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Welp, he definitely pointed out all the testing they didn't do. I've gone up to 20 pop in neolithic but never thought to just keep going... then he brings out the liberate city cheese. wow

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/perm-throwaway 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

The liberate city trick looks to be a flat out bug. For the Infinite Caveman Spam, probably the spawning of food curiosities needs to be changed to reduce over time, so that by 10 turns in there's not much and by 20 there's no more. Although it is a fun way to overwhelm someone starting right next to you.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/ddejong42 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

I think military snowball too much in this game (and didnt know about the liberate tricks)

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Square-Pay-2581 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Why does he have positive income with 84 scouts? Don't they require support, i.e. cost money per turn? And are there bad consequences when you are in negative money?

EDIT: Checked, and indeed scouts do not require upkeep. Well, they should. At least 1 gold.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/MxM111 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm disappointed he didn't snowball his neighbor with them. Would also be fun to see him do this until he can get Mongols.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fusionsofwonder 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Seems weird that you can even liberate a city that you founded, wouldn’t it make more sense to only be able to liberate a city you conquered?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/triiippy- 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

I didn’t know you could disband a unit and absorb that population into the city.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LeoBrok3n 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Saw that lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Successful_Agency293 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing human kite and oh my goodness who's this spiffy chappie in the corner oh he looks so majestic so beautiful so handsome and oh my goodness it's me of course now today we're playing a very unique game of humankind because you see the developers just released the game and what happens when a developer just releases a game well it's full of not only balance issues but completely broken gameplay mechanics i mean so many features of this game are completely utterly ridiculously unbalanced it is wonderful you know your game's having problems when a lot of the early game scientists are hardly producing any science and then just turkey which i'm pretty sure is meant to be a food focused culture for some reason has the most powerful science districts in the universe it's like i got a second something went wrong with the game design here but hey ultimately the game's good fun and that's all that matters and today we're breaking a very unbalanced part of it as you see we're going to be playing a game of humankind without really leaving the neolithic era that's right it's the first part of the game when you're exploring around as a caveman and we're not going to be leaving it at all we're simply going to be staying and growing our tribe using some very cheeky exploits to become incredibly powerful so without further ado ladies and gentlemen it's time to begin so we're going to start a brand new game against just one ai i think victor here he'll do fine we'll play on a nice little small world together and on a nice fast speed without further ado ladies and gentlemen it's time for us to perfectly balance and slightly break this game i should be blue shinto blue perfect and away we go now you see the game has a few very interesting mechanics as the game starts tri-bear you see normally in civilization you start with a settler you plonk down your city but this game isn't like that as you're a tribe as you're meant to be playing the entire history as a bunch of neolithic tribes people wandering around the map trying to hurt woolly mammoths off of cliffs and so you have to grow your tribe as such now welcome to the game ladies and gentlemen and something very unique happens in the neolithic era as you see we start out with one person here and our mission is very simple gain 10 food to gain another tribes person who will then help us scout around in order to leave the neolithic era you need either three tribes people to have discovered five science deposits or to have murdered three random animals don't worry we're going to be doing all of those things and more so firstly you'd think we just want to move our tribes person and discover some curiosities and goodies in order to try and gain more tribes people this is exactly what we want to do but in a very unique fashion as you see manually moving your tribes person around is a terrible idea you are a smooth brained human you don't know where the curiosities can spawn because they're hidden in the fog of war how are you even meant to discover them well ladies and gentlemen just use the game's inbuilt cheating mechanics by turning on autoexplore having the ai puff you all the way into the fog of war and discover a curiosity for you and look at that ladies and gentlemen we just wandered straight from our starting position right on top of a curiosity giving us five influence which we can then immediately use to found ourselves an outpost which we'll do naturally right here this is because we're not using this turn to move around so it makes perfect sense so with our outpost down we can then just end our turn and then the ai will auto explore straight onto this food deposit and gain us five food lovely stuff and we could just end our turn again and away the auto explorer ai goes straight into the fog of war and onto this curiosity because it can the ai is just basically wall hacking its way through the game and you know what