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[Music] today we play mad scientist and learn to clone things inside of fusion if you don't know me my name is casey ferris and i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube and if you haven't subscribed you should definitely do that let us clone here we are in resolve 17 i have a couple of clips here one's a little fireplace and the other is a field huh we're gonna use both of these and you can actually download these clips and follow along if you want to just go to and go up to assets free assets and then towards the bottom it's right here free cloning practice footage you can get this and follow along with me yeah isn't that neat so all i've done is import this media and drag it into a timeline and with my playhead over this first one let's go into fusion okay so let's say for whatever reason we shot this and there's this spray bottle in here why didn't somebody take this out who would do this ruining our perfect rustic fireplace shot just with this so what we're gonna do is an old-fashioned clone to get rid of this thing but here's the kicker friends the shot is handheld why didn't we do it why why why why didn't we lock it down that's all right we can deal with this we're professionals right so here's what we're gonna do very first thing is just to scrub through this and find one of the sharper frames maybe one that isn't terribly blurry although there's going to be some motion blur just because it's handheld let's find one that isn't quite so blurry yeah maybe something like that this is frame 23. so we're going to do all our work on frame 23 here now there are probably a few different ways that we could go about this this is the way that i generally use because it's easy and looks good so anytime that you're going to clone something for the most part it happens in a paint node so what we're going to do is run our original media through a paint node and that's the fourth icon over here i'll just drag this in between our media in and media out so now we're connected to the paint node so let's select our paint node and we'll go up here to our viewer and we're gonna paint this out using something like the clone stamp in photoshop if you've ever used that pretty much you got to do a couple things to set this up first thing is over here in the inspector under apply controls right here click on this second icon which is clone so that's just going to turn this into clone mode and then in the upper left-hand corner of our viewer we're going to switch this to the fourth icon over you sure would think it'd be this one but it's going to be the fourth one this is just like your normal paintbrush normal paintbrush in clone mode will do what you want so if you've ever cloned anything in photoshop this should make a ton of sense but just in case you haven't what you do is hold alt and select basically a piece of the footage that you want to copy so like let's say so let's say maybe this part of this brick and what i like to do is put this little crosshair right on an edge of something because then i can line up where my brush is when i copy this so i'm going to hit alt click right there and it'll leave a little x that means that i'm copying from there and now i'm going to start on this brick because i just picked the most freaking difficult pattern to ever clone i'm going to start right there on the edge of that brick and i can click and drag and you see what we're doing here it makes a little brick look at that it does a pretty good job too look at that so we're cloning over this to make it seem like there are bricks behind it and then it's just a matter of kind of doing that over and over until it looks sort of decent and the good news is you can do just an okay job and kind of keep going over it and as long as you pay attention to making sure that you copy from areas that are just as light and have a similar texture you're gonna be okay i'm gonna twirl down brush controls and this changes the size and softness of our brush a lot of the time when you're cloning something you want your brush to be pretty soft so i'm going to boost that up a little bit so now what it'll do is copy things a lot softer and a lot easier to kind of blend in and look realistic that's always a good idea i'm also going to make my size just a touch smaller and we're just going to go over this little part here and just slowly copy the tones of these bricks until we get something that looks sort of natural there we go the nice thing about bricks is they're mostly the same size and so we can kind of just copy things and have it be pretty decent and it's just a matter of just going over and over and over it until you just fix all of the problems you got to be really patient but if you're patient you do a good job then it's really nice so really what i'm trying to do here is make this brick look like it goes all the way across and i'm not worrying about this other brick quite yet i'm just kind of fixing one pattern of bricks now we can zoom in here because we have a hard edge gosh we picked a very challenging thing to clone you can even switch to something like a square brush to get some of those hard edges and again we can kind of blend this in a little bit but we're trying to get this edge and the good news like i said before is we don't have to be that amazing because this is a pretty small detail and it's gonna look probably okay once we zoom out of course it doesn't right now it looks kind of weird but like up here looks pretty good the other good thing is that nobody's really going to be looking for the specific problems that we're going to be looking for and so we can kind of relax just a touch so i'm going to make this really soft to just kind of blend this a little better just kind of softening this and it doesn't look natural not necessarily but from far away nobody's really going to be looking for that nobody's going to notice the difference for something like this if you were that worried about it you should have been worried about the shot when you shot it and once you've gone over it and kind of got the main colors in what i like to do is turn down the opacity of the brush to like 50 and you can kind of blend stuff a little bit more right and that just kind of makes things seem a little more natural seem like they belong together just to touch more what we're really going for here is to make something look like it's just not offensive and then you don't really quite have to get the lighting right it will just kind of blend a little better you can even do things like copy a texture over that might work just a little nicer especially with a really soft brush and just looks a little bit more natural so there's the basic clone job oop we forgot this part never mind so there we go there's the basic clone job and i'd say for the texture for what we were up against it looks alright if you want to do a better job or if you want to take some more time now is the time to do it right here in this paint node but let's say it looks great and on 23 frame 23 oh baby this is like this is the bomb well here comes the problem that we all knew was coming if we get off of 23 oh everything falls apart it's terrible why have we done this ah that's okay let's just go back to frame 23 and what we're going to do