50 Most Frustrating Things in Minecraft

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minecraft is a happy game but that doesn't mean that it's all sunshine and roses sometimes sometimes it can be incredibly frustrating so in today's video on this platform right here I'm going to take you through 50 of the most frustrating moments in Minecraft frustrating thing number one when you're working on a build this far away from your storage system and you forget the one thing that you need to actually finish it up with having said it if I know that I'm going to work on adults mystic slender and I managed to forget the piston I don't think that's frustrating I think that's more concerning waiting for grass to spread anyone who's been playing Minecraft for a long time will know this feeling you know before the days of silicosis is what we had to do to get grass into our builds you just sit and you wait and you can actually pull your hair out and actually in a similar vein to that one is there any worse feeling than accidentally trampling farmland especially if it has a crop on it that is almost fully grown but hasn't quite fully grown so you've put in the time but you actually angle the end-product villages just villages not having your nether portal linked up properly now the math should be simple all you have to do is take the coordinates of the nether portal divide them by eight make a prayer to the rain god and then sacrifice your firstborn and the portal should link up correctly this isn't where I want to be my sacrifice was for nothing I probably shouldn't be laughing that's quite a hat no that one hurts that one really really hurts and actually you know what I've got a bit of a bone to pick with beds what do you mean I can't sleep what about 11:11 a.m. I mean I'm a uture I make youtube videos for a living I can I sleep this is what youtubers do we sleep at this that this is this is prime time to sleep no but seriously not being able to sleep when you think you should be able to sleep is probably the most frustrating thing in Minecraft this is the strangest thing ever I can't actually set the time tonight never happened before I had like two more bed based night things I was going to joke around about and that's it's totally ruined them which in of itself is quite frustrating but I guess we can move swiftly on from that one then when he needs to jump between two things that are decently far apart from one another and you failed a sprint I mean this this is the reason why I don't do parkour you see the auto jump feature who uses this alright which one of you which one of you is this feel free to comment down in the comment section no judgments here but all I'll say is if you do use it if you do use it I don't even know I was gonna say that you should catch on fire but that might be a little bit strong accidentally brushing off a wall while you're sprinting and it stops you from sprinting this is extra specially painful when you're running down nether tunnels because I like to take my hand off the mouse all right and then gradually I brush up against that wall can't run anymore maybe I should just stop being lazy and keep my hand on the mouse now I think about it religious I've done this already I hear you say yeah yes I have yeah and that needs to be done again just know I'll be the first to admit that this one's a little bit specific but as someone who does a lot of redstone it doesn't seem to affect me quite frequently and when you're trying to place a repeater underneath your feet you've got a ceiling above you right you have to time it perfectly it's a real fine art maybe this one just affects me because well you know people will get me coordinates right and I'll be like all right okay I know that's the wrong way that's the wrong way too okay I've got this totally wrong it ends up making me more confused I just can't seem to do the maths on the fly anyone who's watched - girls hermitcraft n busting videos will definitely be familiar with that when you and your friend come up with a fairly similar idea for a base and and you know you both you both build your bases and they do it much better than you ever could I wouldn't know how that feels not that's all crying you're crying accidentally breaking your ender chest with your nan silk touch pickaxe I mean if it's not in Charlotte you've got plenty of time to think about what you're doing you know I I don't even feel bad for you having to live off of melons you know I get it melons are an easy thing to get your hands on you know it's quite easy to make a fully automatic melon farm but they are horrendous foods to have to try and survive on I mean look you're constantly getting hungry come sit I've just eaten a look my food bars gone down even more this is this is gonna be really tricky to demonstrate I'm not going online right you know sometimes you riding the boat off and on land right and then you hop out the boat and then and then you always get stuck in I've still got auto jump on burn me you know I'm saying like you know sometimes you jump at the boat and then you get you get stuck in the boat and then sometimes the boat disappears and you're still selling the boat but then you can't see the boat you know I'm talking about yeah talking about when you call your Minecraft world something really really stupid and you can't for the life of you find it and your mind list I used to do this all the time it took me about five years to learn not to do this which is ridiculous this one's for you dispensers any form of crafting recipe that requires non stackable items this is as fast as I can do it this is the maximum velocity that I can craft dispensers makes me sick this splash screen is actually perfect for what I'm about to say this could be a tiny bit specific to me but when people come out of nowhere and just remove you mustache you know yeah I have any of you experienced this or is this just me I feel like it could be just me I find that we can place redstone on top of Pistons but as soon as the piston extends the redstone breaks now this isn't necessarily frustrating it's just it's just a bit odd I can't wait for all the comments from the bedrock Edition people saying that you already have that in the game how about this bill one tick pulse your addition master race I'm totally joking but play whatever you want no I'm a little bit embarrassed about this one because that's a dolphin that stuff again I am I know me embarrassed about this one because I feel partially responsible for them you see when when we had the vote on what mop to add into the game I went on to Twitter and I pleaded for people to add phantoms and and they've been added and and they're literally the worst I sounded like there was gonna be a lot cooler than they actually are I promise when you when you fire the perfect shots at aghast ready by an arrow and then just this is about to hit as it amount to make critical contact and you're gonna get that satisfying moment the gas teaspoons bumping your head on stairs you have heard me talk about this okay if you've watched this channel before you've heard me talk about this nothing makes me feel worse nothing I get I get a real pain in my actual forehead when I see that and actually in a similar boat which I definitely don't think is the same we're gonna ignore that two high ceilings you know it just feels like my my head is scraping across the roof it makes you feel so claustrophobic and I'm not claustrophobic by I feel claustrophobic right now just the stare craft recipe in general let's do a quick let's do a quick maths lesson alright what do you think uses more