting murdered okay whatever it's gonna play off five and I'm just gonna like get destroyed okay I glue disgusting this is like ridiculous I'm just getting murdered okay let's go again oh wait sorry I'm supposed to play with white okay hmm well lovely you made it to level 20 you should be you should be thrilled you know those of you who are watching a chat before we went on love it was like he he I think was barely beating level of 15 so he was feeling really bad but we did it we actually did B okay okay yeah I was uh no I mean I played Komodo for the first time I mean I learned a bunch today I hope the people watching the stream other than recreationally you know having at me oh sorry sorry I'm supposed to be white what am i doing does a rematch not reset the colors okay there we go okay okay so let's try option number two let's play a super super old-school oh come on why do you play g6 you're supposed to Louise it's let me get a stone wall okay so I can't use a stone I mean if I try stone I'm gonna get ya Yan said one Knight c3 is also a decent try to hope for d5 and E for I don't play d4 92 yes that makes sense too okay what a religious play the stone wall this is garbage but maybe it'll work thank you free token for the two-month resaw he says this is good prep for the World Series of Poker good prep is and what isn't getting murdered over and over and whoa then you just be forgiving 20 subs to the community Thank You Ches pay for the 20 gifted subs I think we're pretty close to 2500 subs so it looks like I'm gonna be doing commentary on Norway chest I assumed you honest play jaan is playing in Norwich s are not playing in Norwich oz I can go look while you beat this thing up I don't think Yan is playing actually maybe he is but I don't think he's playing I'm not sure the 92 ha ha yawn risin Chadi says no hikaru too strong for me that's absurd accent y'all like number seven right now are six in the world he's like really high rated that's absurd or he's number eight okay saying same difference but yeah it's crazy that yawns not playing in Norway shots okay play age three maybe g4 um what is what is the field what is the field from Norway uh I don't actually know I'll look it up like I said I got it okay you got better things to do okay let's see a three-night of three maybe chief or I mean I'm just gonna I'm getting murdered here it's like I'm wishing it was like 1999 and it would like play a bad Stonewall thank you collab for the two month three sub but I mean this is it right if I beat on this level we win 100% right Thank You Archie haddock for the two-month resub but if I win if I win this we're gonna win for sure right we're probably gonna win anyway but if I win this it's if you win yeah if you win one game if you want I mean I black and we try to beat it with black I don't think it matters I mean ultimately I think just hard to beat without either color no it's not I've got a big attack here man I'm gonna go like gonna like beat it here course like you just destroyed level level 19 was crazy won the h4 pawn and that made it itself basically it was really amazing you just destroyed it on the Kings side it happens it happened whoa Thank You GM John Davis for gifting 79 subs to the community thank you so much Jim John Davis meanwhile I'm getting hosed down pretty pretty ridiculously in this game I think that's 2500 so yes there will be commentary on Norwood jaws yeah Rizzo goes go Queen she - thank you so much Jim John Davis for the 79 gifted subs that takes us to 2500 on the dot I think that's 79 is a pretty random number so I assume 79 is exactly 2500 so thank you so much to chess p94 for the 40 gifted subs Jim John Dave's for the 79 gifted subs son of an I think it was 20 today I think everybody for all the encouragement all the gifted subs and we will be doing live coverage of Norway trusts um starting on June 3rd I believe it is I think that's what it is um oh my god man we were we were we were worried like somebody I remember someone in your shadow I'm just getting wasted here so I'm gonna play it again someone in your shot was like oh my gosh we're not gonna get Norway chest and I was like yeah I think I I think I think I think the chat will have something to say I think he Carver doing Norway chess is good for everybody oh right I need to abort this yeah we can try give me like give me two more chances and if it doesn't work then we can we then you can try then we'll try with black a couple of games okay that's what I think we'll do why did it block you because you're a boarding I think you need to resign oh oh oh oh I need to actually make moves okay so yeah that's why I've been making like two moves okay okay okay I understood yeah has anybody else beat in level 19 by the way in chat oh I make moves okay okay and there we go okay thank you teach to to do for school for free subbing huh pinky trust me 94 for gifting 100 subs the community Wow thank you so much for the other subs okay let's let's go option 2 let's play the trump house key and try to get a big signer maybe Oh spicy it's about a go D 5 move - no I played d6 so we're in good shape so yeah thank you chess pay for the hundred gifted subs thank you so much has to be for all the gifted sobs all the love today thank you Jim John Davis son of an everybody else has Reis up as well ok now now I've got a good position this is a good opening position this is like a bad pier thank you exa laughs for subscribing with twitch prime um now let's let's see if I can punish it because this is not this is there I've got space I know it shouldn't blunder but I've got space so I have space so maybe it's possible thank you the real funky chicken for subscribe with a tier 1 sub Thank You Gorham's 1 4 3 months 3 sub ok let's see um mmm how do we want to do is thank you sto lat but 111 first probably twitch prime um okay Bishop c4 and Bishop b3 how do i where am I going to be able to create tricks I think I need a stable structure so I'm gonna trade on e5 it gives me the best chances to avoid walking into some kind of stupid tactic okay de5 what that's that's very nice of John Davis I mean I was gonna say like y'all should probably y'all should probably chill out and support Hikaru because what he's doing is absolutely I mean I wanna I want to say incredible but I'm gonna say obscene like this is uh I don't know I don't know if I can make a good sports comparison like it probably would have been like LeBron leading you know Kyrie and-and-and no Kevin Love to beat the Warriors so thank you John Davis um interesting interesting interesting analogy yeah but you know having said that even there I mean I mean I I'm glad that you think you're as good as Cairo I will I will so that no hikari you're LeBron and I'm jr. Smith okay I'm J I'm the JR Smith and okay jr. are not as wow it's not like Scotty it's not like Scotty and and Michael you know Scotty Michael they say Michael couldn't have won without Scotty you could have won if my ass fell asleep for three hours so I'm happy you know I'm happy to chill out here let make you laugh like be a be chillin with the chat at this point I could start like talking about this stuff because we I don't want to say we clinched anything but most likely yeah and most likely like I'm not gonna win but I've got a good position this game that's uh it's not good it's not good enough I wish I had a pawn on chief or if I could get the pawn to g4 I think I could maybe I could actually dream of winning this game I'm not sure [Music] keyonna Canada Lake so it's knock more like Kobe yeah I'm definitely not a LeBron kind of guy I'm like that I'm like the guy who puts the team on his back and carry some to victory and LeBron has many things including being a great basketball player but he's not the guy who puts puts his teammates on his back generally and carries them to victory um thank you groans one for re7 three months in a row thank you trust me for giving us up to DJ chest dawg okay let's go for it I mean if I lose I lose there's no shame in losing v6 I'm Tyson okay I'm Mike Tyson so it also means you know like I broke my back as well um let's play a night off okay but I'm getting a Knight to f5 that's the one and only Gary keema viscous probe said if you get a night on f5 it's worth at least upon and even though I'm playing a computer Gary's Gary's general general knowledge should still apply so getting a Knight to f5 here should be worth at least upon even if I'm playing a computer I'm sure it's not gonna work out that way but I'm hoping as well I'm just gonna quickly interject I know you know we want to all hear he caught his thought process I just saw screaming sue in my chest it's a romanian poker streamer so if anyone's here is watching and chess is not your number one thing on twitch you guys are just watching twitch rivals you're just finding us off front page this is called comodo boss rush and it's basically a team event where two people have kind of the opposite levels of their score group like he carves number one and I think I I think I am the last one in twenty six hundred plus cuz I'm just over 26 and we team up to beat an engine and as the moment we're holding the record but we still have an hour we're gonna try to beat this level at least once so well we might we might beat it but it's not gonna be this game so I'm just losing I'm gonna decide um yeah that's all ready to make a couple of moves yeah LeBron carried the Cavs laughter that is true he did it Lasher binge but even latch when he carried them it was uh it was it wasn't it Kyrie who at the three at the end to beat the word I was that was that was two years ago I mean once they got Kevin jury mm-hmm I thought they were gonna and I liked basketball a lot but you you can't beat that team I really hope this year that the Bucks can hold their nerves and make and make the