ANIMATED ARROWS IN RESOLVE 16 - DaVinci Resolve Motion GFX Tutorial for Beginners

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[Music] my name's casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube make sure to subscribe for more of that hey make sure to subscribe for more of that i see you just trying to lurk hit the button all right anyways have you ever wanted to point something out just like that well here's how to make an animated arrow inside of resolve and track it let's start the tutorial all right so here we have a clip of you can see what the clip's about look it's this clip you see i don't have to explain it to you let's say we want this lady to be like oh man you know what i like is my motorcycle and then we want an arrow to point to the motorcycle and be like blink see this motorcycle just for anybody who just isn't paying attention and can't can't focus on two subjects whatever reason you want to add an arrow this is the same workflow while i'm over this clip in the timeline here in the edit page i'm just going to go ahead and click on the fusion page that's going to bring it magically into fusion now we have the clip we can work with you know first thing let's do is build an arrow you could do this all kinds of ways here's a way i'm going to grab a background node from our toolbar up here and let's make it green because i just feel like arrows need to be green i don't know i'll hit one on the keyboard to bring that up here see i told you it was green and now let's add a mask grab a rectangle mask and connect it to my background and now it makes this little rectangle thing up here in the inspector we'll adjust our height and width and we're going to have this point maybe to the left so that's a good start back in our nodes with my rectangle mask selected i'm going to go up to the polygon mask and click that once and by default they just add on to each other which is exactly what we want so i'll make sure that i have the polygon mask selected and we'll go up here and we're going to draw a perfect little arrow triangle thing here's how i like to do it there's probably 50 different ways to do this there might even be a better way to do this but what i like to do is click roughly at the top of one of these transparency squares and then count one two three four and then at the bottom of this i'm going to hold down shift and click another point that's going to make sure that this line is straight up and down and now i just need to pick a point here that's two squares up from here two squares down from here which means it's about the middle click there and then close it like i said there might be a fancier way to do that but it's pretty quick and it works and once i have it where i like it i can select my shape here and go up to this little button here just called shape box you could also hit shift b and that makes a little transform thing you can grab this and move it around and resize it to be about the size that you want so i don't know something like this maybe and we'll see how that looks looks like a pretty legit arrow i would say and we can just click off of our shape box i'll select a different node now we have a pretty legit arrow you could also bring in an arrow graphic you could draw an arrow in a vector program bring it in as an svg whatever you want to do but boy there's an arrow and i think it's a mighty fine one so now that we have our arrow let's animate this dude so again there's a bunch of different ways that you could do this what i'll do this time is select this polygon mask that's our second mask and then go up and click on a rectangle mask and that'll add a rectangle mask after our first two masks and by default this just adds another big shape which isn't quite what we want so with our rectangle mask selected here right here where it says paint mode in the inspector let's go down and select subtract what that's going to do is take away the inside of this mask which we could totally animate stuff this way but i think what i'd rather do is just invert this and so now things only show up within this mask we can adjust our width and our center and all that stuff to be right around this thing in fact what we also might do is go down to our nodes and here under polygon 1 this is the triangle part of our arrow let's grab this mask and i'll hold down shift and i'll just move this over to be right in the center right on this little pivot point then we can just move the pivot point out back to where it was and now if we adjust the size of that mask it scales it right there at the back of our triangle now we can do our fancy things i'll select our last mask here and what we're going to do is just animate it to kind of reveal it this way all right so we want this to be done animating and i don't know a little under a second something like that so i'll click a keyframe on this center of our mask move to the beginning of our timeline and bring the center this way boop just so it comes right off the side of our mask and now we have this kind of revealing that way and that works but i think what we'll do is right about the time that this is starting to reveal the end of our arrow we'll grab our polygon mask and we're going to animate that size so we'll start with it sized at zero then we'll move forward a few frames and size it back up to be about the right size i'm also going to adjust the center because for some reason i have that jacked up okay see how that looks i actually want to adjust this a little bit so i'm going to go into our spline panel that'll open up this panel down here where we can adjust the animation of things so i'm going to select polygon and rectangle and click on this button which is zoom to fit and now we can see all of our animation so i think what we'll do the second animation is the scale of our triangle and this first animation is our mask revealing the other shapes first thing i'm going to do is grab this first keyframe for our triangle and just