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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cmarcel_04 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

I died of laughter while watching this entire video

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dionysus2098 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
ah first world I'm green oh but can you guys okay oh my god holy Frick it works what is this Wow oh my actual [ __ ] I can't believe this is happening that's crazy holy getting goosebumps right now this is freaking out it's really no this is a fast this is fascinating this is really cool how do I change my mouth how'd you guys change your mind you affable man's voice like voices the changing of the mouse oh snap oh that's me oh yes this is not me I don't know what is that is so you or or you're the one with the beard I'm green boy green boy I'm yellow if red was an option why aren't you read Markham to say this all right okay good well I'm the blue oh I want to do that yeah oh yeah mine likes out every now and then not number one I'm number one I'm number one okay grab the platform I knew right we got one of us is slow but you know we just not tired I didn't mean to hold your hand like that you guys just decided to go to you gotta let go all right get in there thank you it was the beard it was like oh that's a new state record that is a new say because of rage what oh hey oh hey give me your hand Oh God armpits I don't okay so I let go of left okay grab you got a grab I am grabbing but it was too hard here we go ready yep yep oh oh jeez yeah you can't speak to her okay tapping stop tabbing yep got it okay always all right all right now let it settle let it settle can we just give a real quick shout out preach to steam real quick don't this is cool I'm still literally like buzzing on life right now I think it's not gonna let go don't let go of me and I won't let go of you I will not let go Bob your whole job is to just stick us together not right now holding me how did somehow it's both of your right hands that's so confusing it's fine yeah like guys if there's a need for this game I think we should be in it okay we need to we need to pause for a second and explain to the people watching why this is so amazing okay that's a fair point actually you give good explanations so you explain okay well I don't know man listen steam what you've done is nothing short of a dime not even grabbing anything you're fine okay so the way the reason this is blowing our minds or my mind at least is because this game is local co-op only audience sorry is not online is not online multi-player capable the game itself has no features that are allowing this to happen but there's some sort of wizardry out here we go the steam has made it happen where that we're basically I'm playing the game and jacquard mark are watching a stream of my game yeah and also controlling my game through their Steam client which I don't even understand how that's possible it's really impressive don't actually understand I'm coming but don't worry I'm cool yeah oh that's the wrong one hang on hang on Hannah makes there we go ha ha I got you right by your right by your grundle but anyway it's basically actual magic and it's unbelievable ok ok I'm in the middle we'll get once more you wanna hang on yeah oh my card with my left you just don't let go if your left ok ok ok give me the coin yeah it's perfect ok mark you're gonna have to let go we're gonna have to eat her [Applause] Oh way too early there all right okay you go oh you're holding me by the okay cross oh you're in the middle now Oh grab it grab it grab it oh gods use your left use your left and grab the coin I believe in you oh we got this swing him gently all right so not now okay we're gonna swing down and then I'll like on the upswing release all right swing me back up there we're so close we're so let's get in the thingy I don't get off of me a lot of trusted me this is a little like thing for a mark it gives them like a cheater oh we oh please don't include me in this out there I don't want any part way we could catch him hang on I could come help with that [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] that's mark pull the handle there's a little this time one of these things that'll come back from the land on him land land on him okay works alright well let me pull this handle for you okay mark if you could that's my face join you and you left me okay oh oh he's farting does that grab a grab him I'm a rounded one of these two building me okay there we go Oh mark you're blocking him from these fines fine fine it's dying a force or whatever the hell's happening we're not dying it's not good okay okay everyone just take yours to take a sweet take take a breath all right okay look I got the coin you want to there we go okay I don't know if you're actually grabbing me okay you are okay there's a sequencing issue happening drop grab my take my okay oh well it's the thing why are we all down here get the thing there we go okay boy that this working with with as little lag as it is it's fine try and grab very casually so casually oh geez anything else it's [ __ ] [ __ ] I think hey Jack I think you should grab the coin with your left hand I think you should let go of your left hand and let mark hold you yeah and then you try and snatch the coin okay a little okay perfect all right which way do we want swing this way okay pop I have I'll be middle boy all right so my right my right arm and my left arm are available for coin purposes we'll just see how it works your left arm okay this is a free hand see this this is free all right you guys are just a orgy of disaster you like this is easy okay here we go you got it you got it I believe in you okay oh yes we can just we can just casually this to myself hang on I got this I got this one right hand and I'm gonna hang on this is gonna work that would that work just gonna totally work Oh grab a new one yeah all right let me see if I grab it with my can we get any lower yeah can you literally let go for a split second okay okay things are happening okay and I'll let