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DickSplash found a way to use the mechanics of the perfectly balanced map!

No rules have been made and I think it was the way which Spiff is teaching us in most of his videos.

He won my heart and should gain a special price! <3

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Forschkeeper 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

And so the balancer became.... the balanced.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ChromeLynx 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
red letter meter is still up here with mr beast this is incredible now we're starting to come up to the speed boost section i just saw potato mcwhiskey's name fly by elsewhere what is going on what is this race this is insane oh my goodness hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today you join me in the wonderful marble world and immediately you're probably going to be panicking because what on earth is this what have i done well i decided i'd like to create a little bit of a monstrosity this is the longest marble run in the world maybe not but it's the longest marble run definitely in this game this game is marble world a early access title on steam a game which is very simplistically all about building a marble run now most of the time it's a nice simple marble run really cute you've got a few loop-de-loops oh it's wonderful everyone loves it very wholesome all on a small scale well over the last few weeks i commissioned one of my unpaid interns to build the longest marble run in the universe then i went through it and basically fixed all of the bugs he left in but this is it the final product the longest marble run in the universe as you can see it is a nightmare it's entirely color-coded from start to finish you start in the red you finish over in the white right over here the entire run will take around about 15 to 20 minutes based on each marble but you might be sat there thinking well why are we doing this race why do the marbles matter and the marbles they really really matter because each and every one of these marbles today ladies and gentlemen could win all of these marbles have a name they are named after basically every single patron i have or not quite everyone the top 400 patreons i have basically everyone who gives me two dollars or more have all had their names manually typed into the game by me to represent an individual marble they all have a completely fair chance of actually winning the race the marbles who start right here at the start have just as much a chance of winning as the marbles right here at the back how do i know well it's because i've done a bajillion test games and in my last test game if you can actually believe it it was potato mcwhiskey of civ six fame that managed to actually win the race so yes it doesn't matter what starting pen you're in because this track is filled with so many custom shortcuts and loops that everyone has a chance of winning but what do they have a chance of winning today ladies and gentlemen well of course we couldn't just do a race with all of these marbles and just praise the person who came in first place no no no no no today the winning marble the champion will be receiving 500 us dollars that's right none of these patrons are aware of it yet but they currently have a chance to win 500 entirely because of marble representing their manifestation and being might win a race i know it's absolutely fantastic but then of course second place will also get two hundred dollars and third place will get one hundred dollars so there's three opportunities to win here for everyone racing today now 99 of the marbles are named after patrons however there are final few curveballs added in here for good measure we've of course got basically quite a few youtubers that i do enjoy watching like you know you've got mandalore gaming ambiguous amphibian red letter media you come out here to the back you've got soviet womble you've got myself right here my fiance you've got yorkshire t yorkshire t gold the entirety of the youtube comment section all of the youtube subscribers and people who like videos if any of these guys win i have no idea what we do with the prize money i guess if youtube comments when it's just the most a voted comment receives like five hundred dollars who knows but this is it ladies and gentlemen a 15 minute long race of the ultimate marble world track it's going to be glorious it's going to be bloody not all of these marbles will survive many will lose their lives some will get flung out of the map some will fall down to the floor and shatter but one of these marbles ladies and gentlemen will be the victorious marble that wins our first inaugural spifftopia cup and ultimate marble racing world championship oh it's going to be one hell of a race so make your bets in the comment section as to who you think's going to win is it going to be pole position flaming wombat or the legendary speed champion known as dick splash some of my patrons have incredible names some of them have terrible names and then you just occasionally get an amazing name like fistful of waffles and it's like i can't wait to see these people win it's going to be glorious so pick your champion ladies and gentlemen go down into the comment section and announce who you're going to be supporting today in the legendary marvel race it's going to be glorious all right this is it ladies and gentlemen the start of our legendary race are you ready it's going to be incredible as soon as we drop these floodgates it's going to be a race i'm just going to actually crank down the uh the time so we get a nice slow slow-mo start now i've decreased the amount of names on screen just a 50 so the screen isn't a complete mess and actually i'm gonna quickly color code all of the starting pens right now i have properly color coded all of the marbles and oh my goodness they look