would this a full block a full one one meter by one meter by one meter cube or this I want me about one being up by one meter cube with a quarter of it missing all right it seems obvious doesn't it it seems obvious but clearly Mojang missed that lesson because this is more expensive that's like ten years with Minecraft playing pent up anger there and Vil who do you think you are right telling me that is too expensive for me to put more in Charming's on my salt look I got sixty levels okay clearly I'm ballin out of control when it comes to XP just give me the option to put these extra things on my salt I mean clearly this isn't good enough just yet it must be getting late I must have played too much minecraft today because of stop picking fights with anvils when you're doing a little bit of Inchon in you see 14-3 come up you're thinking this is gonna be good I am set and then you break the item in the item frame what I meant to say was you only get fourteen three you don't get any extra enchantments but be honest with you what happened like that was more frustrating when you think you've been innovative and then you check YouTube happens to me all the time I think I've come up with some genius new way to do a redstone circuit really proud of myself and he'll he'll look on YouTube and find thousands literally thousands of videos showcasing the exact same thing I'm actually staying on the redstone side of things when you build up some kind of salon block based flying machine and you forget to back up the world before launching it and it sticks to itself it's disgusting feeling now I have to say this isn't the world that I was planning on loading up but it's reminding me how cool colored slime blocks are I mean imagine how cool it would be if these are actually in the game come on you gave us honey blog honey blocks are amazing it's just one step further when you forget how to build something that you've built hundreds of times this happens to me every single time I do 3x3 piston door I've got a good number of these in my time I get a really good number and despite that I still I always forget the repeater timings it is it four ticks here I feel like it's four ticks here maybe two ticks here I get the mixed up when a zombie kills you and literally becomes the mega zombie he goes to town and not only does he take all your hammer it takes your diamond swords he takes it pickaxe if you were a little each he's wearing that too just becomes Iron Man no I've got no joke bear finish the joke for me in the comment section please alright demoness when your bow Mealing a sampling and it literally takes all the bone meal in the world and then when you eventually do get a tree you get a stupid one I mean it's really unless you want a stupid chew sometimes you want a stupid tree okay and it's so typical when you want a stupid tree you never get a stupid tree but if you're just wanna farm wood getting stupid trees is so frustrating getting lost in an abandoned mineshaft which by the way is 100% inevitable if you do decide to venture ins an abandoned mineshaft I don't think I've ever gone through an abandoned mineshaft without getting lost and actually while we're talking about abandoned mineshafts need i say any more I mean I feel like no words I just don't think that words are even necessary here needing large amounts of anything that can't be farmed it's really upsetting cuz some of my favorite things in the game like observers comparators they lie sensors they could go i wouldnt really care but concrete powder sugar boxes all of them are made of things that can't actually be farmed I have to go out and get the stuff manually I mean what is this 2009 this one isn't technically minecraft salt this still when people say that minecraft has bad graphics I mean thankfully I haven't heard it for quite some time but this used to be prevalent back in the day when you tried to write people a chess by accident you rotate your item frame this happens to be so frequently right that sometimes on my lazier days I think about just leaving it and then being comfortable with the knowledge that if it happened seven more times you'll be back in the correct position it's quite lazy isn't it if I didn't have to make youtube videos and present them to loads of people trust me my storage system would be a madhouse when someone walks into your base and just flicks what you leave us just goes to town activates with your farms turns one of your redstone contraptions and oh Graham what are you doing here - back please when you fly many thousands of blocks using your elite show and then run out of rockets or run out of a lead for durability and have to walk all the way home now I think about it that's a bit of a first world problem but still when you're trying to place blocks in online and then a flower gets in the way it kind of tries to the other wall a tiny bit I mean I'm not necessarily saying that they should remove all flowers but if they were to disappear I wouldn't be too upset of course I'm joking mow down please don't remove the flowers building circles see this this is my best attempt that's how difficult it is all right look at this removing water now this has got easier now that we can dry off these sponge blocks in the nether but still need to be fair when you're in creative mode it is actually quite satisfying but look I haven't even all I've done is made a mess that villages you know a lot happened between that we've probably gone through 30 other frustrating things I wouldn't want you to forget the villagers are incredibly frustrated this one is incredibly specific but hear me out on this one okay when you're trying to open a chest with an axe in your hand and you miss click and I accidentally strip the log next to it now I know I'm very very specific but as someone who has logs next to their chests in their base it happens far too often but trust me all of the previous things that I've mentioned pale in comparison to this guy need i say any more Nick need i say any more annoying is look it doesn't even want to be on camera he's he's not having any of it and on that note I think it's time to end I hope that you enjoyed this video I posted guards of death just what I'm talking casually alright I do hope you enjoyed it's put a lot of fun to record plenty of frustrating things let me know down in the comments section if there's anything more frustrating that you can think about and I'll catch you in the next one see ya goodness me I feel better now that he's dead I can't wait for someone to tear that out of context quote it down in the comment section like everybody does I could say something totally mundane like I've logged into minecraft this morning and someone will write mumbo quote marks I've logged into minecraft this morning somebody's already done it you know what guarantee you there'll be someone writing that down in the comment section I promise you I would bet my feet on it
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 6,896,632
Rating: 4.927772 out of 5
Keywords: 50 Most Frustrating things in Minecraft, Frustrating things in Minecraft, Minecraft, happy game, frustrating Minecraft things, 50 most frustrating things, Minecraft 50 most frustrating things, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo in Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, minecraft list, Mumbo list video, top 50 minecraft, Mumbo 50, Mumbo 50 things, Minecraft 50, Minecraft 50 things, Mumbo Jumbo 50, Mumbo Jumbo 50 things, minecraft rage quit, rage quit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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