go your left hand there baton okay okay if we if we go ray okay you should be in the middle in there we go Oh perfect okay yeah there we go okay we can yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah this is how we oh okay my right hand is the freer get that we're gonna get that we're gonna [Applause] mark used to be an engineer figure it out I will how is this engineering at all pretty aggressive oh that's not the right one there we go okay I'm constantly holding right I let go of the wrong one now Smyly my oh okay I have this okay we should be able to grab it we should be able to grab it from here I got it yeah Milo my right hand is free let me get let me get that let me snag let me hope that's not what you oh god oh god okay okay got it here we go all right here we go okay just try grab it okay I'm letting go oh and then bring it around whoa [Music] this game is so optimistic everything you do it's just like new record boys do what does this do I don't know are we just angry at each other I know how to fix this guys don't okay oh my god all right now we just need to get full not too fast swing but not too fast all right do we want to try and get okay I'm gonna let go of my right Bob you don't let go of your left my right it's my right my right oh he's letting go of my left okay I'll let mark do this he doesn't have enough momentum to get you there bud to you maybe okay no all right I'm really gonna need this hand though so we're gonna have to oh that was close I think we toss it into the end oh yeah can we just toss it over there oh good let's say like this let's stay like this let me just see if I can mark you're holding the thing and not me so I can't read you like oh my right no way okay now we're free again you're grabbing the block all right sorry oh okay wait maybe I can get into marks right hand hang on let's bring it around here oh and see if I can get it see if I get into your right hand shoes right now I'm gonna go can you yeah I'm gonna grab like the top or something and so we can we can stretch to the next Oh all right there there I got it okay now what now you oh yes alright and then I'm good ok if you maybe grab the bottom and just so we don't have to do a dangerous reposition that'd be nice you up a little bit there you go perfect perfect for her I'm gonna let go all right okay I can try and drop a tiny tiny bit OOP oh what a pro I think we're still short because my bow position you're like oh also I'm still absolutely marveling that any of this is even happening I need you losers just go a friend bring me with you no wait me down Bob we'd see to work together [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] fine fine fine but I'm not happy about it coin is there coin yeah I like money okay I would oh I would like some money who doesn't I love money Marty that's basically how I feel about it hey there's a coin there it is oh I'm sorry I'm sorry oh don't worry when I've got us here I got the coin take my coin dance this way let's be friends friends sorry yeah we can grab some Oh God okay are we back er okay I've got now hang on Bob you let go of left okay okay you let go I got a guy okay who I'm really glad that I brought us all together guys I just want could've made it on my own okay oh yeah he had to grab I got I did this I did all of this I would like all the credit please thank you very much but next time you could let my for my own hey what are you trying to do come on your own you know my own oh I think you know what we have to do now oh sweet lord oh no wait wait a minute wait wait wait guys inside of each other I'm glad I'm not holding on anything and me neither I can't get off me I can't quit you oh just like murder terror God throw you the coin Bob whatever Mac all right Bob I'm coming to get the coin you cut if you come back over here Marco I'm here here take that guys what you want to do the coin yeah I'll do the coin I love I love money all right let's do this boy right this is what we are here for the whole time I did it on my own yep it's whatever friends they disappoint me whatever you say this little project who put in note work but go all the credit anyway all right now you need my help I got no no we're fine we're good we're good we're gonna get in there me and get in there you get in there all right okay fine you green friend yeah you greens freak who tried to do it on his own before anybody sucked I'm in it I was the best oh that's true you did really try and do it on your own and you really screwed it up you see Bob the key or the coin also [ __ ] it up on purpose sweet life holding on for dear life okay hang on don't let go all right now we're [Music] gonna my god first try world record absolute new record there that was an adventure I don't know how we did oh no the spikes oh god I don't let you move I can [Laughter] okay okay okay you gotta let go whatever you're touching over no mark has to come up when I go now let's not do yeah I'm not gonna let you swing I'm not gonna do not let you swing with you will not sing Chile the one close this is Mike and you're gonna grab the wall with your right hand with your right hand okay okay okay you see the move got the pole here bud I can I can get to you we don't need your pity game you guys suck pull this rope like lock your grip is that a thing maybe probably enough like toggle right try pressing a press anything right now just press all the buttons there are letters there a release all grass yeah its alt rf-4c screw it hey that's my Joey if I grab your head it might be better yeah you're right you're right okay am i yellow let go yes I don't think that's good hold you up hold you up okay okay okay this is terrible wait I've said I think I have to get around focused I'm gonna let go and never mind wait I think I should keep this hand position yeah and I think Jack should come around and take your left hand and then see if we can like scooch me through here very interesting very smoothly Oh God you're really you're really all over yourself I think I think somebody has to get through first without the others and then they have to come back and get a strike I want