DAVINCI RESOLVE SPEED EDITOR - Does it work on the EDIT PAGE?! Overview, Q&A and Demonstration

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Not as well as I had hoped. Maybe in the future they can make it worthwhile for edit page users.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/whatlineisitanyway 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Finally something cool I will like that will make it past the Department of Homeland Spending!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/aftcg 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Unfortunatly, can be only used with DR :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AlexIsPlaying 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can you make it work with another software, reprogram or flash it maybe?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Baltagir 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this is mr alex tech and yes we're finally going to be having a look at the much anticipated davinci resolve speed editor keyboard panel it's a small keyboard that's designed to help you cut faster within davinci resolve 17. now there's two points there i just want to reiterate first of all it is designed primarily to be used with the cut page rather than the edit page however it will work within the edit page with a few exceptions we'll cover that later in the video and it is designed exclusively for davinci resolve 17 and not davinci resolve 60. now the speed editor itself costs 282 pounds in the uk and 295 dollars in the us however there's currently an introductory offer on which means that if you buy a davinci resolve studio license you get the davinci resolve speed editor for free now the license is exactly the same cost so you can buy a davinci resolve studio license and you get the davinci resolve speed limiter thrown in so if you've been on the fence about upgrading to davinci resolve studio for a while now is absolutely the time to do it because you get this included now i did get this sent to me directly from blackmagic however i do believe resellers have started to distribute these out around the world so hopefully you should get yours if you've ordered one within the next couple of weeks now in the box itself you get the speed editor obviously you then get a couple of little leaflets there's no full manual within here there's simply a link to go and download the pdf copy off the website and there's also no sd card or software installer again you do it all online there is also a couple of blackmagic stickers which is always nice and then you get this usb type c to type c cable for connecting your speed editor and here it is this is the davinci resolve speed editor itself and as you can see it is relatively compact it's 156 millimeters tall and 245 millimeters wide and it comes in at about 800 grams in weight now it is a predominantly plastic build but it feels really well put together there's absolutely no flex in the chassis whatsoever now the keys themselves feel like mechanical keys they have a nice tactile feel and give plenty of feedback on the top of the speed editor we have the one and only port which is the type c port used to connect the speed editor to your device now it's just worth pointing out that you can of course connect it by the type c to type c cable that's included within the box however my pc doesn't have a type c port so i bought a type a to type c cable and that works just fine if cables aren't your thing the speed editor does also have a built-in battery and bluetooth connectivity so you can connect it to your pc or laptop or whatever you're using via bluetooth instead of the cable now connecting is dead easy you just open up your bluetooth connectivity on your machine find the speed editor connect it like any other device it takes two seconds and job done the jog wheel over on the right hand side is a metal construction and it has a real nice rubber texture around the outsides to make sure that you can get a good grip has a real nice weight to it and it is really really nice to use above that we've got three keys we've got shuttle jog and scroll now these three keys control how the search dial functions so you can use it to make fine adjustments on your timeline or you can use it to scrub through your timeline really quickly above that we've got our source and timeline buttons you just use these to hop between your source media and the timeline itself in the middle we've got our stop and play button here and then above that we've got all of these cam buttons now these camera buttons only work with the sync bin within the cut page at the moment they don't work with traditional multi-cams on the edit page so it'd be nice if that function was available in the future above that we have a selection of just general keyboard functions so we've got escape transitions split sync bin audio snap ripple delete and full view to the left of that we have our intelligent edit modes so we've got smart insert close up place on top append ripple override and source overwrite underneath there we have our two big white keys here which are in and out markers we then have our search dial live trimming so we use the wheel combined with trim in trim out roll slip source slip destination we can then also adjust the length of any transitions by holding the transition duration button and then underneath there we've got our transition type switching so when we edit an edit point we can choose to have it as a standard cut a dissolve or a smooth cut by using those three buttons cool with out of the way i've got a couple of quick fire questions that i've been asked a lot since i've received the speed editor so i'm just going to whip through those and try and get them answered first one i've already sort of covered does it work on the edit page the answer is yes but there are some functions which are slightly limited you can skip to the end of this video to see my actual demonstration of using it within the edit page does it work on any other page within davinci resolve not really it has very limited functionality on the color page the fusion page or the fairlight page is designed specifically for the cut page as mentioned but will then work on the edit page can it be used with anything other than davinci resolve no this is designed specifically to work in conjunction with davinci resolve and davinci resolve only once you've closed davinci resolve all the buttons that cease to function you can't use it in anything else can you customize the keys to your own liking at the moment no you're limited to just using the vintage result speed editor as is designed to be used out the box again blackmagic may choose to include that in the future we'll just have to wait and see can it be used in conjunction with a traditional