Improving Grian's Redstone

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so the other day something very very strange happened Green maze a redstone video and I'm gonna say I was actually incredibly impressed with what you managed to pull off now of course because this is grey and the video was to do with traps because we all know what green is like and redstone wise although occasionally it looked a little bit old-school it all functioned correctly and it did what it was supposed to do which is the most important thing however I thought it'd be fun to take some of the concepts and ideas the Green came up with in that video and do a little bit of magic with them and try my best to make them a tiny bit more lethal so let's begin now for this first one we need to be in Minecraft 1.14 because it involves these lovely things the scaffolding blocks after you place them properly Wow in case you can't tell this is my first time using blocks anyway in Green's video he created this trap where a player walks out to her diamond block in the middle of a desert when they break that diamond block all of the sand falls down to the ground and they get killed by full damage now this is a really cool idea the only thing that I would say is is that it took quite a long time for the sand fall so hopefully this idea will make things happen a little bit quicker I'm having to be so careful because if I break this block all of this scaffolding comes down thankfully I managed to avoid that happening but hopefully it should happen now because if we will come to this diamond door and break it we fall to our death incredibly quickly there's really no reaction time there there's kind of nothing that you can do about it you just drop straight through the floor immediately right I've got to try and find this thing and then I'll show you exactly how it works and I gotta say it's actually quite simple when we break the diamond door it just breaks that top scaffolding which then breaks all of the scaffolding connected to it so it's kind of like breaking the trunk of the tree all of the branches just drop off and they all fall down to the bottom killing us pretty quickly but what if you wanted to make a much bigger one consisting of multiple scaffolding trees well then it's probably a good idea to build something like this so here we have the same setup that we had at the start with the piston breaking this central area of scaffolding blocks but then this observer is then going to detect the breakage of the scaffolding and send a redstone signal down through this line right here which is incredibly fast due to the fact that it only involves I think three observers in total and three Pistons so it should only be about six redstone tix and then that will break these remaining scaffolding trees destroying all of the remaining scaffolding blocks now obviously you could go much bigger than this this is just an example but it should work quite well because you can't actually reach the diamond door from any area on the sand here and three two one go so there go our central ones and then there go the outside ones now there is a little bit of a delay because of course we have to wait for all of the scaffolding to break upwards but it's still I mean you're not gonna get away from that are you anyway I think that's this one completed let's move on to the next and if there's one thing that green really enjoyed in his traps video it is puffer fish he absolutely loved using puffer fish and I have to say this trap that involves dropping puffer fish down through the ceiling was both entertaining and also pretty deadly now I hear that you got a scale to help you out with the redstone on this one and if scale once again did a very good job but I still think there's a handful of very small improvements that can be made here now just as a quick heads up and my decoration is not going to be anywhere near on the level of greens I don't think I'm quite ready to make decoration videos just yet so once again green use an observer to take the output from the wall and we're going to run that up and then we needs power this piston then this piston and then this piston and that will move this block out the way over to here and then push on puffer fish down into the hole I also thought it would be a good idea to chuck in a slime block to launch the pufferfish downwards it just seemed like a more exciting way to do it so this is what I've come up with so far and I'm hoping that there's no good start but I think I've now reached a point where I can actually test this thing out so if we just fill up this thing with our puffer fish and then give this an update what on earth just happened there maybe shooting them at the ground might not be the best of ideas so let's go back to the drawing board a little bit and now we have this system which is really simple really fast and really compact as well if we break this block you can see that everything happens very swiftly and those guys spread out massively I I did not realize they would actually eject themselves out like that that's like a scatter bomb of pufferfish that's very cool and it's created using full pieces of redstone dust two repeaters three maybe four pistons redstone block and then a handful of furnaces and a slime block super super simple stuff now we're actually going to stay on the topic of pufferfish now because clearly they incredibly lethal and this next trap is absolutely genius I mean it's a really really smart system in that you have you've got yourself some form of water elevator and when the player walks into it it then retract back revealing a whole ton of pufferfish that then get shot up to the top with you causing you tons upon tons of damage I mean this is this is an incredibly powerful trap and I think