I made the Best Dirt Hut in Minecraft 1.14

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You think mumboโ€™s would make a red stone dirt hut

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Hansjg05 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 18 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Well, itโ€™s some kind of a Grian makes mumbos builds better.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gnome-cop ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I actually quite liked that house so in this video I'm going to try my best to make the best dirt heart I possibly can in Minecraft it's going to look awesome from the outside if I can help it and it's also going to be filled to the brim with all sorts of interesting redstone contraptions let's see what we can do here so I'm thinking first things first this is the perfect biome for Adar huh I mean it just will fit right in and I reckon we should build it somewhere about here this is a really nice spot to live I wouldn't mind living in this tiny sub look at the size of this savanna that's hilarious anyway building wise this is the sort of thing that I'm going for we kind of have like a very organic looking down huh gone are the days of a completely squared block we're going to try our best to make this kind of melts into the landscape a little bit I don't really know the technical building terms or more of a redstone guy myself but despite this I fumbled through and this is what I've got so far so it looks quite nice I think one thing that I am going to add is a few of these little things just to really kind of sell the fact that this is part of the landscape and then also whales can I add maybe some leaves I can actually add if I grab some of these I guess they will come out this kind of weren't that yes oh that looks cool this is this is looking pretty sweet and this I think is the finished product I'm really really happy with it yeah it's exactly how I pictured it in my head the only thing that's given me issues is the interior the interior here is a nightmare so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna start filling it with redstone contraptions and things and hopefully we can gradually make it look cool and that all starts with the door or if you see the entrance is pretty important so we need to do something special here and I mean it doesn't get much more perfect than just gravel dropping out the way I mean look how perfectly that gravel door blends in with the rest of the build its bond and what's even better is it's crazy simple for anyone who's built one of these doors before you know that it doesn't actually require too much redstone so if we just hit this button we now have a perfectly good entrance into our little base nice you know all closed up behind us and then are ya know I'm now locked in okay we need it we need a button on this side - thirty seconds later perfect right okay next up I would say there's a little something that I really want to work on that I think fits in perfectly with this old butt is a tiny bit on the strange side now originally I thought this was going to be simple the idea was was that we had little storage containers right here I hit the button the composter drops down beneath the ground gets filled up with the stack of the items shown on these item frames right here and then pumps back up almost like a little item parcel type thing I thought it was a really cool little detail and for some reason in my head I thought this was going to be easy but as you can see they're ending up being quite comically large the issue is is that there's not much space between them so you have to kind of work in a 1 wide area and that stretches things help massively I mean look at the size of this thing so I think it might be smart to just scale things back a tiny bit and this is what we've ended up with it I flicked this lever I get all of my steak nicely delivered into my compost if I flick this lever I get redstone delivered into this composter the reason that we've had to swap out the firework rockets is because you can't drop items into composters so we had to use dispensers and if you put firework rockets into dispensers you actually end up with a firework display in your house which you probably don't want and then this last one of course is ender pearls very nice and simple now I want this house to feel super minecraft II so as you can see I'm adding very Minecraft II things in place and I'm also using minecraft II blocks when I think of Minecraft I always think of wooden planks simply because I think that's what I started building with when I first started playing minecraft now another thing that comes to mind is minecart chests for some reason I want to make a minecart chest based storage system I want it to be mobile which could be build now when I say mobile I don't necessarily mean mobile in the sense that you would expect with minecart chests with rails and things I actually mean with slime blocks what I want to do is I want to launch all of the chests up and down between the floors that we're going to have in this build so if I just chuck in so for example a minecart chest here I then need to break this rail and then if I power this piston how high does this go that is about perfect maybe the timing that timing wasn't quite so hot oh it's so close I mean I suppose there's nothing stopping us placing them on ABB's that she looks quite cool like that and it looks even cooler now that we've actually got all of the item frames and all of the signs in place this is a nice little storage system then we were on the ground floor we can just hit a button that will obviously be on the ground floor and we can request our storage system to drop down to that level then when we need it back up here hit the button it all pops back up Universal storage throughout the base I like this thing a lot anyway I don't know if you noticed but earlier on in the episode I kind of put this little divider wall in place just to make it feel a little bit less like a gigantic well mound of dirt because it is a gigantic my hand of dirt so out of the bank here I thought I would start adding in some of the slightly more useful things so we have things like super smelters and then I thought over in this area we can actually have ourselves double or crafting bench swappers because you know as I've mentioned a couple times now minecraft isn't as simple as it used to be we now have multiple crafting benches to work with and we need to be able to swap them around and it's so funny this redstone circuit right here is from I would say 2012 I'd say 2012 was when I first created this thing and I would still say it's probably one of my favorite redstone circuits because it's so simple so if we just get ourselves so we've got the loom left and then we also have the stonecutter those are the other two that I want to swap between oh my stonecutter down there I want my loom here we flip the lever look at this this is perfect everyone needs one of these in their base in Minecraft 1.14 it's like a Swiss Army knife but for crafting benches not knives now I'm just trying to think what the average person would have for the rest of their build I mean maybe a handful of barrels there that could be potentially for let's say we have coal or maybe some other bits and pieces whatever I just unlike the look of barrels I'm using barrels of decoration they can be filled with junk for like here but then I don't actually I might be on the right track for junk items because you end up with plenty of them by playing Minecraft so these could be literally chests for junk now you may notice that I've got this area right here this is actually how we're going to be getting downstairs I really like the idea of having a little elevator which drops the floor away and takes us down to the neck level happy super-sweet I feel like I've done an exceptionally good job at labeling my junk chess because nobody cares about ice anyway onto this elevator now and I've been thinking I reckon it's probably smart for me to use a flying machine if I was to do some kind of crazy piston extender here that would be a nightmare this is a