What if Minecraft was Mechanical?

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It is pretty cool and it’s interesting to see him use it to make normal red stone things.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Itonlyafleshwound πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Create moving up in the community! Well done!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheDarthCarrot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought Mumbo and modded could never be done. Pleasantly surprised.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ddchrw πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LankyHickory πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iiscabbage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Create's definitely gonna become the face of tech mods in the whole java playerbase

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/InspectorPotatoBest πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

While I hope there will be more episodes, Mumbo once did extended pistons mod (don't remember the exact name) and never cam back to it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MinskWurdalak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sometimes I wish the Mojang devs would just incorporate even a fraction of this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Priamosish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol all the people in the comments calling him an expert when he barely scratched the surface.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/McSaucyNugget πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
well this is going to be interesting as you know recently i've been playing around with various different minecraft mods that change some of the more technical elements of the game and one mod that keeps coming up in my comment section is the create mod that coupled with the fact that iskall has been badgering me to try the create mod for the past couple months has solidified my decision today today is the day i'm kind of nervous all i've done is i've watched the trailer and that gave me a good idea of what to expect and now i have to work out what on earth all of this stuff is i mean what is you got a cogwheel we've got a large cog wheel oh oh oh my goodness a mechanical belt there's a chute a fluid pipe there are various different types there's a gantry carriage what on earth is a gandy carriage i didn't realize how big this was you know i genuinely thought that it was just cogs and things so to see there's see there's there's metal brackets involved this is not what i expected wow i can ponder things oh this is actually really useful this is telling me stuff that i should have known already by the way if you're expecting this to be an in-depth look at the create mod you are sorely in the wrong place i genuinely thought it'd be a more entertaining video if i come at it completely completely blind and try and work all of this stuff out using my redstone knowledge and expertise to hopefully cobble something together we'll see i could make an absolute meal of this contraption number one a spinny thing here goes sick right i think it's safe to say that that has not been so successful is it oh oh we have spin i i've created some spin i have created some spin and it seems to be it seems to be spinning okay this is good this is good now if i will it spin faster if there's water going that way as well or am i going crazy has that it is spinning faster i actually came up with something smart now according to the inventory this thing can spin up to 16 rpm so i've got a little speedometer right here how do i read this thing does it does it tell me is there any how do i read it does anyone know how to read it apparently i need some engineers goggles they need to be applied so i can actually read this thing in a little bit more detail ah okay we are at the maximum we're at 16 rpm this is good and i look super cool even though these goggles are definitely not above my eyeballs so let's see if we can increase this rpm so i'm assuming if i put a big old cog here and then i put a little cog somewhere like this am i not able to put it oh oh does it have to does it have to be at an angle that's that no that wouldn't work would it where can i put a cog can i put a little cog good good and then if i put a speedometer here now we're talking 32 rpm all right let's get a big old gog on this one and that is still going at 32 rpm and then a little cog and this thing's going to be flying this is also going to be flying and then i mean how fast can we go here can we go to the moon in terms of rpm speeds this is this is pretty ridiculous how we're fast rpm can we go even faster than this surely this is going to start causing damage i i imagine this is how fast can we go apparently that's as fast as we can go i am no longer able to attach things to this shaft i think we are we're we're at crazy speeds here ah oh but i've broken i broke it so i over stressed okay as you can probably tell that left me a little bit baffled but after looking a little bit through the creative menu i've discovered that we've got kinetic stress impacts connected to some of the items and it's a multiplication of the rpm so currently we're at 256 rpm and our remaining capacity for stress is 256 sus which means the only item we can actually connect to this system is one with a stress impact of one times the rpm and then we're using 100 of our stress capacity if i put something like the encased fan in which has a stress impact of two times the rpm which would mean the stress would be 512 sus that is going to cause us to over stress the system and everything is going to stop working okay yeah that that totally makes sense so let's use this information to create a super long piston here we go if i start putting some bowls in this should start doing extending things but i guess it's going the wrong way so adding a cog up here has flipped the shaft around and okay it's still not extending am i missing something oh this is very exciting this is very exciting how long can the pole be it can be really long that is ridiculously satisfying that is very satisfying oh and i've discovered this thing which is called a gear shift which allows me to change the direction that the shaft is moving in which is very handy the super piston i can't ever notice i'm yet to make anything useful but i should be about to change because i've just discovered what a ganshi carriage does not only is it incredibly satisfying but we should also be able to convert it into something using these i'm not entirely sure what they do oh it's working that's doing what i hoped it would good oh but this is even better this is even better am i still going to run into the piston push limit i mean i'm not sure i guess there's only one way to find out that might just be one of the coolest things in the world i mean that is a proper sliding piston door i mean it's not even a piston door i can't even call it a piston door it's a gantry carriage door which doesn't really have the same ring to it but maybe it's just because i'm not used to saying gantry carriage piston door i've thrown piston in there haven't i i've done redstone for far too long using just pistons every single door is a piston door in my eyes uh-huh i've worked out how to create some vertical movement so now we can do something with this as you can tell i'm not entirely sure what just yet so currently our gear shift is powered which means it's changing the direction of this shaft right here and if i press this button okay that has gone that has rotated around in that direction so