but cry what one night c3 Knight c3 Knight CAC okay well I can try to attack it let's try to attack with the Grand Prix so at least I'm gonna get an attack here maybe it's worth a shot to try and go for an attack hope there's some kind of horizon issue long-term is from d3 f5 so maybe this will work Thank You core he went for subscribing and twitch prime okay hopefully let's just play a five takes Queen h4 if it doesn't work it doesn't work but it's definitely worth a shot oh I love these positions man I made I made my bread and butter in fourth grade winning games like this man the glory days make you rank wiser subscribe which one oh man come on well between g3 g5 h 4g 4 9 h 2 h 5 I get no attack ok that's frustrating um you know what let's just go for it if this doesn't work it doesn't work but I can't resist I've got a sack you're right you agree lobby right oh jeez I mean ok if it if it doesn't work it doesn't work but I have to go for it I have to go for it there it's like it's it I just pray that somehow there's something I'm sure I'm just losing but it's Saqqara impossible but uh your opponent keeps playing the top engine move I think I'm gonna just ridiculous I mean all these people cheating now and all these online of ah this is just so bad I feel like I'm I feel like I'm close though I really do actually feel like I'm close to something here cuz Rick see it does not look like the right move at all like Rick f3 Queen p6 oh I feel like I'm closed that I feel like I'm actually really close to something 91 maybe 81 83 chief or okay guess I'll go to e to probably it'll be like Queen b6 B 3 C 4 teenage 1 I mean I'm probably just lost but I feel like I'm close maybe to something here okay b3 I can't sack okay Chuck but Chuck D for maybe before an e5 if it doesn't place c4 I think I'm gonna I think I think this might be the chance to win if it doesn't play c4 um who who was not okay I like see I'm starting to get that spidey sense maybe there's something going on here maybe there's some magic in the air let's just go see for night Oh for that I should with twitch prime it was c-3po seater was about yeah see through is probably better I doubt it made a difference but you're right see through is better than well but see third Queen e85 maybe yeah that just just because you said that sentence I'd like to announce my time yes that's all I needed in life Thank You D done 1966 for the five months resub yeah night if I mean I'm cool I feel like if I could get like Knight of three and rook F 394 and rock f3 and I'm gonna find a way to win I just somehow need to activate there to Brooks that's it I can activate the rooks I'm going to win I mean I I'm I I really want to just like grab the queenside and let me just double on the F file if I get work sign up three off one I think I'm gonna win if I can get ripped on after an f1 I'm gonna win if we if you win we break the EU so that's pretty and we all know that na is obvious so this was nothing I think she did na win the chest bra and I ever see you the most recent one I think they did so that pretty much settles it okay so let's say so okay by play work f3 what's he up 94 Queen age 796 no I mean I'm getting somewhere I think let me see so as long as no sax on e4 Oh nobody does take my play backup sorry Bishop b4 cuz d4 Queen d4 mm-hmm so you could start with you could just start with I mean I don't know let's play like let's play very principle like human I'll give him the whole Queen side he can take a 2 and B 3 I don't really care let's just play like it let's just play very very principled I mean Ricky one looks very very logical Rick f2 Queen III didn't write up a rookie one I mean I'm close I'm definitely I'm close I've definitely got something here like this is as much as you can really hope for so let's see it's really thinking okay b5 so I can play rookie to and rook f3 it's trying to trying to slash open the Queen side how do I do is work out 3 BC 4 might be too slow how do I do this you sure work up through work g3 probably just busted let's see you to Queen C 3 how do I do this how do I do this I'm night ig6 or something oh wait but rookie to queen c3 Knight g6 he just defends with Rick Dees off-network c7 even you you maybe queen shiiine 86 ugh to work of three is taking the pawn egregious yeah I mean it but I was gonna throw try to throwing like rookie to first but it doesn't work then but yeah I probably have to cuz he gets an open file I just lose maybe I take and play workups three don't worry about some no whatever who cares just takes and rook up three I think is what I'll do and I'll pray I'll just play work up three try to get rigged up one and just pray that I can somehow do something I mean I'm sure I'm losing that's just like I'm trying to get like some work out for when I work g3 in I don't know if I can alright once again thank you to everybody who's watching as well we're over were over 4,000 viewers so thank you to everybody who's watching the watching watching the stream I'm trying really hard to do something okay now Rick f1 must be I mean I'm close I can feel I can feel it in my bones that I'm closed clear cup one so I'm close I'm very close I'm so close here how is this computer not losing here I mean this if I was playing any human they would think they're just completely lost is black okay I have to play Rick g3 I mean this looks this looks amazing this looks amazing this looks amazing doesn't it I mean this looks at this looks freakin amazing for white how am I not winning here Oh where's the win oh my gosh our lawn hill for gifting Taunton subs to the community thank you so much our lawn aisle for the 10 gifted subs go go go oh this I can feel it 96 takes focus yes takes measure with 98 wait take 698 Queenie 7 with the idea of Queen f8 or cash 3 wait a second 96 or actually I'm gonna do it though maybe I put the other night on e6 life force him to take which night do I put on e6 well I mean that night g6 seems extremely natural whatever it doesn't work it doesn't work that's just life okay if it doesn't work it doesn't work so he's gonna play Knight e8 I'm gonna take and the idea is work work d7 queen of 18 age 7 wreckage 3 with me home Mamma Mia this has to be winning somehow oh my gosh how is this not winning takes Heaney a tricky Queen and shaking v7 Rick Dees rookie seven takes Queen g7 King e8 Queen a Jay King d7 check King c6 wakey Cara he got a Ruchi seven king a queen h8 king - seven Ruki seven he nice of him kini seven queen g7 ke a queen h8 queen of a king d7 check King c6 this was thinking about oh we just like God cuz they're like it can you throw in like a D for that that's exactly what I'm wondering can i play d4 right here d4 Queen D before Queen D 494 or drive Queen g5 here I mean there are too many options that's the problem um ah work g7 is no good that much I've concluded so it's d4 or Queen g5 I think um Queen B for Queen takes d4 takes cd4 and I have nothing oh this is ridiculous Queen g5 King eight oh my gosh how is there nothing here [Music] how's there nothing here this ridiculous it's gotta be what I mean you just just just go just I mean do your you might figure something out I look at it I mean Rick she's 17 yet I have nothing because my whole chain falls in the King run straight to c6 and of course he plays King ape because he's a cheater um Queen takes g7 it goddamn cheaters nowadays you know okay but now if I plead how do I mean this I mean I was ridiculous yeah we got out we gotta analyze this position after that was just threw up surd uh whatever whatever I'm not I'm not giving up yet nobody's got night okay let's keep going you this oh this is upsetting oh my gosh on there no chance we want to analyze the game see how to win it I mean we where you think it was actually winning I'm saying I I don't think it was win it I bet it wasn't winning I bet it was not winning my gut tells me it probably wasn't winning okay let's try a couple is black okay how much more time do we have left an hour I mean we could analyze the game just for Brooke teak she's Simon was plus two point three according to stock fish oh my gosh okay I'll let you turn on the engine on your stream then okay so after we're king f7 Richie 78 okay so four yeah so so okay Ruchi seven kingi eight and then what's the move I don't know I mean I'm gonna let it go to depth 25 at least before it starts making any bold claims oh that line was winning Hikaru and at the end you of night she white wykel that whole line we calculated with Queen h8 King D seven rookie seven key seven Queen g7 key eight it says Knight G 500 yeah and then rip and then the only movie nobody saw Trixie seven he's got Ricky seven rooks e7 we just take it and apparently I mean we just have so many pawns in the pawn on the FO passing yeah so it says 97 and then you play like either a 5 which is insane or just like ok but I mean I would not if I would not have won this though like because it goes on it's not like it's not like a tomb of knockout blow it well I mean yeah it's in a classical game maybe I would win this but like I felt like if we went for that we might find something but you think it was too much of a commitment and then if we don't have well I mean the problem is like no but if I don't if I don't play this hole but it's line either works or just completely loses that's the problem like right oh no no no okay do you want I'll try one more time oh yeah yeah yeah one more turns into 20 more I've lost 20 in a row so um so I guess we'll see how well it works okay I'm gonna so upsetting I can good I can go check out some of the other some of the other streams just let you know they're doing oh that's unbelievable okay um let's see that's a gun that was a dusting okay let's please wait but what am I gonna get out of this where I can trick it like anything I play is just flat solid