FALLOUT 4 But All Weapons are FULLY RANDOMIZED IS BROKEN - Can You Beat Fallout 4 With A Random Gun!

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oh there's the commander over there i can see him he appears to actually be wearing a little bit of power on us so um consequently we're just going to murder him immediately by locking on to him and then doing a little bit of that now i think he has been murdered i think we fired about 400 missiles at him for this single shot oh the poor guy rest in peace hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today you join me back in the wonderful world of fallout 4 where we answer a very important question can you beat fallout 4 with completely and utterly randomized weapons now you're probably sat there thinking hang on a second spiff how on earth have you done this and what's going on well the setup for today is very simple fallout 4 is a lovely game created by our lord and savior todd howard who wants all of us to have a wonderful fun time playing his glorious creation and so he allows an infinite level of creativity you can customize your weapons create glorious loadouts and go on wonderful adventures but of course you can't have too much creativity fun or freedom or else todd would never be able to sell all of his docs and trust me he's got a lot of dlcs to sell and so in order to stop the player having too much fun he puts limitations on how random and how customized your weapons can be well today we've gone against todd's infinite wisdom and decided to remove all of the limiters on this game everything is randomized the enemies themselves have randomized weapons and of random levels we the player will have a randomized level all of the weapons will be randomized the effects will be randomized everything is going to be chaos it's going to be glorious and it's going to be fantastic and we're truly going to see if we can actually set up a build that would be viable to beat this game with or we might just discover that we've accidentally made everything in the world too scary terrifying and dangerous and just get mini nuked into oblivion and so i hope you have a lovely relaxing time as you join me on our lovely adventure as we take a look at this destroyed commonwealth that we've created so without further ado ladies and gentlemen make sure you sat back relax you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like the video without further ado it's time for us to begin a brand new game of fallout 4. ah here we go fantastic we've arrived in the glorious world of fallout 4. now um we need to create a randomized character here and well in order to do that we kind of have to randomize things ourselves a little bit a few moments later okay well here's our character that we're playing today he's quite possibly one of the most devious and sneaky looking individuals we've ever created and you know what i kind of love him so we're gonna finish our lovely character creation and you know what i think i've got the perfect name to call him he's going to be none other than the legendary sneaky steve sneaky steve is going to be our hero today and hopefully he's going to survive in the commonwealth now in order to help him survive we probably need to give him a few special abilities number one is going to be endurance because that's gonna give us more health and trust me we're gonna need as much health as we can get and then after that we'll also crank up agility and perception and there we go this should hopefully keep us alive a little bit next up we can actually pick a unique trait but i want to randomize this as well so i'm just going to get a random number and then use that to pick one of these random traits okay fantastic the perk that we've been given is night owl this means that you like staying up late and we get plus two to each of our special attributes from midnight to 6 a.m but minus what an all of the day type this is actually terrible because of course i hate playing fallout at night oh god right that's fine we can have the night out trade oh and now this is where things get very dangerous okay so we're going to randomize sneaky steve's level now this basically is going to put us somewhere between level 1 and level 300. you might think this is fantastic we roll a level 300 character we're safe no this is a problem because it also means the enemies we're going to be facing will also be our level now encountering a level 300 super mutant normally is a little bit dangerous but encountering a level 300 super mutant with a randomized weapon is a guaranteed death sentence so this is going to cause a fair bit of fun chaos right and you know what i think we're ready to go it's time for us to wake up in the commonwealth and see what we have on us okay right we're spawning in and we're starting to level up so immediately let's discover what level we're at okay we're level 97 and we have 797 hit points this is a good start now what i will do is i'll also start the level up process because immediately we need to get ourselves ready for combat in this world and that mostly means upgrading our endurance so step one is to give us some damage resistance next step is to give us some maximum health then immediately give us some radiation resistance make our limbs indestructible and there we go that's fantastic whilst we're here we'll also pick up commando so that our automatic weapons do more damage because chances are we're going to have a lot of automatic weapons we'll also max out our agility and our strength there we go there we go spent all of my poke points and i'm now much much much more powerful hopefully and uh we are now actually in a very dangerous environment in fact i'll just get out of my pip-boy and you can hear some of the craziness that's happening up here symphs are fighting super mutants but as you can see the super mutants aren't exactly using regular weapons i mean what on earth is that alien blaster explosiony thing going on up there