keyboard or mouse yes you can still use your keyboard and mouse within davinci resolve in exactly the same way personally i found it most useful when connecting to a laptop so i've got it connected at the moment to a macbook air and it's a real nice thing to have next to your laptop rather than a mouse so i'll use the keyboard for certain things and the trackpad and then i'll just flip to the davinci resolve speed editor to use the dial and a couple of the other shortcuts on there how long does the battery last i don't actually know i've not managed to wear it down yet but it certainly seems to last a considerably long time after a good few hours of messing around with it on bluetooth i still have eighty ninety percent of battery left so you can easily get a full day's worth of editing out of the dimension resolve speed editor how do you check the battery level within davinci resolve 17 there's an area you can go to check the battery level of the connected davinci resolve speed editor can the speed editor be upgraded yes you can connect the speed editor via usb to your machine and then upgrade the firmware as blackmagic release it so with all that out of the way let's open davinci resolve and take a look at the speed editor in action first up you generally use two hands so you put two hands on the speed editor like so your right hand will be on the jog wheel and then you can use the left hand to hop between any shortcuts of course you can still have your hand on the keyboard or mouse and do just the shortcuts with your left hand however works for you so the first thing we've got this timeline and source buttons up here so if we hit timeline it'll just make sure that we're on our timeline if we hit source this will open up our source tape now as you can see it's opened all of our footage onto one source tape now that includes the two separate bins which i've got set up so we've got this one here which is uh some music and then we've got this stock footage here if we just want the source tape to be for this general footage we just double click on the date to open up the source tape just for this bin and then from here we can just use the jog wheel to scroll through forwards and then backwards now the source tape combines all of your media into one source tape so if i'm having to click on each one we can just scroll through all of the footage like it was on one big timeline now at the moment my jogworld is set to jog which means that i have to rotate it and it will be proportionate to how fast so i can go slow and do real slow movements or i can give it a big whip and it'll go a little bit quicker if we change it to shuttle shuttle allows you to hold it forwards a little bit to play in real time and then the more that you turn that's four times speed you can go to eight times 18 times 64 whatever we want and return it to the upright position it'll stop if we go backwards that does exactly the same thing but backwards the scroll is very similar to the jog but it's much faster so then we can do real quick jumps around the timeline like so i'm going to change it back to jog and then from here we can use our source tape to try and find the bits of footage that we want to add to our timeline and then we'll use our in and out point as well as our insert markers at the top here so let's just say we want this section here i'm going to do an in there i'll scroll forwards a little bit i'll do an out and then i'm just going to hit an append to put that directly on my timeline i'm still within the source tapes then i can just keep scrolling forward find the next clip that i want in out and then we can choose to either append it place it on top do a ripple or a source overwrite or a smart insert i just want this to go at the end so i'm just going to hit append if we just go back a little bit and let's say there's a section here which i wanted as a cutaway we can just mark an in and out so we'll go for about there like so if i hit timeline i can hop to the timeline i'll put my playhead where i want the cutaway to be so let's just go about here we jump back into source i've still got that in and out point marked so then i can just hit place on top and it's just put that in and out section on top of our other footage on the timeline so as you can see you can just really quickly hop between your source tape and your timeline marking your in and out markers and then using the input buttons to really quickly build up your timeline so let's just check a few more sections here i'm going to jump onto my timeline put my playhead at the end we'll go back to source we'll select this section here and we'll do an in and then out there and we're just going to append that to the end we will let's just go back a little bit on my timeline and we'll go here and we'll do source this time and instead of that we're going to find a new clip we'll do an in in and out there i'm going to use a ripple overwrite we're just going to overwrite the selected clip on the timeline with that new section that we've just chosen so as you can see you can build up your timeline really really quickly using the source tape the in and out and then your insert buttons so let's hop onto the timeline itself and then we can use our jogwheel to jog around our timeline like so now if you look on the timeline there's some small white markers and what that would do is it'll pick up the point that it thinks you want to work with because it's quite smart you don't have to be right on the marker you just have to be close to it and then we can start to use these two rows here for trims slips and rolls so at this cutaway here i want to trim that in i can hold trim in it will select it in green and then i can just roll the jog wheel forwards and backwards to trim that footage like so if i select trim out it will select the nearest trim out edit point and then we can roll that forwards and backwards if it was the out point of this cutaway i just need to scroll over get it roughly where it needs to be hits trim out and then i can just do the exact same thing and then next to the trims we've got roll so we've got this edit point here on my video track one if that's in the wrong place we can just hold roll it'll select that and then we can roll it forwards or backwards on my timeline as needed underneath there we've got slip source and then slip destination so if we hold slip we can just roll that backwards and roll that forwards if we hit slip destination it will select the second clip after the edit point and we can just roll that forwards and backwards so we can slip it in place so our edit points don't change we're just changing the portion of the clip that we're using and that's really the core function that's the bit which is massively faster within davinci resolve rather than to hop into your