okay let's try to get some kind of Kings Indian structure maybe maybe I can go d3 h3o that's so upsetting Oh 97 knight of seven even oh my gosh oh my gosh 97 907 takes Queen d8 Queen D for still doesn't seem so easy though king h1 Queen d3 rook g1 probably it's winning but still hard to win but d3 JJ and Daniel still in 18 Wow you know it's hard to beat the program Oh ma'am yeah that was crazy I mean obviously like route g7 is fine yeah it sucks it's likes rookie 7 yeah that bull variation was just it was well it's it's that I didn't see 95 like I mean if there's more time but like even even even 95 work see 7 takes um like 97 night F 7 takes Queen D 8 Queen D 14 each one Queen D 3 is probably winning but it's still it's not over that's the problem by the way instead of Knight g5 could you have played Knight f8 was is that what Young was saying or 100 Knight who's a knight of seven I thought oh he's a knight of fate all right he said light of faith but maybe in a different position I so he's saying that if no Knight if a third just light a fake nothing any sense maybe that if I don't know no I mean if he doesn't threaten anything what I've seen h5 I played the line I probably seen 95 at the point Knight of hate immediately wait yeah we Kazumi Brooke g7 Keaney 8 9 f8 yeah okay I mean what's okay I mean it's a little bit sluggish it's I mean like I mean okay if I can I mean if I can find moves like that then I really should be able to beat Magnus every time because that's like that's just too deep I should be 2,900 if I can find those moves that's like night Fe because what does night if had even threatened exactly my FB threatens that exactly nothing right okay three or something yeah I mean like I mean I should be 2900 if I can time night at night Fe why I don't I still it's like a puzzle rush me I was like I'm think about night of him I'm like but why does night f8 actually like when it's like okay I'll play a three just yeah you said Queen Queen d3 right so hit the rook on f1 in that line I'm trying to think about yeah I mean I'm sure it's winning but it's it's something it's something ridiculously stupid there it's probably like 9 f8 Queen III and you just put like rookie wanna you don't even care it's something like it's something that I'm not even sure if human would find in a in a real game it's not that's stupid I guess I'll play King H - maybe up for I've got a good position this game too though like I've got a queen g3 rookie one yeah exactly yeah rookie one and you know because it's a computer she's like okay nobody cares like oh that's that's that's some special that's that's some special stuff from the computer yeah four takes night if I've got a good position this game this is a good position boat doesn't he know you're not like him to boat says and Rosen got to a thenahms Wow very nice okay that's okay okay boys we're in it to win it I got I got the structure I'm gonna get Jeep or g5 girls who are just boys what like this is okay only 60 minutes left so only 60 minutes from you got like thoroughly destroyed I can play yeah I will let you play but even if you play I'm gonna be suggesting some moves so I'm gonna let you could you could just do push I mean can we just can we just like no I think we have to play for another hour and got our like yet our brain sufficiently like if are we allowed to rest until someone gets them 19 is that like can we just chill out and the Chad lets us know and someone hits 90 and then we actually get back in it but I've got what I want I mean I've got what I want so I mean I've got I've got what I want this is what I want I've got the structure I've got I've got exactly what I want he could [ __ ] from v6 but I've got the structure I mean I've got the structure even he gets d5 this is I've got the structure I've just got to punish him punish him finish him whatever the whatever the saying is I just I I've got a great position this is again this is a second great position I have this this time I need to convert though because this one there there is no actual there's no onus on me like I don't I'm not down material I haven't sacked anything so I just need to just finish finish him he's got the structure guys he's got the structure the structure is all you need if you got the structure you can beat it now do I go Queenie one Queen g3 do I go Knight f3 I don't go age Forks there's probably some Knight up five or not H no there ah h3 but okay it's for you I mean I know come on I'm playing a computer it's too good I I have to go I just have to bash its skull in here or it's a motherboard should we say okay this is what I want to see this is exactly what I want to see now I play Knight f3 okay we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere this is what I need this is what I need okay d5 nobody cares what it's trying to do now do I go Queen one do I go g5 right away um or do I go 92 Knight sheets no but then he gets 96 Knight f6 and hits all the pawns um g5 90 it's trying to do some stack on f5 and play e4 maybe after 96 okay that's a problem um she thought he has to take right okay whatever I've just got to go for it no no fear um thank you uh thank you Billy one for subscribed with twitch Prime I've just got a good group for us try to just - it's cool in here what I don't understand is why would they have this as 20 and not the boss cousin like because the boss is 3,700 that's why the boss you don't know the bosses of the boss on the chest that comes this is 30 to 60 oh wow that I don't know anyway though I've got a very very promising position here this is extremely promising like I don't know if I go Queen e1 or if I play Bishop h3 Queen e1 takes I just got to be careful about five EF v e4 tx-94 that's that's that's nonsense it's like Queenie one maybe I didn't need Queen page three as long as there are no tricks I just need fish Beach 3 I wish this night was on cheats ring but I'm doing well I'm doing well this is a second game again that I'm doing well okay so obviously I played Bishop h3 here eventually I want Queen H where I get Queen h4 gauge one that would be so beautiful I'd be so so beautiful if I could get clean each foreign fish rook h1 um it takes so I'd have to take with the pond he now he can't take on a5 we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere we're definitely getting somewhere this game this game we're getting somewhere this game I've got I've got I've got I've got a chip in a chair again so her I've got pieces in something I don't even know what the right phrase is for chess Knight b5 okay bad move I can take he wants to go 94 but why do i okay take some queen eh or I'm what two moves away I'm like two moves away from winning this has to be winning somehow this has to be winning nike5 cv5 or queen eesh oh do you have any suggestions lovey I'm always open to suggestions if you have any um okay Teague's well what what what what has made you district wait so what are your candidate moves it's 95 95 is the only move on thinking up um I don't like f6 he just takes Queen G 3 maybe Queen G 3 now look the idea of f6 yeah that's I mean that seemed natural to me I I don't know how to evaluate the position up to might be I mean I'm sure I want to go 95 Queen h4 rotation 1 Bishop g2 King g3 but it might be too slow that's the problem he gets 94 I'm just busted because then he hits the 90 on the pond um I don't want to trade an open file but I mean okay again I have to go for it I just have to be a man and go for it like no no fear no fear just all in all in yeah because ultimately won't it I mean it blundered terribly last time losing suspicion yeah it's so if it's pressured it can make mistakes um she's like Queen h4 I mean ultimately yeah and then just play on this I mean it's gonna go like rook c8 c3 but I'm worried about rook c4 but yeah I just I need to I just basically I'm playing for a prayer wait okay what does that oh what Rick 820 wants Queen c5 or something okay let's just go Bishop g2 oh he's gonna sack on a5 and create a bunch of create a big mess now I should have gone Bishop g4 that was so stupid of me so stupid I was supposed to go Bishop c4 okay whatever c3 yeah I'm like to temp I'm two moves away I'm two moves away from winning okay we're good oh shoot now I'm 82 he takes g5 oh my gosh Oh No Oh No don't you have f6g of 6:00 92 98 92 96 is your your right yes 92 yes okay here we go also wait he Carter can you oh no no no cuz he takes with can you play rook f3 rook h3 in that line well then 6o no cuz he comes back I guess anyway whatever what you know I oh but now he's got Ricky h6 or something oh I play Knight of three takes takes 'if work with rook age six at the X of the pin and I've got no time this one I should have one too well one being a very being a very generous way of looking at it ah but I see six that's so annoying this oh he doesn't repeat oh wow okay just pretend this firuze no present is Danya no no I know I know I know what I need to do here I said I need work age for dispensing it was handsome you'd be winning yeah I need like what two moves I need King g3 and rook each one okay um okay I'll cut that off so a trick h1 I'm King g3 cuz now there's no point off to right okay maybe maybe maybe we're I always have g6 - oh maybe I g6 there okay so he wants um whatever let's just go for it I don't know if this works but I just got to go for it um take six Wow okay he didn't take so just thank you five it's gonna start messing up Scott I mean thanks Knight g4 king h1 or cafe cafe uh oh my god I'm trying I'm trying trying but I have no time this isn't how it works I'm always have more time than my opponents one more time in this one yeah knight of seven or is that I'll just go for it why not we've got Bishop h5 or I mean I tried you know wait am I just winning oh my gosh yes you're just completely winning you're just off a