so i'm going to be taking my weapon this high speed 10 millimeter pistol with the fire rate of a mini gun up there to try and see if you know i can do a little bit of damage right i'm hidden right let me just stealth around a bit oh my goodness there's a lot of fighting happening here oh there's some dead super mutants too oh and there's that boy okay he's dead okay what do we got here a bayonetted triple barrel combat rifle oh another simply boy no go away simply boy there's a very interesting looking gun here muzzled triple barrel institute rifle okay bayonetta triple barrel combat rifle hang on a second that doesn't look like that what on earth is this oh it shoots um it shoots wiggly rounds yes weird little rounds okay sure fine we'll take this bad boy right now this is a suppressed triple barrel rapid pipe oh it's amazing i mean the iron sights aren't exactly the best because they just fill your screen but it certainly is rapid fire right well this was a lovely fun over at the mit institute in fallout 4. time for us to go find some even more interesting combats to try and break up so that we can steal all of their items i think there's some kind of either super mutant or raider camp over here oh yes this looks like a braided camp to me oh hello there raider veteran ow that thing shoots rockets i mean they don't damage very much but they're rockets oh my god you've got a lot of health oh my goodness okay there's certainly much more of a difficulty spike right i guess we're using the laser of death and we're going to have to chug some drugs i will take some buff out and a little bit of jet and that should be enough for us to survive this okay right get the gun out radiation shots go all right shot to the head oh my god this how is this raider got so much resistance against everything oh my god these raiders have so much more help right aim for the head and critical execute critical go good shot nice critical strike oh my goodness these enemies have so much more health now right they're dead fantastic oh my god there's even more raiders on the way right grab this weapon this one seemed to be a good one what is it a targeting shielded target seeking fat man okay you know what i'm gonna just trust that this thing can do damage aim for the head and shoot you know what quite happy with that quite happy with the rocket there oh hello there random raider survivor list joint rocket to the head and another rocket to the head and another one i like this targeting fat man rocket boy let's go good stuff good stuff oh yes this thing is just a lot of fun oh hello there raider veteran boy you've got a nice little cute silence pistol that i don't think is doing any damage how long is your gun oh my goodness that is one long pistol that is one very long pistol oh he's finally dead okay he dropped a suppressed triple barrel 10 millimeter pipe revolver and by triple barrel i presume they just mean they attached another barrel onto the end of the existing barrel because this boy is about two meters long right overall i think we're doing a good job we're certainly much better equipped than we were a few minutes ago even if we have been for all of our medical supplies so i guess we should probably head over to somewhere where we have a good chance of getting some more stim packs right well welcome back ladies and gentlemen we've just entered into a very dangerous and large building but we're doing so with a few extra special weapons for a start we have a brand new targeted shielding super duper fat man it looks like some kind of weird pistol but hey it fires nuke so that's all that matters oh you know what that is quite good oh my goodness okay that is really quite good okay right i think there's oh there's a super mutant what is this gun this gun is insane right there's someone oh this thing is amazing it's very very broken uh it doesn't seem very fair but it does feel good okay i think there's some super mutants above us which we can try and crawl our way up to but we did murder a lot of people in here i suppose we just take the elevator upstairs oh and we're dead the elevator door just opened wide and just immediately there's just a super mutant there who just i guess was so close that our weapon activates and kills us okay well i like the weapon it's just a bit too dangerous to use in confined environments which is fine we'll just use it to crouch down clear out this entire room gosh this thing is dangerous i guess we'd be very careful when aiming the fat man launching tiny pistol this thing fires off so many dukes at insane you literally click once and it fires off 40 nukes okay we can just drop a nuke in there it's i can see an enemy over there right land some new because he's dead oh ouch we actually damaged ourselves there a little bit oh okay you know what that's a good room clearer very good room clearer almost blew my arm off there but it did fly that man into space it's probably someone through that window so just land some shots through there this thing fires so many shots just look at it it's literally firing about 47 missiles every time you press the button this is ridiculous okay right too close for that all right we're back to the supremely overpowered pistol it is then oh my goodness that man exploded marksman quad barrel laser well i like the sound of that it um it is held a little bit funny um but it does work it's kind of used a bit like a star which i kind of like it's a bit of a weird weapon as a legendary super mutant butcher up there somewhere oh there he is he's in here what have you got you're a legendary enemy what is your enemy it's some kind of weird gatling gun luckily it doesn't do too much damage actually i take that back this is doing quite a bit of damage oh my goodness okay it's a very jazzy revolver we managed to pick up off of him you know what i want to try out the revolver it appears to do an insane amount of damage so it should be a good laugh alright let's go find something