I Made a Machine with EVERY BLOCK in Minecraft

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there are a ton of items in Minecraft I remember the days when the inventory system looked a lot simpler than this it was basically wood little bit of stone stuff some cobblestone and things and then wool and that that was basically it now we have hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of various different things that are available to us so I thought it'd be fun to try and build a redstone contraption that makes use of all of them I don't know how this is gonna go honestly as I looked through that inventory system there I started to get more and more fearful anyway the type of redstone contraption that we're going to be building is known as a Rube Goldberg machine now these exist in real life they're essentially a chain of events that leads to a specific outcome and we're going to run through just a whole bunch of different things the first item that I want to concentrate on is stone and I thought the best way to do that was to make use of a stone generator so we're going to be generating stone that's going to activate the next part of the circuit but also the stone generator makes use of a bunch of different items - like lava water Pistons it's going to be redstone involved and I also looking at this decided that actually I shouldn't just build out of glass I should throw some other blocks into the picks and I gotta say I think this build may end up being very very ugly like incredibly ugly it's almost laughable how awful this thing looks anyway we've got we've got stone being generated now and that should reach this end point fairly soon yet there we go so that's as far as it reaches so I guess we should chuck and observe it in here and then I think I also want to try and explode the stone because then we get cobblestone and we can use that as an item in our system but I think the way that we get the TNT to activate it should be slightly different to how we would normally get TNT to activate so I've built up this sand launcher right here which I imagine will go through a tripwire and power some TNT this redstone contraption is already ridiculously stupid and we're on like the first few build let's see what happens here then stone is being generated signal has been sent sand has been dropped TNT has been powered is it going to blow up yes it is and it also blew up the trip wires and the string that's not the end of the world though because this is kind of a single-use system we now have a piece of cobblestone which can go into a water stream now I have made a few modifications to their system so hopefully this TNT no longer blows up this tripwire but I've also added in the water streams and things that are going to take our cobblestone across like this then up like this and then into the next part of the design so the next item that I want to make use of is sponge so obviously we have dry sponge and then we also have wet sponge so we're going to push this dry sponge across it's then going to clear that water it's going to convert it into wet sponge so that means that we've made use of both of those items this water is then going to gradually trickle down and I guess we can detect map making use of an observer which can then lead us on to the next part of the circuitry if you can't tell I absolutely love building Rube Goldberg machines they're so much fun especially when they actually work which this one now does up to this point right here so let's take a look in here so you've got sponge okay is there anything creative we can really do with lapis not particularly that I can think of we've got all the different slabs and things what other blocks can we kind of interact with well now we're not directly interacting with the world but I like the idea of having a piston feed tape that actually cycles these wool blocks around and then you can see we have a block of glass in there too so if I just power this thing you can see that the wool cycles round gradually makes its way round and then eventually this glass block will go in front of this repeater right here it will unpowered Rieff Li and push that redstone block across and that will activate the next part of the circuit and I actually got a little bit carried away and started building the next part of the circuit because I suddenly remembered this feature and I didn't want to forget it and that is the fact that you can send redstone signals through leaves by pushing a wood block into them let's check out that observer has just powered so that means that we can chain all of these together and basically create like a snaking redstone circuit of all the different leaf blocks let's see if this actually function so here goes powering it's so cool that is so strange but so cool okay what comes next what could be our next stage I needed to make use of red sand and also gravel so we've got a little setup right here I'm also making use of cobwebs and slime blocks for the first time so we're covering a couple of bases in that area now and this thing is gradually starting to get bigger which is cool it makes total sense that I would just make use of the slabs to get a vertical redstone system but now I need to think of a cool way to bring the redstone downwards I mean we could have things go up and down because there's a bunch more slabs and stairs that I need to use maybe an anvil or potentially make use of an item dropped out of a dropper going through trapdoors so this this is the system that I've created if I power this our gravel gets pushed across everything gets powered and the item gradually makes its way through there and then that can land on a pressure plate we can send the signal back up and basically loop things around a little bit here I've jumped ahead a little bit because I'm having too much fun once again I've used up all the stairs we've built up an anvil dropper that then runs through this tripwire hook here and