full rook oh my gosh okay let's not get ahead of ourselves alright let's let's chill out let's chill out dude I guess I guess it was that night of seven the ultimate move coming from jr. Smith alright everybody okay it's all good it's all good don't play Ricky 293 okay right oh yeah I forgot fade yeah Rica fading Bishop you say rook F Aiden oh my gosh it's over yeah that's over you're right it is over this fish should be one okay it's over oh my god yeah okay it's over yeah this is over that happens it happens okay that's it Gigi game over Wow amazing I'm not gonna lie it feels good to suggest night f7 it feels it feels better than it should I'm happy unbelievable oh wow that's unbelievable okay yep and that's all she wrote that's all she wrote that's amazing is the official broadcast on that stream by the way because it better not where's the official broadcast oh my gosh oh wow tres is too hard sometimes hikaru you more stressed this game where the game against Jeffrey this is much more stressful because I know I'm I know I'm it's like 90 percent that I'm gonna lose yeah I know stalemate Oh King bee sucks would have been a nice style may try unbelievable you're gonna take my bishop whether you like it or not there we go okay G G my friend GG alright so it's up to you lovey right yeah it's your turn let's uh let's figure out a way to beat it with a black yeah oh my god unbelievable you want I mean you could also analyze the game room I mean we've got we've got time I think I think Daniel um 19 but yeah I actually to run the rush room quickly so why don't you just put one quick game and I'll be right back so just play the first one I'm losing all in all all right let's do it wow that's amazing I don't even yeah that's uh you know honestly before I started the game I just want to say you guys you guys who have all been so supportive of just the entire show just witnessing greatness yeah you people you people make make twitch s what it is it's awesome some people a little bit of the people here to antagonize part everyone's just just watching this less awesome stuff yo J clones thank you for five months yeah hey I'm happy you know I'm happy to be I'm happy to be the JR Smith of the two teams but anyway i'ma start my game we're playing with house money if I learned anything from its to play the hippo and I think I can play the first 20 moves of it relatively seamlessly anyway hey thank you for the five sub gifts I try my best yell you know at the end of the day that's that's what you asked for in a partner whether in life or in chess we get we gettin philosophical here so I appreciate those of you that you know all right you guys ah thank you alpha cake for every seven two months in a row all right here we go okay so a for Bishop g7 obviously job it's thought a little bit I mean oh man that was rough oh do we walk is there some trick with a5 b5 defied and it takes b5 or something that might be a weird okay well let's see um X 0 45 every seven four months in a row Wow Wow how would you define five yeah yeah obviously five of the prom yeah e5 hopefully we hope it doesn't play a five here plays a five we are in bad shape you know it's pretty fast sending like a five even yeah okay so plays a fine yeah it's so strong at this point it actually thinks it's not strong I beat it it's weak plain' ID sobs it's not strong it also gave you the structure again you get to play h6 and not five it gave you the structure so no it's not strong let's just beat it let's just let's just beat the stupid sucker um so yeah see be stupid slacking yeah a little bit slow quiche oh my god I'm sweating dude I'm sweating we're up 40 seconds that's good we are but we're also kind of lost after night BT to Knight c4 otherwise it's all good otherwise it's all good okay h6 okay this is this is good this is a good sign now I'll get a five at least Wow yeah so I mean I simile pretty much clinched it then cuz I doubt anybody else is gonna win on level 20 chief v u5 of course yeah so you guys are saying the structure it's literally all about the pawn structure but if you don't get the right kind of structure you have zero chance you need a structure where it's a Kings Indian style where you got your pawns rolling in front of your king it doesn't matter which color you are if you don't get that you just you're gonna you're gonna get blown away like is that what's it just Castro's castle okay it's fine it's it's good I mean I beat 90 to 94 with Bishop e3 I thought I don't question for you so sometimes I play like Dutchess or or these kinds of things and then when white plays g4 in this position locks up the King side what does blacks plan okay well he played before I place chief or you just resign it's it's pretty simple um okay okay wait but you have have five here cuz he can't take so go up five okay that's getting I mean I assume we're still lost after like Bishop III 92 94 but a week we we have a chance no but f4 we're never getting g4 though yeah this isn't this is kind of this hasn't gone the way I was hoping it would I would just resign and start over this dogs they just all right let's do it okay there's just ugly you don't play two moves resign yep okay um where we could try the Berlin you want to see if it goes into the Berlin maybe if pawn was winning or do you think it's too strong now let's so I mean I mean yeah let's try it 96 96 hopefully we got the Yankee 94 96 new chest fit for giving us up too far I wanna be take with the D pawn obviously yeah yeah then should tell me some move like Knight d5 or no I said B takes c6 Knight d7 was line okay let's play it super solid kingi 8 maybe or no no no no don't go King II don't think it because it's because we don't want to be super solid we want to try and win this game and outplay it and the only way to outplay it is to use like the two bishops so we don't want to play a line where this should come off um so I guess that means we're left with Bishop d7 Bishop d7 and King c8 that's the only way to try King c8 okay Bush eight yeah this is the idea I guess I mean this is obviously it's not what I would normally play but it's but we're gonna try to win which is the objective then we need something with the bishops so we need to you want a structure um work d3 I don't remember if d3 very well but yeah I would assume each thanks yeah I think he s Boris h6 I was thinking h6 for kh3 but okay yeah okay sorry do you just say each six rook age three yeah that's like never a theme in the Berlin oh you think I know anything about Berlin yeah I guess you know what was your chords the other day I don't remember which quote you're talking about but so you will never make 2700 because you don't play a forty huh yes you're right you're right that's that's a good point okay all right I guess c5 why not I know we give b6 of course ok b6 we're nice wait a second wait I know 94 94 Bishop e3 and I see to work you ones losing so yes and b6 oh wow routine without us so savage okay b6 I think we're doing well here we're doing we're doing okay it's not great but it's not terrible I mean he's got obviously go c4 so I know if we throw in a 5 or we just try 94 96 or 97 let's think about that so if a five I assume it's playing a four and we don't have c4 there a5 a4 97 c4 that looks bad hmm this could be a problem uh but we should just play ultimately I mean it's okay ninety-seven just plain IT stuff and then I guess lady 7 okay I mean I don't really like this but whatever yeah but also really why has it been blitzing is it because it's got book is that it's probably it's probably in its book still yeah actually that's probably what it is I mean it's been playing so fast okay so now I assume Bishop d7 and Bishop f5 makes no sense well thank you are damn Kenny Leo for donating five hundred bits thank you so much for the five hundred five hundred bits so okay so I assume I mean Bishop a5 looks like the only move that makes sense to me is I would play Bishop a5 here okay by 5 I mean it's gonna play like rook e1 can be southern I guess we got three there should be six Knight f4 bishop chief or it's probably okay okay so rook e1 king b7 should be okay then actually for a45 structures with black I I quite like these these brilliant positions whoa f3 Wow so double pawns takes takes knight c6 rook up 198th and East exhorting and probably there's some some deep on sac concept and we're just losing so okay so we can't take on e4 so I would guess that we played King b7 I don't see any reason why not just king b7 developer King traders tonight on c6 knight on c6 and rook on e8 makes most sense here what what about like this is this breakthrough with east six maybe ninety seven or something like that just curious with your thing oh oh well nobody six okay wow it's just it really wants to force this trade I've actually never seen this idea in the Berlin where white tries to get double e pawns of course naturally this means we're in a lot of trouble here Bishop g6 what is the idea no then he takes goes rook d7 and rookie 819 Vic ha wait Panetta Bishop King c6 98 King bee 787 what about just Bishop e6 what's the issue they're aged three or four like I know a way to tell anything about this okay Bishop g6 takes takes rook d7 rookie she 819 six Kingston 698 King bee 797 or create rook T 1 Kings the 86 f6 you no but there's probably some trick there's some tactic I'm sure so um we put actually no bucks takes a crook DS Bishop she's six ninety-seven Bishop e7 or t7 Bishop b4 c4 Rickey 8e six pigs Bishop e5 Bishop d8 probably bad also um I mean maybe just Bishop c8 I would play Bishop CA ships oh man oh oh it's no it's just it's just such a funny I mean in the come on the way no one in Chad would come up with a move like this like even if it happens to be the best but it's just fascinating to see how the mind works but it's very standard hikaru right this