interesting to murder with my brand new overpowered cutie duty revolvery gun oh enemies feral ghouls right bam one shot bam one shot oh this is a good revolver oh hello there you my friend a week oh fantastic seven his head right off there oh sneaky steve you majestic bugger one powerful sausage indeed oh there's a raider quite a lot of raiders in fact okay let's drop down a quick safe because we don't know what weapons they have that one appears to have some kind of machine gun this one doesn't appear to have a working gun oh no they do bam and they're dead this revolver is so overpowered oh oh no you look like what did you kill me with because it also killed you i didn't even shoot suppressed shielded double barrel shotgun does this thing shoot backwards or something i mean there's only one way to find out no it does it does shoot forwards it's kind of terrible if it only does 100 damage after two shots let's try it wow okay it ain't half bad you know but it's not for me because it's not as good as the target seeking fat man of death why is that well because we can lock onto that target there launch up a million fat mans into the sky and just blow him up now that is true power all right i guess let's go into pikmin's gallery let's look at all of these raiders oh no oh no you shouldn't have all grouped up like that it makes you more vulnerable to my weapons of death i could just shoot them off into the sea legged they'll probably hit something oh someone up there's got a rocket launcher i think who's got the rocket launcher is it you no that doesn't look like a rocket launcher to me right up the stairs we go hello there i'm afraid your weapon is not very powerful at all goodbye it's a mighty missile launcher there's 25 more damage now that's scary oh no the legendary raiders have broken into this area well it's fine oh my goodness there's a lot of dead people down here well let me quickly go upstairs and murder these legendary raiders i suppose i can try and use the mighty missile launcher come on come to the stairway goodbye that's a nice mighty missile launcher well i guess it's down into this weird looking maze we go oh now that's a lot of angry boys over there you know what i think it's the perfect opportunity to use the thing that melts everything though i am on fire i want to know which weapon set me on fire there i think it's yours oh yes it is please give me whatever that is oh yes it's a flaming triple barrel 10 millimeter which um which just looks like a piece of plastic which has a gas tank attached to it so this could get a little bit dangerous all right so time for us to kill slab and all of slabs people oh what did you have oh there goes pikmin right slab you need to die my friend so i'll hit you with this improved triple barrel shotgun just shoots what appears to be a laser beam of death oh yes i like this all right critical attack go murder slab oh he turned into flames as well as also just mush now there you go pikmin we saved you even though you are a mass murderer but then again so am i oh no we're outside again and we're once again being chased by super mutants which means revolver time aim and hit and oh i dropped his gun oh my goodness these boys have a lot more health oh my goodness he has a lot of health right well i guess we're using the auto pistol of instant treading there we go you're dead and please die please die please die okay fine i can punch you back punch your sledgehammer mr primus man it's very very impressive allow me to bonk you for it bonk there we go thank you i hear it's a security super sled doing 96 damage okay this thing seems fun oh well yes this thing is fun right alternative attack oh yes oh yes this thing is fun oh look there's a load of gunners positioned outside the mass fusion building now these boys very very powerful very very spooky however with our incredible fat man over here that shoots about 470 bajillion rounds i'm just gonna lock on to this guy there and just fire a few mini nukes into the sky uh now they're all dead admittedly one of their bodies went into the stratosphere so we won't be getting any loot from that but it's fine we now have entry to the mass fusion building into the mass fusion building we go oh hello there random gunner conscripts what do we got here what is that thing that thing's fun okay no thank you've got a conscript your little night stick's gonna be useless against my improved triple barrel shotgun which also sets people on fire fire and fire it's a very wide angle shotgun that generally appears to be able to hit anything and we go a little bit more to murder some more people you're dead oh there's the commander over there i can see him he appears to actually be wearing a little bit of power on us so um consequently we're just going to murder him immediately by locking onto him and then doing a little bit of that now i think he has been murdered i think we fired about 400 missiles at him in a single shot oh the poor guy rest in peace oh what did you have on you just a power armor suit okay like this is apparently an improved targeting assault rifle of some kind and that guttaconscript just jumped to their death they ran all the way to over himself off the edge todd what have you done just doesn't get better than that it really doesn't look like there's a whole bunch of super mutants over here lovely stuff time for me to test out my brand new assault rifle on them which is 100 an assault rifle i promise you know what actually shoots a bit quick even if it's not fully automatic and i have to click it every time i'm gonna try out this fluted triple barrel pipe that they just gave me appears to be a very unique pipe because it fires very very quickly and for some reason uses the alien blaster rounds oh hello there friend you are dead we know we've actually made our way to swan's lake which is fantastic because we can actually test out our weapons on swan who is a very powerful enemy well he's probably going to be