huge piston extender so I think if I just punch have some space down here build up a little flying machine that then goes back and forth zips up and down that's probably the way to go now I know that makes things sound seriously complicated some people when they hear the term flying machine just instantly shut off they're like that that's that's way over the top of my head but trust me fly machine is easy the simplest ones they involve just two Pistons and like two slime blocks I mean just look at this thing look how that's embarrassing that totally should have worked I don't understand why it's not working it must have got stuck on something trust me they are still simple okay believe me so here is our completed system so if we hit this button right here we can request the elevator generally speaking the elevator is actually going to sit up at the top just so it looks nice and pretty up here but then when we hit the button there we go and now we're on the ground level of our little dirt hut so this is where the storage chests can be now you have to make this place pretty as well and that's that's also a bit of a challenge well of course the first thing we need to work on is our mobile storage system so I've got myself set up with all the framework and everything I've got the item frames in place is looking a lot better and now all I have to do is connect up this little button right here into that little piece of blue wool without breaking any other redstone so we need to kind of wrap it round like this and that should just about do it so if I hit this button there are our chests and then if I want to send them back up to the top then I just hit that button right there they've shot up and now they're on the top level this thing I really like this but now that that's done I mean what next what what comes up what do we want downstairs come on well obviously as mentioned earlier on we need that nether portal and something that I always say with nether portals is I hate the sound that they make so have to be toggleable for me especially because the sound when toggling off ice it's the best another thing that we definitely need is some form of bedroom area which this kind of is going to be my bedroom now I thought I could kind of divide off this space right here and then if we grab ourselves some beds one thing that also is incredibly handy is because we're in a cave we can't really tell when it's dark it'll be very good to have some form of redstone lamp that only turns on exactly when you're able to sleep there's actually a little bit more complicated than you expect now it's not hugely complicated we just need to reduce the amount of signal coming out of the daylight sensor so there was that lamp lit she just turned on and that is literally the moment that I am able to start sleeping what the chance of that I was about to demonstrate that you can't sleep until the light turns on but I think that did a pretty good job we actually have a gap big enough here to fit something that I would say is really really useful you'll see it popping out quite a lot in a lot of my redstone houses but that's because they're handy and vil refilling stations it's very annoying running out of AM VLEs when you're trying to do a repairing session or getting new enchantments and things so we're just a simple redstone build you can actually stock them up and now that is built it looks a little bit like this so my anvil breaks I hit the button fresh anvil anvil breaks again getting unlucky fresh anvil why would you not want this I mean it barely takes up any room whatsoever it has been so long since I've built any form of automatic brewing station okay it's been ages to the point where I can t remember the mechanics of a brewing station if I haven't brewed a potion for probably about a year so this is all new to me I hope nothing has changed in recent Minecraft updates because I think this little system right here could work well so we can have two of these next to one another well the antral brewing side of things seems to working the interesting part is when we hit the button again you see the way that this works is a kind of pre brews potions for you so it and she already has kind of three potions in the chamber when you hit the button you just get given those potions but then it reproves some more potions so that when you come back again and hit the button you get those potions that have already been brewed it's quite a smart little system so chess is empty when we hit this button right here that should drop out those potions there we go so we have got three of these little fellas and then these are now being reproved so that we'll have more in them in the ammo stack kind of thing later on I hope that made sense oh and in case you're wondering yes this is an old design old-school minecraft redstone at its finest and we've two of them jammed into that little area there I think we can all agree that it actually looks pretty cool oh I should probably put some item frames up that tell people what the potions are because otherwise they're gonna be confused nice okay right next up this area here now originally this was chests for a little while but then I thought you know I don't really like the look of it just being one flat wall so I thought we can have a kind of separate room in here and I'm I'm really struggling as to what I put in here I thought maybe enchanting table but the the dimensions are slightly off and that would drive me mad but we do kind of need one maybe we put an enchanting table over here and then some chests around this corner oh yeah that could be the way to go and actually I got to say it looks yeah she looks quite cool maybe what do we reckon about this entrance do you reckon I actually think maybe if I put some slabs at this level here well that looks quite cool and then if we have slabs up here too yeah because it was feeling a little bit cramped on the way in there and actually one thing that has really extra ruining I love I just you guys know I absolutely love the ruined look and just adding those extra details in just makes it feel like it melts away into this place a little bit more you know what I think I think we might be done I mean what more do you need in a base we really do have almost everything the only thing that we haven't got covered inside this area here is food but that's because to be honest with you food farms are way better to do on a large scale away from your base okay if you may notice on the hermit craft server not my food farms are around my base they're miles away because they tend to be noisy they tend to be laggy and they tend to be quite big too and to be frank the honest I didn't want to build another chicken farm or another bread maker and a piston house video you've probably seen me do that about 100 times so this is it ladies and gents this is our ultimate dirt hunt in Minecraft 1.14 I gotta say I'm I'm chuffed a pisser this thing I mean look first off it's as you quiet cool design I really like the way that this is all heart looks and then it also it has everything that we could possibly need for the minecraft survival experience and there's lots of unique contraptions in here as well for example you know we've got these item packaging systems we've got obviously super smelters we've got the block swampers we've just got all the things that you could possibly need we've got mobile storage systems we have elevators to get us between the different levels inside the base which is always pretty nice here is the mobile storage system working so we can gain access to our chests from both levels of the design who gots potion brewing stations nether portals enchanting systems we have everything literally everything that you could possibly need in survival minecraft I'm I love it I obviously love it so I really do hope that you guys loved it as well if you have enjoyed this video please let us at that like ban and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 5,545,738
Rating: 4.9431057 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: lPfyCsZ0Ybw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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