that's perfectly fine now we can technically move into the next era of the game and the other ai has actually chosen to do that they've decided to pick the harappans but we're not going to move to the next year of the game because that's actually not a smart move now fantastically we've managed to locate ourselves a sanctuary which we can just hop on top of and pillage when we pillage a sanctuary we get 20 food from it which is also known as two more tribes people now two more tribes people are perfect because what you can do with this is not move to the next era which is what the game wants us to do simply grab your tribe's person and separate them off running around the map because ultimately we've now just increased our abilities to discover more food so we separate up our tribes person like so and like so and just have them all to explore everywhere just set them all off exploring and would you look at that there that is discovering curiosities left right and center this tribe's person has already discovered a new tribes person who we can then once again immediately separate off and send off on this woolly mammoth based adventure there you go you go discover some more stuff for me and you as well can be put towards to explore and you discover more ancient encampments lovely stuff this is wonderful who knew printing living beings was as easy as randomly pressing an auto explore button and then just having them hone into food and just having more humans appear if only such a thing was possible with the like button oh no that would be perfectly balanced i could just spawn people out of thin air and force them to like every video ah yes and then we'd conquer youtube about limited swarms of tribes people ah now that's perfect i think we should probably also settle ourselves an outpost right here only cost us 10 influence so that's exactly what we'll do and would you look at that there we go we've just gained some nuts from this little food deposit so we can then separate off this tribe's person send them off towards this direction scouting and oh there we go some fresh water as well lovely stuff that's another tropes person to add to our collection we'll send them off scouting over here and then we'll just turn on auto explore and trust that they oh they've discovered a sanctuary immediately lovely that's another two more tribes people you need to be honored to explore as well my friends there you go lovely stuff scout around all right so you jumped here and you pillage this we also gain another free party of refugees which we can then just immediately ought to explore and then we've gained some nuts here which is another tribes person now you are meant to basically leave this era as soon as you've got you know about five people but the longer you stay in this era the better because well the thing is it's a really really quick way of gaining units in population and population is ultimately really really powerful as you can use population to basically hurry along things like production you use population to train units so if you want a large army guess what you're going to need a large population and it just so happens that the fastest way to grow a population is to run around the earliest era in the game now the biggest issue with leading an army comprised of hundreds of cavemen is actually the requirement for nightlife you see this is largely because all of the cavemen love to go clubbing oh god right now pretty much two turns later we're immediately up to 16 population and you can see kind of how this spiral gets out of control basically the more exploration you do and the more units you have the more opportunities you have that you're going to actually find yourself a goodie hut and give yourself another unit it's basically one gigantic snowball situation at this point where each unit we have gives us another unit which in turn gives us another unit and so on and so forth and you end up with this gigantic mess of a situation where we basically just end our turn and then population just appears out of thin air oh we've actually discovered the great barrier reef as well that's wonderful lovely stuff indeed got ourselves another load of tribes people here that we should probably separate up there we go just run them around you need to hop onto here and there we go that's another tribe's person who we then separate off and send them along the river now this is kind of micromanaging oh no my goodness of course they immediately go and just discover even more tribes people okay right separate you off go explore my friends oh my goodness okay we got a lot of tribes people now we're up to 20. this is a good good quantity of tribes people oh my goodness you're just here as soon as i end the turn just the endless click of more tribes people have been recruited but i'm going to separate this person off and run them over to here and i'll actually use them to build another outpost just here so that we can increase our influence even more and i'll put them to auto explore for next turn this person over here can be separated off there we go we haven't even discovered the other ai which is meant to exist on this map somewhere i guess they're just really far off in this direction all right but there we go we end our turn more exploration happens oh this tribe has grown good job you found some nuts that were incredibly loud oh there's actually a deer ah we can fight this days are good we kill deers i think we gain food just a little bit of food there we go and the thing is more and more food will spawn as the game goes on even though we've already been over this entire area food is spawning in each turn because the game's actually trying to catch us up which kind of creates this rather awkward situation whereby the game is just handing us more and more population there we go and we've just murdered ourselves another deer okay now this is where the game's starting to break because every turn it's kind of you know playing the same audio cue about 700 times late on top of each other which is you know a good sign because uh yeah the game is now