scaled up to our level which makes him very powerful so we're just going to put a little targeting beacon on him and then he took a lot of nukes into the sky i like to call that method the um the american drone strike technique and the time has finally come to fully push our abilities with two absolutely gigantic opponents that's why i've spawned in two of these giga gorillas they are huge these are gorilla kings very very evil mean powerful enemies and my goodness if they got a lot of strength behind them now of course in order to test our greatest weapon we have to equip the target seeking fat man of death so that's exactly what i'm going to do i'll lock onto the gorilla king here stand back a bit and then it's time for us to unleash death oh wait no that's the ceiling oh beans well um guess it did work uh we appear to be chasing the gorilla corpse up into the sky oh dear oh dear dear well uh yeah our weapons are very very stupidly powerful i wonder if i can spawn in even more angry enemies ladies and gentlemen sneaky steve is power he has raw power he has powerful weapons he has a powerful mustache everything about him is going to be strong and powerful but today his greatest challenge is about to begin can he defeat 10 mythic death claws and here they are okay my goodness immediately uh they're punching me which is a problem okay i'm noticing that i need to probably run away uh very fast in fact very very very fast and then open up this menu here pull out the target fat man and let's actually lock on and see what we're dealing with okay they're level 101 they have lots and lots of resistances and they can do lots and lots of damage so we just need to get a little bit of range on them right run run run run run run run run now that we have some distance fire okay good that's one of them completely defeated oh there's one over there right there we go he's dead and another come around this corner i dare you ah there's one in front of me tell you what we're not the best at dealing with them when it comes to being in close combat right now this time we're going to try the auto pistol of death because i think that might give us a natural good opportunity and equally at the same time we're going to spawn in the deathclaws we're standing on top of this here and i think that should hopefully slow them down right let's summon them in and nope they just all spawned on me right jump off jump off run steve okay actually wait i think we can deal with one or two of these hang on a second this just isn't doing anywhere near enough damage ow ow out right can i just use vats maybe oh no oh no this just doesn't work at all no matter how many critical strokes we land this deathclaw just isn't dying um right i think we're gonna need to use a different weapon okay what about the plasma revolver oh my goodness it it hardly does anything cow thank you deathclaw for just punching me what about the weird lasery thing weird lasery thing you know what is actually doing it this is kind of murdering the deathclaw we're going to need to take some stim packs here and probably maybe some drugs there we go drugs consumed combat can now continue fantastic that is one deathclaw dead right you're next out thank you for punching me oh yes critical attack yes good damage the head good yes ah pain fantastic right shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot there we go he's dead right now there's one here oh no he's running he's running okay suppose i can try and use this one yeah this rocket will actually do yes this rocket should do quite nicely actually now that i think about it a couple of well-aimed fast firing rockets out just gotta make sure i have a little bit of distance so on them and yes come on stun lock him good good good good good right now you yes die deathclaws die i think it looks like there's only a few deathclaws left so we'll just lock on with the target seeking fat man of death as that does yes seem to pretty much fix almost all of our problems lovely stuff oh there's one over there don't mind if i do my goodness this gun is just insane i think each shell is doing about 600 damage which is almost enough to one hit these things but it's the fact that for every shot we fire we actually fire four shots meaning this bad boy pretty much for every clip it fires is launching like 24 shots or something and uh yeah does a good job to say the least look at that look at that that's hundreds of shots even oh it's glorious what a ridiculous and stupid weapon i love it and well there you have it ladies and gentlemen as you can see playing fallout 4 with an entirely randomized weapon set up from your enemies is relatively dangerous but also very very entertaining and i strongly recommend you give it a go yourself as always thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed today's video then make sure to give it a like and hey why not consider leaving a majestic comment recommending another game the diver you'd like to see broken or randomized next now what is that oh there's one last f claw miss our launcher fire oh we missed run run run run run run run aim aim aim fire how would that one miss point blank missile shot was enough and again and fantastic we did it we might have died but we did it
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,047,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, break the game, everything is broken, fallout 4, funny moments, game exploit, game funny, game glitches, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, rt game, skyrim, spiffing, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, can you beat fallout, can you beat fallout 4, fallout 4 randomizer, fallout 4 random weapons, fallout 4 funny, can you beat skyrim, fallout 4 funny moments, FALLOUT 4 But All Weapons are FULLY RANDOMIZED, Can You Beat Fallout 4 With A Random Gun?, fallout
Id: jZgU9zSq4Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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