hold down shift and move it to the left so this starts a little bit earlier let's see how this looks i feel like that just about works let's do it a little more a little earlier and that's almost what we want but i think what i'll do is have this triangle kind of move along with this transition which we can just kind of keyframe here by keyframing the center of our mask here so i'll add a keyframe and i'll just move a few frames down to where it stops moving and we'll put that here now that center is moving but i think what i'll do is switch these masks actually so i'm going to hold down shift and grab our rectangle out and i'm going to put that in between our rectangle and our polygon so that it masks just the rectangle and not the polygon and we'll adjust our spline animation again and actually just want this to grow as it's revealed and so now we have this kind of growing arrow and i'll select the last keyframe of our size of our triangle and hit f and that will flatten this out so now it'll grow and stop a little bit nicer yeah i'd say that works again you can kind of adjust this however you'd like but you get the idea it's a nice little growing arrow now that we have our arrow animation a lot of our work is already done so let's go back to our media if we want this to kind of follow this bike we can merge this over our media one and adjust our size and our angle and that kind of stuff and boom we have our little arrow there but let's say we want to track it to this bike super easy i'm going to select our media in and let's hit shift space bar that'll bring up our select tools and i'm going to type p-l-a-n that'll bring up our planar tracker i'll hit add and then i'll bring up the planer tracker here in the second viewer and what this will do is track the motion from an area in the image which is super great for what we're doing all we have to do is just click some points around this motorcycle and then over here in our inspector we have all of our controls for our track this first part is the reference time as just the set of points it's looking for so i'll click on set for the tracker we can leave it as point motion type we don't need perspective let's just do translation rotation and scale and now you just click on this track to end and it'll track all the points in that area that it can find then i'll click on go and that'll go back to my original frame i started with and then let's track to start there we go so now we've tracked the motion of this motorcycle throughout the shot how do we apply the movement well if you scroll all the way down in the inspector there's a button that says create planar transform i'm gonna click on that and look what happens in the nodes shaboom it puts this little node here which is called planar transform and what this does is just hold all of the tracking information so whatever you run through this is going to move just like your footage so if i were to move my nodes up grab this and hold shift and then drag that in between my background and my merge it's going to apply the motion to this but here's a problem it's not actually working the reason for that is because we moved this arrow around in our merge node so to fix that all we need to do is grab our merge node and go up to the inspector and click reset and now this arrow will move along with our footage perfectly but oh boy the problem is the arrow's not where we want it at all so down in our nodes let's make another node in between our background and our planar transform i'm going to hit shift spacebar and type xf that's for transform and now we have a fancy little transform node which will do just about the same thing as we did in our merge node of sizing and adjusting and moving and such just like this but it actually moves with the motion cool right and now that we've done all this work we can actually do all kinds of cool fancy things like i could say grab this planar transform i'll copy and paste it we'll merge it over stuff again i'll copy and paste this transform node put that in our planar transform and then i can take this same background and just pipe it into a new transform node and check this out and grab this and i have two arrows now we can point out the lady as well there we go and we have two tracked arrows of course this is the background that's the foreground so it's not going to be a perfect track but it's pretty good it's pretty good if we want to offset this animation of the second arrow click anywhere in the nodes and hit shift space bar and type time and what i want is time speed i'll hit add and we can put this time speed in between the background and the transform i'll just hold down shift drag it on that connection there now with our time speed selected we could go up and just delay this a little bit so let's delay this 23 frames or something so now we have this one and then second later we have this one pretty nice look at that that wasn't too bad was it oh boy hey if you want to learn more about graphics and resolve i actually have a training series right there take a look at that it'll teach you how to do graphics insider resolve even if you don't know much anything about fusion oh boy it is sure to please i'm still using the cat mug it's called the cappuccino cappuccino it's funny cats cats are funny
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 68,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ANIMATED ARROWS IN RESOLVE 16 - DaVinci Resolve Motion GFX Tutorial for Beginners, make animated Arrows, make call outs, callouts in resolve, animate something in resolve, animate and object in fusion, callouts in fusion, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, motion graphics, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve 16 fusion tutorial, motion graphics tutorial, motion graphics animation, animated objects resolve, animate in fusion
Id: A5qzKn3O4bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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