glorious so all of the marbles in the first pen are white and blue the second pen are all green the third pen are all orange and red the fourth pen are all pink and purple and the final pen are all completely adorable looking corgis now there's a few very important things on this map that we need to cover before the race starts number one immediately out of the entrance there is a shortcut if you're fortunate enough to go down one of these holes you can descend through this glorious set of plates and land in the gigantic tea cup that we've constructed here this gigantic tea cup is the way to progress through the game but of course if you don't go through those holes you have to go through this complicated loop the loop system and then get funneled through down here and get spewed out into the mug that kind of delay can really cost you then immediately after that you either climb up this lovely ladder here or get heated straight up this using gravity the next most important section is this gigantic staircase here this is where the marbles will be spending the vast majority of the run it's incredibly slow and we should be able to see all of the competitors on here at pretty much the exact same time after that section there though we have the most tricky section of the game this gigantic boost ramp if a marble messes up on this boost ramp they get flung off of the map and there's simply no way of recovering from that even if you're in the lead all it takes is one mistake here and you're completely out of the race then we've got this amazing triple loop the loop system which is just an absolute nightmare but basically once you complete one loop the loop you do another loop to loop and then finally the biggest loop-de-loop of them all there's also a gigantic quantities of these ladders scattered around the map these are another great way of really keeping track of the competitors and making sure that they stay bunched up and there's opportunities to overtake and then finally of course everything culminates in a gigantic downhill race on this white track here which eventually leads to the finish line there's a lot of opportunities to mess up because all it takes is going into one corner at the wrong angle and suddenly you've lost all of your forward momentum now ladies and gentlemen i think without further ado we're ready to go we know what the track is we know who our competitors are so let's begin oh my goodness it's gonna be very exciting well there's only one way to find out who's gonna win and that's to actually start the race [Music] so the gates are down and the race begins in lovely slow motion i want to see who's kind of first off the starting block here of course flaming wombat dan rivesti here is in pretty much the prime position to take first place but of course i want to know who's first down this hole this is very important i'll start to speed up the game here we should get our first few players dropping down and yep here they come a couple of blues now the greens are coming down as well there's a few oranges thrown in there for good measure but pretty much this first pack here are going to be where the victors are coming in now it turns out a lot of the players are dropping straight down but quite a few of the early boys they got flung out to the side and it's gonna be a long struggle for them to actually get back all of the marbles are completing the jump here there we go that was fantastic don't think anyone actually missed that oh no we lost our first marble he's gone ladies and gentlemen i just saw him oh ladies and gentlemen this is our first play out of the game trevor behringer oh rest in peace trevor well it's a long descent for him onto the floor actually there's another marble down there we've also lost daniel hopkins oh rest in peace rest in peace the dan stands oh he was one of the favorites right now they're into the tmoke which is basically a gigantic marble based blending device if you get out of the t-mug nice and quickly it's actually really good if you're a bit late on it it's just a little bit more challenging but it's all fine few marbles will get dropped out the bottom area will simply fall out of the map and there is just nothing they can do if you go wrong here you go wrong it's okay just happens now a fair few of the marbles are piling up here going up the ladder meanwhile a lot of them are actually getting heated up the lovely speed boost here and we should be getting our first few players actually ascending oh yes we've got a couple of our first place players here already oh my goodness look at this lead pack that we have going on here caitlyn mcgill is in the lead by basically one ladder position we'll give her a bright blue trail so we can remember her yorkshire gold is actually hot on the case this is amazing and cassandra phillips and oh my goodness look at all of these lovely players here all of these players have probably got the best chance of actually winning the race but even so we're still really really in the early areas of this race we're only in the second zone ladies and gentlemen we're going from the red zone to the orange zone the orange zone that's the second zone already we've lost like 20 marbles oh this is going to be one hell of a race just seen mr beast arrive at the bottom there as well yet to see myself i want to know how the spiffy brit is doing i don't know what happens if i win i guess i just had myself 500 from the company account oh and here he is it's the legendary dick splash ladies and gentlemen oh yes now this boy i'm gonna give him a red hot flavor you always know where dick splash is my goodness yes as you can see we've got still a gigantic quantity of competitors coming up the vast majority of players haven't even made it onto the second ladder they're still on this first great big ladder it really does help to get the speed boost from this tube but of course there is the risk of actually