1 Wide Base in Minecraft

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i come up with some pretty stupid ideas but this one this one might be one of the silliest that i've come up with recently i want to make a one wide base i want to make a whole base that is only one block wide and i'm gonna try my best to fill it to the brim with redstone contraptions as well this is gonna be weird so let's quickly run through what i personally think constitutes a base so we definitely need some form of bed we need a storage system we need a furnace system i'm guessing something with super smelter would be absolutely ideal we need anvils we need some way to create equipment maybe an enchanting setup potentially potion brewing uh i mean that's quite a lot to fit in a one-wide area i guess let's just get started and see what happens now i feel like i should mention before everyone shouts me down in the comments section although the actual base itself is going to be one block wide obviously that would mean it has no walls okay and that's that's a bit of a point of space so i'm going to encase it in glass and it's essentially going to be like an ant farm you know you can look through it and you'll be able to see where i'm at in the base first things first i thought it'd be interesting to actually try and build up a little piston door and that actually works far better than i expected it to that's actually pretty good so i've added a back side to it so now we can actually get out of our house as well if we want to which is great and i'm going to start working on the storage system and i'm thinking all right because obviously with a storage system we're going to have a line of chests but then the problem with the one wide base is that we can't actually get round the chest so i think we might actually have to have like a storage system where you basically jump your way over into the next segment and you kind of make your way through like that these problems i'm having to solve are incredibly unique they're not exactly difficult redstone problems it's just how we actually operate in a one wide 2d space you know i should probably be taking tips from people who play terraria that definitely feels like that's the wrong way to say that game i tried recording that club about eight times and i never got it right so i'm just gonna stick with minecraft i think this build is already taking shape it's already looking really cool and i must admit i was a little bit skeptical as to whether or not i would like having to jump over my storage system but now i want to have to jump over my storage system in every single base that i build because it's so much fun so i would say three layers of chests is more than enough for me i've kind of got all of my areas sorted out so for example we've got the valuables chest we've got a redstone chest i've got two dirt chests two stone chests i've got two useful bits chests a little bit of food rockets glass all that sort of thing so now i'm going to move on to the next phase which is going to be off in this direction so i guess i can start building up over here and then also i could probably build up in this area here above our storage system as well the stupid redstone engineering me sees this is dead space and i want to fill it somehow but i walk through that area so it's not dead space but i want to put something there but i feel like i might not be able to put something there but i found something to put there and it makes my life so much easier when it comes to transitioning between all of the chests and maybe even going up this ladder at the end and that is water little things these little water things right here i can just pop up in the slime blocks fire myself up into the ceiling and stay up there okay with that i would say we're done with our first story now it's time to start working on the second story of our base and i think at the start of the video when i was listing off all the things that you need in your base i forgot one essential thing that has to be in every single base that i build and that is an armor equipping station now i must admit it's a tiny bit difficult to navigate to because i have to pop up onto this level that i have to pop up into here and then drop down and if i just hit this button we are now getting out and yes before you say it down in the comment section i did forget about netherright armor i'm an old school minecraft player i still sometimes think of diamond as being the best but with that section completed we now move off into this section over here and i'm thinking this is perfect for our super smelter because we've got a nice flat area and we have plenty of space the only question is how on earth do i make a super smelter in a one wide space i mean the obvious answer to me is going to be other minecarts hopefully distributing items correctly i mean that is really the only way i can see this working so we've got seven furnaces a minecart rail up at the top and then this also has to be a minecart rail and i guess the input for items has to go actually quite high up because it's got to go down into there then we need to have a solid block here that the hop and mine cart can launch off of and then we also we need to have a way to keep this minecart we need to have a way to pause this minecart so we can load up with items might be a little bit more challenging than i was expecting but i still don't think it's impossible it could also be a lot easier than i'm expecting depending on how many items this hopper minecart picks up from the chest because i know it picks them up incredibly quickly so let's see so we're getting twos well that oh no the one at the end i mean it does make sense that the one the end gets more i wonder if we get rid of this slope and instead have it be flat no that's definitely even slower all right i guess if we just extend it out a little bit more though we could be on to a winner let's give it another while so 64 goes in we are getting ones all the way across what now this is getting less wait that one's getting more that now i'm just confused all of them got nine apart from the second to last one which got 15. that that baffles me i think it has something to do with the bouncing back and forth so i'm