I think I got this you you take marks left hand hold I'm gonna grab your your okay we argue okay okay all right now if the wall I've got you hit the wall I got your wall oh nice thing interesting interesting interesting very okay if I hold you up I will hold you up okay okay it's all right all right all right let me grab all right okay lifting up do not drop a little hard okay okay okay okay position let me raise my hands wanna see if we can just get through here just the two all right I got it I got it this is insane straggler what we passed our marks north never gonna dine the bad way we need we need to get tons first could have made through you both drop that wouldn't be the most badass move in history don't get listen everyone wanted mark I feel like that was left behind I'm saying I did it look how good you are Lodi was I don't want to hear oh I'm sure he's got this no problem done no you guys Wow good teamwork everybody excellent teamwork I think angst a you know I'm gonna give you props for that one well actually you got through the easiest thank you all right every man for himself grab the [ __ ] hand dude alright there you go there you go okay whatever okay let's be less energy this which way we have left left Reese let's go right what you dick well where's the coin here we might be off to the right to the right to the right nope never mind no this is okay that was interesting I think you can just do it on your own yeah we could probably you guys mightier sure you can't just do it on your own I think you're right my left good technique interesting interesting interesting okay okay okay very interesting good technique that's a good technique got something oh you have to [Applause] [Laughter] like a good thing right you know let's do the rope this time and see what it does this is the sweatiest my hands have ever been high alright Ravi okay there we go hello I'm just gonna let go of the blueberry I'm adorbs we need to we need to reconfigure this game is I love these tights wow that really sorted it out okay cool I think it would be really funny if there was an autoscroller level oh god I'm pushing I am the hole okay what's the game where you make a man pile oh yeah I'm out your friends that's what this is like it's a classic oh don't shoot that one yet all right here we go what you doing there bud listen listen listen okay well if you're mine I did it then you made me change it okay okay this is what hell looks like oh no Jill we're gonna just have to so she'll show it up now oh it's clenched Oh French that's not what you want to see for the horse there jackaboy all right here we go man who wants to go down the long skinny hole like Bob you're gonna grab it for us I think I may be maybe I've got a hand maybe that left hand mark yeah okay when you do a little bit no we need to inchworm it mark you need to grab with your right and then Jack you need to raise your left we got to get it into okay you're right you're right you're right lift lift up back direct and then scooch lift lift lift lift this is the most efficient way to do this I'm one of them this is such an epic gamer moment that's slowly up there alright this is sensual is what this is this is a very say I'm so proud of you guys okay you got it you go that might be a little premature we are okay four point oh eight seconds away from a hilarious joke I have never been more tense playing a [ __ ] video game of my life I might pass out and become French had my actual weight be does something as well oh I can make myself angry what even is this thing we have to catch the rope to the rope okay okay I have you ready grab the coin bring back I'm try okay okay yep oh dude perfect we are the was I saying about being perfect hang on let me read okay show null alright we'll get him up there we got this get him up rawhide oh there we go Jesus okay I got you go get it oh my god that's a little vest floppy alright [Laughter] we're gonna [Music] I was gonna try and grab lower so we could maybe reach the other side but what fine we could still grab the handle but you so okay okay we got it you want me to ground in platform go go okay right oh that's great you fast there's no hoops McGee I don't think that's why they call me oops McGee sounds like it must be true all right what are we doing sup gamers wait okay okay we have her so we have each other all right okay no figure yourself that's not it that's your face and my face that's your face okay okay subway come home there we go sequence okay hmm whoa all right my left hand I can grab the coin wingait I'll grab I grab the platform okay oh hell yeah bring you around Oh God okay this is a weird one where are we supposed to know where oh mama okay we just sailing huh all right I'll be in the middle now okay let me get it better yeah okay mark I think your left hand should be the coin hand all right you got it I got it like a freaking champion Oh freaking out Rick wait can we I I didn't prep you yeah well warning would have been nice no hang on hang on everyone just chill out okay take a breath I think what we want to do is not launch but try and extend me and I'll grab it right I think that's the stretch yeah that's the one so should I grab the very end of the rope ooh maybe we if we get all the way at the tippy tip okay good all right we want to try it yeah yeah I don't know what you think you're gonna be able to grab cuz I'm not even know we're gonna have to launch okay I can hit it from the underside you you would've got scared I'm not just gone for it right you right you right you right you're right you're right he's just thrust you in like a needle being scared is exactly what you want for me in that setting cuz when I'm scared I go for the hole well everyone just grab each other then that's fine have we been doing this entire game Oh doc yourself bring it in okay so my right hand is free but it's like I'm like oh my god stuck in my ear okay I'm gonna go of it just bring it right in there bring it right in let's let's set it let's settle I don't like you're just gonna go grab oh we are stuck to each other why not sure I can't even exit this abomination I'm stuck