getting the speed boost from this tube because it's entirely possible to miss the little element in here that re-enables the gravity consequently loads of marbles just fly out of the map and there's no way to get them back that arty game i can see arty game he's made it ladies and gentlemen here he is oh the purple marble that could go on my boy go oh he's got a good chance here he's not too far behind meanwhile i think our first few marbles have actually made it up yes caitlyn mcgill is in the lead we're going to keep following her because she is currently the lead marble on an absolute mission here she will get a minor speed boost here and this is going to allow her to just power away from this orange zone which is a large quantity of spirals leading to yet again another gigantic ladder yes so far she's in first place by a very large amount but it is still anyone's game and that is a large slowdown on that corner and oh my goodness check out this look at all of these pins oh they're slowing her right down this is actually really bad it's a great position for someone like cassandra phillips to come in who's in second place and although they've they've fudged it up even worse look at that that was terrible oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear they're really all slowing down on these pins my goodness caleb mcgill has actually arrived at the third ladder here the second ladder is still very busy although that is actually the end of all of the competitors in the second ladder now this third ladder and caleb mcgill has actually expanded her gap by an additional bar so that's like an additional two second lead meanwhile yorkshire gold is still here look at that lovely corgi and they're onto the ladder good stuff and of course i've seen everyone's favorite heroes invite to magic reviewers here oh my goodness this is a who's in last place at the moment last place and still actually in the race i'm pretty sure is liam and danny the dandelion here oh my goodness what a shame danny the dandelion actually won one of the test races i did yesterday oh dear oh dear all right caleb mcgill is about to arrive into the yellow area now now this is probably the biggest area where you can really lose a lead because there's a gigantic bowl here basically if you don't go straight down the hole you're going to be circling around it for ages i'll also increase the speed now as i'm pretty sure we want to get this race underway and oh my goodness kate mcgill it didn't take her too long she goes down but if one or two of these marbles can go down even faster that's even better for them yep yorkshire gold just barreled straight down there that's a good increase on the lead yorkshire gold is now heading into second place where you actually go second place get on that ladder yes you're on the ladder okay yorkshire gold cassandra phillips second place caitlyn mcgill was not able to expand their lead but also didn't lose their lead so that's actually a good sign and also the marbles are now going down this orange tube at incredible pace look at these marbles go what an incredible race today ladies and gentlemen you just don't see this elsewhere my goodness i love i love my job honestly best job in the universe the fact that i could just host a gigantic marble race is it's the best it really is but we do have the most challenging area to come next this gigantic stairway to heaven honestly the lead pack is kind of losing their advantage all of these marbles here were able to catch up much faster and the reasoning is very simple when they arrive in this area here they just bump off of other marbles and go straight down giving them a really good speed boost and in comparison to the lead pack where i spend a few seconds in there they were down there in milliseconds caleb mcgill once again underway yorkshire gold is starting to lose speed cassandra phillips has got much much much better momentum oh dear and caitlin mcgill is just going away like a speed of a lightning bolt look at them go my goodness who's gonna be fastest coming out here it's it's caitlin mcgill here she comes very good stuff sandra phillips not too far behind but now you can get slowed down on these and oh that's a big old slow down there oh caitlin mcgill can cassandra phillips go down even faster she can you're actually gold is going for the overtake call you actually gold come on yorkshire go go go go down the straight line go down the straight line not the pins go down the speed boost oh my goodness king manning is going down the speed boost and is into second place straight away and they're all onto this same ladder okay caitlyn mcgill has lost the first place position is now all shared by these marbles here my goodness that is the power of the speed boost on that section it just gives you such a huge advantage over the people who get stuck in the pins my goodness ladies and gentlemen this race is really harding up now honestly i feel like this could be a live esport i would genuinely watch this as a live sport oh god maybe i should livestream this this is probably a smart thing to live stream mr beast has lost quite a lot of his advantages back here i remember he was probably much much further up and is that dick splash dick splash is here he's arrived my goodness the man the myth the legend yes our friendly pack is actually really really mixed we've got two people from the first pen one from about the third pen it's a good mix honestly the blue marbles are really struggling there's four more pinks and greens in these early packs than anything else but now this is where the ladder begins this is where the game really really slows down oh my goodness it's ambiguous amphibian he's actually made it as well as the entirety of great britain represented as a single watermelon marble oh this is glorious and soviet womble himself has made it up now i will also say that seriously a huge thank you to the developers