starting to have issues as it's turned 16 we haven't left the neolithic era and instead we now have 35 tribesmen running around this is um not exactly the way the game's meant to be played but it does work that's what makes it so powerful oh look there's another goodie hut right run to the goodie hut now yes game i know you want me to move into the next era but no i'm not moving into the next era i just gained another tribe's person straight into the fog of war we go let us discover more goody huts and another deer there we go i've actually killed all of the deer which means i've completed all of the era scores fantastic you know i'll even settle myself down an outpost over here there we go that'll make the game happy this tribe is now up to free so it needs to get separated out i suppose it doesn't need to get separated out at this point we cover pretty much the entire region we're up to 38 pop now which is lovely stuff and we still haven't even found the other ai which is oh it's over here it's over here that means we probably would have to sail on over to them a sanctuary oh yes this is fantastic all right lovely we'll burn down this sanctuary this will give us even more population and then i think we're honestly at a point where we should probably move into the next era because we're up to 40 pops now this is kind of too many make that 44. there's another sanctuary over here somewhere oh my god okay right 47 population i think we have to stop when we get to 50 okay it's turned 20 and we have 47 pop this is far too much the game is not meant to have anywhere near this ready oh my god the game is really having problems now with the sound oh you know what these bears want to attack us but i actually reckon we can manual battle them right we'll fight some bears there we go no problem bears are trying to attack uphill they're going to just lose over and over again i'm fantastic the bears are just going to die lovely stuff we can just end round again and the bears will suicide into our tribes people are easy peasy lemon squeezy glorious victory and that actually gave us 20 food which once again me calls two more pops to be added to our tribe which we can then just run off in this direction discover the sanctuary where the bears are hiding where did you come from bears there's the lair there it is fantastic right and now we just ransack this layer and get another 20 food so all in all the bears are going to give us about 40 food also known as four more tribes people also known as effectively 40 more combat strength because each tribe's person is 10 combat strength oh yes we just got even more tribes people oh dear oh dear dear this is becoming a problem all right 56 tribes people this is good 59. now what if i just didn't leave this era what if we just kept fighting and now bears are attacking us again lovely okay manual fight time what are these bears doing bears why oh these bears are very silly there we go bears murdered once again that's another 20 food also known as more tribes peoples my goodness right okay run off in this direction good job yeah you know what honestly we're just not gonna move to the next era why bother i bother moving to the next era when we could just sit in here forever i mean we're up to 76 influence so i'm thinking i can just put down right more outposts and we need a hundred influence okay so that means we need a few more scientific goodie huts and then we can put down another outpost but the thing is the scientific goody things are still spawning in naturally because we have land so they just spawn on in they go in up to 96 influence so just a few more and that's fantastic we'll end turn again a few more spawn in and immediately we jump onto them and the game sound is breaking and there we go 106 influence we now put ourselves down another outpost probably in a better position though oh here is a perfect position for an outpost there we go lovely stuff so one more outpost down up to 64 population now which is very very good now the game wants me to go into the next era again but once again we're just not going to do that because why bother oh my goodness this is just becoming a mess we're now just going to occupy this entire continent pretty much okay we're up to 71 population now the game is having as minor fit every time i end the turn well it's now turn 34 and you're probably wondering what on earth we're going to do with this situation that we've now created because we have 84 units lying around with 85 knowledge stars saved up and we have seven hunters stars saved up we're basically going to cheese the development and growth of a city using something a little bit magical as we're actually going to pick ourselves our next civilization we're going to go for the hittites for one very simple reason they have an increase of one combat strength which is actually very useful for what we're about to do otherwise the hittites aren't actually that useful so plus one combat strength you pick yourselves the hittites very nice fantastic stuff and we move into the next era so we're bam we're into the next era and instantaneously we've gained three era stars you might be wondering how well this is because we've completed the agrarian stars mission the agrarian stars mission will give you three stars for having 36 population in the ancient era and well we have 84 population because well we've just summoned population out of thin air it really was that easy and now we're in a situation where we need to make ourselves our first city we're going to turn fact here into our first city and then we'll be saving up points to turn this into a second city but only because we can do something magical with it as you see ladies and gentlemen we're going to be choosing the combat of this game to do something very very magical indeed now step one is to instantaneously research one or two things which we can do relatively easily we'll also gain shamanism for plus one faith per population and well we have a large population now what we'll do is we'll spend some of our science to actually pick up calendar which is very useful