is standing up you got to be you got to keep the structure compact this is not so shocking I mean maybe a five a four is an idea to here um okay so there's what's the White has no threat here right so if we play rook g8 I would play Ricky yeah rook g8 for sure here okay idea we want to play a five a four that's what we really want to play for try to get a square for the knight on b4 maybe maybe Bishop e7 and then e six is not a threat because we protect the Bishop e7 e six or we're protecting the pawn on g7 here so okay okay maybe okay do we want to turn on a five a four does it not make sense could be could be bad no I would say just a five let's just force the struck this isn't a five a four we can be three more than it with us yeah I I think it's a good idea I do think it's a good idea here so on also if we achieve a Ford yeah okay okay but no that's what we want now we go by Shri seven mm-hmm we have a minute Jesus Christ no I know I know our being super slow but that's that's on me cuz it's a it's a very tough position to play there alone I'm not come I'm not complaining I'm just a six now the question is do we want it g5 looks G 595 Bushby since 96 takes is 48 um 1995 perky 86 F 6 let's play a stri rocky 8 if it doesn't oh no wait where he 96 ugh I don't I don't know what to do maybe night beef or I don't know what to do yeah I'll just play move killed wall reason entirety - I mean there's no other moves yeah to admit work due to him maybe rookie a rookie to Ricky a rookie to and rookie it looks fine nothing with these six thank you mister broad stone for the two or three so just play rook e8 yeah if he sucks g5 I should have seen g5 right away though we should have played it without night before that's on me we should just play it right away without night before sin II said yeah I miss d6 g5 I didn't see it at the time well are we gonna do with the rook on a what do you think about the rook on you don't need to do anything with it at all um maybe follow okay um let's just play g5 let's list we got to do something I mean we're working on time but ehh 295 how is it so confident here but such so terrible I mean comparatively like it seems the quality of game was jc5 yeah I mean it's played a very good game this game it's played - well it's pissed off yeah it's annoyed it's not about losing yeah word you can just resign we have no time and we're just getting blown away I just resigned we'll try again it told me good game should I report it for being a bad sport okay right just make two moves and resign yeah can I get made it it's thinking after f3 you didn't know that move yeah okay so we tried the Berlin well be something else is we can try there's so the odds are we play like hippo Berlin is there anything else structurally that makes sense okay Kings Indian obviously that's well probably let's see it's worked so well that why not go for it again right d6 castles which do you prefer oh what a chicken what a chicken this silly machine is it didn't even play the King play into the Kings Indian um I don't know castles I guess do you like d5 I liked it no we don't want to d5 Thank You mr. Bronson for the hundred bits play Knight pd7 no because we need the structure it's all about the structure we don't get the structure we lose every time got a five e slice let's play age six rook e8 why not you when is g5 good and when is it not like if I've they're not well I think you want to put pressure on the pond first um I mean if we're gonna win we kind of need to go for g5 so let's just play g5 okay I was thinking like they say what were you thinking Bishop to e3 and then one night a trial or yeah I mean I mean my question was going to be after on de and then de and then something like night C focus 295 yeah because I'm assuming f5 as what white wants a night C for 93 95 yeah yeah a BJT for 94 night night after night f1 normally white tries to put the night on e3 and go to f5 okay okay ledge e3 95 or no definitely not Knight g3 because then I'll take with F pawn and go Bishop c4 will just get massacred on Saudi d5 yeah I think D make Santiago de and then the goal is obviously a night of four okay so I would assume night off for here yeah let it form I mean this this has to be winnings not what sorry winning what it would have to be winning out what's wrong with me yeah winning cuz I would be really nice winning yeah I guess Queenie 793 Knight f6 probably winning you mean for who I mean better for us I would think I mean I like the structure it's not ideal but I like it that's an annoying move that's a very annoying though um deep move go back we could go by two I guess we can move our Knight I don't know yeah 9 f8 93 or vishva yeah but we should play fast because time trouble is I mean okay so we'll just play h5 then you want to play fastest plays 5 I meant h5 isn't I meant moves not not try to checkmate it you know but so guys what's the situation I think you guys said Danya is at 19 is the only player that's playing against I think it's that Erica I think that's good Erica's on 19 to the chest bras got the 19 I think so yeah okay but I don't think anybody else is gonna be beat 19 I think I think I mean also I highly doubt anyone gets half out of yeah yeah half half against level 20 yeah beating beating level 20 is borderline insane um gg4 i think okay chief or I like it I like it yeah does not even have to go back okay I think we're in business I think we're in business I think we've got it I think we're in business we got the right structure again um unless my insane does knight c6 win something or is that just too so 1960 goes 90 if you play 1960 goes 1993 and then you're getting you're getting hurt on the light squares um if Knight a fee 93 96 night of okay night a fee I had a fail it's gonna I defeat 90 Tuesday I like the time situation for us as well it's pretty good yeah it's pretty good I mean it's not perfect but it's not that either ok 96 98 g6 of course yep because now I've night of 5 I think we can just take and take H or we also don't have to take the night you can also move the Queen because now the knight on g6 supports not our Knight d5 that's a that's a lovely move by the stupid cheater I don't know send what is Queen d8 so bad yeah Queen D 894 no fathers I mean the problem is he's gonna take on d5 with the pawn and then there's Bishop d3 and we're getting killed structurally on the open e file taketake f5 and like Queen f6 and defend everything let's try I don't think it will work but it's better than anything I'll see Ellis take let's play a fight yeah f5 go for it I don't know like in blitz this is winning for black practically but yeah I mean it but there's gonna be some like d6 I guess before so okay in 3 oh the initiative feels strong oh ok that is surprising that I did not expect we know 6 now this I did not expect I mean isn't the h4 also hanging by the way well yeah I think he's saying why not take on h4 after 85 but I thought 98 for Bishop d3 were just getting killed I thought I'm like for instance like Nighthorse hanging I don't know yeah no no okay oh he please see ya now I mean yeah I would take just take yeah we're gonna we're gonna do it we're gonna do it we're gonna do it let's go let's go 96 I mean we just had to be careful about c5 d6 and that there isn't some d7 push I mean we've got it we've got a good structure okay Oh what is what is queen a for the stupid computer why does it find all these ridiculous moves I mean that's ridiculous now we're just like losing I mean that I mean ah c6 well then he takes and takes takes takes Queen c6 Bishop e6 it's as good as anything let's try it seasick yeah I feel like it'll come up with something else like d6 here 6 which is blocking Bishop d7 yeah if we get d6 Bishop d7 we're gonna get an attack at least at least he caught it do we have DC and like mmm just bring the knife back um I don't want to yeah train of thought but but then c7 c7 Rickey's I mean it's so hard to play I would I would be I would keep assemble with BC but that's just me I mean I don't think there's any tricks with Bishop e5 take six Queens Bishop e6 everything is holding it looks like to me so I think it's okay I I mean but see I think another thing is also I think I have more experience and everyone at playing against computer so like even though I think they said the bras are gonna get to 20 I don't think there's any chance there that error Eric will be will even come close to winning against against uh against the computer also if they do they won't win twice that's true yeah right yeah I mean Yahoo in age for that was so weird my pre move didn't go through a truth question yep no I mean yeah okay see that's an annoying oh man that cut she threw Thank You Joss first growing twitch prime okay I mean II four is desperation land I don't know if there anything better clean if I would play [ __ ] 96 yeah we have to I think because right is night see 496 too strong well I mean we're just losing all probably but but hey you pressured it and it made a blunder Bishop d5 with on Queen c6 I know that hates it no but then takes in gg3 there's Queen d5 chat let's be quick let's just play it in a slave just play I mean if we want to play quick let's play rook c8 just works yeah and who cares about the Queen side we got to go for me it on the Kings side so it's obviously somehow but it's as good as anything we beat that computer with me blurting out knight of seven and you play mm-hmm and you were you were you were dead on time that game so yeah rook c7 of course yes okay so let's just cut the time deficit we're not if that we're not in bad shape this can he taken but okay that's a that's a bad move bishop or no then rookie five um nine if one can't be right uh bring the Queen back like Queenie seven any seven hey Queen 746 takes Queen out of seven Queenie 793 takes 24 Queen f7 yeah let's