just let us go no no no we don't need why do what do we need to die we could just go on the floor no we're fine that's it that's it everyone it's fine no we're not I am absolutely not going in the hall I'm hiding right here and you can make marks me and marks arms are intertwined in the beginning out it's fine see I'm out I'm practically out I have an idea I will see you mark you want to grab it bring it in I will drop it and just wrap just grab a while grab it there we go we're good all right bring it in bring it in what a professional this guy oh he goes all the way around all yeah I'm gonna grab it and bring it in yeah you are you sure are you sure oh I died right on the edge of the hooks okay Bob grab my hand you're gonna grab it and you're gonna Bob your little Topsy Turvey there but hang on let me just let me just let me spike me on the platform dedi gonna grab it and that was cute that was cute my level I'm letting go so I okay you guys got each other I felt that I oh ma I'm so close to getting I got it there you got it you got it all right now now I'm in charge of this atrocity it's okay I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this I've got the top I got the top you let go yeah let's try and slam let's spike him on the deck there we go no now we're not gonna smack you okay I was Mac each other because if we're Mac's extension we keep hitting the platform of losing them in right you're right let me think you trust me spin around you try keep the rope we can do this let me down oh [ __ ] we need to make a platform it's fine here I come okay okay yeah I have your other hand thank you thank you who saved my life it was an epic swing that was unbelievable I was pretty good it was almost not believable at all yeah oh jeez it was absolutely not even fathomable okay okay this train is right now this is a solid this is unbelievably I got this I got this use the floaty goo you can do it remind for myself floating goo yourself okay going I am I'm gonna go save him I sincerely doubt that myself out of this bike so hard that I die permanently oh okay I'm not gonna I don't want to harm fun right didn't get the warning not just coin we did not we got father's friendship at the end of the day and we got bragging rights oh wait hang on - I got you it was I think we have to go get out okay why am I in the middle of this I didn't for this Bob let go of both your hands the whole you trust me I'm so boned right now Bob's gonna be our grabber when we get up there all right we can go all the way what I'm gonna be the what we can go all the way around no no all the way around oh I've got it Oh get on top of it got it okay okay I am tangled okay perfect whoa ah God grabbed it that was the wrong button there you go easy okay oh okay long gently release easy peasy frenching intensifies we we are one and the same right gamer see around oh snap grab me oh my god I got it I got it I got it - grab this line okay okay okay just along for this ride here oh I don't want to be responsible for this swing public oh alright okay you got this game right now dude okay round oh you have the rope all right yeah oh that's the wrong hand okay there we go I am I am letting go on the next swing okay okay okay whip it around we're fine we're fine everybody calm down I am calm there hang on hang on there we go what's doing there but not so hard is it I got this I got this okay if you need us to swing what are we doing no no no okay I'm not touching a huge Wow oh okay you got me I've got everybody okay okay Bob go all right this is getting intense am i calling in life with letting you go fight them up in opportune time grab my hand grab my hand I've got no I'm coming to background I'm gonna grab you there we go oh no are so good gamers I almost let go of my right the other way we're two wangled right now okay I am the captain now okay okay wanker Singh dangus are you guys ready red shirt letting go of this one this one yeah push it get over there gamers help here we go wrong way wrong way wrong way okay we i we I coin okay around oh wow I think some blood came out on that one can we get that coin is that possible I don't know it's very far up there we'd have to swing all right we're gonna have to all right we're gonna have to be really [Music] tight all right do we I don't know if like I'm helping as much as I feel I'm helping with the movement I feel like the middle person's wall is vital in that only that the part of this moment is like so important yeah oh my god I don't know if I've ever made all of those noises before yeah that's fine for me I think that's I'm stressed but that's a good girl that was amazing that was really this is a marvel of technology yet just happened yeah that's amazing what you guys watched at home is the first time anyone's ever done that one of the first times yeah boy what a game to test it off pre-alpha test so I was hosting so I feel like I'd have no idea how do you feel like it worked there's no lag on mind the only thing that was happening was like a slight pixelation pressure even Fetty landed but that's like yeah that was all did you feel like right interfered with your actual gameplay very mono the gameplay was flawless on that ya know that's so crazy yeah of my grab shutting down we were like saying one two three like oh yeah true that's so crazy who's crazy [ __ ] video games video games man time travel okay take yourself which one are you I'm the angry green ball at the end trying to punch up room I'm the orange douchebag throwing up the peace sign for no reason I'm the yellow lady question mark that's her she's making sassy sassy Bob was making [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,369,711
Rating: 4.9699955 out of 5
Keywords: heave ho, heave ho game, heave ho markiplier, funny moments, funny gameplay, heave ho online, heave ho coop, coop, co-op, markiplier, jacksepticeye, muyskerm, multiplayer, heave ho gameplay, gameplay, funny, heave ho multiplayer, heave ho 4 player, funniest game, funniest, laughing, laugh
Id: 2gq4DhMdZC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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