media pool selecting your footage choosing in and out dropping it on your timeline you can do everything with the speed editor use your source tape to really quickly add all the bits that you want onto your timeline and then you amend all of your edit points your cutaways all that sort of stuff just using your trims your slips and your rolls we've also got this close-up button here in the top left so if i just put my player on my timeline and hit close up it'll do a quick cut away that's zoomed in now it's not doing anything smart it's not doing any tracking or intelligent zooms but it will just do a quick zoom in like so if we hold the close-up button this can adjust the y position so i'll hold that down and then use the jog wheel and i can change the y position of this clip so i can move it up and down as far as i can see there isn't a way to adjust the x axis so you can only move it up and down and not left to right now over here at this point on the timeline you can see that we've got four clips stacked on top of each other and the top three are in exactly the same position so if i was to try and trim what it do is select all of them in one go so i can trim that in and out as one piece but what if we just wanted to trim one of the clips well we can use the camera buttons so one two three and in my case four so i've hit camera two it'll select track number two we can see the little green highlight there and then i can trim that one in and out if i hit three it'll select track three and then four to select track four that is limited to the cut page that doesn't do the same thing on the edit page next up let's move into this middle section we're gonna come back to the source bin in a moment underneath here you've got stop and play which of course just gives you the ability to stop and play your footage and then of course you can still use the jog wheel to go forwards or backwards and at the top here you've got some really useful shortcuts so the first one i'm going to look at is this split so we can just put the playhead wherever we want we can hit split and we can just create an edit point like so we can then move our playhead over any of the sections that we want to delete and then we have a ripple delete button so if we hit that it'll just delete that section from our timeline and move everything to fill in the gap up here we've got an escape however if we double tap that we have an undo so of course i've just done a ripple delete if i double tap that we can just undo that ripple delete to get that clip back we have full view so if i hit that we can just go into full screen we then have transitions and titles so again i don't need to put my playhead directly over the edit point it'll be smart enough to pick it up with that white marker if i then hold this button down it'll bring up all of the different transitions available to me we can then just choose one let's go with the blur dissolve and release and it will add that blur dissolve to the edit point like so if we get our playhead again roughly over it down here there's this transitions duration if we hold that we can then adjust the length of that transition as we need to again if that was incorrect we didn't want that we can just double tap undo and undo again to get rid of it we've then got a snap button which enables snapping by turning it on and off and then if we double tap and hold the snap on the second tap we can then use the jog wheel to increase and decrease our preview window size like so now the split key also doubles as a move key so if we hold that down the footage on our timeline goes red then we can just use the jog wheel to move that to different edit points but it does just hop between the edit points themselves so it's really useful just for reordering your footage if you want to actually slide your footage around if we shoot back over to this left section here you've got the roll key this also doubles as a slide so if we double tap and hold down we now have the red marker again around the footage we can use that jog wheel to just slide that around our timeline like so so now let's talk about the sync bin and the audio level so i've added some music to my timeline and if i need to adjust the volume i can hold the audio level and then we can just use that drug well to increase and decrease the volume as we need to now if we hit sync bin we can jump straight into the sync bin so i've already synced this footage up with the music track so we've got two different angles and then we can just use the camera buttons down here so at any point i can just hit camera one this is my camera one point i can then amend the in and out so i can choose the in and out points for camera one and then i can choose source overwrite or rip or overwrite so i'm going to hit source overwrite and then i'll add that section to my timeline we can then scroll through to the next section wherever we want and then if we're to hit camera 2 it will select camera 2. we can use that in and out from there as well and then alternatively rather than clicking on the cameras marking in and out points and then inserting it we can actually just hold the camera two buttons select our camera to angle and then use our jog wheel to play through and it will just lay down the camera to track like so if we want to jump back to camera one we'll click and hold camera one and do the same thing now what's really nice about this is if we go to full view we can actually view all the different angles within the sync bin in full screen and just edit the multicam sync bin footage as we go so i can hold camera one we can roll through we can see the footage we'll then hit camera two and we'll keep going and you can really quickly build up this timeline like so of course you've got options here to select between video only and audio only if you need to and then lastly you've got live overwrite and that pretty much sums up the basic functionality of the speed editor within the cut tab so how much of that does actually transfer over to the edit tab let's jump into the edit tab and take a look first of all let's talk about the jog wheel the jog wall works in fundamentally the same way here as it does on the cut page so i'm currently set to jog i can just move around my timeline like so i've got access to shuttle and scroll to move around the timeline quicker if i need to and then we've got the source and timeline buttons now these do work but they're just not as useful as they are within the cut page and that's predominantly because we don't have access to the source tape so if i hit source i can jump into some source media but it'll only hop into the current media that i've got selected so you can see here this clip is highlighted in red this is the one that we've got currently i can then scrub through it using