play Queen f6 or East seven um I guess East yeah go to East he is seven but he can take work d6 Queen c8 um Queen say whatever went out it feels like yeah it's gonna play work d6 we go Queen f7 we just give up c6 double on the e-file and try to throw the kingside font at his king that's what we have to do it's not simple Queen f7 yeah I mean we just have to work c6 rookie 7 and then just throw everything rookie 7r g 7e for a 4-h for only chance um okay wow that is a well um okay come on there's gotta be something here uh I mean 494 ah 494 oh my I feel like there's gotta be something here maybe h4 nice for 896 25 um I for Nate's a or g3 no g3 is nothing I four nights for Jeter 96 takes takes Queen Queen g6 hey explain I would play H for H three personally that's just I mean okay I trust the instincts also yeah again I think we too because it'll blunder I mean it's algorithm is programmed to think right right yeah and it might blurt out a move cuz the thing is okay I I mean just like okay this is nonsense h3 I so yeah this just looks terrible what the hell is work f1 so here we go like I soon wants to go Queen c4 or something I don't know how clean c4 right yeah but again if you want Queen c4 why do you throw and work up one it makes no sense okay um obviously just takes take on h3 yeah absolutely okay cuz now on Queen c4 we also work e6 maybe maybe not then take some kinks like who is this the idea yeah this is the idea but um I guess II for maybe for just we got to go for efore and gotta go for bikini h7 Bishop e5 Chuck we're probably gonna get made it but King h7 I mean I assume we're getting mated here somehow but yeah it's worth it it's the only try I think I don't know can we play or to clean my respects yeah I'm your icky fiber q60 I were just losing here I don't know if we ever had something there felt like I mean maybe we're a couple on h3 is wrong I'll just finish 55 yeah I was thinking rupees six actually can we play rookie six go for it why not oh yeah cuz we're but see I thought he was supposed to take cuz now work if work out five there's Queen G so but there's no me um unreal Queen g6 I guess Oh as a rookie five no yeah no Ricky 46 okay Ricky's six obviously yeah Bishop g7 I said I mean he's got queen up seven even if he needs it yeah yeah I just resigned let's let's let's let's start again live to fight another day got one rough that was really rough I would go back to hippo it's it's what has served us best I think it's the most likely thing to to work yeah we could do that apparently that's how the bras beat level 19 so well yeah I mean as the saying goes a platter is the greatest form or whatsit platter is the greatest no no it's a imitation is the greatest form of imitation imitation is the greatest form of chip in a chair or something lost something like that I don't know oh goes fight b6 play maybe a6 play it in a funny order not thinking already it didn't do this 20 moves into a Berlin mm-hmm it's like hey I don't have this in my book yeah okay let's play a six okay you I mean d6 obviously you know the Grandmaster who is the renowned hippo practitioner Blainey yeah well he was doing that before you were playing shots I think I know yeah he's been playing it forever I can't find a game of is that isn't this set up I mean like he must have loved hippos like he used to play the real openings in like 2003 maybe and then around like 2004 I think it was he switched to the hippo all the time so okay Bishop g7 obviously you yet guys there's 21 minutes remaining I mean it's actually impressive hey Jasper made it to 20 that's I didn't I mean I thought as a team mm-hmm if it's a Mon and Eric I thought Creek or and Hammer worse were were stronger like I'm actually very very impressed that happen yeah I would agree so age six age six and that's nothing I know you you know you you tease no no it's it's it is impressive because I actually didn't think they I didn't I don't feel like they've had the experience playing against computers either so I'm I'm kind of impressed that they uh that they got got there because like Eric Eric is Erica's not pleading on computers anywhere near as much so to actually come on what on earth is e5 what is this Bishop this would be 7 it was gonna say we can just absorb it bishop yeah I was gonna but but yeah what I was gonna say those like they don't have the same experience so I'm impressed that they were able to actually play the hippo or understand to play it structurally to understand it to actually be at level 19 it is lowered by a minute that's pretty interesting but okay I would play Knight this is just gross 97 I guess you I mean I think we're just in a world of hurt here thank you or mawa or my mama or her ma ma for subscribe I did seven eight yeah let's just play Knight d7 d6 pawn looks can why play d5 here or is there like a quick fix for all this I don't think so I mean yes I would guess not so Eric Eric also it looks like he beat uh he beat Komodo on level 19 on the first try as well I watch the exactly why is that Rick white there oh I guess I maybe this just stronger player as always white yeah they so they're giving I think they're giving a chance to beat it ultimately as okay now this makes me happy let's let's trade and play I don't know actually that's what I don't know is whether we take on e5 or oh he's gonna take on d6 is there some nonsense no okay dude leave d5 and try to get it that structure or do we take I mean my gut says we should just take on e5 and play 96 yeah I take on e5 definitely taking any choices not until John or yeah not until John Sakura mentions Horizon issues earlier what's that Horizon issues are where the computer can't see straight straight plans ahead 96 you so queen if queenside castle just queenie seven is the ID a.m. mm-hmm or queen c8 no he's thumbs up sages queenie 7 yeah yeah just looks that looks like on the verge of death basically like I'm gonna do for the computer right no okay yeah yeah he's down it's it's a it's serious pawn to be down oh no does he have aged 5 in a sack on chief I may be like who is down what pawn oh you mean like once we take you yeah but I think there's like there might be attacked with the h5g pie if something takes g5 no okay interesting okay so do we take on e5 or do we castle um huh uh 95 95 95 f 4 I know I got wood castle along Thank You Goldust worth of three seven five months in a row thank you for the resub live King be set over c5 oh he's just got a four okay King b7 then see b6 and there's yeah I think hold on d6 yeah I'm just resigned let's let's go again nothing yeah I don't see anything yet let's go again yeah brutal absolutely brutal really really brutal times we're looking good y'all but you know I think you beat it on the eighth try I think we were yeah wait wait what if cb6 like Knight b6 oh wait nice aw yeah I 95 they just game over as well yeah I just resigned no Young was Yanis analyzing something saying that we can allow Knight d6 but then just sorb it's pressure and yeah I mean I feel like our whole like mean spice is so wide open but I don't know okay okay let's try to do it what's an order that's gonna generate a normal structure maybe g6 d6 it'll play classic let's play G 66 cuz yeah Bishop g7 good and now X this is what we want we want the classic setup with two knights out to like I don't know a six because we want the setup where it doesn't get the three pawns in the center so h6 I guess there are seventeen minutes left till 17 between 16 and 17 minutes something like yeah i mean i would i would assumed the the bras or um yeah basically the only way someone wins at this point is to beat its appointee 6v6 yeah i mean i don't expect them to but yeah so okay bx looks good okay seven there should be seven yes yeah this is what we want this is exactly the setup we want so Hanson sells and beat it with white yeah I mean III don't think I mean there's no way they can win two games they can maybe win one with a little a little bit of luck e5e5e5 is it we're gonna win this game we got the structure we got the structure there we go all right now let's just play fast 97 so King f8 King Jay King h7 not yeah point 97 first we need to yeah I know I meant just like that is that is the plan alright that'll be this is good this is good we got the structure we got the structure I think we got the structure we'll see we'll see you got the structure but they got the tricks exactly so 97 yep we need to play quickly and put the pressure and then like at like the same way you beat it didn't have enough time ultimately in hunger rook right exactly so okay this is good okay Bishop d3 f5 is not playable so let's just roll the King over King f8 King GA it's so ridiculous that this is playable it's just so crazy what if White's just plays like night h4 with the idea of a bad age - it's a computer it doesn't think like that so it won't do it so okay this is also a good science of King g8 okay we're building that timely deal one-minute timely now mm-hmm very good I mean maybe we go Knights e5 at some point I don't know okay c4 that's another good move to see um how do how do we lock the structure I don't know maybe just king h7 just king h7 let's keep keep keep keep the flow going yeah my plane with like b3 I don't know it's probably will actually I assume it will play like b3 b4 okay can we go a five yeah a five a five let's hope it lots of structure it better go Beto out here I mean b5 would be a dream but it better go b5 come on b5 one time one time one time one time Oh very sad okay we're cafe no I mean I assumed it would play a three dude I mean I guess you're too young to remember the fritz four days but Fritz four would actually go be five and close the queenside yeah but this thing is a lizard Fritz's I know but Fritz was Fritz was the you know the the big dog back in the like late 90's days I remember