I Will Eat You

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that's a bear it's a cute bear cub ah it's a cute really cute bear you wanna be my cousin wife what but oh my god their spells look at the control key by press eat a fart that must be your first spell oh yes I'm here I see to get a reward beast win I have no idea what's happening oh yeah dance baby oh I am wait wait I'm coming I didn't know that was actually I thought that was wait wait wait wait wait wait oh heck yeah two different songs wait guys guys guys I see a Grim Reaper in the distance is that bad that's fine oh I press G we're starting whatever that means we're starting the game wasn't starting G to start game I'm sorry oh I'm still dancing I like it I see a ghost bless you I guess are we getting points for okay that's useful wait find a good find of just press C to get a reward beast wins you win Wow oh here we go whoa hello I'm a bear oh oh hey Mark hey wait I came to bury a move am I supposed to be able to move I know I sneeze so what are we supposed to do to win oh wow q why can't why can't I move well let's go find this bear where are you what do you see I'm in a corner I'm in a corner by a church over here I think I think I songs light with really bright blue running while you're doing it I think you can't move I can't move can you guys oh don't don't don't sleep if you press buttons does it work now I'm pressing all the buttons did my camera died oh it did didn't it oh my god it wasn't plugged in okay I'm back hey what'd I miss your left well I miss bunny why is he a bunny I did my computer freaked out in the game crashed when he came back as a bunny I don't know and Mark what did you do to us look man it looked interesting wait did you pick this map or something I did I can select a different one we three make the server though which I wanted I let's do that yeah let's do that breathe I breathe hurts I was just trying to play video games where did you find this what is this you mark so hey guys there's a store for this game week there's characters yeah I saw we need more coins a press C to get reward beasts win why does beasts win what just okay get the reward yeah claim your reward what a sweet reward mark how do you do your cue you can't do it until the game starts I below yeah I'm the Beast all right come and get us beast you'll never find us I'm already gotten you so I made a mistake yeah I broke myself by trying to try out the right-click apparently the right-click makes it so you can no longer move or function oh well that would explain what happened to me probably where you go I'm in a cave somewhere oh god oh god I see you idle screen bear man if I can get you guys you may get me give it do it Gibby do it you won't get luck no balls you won't no balls no balls you won't you won't do it no come on I'll stick my head in your mouth here we go yeah can you play music from inside of me always we're getting points we're getting points for this yeah you got to put the bear to sleep I think I think that's the objective the right-click is just a picture of the bear apparently that means you're just a picture of a bear the rest of the game rather than wait three minutes I'm just gonna end my misery use the right-click I don't know the other ones this game can I say that I love this are you enjoying just give it a chance unless you can sing me a song about why I should give it a chance right now I will not this game is made by a person with hopes and dreams and they just want to make a game for people to love and you're [ __ ] on their dreams and I will not stand for it you sock Bob so give this game much [Music] attacking me seemed excessive but the rest that was pretty convincing all right start this game let's get it going are you gonna within no I'm in this level so pink blossom was too green so that's why I went do this wanna stay oh wow I'm a panda I think he's a panda buff so basically you just want to hold the music on I'm getting points right now you're getting my Q button still doesn't work so that's just something I don't get to use hello that didn't do anything guys this amazing game pop my Q and got nothing for it murder hurt people is a better listen just cuz you guys don't know the ins and outs of being a bear doesn't mean that I okay look mark I figured out the strategy okay come are you except your IQ button doesn't work out yeah it's good Wade picked a dumb map that's suddenly it seems don't work anymore nothing has ever worked for anyone but you I am having a great time did you hear my sneeze yeah doesn't even a cloud sounds like a you boy alright don't right click Bob don't like like don't right click I got a cloud what are these stars vomiting out of oh it's neat this is all I can do I'm just gonna do it okay yeah you can't give me closer comfort if you press space you launch in the air oh I've tried it already you got to be running while you do it no I fried it already all right man just get out hey I I could literally do nothing but play songs for you that's all you gotta do you got to soothe the savage beast see this game's deep intricate lore you guys aren't appreciating it finish me I don't want to live in this world wait can I eat you come here I'm a bunny you're a bear we go together like pie and mouth hey aren't pandas like vegetarians some like that I'm bamboo disguised as