that sends a signal into the next circuit which is the melon and pumpkin crusher so if I just grab myself a jack-o'-lantern I'm assuming jack-o'-lanterns also get crushed by Pistons but we should see if I just chuck something like this at the end what we need to do is we need to invert this redstone torch so you see that redstone torch is currently off when the anvil travels through the tripwire hook all of the hoops will get crushed and now our redstone torch is on so we have sent the signal on to the next part of the circuitry and I've just given the full system its first test in ages and amazingly it all seems to be working everything is all fully connected which I gotta say is a huge surprise because I totally did not expect all of this to be working together anyway next up we've got the ice segments oh it needs to be a wooden pressure plate doesn't it that's like original minecraft of redstone information I can't believe I forgot that right the next service blocks in the menu is the concrete ones and I feel like because these are one of the few blocks in Minecraft that we can actually convert it would be wrong of me not to do that so this system here will put out water it will convert all of these from being concrete powder into concrete so that means that we've knocked both of those off the list but also these are servers are going to detect that we then have this massive and gate now at the bottom here so this redstone torch will turn on once all of these are converted now let's just quickly check that that actually works of water comes out and that might just be one of the more satisfying circuits inside this gigantic redstone contraption here now actually continuing down the list one of the other blocks that can convert in Minecraft are the coral blocks because if they're outside of water I think they'd die so maybe we could remove the water from around corals and then have them die and detect that a little bit like what we've done here honestly I have no clue I've no really I don't even think I've placed a coral block before so let's see what happens coral goes down we wait ok well that's that's definitely promising if it's surrounded by water is it ok yeah it seems to be living and it's died ok um that means that in theory you might actually have a redstone contraption here it seems like it should function so I've got to Spencer back here with an empty bucket in it it will pick up the water all of these corals will die retracting all of these redstone blocks which will activate our redstone torch and then send a redstone signal up through here so what I'm doing now is I'm making use of all the different colors of glass because I feel like that's important to do and this is a good use for it and then I think that actually takes us to the end of the building block section I have used all of these blocks inside this build so far Oh apart from soul sand and magma those are ones that I left out because I wanted to make use of those inside water elevators and things hmm I guess I could do that back here I was planning on going across like this but I could probably do a few more out the back and then send the redstone signal across in fact forget sending redstone signals why don't we send minecarts I mean I might as well move into this section of the inventory here and it is so satisfying watching mine carts in water streams so that's gonna drop down I guess we can actually do a magma water stream here hmm yeah what do we do from there I guess we could have magma and then a flowing water stream and then eventually it goes over a detector rail or something I'm just in the editing Bay right now how many times why Khan hmm in this video it might be a record for me this works absolutely perfectly this works absolutely perfectly minecart goes up and then drops down and ends up on this redstone block so now we can start shifting things about and that is exactly what I'm doing I'm really pushing through here so our minecart lands on our powered rail track which is incredibly bright and psychedelic it will activate both of these Pistons converting this path block into dirt and this farmland into dirt which will allow redstone signal to pass through it that's then going to travel down through here and into these Pistons which are going to breaking our bamboo which I can't remember if you place that on sand yes you can so we're going to build up a bamboo stalk here that will be broken by the piston we're also going to make a mega sugar cane I guess we can do that and I mean what other things are there I guess we could do scaffolding basically I want to break all the things that will fall if I oh if I push that that's not actually going to break is it I guess there's only one way to find out yes it is going to break it so that's the part done now again honey blocks involved we've got a few crafting benches - honestly Ikon hadn't expected quite how mammoth this project was going to be you know how it goes you come up with an idea and you're like yeah that'll be great every item in Minecraft how difficult could that be and then you start building it and you know you get eight maybe nine hours in and you start realizing maybe should have thought that one through a little bit better anyway next up we need to do the silverfish blocks which I think we can do in interesting ways so as I'm sure most of you know if you injure a silverfish or a silverfish takes damage then local silverfish that are inside their blocks will pop out so we can place those those silverfish blocks or infested blocks around here and then the silverfish can pop out and once again we can detect making use of observers or potentially we could even use weighted pressure plates and she preferred an idea of an observer and that observer is then going to shoot an item into this furnace which will then smelt out the item and we can detect the item there's been smelted making use of hoppers this is such a long chain I actually wonder how