Make An Easy Callout Graphic in Resolve - DaVinci Resolve Basics Tutorial

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[Music] hey guys Casey Farris here I make videos on DaVinci Resolve here on YouTube make sure to subscribe for more of that that was a solid intro today we're talking about how to make a call out in resolve that's like one of those little pop-up things that points out a thing it's a thing pointer thing yeah before we get started if you don't want to do a bunch of work we already made some of these for you it's in fusion titles for editors volume 2 it's our new title pack for resolve they have call-outs animated titles 3d titles backdrops all kinds of good stuff to make your life easier hmm so good but if you want to make one of these little call-out things yourself here's how we do it Shibu Here I am in resolve 16 under the edit page let's say I want to make a little thing that points to this blue car and tells everyone it's a blue car just for freaking clarity I'm actually gonna make this infusion the first thing I'm going to do is right click here in the media pool and select new fusion composition gonna ask me some stuff and I'm gonna say yeah that's fine and hit create now I can double click on the fusion composition and that will open it up in fusion if you don't know what the heck fusion is or how to use it watch this video first so you're not so lost uh-huh but if you do know a little bit about it this should make a ton of sense the first thing I'm going to do is grab a background node which is the very left icon here and drag it down to our node graph and I'll connect this directly to our media out the reason I do this is it just sets the composition settings and make sure that nothing crazy happens just pretend we're doing everything over a black background but here's the deal if you click on this background node go to the inspector and right here where it says alpha just drag that all the way down you get all the benefits of using a background node without having to see it oh boy now we can do stuff the first thing we'll probably want is some text so I'll go to our toolbar here and grab the text + drag it to our node graph and here in our nodes I'll grab the output of it and drag it over the output of our background that's going to merge this over our background and I'll select this text node and go up to the inspector and we'll type whatever the heck we want so how about blue car and I'll pick a font that isn't terrible blue car so now we need to make a pointy thing really you can make this as simple or as complicated as you want but the way I like to do it is make an animated mask over a background node so I'm gonna grab a background node our tools here and drag it down to the right of our text and we'll just move our nodes around a little bit merge this over our text and this background color is actually going to be white and now we're gonna add a mask so that this doesn't look like just a plain white background so it's actually pointy depending on the style that you're going for you could just make a little arrow I like to make kind of a little animated line thing now we could just grab a mask here like a polygon mask and connect this to our background and just draw a little shape like this and then in our inspector kind of boost up the border width and that would pretty much do the job there's a ton of different ways to do this but this is actually a pretty easy way so we'll just do that that looks good to me and I'll just grab this merge node and I can move this around pretty easily and we'll just place this under the text and maybe adjust our masks here we're just doing a really really basic one today just so you can kind of see the workflow and so we'll leave it like that and now we have our little call-out but it's not really cool until we animate it so let's do that again there's a bunch of different ways to do this I'm gonna do it the easiest quickest way so we can get this thing done here in my tool bar I'm just gonna grab a rectangle node and I'll drag this down under our merged nodes here because what I'm gonna do in a second is connect this to each of these merge nodes to mask them both and with our rectangle mask selected up in our inspector I'm gonna make this maybe a little wider and a little higher but I'm also going to adjust the angle a little bit because what we're gonna do is move this mask to pretty much just wipe this whole thing maybe make it a little higher and I don't want the transition to be straight up and down I want it to be at an angle and I think I'll move this just so our right edge is just off of the text something like that and now let's get to animating in our timeline here I'm gonna go to I don't know 15 frames or so around half a second depending on your frame rate and here with my rectangle mask selected I'll go over to the inspector here where it says Center and I'm gonna click this keyframe diamond well Donald you is tell this mask to be right here at 16 frames and I'll move the playhead over to the beginning of the composition and I'll just drag this mask across so that this edge wipes over this call-out so when I play this back it just does that now I can take this rectangle mask and connect it to the mask inputs of both of my merges now look what's happening now look what happens check this out Shh yeah boy got ourselves an animated little thing now this is super simple you will have to kind of move things around if you change this text but if you're just doing the one-off this is probably the quickest way to do it now that I have my call out here I'll just go back to the edit page just click on edit down here in the bottom and now I can grab this fusion composition from up here in my media pool and I'll just drag this down on top of my footage and here we have it showing up that's cool but let's resize it on a selective fusion composition and also select this little button right here at the lower left hand side of our viewer hit that that's just our transform controls and now I can actually just scale and position this however I think appropriate could turn off my overlay again once I have that blue line they should play back just fine and now we have almost what we want let's say we want to track this because you might be able to go with this but it just looks a little bit more Pro when it's tracked have to do a couple things to set that up the first thing I'll do is right-click on this fusion composition and hit new compound clip and I'll hit create what that does is kind of pre compose this so that when I select both of these I can right click and say new fusion clip which is just the easiest way to bring both of these layers into fusion if I have my playhead over that fusion clip and click on fusion there we have both of our layers here and if I hit one on the keyboard we can see this is our call-out and this is our background and now I can just track my background I'll hit shift spacebar with my media in selected and I'll type track and I'll just use tracker and what this tracker is gonna do is actually track the motion from this clip so that I can apply the motion to this clip so let's select our tracker I'm gonna go to the beginning of our shot and I'm gonna try and track a feature here that is both high contrast and also somewhat near where I want to actually stick something let's just put this on this little seat back here something like that and this inside box is what it's looking for and the outside box is where it's looking for it you want those generally to be as small as you can get and then over here in our inspector I'm going to click on track forward and sometimes if it starts to mess up kind of partway through the track you can go back to a frame that was really good and go and just track forward from current frame and so now we have it tracked and under this tracker in my inspector under the second little tab here under operation and click on match move what that's gonna do is basically turn this tracker into a merge node and now I can take this media into and push that into the tracker and it will move along with the track so that's cool but this is kind of in the wrong place we can easily fix that by clicking on media in and we're just gonna make a transform node which is this icon right here I'll just click on it and now we can move this around before we merge it let's do something like this and now we have it tracked to our footage there we go there's our tracked feature call out look and sick so I hope you had fun I don't know why I said fun like Tom Haverford but whatever so hope you had fun again if you don't want to put in all of this work you can check out our fusion titles volume 2 it has all kinds of beautiful pre-built call-outs you can just drag them onto your footage and customize them super useful hmm it's Coffee time it's way too way too early for this for all of this yeah
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 33,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make an easy callout graphic in resolve, davinci resolve, tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 15, fusion, resolve, video editing, blackmagic, how to, motion graphics, davinci, callout, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, resolve 15, resolve 16, animation, how to color grade in premiere pro, color correction tutorial, color grading in premiere pro cc, fusion graphics, fusion tab, text animation, call out, title, how to color grade videos
Id: wuYCJO-RLzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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