of this game i think there's only one or two devs actually working on this game and they've been really really really useful with actually helping us make this video possible so seriously thank you very much you lovely kind developers as well as also a huge thank you to ood who was the unpaid intern who actually made this map even has a video on how he made this map and i'll link that in the description you can basically see his descent into madness as he had to create this gigantic monstrosity here we go i'm pretty sure all of the marbles have now arrived yep this is going to be pretty much every single marble today last place is 64 bit and isaac rap okay i actually wait no this diminished okay diminished is still on the track apparently and there's bengal 0-0 oh my goodness i didn't realize there were technically still marbles coming in this is amazing okay i guess we do have some people in really really really distant last place then now as we approach the green section this is where things get very complicated green section isn't that dangerous it's actually really nice meandering really cute it's just this one little speed boost area here but the blue section is where things get dangerous immediately in the blue section you go up this gigantic speed ramp here and get heated into this box it is possible to get flown out of the map here or in the very least get stuck on these objects here that stop you from escaping the map like those poor souls down here oh poor nicholas galore and lucky and after that section you then come down here to what is the most challenging obstacle in the game the gigantic speed box of death we're going to lose a good few first place competitors on this bad boy and here comes our pole position players caitlin mcgill and flamstein and the flam the flaming boy is in the lead he's made it king madding is also up there caitlyn mcgill is now in third place but it all matters on how they got off this corner king madding is now down to third place oh my goodness this is uh getting very very spicy king madding is really not doing good on these corners yorkshire gold is in fourth place come on yorkshire gold come on you can do it i believe in you claim is actually doing incredibly well really pulling away in the first place yorkshire gold though he's not losing his position he's doing great and here we go we get into the speed boost flame is now getting boosted right up here it is possible to get stuck here although it is very unlikely and now it is a big moment of truth is he going to be able to survive this gigantic speed box well up he comes ladies and gentlemen here he comes he did he's made it he's actually made it and so is caitlin mcgill and so is king madding kidman jumps into second place really really quickly karen mcgill is down into third and he's gonna get overtaken by yorkshire tea but this is where things get even more complicated we now get to the even more difficult speed box of death okay here comes flamer stein gonna slow down the game here because this is where things get a little bit crazy does he make it he makes it in one king madding as well oh my goodness this is incredible the amount of times i've lost the lead marble here you actually got almost went out with the map there almost out of the map andrew townsend also makes it they're a little bit slow in there and then we've lost keith keith is dead rest in peace keith oh my goodness but caitlyn mcgill is now into fourth place and is really struggling to get going again yorkshire gold though well done that was glorious they've done incredibly well well flame is still in first place yorkshire gold is now in third place caitlyn mcgill is back is now down to fourth and this is now we're about in the 50 mark through this race once again we've got another challenging speed boost coming around here for flame tier but he should handle this absolutely with no problem look at him go round the loop to loop and away splendid stuff as he goes into the very complicated loop-de-loop-de-loopy section oh and look at him go look at the flame go he goes around the first loop of the loop and then he comes around into the second loop-de-loop right here and then that second loop the loop immediately curves around yet again becoming the biggest loop-de-loop right here and up he goes and round he hits the box comes on down and then he's gonna get stuck onto this ladder now there's a little bit of wiggle room in this final zone if you can believe it because if you manage to fall off the edge what happens here is you get caught by this gigantic plate land onto this pathway and get scooted on down here and you can actually get lifted right back up and you get to redo the purple zone but of course with a gigantic delay don't know what's happened to yorkshire gold but apparently yorkshire gold is now back into fourth place caitlyn mcgill has retaken third sandra phillips and greg's aren't too far behind but flame is very much in first place look at this guy go oh he's so good he's so glorious i'll give him some fire because my goodness this boy is on fire and also i don't know how this has happened but dick splash is actually technically the finish line i mean i'm not allowed to count this but basically what's happened here is somehow the legendary dick splash who is on fire i don't know how has managed to what i can only presume is hit this section of wood here going at like 7 000 miles an hour bounce over this gigantic wooden wall that i built to stop this and then land perfectly right here i don't know how but okay dick splash i'm afraid i have to disqualify you which basically just means uh i kill you rest in peace dig splash uh he gets to um he gets to sit on the chair of death oh dig splash can't believe it the cheekiest boy no cheating allowed in my marble race is okay no cheating right flame has made it up it's not exactly very intense out of here because all that happens is he goes