is basically take a still picture of this and then track the still so that it moves along with the footage this is how you can paint something out over time it's a pretty easy technique and works for a lot of situations so there's a bunch of different ways to do a freeze frame the one i like to use is called time speed i'll hit shift spacebar to bring up our select tool menu and i'll type t-i-m-e and there's time stretcher and there's time speed you want time speed i'll hit add and what this node does is just changes the speed of whatever you pipe into it so with that node selected we're going gonna go up to our inspector and the speed we want is still right so let's say zero and now when we click off of this everything is ruined oh no what have we done ah what we actually need to do is just set this delay remember we've been working on frame 23 so i'll click on this and say 23. boom so what this is going to do is wait until frame 23 and then it's going to pause the video and so now when we scrub through this it's just paused see problem solved just use a still okay guys my name's casey ferris that no i'm just kidding what we're going to do is cut out this little bit that we've cloned and track it to our moving footage so that we keep the movement but we basically just put a patch over this problem area here right i'm going to take these nodes and i'm going to move them up a little bit and what we're going to eventually be doing is just merging this image over our original footage so let's disconnect time speed and we'll connect our media in one to our media out again and now we just have the original footage right so now let's merge our cloned freeze frame over our media in one so this is going to give us about what we had before right so it's just the still image but we can actually limit this with a mask in our merge so if i grab a circle scale this down you can see it's kind of like a little window if we go to frame 23 we can just be like bloop it's gone now bloop you see what we're getting at here we basically just need to make a little patch here and track it to our footage so let's do some tracking i'll get rid of that mask for now i'm just going to click off of everything and hit shift spacebar and type track and what we want is the planar tracker planar tracker this makes a planar tracker node let's take the output of media in one and just drag it into the planar tracker that's just whatever footage we're going to track and with the planar tracker node selected and brought up in our second viewer we can select what we want to track and it's a good idea to basically do everything that we're about to do on frame 23 because that was where we started it's just kind of good to make that our home frame so in the planar tracker here reference time make sure to hit set on frame 23 and we're just gonna draw a little shape around this spray bottle and we're going to use this really nice high contrast spray bottle to do our track operation mode is track reference time is 23 i'm gonna go down to this track to end button right here and track to end now it's going to do a very nice job of tracking the rest of the shot and we have all our little white tick marks here each one of these is a keyframe for our tracker and we can go up here to where it says reference time and hit go and that'll bring us to our original frame frame 23 and then we can track backwards track to start so now that we have these white tick marks throughout our entire shot everything is tracked and it looks like a pretty good job too so now we can use this tracking information to tell our cloned still exactly where to be at any given point so on our tracker let's go down and click create planar transform what that will do is make a node here called planar transform and anything that we run through that node is going to have that same motion as our tracker it's kind of like a transform node that just moves things around but it moves it in a specific way based on how the tracker tracked things we're going to put this in between our time speed and our merge because we want our cloned still to move along with our footage so hold down shift and drag it here onto the connection make sure it's connected by moving it back and forth so now if we select media out and hit two that spray bottle should disappear if we've done it right so now we're almost home we have our still moving along with our footage we just have to mask it so that it only affects just that little patch there's a few different ways to get this mask to happen but an easy way would be to take our planer transform and hit control c double click off of everything and hit control v and we're just going to run our mask through this planar transform so i'm going to go to frame 23 again i'm going to make a polygon mask and with that mask selected i'll go up and draw our little shape and then in our nodes we're going to take the output of our planar transform and pipe it into the blue input of our merge that's connecting it to the mask and we're going to take the output of our polygon 1 and not bring it into the blue mask here but the yellow input like that and now up in our viewer things should be looking very nice and if we move back and forth guess what it is a thing it's gone clone something out that's moving what the heck look at that no problem guys and even though a lot of things weren't really perfect you certainly would never guess that you cloned something out right here right which is the key so now that we've done that together if you've downloaded the practice footage well why don't you just give it a go on this field try and clone something out maybe this power pole maybe this car or the house because no matter what the shot is it's basically the same process right go into fusion pick a really nice frame use your paint node go to clone clone it out do a freeze frame track the footage apply the tracking merge the still over the original footage apply the tracking make a mask and apply the tracking to the mask and now we have the pole painted out give that a shot yourself see if you can do it we even left this one ungraded so you can practice the the color a little bit you know which we'll cover cover in in other videos maybe you know we'll see nice right now you can say that you fought in the clone wars so i had to make it i had to make that joke there we go mad scientist skills attained we are clone we're clone wars we are the clone wars [Music] get it clone wars because it's like that movie with the spaceships some people liked it some people didn't that's all right everyone has their own thing they can like and not like you should like this video then you would know and if you dislike it what are you doing what you go around p telling people you don't like stuff that's weird
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 52,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO CLONE OUT ANYTHING IN FUSION [FREE VERSION TOO!]- DaVinci Resolve Paint Out Tutorial, clone in fusion, davinci resolve 17, resolve 17 tutorial, how to clone in resolve, object removal, fusion tutorial, visual effects, object removal in davinci resolve, davinci resolve effects, how to, davinci resolve
Id: lGq3KVWbDZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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