the jog well mark any in and out points and then use all of these different insert options if i need to so all of these work as normal i'm just going to hit append to add that to my timeline and then if i hit source all we're going to do is jump back into that exact same clip so that's fine if you want multiple sections from the same clip but it's not as useful obviously as the source tape to hop between different pieces of media all i need to do in the media pool with my mouse just double click on the media that i want i can then select the in and out points and add it to my timeline as i need to alternatively what you could do is select multiple pieces of media add that to your timeline like so and then actually edit or cut or trim it in place on the timeline and work that way instead once on the timeline these buttons down here in the lower left do work in the same way as you'd expect them to so we've got trims rolls and slips if we just hold trim i can trim in this end point here and if you hold trim out i can trim the out point if i come over to this edit point here and hold roll i can roll this edit point forwards and back like so and then if we hold slip source i can slip this source and the same for the destination if we double tap and hold the roll to select slide i can slide this clip forwards and backwards on my timeline like so we've also then got cut dissolve and smooth cut so if i just come over to this edit point here and hit smooth cut it will just add the smooth cut in place like so this middle section here the only thing that really works is the play and pause button because all of these camera buttons are linked to the sync bin which of course isn't available within the edit page only the cut page moving over to the top row of buttons here we've got the escape button which doubles as the undo so if i double tap that i can just undo like so the transition button will add a transition it will add the standard transition so if i just hit that i'll add the transition like so however if i hold that button down i don't have access to the pop-up transitions menu like i do on the cut page because it's not available within the edit page the sync bin of course is limited to cut so that's not available either the audio level button does work so if i was to hold that i could adjust the audio however i currently don't have any audio for this track here i have a separate music track so what i need to do is click on the music track itself then hold the audio and then i can adjust the audio levels for that track full view works as normal so i can hop in and out of the full screen view then we've got snap which enables you to toggle on and off snapping and then we've got this split and ripple delete so i can just move my playhead where i want it and then if i hit split it'll just add a cut under the timeline however as you can see it's made of cut all the way through the timeline so it's applied a cut here to this video clip and to this separate audio and that's because we haven't actually got a clip highlighted when we did the split so it's just turning all the way through the timeline so the problem with that is if i was to move my playhead over this clip here let's say i don't want to do anything to the music track i just want to delete this video if i hit ripple delete you can see it's actually going to rip or delete a section from the audio as well so to get around that what you can do go to timeline and make sure that selection follows playhead is enabled and what that means is wherever your playhead is it'll automatically make a selection as well so now you can see that the clip is actually highlighted in red whereas it wasn't before so now if i hit a split it'll just do the split on the clip itself rather than all the way through the timeline if i then hit ripple delete we'll just delete the clip rather than amending the audio as well now with that in mind there isn't an easy way to select which track you want to edit when working on the edit page so unlike the cut page if i hover over this section here where we have multiple different tracks i can't use the one two three or four camera buttons to select the relevant track it's just gonna guess which one it thinks i want to work with by whichever one is closest to the playhead but obviously that gets confused when there are multiple tracks all in the same position so yes as you can see you can make it work on the edit page but you will get more out of your speed editor if you stick to the cut page now it's always difficult to adjust to a new piece of hard red like this anyway because you've got all this muscle memory you've built up from using a keyboard and mouse if you then get used to your speed editor on the edit page it's going to be even more difficult to try and transition over to the cut page so my personal recommendation if you've ordered a speed editor when it arrives just give the cut page a go use your speed editor in the cut page exclusively at least initially even if it's only for a short period and see if you like it and see if you can feel the benefits if you don't enjoy the cut page with the speed and this of them fair enough hop over to the edit page but if you want to make the most of your new purchase i do recommend that you start off trying it in the cut page now that pretty much it covers everything i wanted to cover in this video hopefully you found it useful if you've got any other queries or questions about the speed editor any things that you'd like me to cover please do let me know down in the comment section below and then if you did enjoy this video please don't forget to give me a little thumbs up if you've got any other general comments or feedback please do also put them down in the comment section below and if you're new here you enjoyed this video you want to see some other davinci resolve stuff general tech and the odd vlog here and there maybe consider hitting that subscribe button for me thanks ever so much for watching enjoy your speed editor if you get one take it easy i'll see you next time see you [Music] foreign
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 111,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mr Alex Tech, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve speed editor console, davinci resolve speed editor keyboard, davinci resolve speed editor review, davinci resolve speed editor - $295, davinci resolve speed editor free, davinci resolve speed editor bundle, speed editor console for resolve 17, speed editor davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, speed editor edit page, blackmagic speed editor, blackmagic speed editor console, blackmagic speed editor panel
Id: NBTerpF4xAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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