chess base back when you could take a move back and it would go under my opponent is taking back moves those those were the days man oh now I have to play chief or okay this is unfortunate ah very very unfortunate okay let's just hope let's just play c5 and hope you can lock it up somehow c5 yeah let's just go for it if it takes we take I mean I don't know what's going on but it played g-force it made a positional weakness repeat one interesting okay now that I did not expect so I guess we take with the a pond I'm like Queen c7 and then we would love d5 or just would we love any pawn move like I've seen I think we don't actually mind yeah I think we don't mind Queen c7 I don't think in mind because like if he if he takes on c5 we take and then go work up p8 right Oh ooh that's a problem I missed that no but it's not actually okay [ __ ] basics yeah again we would love D 5 or 95 95 would also be very delicious here yeah 95 would also be nice I guess 95 is the movie plays to be slightly better but okay c'mon nobody cares I'm not I'm not afraid of this um I don't know can we go chief ah I mean I I'm really hesitant to play chief I'll maybe we can let's try to exert more pressure let's play trick FC let's try to exert max pressure on the on c4 so that the computer gets scared and it plays b5 let's just exert let's exert all the phantom pressure on c4 that we can and it's going to go b5 okay so perfect let's go Queen d8 keep keep let's keep threatening to take and go Bishop c4 let's just bluff bluff bluff bluff the attack on c4 and it'll get it it'll get scared and play b5 eventually why can't it play b5 why is it why is it like reading my mind um okay let's go g5 I guess let's just go G 5 f6 Knight g6 and pray you don't you don't you don't wanna okay I mean we could have just kept shuffling I don't think it's improving its position well it is it's gonna it's gonna double the Brooks on the a Fowler like it'll go like Queen B - okay one more k3 f6 I don't think you can sack here yet so I think we're still okay um yeah that looks scary I mean they defy that scary I told you I mean I know how computers think and it's not scary let's play okay rook rook rook cb8 okay now it's time to shut this it's got to go b5 like come on dude play p5 one time you have nothing else okay Bishop f8 I guess Oh shoes you know is it gonna reroute the bishop to a4 oh that's disgusting no but it isn't c4 hanging yeah suicide also true right it can't quite do that so I think we're okay okay I assume we just start shuffling I don't know if we play maybe can we play Knight c8 and Bishop yeah and maybe night c8 this night c1 seat well it's like CB night c5 will that ever be any good for us well I want I want to maybe set that up with 98 or maybe at least my right knit that's that's what I figure so I mean we'll see I don't think it's a big issue but yeah I think it makes sense so I like our position here actually I do you know I really think with a minute on the clock it'll do somethin like I I think so where do we want our night that's the night on t7 it's just terrible um it's like disgusting um let's try to maneuver that let's go Bishop e7 yeah Bishop e7 and let's try like Queen f8 Bishop d8 Bishop d7 does that make sense cuz he wants to put the night on alive yeah this should okay so Queen yes okay man I would love b5 I think it might play it in a low time situation just bleed b5 or something I could see it yeah definitely I think it's possible um Bishop d8 I so okay it's down to 90 seconds okay okay so we're getting somewhere now so is there actually threat if we play what are what's this right okay slow down so if we go Bishop c7 what's right Queen a to be fine I don't know something with ah yes yes he wants to go Queenie I okay if we play we're k7 what's the threat double over k-8 let's let's try it let's go over k7 I might be blundering something but whatever let's try it so okay seven you think yeah we're case seven and rook e8 and try to contest the a file we can I figure that makes make some sense um nine minutes left so we're obviously gonna what okay now the question is which way do we take though I'm not even sure which way we take now let's see so if we take with the beep on repeat night b8 yeah let's just take what the b-pawn we if we table the deep on maybe it works by a suspect we're losing somehow right so dc5 one side let me just take one last look so if we shake the deep on doubles the rooks rook e8 these six is not a threat oh this is brutal um yeah I think we have to take with the beep on yeah I mean I don't like it but I think we have to okay so we see files yeah it's BC five for sure okay pre move night ba just in case he takes I don't think he will but but but keep keep Dupree move alive oh wait no queening to Bishop ace that Bishop e6 right we'd be - there's still no threat right so uh oh c7 I guess the a let's try Bishop d7 this is gross or Bishop e6 maybe Bishop c7 I guess it should be six 100 okay that's fine who cares we're probably I mean it's got 60 seconds oh so we've got eight minutes total so so let's play Queen d8 I assume yeah I'm just gonna play moves yeah I agree I agree I'm just gonna I agree I've sent them I mean we're close to being okay actually we're like one or two moves if we get like Bishop a5 or rupee seven in okay now that doesn't look right but two slides so no did we hang the knight on b8 we can't do that um yeah I would be seven Queen a to work b6 oh shoot we're in trouble what if we just what if we shuffle clean FA you plain' id seven maybe eight ninety seven ninety five or p7 that looks fine right yeah let's try ninety seven I think scary it's scary because a queen a two or something but I what's that what's the drawback of just one queen of fate Queen I mean I figure eventually it's gonna go like Queen e2 and Knight d5 that's that's why I was concerned but okay now work be seven right yeah rookie Sunday now we get to take right unless there's a tactic I don't see a tactic they can't goats like Queen into ok take take take take take definitely take take on b5 and now now we're all be oh no egos the other ways got Queen out three now oh shoot okay um maybe 97 97 okay clean up serene King G 795 trade a night of fate and we cover all the squares so Queen f3 King juice oven King g7 obviously I mean we're obviously in in deep trouble but maybe we can survive okay that's good okay now how do we shut it down um I would think night be fix or would be eight um I guess Knight b6 looks fine just 96 maybe 693 what's the idea for p8r okay okay repeat yes definitely rook b8 yeah yeah no I'm not sure for losing uh I like I like to pass C fun I mean it's not worse I guess yeah much but okay Queenie yeah prima Queenie ugh oh shoot maybe Queen b8 I mean we're in Warren tropiclean b8 we're definitely in a world of hurt here um but maybe we can survive okay maybe he ate them yeah I oh yeah I mean okay it has no threats right I don't see any okay so I guess we just I mean what's what does Queen c2 do I don't know what's Quincy to do I mean unless we can somehow shuffle but no we can't so we just sit just sit just sit just move just just we just sit on the position and you try to move can you have to say McLean all right yeah we just sit up we we just wait to see if it comes up with something it comes up with something but now we're gonna be here Queen b8 I assume yes Bishop a5 but can't we take hey okay seven no no wait a second um okay seven nights four and I see it e 94 and I see yeah I mean I guess we have to try something like that or 98 first night okay no good we're missing that okay so view over k7 yeah we're in trouble we are in Cibola okay but we also yeah we Bishop takes right there's like nicéphore there's no are we still taking go o night see oh can I see it I see it Knight b6 r okay six no we're losing yeah we're just losing yeah yeah yeah I mean it must feel I don't ninety-six Queen b6 although we okay uh play workpiece uh yeah we could be 77 we've got to try it okay he's gonna go over KK R Queen c7 trade Queen c7 he's gonna take take take ninety-six Queen c7 or no okay rook b8 oh he's gotta Knight b6 oh yeah well we were losing anyway it happened yeah alright yeah let's go again you're gonna get one more one more chance we got four minutes so one more chance one more shot at glory I assume the bra still haven't beaten it I still haven't beat it right and I don't know yeah no no they haven't okay all right that was tough man with black it's just so hard no they haven't okay yeah okay also even if they had I mean they won't be today that's true yeah yeah okay um what do you want to do Sicilian okay which one uh I mean I guess I mean why not okay or dragon I don't know it's up to you whichever one you want one of the two families it did beat it they did beat it yeah Wow Oh Eric didn't win no Eric did not beat it okay okay night 96 oh yeah the should 57 no fish 57 it's losing you have to play d5 here I thank you guys i T okay but it's billion just difference well why is this oh yeah we're not gonna get winning chances this is 5 foot block okay I guess we I mean just take and play Queen b6 take on d4 I'm Queen b6 Queens is seven I think work d8 is fine here is it worked yet lately oh yeah yeah we're gate and I think it's fish about five chief war is not it is nothing before you play Knight b6 their money monitor night f4 is a move let's play metaphor okay alright okay I mean yeah but the problem is here we're just gonna be slightly worse than game I guess you I guess work d6 is fine or d6 yeah I mean I also just checked Eric Hanson archive on chess calm and he's never beaten okay 20 so you guys are all full of crap yeah okay I guess this is 96 here I think 96 is fine yeah this is um it's just I think it's probably a little too hard to beat it was black honestly I think with white as possible with black I think