a bunny oh hey look I want as the Beast what time to be alive oh man I can't see how around three goes next round baby I'm having a great time you guys are just sticks in the muds who don't know a good time if it came up and bit you in the rump who will end which one of you is human I am mark I think we need to hide all right we're inside okay but I'm a human who are we hiding from mark I think we need to come with me and go inside the big building okay all right then Who am I following into where there seems to be a bear behind me bear seemed play stupid well all right I can't do that hold on I'm gonna find something I can do uh-huh right click okay Bob you got a bear coming your way hang on I'm using my super speed yeah it's the same speed but I'm push the button for my sneeze she's not working hang on hang on I got a wind-up hang on give me a second all right okay give me a second I got it that guy sneeze yeah he snuck it's not coming out hang on all right well I'm glad you know you missed thank you and I feel like the humans are a little overpowered in this baby next round keep the pain train going right as long as it'll press any buttons I can be a bear sprit I can sprint and I can move I need to test something on you boy do we win if the time runs out is that what we're aiming for yeah I think so we just trying to evade the bear situation yeah see it's a game so good at this game never gonna get me Bob win I'm doing stuff oh wow that's crazy just now I'm gonna be real brave here when we fight Bob I'm gonna right click all right sure you'll never find me I've already given up I feel like Bob Sue's me maybe I use the game bag soothe me I think you gotta be within a certain radius to get the soon honk points I'm getting column points hold on I'm oh god I like this this is going well hold on that's a good oh come on with your bridge you're lucky it takes me 10 minutes to go up that's just because you're bad at the game come on man what oh no wait could take advantage of these moments when yeah they're like that are you [ __ ] serious progress bar there's no indication that I've done anything to you except that I got you all those talents I was close I was what do you mean by that I'm making it a hug I think you understand no we when we were playing earlier we played it enough that the bear turned into a rabbit and then humans won don't you remember no that's what happened no it is not oh my god that is not what happened there is a game here if you none of that ever happened your life what are we supposed to do when the bears all put our business in the first place you've got ability I don't sprint and the cooldown for Q pops up like I used it but nothing happened I don't know what's wrong with your game then it's your game mark it's our guess is your game I love this game it's cause you [ __ ] are sticks in the mud I think you're just doing it wrong we have to press Q does it I can't even press E it won't even trigger the fake not working hey I did the right click and it it works for you Oh to make this game so that it only works properly on his computer combination I don't know why you guys's buttons don't work but mine were fine I am having the time of my life maybe you should make the server mark maybe maybe maybe server Award for use okay all right okay I will I will do that wow this one's beautiful it's beautiful can't wait to have fun with my friends they're gonna be in the store for any minute now art can you invite us I just not working okay and you just click the button to enjoy this part I'm getting there Bob it takes a second I can't join your game bumbum invited you to play I will leave you why you're steamed [ __ ] are you broken what is happening look it's because this for some reason this game launches steamvr well when I'm playing haha if you could tell me how to turn that off I would love you forever because for some reason steamvr always loads when I play random ass games do you click on seen VR when you launch the game no make sure I'm pretty sure maybe that's what we're not broken because you're playing VR VR don't know how to get out of VR once it gets in because then in my suit on the phrase VR but you don't know how to get out of here because you're in VR no I'm not in VR just says I'm in VR how do you get how do you stop that from happening the whole steamvr thing is extremely annoying oh just don't click on seeing me are nice no I haven't Bob Wally I got food while we're waiting for mark to fix his broken game so nice and I'm playing the worst game ever can't find your server I'm restarting see I'm not even there I'm gonna make a server ok ok if I launch this game it starts to be ry and then it puts me in friends VR like in the friends Benny and there's no way to get rid of that [ __ ] I can't create a server relaunch your game they did that to me before I've realized my game four times all right and then it must be love I don't know power love will help you okay I'm in I'm trying to go to steamvr settings but now the settings won't even open why won't the settings open let me get to the settings open settings settings this is where the settings would open it's this game malware I think it's not opening settings because my VR isn't plugged in how's it going mark is it working mark is it working hello I think marks gonna play VR so no and it's plugged in now