long it will take for everything to happen like how long is this chain in terms of time duration is this guy going to try and make his way to the water I mean maybe if we use a villager you see what I I need to make use of all the pressure plates and all the different types of doors maybe if we use a pillager and a villager let's quickly try it out with a husk so villager comes in almost they kind of decided to run and then stopped running and decided he wanted to go back oh that that works all that totally works he freaks out and decides he wants to get away from me he's like oh no oh no no thankfully because the minecart is quite slow I managed to get in there and stop too much from happening but yeah I mean you know concrete and I'd say probably about a quarter has gone through either way I managed to fix all of that up and now we have an output from this door line running into our shaker box circuit so all of these dispensers are going to dispense how the Shocker box is and then that will run into the next part of the circuitry which I guess we have to do something with jukeboxes that's one thing I still need to do the mushroom blocks and all the walls oh my goodness there's many blocks in mind there's so many but I definitely can see the light at the end of the tunnel so that's a positive I've just knocked a bunch of them off right here just getting them just the non functioning ones just getting ready to stand on top of them I feel a bit bad because the beacons in there but I mean there's not really much I can do redstone wise with the beacon so that's all that and now I'm going to start work on the walls which I think I'm just going to push them around now this might seem a tiny bit cheaty but there's a few redstone components that I'd literally can't do anything with like buttons and things inputs so I'm just kind of dotting them around throughout the redstone contraption and finally after many many hours this thing is now all completed and I think we can all agree it looks rather spectacular but I'm genuinely curious to see if this actually works first time okay I will eat my hat if this works first time alright so flicking the lever that is going across generating stone we have now detected the stone I sent a signal through to our sand pusher which will then activate our TNT which drops down and hopefully this piece of TNT blows up the cobblestone which it has that cobblestone style dropped into the water and it has gone up into the item elevator cool okay and that is gonna make its way through into this system right here which should push across the sponge removing this piece of water which will then go into the piston feed tape it's taking its time it's taking his time there it is sponges in waters removed piss and feed tape is now spinning and when that glass goes across this repeater thing going to send the signal through into our little leaf snake right here which is now pushed the sound into the cobweb oh okay I have a little bit of time to breathe here I am sweating so much my palms are basically pouring out water right now okay this is this is serious so when this piece of sand lands on the pressure plate it will then activate this circuitry so will get gravel moving down landing on pressure plates and things but there most importantly is this diamond up at the top here is gonna drop through the trapdoors and it's going to end up on that pressure plate here it comes there it is it's landed on the pressure plate so sent the redstone signal up it's gone through the anvil all of our melons and pumpkins have just been broken and the concrete has been converted sorry I forgot what happened next and also all of our coral has died and our mind color has been sent off through the water system it's good to keep up with what's happening concrete or converted corals got converted and then also we sent off a minecart that minecart is now here so that is now going to travel through this a part of the system so we're going to get these paths and these farm lamp blocks being converted into dirt which will make them solid blocks and that's going to break all of these and that sends the redstone signal through into the silverfish they have just died and that means that we now have an item in our furnace that is currently being smelted when this is fully smelted up our villager is going to be dispensed out he's going to run away from the husk okay okay okay choker boxes have happened the note blocks have played and everything has activated all at once wolves got pushed and everything composters moved the whole lot are not open we have opened up a 2x2 ironed all set there it is all of that to open a pair of doors and I couldn't be more out of breath oh so I get so stressed by the end of that I am Oh sweatin like an athlete alright well that was fun hope you enjoyed that I want to say now that was all a bit dramatic want it thanks for watching I guess I hope you enjoyed that that was that was cool that was cool that felt like a proper old school minecraft built it's been ages since I bought a Rube Goldberg machine that's so much fun and they they are a lot of fun I might do more of them to be honest with you that was a really satisfying experience I might do one in real life I don't know what I'm gonna do
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,982,345
Rating: 4.9723344 out of 5
Keywords: I Made a Machine with EVERY BLOCK in Minecraft, EVERY BLOCK in Minecraft, Machine with EVERY BLOCK in Minecraft, Minecraft, Mumbo redstone machine, Mumbo redstone, redstone machine, EVERY SINGLE BLOCK, complicated redstone machine, giant Minecraft rube goldberg machine, rube goldberg machine, Minecraft rube goldberg machine, 2x2 Minecraft door, Minecraft door, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Redstone, complicated redstone, redstone, Minecraft redstone
Id: NuNNgAW0tl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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