and then we'll work our way onwards towards organized warfare which is our most important research right fantastic it's pretty much turn one of the ancient era complete now the reason we wanted to move into the next era is pretty simple when you move into the next era all of your military units become the next strongest type of military unit you go from being a tribes person to having scouts scouts have four more combat strength which is very nice meaning our entire military force of about 100 units just became 40 more powerful this is very useful especially when you can use this power to do something pretty cheesy oh and actually we can pick our first religious tenant because of course there's a lot of people following our religion now now here's the thing amazing we've got enough influence stored up where we can actually create our second city which is exactly what we're going to do we're going to turn this outpost of morava here into a city now the outpost is in a very unique situation because what you can do is just turn it into a city place down a district that we'd like to see constructed like this food district here and as you can see it's going to take two turns to produce this is quite a lot of turns we don't really have that much time to sit around and wait so instead what we're going to do is just liberate the city turn it into an outpost and we'll bam it's now independent then we're just going to simply waltz on over and lay siege assault instant resolution and victory the city is now ours it instantly gives us the cultural blessing civic which is nice and powerful but of course we're going to do nothing with it yet as we've murdered the population of nessa down to one what we're going to do is immediately re-liberate it wait one turn and what the small city of nasa will do is produce a single district now that they've produced their district will simply run on in and attack them again there we go instant resolution what they chose to do with that district was improve the two deposits of sage they had and now that it's ours we have control of it again what we can do is just i know put down a industry district there a food district there get them to build a pottery workshop somehow and just bring a few more of our armies even closer to the combat and what we're going to do is quite simply liberate the people of nessa once more and now that they're independent what they've done is they've actually just immediately improved that horse's resource so we'll end our turn again their population still hasn't even come back so when we attack we just immediately occupy it because well they don't have any population to actually man the wolves and then what you want to do is liberate it yet again every time you liberate it they build a district as you can see just out of thin air they've built that farmer's quarter congratulations they're now a free peoples there we go we've just made nessa independent yet again and what we can do is just immediately actually attack them as we have some units positioned outside of the walls so basically on this one turn we've attacked them and then released them and they've built a farmer's quarter and then we've just attacked them again and now they're ours and what we'll do is we'll liberate them yet again what's going to happen is they'll build up a research quarter now that's very nice we can't even build research quarters yet we haven't even researched that technology whereas it's down here in philosophy which is an entire age ahead of us so congratulations to them they've just managed to take control of that area lovely stuff but here's the issue nessa well done congratulations you've built up that district what are we going to do well we're going to wander in with our refugees here once again attack because they're out of range and they will occupy the city of nessa once more for the third time this turned and what we're going to do is just liberate them yet again and oh would you look at that they've built a commons quarter hang on is how have they built a commons quarter where is the commons quarter in the texture it's over here at imperial power we are nowhere close to that but don't worry this random city state can build whatever it feels like this is kind of ridiculous but hey it's perfectly balanced and at the end of the day it just works so we'll end our turn and what we'll do is we will attack the city of nessa immediately occupy glorious stuff and then once again we'll just liberate this city this city is actually starting to get quite good as you can see it's got some nice yields going on it's got some decent science so we'll just liberate it once more there we go bam it's decided to build another farmer's quarter lovely stuff there we go one turn passes and we're ready for combat yet again but what we want to do this time is make sure that we have units that can run into the city that are outside of the actual combat itself aha and i think we can do that fantastically over here so all i want to do is run this guy up to here and this guy up to here and then if we attack with this man here no one else should actually be called in as reinforcements so we attack we do an assault we do an instant resolution victory for us we actually get a militarist aerostar as well and the city of nesa is once again ours what do we do what will once again just liberate this city what are they going to build this time or they built a nice maker's quarter over here very nice then what are we going to do well we'll run in over here and simply assault using this guy and once again capture the city for the second time this turn then we'll just liberate them yet again well bam they've built themselves another research quarter very cool and if we've run in attack with this guy fantastic stuff the city is ours again and we can just liberate it once more what do they build another commons quarter looking very cool and sadly this guy can't actually even run and attack this term because there's no space for him but don't worry we can do that next turn oh my goodness this is just a yeah a perfectly balanced