settings won't alright I'm just gonna go to steamvr there's it's it will not open steam settings or VR settings it's you guys I I'm just eating a sandwich all right yeah there's the settings oh look at that the settings okay ah ha ha ha mark did you click on scene VR settings you know what I'm starting to come around on this game I like this part there's no option in here well it's the settings it's not the options Bob I'm really trying here I'm actually trying here are you really legitimately trying to make this work for us I'm trying to help you mark I was just telling you that's not no you're not you're intentionally being an [ __ ] if you click on steamvr settings you are being a douchebag and I don't know why I'm here with you ma'am I'm trying to work it out they keep choking on my chicken it's just nice what it's not me involved for once we'll get there mark don't you worry about it if you uninstall steamvr it should fix it you know that's what I'm gonna have to do because there's really no other option at this point I'll reinstall it every time I want to play the steam VR is gone is there a server did someone else make server ah no I was looking you make it and then Bob said he was gonna make it I'm unable to make a server still ok I'm gonna make a server I'm it says I'm in friends VR oh I need a research team this is gonna fix it this is the one I'm shutting off steam I no longer have er installed using a VR headset install via no I'm not using it for y'all it keeps loading me into friends VR I cannot believe this okay I am looking into my desktops processes I'm looking for a latent steamvr oculus what you know mark I was wrong about this game I'm sorry that I judged it so harshly I am uninstalling oculus yes I'm sure that I want to install okay it's done okay it's done it's done so if I load up this game no VR I'm free guys we can play the game now guys I'm playing destiny - are we are we moving on guys play the game you want to uh try your server there again mark and make it this time I'm making it I'm making it I make it alright this is gonna be so on you may need to send out invites again cuz like the fine game oh yeah yeah yeah of course of course of course of course invited you to play I'm waiting I'm waiting it's gonna be so much fun get in here yeah I can't do it how about finding finding the server you find the server November fine game just let it go for a bit it's it's there okay yeah I'm sure it's coming oh why is the game running at two frames a second you talk smack about this game that's so good like a bag of tits no have you seen the bear model I will not stand for you tearing down this man still don't show up and I am online in a game mark it just says you're online you're still talking about no I'm not I'm here I'm so here I don't hear the doubt I'm gonna close my game I'm gonna relaunch steam okay yeah I guess I'll restart steam that we already think work was talking about all right good news guys the server is up great I'm racing in full speed right now here we go here we go when I click on play oh oh oh I think I'm here do not password protected I did I just got a passport nice problem oh well whatever more the merrier we can get you guys like you worked oh I can't see you I'm gonna get you forget school that's cool what gonna get you imma get you guys do you see guys this evening for big snez Wow good evening we're playing this game if we've only been trying to play it for 45 minutes it's a beautiful thing it's so pretty it's kind of pretty in there I am covered for you oh no did I get you you got me all right Bob I'm coming for you you can't jump as the rabbit and I like to think rabbits you know hop as part of their fathers I would expect that gotcha what's that yes I win all right next round you really were with me over mark you know there were some troubles there were some tribulations that was so much fun that's a fun it's still fun I can't believe I doubted you it's so much fun right that was just so painfully fun I know it hurts to laugh my face literally hurts from the huge boom I chase you yeah you're lucky I was gonna get you I know oh you're still still my good B hello to eyes I did that what does it ever do why am i laughing I don't know I was gonna get you you're lucky you did that thing wait wait wait wait listen listen listen listen listen listen I'm listening oh my god yeah I set the runaway it sneeze at me yep always every time well what else would I be doing well be my friend no no no no I'll be your friend Wade okay I don't feel successfully friended isn't that how friends is that's how all my friends were in middle school nice boy it didn't work out yeah my rabbit's foot oh my god I've got a speed bug oh my god I wrap it so fast oh my god mark is a glitchy ribes so fast yeah my sprint only activated my bunny what does that even what does that do just make it laugh what the hell okay well you just seem to touch me and I died people in here now people oh hell yeah more people yeah so what makes it fun yeah no that's good that's good the bear I am again apparently waiter these are all like a high level people wait they're all different characters there yeah maybe these are all the good players on this game there's actually a pretty big eSports scene you wouldn't expect it but you know how polish the game feels that's because it's actually