it's rotated clockwise then if i unpower this and then power this it is now rotating anti-clockwise and it's doing it in 90 degree increments because that's what i've programmed into our sequence gearshift so now i've connected that up into a mechanical bearing and i'm running it into some radial chassis and if i place in some slime there and then connect these things up yes we are now rotating blocks that is interesting so if you just give me a second we're about to do something that i've never been able to do in minecraft before and yes it is another type of door but you know what us redstone people are like we basically only build doors in minecraft it actually it actually works wow that is so satisfying that is so ridiculously satisfying it opened so fast that is that is actually quite something i'm i'm a fan and it's also i mean if you did some compacting here you could do something quite special right let's stop it with the piston bits and bobs and the moving of things i now want to start looking at items because there's a huge huge number of item related things inside of this modification and is this is this not correct if i put down a shaft here okay the mechanical belt does not just drop on like i imagined it would ah except it does it does do that i just have to have another shaft obviously i can't just have a mechanical belt dangling around on one shaft okay so if i throw an item onto said mechanical belt i assume well that was this is cool oh and they are they are doing the thing that they're meant to do they just disappear until they reach the end but maybe that's for entity's sake honestly i'm not sure but this is good i think it's to make it so that if you have absolutely enormous contraptions that have thousands of items going past it's not going to be loading tons of entities and instead it only makes them appear at the end if that is the case very very smart this is why i don't develop mods because i don't think of this sort of thing that's interesting now that i've got a depot at the end of it i can actually see the item on the conveyor belt and then it ends up at the depot and to get the item back i have to right click on the depot is this going to overload things it feels like this is going to definitely overload things all right having geared things down a little bit i think maybe now if i get this guy in yes yes yes we have achieved the perfect pace what's the opposite of a depot i need the opposite of a depot and i've forgotten what the name of it is although a funnel sounds maybe correct maybe so if i right click on this and then right click on this and then place down our little arm this thing should have targets so if i place down a chest on this conveyor belt our little mechanical arm is going to detect that and move it into the what i don't know i mean i know that is so simple you know all you've done is you we could do this in vanilla minecraft with hoppers at a chest but but but just d did you see what the arm did though but look at this it's so slow but so satisfying that is fancy that is fancy oh this is definitely interesting so it turns out i don't actually have to gear things down quite as much as i have been because i can use what's known as a rotational is it a rotational speed anchor i have no idea where anki came from it's a rotational speed controller but that coupled with this little vertical gearbox and this little setup right here should allow me to actually compact this circuit right the way down to what you can see here and i'm hoping that everything should work properly so there is our mechanical arm doing mechanical arm things i love it i thought the game was looking weird can you guys see that over there i've been questioning my own sanity and my brain the entire time recording this i keep thinking things aren't quite right does anyone know what's happened because there seems to be like a slight desync between certain elements of the game and it's a bit weird frankly i'm just glad that i'm not going totally insane mechanical belt mechanical belt things begun to get a little bit over stressed so i've added one of these things in and now things are never going to get overstressed it's a little bit cheaty i know but i'm just experimenting now what i really want to do is i want to create a crusher so this system right here i'm going to put ores in at the front they're then going to be transferred over into this area here go through this shoot and then get crushed and processed at least that is the plan of action so if i place in a mechanical belt here and a mechanical belt here that should this should be where items are outputted so i need to connect my mechanical arm up to my ejector and then get that thing put back in place and now we wait and see so goldor has gone in it has ended up on the depot and this guy could not care less okay this guy is going because he's been obeying the backside he has been replaced with an ejector which seems like it would be far more satisfying so if we chuck down the ore here it will go across it will be launched across which is fantastic and then gradually make as well along that conveyor belt get crushed up and then we end up with a little bit of gold dust and then some cobblestone so our system has all worked properly now i have no idea what we can do with crushed gold ore but i'm happy that we have it and i'm also incredibly happy with what we've managed to sass out today now don't get me wrong there are a billion things that i can do with this mod i have not even scratched the surface but i've had a lot of fun just experimenting with the game mechanics i feel like i have a rough understanding of how things are meant to operate and going forward it's then just a case of working out what new components do but i understand how the powering systems work and everything like that now which is a huge huge first step this has been very entertaining for me very fun very new you know this is this is a lot for me you know i've been building redstone contraptions for the best part of 10 years now this is quite a big shift in the way that minecraft technical mechanics work but please do let me know down in the comment section if this is something that you want to see more of on the channel i am well up for just experimenting with this further and trying to create even more ridiculous and crazy things i mean you could create some really really crazy things with this so let me know i hope you enjoyed and i'll catch you in the next video see ya and at this final point of the video i just want to apologize to everyone who is fully experienced at the create mod and is watching what i'm doing and just hating every second because i'm sure i'm doing everything wrong but that's fine as i stated right at the very start this is my first time using it i thought it would be interesting to just go in completely blind and it definitely was i enjoyed learning and i hope you enjoyed watching me learn
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,509,192
Rating: 4.9794683 out of 5
Keywords: What if Minecraft was Mechanical?, What if Minecraft, Minecraft, Mumbo Minecraft video, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo, Mumbo trying the create mod, trying the create mod for the first time, create mod, trying the create mod, the create mod, Minecraft Create mod, Minecraft Forge, Minecraft Forge Modloader, Minecraft conveyor belts, Minecraft mechanical cogs, Minecraft robot arms, giant Minecraft piston doors, Minecraft piston doors, automatic redstone farms, automatic Minecraft
Id: 2PdB4LoqDvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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