down this ladder and then immediately gets onto the next ladder it's not really much of an opportunity to catch up here although if king madden can make a smooth transition on there you go he hasn't lost a position wait how is yorkshire tea over here yorkshire tea how did you land here how and the spiffing brit no i found myself i'm dead i died as well i landed behind the fridge somehow oh this is devastated this is really devastating look at all of the corpses of the marbles down here what a tragedy so many lost marbles now some of the marbles are technically still back here because what's happened is they've kind of gone off the track landed and they're now going again so for example budget cuts britain here has landed on this bottom section of track and is now redoing the entire blue section my goodness he's got a long way to go meanwhile our lead pack is still doing really really good yorkshire gold and caitlyn mcgill are both in third place the entirety of the region of kent has made it right here with the lead pack as well who knows who's going to win we've got a few more booster sections here where it's entirely possible to get spun out and lose your positioning so it is genuinely anyone's game still this race is absolutely glorious uh you couldn't ask for a better race to be honest red letter media is still up here with mr beast this is incredible i didn't expect so many glorious marbles today honestly most of the times far more marbles die so this is actually incredible but there we go as we as we've reached the end of this ladder we get to a very important section you want to use this opportunity to build up a large amount of speed because right in here we have the tube the tube is a very important section it is possible to get stuck here you do not want to get stuck in the tube so flame is a very very important job here there's also an anti-gravity section in here which can wipe out marbles but here we go we're going to track flame on his journey through the legendary tube okay good entry into the tube good bit of building up speed he's doing really good for first place great job going around those corners look at that now we're starting to come up to the speed boost section i just saw potato mcwhiskey's name fly by elsewhere here he comes right you got to nail this speed boost and he does he's made it no he's going back he's going back nope he's managed he's recovered his recovery he hasn't got much speed but he is still in first place and i did just hear that there's a marble close behind him this is important that he doesn't lose his advantage here because he's getting chased down by far too many marbles at this point come on you can do this and he's going to be out the troop section here we go we're going to have to see how close his competitors are behind him but he's away he's out into the purple section and who's this coming up in second place in second place ladies and gentlemen it's yorkshire t gold and caitlin mcgill oh dear oh dear what happened to our second place player oh they've been wiped out by the marble tube oh dear oh dear it happens it happens they've lost all of their advantage but it has given another opportunity for more of these players king madding you lost your second place position oh what a shame you're now down to about seventh place oh it's devastating but yorkshire gold you're doing a splendid job look at this race oh goodness this is uh very intense very very very intense flames just nailed all of the complicated sections to perfection is that mango oh my goodness it's mango yes my fiance has actually made it here well she's doing better than me because of course i'm dead behind the fridge there but um fantastic stuff right now the marbles once again come down and they get onto this next ladder here yorkshire gold wants a smooth transition and hopefully to get onto the same ladder as oh flamers missed their ladder come on get on get on good on it's all level no they didn't get on they didn't get on right they got to get on they've made it nope oh my god cassandra phillips and caitlin have made it on and flame and yorkshire tea haven't oh my oh no oh they've lost their advantage they've lost their advantage they've lost it all youngster gold you had it and you lost it flame as well oh my goodness flame is now in fifth place yorkshire gold is in like temp this has completely flipped everything caleb is back in the lead oh my goodness what a race what a race the transition is everything it really is oh they messed it up too many times truly anyone's game ladies and gentlemen as we approach the start of this very very important orange zone oh just look at all of the marbles going through the tube here oh it's beautiful it really is oh what a fantastic track we have this honestly this track is my perfection it is the ultimate marble racing track oh look here's the people who like videos lagging behind jeez guys jeez how are you lacking pine have you considered just liking more wow also i think i just saw arty game in this pack here somewhere he's doing good he's on the spinning section all right here they come up this is where we discover who's actually going to be getting into first place honestly i think caitlyn's got it she's got the outside angle which makes it easier to build up speed and yep away she goes look at this look at this race from these two oh it's glorious caitlyn is building a fair bit of momentum but she's lost it she lost it on that corner and it's all onto cassandra phillips now first place is looking good for her what an incredible race this is just truly glorious andrew townsend is now a person in third place and sid joe in fourth andrew townsend could be getting a pole position and consequently cash prize it is honestly it's it's ridiculous it could genuinely be anyone's game right now all right cassandra phillips comes on down oh my goodness and katelyn mcgill just lost all speed on that turn that