way of fighting my friends alright there we go we'll attack the city of nasa again and then just liberate it once more fantastic stuff and i think we can attack it from down here yep and no one gets called in so we're banned we'll do that the city is ours once more then we just liberate it again for them to build up more districts then we'll just attack it from here take it once more liberate it again and then i think this should probably be our final time we should be able just to waltz straight in and we're bam we've got ourselves a city immediately set up with a whole bunch of districts generating a gigantic quantity of things for us lovely stuff now we just give it a little set of stone rings and this city is pretty much perfectly good to go this is how to perfectly balance your way through the entirety of this game it is completely and utterly broken because ultimately what is the point of building your own cities when simply you can just steal them from others i know which one i'd rather do i mean even though we're an entire era behind our opposition we're only 100 points behind them meaning we have this entire game in the bag they've already become the celts and they've completed three era stars but my goodness we are getting a lot of fame we are in a fantastic position to crush whatever puny forces they have because look at this amazing giga city we've constructed all it took was attacking an empty city over and over again and then telling the corpses of the city that they were liberated and somehow the corpses of the city rose up and built a whole bunch of campuses and some amazing commons quarters despite not having any of the necessary technology to do so but remember ladies and gentlemen life somehow finds a way it's a shame we don't have a land access to our opponents because if you actually did then all you do is you take your gigantic army of hunting parties here and you simply wave assault them over and over again your men are pretty much meaningless sure we could just disband all of them and set them to work in this city if we wanted to which we can do so like this and where bam suddenly nessa actually is functioning with a large population yes what's the point of actually fighting with units that cost money in production when instead you can just take all of the upgraded tribes people from the neolithic era that you got for free and march them onto your enemies because guess what they've got 14 combat strength for ladies and gentlemen they're not that bad sure on their own they're not as strong as an archer with 17 combat strength or a horseman with 16 but as soon as you unlock the reinforcement technology you can bring as many armies into a battle as you like if you've got a hundred of these men stored up you can bring all 100 of them into every battle and guarantee a win no matter the auto resolve you will demolish any enemy no matter how far technologically advanced they are to you because your sheer numbers of upgraded tribes people will stop at nothing to trample the entire world into the ground and remember when you find your enemy cities just invade them and liberate them over and over and over again in order to rapidly develop their cities and make them actually useful this process of sacking your own cities and liberating them over and over again actually works best on slower speeds because if it takes you 10 turns to build a district and there's one player who can just do it in one turn guess what that's kind of completely and utterly broken and will decimate the balance of every single multiplayer game and the thing is the longer games go on the more expensive districts are originally when this city was built it would only take two times to build a district now it takes four but of course if we actually want districts to be built we just ransack our own city over and over again because that's how to really do combat and there you have it ladies and gentlemen this is why the early game of humankind is completely and utterly broken and is absolutely full of exploits another way you can technically completely destroy this game is via the use of disbanding your own units in your own cities because every time you do so your religion spreads as you can see we've got three units sat right on over here in this outpost and if we disband them they go through to a nearby city which is following my religion so when disbanded as you can see we get closer to actually having enough people to gain the next tenant on our religion do so again and we're bam our religions ready for upgrade you can do this system over and over again until you get straight to the end of the religion tech tree and pretty much a quarter of the way through the game it is very very very very broken but also a lot of fun anyway there you have it ladies and gentlemen this is exactly why humankind is ever so slightly mindly broken of course there'll be many more videos of me absolutely decimating this game releasing over the next few weeks so be sure to subscribe to discover how you can lose all of your friendships by choosing this perfectly balanced game that has no exploits whatsoever as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our amazing patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you lovely sausages without you all of this wouldn't be possible and if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you the next one have a lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,288,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, humankind, caveman only, caveman, humankind neolithic, humankind challenge, can you beat, can you beat humankind, CAN YOU BEAT HUMANKIND CAVEMAN ONLY CHALLENGE, Humankind Is A Perfectly Balanced Game, the spiffing brit, humankind gameplay, humankind game, perfectly balanced game, exploit, humankind guide, humankind exploit, funny, perfectly balanced, humankind strategy, strategy game, 4x, spiffing brit, funny challenge, can you beat challenge, only challenge
Id: 77_EM59TwP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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