it's probably just a little bit too hard bishop takes I mean I we're doing fine the skiing but we're just it's just we're not gonna win I think ultimately we were we were questioning the decision to put you black but ultimately I think of me yeah actually they made a huge difference that I was white on the last levels like I mean it made a huge difference dude I mean we could do whatever we have a 38 I mean you you could resign and we could start well yeah you're right the games I'm gonna count so who cares yeah I was thinking like you were really serious resigned to gameis to hurt another one but yeah it's not gonna count either way so yeah 66 dissing yeah you know I mean that's where a dunya in geez you haven't heard about them yeah I haven't heard about Daniel eater in a long time well I wonder what level they're on I my brain is completely fried I've been streaming for 10 hours today good yeah I'm gonna resign let's show line yeah yeah we did it we did it I agree we did it we did it yes and easily as the chess player to end on an 11 you know block like this it's it's weird you know the last game but or 11 times he corner we went 1 out of 20 or 19 against it yeah but we got the we got the one okay actually you know what I'm gonna play one random game at 21 I know you know what account but I'll just play one for you guys at 21 hey it's the boss yeah I'll play one at 21 Danya is over 15 on level 19 Wow you see like wrong is he Oh can you see okay like I'm not even I'm not even geez oh yeah yeah I know I mean I hope he hasn't tilted too badly Wow over 1500 that's wrong because I mean on 19 you should at least you should at least feel like you can win 20 it's already like okay if you lose every game you know you don't care but like on a 19 oh man that's rough yeah that is really really rough mr. Marco wilt filarsky says he's shrinking beer I don't blame him I mean it is a very unique feeling to just lose like 20 in a row like especially when you're a really good chess player like you know if it's like even if I play Magnus I'm not gonna lose 20 in a row but like - but like to lose 20 in a row to anyone it's a very unique feeling that I'm in but psychologically you approach the Game Commission I mean ultimately you're right yeah yeah you're right like I'm not a pro I would never play like this in real trust at all right but um you know if you fight against the robot that you know you know is better at you than just about everything it's you're not gonna throw that many punches and you're gonna time them really accurately but if you're playing blitz online in some of these positions I mean like I said guys we've had some positions where if you're playing three oh the probability of you playing as perfectly as your opponent and vice versa is gonna be much lower but here they get punished I mean instantly oh oh but I got the structure again though I got the one takeaway from this is gonna be it's all about the structure it's only the structure I'm all about that okay this is fine no don't go ninety eight do not go no you're not allowed to point out you eat some basic replace it says something be a good boy be a good boy okay that's kind of okay that's kind of okay if this is okay this is okay but but no 98 and no c4 no c4 you yeah hopefully queen one yeah and someone said it's about specific strategy exactly chess is nothing else matters trust is just structure thought normally is true but not when you're playing computer when you're playing computer it's oh come on what is c4 okay go c3 please play c3 you know you want to do it and get this connect three please see three come on you know you want to go c3 okay so key card oh I think we won I think we won three grand I think we're taking home 1500 people one second I'm trying to get the structure to structure chess isn't 99 tactics 99 percent structure okay come on you know you want to do it just plays see three you know you want to do it hikaru trash-talking komodo no oh oh I got it splitter c8 maybe maybe maybe maybe we'll see we'll see take and play chief or maybe I mean this is I might beat it this might be my moment of glory yeah we don't even need to be 21 guys but beating 21 would be the medium needed obvious if you play the computer long enough you'll start talking to it pretty much I think that's pretty much how it goes yeah let's play like I don't know I'm getting mask for it on the queenside I guess I'll try Knight g3 h4 g5 and pray pray pray pray okay all in la la la Fuji five night of three moves before steamrolled just let me be 21 oh yeah yeah I'd be doing Blackie Carlo was like taking a he was taking a break so I said yeah my mom hop in real quick I beat it around a little bit yes wookie car was got to beat it with white we waiting on that now that's what's happening yeah let's let's see if I can get something here I've got the structure I've got the Kings Indian structure I just need to get in g6o I can get in g 6 H 5 94 95 I win Wow before original ok all in who cares ok this is interesting I might beat the boss I'm not expecting to but maybe I will maybe I'll maybe I'll get something here okay that's fine nobody cares a complete g6 ah he wants to UM okay whatever let's take a goat cheese sex I guess oh I'm hanging the pawn on b4 d3 hey sg6 why not I supposed to take pawn okay I'll just resign since it's over I'll just resign yeah that's just too much too much too much well yeah what's up what's our victory song we should we should put on some music I don't know although actually who's gonna hear it though well the way you would do it is that you would Lum you would lower it so you would I mean at this point well the thing is that we should probably ultimately we should probably talk about your game like the game that we won with white it would be pretty good to analyze maybe I think I think chat would enjoy that so we could you know we could talk about it together just talk about the whole thing I assume that that's that's what we should do I don't know if they're planning to interview or anything that oh there might be one too I don't know we'll see oh no no music please what I've been told to know music okay yeah I guess we don't get any music so are you guys no music no music for you um so yeah we uh do we have any memorable wins obviously the win that we had oh the wind that we finally before level 20 the black with the black Bachman was pretty special yeah yes that was that was a double because the way our King escaped remember that was that was sick so what was that I'm trying to remember that one number one when I looked like I was mated in since she for and they have to trade Queens on Queen sheets ooh-wee SWA yes that was one where we got the two night the nights on eh turn after right yeah yes yeah that was the best one was the smother made on level 18 yeah that would've been happen like you know yeah 17 levels sooner but I got sooner or later it's gonna sound to happen but yeah that was that was pretty good that was really really good um you know so Wow I mean I am pretty shot so that was that was super hard level that's just like it drains you so so much when you play a computer like because the computer doesn't get tired at all and the computer just like it just keeps chilling keeps you know just just just playing moves playing the best moves to make matters worse and you're just like suffering loss after loss after loss and then like ultimately brutal you know one thing Chad should kind of understand is that these last two levels of comodo that actually think they can actually I mean at least I felt this way once we get low on time there's a moment that something random happens and it just hangs a rook like when you played 9 f7 that gave me one with white I mean obviously I don't remember in hindsight we were in time trouble if there was anything better but it literally lost it felt like instantly there was exactly yeah the word I don't think there were any tricks though were there i they should put your first game against it in puzzle rush Ruchi 7 Queen 88 everything Neji starting with my GE 6 that should I yeah right right exactly yeah yeah I mean that was a hard though that was really really raw yeah that game was um now that would be like in the 50s one of those but at least it's better than you know King rook and Knight against King and two bishops where it's wrong - that is very very true Wow he did not be promoted on level 20 but we did wouldn't want on level 20 which is more than anybody else tomato cups as how was it compared to Carlson oh this is just death I mean this is like a thousand times worse because not only are you gonna lose every time but you're never gonna have a shot which is what makes it so um soul-crushing like literally you're never going to shot win again so I guess we're gonna be doing interviews shortly as when it sounds like so so I think I'm gonna run and actually make some coffee because I think I'm gonna keep this I'm gonna keep screaming after this ends for another like five hours so yeah I mean honestly this is insane I can't I mean I would dropping off people to out I don't know what my plan is but I did six hours of grank it and now what like four hours of this yeah I'm right right yeah I mean I think I'm gonna probably do another [Music] you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 350,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, Twitch Rivals, Twitch, Competition, Levy, Rozman, Komodo, Alpha Zero, Leela, AlphaZero, computer engine, chess engine, gothamchess and hikaru, hikaru and levy, hikaru and levy vs komodo, komodo twitch rivals, hikaru vs gotham bot, levy vs hikaru bot, gothamchess best moments
Id: nK4SNEbMn7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 58sec (13738 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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