is really really bad it's not a good sign cassandra is just pulling ahead with every second that goes here now we're getting into a very tricky section here as the orange section ends you go immediately into this gigantic ramp this ramp you need to nail you need to land inside this box and then get all the way straight back up i'm going to attach a trail to cassandra phillips so that we can see her go but here we go ladies and gentlemen this is something they cannot miss and up she goes she's building up a good amount of speed she's almost losing it there on that turn but she needs to just get round here and they're going away she goes the way she goes right up this climb really complicated the game has slowed right on down but she's made it there you go clean exit there that was actually perfect caitlyn needs to do the same and she has managed it and sid joe is now in third position look at that andrew townsend is now into fourth still absolutely anyone's game cassandra phillips doing really good on the yellow turn here now the yellow section does come to an end right about here but meanwhile pretty much all of the marbles now are taking this incredible running jump right up this section look at them going oh it's beautiful what a race what a lovely race actually this is incredibly clean and smooth normally we lose so many more marbles but here we go here's our lead pack oh my goodness what's happened to cassandra cassandra's out where the heck is she is she back here no this is kent oh my goodness i don't know what's happened but sid joe is in first place and cassandra phillips is nowhere to be seen something must have happened on the yellow track let me see if i can find them oh my goodness i think i know what's happened a few marbles are hitting this corner and getting bounced off so i think cassandra's actually been wiped out yep here she is she got wiped out fell off the track and she's now climbing back up the ladder back here oh my goodness no cassandra phillips has been completely taken out of the race sid joe is now in first place what is going on what is this race this is insane oh my goodness i mean sure she technically is still in the runnings and can't come back from this but she's really about like seven minutes from the finish line oh my goodness what a race we have here this is just ridiculous yorkshire gold is still technically in the lead pack but i mean it's anyone's game i i really think sid joe has it though he has a minor advantage so it could be on calf could be on caitlyn mcgill still go on sitcho go on away he goes he's got a good speed on him i'll give him a purple trail there we go that'll help him that'll help him stick out got to go down this green section here and he's doing good the green section is largely just a fair amount of spirals which basically just means it's all about building up speed and momentum provided you can do that you can maintain your positioning but of course if you lose speed and momentum on the corner it's just not very you're gonna you're gonna start slipping the green section is of course insanely short and just immediately lead into this blue ladder but if sid joe can get on he really got on that really smoothly and so did caleb would go good lord they used to really really go for it andrew townsend corentin henry nate sanderson and flame is still here flame is still in the runnings he lost a huge amount of his positioning but he is still in the runnings and yorkshire is climbing up the ranks here as well my goodness some of these marbles at one point or another were in first position and now here they are it's sid joe's game to lose said joe still maintaining his pole position caitlyn mcgill not too far behind andrew townsend nate sanderson and corinton henry said joe is doing fantastically well look at him go look at this boy one incredible race from these amazing marbles today it could have been any of them winning but whoever does win my goodness did they deserve it i mean of course naturally they technically put in zero effort and it was entirely a physics-based marble that won them this money but still it feels like a victory and sidja and caitlyn would go oh sidjar just lost his positioning caitlin mcgill with a very smooth transition onto the ladder is now neck and neck with sid joe andrew townsend is there nate sanderson flame is there yorkshire gold come on get on you were in first place once you were in first place and then you've died to a ladder come on you can do this it's anyone's game truly the ultimate esport marble racing only available right here on my channel for some reason because no one else wanted to spend two weeks building a 20-minute long marble run here they go sid joe and caitlin mcgill who gets the running start i think caitlyn mcgill is in the best position here and yep she is she's in first place sid joe is right behind her and there's actually a collision there and that slowed sidja right on down kellen mcgill is doing good it's actually the third to last zone there's just the black zone and then the white zone before this race is over it's nice and simple from this point on just a load of spirals which is really good for building up momentum but it's on the ladders where the positioning could be decided caleb mcgill is doing a fantastic job building up momentum and so is said joe these two front runners have done incredibly well they're 100 guaranteed to get at least first or second place but caitlyn mcgill is just i think that's the decider right there she's managed to get one advantage position over sid joe on the ladder oh sid joe you're losing it on the ladders yorkshire gold can you actually gain a position here yorkshire tea please okay that's a little bit better i think now this is the black section which is actually really short it's basically a spiral round here then you climb up this ladder here go down a small slope and then up this ladder into the final winning