I can tweak it just a tiny bit to make it a little bit more convincing and also a tiny bit more lethal so the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to probe lock swapper down at the bottom that swaps between magma and salsa and therefore it makes sense that you would have a pressure plate here because if you just have a pressure plate in front of a soul sand elevator at least some people are going to get a tiny bit curious not me because I'm stupid but for the smart people out there this one's for you so I think I think this could all be functioning so I'm going to try it with just a handful of pufferfish on the inside of all of these dispensers and we'll see exactly how well is going to work now obviously because I'm in creative mode I can use pufferfish spawn eggs if you were playing in survival you're obviously going to be using buckets with pufferfish but it will work exactly the same way right so I think we can all agree that this looks like a pretty regular water elevator if I saw this on the inside of someone's base I probably wouldn't think anything of it but if we pop through into survival mode and then pop inside this thing you can see it swaps through and then yeah that has worked a treat so we got shoved at the top we got stuck on that block and we got killed by pufferfish pretty much instantly I mean once again there's kind of no reaction time here because you really wouldn't be expecting that to happen and the best thing about the system is that it's so ridiculously simple we just have a block Swampert down at the bottom then we've got ourselves a mana stable circuit which sends a signal output into these Pistons which move the blocks across and then these dispensers which dispense how the puff fish and then we have this piston up at the top which just pushes this block across the top here so that we can't actually fly out of the elevator all really really easy to construct and look how compact it is I'm quite proud of this thing now I got to say I really like the idea of trapping these water elevators and Green did another designer's video and we're going to be playing off that as well but before we do I thought I would quickly jump in and take a look at a design that I've just recently come up with so in front of us we've got a completely normal looking albeit tiny bit short water elevator but this would be totally unsuspecting once again inside someone's face however if we walk on the inside of this thing you can see that quickly things go south very very fast now the idea is really really easy to reconstruct all you've got is a pressure plate that runs into a monostable circuit once again and all that does is it pushes these blocks across and then retract them getting rid of all of the water inside the system and then this magma block right here doesn't actually get swapped alva so sound at all it just gets grabbed by the Pistons and moved across and that means that we are left with the chamber that drops us straight down into lava I mean you really wouldn't see that coming would you anyway let's move on to the final green design of today's video and funnily enough it's kind of like the polar opposite of that one right there the way that it worked is you had a NEWater elevator which shoots you up into lava that actually wasn't any redstone involved but I think that we can do something to this to make it just a tiny bit more unsuspecting I guess you could say so here we have once again a completely unsuspecting water elevator we do have a pressure plate down on the bottom and it's been made to look like all it's doing is holding back the water then up at the top right here you may notice that we've actually got ourselves a stair but you would really really have to be looking at this thing to be able to notice that but what that stair is doing is is actually putting flowing water into the system meaning that these aren't magma bubbles these ones actually are so you are only going to float up to this point here then out the back we have got a little bit of magic happening so let me show you how it functions when the player walks into this completely normal looking elevator the water will be removed over the top and larva will be put in its place and there's a very good job at killing the player quickly and what I find extremely interesting is the fact that the lava doesn't actually turn any of the water blocks underneath it in a couple stone and I think that might be something to do with the bubbles either way that seems odd now this works okay in this example but in an ideal situation you'd build it miles up because not only are you not going to be able to spot that stair in the slightest but also by the time the player gets there the lavas gonna be there I mean it's gonna be there and the players just going to go straight up into it so there we go that is all of the traps that I'm featuring in today's video I do just want to say really great work Green you came up with some incredibly interesting concepts some of the ones featured in this video I haven't featured in this video so if you do want to check out Green's video then I'd highly suggest checking it out because it genuinely is really good and I was really impressed with the redstone that was utilized in there but I've had a ton of fun with this one way is my redstone contraption on fire my redstone contraptions on fire anyway I really do hope that you enjoyed if you did please refer to that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is my mum Bo and I'm out I'll see you later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,828,051
Rating: 4.9544334 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: WnANnsQCgzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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