got a really big competitive scene uh-huh okay with more people on the server the music in this game is a [ __ ] nightmare I love it so much fun man I'm the beragon well I'll never get to be the bear I guess so I'll never get to win here I come ready oh wow did you roar there was a huge red sphere that emanated from the cave I'm coming from case you're curious come at me what you're gonna do eat me know what's gonna not today would you stop focusing on me would you go is this you well someone else eat someone else alright thanks for you here look right you like that well it's pretty good I like this can you doubt myself a little bit really glad you like three feet look look man look look man look look where you went I can't sleep through all these trees you're lucky they're here okay okay good good this is tricky I can consider myself a very lucky person beside to sneeze it's not good yeah I think it just stops us from playing music at all Wow okay you cut me off there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you called my bluff to jump down and in front of me but like I appreciated you doing it yeah yeah I am very fast I am so fast how's this your bomb maybe I'll stop him I didn't stop him save me bunnies I can't it seems he's very strong you can't cut me off for murder me or anything try my best I'm nibbling at your ankles well there's the other players oh there there well why can't you get them wait why why can you only get me oh they were right there Wade you just when you had your chance alright Wade this is really pathetic that was that's the most romantic thing I've ever seen in my life hi oh there's three other people over there wait why am I the only one you've ever killed you came to kill no one else is their ability to make me see like ten clones of them or something maybe oh maybe that's it that might be it might just be the one to unlock other claw other other abilities and things yeah yeah when you buy the other characters they have each their own special ability [Music] almost Wade super sick I don't know if it's like my skills a human is really terrible but you know really had a better showing of this when you were hunting me Wade yeah Bob's making you look like a fool yeah hey twenty seconds and the humans went wow that lady was right there oh my god my company's noses yeah she definitely has like some kind of weird clone thing yeah I've pounced on them like one just went into the ground oh wow yeah when do you get more experience and more song you play I think you get points yeah the bear ever man you get caught on a lot of [ __ ] in this game not me man just cuz I love this game so much played all the time hi hey how you doing Oh what wait what what what what what Oh least I'm human now Bobby are you the bear no oh oh no that means the other person is it bear I don't think they're gonna be as bad as Wade is oh hey they nailed me with a jump then again I was standing right there so I didn't I didn't exactly do a whole lot but I didn't think they would get me that good I would love to know the thought process by which they landed at we need a Cloe need a cloud of smoke for escapes big-time sneeze god damn it makes sense to me I guess hey well you might know it's a bunny okay well Bob good points I believe that you'll be the bear this time I think so I believe it I'm the bear all right Bobby having fun dude this is my new okay I'm actually now that it's working I am having a little fun that was scary oh-ho-ho Bob wait wait listen you do not have to do this thank you Bob you're so merciful oh my god that jumps me pretty good there Bob oh my god I got what do you do spank our way this tissue of me good it's good it's so good oh god wait is it just me oh I will I will I will I will oh no god oh god oh please wait Bob mercy mercy on me my mercies all of my mercies I've got so much mercy okay well you know I just wanted some points tricky Rock oh please wait not like this [Music] okay strapless they're left oh oh oh oh it's just you okay all right well I never want to be the bear again or humankind's always be rabid like what are you ready cave gym you guys want to play gonna do one before you know what mark as the bear with all the abilities working had a sincere fun just now for like several moments I just want you to know I gave you a really hard time about this and I feel kind of bad about that now because that's not your fault the game didn't work your for the games [ __ ] thought it was VR kept opening it's not none of that is your fault I'd say I sincerely had moderate amount of fun wait know if you guys are friends again that means I'm gonna be the but again no all right happy thanks Bob Nirvana means a lot let's move on to something that waves bad at okay see that's not hard to balance don't be good but all right suddenly every game [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,186,805
Rating: 4.9640927 out of 5
Keywords: i will eat you, i will eat you game, i will eat you gameplay, funny game, bear simulator, bear game, bear simulator markiplier, bear simulator gameplay, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, markiplier multiplayer, funny multiplayer games, funny, hilarious, gaming, gameplay, online games, collab
Id: OahDW8YsLHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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