stretch of the white which is a very short track basically start here go down this spiral here all the way down this road here and then finally a single loop and you're in the finish line oh my goodness look at actually these dead marbles here there's quite a few dead marbles oh arty game's one of them oh dear and let's start a wyatt oh these poor people they've gotten stuck on the track oh they just didn't have enough forward momentum and got completely crushed speaking of getting completely crushed here goes caitlyn mcgill right in first position with sid joe hot on the tails nate sanderson and andrew townsend to follow andrew townsend now down to fourth position you can do this kid you've got this okay now this is a very important ladder there's only two more ladders left so you want a very clean transition that wasn't it i i think she's only gonna have oh no she still has the same advantage sid joe also messed up on the ladder andrew townsend and nate sanderson now closer than ever before into that pole position it's possible sid joe might not even make it now caitlyn mcgill just wants to come off of this ladder go very smoothly down into the next ladder it's all about nailing the timing perfectly so that you get a clean entry onto the ladder and your opponent doesn't come on caitlyn you just want to get straight onto it and that is perfect that is absolutely perfect sid joe he is also perfect with his transition but it's not enough andrew townsend is now in third position but this is it ladies and gentlemen we're getting into the third place caitlyn mcgill i think you've got this in the bag i think you've got this right from the start we knew there was potential here and you've only gone and done it come on it's just a final stretch now it would take something absolutely ludicrous for you to lose your first place position here we're just gonna follow this marble on its glorious final journey to the finish line look at it go look at this glorious marble go caitlyn mcgill you've done a splendid job with us today incredible speed determination look at this marble go a few final curves now it would take uh that's a that's a bit of a slowdown but it's okay with the seconds based advantage from that ladder this mobile is no problem this is an easy first place and there we go into the finish line and just like that ladies and gentlemen caitlyn mcgill is our winner of our first ever marble run my goodness and in second place comes the legendary sid joe and in third place andrew townsend it comes nate sanderson for the fourth in fifth place it's current in henry sixth place flame and seventh place yorkshire tea gold then noah franklin the entirety of kent king maddening and oh my goodness did jim just die on the final section there i think it's possible he's died and my goodness what an incredible race ladies and gentlemen congratulations to caitlin mcgill sid joe and andrew townsend you are our glorious champions today what an incredible marble race did mr beast just also fall out mr beast has also just fallen out of that final turn jacob martin i didn't realize so many people could die on this final turn this is a absolute mess but oh well it's perfect here's of course the legendary dick splash the cheetah um who we couldn't let win because he cheated my goodness what an incredible race today ladies and gentlemen look at these lovely marbles coming well there you have it ladies and gentlemen this has been the legendary first ever marble race competition for my channel and it was amazing i'd genuinely love to do more of these because it is so much fun and in my opinion it makes for some incredible videos maybe heck even doing this live because it's just so much fun generally this is now my new esport of choice marble racing i'm sorry csgo you're over you thought valorent would kill cs go no marble racing ladies and gentlemen marble racing and there you go mango actually made and so did people who liked videos i can't believe it well done friends well there you have it ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed today's video then make sure to give it a like if you want to see more like this then make sure to subscribe because we'd absolutely love to have you here in the community call me kevin also made it to the finish line this excellent specimen and fine boy well done let's game it out also made it all look at this pro exploiter at work he's made it into a great position for the marble run and there you have it as always a huge thank you to my amazing patrons whose names you saw throughout the entirety of this video i think in future we can actually include even more names and more marbles provided my pc can handle it i think i can probably go to about 500 or 800 marbles so if you two want to be featured in the next marble run or live stream for your chance at winning this legendary race then feel free to sign up but don't feel obliged to it's just a fun way to support a creator you don't have to i will continue to make these fun videos with or without the patreon don't worry they just make it all the more possible and all the more sillier anyway as always thank you very much for watching and i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day my friends and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 2,756,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, marble, marble maze, giant marble, giant marble run, longest marble run, BUILDING A GIANT MARBLE MAZE, exploit, exploit the game, the spiffing brit, marble run, marbles, marble race, spiffing brit, game exploit, epic marble run, marble race tournament, marble machine, marble racing, marble races, marble runs, marble game, marble world, early access, marble world game, marble world gameplay, marble world race, marble world cup, marble rally, marble league
Id: z7DUC73bHHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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