gonna have to get creative here and i'm gonna have to create like a loop now i'm holding out hope that this thing activates the tripwire it does not it does not oh but there is um that was the sound of five different options coming to my head than me realizing that none of them are going to work but maybe we can do it without slime blocks i mean this i mean it works but in a very minecrafty way as in it looks totally broken but as the old saying goes if it looks broken don't fix it because this is minecraft and it probably means that it actually works and that 100 holds true for this redstone contraption because the items are being distributedly completely evenly i think i added an extra lee in there accidentally distributedly i've been playing far too much minecraft today right whatever the words are our super smelter now functions so we have created a one wide super smelter in our one wide base and that makes me incredibly incredibly happy now obviously our next floor is going to go up at the top here but there is this little slot that has space or something and it feels like something should go here but i can't think what i mean maybe we could just put useful things like maybe an ender chest and a few other bits that we commonly access hmm i don't know about you but that felt a little bit pants so instead i've decided to go for a little brewing station so if i just chuck some blaze powder into this thing that's now all fueled up and if i hit this button right here we should see that we have got the nether wart flowing in and then we have some sugar flowing in now it's not a particularly complicated brewing station because of course i don't have much space to play with but it allows us to get a potion of swiftness really easily with just the press of a button and obviously i can grab the items from the brewing stand either from above doing some very very accurate right clicking or i have access to the brewing stand from down below excellent news that is something that i didn't expect to fit into this build and we've managed to pull it off this spot up here is a little bit of an awkward one but i think i've come up with something i kind of want to create an anvil replacement station so you have the anvil there when it eventually breaks we hit a button and we get ourselves a new one the only issue is where do i fit the redstone for that we are starting to get we're starting to get very very tight on space in this area and after a lot of head scratching i decided that this works just as well i mean when the anvil runs out it kind of replaces itself regardless i don't need a piston to push an anvil they fall anyway i'm sorry to anyone who absolutely loves anvil replacement systems but they're kind of a little bit redundant anyway i'm now working on this final slice right here up at the top originally i thought it would be good to have some from a farm but now i've realized the concept kind of doesn't work that well i was gonna have one of those back and forth carrots and potatoes farms but i'd have to crawl in the space and it would just be it'd be quite slow so i've made a slight modification and i'm gonna get rid of the auto harvesting instead that's going to be done manually but weirdly enough that will actually make the whole thing faster at least in this setup you know i'm working with what i've got here all right and i don't have much let's have a look then so my inventory is loaded up with spuds if i just right click across and then break all of these potatoes they are all then being picked up this is actually not that slow this is i'm sure if you've got a rhythm going on this you could do pretty well you could do really really well i mean look just from doing that i got 50 potatoes i doubled the number of potatoes i have that's ridiculous and with the addition of this little augur right here i would say our one wide base is now all completed we have got every essential required to actually exist in minecraft within a one wide space and it looks absolutely hilarious i have to say i mean is it the most practical base in the world probably not you know it's it's a little bit of a tricky one to navigate there's there's a lot of things that you have to do to get around and there's you're gonna have to get used to kind of jumping around landing on slime block launchers and things but you can you can navigate it and you can use all of the things you can get kitted out with stuff and you can bounce about and you can get farming and you can do you can do everything that you can do in a regular minecraft base you just have to you have to navigate it a little bit you have to be smart with where you're going i think we can all agree that this is a stupid idea executed really really well like i can't see myself doing this any better i'm very proud of myself i think this might be the best one wide base that's ever existed in minecraft i'm sure someone's gonna prove me wrong at some point in time but anyway i really hope you enjoyed and i'll catch you in the next video see ya i gotta say as far as redstone videos go first off this is a really fun one to record but also it involved some of the strangest problem solving i've had to do you know every redstone video and every hermitcraft episode i have to do a bunch of problem solving to make things work because that's what minecraft creation is all about but these problems are strange problems the one wide problems are weird problems to have to solve
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,891,902
Rating: 4.9742627 out of 5
Keywords: 1 Wide Base in Minecraft, Minecraft Base, fun minecraft redstone project, minecraft redstone project, Mumbo Jumbo redstone video, Minecraft redstone base, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Jumbo redstone, Minecraft redstone, Base in Minecraft, redstone super smelter, super smelter, storage system, automatic potion brewing, piston house, Mumbo redstone, Mumbo minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo minecraft, Mumbo Minecraft base, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft base, Mumbo base, Mumbo Jumbo base, Mumbo survival
Id: B8XAhSrse0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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